Flesherton Advance, 19 May 1910, p. 8

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May 10 1910 TKE FLESIIERTOK ADVANCE â- H^^WHBK 'Business Cards WALTER I.OUCKK Bulliier ml Contractor For BrlcirHtin* »""l ''»'"" r«»l<leoce«. F.f llnwte* oh««rIully «uiii«hfil, Klo»Uertou V O tnit«rl</. «A OUUjOUOH * yOUNO Vl llkiikrrii MaikiUla Oo» R«ner»lb»iikiiisbusiiiein. Mt H r.,«50B«ble TAU'f <;»11 on u ' After « two-doyH ti-iul th« jury »wfttd<Mi Robert Gaunt uf Strertsvillti #1705 dain- agea for tlio dcHtti uf hin mm on the level crii8.':in^ uf the C P. R at StrectHville in August Uat, «lso fur thu duiiiii uf Iho hnr-iu liu wii« driviii<; and the di'Stniution of the wngon and liarnrs'i. Malcolm Kennedy Dead. TV MlHl.t-.TT, Coiiinij»sioiiir niH.l- J . Convrvaiicer inoi t«lU!>!*, U'***!". •Joll^cHou* ""wJ SKwerlvH, floiK.I riuht. â€" i ''Was Fading Away" raglan -itittH U]..-- I fOnriM'Mcjn Deo. li u7. Ai(ain this week we are called upon to chrufiicle the death of one of the very oldest ])iunoeni of Arteiresia. Mr, M»l- Money losnad " coliii Kennedy died on Wednesday iif last week at liis regidunci', west back line, at the ane of 83 years. Ho had been m ,,,.,.„ .^ _ (iceiln, I I fill ling healtli for some time. Mr. \'''ihlrl'«»7Jl^louXi^rMm\ A Young Woman ^ScarCelV Keimedy was bom in IieUnd .»nil came leed.:tc.keri 'â- â- "««>', Price. „n.i.^ ^ , . _ "^ to Aitemcsia in 184(», »etilin« on the farm wlicro he died. In 18ri2, when this iDttnioipaliry was tir»t formed, he was appointed one of tlio first pathiiiastcrs. He wuD for years a st'iunch Orangeman luid member of the Meihodist church. Mr. Kennedy wii.s predeccaHcd by his wif« al out six years ago. He leRVCH a family of one »on and ihroo ilaughterK Mrs. Andrew Kutlwlgo and Mrs. James Kennedy, Ceylon, and Andrew and Bello on the lioniestead. The funeral took place to Flesherton cemetery <>ii Friday last. Notice To Creditors. A J Sl-BOULB JEV Pa<tuia«t«r, PlMbertoQ vommiMloner In H.O .)., .\uetlouee Con* v«>«ncci. .\|.pr«lMr and Monty Louder R«al KnUta and JnanranCo Agent. UetOf. S^rUaieV '•"•• •»» *"'» carafunydrawn «i> and valuattona madeon ehorteat nttlce i •.'onaj to loan at lowe«t rate» ol i"te>'««».''°'- j â- .•.t,..na attended to with Vr"n»"°e" | r.^«r(t«« low. Agent lor Ocean Dominion Ht«auiih n» Company. A call Boltcited. | DMcPH.\ll.. l.lceii»Md Auc'.loii»<.r foi tli* I â-  roMiity o( (irey. Ttirum â- ""'^e"*" »"'? I uon Kuarantod. The B.r«n(!..inBnti , « <,( val*»c«ii bj made »'. TiIR Al.VAXca idi-nce and I'.O.. Ceylou. Tel«|)hooe Thirtyâ€" Seemed to Be Dying on Her Feet. Dr. Hamilton's Pills Cuixd WM KAITTINli. Llcensfd Auctlon«tr lor "the countlM of Urey and Slinco*. Kunii und Hlock Milo* a upecialty. Ternm luraia. fatisfaotiou nuarantted. .Arrauge- , . ts for d.tes may bo ma.W at tl.o Advance r,« orA'. T. H.itcblu»ons Btor«. bever«li«m by addrffihiiig iiia at Fcveriihaiii, Ont. Markdale. Liceiined (Iroy. fio Dates can bo RIDD MATHKWS. _ ---. auoMouocr lor the county of^ J.roy. fiood â- â€¢rviee at re«»cnablo rat** tiiade at The Advance. oO!) T H^KVEY PEllKiOK, Ijroker. Flojhtrton. J {ion-JtalbrokarnKc b;i8iin-««- liiKuranco or ov-TV kind placed in safe and liberal couipa.ilc«. Ileal. -.tat.' tc. OiK"n account* and pai.t Hue noi« ha"lU.l and ..umey advanced tteroou. CorroniKjudanee soUcitod. 3 D^ ^"^M C PAS ODt._Phy«iclan.,finrBeon.otc Medical _ _ la: _ Ofllee aii~l ronidenceâ€" Potar »t.. Claaherton JP OTTBWEI.L Veterinary Surgeon ^„i,^,. Graduate ol Ontario Vetorloary College, fjdde"' - sacond door .outh wcstlon k^y -street. This btrcot rana aouth Fresbyteri an Chircb. HWII.KON, lllackai.iith o i n., •iradnato ol tuo Veterinary Rclenc AaaocUtlon. Durham street, opponite Boyd, Hro'e hardware^ >^ .^_ "I think It should be the duty of the echools to teath chlMron how to keep well," writes Miss .Nannie E. Xaydoii, a well-known ami highly esteemed resident of Bristol. "Ignorunco of the luws of heullh jiiid the use of Improper remedies destrojed my vltjor, nnd led me to the vcruc of Invulidlsm. 1 was us a plrl ruddy and strong. Nothing epomed to nftcct me until I v.'as about thirty. Then K'ls ln'tjan to form In the Ktomaeh. 1 suffered with bloating and a {general fitlluru in strent;lh set in. If 1 went upstaira my breath hurt My system was very irregular, and until 1 Krew pretty bad 1 didn't pay much heed to my condition. Then 1 got blue, wor- ried all the time, wakened In the night, and couldn't get to sleep again. None of the medicine I took helped me. One day I was reading of a very interesting ease like mine cured by Dr. Hamilton's Pills. I took the sanio treatment. It was just right â€" didn't physic me to death, but look hold of the weak, sick parts of my system, .and set things riBht. it seems as if Dr. Hamilton's Pills have made me young again, and all my color â- jf former days have returned to stay overcoat. Nothing on earth would make a visitor think that ha had landed in a centre of Rubber Kubea a* nnich as tl t lont; line of green individuals who display their lack of courtesy Ijy occupying the doorway.s along the main streeC on Sun- day evening* and o'her ereninss after ' all the creditors and ntlibni' havlui cTaVms , . , ill 1 , . i a«»iiiBt tlie CHtatu of the said Mary Mclla*. busuic's hoiiis. A lady remarked to a whodiedonor tt>out the ninth day of April, frtend that ii her chosen friecd ever iknd-i^'y^rMaTti'o'' J".!' B^e^-d'^bv" ,Slt ^^ pd up in one of those doorways she would ?•»•' or <!<'liveir to Alexander Mnir, (•e>Ion. \. , , ,^ , , Ont.. ur to John McKayden' Ceylon, Out.. cut him as dead as a Dutchman Wituld a \ Executom ol th« la><t will and Testament of With The Churches. The service in the Methodi.st church Sundiiy ovenini; was of a peculiarly in- torcstiiis! niture, and was conducted by ineinbers of the Epworth Leayuo of the church. MiH. \V. A. Armstrong, Mr. A. S. Thurfton, Mr. U. Wilcock and Mis? Wallace gave five-niinu'o addf*KstR dealing with tlie pait, present and futnie of tlio TiWigut, whic'i were all lietoiied to south of the Eighth street bridge. He] with an Ogilvie Hour sack for got on what luid Wn a boat landing, but ' which had fallen in until one end wits in the water, leaving the planks on an in- cline. Tie wax secu on this projection when noticed by i)eople in the vicinity. Though evidently no one saw him, he ] slip|)ed down into the water and when tirsi seen was floating on his Imck down the sireaiii. He was laufoctly motimilcss and when first seen ic was' thought by thosie passing tliat it was t«e Inwly of a dead chikl When ho floated near the! Swiss cheese.â€" Hanover Post. btidge Piinciiwd Reid of the public j schools and Mr. J. E. Parsons, drover, { Sir Robert Perks, of Loudon, Eng- .siiw that he was alive. Tliey hurried to: laud, says that Canadian Methodism the iionh end oi the bridge and Mr. is not Lolding itu own. He took a Reid got a plank, which Mr. Parsons se- two-weeks' trip tlirongh Canada and cured ami using it to supiiort himself, i then goe3 home and lectmes on reached i>ut into the stream and caught the the little fellow a.s he floated out through the arch. He waschilledthrough and was hurriedly Ciirried to his home , , â-  , , j! A.e.vander Jiuin nearby. Later Principle Reid tested the j *° t^anada With tales of pinched and j Dated April iir-i, luio. current where the little fellow floated ! hungry multitudfis of unemployed and j down .stream and it took the current | of lords and "docks" and things with neiirly ten minutes to carry a cliip over their swell Outfits â€" his opiuiou is i:ot the .same course. To the fact that-tho! worth having. child was perfectly still while in the , water is attributed IiLs rescue from drown- ; * « In the matter of the estate of Mary McRae, l^te of the Township of ArteinestA in the County of Gii>y, MaiTie<l Woman deceased. NOTICE ialiere'by Riyen piirBuant to the re- viHedStatmciiof Ontario, IKW. Chap. l^Jthat spirits, vigor, and health | with deep intenf,!. Mr. R. Wilccck and Miss Irene Wils'^n each rendered solos Every girl and woman should use Dr. Hamilton's Pills regularly. They j and Dr, Murray and Miss Trimble g.tve help a woinan in many ways. B«ware lB,iuj.t. For years ihe missionary ((iving of the dealer who asks you to take an ," . ^ , , • o Inferior pill on which his profit is ; from the League has been growinsr, and larger than on Dr. Hamilton's. K'J'<1 j this year lias taken a decided jump, a- In yellow boxes, 25c per box, all doal- ; •> . •â-  ." era or The Catarrtiozone, ro.. Kine- inountini.' to %•,!. .Some 5Jo (jf this was ston, Ont. ,i f.Avi^ufcuin ui biie ia.»& «>iiiauu 1 escanii the said Mary Mcllte deceaaett, their christian and Kuruaineii. addrexseH and de- scriptions, the full particular's ol their claims, the stateuieutol their accounts and liie'natuLa of the securities (if an))held by them. AND FUIITHI R T.\^KP3 NOTICE that alter such last nientiooed date tltesaiil executors will proceed to diHtribiitu tlie Hssets of tlie de- ceased among tiie partii'H entitled thereto, bavijiG rei^Hrd only to tlic claims ol which they sliall ttien have notice, and tii&t the said executors »ill not be liabli. fur thu said assets _ ,. ... I. . . 1 Of any part thereof to anv person or persons Canadian anairS. He is m the Sainelof whosed^iuiiiociceshall aot Uava been re- ceived by tiieia at the time uf such distiibti tion. an hour or so m London and retains, Roiicitor for Kiecutors. Alexander Muir and John McFayden X' class with the Canadian who spends | iu[ mnins. The Directors nnd Sharehidders of I he Court of Revision Notice is hereby given that the <"oun- Waikerton Hosiery Fiict.dy havedi.sposed oil of the Township of Osprey will sit as of their propetty to a firm of London a Couit of Revision at Maxwell on Sat- .Solicitors, Messrs. Hole and Keenloys.de. "'^<^'\y' ?'*y *â-  ^^}^' ^^, 10-30 a.m. All ' parties havin.^ business before the Court The town loaned this concern under certain conditions which have not yet will govern themselves accordingly. THOS. SUOTT, Clerk. May 15, 11 10. Carefully Wheat..... Oats Peas Barley Hay Butter.... Eiigs, fresh. Potatoes per Geesty .... Ducks , . , Chickens . . Turkeys... Corrected Each Week ft.') to 9.5 :{2 to ;5-.i T."> to 75 4."> to 50 10 00 to 10 OO 'jn to 2^ IH 'o 18 i,ag 40 to 40 10 to 10 11 to 12 12 to 12 IS to 18 â- I Co., King- , niounting to §71. .Some ft'Zo I recently donated by an ex-j>re?ideiit Df.nti.stry ,r e. C. MURRAY I.. O. B, dental surgeoij â€" ' bono. uradunto ol Toronto University and Boval College ol Dental SuweOusof Ontario, Uaa aduiUiui»t«red lor teeth c.\t.-action Offlca at realdence, Toronto Street, Flealierton. D Legal 'r VC\S. B.VNP.V* WALLACR-Barristers. '.< iiolicitor«.eU\-l. 11. Lucas K. C. ; W. h. Itanev K. C : J. H. <i. Wallace. OIBces. To"nto «»-â- .. Tiarlers Hank Dldc phone .nak. Ul-2; Mark.lale l.-.cas Hlock. I'l.ono 2 A Hrancli othce at Oundalk open every >;aturrta>. WII WKIUHT. llarrister, Solicitor. Convey- ancer. etc.,â€" Owen Sound, and Flesherton. N Bâ€" Flesherton offlc*. Sproulaa niock every Hatnrdar CORNS of in the CURED '•''"' ^'â- "s"'^ "'"^ '' ""*' absent i.\ a« not lis west. either '"irarT""son!=' Il^'bleedrnV^b" , Rev. Mr. Laidlaw of the Eugenia cir- ?i??l*r bSrn^s"\eaves n'^rs^rcont.Uns nV. ,<=">' *"' """"Py the Methodist pulpit on acids- Is harmless, because composed Sunday next, morning and evening, only of healing gums and balms. Fifty ! -o u i 1 1 ' â€" â€" â-  "-â- â- -â-  Sunday, May 2'2, service will be held in Feversljain Presbyterian church at 7 p. 111. Pastor, Mr. Nicholson. years in use. Cure guaranteed. Sold by all druggists, ;5c bottles. Refuse m'lb.stitutes. • * PUTNAM'S PAINLESS CORN EXTRACTOR C. J. BELLAMY'S Hardware Hints S0CIETIE.S * n O W meeta on the laat Monday A ,u each month, in their loage room Norrl.' block. Flesherton, at «„P-«?;„„^': W;: Altni Harrison : K«c., C. H. Mnnsliaw, rin?W.J. Bel.amy. Viaiting brethran Invited PBINCB ABTHUK LODGE, No. ;«M,A.F4 AM. meets in tht Masonic hall. Arm- strong's Hlock.Flesherton. every /!'''»,»<'" or before the lull mocn. Tiios. niakoly.W.M.; Herb.8niith, Botre*.«ry. _ COURT FLE8HEBT0N, 095, 1. 0. P. u^eetaln Claytons Ulock the last Wednesday evening > .t each month. Visiting Foresters beartily welcome. H. K., Dyson; U. 8., '1. HoLiy, Fio Sec. C. N. Itichardsou. _^ . . Please pay dues to Fin. Sec. belore the Arsl day ol th» month. , PH08EN Fhl EN D»-r'f»'',«'^," „V"°,"??,'i °I V Chosen Friends meets in Clayton â-  ball first Appearance Counts Nowadays looks go along way, an J lo got on in the tvorld a man must keep clean, and he can't do this wilh a face that is cryiiiif out for the razor. For a clean, easy shave drop in here. k shai;2y mat does not look well under a person's hatâ€" a nifty hair cut will Hx that. Try us. I -Xgency hiundr)'. for Markdale Chinese Basket leaves Tuesday, returus Fiiday. J A M I E S N, BUSKIN'S BLOCK. ol each month M p. m rdor on or Iwlore toe'rtrst diyof each month. Chief Councillor •r. Blakelev: Recorder W. H. Buut. and third Wednosdav 01 ei Pay assessments to the B«-ordor Farms For Sale or Rent pARMTOItKyT-jlg •SJJf^H^P;^" .^„ â- L' MIM F(»It HAUK-Very cheap. 100 acrcK. •T lot 9 con. t. Osprey. only *:1000, reasonable <aih payment, balance easy terms. 80 acres lear^l, well fenced and in high state of cu ti v.tion, balance timbered, good conilortsble Explosion at Arthur A despatch from Arthur, dated May It), says : .\ serious explosion occurred at, noon todiy at Kenilworth, a small Tillage abotit six miles from hero, in which O'Neil's planing mill, shingle and chapping mill were totally doitroyod. The cause of the explosion is aaid to have been a defective boiler, but this cannot be contirmed l\^ it was blown to atoms. No one was in the mill at the time of the explosion, so fortunately there was no loss of life. The only close cill was a man driving by in a buggy. His hind wheels were smashed by flying timber, while the road behind waa littered with wreckage. Thirty seconds later and he would likely have been seriously injured, if nut killed. The loss of the mill at this time will be a serious one to the owner, as he has several contracts for the coni- iiig season. It was one of the main in- dustries of the village, employing about twelve hands. The loss will be alxmt twenty thousand dollars. been fultilled, and tliey may, :>s .some Mclntyr other niunicipilifies have done, take ^ ^^^^^ action regarding this loan. There was! .....,»,, k,^^ «:ioii due the town .m June 1st of \..i'}miiiiiiiii^iiimiiimii4iiiWii^Wi^^ year and an ett'ort shniitd be made to collect the .same.â€" Telescope. Wm. Lounds of Shrigley, has a real curiosity. It is a section from the trunk of a tree ho had been sawiiio on his farm, lot 21, :on. 0, Melancthon, \\ March. About five feet from the uround, the saw met with an obstruction, Investigati<>n ^ disclosed a couple of fair sized stones iin- j bedded in the centre of the trunk. Thel trunk had a hollow in it below the .stones but was closed in above, although there i were signs that tiieie hinl at one time been an openingabove. Thesection Mr. Ltiunds .showed the local pajwr still con- tained one of these atones. The i|uestion is : â€" "How did Ihe stones get there '.â€" Win^lmm Adtnnce. The fencing' .sciusoii 'luiud '"Siile IVomMa'xwsll village where thers are stores, post offices, goo-l s.h.*l. Ind". on the gravel ioad. tlj miles From reilwav vtation. II sold at once, above 1"'«- ""X VFItV CHEAP HI Rht bo sbarte<l a little. Apply to li J. SI'UOULE, Fleeherton, or THOMAS OUY, on preiclies. tl - r?oi sale Slip or rent. ImnwUate P0«"«''«"- I' LotWcuiTH. Artemenia, about 7S acres clear, comlortable Ust house and frame barn. Apply to H J Hproule Pl""'""-^". ?•• J""" ' Martin , across the road^tironii^said lot. foraalecii^Bapand on easy terms, good coin - y "'1" uwiT.me dwelling' stable and .Irivlng nonse with Ih-eo village lots 1,1 Ceylon- Dwe I- ingwell built and finished and good bearing orchard o» the V^«:^!\\^^'X^x^y,,rU,t>. dax. '9, con. «, Osprey conUining 100 acres. W '--cleartS. Irime house. Irsme barn -t""- stone fn>.nA«tlnit- orcliaril. well watered. One 'thouslmrdown and Ulance to suit pnrchasei . Immediate po«»e»»,';'.'.'..._*r''i][»5^„ll p. FURN iTURE The lai-gesl and best stock of Furniture over shown in Flesheiton. This without fear of ctm- tradiction. Come and sen some of the nice things in .Side Boards, Dining Room Chairs, Parlor Setts, Bed Roont Kelts. A s|M)cial reduc- tion just now on every- thing, in order to re- duce tlie stock. . . . W. H. BUNT FURNITURE DEALER Flesherton B. N. KissFAR Max O. Bulls, etc., for Service. V>01t SEItVlCE-Shorthorn Ihil r Lot lie. Con. 'i. West T " TermH •!, payable 1st .lau., OiuaON. proprietor. No. TI.'iUS- and H< Bowl, till, John M. T have for service »Pnr» Bied Hull â- 1 hook's I.ad, No. 7lWl«. on lot 10. iwprey. Terms •!, Hroad- con. s. 'JAMF.H HlJItNS. Fevorsham, Ont. J Berkshires and Tamworths. I have now lor sale s few very choice Beik- shire pigH, nearly ready lo wean. Hurry your «rd.r and ••tth.^best.^^ ^^^^^^ ^j^^^^„ ,. „ more 1st coin- and Brown I^eithorns. Blhibltlon and utility stoch. won and •P«ctal prizes tlisn all otiieiibirds u IMtiliOD, including special best male {^Ul best fciiiale, soy bresl or type : •l'*"'*' |j<9«»i>air leghorns, cockerel and jnillet. Bast KSr^Tm Birds for sale. Fg«e '"r h.tohing tliat will produce wioners. Hatiafaolion guaranteed. Ceylon Meat Market All kinds uf fresh and smoked moats, head cheese, sausage, always on hand Cash ))aid lor hides. J. HcCLOCKLIN Wt. Pf.KAt^NT rami ^HICIIAltD ALt-KN. Flesherton, Ont. SPRING TERM FROM APRIL 1st. High grade departments of Business, Shorthand and Tyiiu writing. In dividual instruction. Students may enter at any tioie. Catalogue fret*. Coillngwood BnsiacM T. E. HAWKINS Principal College Thompson's Bread delivered I'ogii- larlv and kept for aale at the foHowingsloroN: (.'ollinson's nnd .1, Pattiaon's, Ceylon W.Aldconi & Scrn's) and P. Mc Arthur's Prieovillo K. Mc(;anneirs Pi-ottm Statitrti R. Heron's, Maxwell K, Hutvhinson's and Kli lUibinson's Kevershani iLCairila', J.R.Iiargc's and R. Parks', Eugenia Bakery Notes of the Women's Institute. The annual meeting uf the (I.W.I, will be held in (own hall, Flesherton, on Saturday, the 21st inst. at 2 30 p. tn., when thu financial statement will be presented, otticers and directors will Ix) elected, and other business attended to. Fees will be received for next year. .At the close a social hour will be spent and refreshments served. Mrs. H. Woods will favor the meeting with a recitation. The annual meeting of the W. I. branch at Maxwell was held in thu Methodist hall on May 11 antl the foHow- ing olHcera were elected : President, Mrs, Dr. Uykinan ; 1st Vice President, Mrs, Linley ; 2inl Vice President, Mr.s. I'. W. Long ; Secretary-Treasurer, Miss Maude tiny. B<iaid of Directors â€" Mr.s. Walter Kert.m, Mrs. J. Phillips, Mra. Parliament. District Director, Mrs. V.. iVl. Field. Next meeting will be held in the Methodist hall on Wednesday, June JMth, at 2 p ni' sharji. Eugenia branch <if the Wonien's Insti- tiile held a very iiitoresling and profit- able meeting at the home of Mrs, Len. Ivitimer on May 4tli, Sixtoen nienibers and four visitors were present. Pa[)ers were read by Miss M, K. Bell on "Home influem-e and our duty to tiach other," and Mrs. I'mllar on " The hou«ecleaning time" Dllicers for the year beginning June, mat., were apiwinted, those elect* uil ill January retaining their olHce with the exception of the Secretary, Mrs, D. McMullen laiing elected instead of Mix, E. A. (iraliam. It wiis deuided to hoM a picnic in the (mrk on June 'A, when a lecturer from (iiielph will lie present Wth afternoon at 3 o'clock and evening at 8, Tea will he sorvetl in the evening. Nuighlxiring branches cordially invited. The Post has fi-ei|uently called atten- tion to the crowds of young men with the India rubber necks, who occupy the' doorways of the business houses, cF|)<>cial- ly on Saturday and Sunday evenings. Constable Brodhaecker has called our attention to the matter again, and he hat authority lo make an example of the oft'enduis one of these tine nights. Noth- ing can be more disgusting or embarias- sini' to a lady than to (lass along the line of elastic throttled gawks, who as a rule do not display as much common decency us their fathers did when they were half- naked aavaues running through the tields i.s now on. Come in and Ijok jit our Fro.st Fence, nuule by the Frost Wiie Fence Company of Hamilton. We are fche only agents for this wire in Flesherton. We have the 8-stiand fence made out of all number 9 Frost coil spring wire at 35 cents per rod.c Also the O-strand fence made out of all number 9 Frost coil spring wire at 40 cent.« per rod. Horse Routes for 1910 PERCY PERFORMER MoNPAV. May 0â€" Leave hiaown stable, Bnwniote Mouse, Duntroon, at !).3l) a.m. and pr.iceed lo Brown's Hotel, Singhamp- ton, niion ; night Maxwell. TfEsPAV - Noon, Flesherton; night Markdale Houso i Markdale, until Wednesday noon; thence to .J. Manary's, lot I7,con.l0, Euphri.'ia, { for iiiKht. THfRsiiAVâ€" Noon, Rooklyn;' for night, Chas. Hill's, Nit 17, con. 11, i ColliiiKwood township, Fkipav Ni>on, Ar'Jiur Stoutenburg's, Banks; night, Cook's Hotel, Collingwond. Satihday â€" Proceed to Coughlin's Hotel, Stayner.for | noon ; to his own stable Duntroon, until i the following Monday mornini;. | Terms- To insure $13 payable January ' 15th mil. Cu.stomurs are reipieated to meet horse at stands. J. W. Man.-uey, Duntroon. SPRING TERM a* the Owen Sound Com inonoes Tuesday, March 20, liMO. INDIVIDUAL INSTRI'CTION IN ALL BUSINESS SUBJECTS. Information Free. C. A. FliMning, 0. D.Fleming, Piiiicipal. Secretary, A Child's Long. Float From the Owen Sound Times. K i^Miiarkablc enoa|)o from ditiwnirg ciine to P^i-ed Uardner, the thi-oe and a half year old son of Mr. Mortis (Jardner, East Fifth .\vonue,im Saturday afternoon, I'he little fcUow evidently stif-.yed away fnuii hia home between Seventh and Eighth streets eaat, and made his way down to the river about a hnndi-ed yards Our coil spring wire is going fast at .$2.70 per hundred. C, J. Bellamy, - Flesherton Fine Uleatber Booms millinery With every day warmer than the day before and the appeaianoe that tine weather is going to stay, stimulates the demand for hats i|uirk. Though we are ousy, we are not overlooking orders. Every hat goes out with careful attention. We have just received a ca^e of new shapes, braids and flowers. Beautiful Hew Dress aoods 3u$t Jlrrived A inong which are to l>e seen the latest shades in wisteria, the new ro.se slisdes with pale blues, also very pretty shades in browns, bines and greens. Shantung linenb and rep the correct thing for that new summer suit in the dilferent ahades of rose, russet, green, wisteria, linen, etc. Dainty Dress muslins -A good range lo choose from ranging in price from 9.to 20 cents. Uestings and Crossbar muslins Nothing makes up much prettier for the ne« tailored blouses tlian the vestiniis and crossbar uiuslins. We have just received a big r»!tge in these and you will tind ipiality and desit;n the best. W^e also have a full line of white blouses, fancy and tailored. I>adies fancy and embroidered linen collars. J.-ibols, frillings and cords, a good assortment. Special in Underskirts We have a number of good black sitteen underskirts Jn all aixea. While they last at 60 cents. Lace curtains are now in demand and we have just what will suit you r-tnginu in price from 25 to $2.50 per pair. A few more of those good Canadian and English prints at 8 and 9 cents per yard. In gents furnishings wo never have had ii more up-to-date line. Vou will tind our faucy hose hard to bea'. Do not fail tr» see, also the shirts and ties. Our new spring suits have juRl arrived, which will pay you to call and sue before buying elsewhere. The styles, ipiality and prices are right. Hats and caps in all the new spring styles. Everything you need in boots and ahoei. Wall impels a specially, paints and varnishes, haixlware, groeeries and eonfectionciy. A full stock. Fruits in their season. J. E. LARGE, Eugenia NO. a. Smy thm Miltw : "Shortly after tliat I WM ia our (rocer'a â- tore-clean storo that â€"and brifltht, ohUttna clerk •. Grocer tald •Crwn vT Ik* WoM* flour always coeti a trifle more than otliergradM. but hie cattomara WMldn'tbay *Mh«r iratfea' mora than one*â€" they alwaya oasM took to 'Craea ef Mm Wtet'flonr. Gaeaa he only said that to Bleat* sn«, though ; but (oa bet I was p i â€" ed. Aoywtky, aaked him down for Sunday dlDDer* '*cri:am of the WEST" fLOUR A"llod*IMtU"proda«t. Tbt Campbell Milllat Co.. Usittel 'rcfoaio ';â-  For Sale b^ Sprout*. HlKtlniiotlwti|f^jf»,^PplM|t«IIJI!^^p^ Cayteil,

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