Flesherton Advance, 23 Jun 1910, p. 3

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:j: ^^ The Canadian Order of Foresters The Thirty- First Annual Session of High Court The Year 1909 Was the Most Prosperous in the History of the Orderâ€" A Large Delega- tion in Atendance. The thirty-flrst annnal session of, the High Court of the Canadian Order of Foresters opened In the City of liontreal, JPueaday afternoon, 14th inst., with a large number in attendance, including High Court OfBcers and delegates re- presenting every ProTince of the Do- â- linion. TONIC TREATMENT FOR INDIGESTION Tbe Process of Digestion is Con- trolled by tlie Blood and ems If you have indigestion and you begin a course «f treatment to make your stomach stronger, you are on the right track for a real cure. You c».^ never cure yourself by eating BEST FED HACK ON EARTH. Savant Commends Hebrew Diet, but Fruitariaa Differs. The people of Britain, especially tc wn workers, can do a great deal toward stamping out tuberculosis liy copying the Jewish prescription^ â- with regard to food, says Dr. Alli- son, a prominent English physician acd an authority on food values. In a lecture. Dr. Allison set up the ex- ample of the Hebrews, a race which was, he said, practically im- predigested foods, or by' taking I â„¢"ne from consumption, purgative medicines. The stomach The Jewish people, he maintain- is not doing its own work under it^tJ' through centuries of oppression these treatments, and there can be j ^*d survived because it was the no real cure until the stomach is amounting to «144.321.20, leaving f%,967.12 to larry to the Reserve, whirh at the close of the year amounted to M70,773.82. There were 73.985 members in good stand- 1 gestion in all forms, is to streneth ing at the close -• **•- -" 'â€"' â- â€¢ â-  " strong enough to digest all the food necessary to maintain the body in normal health. The great a^ni of the tonic treatment for indi- best fed race on earth. Jewish mothers were greatly to be com- mended for bringing up their chil- dren on fatty foods. Professor R. A. Sampson does ri<^t agree with Dr. Allison on this t74.i6i.oco.«) Insurance *"* "^' carrying j^^ ^jie stomach to a point where all Pi-int. In the Fortnightly Review MUSKOKA THE BEALTIilL. Do you know the place? If not, issued by the Grand Trunk Railway tary's ofBce 7,538 Insurance Certiflcates, j nourish the bodv. A tonic that will ill" diet. ?ofa.Ti4.Knd1i''adriortrere"ert|«''^"g'^^ the 'stomach is what is | -Perfect fruit alone can meet the After the usual opening ceremonies 'and endorsements made in 1,512 Insurance Cer- needed, as the process of digestion , demands of the human system, per toe appointment of the several standinr ' ''"'^****- High wmmittees. the High Court Officers sub- Treasurer, showed the funds of the Order mitted their reports which showed the to be in the most saiisfactory condition. Order to bs in a most flourishing condi- The income in the several funds were. Hon. I Insurance $737,347.41. Sick and Funeral The High Chief Banger, J. A. Stewart, ' of Perth, Ont., after extending a hearty ! total expenditure in these funds was welcome to the representative..! present, , *^'Jf j^*"- '"'*' »"''P'°9 income over ex- •nbmitted his report, which was replete | The with facta and figures relative to the growth and extension of the Order daring toe past year. On the 1st of January, 1909, the Order had a membership of 70.759. and there wore initiated during the year 7,369 new member^*, being an increase of f72 over i» controlled by the bloijd and ' f<-'ct fruit alone can stimulate the nerves. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills j intellect, perfect fruit alone can arc an ideal tonic. They actually j calm the passions, perfect fruit make new, rich blood, and thus alone can control the feverish ac- Benefit Fund $172,288.32, and Generai"FS J^'^^K strength and tone to the I tivity of the arterial pulsations, »92.712.0!. Total incoma $1,002.347 74. The stcmach. This has been prove l! which otherwise, engendered by the ever and over again, and thou- 1 consumption of inflammatory foods peiiditnre amounted to $298,002.09. | Sftiids of grateful people have not and drinks, wear out the human System. It contains a large map, j< ts of views, and a fund of facts. Less than a day's journey from principal American cities. For all particulars apply to Mr. J. D. McDonald, District Passenger Af.ent, Union Station, Toronto, Oct. CiANCER, Tumors, Lumps, etc. Internal and external, cured without pain by onr home treatment. Write us before t09 lat<>. Dr. Bellman Medical Co.. Limita*. Collingwood, Ont. CARPET DYEING ^â- ^ Mid Cleaaina. Thto li»iii«i«Jtr with lb«^* Brl-tish AmmHomn Oyains Co' ••â- * pvtioilMS br »a« Mid •• «ra Harm <a tulilf. «d4r«aa Bea )â- â€¢. Maa«r*«L Insurance Reserve Fund at the elose hesitated to say SO. Here is an in year waa invested as follows: . ,/: i-, _ ^ *° "" stance:â€" Miss Eva Tocher, Balmor- ot the yea Mnnicip&l anil School Debentures .. f.2, 753,814: 4'. , Domiiiinn of Canada .stoek ioO,ooo.no ; * . Man., says ; â€" "T am writing this Deposits in Chartered Banks 20,00*00 1 letter on behalf of my mother who Cnrreut.4ceounta in Chartered Banks 78,481.8a wishes you to kllOW how much Dr. machine time. long before its natural She 'Oh, Tom, papa's going to, EGYPTIAXS WORE "R.ITS." htr. For several years she had $3,00'2,3U8.'>t) The total assets of the Order amounted toe previous year. During last year 3,652 ; to $3,236,037.57, and its liabilities 825,136.71 i hcen sreatlv troiihlpiT with inHiirpK- members l.-,n„.d <.„H 4.« rti„H l»,vi„, .>,» ^.-sets over liabilities $3.20».900.85. " ^" ZnTZtlfflJt.J^ lu 1 The report of Dr. U. M. Stanley. Chair- tion and notwithstanding the me- man of the Medical Board. 8how.ed the ; dicine she was takine the trouble average death rate since the commence- 1 „_ , _• ° „ i - - ofl^^^ growing worse. Every meal Williams' Pink Pills have done for I Wore Modern HeadRcar When Py- members lapsed and 459 died leaving the net membership at the elose of the year f3,98f The increase he Insurance Reserve •t the Orde' during the year amounted lo $273,3«7.7,>. On January Ist, 1909. the •mount on hand in this Branch was »2,728,940.M, and at the close of the year 13,002.308.29. The amount paid in death •laims was $463,979.66. ' The Sick and Funeral Benefit Branch k also in a flourishing condition. Dur- ramitla Were Rear Wici Building. Ic fashions there is absolutely nothing new under the sun â€" not even in coiffures. All that the mod- Is Your Hearing Goodi The HEAR-O-PHONE wUl give yon the benefits of good hearing Send tor rree booklel. giving particnlara and namaa •t satisfled users. Also •paelal Offtr far a Manth't Mem* TrIaL give us a cheque at our wedding m- ; ^, „^^g electro ozone limitbo. stfad of a present." He â€" "All right; we'll have the ceremony at njon instead of four o'clock." She â€" ''But why. dear!" He â€" "Banks cicse at three." U« tpaitlna Avsnut, Taronta. prove the appearance of his fair ment of the Order to be 5.17 per 1,000 membership. There were submitted to the j na.^ dieaded, and left behind it a Medical Board durincr the year 8.816 appli- f-„i;,,_ ,f ,,»,,_„„ „ i cations, of which 8,280 were accepted, and; 'f^'"'? of "ausea and severe pams. - ... the remaining 536 re.iected. The number As this continued she began to lose! d'-^tomers IS but a reproduction o£ of applications waa 930 more than for the! strenzth and enerev and was hard- 1 ^'hat hairdressers were making previous year, and was the second largest', ,? "'^"^'ej' ••"" yias, ua±'^ , . u„» ,_ n\ o*-- ;.u i,„- jn the history of the Order. ! 'y able to do any housework. Act- '<-'nK before Cleopatra, with her The report of W. G. Strong, Superintend- 1 ing qq the advice of a friend she' sctnted tresses, won Caesar and ent of organisation, showed that during v°„ i. . i i-, iit-h- , n- i the year there were 7.369 initiations, as began to take Dr. Williams Pink against 6,597 for the previous year, an in- Pills, and soon began to feel bet The Foe of ludigestion.â€" Indi- gestion is a common ailment and 1 few are free from it. It is a most fir hair-dresser can invent to im- j â- ^'^i'^^^'^K complaint and often the suffering attending it is most se- vere. The very best remedy is I crease of 772. Ing the year no less a sum than $144,321 | cre^neozjr,. ; t„ gj,^ continued taking the Pills ». covering 5,950 claims, was paid in this ; ^ Ayhe^close of^the ^;»;j^»'„,'/'„;7-J^ . ^ntn .j,^ ^ad used ten boxes, when Branch. The amount to the credit of this ; bership of 73.985. There were 515 Courts, u.. health wasfiillv rp^tnrr/i and fund at the close of the year was ; in Ontario. 178 in Quebec, 58 in Nova i "^"^ neaitn was tully restored and 1170,773.82. I Scotia, 70 in New Brunswirk. 15 in Prince I 't^e Could take any kind of food retary, covering the general work of the Columbia [Scotia, 70 in New Brunswirk. 15 in Prince I the Could take 10 in Manitoba. 65 in f Alberta and 16 in British ! Pormelee's Vegetable Pills taken according to directions. They rec- tiry the irregular action of the sto- mach and restore healthy action. F"r many years they have been a standard remedy for dyspepsia and indigestion and are highly esteemed The Report of Geo. F.ulUner. High Sec ' JfjXta'n!*M in"-''-"--^--*^''"' =- "--'^^^ *^* ^^'^^^ discomfort. Since Society, was next in order, and showed In detail the large volume of business transacted through the Head Ofilce at Brantford. The amount of Insurance premiums re- ceived during the year was $616,017.62. which with the large sum of $121,329.79. derived from interest on investments. made the total receipts in this Branch 1737,347.41. There were 459 death claims paid, amounting to $463,979.66, leaving the sum of $273,367.75 to carry to the Reserve ' Among those in attendance were the fol lowing t J. A. Stewart. High Chief Ranger ttiat time she has not had the slight- est return of the trouble." Perth: Ont.: D. Allan, "gigh Vice-Chief' Thousands of cured men and wo- Ranger. Grimsby, Ont. : Geo. Faulkner, me- speak from experience of the Hieh Secretary, Brantford, Ont. ; Robt. U,g„-C.- J„-: _ j f rj Williams' Elliott, High Treasurer. Brantford, Ont.; „ ' *'^^.,7^'^?^*" """" ^ "i" Vyilliams Hf. V. M. Stanley. Board. Brantford. Ont.: ton. P.H.C.R.. Ganaooque, A. Brodeur. Montreal. Que : Alf. Someren. McLeod. Alta. : W. M Chairman Medical ; P^nk Pills in cases of indigestion, n **â-  T^"^'!*' 'â-  au^eniia, rheumatism, general Ont. ! J. A. Mark .\ntony, or the Queen of She- ba dazzled Solomi,n with her mar- vellous headdress and bewildering '""The "rat" on which the present'i ^^'^ ^^^''^ qualities day woman of fashion pins her faith â€" and her masses of store hair â€" was also one of the first aids to beauty van I weakness, pains in the back and ! W. L. Roberts. High Auditor. Brantford Ont.: J. P Hoag. High Auditor, London, , Ont : W. Walker, High Registrar. Mont- Fund, which at the close of the year was ; real. Que.: W. G. Strong. Superintendent 13.002,308.29. I of Organisation. Brantford. Ont. : Lvman The Sick and Funeral Benefit Branch of ^^ ^'?'.'5"°'' «ieh. f;""/'- Hamilton, Ont.: .. __ , , . . ... J. B. O Regan. Chief Agent for Province the Order also showed a marked advance. | of Quebec. Qnobec, Que.: Hon. Colin H. Fhe amount of fees received during the , Campbell. High Court Solicitor for Mani- year was $165,592.50, and interest $6,695.82. ' ♦"''*• ^^""JP.''^: *'«"• L *'â-  ^ Davidson, ^ n. .1, . . , ..-.,..« , D.n.C R., Winnipeg: D. E. HcKiunon. making the total recrlpts in this Branch p h.S.. Winnipeg, »nd 0. E. Anderson, $172,288.32. There were 5,950 claims paid, i P.D.H.C.R., Griswold, Man. Couper, ; side, neuralgia, St. Viius dance, i >T-en of fashion centuries ago. In NrT^mb^^isof^'thrExTc^UvTco^r^mHue.!^ is exactly like the "rat" and growing girls. These pills are i ^"f rn by 20th century beauties, but sold by all medicine dealers or by j it differs in material, being made n'.ail at 50 cents a box. or six boxes; frcm leather,, heavily ornamented. Mammaâ€" "Yes. dear, the angels oai hear everything ; they heard , J , „ ^. , 3<'ur pravers last night." EflSe â€" employed by Egyptian women when ..fr.i,„,', <„„„,. . i j;j„,. *u„_, " ., T .-i, • .. . 1 inat s funny; 1 didn t sav them, the pyramids were still m the hands of builders. Recently there has been placed on -exhibition in the Metropolitan Museum of Art one of the original ! "lats" designed for Egyptian wo- fcr $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. HIGHER CRITICISM. Georgiana wa? making prepara- tions for her d< U's birthda» party aid her brother stood by helpless- ly, receiving instructions. "Oh, P;dmer," she exclaimed suddenly, "first we must take this child over to church and have her criticised.' A Sure Corrective of Flatulency. â€"When the undigested food lies in the stomach it throws off gases, causing pains anc} oppression in the stomachic region. The belching or eructation of these gases is offen- sive and the only way to prevent them is to restore the stomach to proper action. Parmelee's Vege- table Pills will do this. Simple di- rections go with each packet and a course of them takeu systematically is certain to effect a cure. Sweet Child â€" "Say. pa, ycu must bo a pretty strong man!' Paâ€" "Fairly so, my dear. Why?" Sweet Child â€" " 'Cause uncle said when he went out with you the other night ycu carried the biggest load of any ma" he ever saw without showing it I" A JAPANESE COMPLIMENT. The Japanese have ever the in- stinct of politeness. It may hap- pen, however, as in the case record- i ed below, that their idea of a com- "Well, did he pay .vouT asked; ,,nj^„t j, ^^.^ preciselv that of the the wife of a dentist who had been 'â-  - - to collect a bill for a full set of fal.se teeth that he had made fo* a rra" almost a year before. "Pay nre '." growled the dentist "Ni t only did he refuse to pay me but ho actually had the effroiit.^ ; to gnash at mej-with my teeth!" (Be to whom they wish to show It- was excavated at Akin, upper ^ Egypt, a very ancient city, once mited for its weaving and stone cut- ting industries. I was cured of Bronchitis and A.sthma by MINARD8 LINIMENT. MRS. A. LIVINGSTONE. Lot 5. P. E. I. I was cured of a severe attack of Rhen- mati.sm by MIJIAHDS LINIMENT. Mahone Bay. JOHN MADER. I was cured of a severely sprained leg by MINARDS LINIMENT. JOSHUA A. WYNACHT. Bridgewatei M* Uadway's Be* .y tMitt oone the war>t paiaa la tram eae to twenty mtontaa fot Htad- aohe la ok or oerv- ousl, Toothaohe, SmmlgitL. Rhea- mart'rfn, Lumbago, pa*as io the baok, Sfuie or kldnan. pains uouod toe uver. pleurisy, •waainai of the jointi. wid pains oTaU klndi^ oae UOWAT'S RiAOV HEUW. A SAFE MEDIOIBE FOR ALL CHILDRBN. Yonr DroKKlat lA'III Tell Yon Murine K.ve KeineU? Kclievcs Sore Kyes, Strengthens Weak Eyes. Doesn't Smart, Soothes Kye Pain, and Sells for utk.'. Try Murine In Your Kyps and in Baby's Kyes for Scaly Eyelids and Granulation. Biddleâ€" "Gashan is about as thoughtful a man as I ever met in all my travels." Darton â€" "Is that s(. !" Biddleâ€" "Yes; the other night, before knocking a fellow dtwu who had insulted him, ho rang the night-bell of a doctor, so that the fellow should not wai;t for surgical attendance." RICH AND POOR ALIKE use Painkiller. Taken internally for cramps, colics and diarrhoea, .\pplied externally cures sprains and swollen muscles, etc. Avoid substi- tutes. there is but one "Paiukiller "^ Perry Davis- 25c and sOo. TRUSTWORTHY. "Rufus, you fid loafer, do you think it's right tu leave your wife at the wash-tub while you pass your time fishing " "Yassah. jedge ; it's a'll right. Mali wife don' need auy watching. She'll sholy wuk jes' as hard as if I was dah." Ask for MInard's and takt no ethar. It has been suggested that men ought to be allowetl to join wo- n;iu's clubs. In that case, who wculd take care of the babies DO DOS / =^ KIDNEY f/,, PILLS.- ISSl'E NO. »- 10. Time Has Tested It.â€" Time tests all things, that which is worthy lives ; that which is inimical to niKn's welt-ire perishes. Time has proved Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil. I'lom a few thousand bottles in the early days of its manufacture the demand has risen so that now the , production is running into the hun- <lu<.rs of thousands of bottles. What is so eagerly sought for must be g( cd. THE GOOSE'S BABIES. l;(,lly ha*l just returned from a v'.sit to her grandfather's farm, and was simply bubbling over with iK'ws of all the wonderful things the ha<l seen. Aunty came in for the greatest share, having more time and pati- ence than busy mother. "And were there any chickens snd ducklings?" she asked, amus- ed "Oh, yes, hundreds of them." WAS Dolly's enthusiastic reply. "And also the sweetest little â€" lit- tle â€" oh! you know what I mean, arnty." "Lambs," prompted aunty. "Noâ€" oh, no I" exclaimed Dollji in patiently, "littl«â€" littleâ€" little â€" dear me ! What are a gooM'a ba- bies called J" Medical Professorâ€" "What is the result, young gentleman, when a patient's temperature goes down as i far as it can?'' Student â€" "Whyâ€" The mothers whose little ones^^r he gets cold feet!"' aic ill not only wish for a medicine! courtesy. The story is t<}ld by In- j that will make their babies better: When going away from home, or s,>ector-General Hornaday. j bvt one that po.sitively cannot do at any change of habitat, he is at "I remember a little Japanese i a'?y harm. Such a medicine is vise man who numbers among his vvhi) attended one of our ban- 1 Baby's Own Tablets. They are sold belongings a bottle of Dr. J. D. quets," he said, "and a queer j under the positive guarantee of a;Ke!logg's Dysentery Cordial, compliment that he paid to a col- 1 gcvernment analyst to contain no Change of food and water in some oiieFs wife. 'opiate, narcotic or other harmful strange place where there are no "I sat between the two, and the | thug. "Bhey always do good; they doctors may bring on an att-ack of cannot possibly do harmâ€" not even dysentery. He then has a standard tc the new born baby. Concerning remedy at hand with which to cope them Mrs. J. E. Z. Marchand, Ste.j with the disorder, and forearmed he Anne de la Perade, Que., writes:- lean successfully fight the ailment "I find Baby's Own Tablets iudis-|and subdue it. pensible. As soon as I find one of __. my children not feeling well 1 ad- Lawyerâ€" "What is your occupa- minister the Tablets and I am turn!'' Witnessâ€" "I'm a piano fin- never disappointed in the result. Ilisber." Lawyerâ€" "Be a little more w', uld not be without them and am; definite. Do you polish them or enclosing fifty cents for two more niove them? " b«^rx«s." The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 c*nts a box from The Dr. Williams' M..dicine Co.. Brockville, Ont. i ..u ^i i. • , i» â-  am/ other Mechanical Devices in the hope of being able to hear, but always found the expected satis- was spelled "Disappoint- thing that causes ill-health. One I tic and his garden, and then said^'*"''" ^^ >"«" '^"'« *-° '^''"«'' Queen $Uni9(r$fty and College f^^ss: ARTS EDUCATION THEOLOGY MEDICINE SOENCE (Including Engmeering) The Art» course may be taken without a tt en d an ce , but students desiing to grad' uate must attend one (eisicn. Then were 1517 students registered Msaioa 1909-10, For Calendars, write the Regittiar, GEO. Y, CHOWN, B.A. 14 KioqstoB. Onlsriob Flies on Your Stock DECREASE THE MILK YIELD. COOPER'S FLY KNOCKER lady said across me : â€" " 'Mr. Takashiru, you compress the ladies' feet in your country, don't you?' " 'Oh, no, madam ; that is a Chi- nese custom,' said Takashiru. 'We J.ipanese allow our ladies' feet to grow to their full size. Not thatâ€"' "And he bc-ved and hissed in the polite Japanese way : â€" " 'Not that they could ever hope *.o rival yours, madam:''' How we dislike the dentist who stares no pains ! will keep oows trea from flits at z cost of less than one csnt a day. _.ii-*< Help your children to grow strong and lobust by counteracting any- $1.75 GALLON DEAF, LISTEN! You have used Horns, Trumpets great cause of disease in children is worms. Remove them with Mo- ther Graves' W'orni Exterminator It never fails. A pessimist defies society as a lot of nobotlies who talk about nothing. MInard's LInlmant Lumb«rnian's Friend. Chambers â€" "I think a man should never miss an opportunity ol improving his mind. I d'ln' ;, wish to boast, but I can trut'ifuliy say that I began to improve !ny mind as a young man. and h'l^'e gene on doing so ever since.'' Chnbbs (reflectively) â€" "Great Scot ! What a state your mind must have been in when you start- m1 on it!" A young man wishing to have a bit of fun at a farmer's expense' f '""â- '"' passed a few remarks about his cat- ^^'^'••*^" h. had set some lettuce and cab- ! '^ •*"\,f f ^'""K*^ S^^*^'- Toront<j, bages had grown up. Then the >«» ^l" l«arn some good news. Do farmer said:-' Oh. that's nothing. I'* to-day-better s^Il-do it now! I set some carrot seeds, and what do you think came up?" "Don't know,'' replied the young man. i Farmerâ€" "Why, old Brown's don key, and ate the lot." j make .\ certain sergeant was drilling a ' home to buy dczen recruits, and after a few The man who marries for money should be willing to take the hu- miliation that goes with it. The D. A L. • Menthol Plii.iter. Guaranteed to cure tho worst case of backache, headache, stitclies, <lavs' drilling and teaching he found [ Avoid the "just as good" goods, tjet the that he had not made any impres- sion on them whatever. He decid- ed to tell them a tale, which ran as follows: â€" "When 1 was a boy my mother bought me a dozen woikI- soldiers, which 1 drilled and tried to instruct, but without any result. ci course. Then I lost them <)iie by one, and now I have found you a^ain, vou wooden duffers!'' geuuiue. Popularity depends a good deal ofl a man's ability to be right and agreeable at the same time. SOc. QUART Ash your Hardarara Dealer, or WM. COOPER k NEP/IEWS TORONTO- Probably the easiest kind of easy mark is a man who labors under the delusion that ho understands 'xvomc". You cannot be happy while you l.a\-e corns. Then do not delay in getting a bottle of Holloway's Corn Ci;re. It removes all kinds of corns vithout pain. Failure with it is un- kpown. Magistrate (to prisoner) â€" "Did you really call this gentleman an i-id fool last night?' Prisoner (try-' : ig to cnlloct his thoughts) â€" "The longer I look at him the more jjro- bable it seems to me that I did." Kaap MInard's Liniment in the hodta. Bad Biood- is the direct and incTitah'*: result oJ irregular or constipated N.>wels and ctogged-up kidneys and skin. The undigested food and other waste matter which is allowed to accumulate poisons the blood and the whole system. Dr. Horse's In- dian Riwt Pills act directly on the bowels, regulating them on the kidneys, gl'Ting thera ease and atrength to properly filter the blood â€"and on the akin, opening up the Borei. For pare blood and good kaalth take Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills MInard's Liniment used by Physlolana. TR.WSFIGURATIOX. One morning Jenkins looketl over hi'; garden wall and said to his ni^ighbor : "Hey, what are you burying in that hole!" "Oh." he said. "I'm just replant- ing some of my seeds; that's all." "Seeds!'' shouted Jenkins an- giily "It looks more like one of niv hens." "That's all right. The scetls are inside." FOOLISH QUESTIONS. ' Were you ever arrested be- fore?" asked the magistrate, whose principal business is imposing fines foe speeding. "What do you think I've been di.ing all these years t" said th» chauffiMir, "pushing a wheelbar- bairow ! ' ten« (icaa Taraitl«i

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