r fieUCHLIN TO HANG JULY \% «» Takes the Sentence Bravely and Has Nothing to Say. A despatch fi-fim Whithv «ay«:' After a trial lasting for thrne wholo days, Archie McLaughlin wa» con- viclod late Tliiirsday aflnrnoon of i the murder of IiIh wife and two cLildr»>n at Txhridgti on Octobe S9th last, and sonlencod to h bunged on July 13 at thu jail hr<r(' Wlifii ll»« jury filed into thfii Mut.v and announci^d thair doci ion, the prlstmir, who had througl out the trial iiiulMtained a studir denicannr 'of in<lHfflrenc(«, gpempt to shrink iu his srat In th« dock, bi: it^c^vered hif composure, how- •«-er. in »n instant, and wlion aHked by JuNtlc« TftetZfil to stand and ro- cclvp his (tent*no«, hi» fac« bctray- •d but littln of thn strugglr going • 1 within. Thp jury was polled by eoKiinel for deffnce. Tlio Bc<>ne in th« crowded court- rncm wat dramatic in the extreme. .•\.s thfl word "guilty" fell f rooi tho lipf of thn fgreman of the jury a sudden hush foil upon the assem- bljr, contragting strangely with the lir of levity which had preAailed during tho progress of tho trial. 'P in th« gallery, crowded by wo- len of all ages, one little girl was ccn to lean over a companion and I ugh. The spell was broken and 'I audiblo sigh went up from the training crowd in the room. The convicted man made no re- sjicnso to the usual question by the Judge as to whether he had any- thing to .say before sentence was pronounced, and his counsel, Mr. \\ . A. Henderson of Toronto, ad- dressed a few words to the Bench in his stca<l. The prisoner receiv- e:l his sentence bravely. CONDENSED JIEWS ITEMS HAPl'EMNCS IKOM ALL OVKR inE ULOUE. Tele;rapiilc Briefs From Our Own and Other Countries ot Recent Lvcata. CANADA. Mr. Marconi proposes to send wireless messages across Canada. The wheat in suuthern Alberta is said to be dying for want of rain. A new militia uniform ti lie worn by all mounted troops, has been ordered. Seven Chatliara, N. B., hot<'l- kefjx>rH have gone on strike and c!< sod their houses ^ fonimandor Stewart. II. N., has bfef n appointed to the command of tlift cruiser Hainbow. The Wellington t'ounty Council will build a new jail and improve th'-' court house at (Juelph. The safe in .\. llardcr's store at Puini Coulee, Man., was robbed of tievcn or eight hundred dollars. Mitchell Campbell was killed at Allandale by the caving in of a drain in which he was working. \ deputation waited on the Gov- ernment ut Ottawa to ask for a duty of five cents a poun<l on raw wool. Uev. W. J. Winfield brought over fifty i^ngliah farmer.') on tho Cartha- genian to settle in Prince I'klward â€" iKland. H<jn. William Trnipleman is pre- paring a bill to provide for a (Jov- ernmcnt tciit and examination of *\plo«iv«8. The givings in Canada in lOW) for missionary work totalled )i!l,!KMi,(K59. according to the Luymcn's Mission- ary Moveni'-nl report. Four pai>.»viigei coaches on the C 1' 11. wen thrown on their sides in a wreck u<'ar Sohroibcr, on Thurwlay. .Some pa-i^engers were hurt, but u<i fatalities arc rcport- A.1 GREAT BIUTAIV Tlie Duke of Connaught, who has li on 111 Africa on a InintinK exiicdi- tiin. readied liOiulon on Thursday. Kiiit! (Jcorgp is personally sui>cr- intendmg all the arrangements for tlie funeral ot hi^* futlii r. Queen Alexandra has i>tsued a touching letter to the nation thank- ing tho people for their syiiipalliy. 'J'h« British I'arliiimciit nut on Wednesday ami passc<l rei-olulions of condolence wiili the Hoyal fiun ily. and of cougratululion to King -.- OK.rgo. There has been a serious rising of Pueblo Indians in New Mexico x\w\ a massacre of white ranchers is feared. Three girls were fatally injured in their homo in Buffalo in a fire cau.s<Kl by the explosion of a gaso- line stove. tiKNEUAL. f'llonel Roosevelt witnesiscd a mimic battle by (iernian troops i near Herlin on Wednesday. | The Minnehaha, which was wr«>ck-j cd on the Scilly Islands, has been ' iliiated and will be rojiaired. | There has been another rising in' Hunan and the lives of nii.ssionarirs anc of native Christians arc said to be in danger. An Italian professional swords- miin and a French journalist fought a duel in Paris, in which the jour- nalist wounded his a<lversary. A trained lion whi<'h was being exhibited (;n an open stage at Cleve- land, Tenn., seized a baby from a woman near the front and manglfd it before the spectators. LEADING MARKETS BRICADSTUFFS. Toronto, May 17.-Flourâ€" Winter wheat, 00 por cent, patents, $4 to 8-1.05 in buyers' sacks on track, To- ronto, and lfia.90 to $3.95 outside, ia buyers' sacks. Manitoba Hours are steady ; first patents, $5.50; sfc- on<l patents, $5, and strong bak- ers', $4.80 on track, Toronto. Manitoba Wheatâ€" No. 1 North- ern, $1.02%, and No. 2 at $1.00%, Cay ports. Ontario Wheat -No. 2 white and re<i winter, %\ to $1.02 outside. Barleyâ€" No. 2, 52 vo 53c outside ; >>. 2 extra. 50 to 51c ; No. :i at 48 to 49c, and feed at 47c outside. Oats-No. 2 Ontario white, 34 to 34%c outside, and 30 to 36,'/^c on track, Toronto. Canada West oats, 36V^c for No. 2, Bay ports. Peas â€" Prices nominal. Ryeâ€" No. 2 (J7% to 68c outside. Buckwheat â€" Die outside for No. 3 Cornâ€" No. 3 American yellow, kiln-dried, C>ac, Toronto freights. No 3, kiln-dried, 04c c.i.f. Colling- wc od or Midland. (Janadian corn, 61 r. Toronto freights. Branâ€" Manitobas, $19, in bags, T< ronto, and shorts at %ii, in hags. Toronto. Ontario bran, $20 in sacks, Toronto. COUNTRY PRODUCE. Applesâ€" Prices nominal. Beansâ€" $2 to $2.15 per bushel. Honey -Combs, dozen, $2 to $2.- 50; extracted. 10}^^ to lie per !h. Bakd Hay -No. 1, $14 to $15 on track and No. 2 ut $11.50 to $13. Balpd Straw- $7 to $7.50 on track Toronto. Potatoes-â€" Ontario. 35 to 40c per b»j». on track, and Now Brunswick Dclawares, 45 to 60c per U-vg, on track. Poultryâ€" Boxed lots nominal. MADE IMiCAHAOyC^ ROYAL YMSP CAKES .MOST PERFECT MADE^ Ua«d Itt Casadtaa hom«a «• pro4ao« dclidoua hom««inad« braad, and a aups ply la always includ«d|la Sportarnvna* and Campora' Outfit*. Daclina •11 Imltatieaa. Thay navar glva aatlafactlan and cast Juat aa much. B. W. OILLETT CO. LTD. WInnlpas Toronto, Ont. Montraal ^0Y4/ top' TKE DAIBY MARKETS. Butterâ€" Pound prints, 23 to 2^ j largo rolls, 22 to 29.'/ie ; inferior, 17 to 18c; creamery, 28 Ui 31)0) solids, Eggsâ€" Case lots, 19 to eOe psc dozen. Cheeseâ€" Old steady at 12?^ to 18o, and Dew at 11% to ISc. HOG PRODUCTS, Baoonâ€" Long clear, 15% to 15^c per lb, In eawa lot-s ) moss pork, 81)8.50 to 9iUj short cut, t^4i to 931.50 Hamsâ€" Light to medium, 16 to lfe%c) do., hea^-y, IflJ-g to 17c j roils, 16,'/ic; Ehoiildorg, 14 to 14%c; breakfast bHiH>n, iO to lO^yO ; baoKs, 201-^, to 21 e. Lard -Tierces, lOo | tubs, lO'-io ; V-ailg, lOV^o. BU.SfNKKS IN MONTREAL. Montreal, May 17,-Oatpâ€" No. 9 f.'nnadiun W«stern, 3J»% to OOol No 3. 37),; to 3Sc ; Ontario No. 2 white, 37c, Ontario No. 3 white, R(!e ; On- tario No. 4 white, 35c. Barley â€" Nc. 3, 56%o; No. 4, UTiO ; feed bar- Icy, B4c. Flour â€" Manitoba Spring wheat patents, firsts, $5.t>0; do., seconds, $5.10; Winter wheat pat- ents $5.40 to $5.50 ; Manitoba strong bakers'. $4.90; straight rollers. $5 to $5.15; straight rollers, in bags, $2.35 to $2.45. Feedâ€" Ontario bran, $l!t.50 to $20; OnUrio middlings, $22 to $23: Manitoba bran, $18.50 t) 819; Manitoba shorts, $21 to $22; pure grain mouillie, $.'i2 to $33; aii.xed mouillie, $25 to $28. Cheese â€"fodders, U to tl%c. Butter â€" Choice. 25c. Eggs â€" Selected stock, 23 to 24c, and straight receipts 19 to 20c per dozen. UNITED ST.\T£S MARKETS. Minneapolis, May 17. â€" Wheat â€" May, $1.10^^ to $I.10Vi; J"ly- «1- 097- to $1.10; September, $1.00-^4; cash. No. 1 hard. $i.l3;.;; No. 1 Ncrthern, $1.11'^ to $1.13*. No. 2 Northern, $1.09,':j to $1.11; No. 3, $I.Oo;.; to 81.09. Branâ€" In 100-lb. sacks, $1H to 818.25. Flourâ€" First patents. $5.30 to $5.50 ; second pat- cuts, $5.10 to $5.30; first clears. $1.15 to $4.S5; second clears, $:).• to lo $3.20, Buffalo, May 17.â€" Wheatâ€" Spring wheat, lower ; No. 1 Northern, car- loads store, $1.1.5>^i Winter steady. Ci.rn â€" Firm. Oats â€" .Steady, Barley â€" l-'eed to malting, (>a to tJ7e. Rye â€"No. 2 on track, 86o. LIVE STOCK MARKETS, Toronto, May 17. â€" A few choi«« hejivy cattle still oontinueU to brin| a.s high as $7.25 per cwt., but the average and c minonebt rahge o| pi ices was from 9(> to 8«l.c;), CJood bftcher cattle sold readily at $tJ.5(l an<l over, with the medium and common grades bringing from $5.- 50 to $6. Cows and bulls as high a^ $6 and $6.10 per cwt., and rang- ing all the way upward from $4. Stcckers and feeders, $J.50 to $0.- 60 per cwt. The market for sheep aud lambs was noticeably easier, an'" prices are ouoted from 25 cents to 50 cents lower on both gra<les of eheep and for yearling and spring lambs. Hogs. $t».25 f.o.b. to $9.- 60 fed and watered in Toronto. UNITI'.D STATES. Forett fires are raging in the copiM'r region of Michigan. An int«;rnational aviation mert will be held on Long Island in Oc U her. Twelve per.-foiiK were drowned by tJie Kinking of a steaniei in the Misniiiiiippi RiM" below St. Louis. WILL ISK OLD SriM'LV. Head of KinR (â- eor<;c ou Coins and Stanip:4. A despatch from Ottawa says: Tlic head of King (Jrorge will not appear on the coins or postage Rtamj)S of (,'anuda before the end of fie year. The likcne.ss of Edward til':' Peacemaker will continue on the currency and slHin|)s of t.'an- (u\d for another six months at h'ast. Ill the ease of the postage stamps an,/ design niuy be used, but i( is the custom to have the Monan'h's h<ad on the two-cent slu'np, which is the one luo'-t in une. Tlic depart- U'.cnl has u six-months' supi)ly on hand, and these will be used tip vhile dies are being prepared for the new issue of (leorge V. stamps, (hanging the design of uieLil cur- rency is also a matter of time. Oo- signs liav« to be prepared and ap- proved in both Canada and (Jreat Britain. Where the head of the King appears on a coin his special approval of the jiortrail has to be oiitainod. The I'inance Depart- iiionl has for some time been look- ing into the (|iics"li(in of liesigns for the new gold eninago of CaiUKla, and on these the head of King George will ufipear, but the fir.st of January will probably be the dato of their inauguration. J....* â€" . A HKAVV FINK. C. A. Ilolden Convieted ot Keepiug' (ianiltliiiK lloiiHe. A despatch from Winnipeg says: C. .\. HoUleii, keeper of the Moose j Club, a gambling joint, was on; Wodn sday morning convicted of keeping .a gambling hon.'<e ami; lii.ed tho limit, W.'iOO. aiul given a scathing setting mil by Magistrate Haly. Holdeii lias cleiuied up a sniulJ fortune in iIm- past two years and always got <'riHlit f<ir hiiving political protoution. KING GEORGE V. QUEEN VICTORIA MARY. EXPLOSION IN ENGLISH MINE A Hundred and Thirty-Seven Lives Lost at Whitehaven. ROSS IS RI'llMtlEVFlL Kungini; Mill Not Take i'lnee un KinK'8 Fiinenil Bay. A desji.ileh from Ottawa suys: Tho death "f King R<hvar<l ban giv e'l a, few d;i\s' nioie life to M'alte Ross, (% yoiniK MiiglisliitiiiM unde suiilonu' of death ul North Hiiy U- the iMiirdei' of lils chum, nanv-^l I'urkinsoii, In the wIUIh of norlh- oi'ii Ontario Inn!, full, The cxeoiitiou «hH oriijiiially iL-jeil for FrUlay, May 20, but tlie fa(it llmt lli.^t will bo the tiiiierul <Uv nf Edwatxl VII, renders ii iinp<o*^>hl« for .hu ovedu- lioii to lake jdaee mi such a ilay, C< nKeipieiilly Ross fill goi. bcvHral days' moni lifo than ho expected, the Cahinet having on Thursd.ay iid- vihcd a respite under the special eiteuinstanees of tho case. FRIDAV. MAV 20. A HOLIBAY. To he Oliservod a.n One of (ieneral Moiiiniiig for l.n'e KlnR. A de.tputeh from Ottawa says: Ti'c I. noniet on Thur'<lay aiilhor- iz«'d H prorlnmation (leclariiig Fri- j<lny. May 20, n gnnrrnl holiday as a <lav of general mourning for I'M- ward VII. It will be a .hauk holl (lay and all buniiirHn will bo suspniuled. Prisoners In northern Ontario jall(i niiiy bulb! eolotilxution roads. A ileffintvh livw Manchrstor sav.. One liim.lri-d and thirty sw ru miller* lost their lives on Thura- dii., tu an explosion in the Welling t â- • coal mine at Whiteliavi'ii. Res 4 111 pariien Hiicceede*! in saving four ifi»n. but fiiu has broken out iu the wirkingn, leaving praetieal- iy no hope for ihoso wh'j are still onttiitibiMi Reneiio work was stop- ped hv tie c,<dlap»e of the roof. \ ciirhiun fact is that a culliery " ,11 iiirig HH-' piibliiihed in munv of III • iiewfipHpers in the iiiiiiing dix t»i».lii of tH* kingdom oa Wednes- day, to th« effect that unusual baro- metric conditions ^ender^d ftre- nomp explosions extremely prob- able and that all underground wf.rkers ought therefore to be on th' alert. The barometer reached its higliet'l rea<ling in the White- haven district. The colliery id owned by the Earl of LonHtlale, and its workings ex- tend four or five miles out umler tb>' sea. The spot where the W bowers and .lome .V) odd shiftmen vi re working at the time of tho ex- plosion is about threo miles from thi shaft exit. KM ED WABD'S FUNERAL Seven Reigning Sovereigns Will Ride the Cortege, in A dei'pat<ih from I.ontlrin i«y»; Tho London Tlmei on ThiiTtday e^lltorially says i * King Edward's funeral promises to surpaiR in B<ilcn\n iiplen«ior all formar (ubp- tii n" in our a»iiai«, at, IimImm), in the annalit of any other Mnong«t the grent tiionarchlei of Europe. Seven reigning Sovereign*, heailed bv the (ierniaii Fniyirror, will ride iwliiiid King fJcorgr as he folhiws hU father's euffio from W'eatuln- sfcer (lirough the streets of the ea- filt>al, and ea<ih th<»i in personally aklng part in (he mourning for KinR Tidwarf) will haya the satii- fac' r>i) of knowioi tliat Ut* is doing an cot AR KrAt«ft>] to the (eollngii of biR (ubjfnta at U> bif> own, Wl% tV'Ain wilj hf ih« reprejfntalive of the mighty nation wlicne kinship with oun^Ir*a makes their syinpa ♦hy with our sorrown, an with our J<^ys, exceptionally dear and rain able tit as." AN UP-TO-DATE STOVE Do you realize there is no longer any reason why you should use a coal range? Oil is cheaper than coal; it is lighter and easier to nandle, and gives an intense heaL Provided you have the right stove, oil is more economical, cleaner and less trouble. Have you seen the Ne^ Pcr/Sction, WICI4 I&L.1JE FLAI^fllb: Oil Cook-Stove The accompanying illustration gives you only a rough idea of Its appearance. You really can't appreciate It until you either UKe it yourself, or talk to someone who has used it. It does everything that a coat ranga will do â€" except beat the room. The New Perfection Oil Cook- Stovo will do anything, from heating a kettle of water to cooking a course dinnrr, but it won't heat a room. It doesn't "smell," it doesn't smolte. It can't get out of order. Light it and it ia resdy. Turn it down and it is out. Only a woman who knows thii troubU of carrying coal and cooking in a hot kitchen can appreciate what it means to have a clean, perfect stOT«. that will cook anything, boil, ba'xs or roast, and yet won't l:cat the kitchen. How in it done? The flame is controlled in tur- 3uolse-blue enamel chimaeys, aoil irected against the bottom of pot, pan, kettle or oven, and only there. The 6ame operates exactly where it ia needed â€"and nowhere else. With this stovs your kitchen is cool. The nickel flnish with the bright bhia of the chimneys makes the stove ortta< mental and attractive. Made with 1, S and 3 Jburasrs; the S and S-bumw stoves can bt kad with or wltbotll Cabinet. ., riMj Umlfrtntrwktn; If niXMjrotm, wrttcNI ^^ DM«nvti<*Ou>iiUr taUi>iMMra(a«MwjallM The Queen City OU Company, umited. Toronto. that reads Ml* nam* - ptatt ^•w Psrftctloo.', iftl&fa