Flesherton Advance, 12 May 1910, p. 7

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>»^ '0' P- OR, THE HERITAGE OF MADAME YALTA. GIVEN UP BY HIS PHYSICIAN "FHUIT-A-TIVES". THE FAMOUS rHUIT MCOICINC, SAVED HIS UFB. -''^^^, CHAl'TKIl VI.-<C^nt'd) These words, taken from the ff iial code, had a prodigious effect.. fi'hf two men ii^ted on the V.p .,f lilt berliff-lfere about to assist each cthef-^in ciinibinf? the window. ^ ere their companion was hold- ing out his arms to th«ni, when llie menace. huile:l by an invisible wit- ness, niado them hesitite. At the «;ime mtment was heard the open- ing of the casemencs to all windows of the house guarded by the por- ter B!dard. I'All my people are astir," he said, rubbing his hands; "the fe- male tenant of the second floor, the clii:ggist of the first, and now we shall have a play for nothing. The druggist raves like anything, and tLe female tenant dreams of mur- der every night." "Ah: a thousand thunders!" vociferated a masculine? voice, "what's all that? Kobbers pillaging the house over there ! Concierge, look for the policeâ€" the guard!" "Murder! fire!" shritkod a fe- male voice. 'Ah! rascals, wait awhile," re- Bumcd the man; ••my rovolvsr I where Is my revolver?" Maxime dpK'rmined not to show himself, but t<j act according to the course Borisoff should take. He never lost sight of the boyard. who showed unmistakable signs of per- plexity, even of fright. Evidently his attempt had failed, and nothing remained for him but to beat a re- treat. He appeared, however, still to hesitate before decamping with his trcops, and moved about un- easily, shaking his fist at the peo- ple who threatened him, reas- sembling his subalterns, and gesti- culating violently. By his order, doubtless, one of th e mcj â€" efl_tlje bo.x dis'mOuntcd Blily, and the olT*r took the whip and reins. The man who had eu- teitd the i'..juse with Koberl de, Carnoel jumped from t'^e balcony to the h.'rlin ajid ti^cjce to the sidewalk. The defeat turued into a rout. At thio moment a pistol was fired by the terrible tenant of the first floor. The effect was not deadly â€" no one foil â€" but the explosion gave the sig- ns-' .fur tht rout. Borisoff hustled his men into the carriage, where they cranmied themselves with some difficulty, and jumped in af- ter them. The driver struck out his horses in the direction of the Avenue de Villiers. "Ihey lly, the cowards!" exclaim- ed Bidard, willingly showing him- self now that all danger was past. "Thpy don't get off like that. Come, sir, this is the moment to cry 'Stop tii«f!' There's a station down there on the avenue. The soldiers • will stop the carriage." As he said this he precipitated 'himself into the street. Ma.\ime n.ade no effort to abate his ardor, anJ wMlingly followed. He had little hope of capturing tie berliu. Indeed, it wa5 a small __matter to him whether or iiot they- cajttujrod Borisoff, but he was grt-atiy concerned to know what ha(l be:;otiie of Robert de Cai'uoel, Madame Sergent, and the countess' fencing-master. They must be in i\\", house, and he counted on the tenants to assist him in forcing tbcm out of their uest. Just ais he put his feet outside ' the door the victoria- arrived at full speed. , Auguste, the faithful coachman, ' attracted by the pistol-shot, was , l>iiaii#flTng~tir*thp assistance of his Stcrp!" cried Maxime, and Au- y ^TfStfr stopped shiirt. "Good!" said Bidard, "we will f jr.mp into the milord and follow I after the brigands." "If the brigands are in the bfer- lin which filed aw»y down yonder, it's no ii'^e to start my mare after them ; she coiildn'it catch up with tcn-thousand-franc horses. 1 heard a pistol-shot. Was it monsieur that fired it?" "No, and no one was hurt. I be- litve it was fired in the air." "W'ho is it undertakes to say I '^ air?" cried a rough 'â-  a.Kime found himself with a grotesque per- irse. litttle old man en- .1 â- *\, dressing-gown, and .itmed with a c\yahy revolver. "I beg p»rdo'i\ monsieur," said Maxime. "I thought you wished simply to give tjne alarm." "No, sir; I. aimed for the chief ot tlie robbaSs. and am sure I tcmched him./ If I'd li;id cartridges 1 would ha\^ killed them all, but • wntortunatejy I had only one load. ' â- p^-j -'Fortunately, Papa Fincornct." t/^^iuid a young man who had jiist ' ciilne t>ut ot the house; "it yon had Cre<.l oftener you woulil have done lulschmf. I •Aas at m^' window, just above you, willi my friend Galo- pardin, and your ball passed right under our n<jses." 'Monsieur I-'alot, I liave told you Lefiire that it doesn't suit me to joke;* with you." "Upon my word it is true. Ask Galopardin." â-  , * "I swear it," replied the clerk who answers'^ to this absurd name. ' 1 swear it by the concierge and b,- this hou.se ; and here is Mile. Saint Ores w-ho will bear witness to having h<?ard the hissing of this projectile.'' HJllo. Saint Cres was a pers->n of ripe years, of a spare figure, and a p-mpled face ; the fcmals tenant of tin- second Hoor. Maxime was nc/t sorry to see all the tenants colleotwl togetther. â- â€¢{jlentleincn," he said, '"I have not the honor to be known to y<ju, a:)d since chance has led me t-o be present at a singular si)ecta-cle â€" " ' "I beg pardon, monsieur, who ar%| ytu ?" asked the old druggist,; gravely. Ma.xime was wishing to send to tA.e devil this ridiculous individual i whi asiunifd the; airs of a iiiagis- j trate inlerrogatiug a prisoner. But' his situation was one in which he ] ha«i need of everybody, and he did n t disdain to conciliate the good-' will of .Signor Pencornet. I "I ente»cd," he said, "to make' some inquiries of the concierge,' wl;en I saw arrive, in carriage and on foot, the bnndilts who have at- j tempted to climb into that house. ' Naturally, I remained to give asi sislance to honest people. 1 ami the nephew of M. Claude Dorgcres, j banker." j "Good house, monsieur," said i thi' bass voice of the old druggist. [ ''House favorably known on | chang ." j â- 'Wait," said one of the young tenants of the third, '•! know yourj rjnfdc-'s' cashifrr. " ^^oally?" askcS'^Hax-isxe, a lit- tle surprised. •" I "I was qu.'te intimate w'th him botore he was such a grandee. We' ai'o in th" same restaurant; soup,' two dishes, half a bottle and des- 1 scrt. thirty-sjx sous. His name is Jules Viguory. Galopardin know.? him too." ; "Yes," affiirmed clerk number two, "would you like a description' of him? 'Vignory (Jules), called the rosiere of the Upper S-.one, because he was born at Vesoul and because ! he is virtuous, twenty-six years old. round chin, oval face â€" " | "I know the rest," said Maxime, j laughing. "Vignory is my intimate, , fiiend. and I am pleased to meet! t-wo ot his comrades. But suffer me , to remind you that we all have a duty to fulfil, that of warning thai oc< upants of that house that rogues j have attempted:! to force an en- trance." "Not worth t!ie trouble. The' bi .X is empty. The Prussian hasj gone home." "His friends have come back, M'sieu Falot," said the porter. | "For 1j. quarter of an hour a wo-i man and two men have been there, without counting the servants. If yt u hadn't .st.ayed so long at Cafe Cardinet, you'd have seen 'em go in as we did â€" monsieur and me." "And me, too," cried the coach- man. ''I wasn't so near, but I've a pair of good eyes. .'Vnd the hus- band offered me a hundred sour, to take him to his Jioiise. I'd lay my Lie on it, he's just murdered his wife." "A muxtie xj Ah . mon dieu!" TrtTRed the female t"cT7.'>»i. ^ "The tragedies ot jealousy," sneered Galopardin. "It would be well to enter and search the house," said Ma.xime. '•If a crime has been committed the victim has need of assistance per- haps." "Enter! How? .The doors arc locked." "By the window, then," said Fa- lot "Bidard must have a ladder; who hasn't?" "What's a ladder for?" asked Augustc. "I'm going to put my carriage under the casemen't." '-Like the berlin a while ago? It's a good idea," said Maxime. "Good!" cried Galopardin. "There is, perhaps, a corpse or two in there, and we are called upon t,:> make a search. Falot and I will chnib in with you. Bidard and Pincornet will guard the door, and Mile. Saint Gres will pray tor us." This programme was laid oft in so decided a tone that no one ob- jected, and Auguste hastened to lead his horse by the bridle to the spet indicated. It was less adant- ed for the purfiose than Borisofi's biil'n. but the intrepid Falot found ibat by standing on tiptoe he could lii.. hold of the wimk)w with his IiuikIs. and Maxime, following the example of the two clerks, raised J.^MCS DINGWALL, tta. - Williamstolvii, Ont., July 27th, 1908. "I suffered all my life from Chronic Coti.slip.-ition and no doctor, or remedy, I ever tried helped me. '•Fruit-a-tives" promptly cured me. Also, last spring I hul a bad attack of BLADDER and KID.NEY TROUBLJ? and tlie doctor gave me up but "Fruit-a-tivea" saved my life. 1 .-.m now over eighty years of age »nd I strongly recommend "Fruit-a-tives" for Constipation and Kidney Trouble". (Signed) J.\MES DINr,-\V.\LL. 50c a box, 6 for S2.50 â€" or trial box. 250 â€" at dealers or from Fruit-a-tivea Limited, Ottawa. ! ladders joined at the top. To rac unit- and descend by this route wi s easy enough. This precaution proved that the inmates of the house anticipated the necessity ot taking Hight. At the foot of the ladder the moist earth preserved the prints of their feet. They were many and ot all sizes. Five or six persons had passed that way. The fugitives who arrived pell-mell had pattered their feet several minutes before ascending the ladder in file, and Maxime could recognize the boots with sharpened heels, which marked the passage of Madame ergent. Maxime acotnpanied the commis- sarv to the end of his search. The house underwent a thorough inspection from garret to cellar, as well as the grounds adjoining. Tliey found nothing. The commissary contented himself with taking down the names ot those present, in case they should be required as witnesses, a case that appeared very improbable, tor he began to beti-evo in a ho.ix. Maxime had to give his address, and mounted immediately in the vehicle of the faithful Augfiste, not without having generously reward- ed Bidard and lakeii leave of the two clerks, whom he even invite<l to dine with him. art invitation which thev accepted in chorus. (To be continued.) WONDER-SHINE Cleans Siher and Gold loUhaut Rubbingâ€"Just Dip, Rime and Dry. Cuaranleed Absolutely Ncn-Injurious. Ask your Dealer or send direct 25c. for package to make 12 quarts of solution. HOUSEHOLD CONVENIENCE CO. LIMITED 214. BOARD OF TRADE BLOG. TORONTO himself.of the strength of his wrists aid leai^cd the balcony after them. "We can't sec a jot here," said Falot. ''Wait, I have some niatch«S iu my pocket." He struck a light which was suf- ficient to enaljlo them to discer.-i on a table a candelabra filled wiy» wa.v^ - ^- . cai.dles. and in another minute the I "'"its to spare. Id like t'J show "Excuse me. ma'am." said the book canvasser to the lady who had opened the doyr in answer to his ring, "but if you have a few nio- THIS WIDOWS MITK. Will fiive Her .in Income of Ov, r Three Thousand Dollars. Mrs. Ellen Marsden, the poor wi- dow ot Bradford, England, to whom a fortune of i'lS.OOO has been be<iueathed by a rich uncle in America, has no intention of mov- ing from the one-roomed cottage iu Lowmoor which is now her home. "I do not want a larger house or some one to take care of me," she stated calmly and firmly. "I have been u.scd to looking after myself* "My uncle had to work hard for his money, and I am not going to waste it. I shall bank it and live on the interest." Mrs. Marsden. who, as she hcr- -'ielf put it, has "pinched and' pined' all her life, does not appear to realize what the possession of iVS.OOO means, and has no notion of what her income will be. The money invested at 4 per cent, would Camphor ice FOR CHIPPED SKIN INO UPS, CQLD SORES, WiKOBURg. 12 Vaseline Remedies ia Tabes Capnicum. lioratcd. Meniholatnl, (;«rl)0- lated, < :iiini>iii;rat<><1. While Oxide n1 Zinc, etc Knell (nr 6po(^ial purpoaes. Write for Free Vasellue Uixili. CHESCBROUCH MFC. CO. iCons'd) 379 Craig St. W., Montraal pri (iiic;' an iiicijiiie of i!7JU a year. Her husband was a laborer, ana they brought up a family of six children on his small earnings. Af- te • his death some years ago she wa-^ compelled to leave her house and live in a cottage on the as. a week allowed her by the parish. , tlie great work on the •Habits darkness gave place to an illumin- : : - . . , .., at;on. | of Savage Animals. "No use wasting your 'time, young man." "I've been mar- aud know all The possibility of really enter- ! ing into another's grief is a joy ^ tbat~angels must envy lis. limp ^ Jt was, as Bidard had said, the 1 ,• . ,1 11 dii.ing-room. The cloth was laid on ' >•?• '^f '''"' \"^^-. a table, in the middle of which was","' ^\^,^''. """^; „ a chalice of old Saxony filled withj"'^''"^ ^^^''" habits^ rare Howe rs. But it did not appear , that any guests had been soaited at' ^Vhcn a man has a cause in his the table, and in the great empty j heart it will get. to his muscles, hall the silence was profound. '] _~â€" 'One might suppose it was the j n'^. ^ queer conceit th.-rt regards ca-stle of the Sleeping Beauty of the • ^ (ji,„u dropped into the plate as woods," murmured Falot. i^ dollar laid up in glory. • "Let us search," said Maxime. "l''ir;.t let us see what way this door leads â€" hold â€" it is locked on "..he outside." I "Let us begin by calling," ex-' claimed Falot, striking with his feet acaiiist the door. j "Hallo!" I No one answered to this appeal, but a murmur of voices in the , street attracited the attention of ^e expK)rers. They hastaned to ff the window and saw the tenants! ard |x)rtcr in conference with two| pclieenien, who had been attracted; by the repoi't ot tho pistol. j Maxime saw that the moment had coftie for his intervention. To- gether with the two clerks, he had j in a few seconds joined the group, | and was in a position to add hisj w(.rd to the somewhat confused | c<.nversation between the occupants! of the house ojiposite and the â-  guardians of the peace. He re- 1 counted briefly what had taken- place, and so told his story as to lead the policemen to believe that a j crime had in all probability been . Committed, and that it was impera-, ti\e to search the house immedi- 1 ately. j .Ml the doors were locked. The, commissary ot police alone had the right to have them opened, and one of the policemen went in search ot him. This magistrate resided in the neighborhood, and in twenty min- utes he arrived, followed by a loek- smiith armed with all the imple- ments of his ))rofesSion. He listen- j ed attentively to Maxime's recital, the diiicourse of M. Pingonitl, and, above all, the report ot M. Bidard, who, in his quality of con- ciei^ge of the house opposite, was in a posi^tion to ce-Ktify to what had taken place for s^e months past ; and finally concluded it was expe- dient to have a legal search of this | singular abode, whose occupants j showed themselves at intervals and disappeared like phantoms. By | his order one of the policemen rang ! sevcrsh tirtr?".- ^nd no ct*- ?\nswer- J he commanded the locKl5H)jth j â- ft is frequently difficult to corner a man who isn't square. A fltTorinif uied the ume ai lemon or vaniDih Dt aiisolrins Btana!«t«4 suaar in water ana' addins MaplCTse, a dcjldeuk arnip it made and a â- yrup bcttar ttutn mapie. UaplciDC U suld br orocer*. If not lend 5r<: for 2 {>*, bottle ana rccirc book. Cratcont Mfs. Co.. Swat tI*. Wa, This Yours? K what yours? Is lliis house ihat needs painting yours? Be ^ood to il â-  It is your lioine ! iN'otiiiug is too goodfor il. .Make it beauiilul. Ht>w ? Use RAMSAY'S PAINTS Doii'l hesitate, they are iully {guaran- teed. No other paints possess those slerliii^ qualities for heauty. durabil- .iiy and covering power so well known tor over seventy years as Ramsay's Paints. Kverybody use them. Write and ask us for our beautiful booklet *^\V** on house painting. We mail it tree. It will help you. A. RAMSAY & SON CO., The Paint Makers, Montreal- charge that hmpinj, iiw'.rss lior^c into ft ftoumi. healthy horse, willing aail co^er to do a j^ood tJ.ny'ti work. Don't let a Spaviu. Curb, Splint, Sprain, Rinj:boue or any other I^amc- ncsa keep your hoir*c Iu the stable. Cure it with Kendall's Spavin Cisrs It cnrcs without learitij; a *car. blemish or white hair*â€" bt'caiise it Joc-i not b;iati?r. Port Kii::*. n.C. Tunc Mtli ICO'J "Uave been usiiie your I.iiiiiiirnt for jcArs and find it all that you rcpres<»nt. Have not been without it for 10 years.' OHORGK COKDON. Jl. a b'^ttlcâ€" C for 3.'>. Excenrnt for houscholU u?^. Sold by oil dealers. Ask for free b«iok "A Treatise On The Hor«e •' or write us fcr copy. 55 DR. B. J. K£NDJia CO. Ecovbirg Pall5, Vt. FAIRBANKS - MORSE Gasoline Engmes 5IZUS 3. 3. 4, 6 M.P. SPECIAI.I.V oeSIGNED FOROEN^RAU ^ FARM XA/ORK. * They are so simple that the averaije farm hand can run tlieiii. and are practically Kool Proof and Krosr I'roof. Send to-day for cataloscue G.E. 102, W.P. CO., showing' full line of enffines for farin use. It means money saved for you. TERMS Special Tornr»3 to Farmor*. The C;(KjID1A;i Fj^HRBANKS COMPANV, Limited. MONTR£M â- ranohMiâ€" Toronto, St, John, N.B., Winnipeg, Catearyi Vancouvar ~^n. ing. to operate. It was the work of a inoincnt, j and they found thetrisclvos at the j ffiot of a stairway, plunged in ctmi- pletc darkness. But the knowing j Bidard had foreseen tl.is cas«, and j arrived with a lantern, which ho; hastened to place in the hands of the policeman, for he was not bent ui)on being the first to penetrate th'.s dangerous castle. The stairway led the visitors to a billiard-hall, an apartment ^ich had three doors, including the one which opened from the stairway. One of them was locked, but the ke.- was in the lock, and it was ci'ly necessary to turn it to pass in- to the dining-room, where th« wax candles, lit Viy Galopardin, were pvill burning. The third communi- cated with a cabinet containing a large amount ot plate and glass. Th'- comiuisaary remarked that the window of this cabinet was open, a window which openod on a atair- vfny composed of six steps, descend- ing into a gardeiv or rather cotirt. "I s€-e a liulder there placed against the wall!" exclaimed Max- iii>e. A ptiliccman mounted the ladder J!!; 1 ."aw that there was one also on the other side. The two purlabl« H16HEI Yawes Consider the higher real estate value of well painted bujidings, ^mpared with unpainted ones. Don't postpone painting â€" ey^ry day docs its damage and piles up costs for repairs. Martin-Senour y 1600/0 Pure is tli9 cheapoH- Absolutely pnr« and unailultoriitpd, it wears best, looks boiler ani\ goes further, ttal- luu for gnlloD. tbKu any other paint at any price, <>w«:^<^w â€" .-.v If undactdKl whioh paint to ntt, write as today for thn name of our deel«r aearaat youâ€" iuk him about the written â- uuantee thnt becks every elAim we make for our p>intâ€" a suarantet that actually protec:* yoa. - â€"^.^~^ Don't experiment when certainty eoats but a few canta gsore. Tbtre'a • MmrthtStnmir Palnl for every pnt p aaa tat heuae, bare, windmill, paawa. wac- •a. oarriase, cultivator and plow-paiat for weed and paiat for ironâ€" tlis bast tiMkt skili and laaaey eaa prodao*. - U year dealer eaoavt saMty yon, BOtify us and we will cladly duect yoa to whara our paints aratebahuL ,cm DtcKnmAUSithttitutmm ^**^- Write for Uhutratad booklet, "Hoaa* "ftc anttt nl," apa card. ttaeaiUac. 'XktIUtHaSmmC*. THE 'ROYAL' LINE TO EUROPE SAILING FROM Montreal and Quebec to Bristol * TRIPLE TURB.NZ EXPRESS STEAMSHIPS Royal Edward -««' Royal George Triple Screw.^, Mirconi Wifeless, D^^epSo.i 'relo,)lioaos, fassoiiLjcr Elevators, <> Passenger Docks, 1J,<KV) ton-. Ths " Royal Elward" will iiv.t'i,Mirate tho fortnightly service of the Canadian Northern Steaniship=i, Limite^l - The Koval Linoâ€" from Montreal and Qtiebea to Bristol on Thursday, May 'JGth. Beat Appointed Steamers. The Most Pic- turesque Port. Only four days at sea. The twin . ships, Ihe " Roy.-il ll".dw;ird " .ind tlie " Koyal Ceorgf " .-oc the I'iislcst triple screw tur- bine bo.ils in Ihe l.'anadi.in s,>rviio. The Hritish port is Bristol (two hours nearer than Liverpool.) Special (rains alongside Ktcuincr'i within 110 niiii- ntes of London. The sie.iiiiers .-iro driven by thu newest type ol turbine engiiios, Insiiriiiij a maxi- mum of spei-il and mrnlmuin of vibration. Their equipment is ihe lineNl ever â- .een in Ihr St. Law-' rencc. Large stalerooms, •â- naiioii'* soinl aivirl- menis, sheltered promenade decks, .irii>iic I'tirnisli- ii'S's. perfect service, and veotiUlion by Ihermo- 'ank system, the Iresli air beinjf waniipil or ciHiied as required. For full particulars, rates, booklets, .schedule of saiJiiiffs, etc., applj any steamship agent, or write to H. C. BOl RI.IKK, Gen. Ajreiu Canadian Northern Steamships. Limited, T0r0.1l.>, t an.ida.

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