/toljcrt^n !^>t>(Wta "TftUTH BEFORE FAVOR." â€" '•PBXNOlPLEb ^0T MEN, m28, NO 52 FlestiertoiT, Ont., Thursday, Xlay lO lOtO W. H THDRSTON '^^groarl /" :«s4t: V >-. Die4 at Maxwell [The follmving wns delaye'} in tlic luiiiLs laHt week â€" Ed. Advasce.] One of t)sin-ey s early settlers passed away on Tlmrsday. 3rh in«t., in the per- son of Elizabeth Gay, beloved wife of Vfm. Guy, sr., of Mnxwcll. She whs in her 77th ytnr. Her l.irthidace was near Islington, on Yonge street. Her par- ents were Samuel and Mary Bvownridge. In childhoiKl days she movetl to King township where she resided until her uiarringe ni 185.^, when she moved to Kleinburg. In 1854 they ciuue to the new township of Osprey and .settled on lot So. 0, Con. 4. In 1860 they took up their alwde in the village of Maxwell. The late Mrs. <jiiy Wius a lifelong meiri- l)er of the MethoJLst church. In earlier days no work or t.i»k wiw too arduou.s to do for h«r church .-md pa.stor.s. The itin- erant inini-slry always found tx welcome and a place i)f abode at hor home. The fanernl wrvice which was held in the Metliodis"- church .Saiurdiiy afternoon, was conducted by Uev. A. P. Stanley, after which the inorttil remains were laid away in Maxwt-ll cemetery. Among those who attemled the funeml from a distance were ; Mrs. John .Moore, Cliirksburg : .Mrs. Wilson Seely, Stayner: â- Mr. and Mrs. Medlar Guy, DuiitriMin ; Mrs. .J. Clinton, Fleshertou ; and Mr. and Mrs. Edvvard Hawton, Duntroon. Mr. and Mi-s. James Buekintjliani of Stayner spent Sunday at the oM home- stead here. Mi's Nancy Wiley is siHjnding a I'eek with her brother at WiMlehouse. This week's Iteuts A s|j«cial children's service will \m held next Sund.y night in the Methinlist ehurcb. S()eciid singing will Ije given. Rev. A. P. Stanley and Mr. Rol)ert Fenwick are attending the CoUingwood district meeting this week. Mrs. Wilson Seeley and two children of Stayner are visiting with friends in Maxwell and Mclntyre. Mr. and Mrs. Blakely of Corlietton spent Sunday with the hitter's mother, Mrs. Ed. Linley. Mr. and Mrs. Mc.^rthur, Winnipeg, vivited at W. H. Guy's Sunday, alst> Mr. J. Cauip))ell and Miss Ciuupbell of Fe- Tersham. We are plea.sed to leuru that Mr. Geo. Buckingham, B. A., B. D., won the Kaudford gold medal fur general prutic- iency in the B.D. cour.<e at Victoria. Mrs. A. N. Brownridge spent a couple of days with her sLster, Mrs. W. Scutt, _ BadjeroH. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew spent Saturday and Sundiy with Mr. and Mrs. Brown of Clarksbui-g. Mr. and Mrs. Ern. Hawtjn of Fever- sham were visiting at Mr. A. N. Brown- liclge'a recently. Mrs. Jame.s Long silent a few days in Duudalk lost week. Mrs. S. Wellar of Nobleton Ls visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wellar. Mix Joe RaiUey, Fleshercon, is visit- ing at Mr. Thomas Guy's. lOth Line, Osprey. The seeding is nearly all tiuisbed in this neighborhood though the gr«wth is backward fi-om the frosts at nif(ht and the cQld winds that have prevailed for sonae lime past. Mrs. Philip Uollingshead of South River, Muskoka, has returned home after apeudina: a couple of weeks visiting with fnends in this nei<;hborhood. Mrs. Bolliagshcad was here attendin;; the funeral of her mother, Mrs. John Weld- tick a few weeks ago. MiM Agnes Hubaud of Brighton, Eng- land, arrived on Saturday for an extend- ed visit with her brother, Ernest, whet has been in Canada for a few years. Mrs, R. J. Colquetle, who has been on the sick list for some time is we aro-glad to say rec«>vering under the care of Dr. Ryckmtn of Maxwell. Bom â€" Ou Wedniisday morning. May 11th, to Mr. and Mrs. Eli Robinson of Fevershani, a son. Mr. Wnr. Brown visited with fricndts if) 8t«yn«r over Sunday. Jttist Maud Julian of F«\ershaui vieite<.l villi her cousin Miss^Ethel Brown over Sunday. Miss Reta Uiibortie of the 8ih line spent Sand*/ yl\^h tier frieud, Mrs, John Piekneil, llr..an«i Mm. A. J. (joqrdti of ^eVSr- •ham spent last week in CoUingwood with their daughter, Mrs. Wm. Davidson, •ho hai been seriously ill with pneu- Comet Will Be On View This Week CiMBKIlKiE, Mass., ilay Iti. â€" Th^ nioriiiiig oluervation* of Halley's comet by the Harvard observers closed to-day with another di-iappomting etfort, and for the next few days views of the vi.sitor can only ba made in broad daylight. Whether Halley's cr)met will become sutKcieully bright to be seen at noonday to-morrow or on \Vedne.sday, eiilier lie- fore or after the sun, is a matter nf con- jtecture. If the mnoiv weie u-t '|uit,e so bright on Wednesday ovening llieie might be a chance to sue the end (rf ihu comet's tail as it scurries down behind tlie wSs'ern horizoH after the su'i. It will certainly be an object of interest on Thursday evening, while on Friday niyht. the comet should be one of the finest celestial spectacles in iho last ipiarter of a century, rivalliuK the great coroet of The triiusit across the sun's disk will bexisible to observers equipped >viih dark yl.iss in .Japan, Austr.a and India, or practically lhrou!;h that region fr^'Ui longitule 120 west to longitude 9() east. On Wednesdiiy the eiirth will pass through the comet's tail, but as that ap- pendage is supposed to be composed f f sjmethins; far tliiuner th.iii the nearest a;>{>ro«ch in vicuum on this earth, the Harvard astronomers do not look for any ill effects. Eugenia. Fine growing weather. News of interest is rather scarce .'it present. F irmers are busy ])Uttiiig in their root crojMj so as to be done by the 24th, then for a good day's fishing. Mrs. F. T. Carr is going to Toronto and other parts of Ontario on an extend- ed trip. Mrs. John Williams is very ill with a Imd attack of gnppe. Mr. and Mrs. Dilckctt have moved up to their- summer cottage for a few months. Tlie young people run the farm . Mr. WUl JDuckett lost a fine cow the piist week from indigestion. Mr. and Mrs. H. H-uumoud of Kim- berley visited with Mr. and Mr-s. E. A. Graham of " Boyne VilLv." ou Sunday. Miss Jean Graham has returned from Bridgefiort, Conn., fiirthe su<nnier. Kinberley Beautiful warm weather at time <>i writing. A memorial service was held iu the Methodist church here on Sunday morn- ing la.st m honor of our late King. The ehurch was tastefully draped fijr the occasion. Mr. and Mrs. Fred .Johnston of River- dale were the gue«ts of the latter 's [Mrents Mr. and Mrs. Neil Boyle of this place. Mr. and Mrs. Plewes visited Flesher- tou friends on Sunday last. Mr. Walter Loucks of Flesherton and Miss Evalena Smith of Eugenia, were the guests of 51r. and Mrs. F. J. Weber on Sunday L>.st. Mr and Mr*. M. R, Hammond weie the guests of Mr. and Mts. John Mtuiar- ey oil Sunday last. Miss DsLsy Smith of Eugor.ui is visiting friends here and at present is (he juast of her friend Mrs, Hugh Ha-nuiond. Mr. Wui. Sloan attended Methodist district meeting at Flesherton this week as delegate from New England circuit. Mr. Henry Hurd left for Elk Lake last, week. Siiuire Stunrt returned home from Parry Sound lecently. Messrs. David Boyd and Fred Cutting of Riverdale visited friends here «m Sun- day last. Mr. .Albert Mills of Clarksburg took chan/e of the service in the Union church here on Sunday evening last. ' Mr. Jesie C. Bell, «n old Iviroberley lioy, but now of Sask. has recently join- ed the benedicts. We otfer congratula- tions. ' ^MiM Mao Wiokena visited Flesherton friend* during the ptst week. Old DariMm Rvml. Seeding 1« lloW « ttiillf t)f thd past iu this locality. Farmers are bpsy i|>re> paring for their root crop. Miss Pearl Henderson, salcsljidj in ooe of Pulmorston's leading stores, hi\|i been seriously ill, but her ninny friends here are pleased to hear she is iccoveiing. Mr. and Mrs. W. Brnughton of Haveoua are sptiidihsf a few days with their daughter, Mr«. .lacib Parnlow. Mr. Arch. McArtlmr spent a day re- cently with his relatives at Saugeen Junction. We are sorry to .s.iy Mr. Daniel W'hite had to give up his lucrative posi'ion in Toronto owing to a .severe attiick. <<f sciatica. Mr White is ipiiteuiifurtumite as it IS not long since lie lo.-t "several «eaks suffering froio pleurisy. Mr. Bates, one of Ceylon's rising yoatig uicii, ai;d his friind. Miss McLeod, en- joyed a drive over tha new lake .shi>re rond on Sunday last. Mr. Robert Blakeslon is;ible to be a- rouud again after his severe illness. Who says hi><j raising doesn't {>ay ? Mr. John Williauison marketed ti'.^tit Imiis, .six mouths old, nliich realized him «l"j. We would like to know where all our local sportsmen are now, as a good oppoitunity to show theii .skill has buc-n lost as a willcat was hoard by iiuinerons people for .several days during teeding ou the uorih enu I'f lot 21, con 1, N- D. R. Mr and Mrs. Jni>. McKeachiiie, of Prioeville, visited the latter's brother, Mr. Hu^b Walters, Sunday laic. Mies .M. Fowler i.s on an extended vi-sit at Mr. Jos. Whyie's. r- Ceylon Miss Ida Kulledge, who came home to attend the funeral of her giiuidfather, Mr. Malcolm Kennedy, will spend it couple of weeks with her mother before returning to her work in Torou'o. Miss Aluia Schell has gone home for .1 time :us her mother is very ill. We hoije Mrs. Schell will sixm regain her usual health. Mrs. J. T. ChLslett sjient a few day.s lust week at the betkide of her mother, Mrs. Irwin of Fleslierton. The old lady is very low and alisent members of the family are being odled home. Mr. W. O. White ha.s removed fi-om James .\shdown's residence to Mr.Cook's house on the hill, Litely vacated by Mr. Jackson. Mr. Merritt, Baptist .student from Mc- IVfaster university, preached in the < >r- ange hall here last Sunday, and consider- ing his youth did remarkably well. Mr. Norman McLeod has reiuriied home and is running Mr. R-idley's trac- tion engine. Stone Settlement. Have you seen Halley's comet i 'Tis a wonder. Mr. and Mrs. J. Beatty and daughter, of Orange Valley, were visitors iu this vicinity on Sunday. Mrs. P. Holman, of Fle.sherteu, visit- erl her daughter, Mrs. H. Stone, un Mon- day. Mr. Ed. VN'hittaker of Varney is home fur a few week's vacation. We are pleased to see warm weather npain. ^ Mr. and Mi-s. MvUee, of the 8ib line, visited J. J. Lyness on Sunday. Mrs. John Chard was a visitor with Kor .sister, Mrs. H. Stone, on Monday. Vandeleur. Arbor Day w.»s duly otwervtKl by the .school here, teacher ai.d pupils spending the tbiie in a general clean up of the Sthool grounds, planting Hotrcrs and otherwise beauiifyiug the place.) Miss Id» Holley of Toronto ,,i« renew- ing acquaintances here. Mrs. tteftfttt liad a very successful plowing bee Week before hvst. Fifteen teams made tlie work go ttasy. Mr. J. H. Holley hss been on the sick list for the past few days. A baty girl ari-ived at the honte of Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Boland on Sat urdsy week. Mrs. Clayton of Fleshertou is a visitor at Wesley Carson's. Statute labor is on the bill of fare this week. Miss Mabel Faddeu was ' the guest of her cou.^iu. Miss Maggi« Davis, Sunday. Miss Sadie Watliug visited friends at /^larkdat* lecently. Mr. And Mrs. £. U.Smiiii of Markdalc spends Sunday wifli ftiends here. Proton conOcil ha» y^, lh« contract for the building i>f two i^V steel and concret* briilgos. I Paper Late Next Week |t)wiii<; to theliolitLiys The.\ Ivancc will not be printed until Thursday, one day later tlMU is ourcust'Uii. Two holidaya and a mount.'un of j] jot) wrrk between -issues knock (! thing* eudway*. 1 East Mountain Nice weather no-*. If it cimtinucs .seeding will. soon lie done for another year. Charlie .Marlui is she first to fiiiisb. Mr. Thompson Allen h>is been w'orking at the stone work of his m:* bsrn. .\rbor day w.is recognizrd at the sehord on Friday and a seiieral cleaning up took placr". .\t 1 he close of school Mi.ss reid treated the children to candy. We lenrn Miss Mar^ Huiuherstone passed her r<ceiit eXitmiiiali.in* with honors. Coni/riitulatioirs. Misi Ma-ud Siiiiih of New York i.s the guest of her parents here .-it present. Lady Bank The colli woitlu-r couliuues. .V warm rain would do much good. The iiiiich talked of comet is now seen plainly with the uaketl eye at alsmt ihie-'i o'clock in the morning. Ml-s. Short, sr., of Moaford is visiting at her sou'.s, Mr. (jeorge Short's, 12tli line. Miss Gai-diner of Ravenna is .sjjending a few days with Mrs. H. Roberts. . Mrs. Philip Hollingshuiid, who Iiils luen visiting friends in this locality, has returneil to her home at South River. Sunnyside "Doings" Farmers here .-ire nearly all lUiiie seeding. Severe frosts and cold weather at present. Warm, weather is ho{>ed for by all. .Vrchie Currie IS doing a ru.shing busi- ness these daysâ€" re ninds a person of the west to see three teams in one field. Archie is a hustler. Mrs. Jos. Philliiis, Maple Valley, spent a day with her friend. Miss Margaret Currie. Mr. Frank Mixire ha.s been liiid up for the past few days. Hope .soon to see him around again. Mr. Allan McKinnon has been engaged with Mr. .lohn Haw to work in the brick yard for the suiuiiier mouths. Miss Julia WiLson of Toronto and her cousin, Mi.ss Emma Meads, O.D.R., vi.sited at "Elm Grove Farm " recently. Mr. and Mrs. J. Ferris and Mr. and Mrs. S. McDonald attended the funei-iil of theij" little niece, .Jes-sio McDon.-ild, which to«»k plai'e in Fleshertou. Much syuiimthy is felt for Mr. and Mi-s. Mc- Donald ill their loss. Mr. McDonald is well known here, as his boyhood home was ou this line. Some are rising early in order that t hey may see the comet, while others think more of their be<ls. .V gi-eat many |>eople like to pick at the cNnre.stxmdents. Perhaps they have to lie a little bit uew.sy, but we don't want people to think there is no such place as Sunny Side, and if [)eople from other places wtmld get to work -ind send in news it might Ijo more interesting. If they don't w.-ike up .soon they will find tlieiii.selve.H dead. Our Clubbing List Victoria Corners News very scjirce, everyone loo busy. Mrs. Mi.>rrow, Bceton, is visitinu her sister, Mis. Jas. Best. Miss .Mnbel Wauchaiik, Proton, is visiting her grand parents, Mr. Wm. Patlou. Creamery Opening. The Maple Glen Creamery, near Mark- dale, began operations on Monday, the lUih May. If the reader lives within ten miles of the factory and convenient to a route, ho is invited to become a pat- i-on. Prospects now appeal vciy pi-o- inising 'Jot a successful season and for good prices. If you have not been ciUled on you are invited to correspond with Maple Glen Creamery Company, Markdale. J.B. PATTON PAINTER â€" P.\PER HA.S'OKR Siffii I'aintiiig and lliKh-cla»s t)eci«i-ating .\ Specialty. Work taken in any i>«rt of the country. Ofliceat . . . Kl.KSHKUTON, ONT The roliowing prices ire for .st paid in ailvance sul>seriptioii.souiy. have no accounts wich other papers Klesherton .Wvaiice 3 Yo'iths Compaii'oii Tor'iiUo World, daily .... . . Toronto Daily News ^Vnciily tiKjIlu .Mail-Empire .... Family Herald & Star T 'fouto .S<Hr Faimor Sun . . Fanners .Vdvociti Weekly Wi^,:,'«^â- S-.if ui-d;iv Niltlit Home .JoMViâ€"I Poultry NeWi . . ... . . P ud'ry I'eviuw U id and (iuii nia<!,'i7,!ne rictly We' (W ;^o *v ."•'> m :w .Stj :!0' 7.V m .">.T 1.". 80 GET YOUR WEDDING RING.-; JEWELLERY CLOCK.S REPAIRED WATCHES REPAIRED F<.)UNTAIN PENS . SILVERWARE And everything in the Jewellery Line, ftom Heart PalpitatioD Trcfflbiing Weakness When Worn Thin With Worry and Poor Nerves, Health Mir- aculoasly Eestored. ARMSTRONG THH FLESHERTON JEWELER ^: The Imported ^A ^^pj'j (.'lydesdale ^ wel Sfallion J| r^ r J ^j-..| m ^' "Only those who have gone through months of nervousness wfth its tears, wealtness. anf! almost"" hotplt-s.'ne.ss. can rea!lz>' itie blt:ss!n« of so'.ind health." Thu.s opened the letter from Mrs. Helen Plerson. of Caoe May; "I was all my life a very heavy coffee- drinker, and when my health began to fail, I made It stronger and stronger, because it braced me ut>. I didr. t realize that this stimulation wa.i wearing out my nerves. But at laat a nervous breakdown occurred. Then I was .-ibie t > see how foolish I had been â€" doing unnece sary things instead cf resting My lieart fluttered dreadfuily with the least exertion. I was blood- less, .ind more tired in the morning than when I went to bed. A friend whom Ferrozone had cured of anae- mia recommended me to use Ferr- ozone, and from the first it did me good. As my blood grew stronger, the lieart fluttering ceased, and this took from mti, the fear that I would sudden- ly die. I kept on gaiuing, and con- tinued to u.se Ferrozone. two tablets with every meal. I am to-day sound, well, healthy, and happyâ€" Ferrozonw did it all." FERROZONE The Tonic of Health BARON SHALLOCIi I No. [oTtJl], foaUd Mav. I'.H).-*. Br " n fa<-e and fe«r white. Daiii--N»ncv .r Cballo h [101)70] (ler.ll), Lily of t!. loch (1W71[(1;H>1o), F.imy ..( Chali. -'> f 1007:iJ («7l>7). Maggie. Sire â€" Bat. i ^ Pii-le [:«j(i7| (!»12i»\ Oinanient [^4-' I (KMi'i:!), Mains of Allies [2««ol {10;;7" . Old Tunes (57!l), L.iigs Jock (444), 1;. . jR-y (714). U( )f TE ! M'-nday uiorning will leave his '•>• ii stable, lot lO.j, Eiist Back Line, li n;i t-s ' from Markdale, and proceed to Berki i-y I hotel for nomi, thence 'o Andrew Pn- * ' for ni'.xlit. Tuesday - Noon to Dom. - '<. ami lem.iin till Wednesday mono-:. , thenco lo James .\llistoiL«, Ithh b > , Glenelg, for imon, and to Douwf^liâ€" coiiuick's for night. Thursday â€" Noi'i .John McVicker's for noon, to Ge« r« P4lt.>rsju's, 4t,li. line corner, for nl hr. ' Fridayâ€" Oiirn's hotel, Ceyloo, for «<" u ; Muiishaw's hotel, Flesherton. for ni-.'''. Saturday morning will procted up i!:-' "travel road to Mirkdale for noon. I' r particuUis see folders. Tenns $12. JA.S. BRADY, T. MERCEI: Manager* Propiii â- r. I>R. BURX 5pcciallst I in disiucallof the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Don't use anything but the cele- i brated nourishing tonic "Ferrozone," j fifty cents a oox. si.x for $2.30, at alll ;-, , , , „, , , dealers, or The C'atarrhozone Co., Friday each month from 8 to 1:: a. n. Kingston, Canada OMlce 13 Frost St. - OiwenSouini .\t the Revere house, Markdale, l.-.f ^^^ ^^ •^^^^^^^- ^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^ ^^Jkl ^«A* i J. andW. BOYD merchants i Flesherton Ontario HOUSE CLEANING I This i.s the sea.son for house cleaning and uo doubt when you get into the job you'll fiiul you will re- tjuire a lot of new furnishings. We have made au estimate of your possible jetiuirenients and here- with beg to submit some of our prices : lings from $7.50 to $25.00 IVlatts from 25 cents to 7.50 Brussels carpet from $1.00 to 1.35 Tapestrys from :?5 cents to S5 Wools from 65 cents to _ .S5 Unions from 35 cents to «J0 Linoleums at ob, 45, 50 and $1 ,00 Oil Cloths in all widths at 30 cents per .st^uare yard Japanese Mattings 20, 25 Lace Curtains from 25 cents per pair to $3.25. ^ BOOTS AND SHOES III this department we have added the Slater shoe, which needs uo ad- vertising, having gained fov itsolf a reputation sec^ ond to none. Satislaction guaranteed or jonr money refunded. Tmk Sc/u. of CURTAIN-rV ' I I I I GooCVtAnWEUT ^KWM " The 5eAL op Certainty Gooav«Aa.\Mu.T -Skwn i