Flesherton Advance, 2 Jun 1910, p. 3

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-^ / WOES OF WOMANHOODf eski»o-s sxow hoise. How It is Builtâ€" The PccolLar Weakness and Suffering BaninhBd by Dr. lilliamss' mi Pills. is Built-The Spiral Areii. ONE WOMAiTS STATEMENT Th« Eskimo vault is a true dome ; j it exerts no outward thrust and TELI.S t requires no temporary scaffolding. Dr. Wiiiiams' Piuk Pills are gocd It is also unique in that its miter- tot men aad womeu, and gruwing ial is not brick or stffBe but snow, boys aud girls, but they are good ^a.vs the ScientiEc American, in a special way for woman. At The construction is us-ed for the .pecial times a woman needs a me- beehive shaped winter houses of .h'-m« to earich and regulate her these ao-calied savages and is apir- l>lo<Kl supply, or her hie will be .^i ^ p^n_ .^ ^^^ ^^ ^^^^^^ -^ g^^^ HER TEAS TO SIFPERING SIS- LS£ DOOD'S KIDNEY PILLS. one round of suffering. That is when Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are »\.ith their weight in gold, for they Mctaally make new blood. There is not a month in her life from fif- teen to fifty that Dr. Williams' Piak Pills are not a boon to every V": man. They help the growing girl safely over the critical time 'b*!! her blood is overtaxed by new ilefrands. To the woman of middle life they bring relief and bring her Etr^ngth fur her time oi change. And during the thirty odd years that lie between Dr. Williams' Pink Pills fill a woman's life with the happmess of health, giving her It length and energy for every fui'ction. A woman's surest pro iaio ou the ground in a circle â€" j or more e.Kaetly a polygon. Each I of the.se has a slightly slant top! and each thus raises its surface a^ little beyond the last, until when the circle is completed the gap in bright between the last and first blocks gives the t.hickness for the following courses. In the*e the up- per and lower surfaces of each block are parallel, a^ in a brick, buL the gradual upward trend giv- en by the first course is of neces- , sity maintained. In ♦'ach successive round the snow bricks are leaned inward mere by having their lower sur- faces sliced off t-<j a bevel. If set TLey Proved a Blessing to Her When Her Painn and Weakness Were Almost More Than She Could Bear. BETWEEN THE TWO. \ One da- a dri'l-sergsAiit in the! Army had a number g^ recruits to I drill, and wanted tlja^ married men! separated from the Xngle ones, so j he formed th«m in a iRje, and gave the word (H command J, "Single men advance', and mar- ried men fall back in the rear." All took their positions except one, an Irishman, who stood still. The sergeant asked the reason why he had not moved, but no answer came from Pat. 'â- Come, my man, are you mar- ried?" "No," replied Pat. "Then you are single." "No." "Then what are yoal" "I am courting Sally." The 'sergeant collapsed. /: St. George, Man., May 30 (S[ec;al). â€" Hoping to save her sis- ter Women in the West from pains and aches which come at the criti- cal times in a woman's life, Mrs. Arsene Vinet of this place has giv- en the following statement for, aches and pains that afflict human- publ-cation : â€" -, jty are many and constant, arising "I have brought up a large fam- fr„m a multitude of indistinguish- ily and have always enjoyed good able causes, but in the main owing i The World is Full of Pain.â€" The w^^ Keeps the Brain Clear and Keen Because it Promotes Health. To serre â€" heat in oTen, poor hot milk over it and tail tw taste. Sold by all {roceis, 13c. a cartoa; two tor 25c. 1 IN YO U R MINDS EYE ? CTOCKS. health until the las* two years. I aiu fifty-four years of age arid at the critical time of life that conie.s to every woman, I had pains in my to man's negligence in taking care of his health. Dr. Thomas' Ec- te' trie Oil was the outcome of a universal cry for some specific tection against all the ills that s<i"arely end to end they would be- ?ome to her because of her sex, is ft'Te long lean inward so far that -*c>-sel^her blood right at oace by they would tumble. For this rea- » coarse of Dr. Williams' Pink son the end of the block last laid Piils â€" and then to keep the bloixi is cut at an angle. The next fol- Tight by taking the Pills occasion- 1 lowing bicck has the joining end Elly. Mrs. Eliza L'louthier. St. slanted at the reverse anele. Thus right hip and shoulder. I could which would speedily relieve pain. Jerome, Que., is one of the many uuiortunate sufferers restored to health by Dr. Williams' Pink Piiis. She says: "It would be difficult for; me to say how much I suffered. I wa^ tormented by headaches aad backaches ; my appetite failed and I wasted away to such an extent that I was unable to do house- work. I was constantly taking Medicine, but it did not help me any. One day a friend urged me^ to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, I it fits in behind the preceding and is prevented by it from slipping in- ward. •As tlte house grows the circles become smaller, until at last only an irregular polygonal opening is left. This is filled with a wedge shaped block cut to shape. It is, however, not a keystone, as the re- ti;ainder of the structure supports itself. n:>T lie down two minutes at a time without suffering the greatest ag- ouy. Sometimes I awakened with a feeling as if one had laid a piece of ice on my head, .\nother time i; wi.uld be a burning pain under the left shoulder. j "I took many medicines bat could gtt no relief, till reading of cures of similar cases to my own by Dcdd's Kidney Pills, led me to try them. They did wonders for me. ''I want all women to know what Dcdd's Kidney Pilh did for me." Dodd's Kidney Pills cure the Kidnevs. The w^^lan who has ai d it lias filled its mission to a re markable degree. SOME SUPERSTITIONS. Bub a cat's back the wrong way, an'' if you see the sparks it is sign of cold weather. When yoii^ear the first frogs in tie spring â- Kmay know the frost is out of t^Pground. In France it is believed that the settling of a white pigeon upon a chimney is a sign of speedy death fnr some one in the house. There is a superstition among the negroes of the south that to meet a frog is a lucky incident, in- try u,. » .n.ii.us rms ruis, . ^^.. ^^^^,^^ ^^^^-^^^ ^^^ landed lor »Dd 1 procured a cruple of boxes , j^^; ^^ ^^ ^^^ „„ ^j^^ -^^-^^ By the time these were done I felt',Vi i » ui i u v u _ -^x. ,.^ •„ . 1 ^u i The last block he holds up with one •ome improvement, and thus en- . , ,• . u -.t r- â-  c. I raged I continued the use of ^^''/- .'^'^^.^^ ^^f ^P« 7^'? ^'^ ":^7 the Pills, gaining strength dav by ''^''K '° *"-^ °^'**'" ^°^ ^^"'P^ ^'"^'^ day, until after I had taken six or P*^^"^'"" Btven boxes. I was again well., • ,, • • , - , , and strong, and I have since con-l ^^'U^* ^'^^^ '^ entirely completed tinued in the best of health. I can ^oes 1»« cut out the low door, which Kronglv recommend these Pills toi*** ^^^P ''"* ^"^ '^'^^^ *s â„¢"ch as ' sound Kidnevs is safeguarded .â„¢ ,) , ,c against nine-tenths cA the sunenng â- â€¢ .. .," . ., ^i, t i The blocks of firm snow are usu- .u » > .r l â-  * ..u dicatmg that the one thus favored - - ^ that makes life a burtien to the wo- " men of Canada. -_*- EASY EXPLAINED. Seymour â€" "I wonder why Fox- He is then entirelv en- ! ^^y- when he goes out walking with closed in the vault. Only after the , tis wife, always makes her keep at IS about to receive money from some unexpected quarter. all weak and ailing women." Sold by all medicine dealers or by mail at 50 cents a bo.x or six tc.xcs for $2.50, froni J'he Dr. Wil- liams' Medicine A;?.. ErockviUe, ^TSl. ^^^ THE DEBT OF FRANCE. It Now Amount.^ to Seven Billion Dollars. Alarm at the formidable growth of tl»e public debt of France, its departments, and the colonies is increasing. Auguste Gervais. Sen- 1 ator of the Department of the Seine, | has already sounded a warning. ] The de'bt now amounting to more' than $7,000,000,000 and exceeding' that of any other country, he says, ' is too easily lost sight of by the \ common people. They should re-j mcSiiber that the interest and ot'neri , ,,,,-,.,, annual charges to which it subjects. ?"° *" overdose may kill the child them exceed $300,000,000, or one- i ^^ "«° .>»" 8«ve little ones Baby s quarter of the total Government I ^'^ ^^^^^^^ y''" ^"''^ ^^^. 8"*"°- expenses. hr< left side?" Ashley â€" "He's side " deaf that possible is only big enough to crawl through. A long, low tunnel is then built in front of the door to break the force of the Arctic's icy blasts. . Even the window is present. A '. ^ f^^i people that small aperture is cut out over the'*-'^*** *n*l '^^'^ be d( or and filled with a pane of clear, I t-iisily cured in your own home. thm ice. All that is omitted is the I H« proposes to prove this fact flue or chimnev. Whatever heat is j b.v sending to any person having produced by the seal oil lamps is i^uble with their ears a trial wanted inside, warmth being a GOOD NEWS FOR THE DEAF. A celebrated New York Aurist has be»u selected to demonstrate deafness is a rapidly and Msmbsrj Taronto Stock Exehan(«. *!l Safe Investments */^J^«..„„^ 90 Bay St.. Toronto INVESTMENT \C% Pr*f."rr<^ stork. non-ep^nfatiT*. safe, permanent Write for infcrmation or better still, if convenient, corns and in- Testigate for rouris'-lf HfDSON BROS . IW Jarrir. Street, Toronto. MACHINERY MACHIN'ERT aEADQL'AETEBS. â€" Iron and wood-work:ne machinery. engines, boil'^r.. steam pump.. caeotin« eoffines. ' electric motors, contrartora* machinerr, rtr !>end for eataloene ol OTer 1100 machine" H W FETBrB. THE LIMDMAM TRUSS wSii b <!d any redjdbl* baraia. kiiiior>a4 by furemo-t me<ifcA^ â- *â- â€¢ Wnte {or particu-aia. & LINDMA-N'. (Kai'dX U:iDtr*al Oyefng I Cleaning I »•••»• ""T »•• •«4 rw< ••»•«• t»« ••MUTIM AMERKAa ITfliie M." ,T*ron>-. C:u«», QtMta» The HeArt <yf a Piano is th« Action. Insist on th* •OTTO HIGEL" Piano Action lEore serious necessity in the cli- mate than ventilation or freedom from smoke. DON'T DRUB CfllLDaBH. When you give your child a so- cailed "soothing"' medicine you are not curing its sickness. You are merely drugging it into tern treatment of his new method ab- S'jlutely free. We advise all peo- ple who have trouble with their ears to immediately address Dr. E<Iward Gardener, Suite 914, Xo. 49 West Thirty-third street. New Yrrk City, and we wish to assure; them that they will receive by re-' turn mail, absolutely free, a! 'â- Trial Treatment." SOUDAN RATS FOOD. During the season of droutli in the arid parts of the Soudan the jeiboa (a small jumping rat), lives entirely on preserved melons. He bites off the melon just as it is ripe and digs away the sand from under it. so that it srnks below the level of the ground. The wind soon covers it, and the melon is thus preserved until the jerboa ia readv to eat it. One jerboa will bury 40 me ions in a season. DEAF, LISTEN! You have used Horns, Trumpets' and other Mechanical Devices in t'le hope of being able to hear, but always found the expected satis-' faction was spelled '"Disappoint- ^-j^^g ^f Montreal and Qi. lutnt. If you write to Lrnest brochure is beautifullv printed and . „ ... Pratt, 468 Yonge Street, Toronto, generally arrangetl in the artistic |s YOUP Hearing GOOdi'. y>i will learn some good news. Do ^t-^]^ „f 00,1;.., .1,,. „k..„ ♦v.â„¢ .,, "** '" •â- Â«Â»â€¢ «â- Â«& wwij« i it to-dav â€" better still â€" do it now I s^vle of earlier days, when the or ! uamentation of a The singer who grates on your nerves is never a great success. i . The HE.^RO-PHONK wil! giTe joa tk« volume was re- k^o.^t., of »ood heannf Send lor •»<• garded as an important incident to •ookiei. fiTing panioaiarf and Dadpa its presentation of reading matter. •' "'^'^^d user, .Mac It gives an interesting descript:o. •»•«'•' »"" '" ' """"''' "•"* ^"•'• Teacher â€" "Johnnie, where is the porary insensibility. The so-called 0., *i, r> i »;• t u .ir\ " ^ ^,- J- . • . fecuth Pole? Johnnie â€" Dunno. 'oi thing medicines contain opiates, .r u ..v j >i. i_ t.. n . ..; " , u 11 .u uij Teaeher â€" You don t know after all and that the debt itself, l^^ ''^ t- ?^^""°'»?°' analyst that is rapidly increasing From the total, as estimated, are ^,.--"«>ssly excluded both the capi- tar©¥*the aSrrttitie^^ayable by the State, amounting to about ^2.000,- 000,000. and some $30,000,000 ^hki the State owes to railway compan- ies for lines recently purchased. â€" . •â€" . Prosecuting Attorney (Frozen Pocr>â€" "Your honor, the sheriff's bull pup has gone and chawed up the court Bible!' Judgeâ€" "Well, make the witness kiss the bull pup, then. We can't adjourn court for a week just to hunt up a new Bible." ti-is medicine is safe. .\nd you have the word of thousands of grateful mothers that this medicine will P'cmptly cure all minor ailments of childhood. Mrs. Alphonse Roy, Scott Junction, Que., says: "My tittle one was weak and sickly and used to cry day and night, but s;>iee giving him Baby's Own Tab- lets he has thrived splendidly, and is as good-natured and happy as 1 could wish." Sold by all med- dle dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Me dicine Co., Brockville, Out. my teaching?" Johnnie â€" "No. If Shackletou can't find it there's no u&e of my trying." The change of dietary that comes with spring and summer has the • feet in weak stomachs of setting j^ y address up inflammation, resulting in ^- ; McDonald, scntery and cholera morbus. Thej^^^^t .abnormal condition wUl continue if Cvt. I u-^t attended to and will cause an! ^Yjj„_' exhaustive drain on the system. of the two mo'st interesting cities in Canada, with many illustrations ''( m photographs. Sent free to .\pply to Mr. J. D. District Passenger Union Station, Toronto, TMC BRAND ELECTRO OZONE LIMITED, iZ-* Snadlna AKtnu*, Tar«nt*. A GREAT DEMAND FOR PAPER STOCK I WASTE PAPER OF ALL GRADES. Alao Rata. Iron. Mataii, Rabbera. Etaw Ttie best available medicine is Dr. .yL MInaril'* LIntmtnl Co., LlmltML Gents,â€" I ha»e used your Minard'a Lini- ment in injr family and also in my stables lor years and consider it tho best mcdi- tine obtainable. Your* truly. ALFRED RO( H.W. Proprietor Roxton Poud Hotel aud Lirery Stable*. GENERALLY. It is easy to get a guarantee from an irresponsible person. EASY SCHEME. Gunner â€" "Every time he comes to my house on a rainy day he wants to borrow an umbrella. Con found that man, I hope I never see him again." Guyer--"Oh. that's easy. Just lend him tho umbrella." Ask lor Mlnard** and tak* n« othtr. A man always tries to conceal his vices under his virtues. The healthy glow disappearing fron' the cheek and moaning and restlessness at night are sure symp- toms of worms in children. Do not fail to get a bottle of Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator; it is an effectual medicine. A Medical Need Supplied. a medicine is found that not only . _ „ ,, . ^^ ,^ .• , â- â- "•• >â- â€¢ act^ upon the stomach, but is so'J- D- Kellogg s Dysentery Cordia. -j^^^^^ composed that certain ingredients^* .*^1**" ^^^ stomach and bowels of it pass unaltered through the, ''f '"itants counteracts the inflam-] stomach to find action in the bow-l ;"*Vl° *"*'• '"^"t^''^'* '^« ^''K*"* **! elf. then there is available a pur-l'^^'thy action^ sative and a cleanser of great ef! _ ,,„., ,, ^ ^1 fc.tiveness. Parmelees Vegetable ,, P'"^^' ^^ ^'' was the greatest mis are of this character and are : fi"""*'*^' ^J'^'' ka"wnj Exchange lesT of all pills. During the vears - '^oa": because he flo.ited his that they have been in use ' they i ^.^t"^? when the whole world was lai have established themselves as no| '"1" <^'**'*"*-" other pill has done. ! Don't ji.iin a church choir unless you are prepared to take vour "I have discovered a great labor â- ravine device " "I alw ivs <i-iia von ' ^''*'"^' *'>« P^'"- ''"<' ^'"^ ^°'' ^^- "^^ Niving ucviie. f '*'*y^.*^»« jO" ; Murine in Your Kyes and in Baby were a geniU.S. What is it ! "I Eyes for Scaly EjoUds and Granulatioi am going to marry Miss Bullion, the heiress." Mlnard's Linlmant used by Pliyslclans. Blinks â€" "You don't mean to say you've found a sure way to make money at the rstces!" Jinks â€" "Sure as shi>oiing. I nsTer fail.' r , ., , . Blii;ks-"My! My! l>« you buy I ^^ ^^^'•^"5'V, iipsl" Jinksâ€" "No; 1 sell them Mrs CURED HER KIDNEYS. John Pettiitrew. o| Central Eeon- .\ young man who had just mar- rie<l suggested to his wife that they j shi.ulil argue some question fully Lansi frankly every morning. This, would help them tc gaii. a fuller insight into each other's nature, thus making for in creased happiness. The first ques- tion happened to be. "Can a wo- HIS GIFT. Suitor â€" Surely .vour father would d-) something for us 1 Doctor's daughter â€" Indeed he w'. uld ! He said that he would op- erate on you any time free of charge. Yoar Drnicsiat Will Te-U Yon Murine Eye Uenu'dy Relievos Sore Eyes. Slrengthtns Weak Kyes. L^oesu't Smart, ~ â-  " ~ â-  " " Try by's Granulation. Pills for Nervous Troubles.â€" The stomach is the centre of the nerv- ous system, and when the stomach suspends healthy action the result is manifest in disturbances of the nerves. If allowed to persist, nerv- ous debility, a dangerous ailment, may ensue. The first consideration is to restore the stomach t-o proper action, and there is no readier re- ricdv for this than Parmeiee's Ve- getable Pills. Thousands can at- tesl the virtue of these pills in cur- ing nervous disorders. PUILAN, Fboaa (or D»rtlcalan. A4alal4s and M.aud Sta,, Toronto. Ont. Mala *^ 1.1-,-j -i -J- J. i I '"Better late than never" is t>oor "Didn t some idiot propose to „,„ 1 *• , "'^•<^' '» poor u t â-  -.-•../> â-  consolation when vou miss the last you before our marriage? Cer-I i^_- " mj^a me liss taiuly!" "Then you ought to have' married him. I did!" "That's just what TRAOINC on a good name and deceiving tbe publn- 13 what the imitators of the well-kuown 'The D. & L. ' Menthol Planter are doing. Don t bo fooled, insist on the genuine. The O. a L. 1 Doesn't a chicken fight come un- der the head of fowl play I A CARELESS TAILOR. The young woman sat plying the i.oedle. .\ coat of her husband's "'"•"''» 'â- â€¢"'"••"i Liimb«rman» FriMd. nas in her lap. As the husband: appeared, she said, fretfully : ! 'It is too bad, the careless way '• t-l)€ tailor put this button on. This is the fi^'th time IVe had to put it on for vou." One swallow doesn't make a sum- mer, but on the other hand don't forget that every little bit helps. A LONG RECORD OF SUCCESS in ear- ing all »ons of cuts, burns and bruises, an well as alt bowel complaints, is heH by " Painkiller 'â€"over 60 years. Avoid substitutes, there is but one Painkiller â€" Perry Davis'. 26c-. and aOc. STYLES.^ IN HAf^ Braids, » In., KUI Switohes. 12 to n In. Iang,$3.j0 t»$S.n Puffs and Curls, W >n cluster, tS-H Turban Stylt, c«iii. plat*. $t.S( â- raid, by th* yard, *i.H LadUs and Cent's Wigs, from ti7.S( Cant's Toupaes, from SiT.SS Hair Nets, extra larga, 3 far Ka. Turban Pads, 35 to TSo. Rare ^lud**- extra. Orders over $1 00, post free ^end sample of bair .xnd cash with order. DAY a MOHLER, in King St. Wast, Taronta. Aa a gentle hint to the mercury in the thermometer, there is plen- ty of room at the top. i:a«p Millard's Llnlmanl in tha Dojm. A REMINDER. was practically hrlpleea from """^ "''*'** ^\" $20 a veari He tcuk the affirmative. .\nd when last seen he was rushing upstairs to take fihelter in the garret, and she was following with a broom. rheuma Ism. She co.ljd not stoop. «niil\. tier limbs ached «> vt>»t it was torture tvF. her to bo •p and around th« houi-c. , As Mm. Pettigrew put it. '^1 was all rrtppled up. I saw Gia Pillt advertised and se-Bt for some, *»d after taking only The two men talked for a time in two bosos, :<m a differeut woman. Oin i ., . • ,.» â-  \i . Pills are tho only things that hrlp<<d me, i '"* train. Are you going to hear and I c-iimi.t say too much for ihem." , Barkins lecture to-night I'' said II yo« have that dreadful pain in lhel„ne. "Yes." returned the other, backâ€" H .vou are tortured with rlx'utua- .,„. , , • % % >^ -w tism-get tiin Pills at onie. lake my advice and don t. I Write National Dn»!r A fhemical Co., (Dept. W.L.), Toronto, 'or frv» Mtinplf. Begalar aisa at dealara <tc, a box. 6 for Ibc-ar he is an awful bcro.' (must go," said tlie o)>her. iBarkiuk." "I I'm Qiierierly- 'Did you enjoy your j voyage around Cai>e Horn ? ' Lukbac!irt-.i."No; it reminded me Are your corns harder to remov©;too much of one vf ojy 'Vi'v'noodi c». paaaia-iai*. Ton<tl )^.laii»'nici^oi><rf the Broactlia- Tuoa*. ».'w. ek or I<<»"«fc i.>iuoi>a. aur, au»<ftafc Rr ValnR of luiy Ka^ay' KvHeC Wbao ou« is 'obSJIed 1h/outf\" or suifar« fcooi , {SaumaUc Pains, »nj | TVraat} Lumbar, Tooeh j than those that others have h.td • t'a.vs.' Have they not had the same kind'' Querierly- Have they not been cured by using i hood days'" â- 'One of Hilloways Corn Cure? Try a bot- t;.. Pas'torâ€" "I was sorry for your wife during the sermon this morn- ing, tk>ct<^)r. She had such a dread- lul fit of coughing that the eyes of I the whole <ft)ngregation were fixed lufon her." Doctor- "Don't you ! be unduly alarmed. She wan wear- I ira her new hat for the first ! time." Lukbat'herâ€" "Y'es, the I smoked my first cigar. your oi^»J day when ^ Stock ^DECREASE THE MILK YIELD. '*BETE5 1S81E XO, » She â€" "Wliv don't you con.sult a doctor about your insomnia V He â€" "Wbat? And run up iiKirc bills 1 Wby. it's because tfi what 1 owe htm DOW that I can't sleep.'' Sick Headaches. are not raused by aDything wrong in th» bead. Iiul by ronstipation. biliiiasness an^ indigestion. Uead- achc powders or ublets nay dead- en, but rancc-t cure th*<a. t>r Morse's Indian Root Pills do c-,»ra •!ck beadacha ?n ;^he sensible way by removing the M>o«tipat;cu or sick s'.on>a5b -wbicii r^nred them Dr. Morses Indian Hooi, Pills or* pnrelj- vrgeta.i!*. free from loy barmfal itvg safe aad »«re Wheu y«u feel tW hcadackt coaiog tak* St rfegOPEB'S FLY KNOCKED .Tl -\. â- Ill fca«!> M«a fraa Irani aiat at a ca«t •! IM* than ana aafll a toy. $1.75 GALLON «oot Plli aoo. QUART *«k y«Mr Hardwara Oaalar, ar WM. COOPER k NEPHEWS TONONTO. ^^

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