Flesherton Advance, 19 May 1910, p. 4

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i i K ii wun i . i i f Bn i nfp â-  i, i ni |[[ | [ i |i | i . <im »'t ni< ^i(mii»m»mittiiififfiiHf mm 'k'^' May 10 1910 THE F I. E S H E K T O N ADVANCE > L ..^ â€" R T. HILL & Co. - Harkdale i» V » I !^ > > i: Lk." An Immense Purchase Of Fine Cashmere, Cotton and Lisle Hosiery on sale this week. Ladies*, Boys', Girls' and Children's sizes selling at 14 to 1-3 less than you regularly pay. THIS IS HOSIERY WEKK. \\ e niade an iiiiinense purchtise of Hosiery from one of the leading mills iu Ciiuada, having bought tlie Julincc of their stock in all lines, «id the reduction in price was so liberal Ihnt we arc able to sell the best known tr.nkee of hosiery aaray below their regular iniirket value. Having three stores makes it po8j»ible for us to handle the quantity and put within your reach the beat Hosiery values that you have seen for many n day. You can afford to buy mnuy jwirs at these pi ice.. Ladies' Fine Silk Lisle Hose X^nsc'JS.'rtpliXrT.': To the lady who wears a very fine i|iudily of iSilk or Lisle Hose this is fc pri-at buying opportunity to purchuie a beautiful fine <iuality, in all sizes d|> 1 (^p) Penman's Pen Angle Brand of Cashmere Hose. Only 19c a pair, Regular Value 25c. Ladles' sizes only. Penoian is one of the text and most reliable makers of Hosiery in Cunadi, and we are selling these 1 Qr« 25c qualily thia week for iUv/i Chatham waggons Tolton Harrows .Vlso for sale one new Mc- ( 'oRMicK Cultivator worth looking at, and one new National Cream Separatok for sale cheap. ONE >econ<l GAN(i hand, a : PLOW, l»art,'ain. Call and Examine These Goods S. HEMPHILL - Ceylon, Ont. WANTED! a representative for Flosh- erton. This is the tiiiio to sell nursL-ry alock. Wo pay lilwrally and offer steady einployincut. Our list of s|>ucialtieH emhracfs a rare and choice list of ready sellers in Ijoth fruit and oniamontnl atock, seed jk)- tatocii, etc. Write for terms and catalog. STONE & WELLINGTON The Fonthill Nurseries (Established 1837) Toronto, - Ontario 1 inn MEN -YOU NEED NERVE EARLY INDISCRETIONS AND EXCESSES HAVE UNDER- IMINED YOUR SYSTEM The nerves control all actions of tUe 1 ody so tliat any- lliiugtliat â- 'ebilH.-it.-s ihciii will weukcu iM '.rKUUS ot the system. Ewly IncUcrelioiu a:ia Excewea Iiav« j'liiiirKl thousands of promising; young men. Unnatural Drnin* .sup tlieir vigor and vitality and tliey never develop to a proper condition of manliood. Tliey remain weak- lings, mcutally, physically and Be.-cually. How you f««l7 .\re you nervous and weal;, despondent and gloomy, spe<-kj lipfore the eyes with dark circles under them, we.ik IjBck. kidnevH Irritable, palpitation of tho heart, Ua^hf ul, debilitating dreams, sediment in urine, piniplea on the face, eyes simken, hollow clieeks, careworn ex- l-ression, poor memory, lifeless, distrustful, lackeoerfry and strenRth, tired mornings, listless nights, change- ablu moods, prcianture decay, Uoue pains, hair loose, etc. This U the condition our New Method Treatment is GUARANTEED TO CURE We have treati'l l)isea>e.'i of Min for almost a life- time uud dj not have to exiwrimcut. Consult us FREE OF CHARGE and wo will tell you whether you are curable or not. Wa fuarantee curable case* of NERVOUS DEBIUTY. VARICOSE VEINS. BLOOD AND SIUN DISEASES. GLEET, Bl^DDER URINARY AND KIDNEY COMPLAINTS Free Booklet en Disease* of Men. If unable to call write tor QUESTION UST FOR HOME TREATMENT Wonderful Nerrou* Srslem DrsKENNEDT&KENNEPY g^^NOTISE TMB2 An iiKleiwndent newH|>aper, piibliMlied every Thursday at thf uflice, C(4UnKwoud Street, Kli'sherttm. Subscription price 91 per annuni, when |iaid in advance; ULCO wb<:u nut so |iai<l. .\dvertisiltK rotes on application. Circulation 1,O0U weekly. W. H. Thurston - Kdltor TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR- PRINCIPLES. NOT MEN THE CORONATION OATH Tbe Irish Catholica protetl against that clause, in the Coronation Oath which ch.tiitctcrizea certain Koiuan Catholic ri'ea as "superstitions and idolatrous," and al o against any reference being made to the Pope. Wo ds not see that con- ditions call for any material change in the Coronation Oath. Tho Roman Cath- olic church has never been content with the staluii of sn ordioary church, but rather seems to regard the Catholic body as II (treat empire in itself with the Pope as its head, and dominated from Rome. There are many individual Romati Catho- lics, even in high office, who are more tolerant than the rnajority, but their tol- erance keeps them in bad grace with the " powers (hat be, " as the attitude of the Pope i s that of strict luitagonism to other Chinstian churches. At Montreal in April Ia.<^t Judi;e Leiuieux was forbiddn to speak at a non- .lectarian temperance meeting, because it was to be held in a Methodist church and presided over by a Methodist minister. The strange pare of this act was found in the fact that tho Archbishop who forbid the address was an active worker iu the caniDiiign of which the nieelins; was a part. It appears that Archbishop Bruchcsi feared what the Pope and Cardinal Merry Del Yal might think of .such strange proceedings. In the face of this bigoted stand the protests over the Coronation Oath place that church in a peculiar position. That perverted motto: "what we have we hold, .ind what we've not we're afltr " b St describes its attitude, from our point of view. Tho Advance would not deiiire to be considered unduly prejudiced in thi.s mutter, but what could a person de- cide ? We see a church which will not tolenile and vet asks for toleration. t Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich. I An letters from Canada must be addressed I to our Canadian Correspondence Depart- I meutin Windsor, Ont. If you desire to I see us personally call at our Medical Institute in Detroit as we see and treat â-  »o pulMmU in otir Windsor offices which are for Correspondence and â-  Laboratory for Canadian business only. Address all letters as follows: â-  DRS. KENNEDY & KENNEDY, Windaor, Oat. I ^rlte for eorprltate addreia. ^^ â-¼-T f-r-T- n S E E_D S The season has been hold back by << wet, cold weather, and if you have not iocuted all your aeeds don't delay longer. Hero we have a full stock of garden seeds, all kinds of Aeld corn and roots- everything ^; y<m could possibly wish to plant. Drop in and complete your seed J purchases. 'i A good linu o! flour and food, bran, <! rhorlH, chop and low grade Hi>ur ; " y Ogilvie's Royal Household Hour ^, always on hand. 1 ""^Always fresh groceries at /, r W. L. Wright's, i^Ji.Ji..A.-=^^^- VBA'Vr Tailor Shop I For line tailoring ciill <n F. .\. BAKER, 2iid door south of Ann- atroiiK's jewellery store, where we shall he pleaded to shoiv you nil (ho laloKi designs of spring and Kuiiiinvr suitings and overcostingH. Ovt-r 500 dilTeroiit patlurns to choose from, at the most reaM)nable prices. I Fit and workmanship gunrsntced. I P. A. BAKER I mCH CLASS TAILOR I ARMSTRONG'S BLOCK. B PERICOE. ^ ee.' Flesherton, ::!: » !' :;jj Willhuy your lm)f,(>r and all your •••• •.•â-  noti'S or ailvance you money ou HT, â- It* 'I'-"'- St:; ;;JJ I n'urai'cp, of every claHB written ••• placud In safe and liberal pai,l<!f>. Loaim. iiuarautee bonitii, etc. JJI; Tf'ito for Kltl!rHKI>oliT~"on XIV. your (laubtfnl accuuuM aud •»»• notee. JJ;; ^"^~~-^^^â€" ^-^â€" ^^â€" â€" â€" ee.' Telephooe IP. jj;; !!!:;!:::::;;;::!:!t:;;;ttt^«^ Tbadi Maroia Ocsicr.s CorvniaHTs Ao. .• nroneaenitlng a rh^trh t.r ? i,>»crlptt.->n maf I ifaUlf •eoertald oil r <>| irrlmi free wnpt her ai, ( fontlon Utiroti«liivr.H!ni:jh>. Ci'iiirmnlp* etrUi(lrr"iin>loMt[al. HAIiDBOOK on l-stciiu *- - â€" terif*. recelvt lir â€" Oldpit at'oof r tuf neon mj paten's. lan tlirouvti Munn A Cow recel „ wUhouta bam o, Uilln Sckiuific jimirjcaii. I nt (rea, (fldftt • 'nteitia taken I.. -loi twttct, "ADVANCE "ADS. P AY B5 '" CHILDHOOD has blighted many lives because the pain osusetf thereby produces an aversion to study. EYES FREE ( rxadsoracly Uliulr.- d d wnckln timveat nl^â-  I Mllrn of anjr flfioiitlOo Ir.unmi. Tp""" •'* • iu«l:», iJ.'Ja Tui»r,i<o»ta(W iTCfiaH, ,1 uewegeuleto. Temn tor Hold M Jalte2:rsr-!l8wjprii Th« baekward ehlld toe oftaq Maemat tha unauee*ssful man W. A., Armstrong:, Jeweler A Optician FL.£]SH[£:RT0N CANADIAN GREAT LAKES NAVIGATION NOW OPEN Regular Sailings a.'t follows : Monday 5. S. "Athabasca" IKeewatIn" Mberta" Manitoba" Assiniboia" The moat pleasant and cheap- est route to Winnipeg and west. Tuesday S. 5. Wednesday S, S.* Thursday S, S. Saturday S, 5. HOMKSl-F.KLRS' EXCURSION . . . May 31 Tlucuuli Tiiiiii 1(1 Wii iiijiin niid West In 111 Tiironlo 2 OO p. in. on n^iovo (!ati>. KRO. IRWIN PLANTED TIIEES Bill. Irwin, of the Durham Chioniclc, reuiiiids u.s that ho planted the trees in front of the grounds of the new Aitein- f.sia Continual ion .school a iiuiiibcrof years Hi{o. Bro. Irwin feels his chest e.xpaud- iiii; as ho coi.templntes the fruit.s of his labor grncingtheexterior of such !i temple of learning, evun though when he planted tlu'in the trees gr.-iced nothing but a jr'ir- (It'll full of wcfd.s ' with an orcasional potato or onion luavely struggling for existence. It ap[)cars lo be a fuvorile pastime for princes and other celebrities to plant trees as nionunieiits lo thcin.selves, m witness numerous trees planted in Toron- to by* iiur late and present kiny and otiieis. In emulating these celebrities oiu' brother of tho >|uill has failed in cue respect â€" he should have placed a biass plate on each of tho treos.benring a Ugeiid similar in tone to this : "Tree planted l>y \Vm. Irwin, pedagogue, in the year 1890 A.D.," and then the world could wor.ship. As it was, we ventuie to say that not three men in Flo.sherton knew who planted the trees, and even now we have only his word for it 1 We take it for granted, however, and feel duly grate- ful. Jollying aside Bro. Irwin planted bet- ter than he knew when in Fleshevtoii. The trees of knowledge that he started growing in youthful minds hero were a better monumeut than the maples flour- ishing now on tho.se grounds. .'Vs a pdychologicil gardener he ranked high here, and judging by results his attenipt.< at ret'orcstiation were slso very success- ful. Of later years he has, too, been successful as an editor, ahd we are leJ to believe that he could succeed in anything if his determinattou machine was in working condition. Tho planting of shade trees is a practise to be heartily encouraged. Much of the beauty iif our little burg is occasioned ty the largo number of maples which grace its streets. The only pity is that mure are not to to found thereon. A few were pliiited this year, and (ho poople who did so are to be congratulated, but there is room for more. This would apply not only to Flesherton, but to all the sur- rounding villages, to a greater or loss extent. Unfortunately it is rather lale in the soasou now to make a start. it wasn't. And it ia only IngtoJ to sup- pose that it will be destroyed two or three times more in the days to come- but it will not be. The safer plan, aud wiier, too, is to obey the iojunction "don't worry, its wicked." Worrying over the inevitable never trets » person anywhere. Chirp up and grin. Even suppose the world is to be destroyed, worrying will not stop it, and we might a« well meet our fate with a grin spread- ing from ear to ear, as to have the cor- ners of (he mouth drooping until they tingle up in one's feet. IS reis GOOD bisiness? , This week The Advance turned down a t.37 8o contract for advertising to be talc- en out in three issues of this paperâ€" it is a get-rich-quick-in-oil scheme and the advt. is very con /inuintrly writien ; but wo turned it down. We make it a rule not to accept quesionahle advertising, and, while this particular ad. may be «11 right, we have our doubts and so turn our back to the $37.85. Possibly this is poor business ; w» guess it is, but The Advance does not propose to boom fakes simply because there are a few dollars in it fur us. If such an advertiser is going to make expenses (and they always do) somebody is bound to lose, and the losers would be our readers. We do not say that the advertisement in question is a fake but it doesn't look any too good to at, and so we remain on the fafe side. T-here is somethin? in newspaper work which cannot be bought with money, and The Advance is after itâ€" its name ia "Reliabihiy." Now, if any of oar readers fcjl that they should Lave the opportunity of throwing their money away by making this investment they may send the cash to us and we will keep it for â€" ourselves. They will probalily lie no poorer than if it were sent direct to the company, and wo could use the rhino nicely just now, and pay about as great dividends as any South & North Polo Axle Grease & Oil Co. â€" or any other company of similar prospects. Howevsr, we hope that none of our readers may bite at any get-poor- quick scheme, no matter how convincing- ly its prospects may he displayed â€" for there aie Iota "f them. The safer i>Um is to leave stocks .suictly alone iiiid Imy a tin whistle or toy engine. S. Rands. Agent, Flesherton I H )W ABOITT HALLEY'8 COMET { Well, it didn't hurl much, did it, that dash of oura through the tail of Ilalli>y's comet this (WednesdHy) morning ( It's effect on The Advani^o was hardly pprvep- tiblo. We went on mskiiig up onr forms in the same f>ld way ; tho press ran with i(a wonted smoothness and rapidity ; und we trust that all our renders m»y still he iilivo 'o read'this. No, it waaii't much to w. rry about, but then sone of us must have something to worry about, you hee, and tho comet didn't care in the leastâ€" at least if it did it didn't thuw it. The fact that llallcy'a comet was stiu- |ios('d to destroy the world romindt n» tha> several times' bi'fire it was supposed hit lli(> World W(i|»'d hi' de.sltoyodâ€" bu, , Will the comet raise the taxes ? o Seuator Cox has presented two lions to the Riverdale pari; zoo iu Toronto. They are not social lion?. coo IRcoscvelt lost his voice in Germany. If he had lost it in Egypt aud Koiue a pile of good newspaper copy would have remained unborn. W ill somebody kindly tell us why it is "up to" the temperance people to provide accommodation when local option is passed ? We ask in good faith. What's the answer. A Socialist lawyer advocates inter- morriage between blacks and whites as a solution of the Amoncan ra:e problem. Bet he's married to a white lady himself ! The policy of a new paper started in BIadswor::h is "To make a living our< selves, and concede a similar privilege to all others." Poor, deluded man who hopes to make a living as propri- etor of a paper 1 The Toronto Saturday Night, which has a newly established reputation as a newspaper which is ready to expose fakcH, and so one which is working for the good of the common people, is running a series of burglary yarns in which the burglar is universally suc- cessful. Were the stories to be printed in paper-covered book form it would be called a dime novel. Cer- tain it is that the influence of such a story of successful crime cnnnot be of an elevating turn, and it is iu ill keep- ing with the new reputation of that journal. Too often the polilioa of a uewspap- er are dictated by the busineas office, but a glaring exception to this rule ia found in the Cianbrook Herald. Uiftubiook, B.C., has been a wide- open town with booze and red lights openly on the wmpage. The Herald has had the temerity to knock this ini(inily, aud knock hard, but has lost a great amount of business aud ad^ vertising. Eventually it may be chased ont of business, but until then is in the tight for keeps. It would be well for Canada if there were more Craubrook Heralds. We believe we have aoTved the myblery of the frequent fraclnring of tilt »>»en Sound local option bylaw. An exchange teib of a German mother who WM puzsled as to what age Ut give as her son's in reporting to the authorities. If she gave it ^i a year or so less than the eorreet thing ha would be sent back to school. On tba other hand, li she raiced it a year he wonld have to serve ia the army. Great was her relief when a friend su^'gcsted that she return bis eorreet age. It had not occarred to her. Now. will rot someone suggest to tha hotelmen of the county town that an easy way out of their troubles would be to observe the law ? It may not have occurred to them. Some of the rural municipalities in the quarantined section of Ontario did not take seriously to the dog muzzling order and are now reaping the whirl- wind. Several cases of rabies have developed in the northern part of thia county and in Simeoe bordering va on the east. In this section the ordc has been fairly well, though not faith- fully, observed, but the remissness of other municipalities make ihe hard.^ ship greater for those who have faith> fully muzzled (heir dogs. It looks as though carelessness and indifference will prolong the fight for aome time to come. Ten persons wee killed by a terrific explosion nt Hull of four tons of viiiie, an explosive stronger thau dynamite. The Wonderful Lower Canadian French Sire French Negro DESCRIPTION French Negro i.s a handsome black horse, weighing 1500 lbs , ten years old. with strong bone and powerfully built, with excellent style and action that is found in h lower Canadian French horse, and will produce a cliiss of horses thati will bring the highest ijrice on the mar- ket to-d»y. They have also the French blood which no borseainn can contradict as the greatest const itutioned horses in the world. In V.»>~ French Negro's colts Wdii 21 tii-stsjit these places: Owen Sound, Chnti-worth, Kilsyth, Dt'sboro, one at Meaford and one at Claikslmrg. French Negro woo first prize for stalliou and five of his c<.iUa at Meafcrd. Terms â€" To insure a foal $10, payable 1st Jan., 1911. Season luares $8. i,ingle leap 96. UOl'TE FOR 1910. Monday â€" Will leave Feversham hotel and proceed north to the l2tU line, then we.st by Cooper's coiner to R. McMuUeit's for noon ; then by way .if 4th lino to Eu- «enia at 3 o'clock for one hour, then to Richard Hoy's for night. Tuesdayâ€" By Fle.shorton to Markdale fiir uoon ; th(.'n by Berkeley tpc' Holland Centre for night and Wodlieaday forenoon Wednesday â€" At 1 o'clock by -tOth side- ro;id to 10th lino, Holland, "thou south to Wm. Lynns', town line, for night. Thursday- North on townliue to Gor- ini: sideruad to Rocklyn for noon ; then by Eppinj; east lo U. Maxwell's for night. Friday â€" By Henthcoto through Clarks- burg to Gunii's hotel, rhornluty. for noon ; then by 8th line to Sheldou Mey- ers', Ravenna, for night. Saturday â€" East by Banks, then south to J. A. McLean's, Gibraltar ; then south to towulino by Buckingham's sidoroad to Feversham until Monday morning. JOHN FINDLAY, Prop, and Collector, Meaford, Ont. Custom Weaving Tlie undersigned is now prepaired to do all kinds of Custom Weaving. Plain, Twilled aud Satinetle, Carpets, rugs and Hammocks a Specialty. Hit and Miss Rags, Colored Warp found, 20 cents per yard, Striped rags extr*. Wm. LEES, Flesherton, Ont Catarrhal Deafness ^Mi 1 â-  â-  m.^ Snccessf ally Treated By Catarrhozone Deafness is not so common at blind- neas, yet thouaanda are more o !••â-  afflicted by it, and their comfort ser- iously Interfered with. Catarrhal deafness manifests Itself but slowly, yet It must bo acknowledff- 6(3 that the great majority of those who become totally deaf might have avert- ed this unfortunate condition If they bad treated the catarrhal inflamma- tion at l(s> beglnnlnjr. The only remedy that can be safely employed for all forms Qt catarrhal deafness Is Catarrhozone. You simply charjfa the air you breathe with this healing, soothing agent, and by forc- ing It gently through the eara destroy the germ life which keeps up the In-- flammation, and at the same time by the soothing, healing action It heals th« Inflamed surfaces of the middle ear. CATAURHOZONE, to those who are ^ust a Ilttte deaf, and are growing In- ncasingly deaf, is an agent capable of affording tho utmo.st satisfaction, and its use is attended without danger, and as the treatment can be carried on at home no person threatened with the affliction of deafness should postpone one moment In beginning Its use. From every part of the Dominion glowing accounts of the baneficlal ao-* tion it exet*ts upon catarrhal condi- tions of the middle ear have been sent in, and you will be resorting to the only method of cure, and the simplest method too, if you try Catarrhozone. Dealers everywhere sell it, ^, 50c, and |1.00, By mail from The Catarrhozone Co.. Buffalo, N. Y., and Kinssten, On\> •t ,.h

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