Flesherton Advance, 23 Jun 1910, p. 4

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.mjM^^Si^iiil^'^^^f^^''^^^^^^^ tmKmmf i i ii- iiiiw Hlffl June 23 1910 THE FLESHERTON AD VANCE >. ( \ F. T. HILL & Co. - narkdale A Big Purchase Of LADIES' FINE LAWN WAISTS In A Great Variety Of Styles They come iu tl»e very finest qualities down to the medium priced h'nes, aud the way we bought them makes it possible for us to sell them at less than makers' cost. Owing to the cold aud unfavorable weather, one of the biggest manufacturers of Ladies' White Blouses has been compelled to sacrifice their stock. The Crescent Manufaoturing Co., of Montreal, have been stuck by the weather, which enabled us to buy bright, new, up-to-date Ladies' Lawn Waists, all this season's latast styles, at a price which enables us to sell you these bright, new goods at less than whole- sale cost. Make your purchases now, for we are sure the offer won't be repeated. WOOL WOOL The season is now on *nd we would tdvite you to market your Wool early ihiii season as some of the biggeat deal- ers adviae us that the prices are likely to be lower, so ger your Wool to market early and i;ec the advantage of the best prices, and don't forget us when you are selling ; we will pay you highest market prices for it. HARDWARE SPECIAL Vk'e are still in a position to sell you Cleveland and Piitsburj? Spring Coil Wire for 92.35 per hundred pounds, but as soon aa we dispose of what we have on hand the price cannot be repeat«d as wire baa advanced very much in price with the nianufaciurers. ^ \ f \ r groceries Our slock of groceries is always fresh and clean. The prices are rightâ€" net too low for quality and not too hi^h. Tlour and Feed All kindt of Ford's Flours and Royal Household. Bran, shorts, and low grade flour for feed- Whatever you need in thia line we can supply them â-  Icecream Parlors We have always fresh Ice cream OB hand. Sodas and Sundaes. Drop in and cool off. W. L. Wright's, ^i^OiMUM, wwbouk cbHM, In tto Sdtnfllie jMerMM. i liMKliwulT llla«nt«d weekly. I<vsert Mr- itloaTanr tcHaato XmrnmL , Temi «o» •^ABb TMt. putut* |>f«(>«Ul. BoU hf il BUOOIESâ€" Mount Forest and j Armstrong. 1.^ jj] CREAM HABVESTEU8- y nal and D*iry Maid. =}r=-i i â€" U-='r=ln=On WAGGONSâ€" Chatham, and Petrolia. Jackiion Natio- Binders, Mowew, Hay rakes, Hay loaders, Hayforks and Carrters, Rope and Pullies, Washing ma- chine, and Wringers, Brantford Windmills. j il i I \ I CEMENT t ! Just arrived a cut load of fresh cement. .Superior Bmnd. We have satisfied others ftnd would he pleased to satUfy you. Gire us a call. It will pay you. I 3 I ! S. Hemphill, Ceylon | 5. t Annual Excursion TO TORONTO AND NIAGARA FALLS vis CANADIAN PACIFIC RY. FRIDAY JUNE 24, !9I0. Owen Hcuoi). Itecklord «nil (hat swottb ticket! 3o<kI returnliiR iiiitil, June ertb. all otben to uae ilSth, 1010, via rei'iilir trftl d*. Noi|ieclal train will rntiirii. TIMBTAIILE AND KATES TAHB Station Toronto NlaKsraPalla Time leaving Owen H'd •2.90 •S.T9 R.00a. in. Rocktord 2.10 «.» H.ia a. in. Cbatsworth 2.:i0 ilM N.9B a. in. Holland t-tre 3.1U i.*i a43a.iu. Usrkely 2.06 8.W K» a. m. Hark-Ula '2.0R IW O.M a. m. Flaahsrton 3.06 HW U,ao a. m. Proton 0.08 a.« 0.93 a. III. Panda Ik &.0B iiotbiMon a.00 1.W 9.46 a. ul. 2.» g.M a. in. Malauetlion l.w 2.15 10.03 a. in. NERVOUS, LIFELESS DEBILITATED MEN s r 1 im P i ^ ^ YOUNG MEN AND MltM>IX.ACED lOXi the Tlctima o( early lodlscrettor'- and later eib ceaet, who are (alluna In U (eâ€" jrou are the ones we can restore to manhood and rerlre the ipark of energy and vitality. Don't glTe up la decpair Iwcaiue vou have treated with other dociora, used electric t>elta and tried various dni( store nostrums. Our New Melkad TrsaiaaBt has snatched hundreds from the briak of despair, has re- stored happiness to hundreds or homes and has made successful men of those who wars "down and out." We prescribe ipedflc rem- edies for each individual case according to the symptoms and complicationsâ€" ire have no patent medicines. This is one ofthe secrets of our wonderful sueetss as our treatment can- not tall, tor we prescribe remedies sdapted to each IndlTidual case Only curable cases ac- cepted. W* hsT. doae tiwiaen liweMbaat Cuada far wver 20 Years. CURABLE CASES CUARANTOD OR NO PAY DCinCQ A'* yp^ * Tictlm? Hsre yoa lost I hope? Are you intending to msrryf Has your blood been diaeiued f Hare you any weakness? Our N«w Method TrealnMitl will cure you. Wliat it hua done for utbtrii it will do tor you. Coiuulution Fr««. -No matter who has titrated you, writo for au honest oploioa pre* of Chars*. Book* Fr**â€" "Boyhixxl, Manhood. Fatherhood." (Ulustrat- ed) on Diseases of Men. NO NAMES USED WtTHOtrr WRITTEN CONSENT. No aamas a> Iwsm ot *â- *•!â-  ep*t. ETOTTlhiag Coafiaeatial. Quaatieo List and Coal of Treatmairt FREE FOR HOME TREATMENT. Diis.KENNEDr&KENNEDY Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold Si, Detroit, Mich. H A V I C* P All letters from Canada mtist be addressed H V I I W b to our Canadian Correspondence Depart- ment in Windsor, Out. If you desire to see us personalty call at our Medical Institute in Detroit as we see and treat •e patawBts in our Windsor offices which are for Correspondence and Laboratory (or Canadian business only. Address all letters as follows : DRS. KENNEDY & KENNEDY. Windsor. Oat. jn^Hte for oar private addreea. â- =^r=Jr=Jfl=J r=zJr=Jr=iJi'=: rS r=Jr=Jri=Jn==J Tailor Shop For tine tailoring call on F. A. BAKER, 2nd door south of Arui- stronu's jewellery store, where we â- hall be pleased to show yuu all the latest desiftni of spring and summer suitinga and overcoatings. Over 500 different imtterns to choose from, at the most reasonable prices. Fit and workmanship guaranteed. P. A. BAKER HIGH CLASS TAILOR ARMSTRONG'S BLOCK. >::i PERICOE. ;:f iiii â-  Flesherton. hi .««, a*.* ;;jj Will buy your ledger and all your JJ^ •••a notes or advance you money on «!.. :::: "â- Â«"'• :::: ;;5J Insurance, otevery clanowrltteo, tj;; â- â€¢â€¢e placed iu safe and libtiral com- ••«â-  :::S panies. ••;• Loans, guarantee bonds, etc, W'ite tor KUEE KElHIlST on your doubtful accounts^ and Telephone 19. JsMeeeeeaaaeffeseeeeaeeeees^^ |?SttJJflf«tttf»Jt!ttft8ttS!3y (( Atrlrlng at Toronto at 1.00 p, u. Children bait lars. AD VANCE" APS. PAY '» CHILDHOOD has bllghUd many llvaa baeaus* the pain oaaaatf thareby prodMoaa •n avaralon to •tudy. CYES Th« baekward ehlld to* eftoa k«eem«« th* uniuoe««aful maib W. A.^ Armstrong:, Jeweler & Optician CANADIAN GREAT LAKES NAVIQATION NOW OPEN Reg^ular Sailings as follows : Monday S, S. "Athabasca" Tuesday S. S. "Keewatln" Wednesday S, S. "Alberta" Thursday S. S. ''Manitoba" Saturday 5. 5. "Assinlboia" The moat pleasant and cheap- est route to Winnipeg^ and west. HOMESEEKERS' IIIMC OQ FYriiD«inN JUilt LO EXCURSION Throuuh Train to Wirnipen and West From Toronto 2.00 p. ni. on above date. TH An independent aewsuaper, publbhed every Tnursday at th<> offiee, Collinawood Street, Flesherton. Subscription price 11 per annum, wban paid in advanoei 9L65 wben no* so paid, Advertisinir mtes on application. Circulation 1,090 weekly. W. H. Thurston - Edito TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR- PRINCIPI-Ca. NOT MEN LOCAL OPTION PROBLEMS Lccsl option is working out its own sal- vation in Dundalk, according to an item published elsewhere in this issue. If it is a succes!) in that villaKe it may be re- lied upon to be such in any other. The hotelmen there placed the village in the worst kind of a hole by shutiinir up their houses with but little warnint; when their licenses expired. Immediately the handi- cap was felt, but we believe it worked oat for the good of the town. There can be no suspicion that liquor is still sold on the "q.t." from the hotels ; and the res- taurant, which was started since May the first, \i evolving into an hotel iu a small way. Sufficient it is to say that the Uw of supply and demand is asserting itself, and conditions are being successfully met as they crop up. Had the hotels remained open there would have ever remained a suspicion against them, and vague rumors â- A illegal selling would float around the country as they have regarding Owen Sound and other pUcesâ€" with a eertain amount of truth. We cannot say how much liquor is consumed in Dundalk, but it is certain- ly not as much as before the tap was turn- ed oif, and the travelling public is still receivinit accommodation, at a very slight cost t3 the local opiioniats upon whom ha* been thrust the necessity of providing it. Flesherton pursued a more costly method, but an equally effective one. In neither place has drinking been entirely stopped â€" but a wonderful improvement is not to be denied. Like any other movement upon which is attendant improved morals, local option encounters hitter opposition â€" an opposi- tion which hits below the belt or any eld place. Every case of drunkenness in a temperance community is alated (by those who support liquor selling) as au awfvl EXAMPLE o^ the evils of local option ! while the innumerable cases of alcoholism drunkenness and poverty in every licensed community are ignored by them totally and deliberately. It is to laugh ! But even crooktd and underhand oppo- sition is not going to kill the germ of local option. If is bound to develope. GOOD COUNCIL-GOOD KOADS The time of year has come when the ronds and side-lines receive their annual patchwork rep tirs. This fitful patch- work system leads to nowhere. The roads, unlike some other things, do not improve materially with age, and uny im- provement is scarcely to be noted. Periodically the question of good roads crops up in our county council, but that august body is too 1 usy with the buildin? of bridi;es, receiving the reports of com- milteos and listening to the ravings of special deputations to have much time left for such vital questions as this. A glowing example for the County Council of Grey is to be found in the county of Simcoe, where county roads have been scientifically constructed with provincial aid. If our county legislature would come to earth long enough to do something besides -building hospitals and gaols in Owen Sound, and the Few other duties it S3 meritoriously performs, they would win the heartfelt gratitude of many a weary traveller over the roads of Grey county. But mere wishes fail to bring resultsâ€" in this matter as in most ethers. Rivertele S. Rands, Agent, FJMherton The Qoeeng Own Rifles of Toronto! are holding their uemicenUnnialj s^o„hi„g j„„e weather. this BUDimer. It is fifty years since j ^^ Marshall Balrd and Co. are this the organization was formed. The j ^^^i^ engaged sawing lumber on Mr. F. regiment is now the erack regiment of j Johnston's farm, for McCulloagh * Canada, and at the church parade on Youug, Markdale. Sunday mnstered about 8,000 mem-, Mr. Sanford Ward, and Co., are en. hers (past and present.) The Queen's g»ged framing timber for Mr.B.Cutting's Own is a distinct honor to Canada and worthy of all praise. 000 The city of Toronto is narely do- ing things this summer. At present military pageants are in vogue. A little later comes the aviation meet, when those who are engaged in con- qnering the sir will exhibit their prowess to wondering multitudes who will throng to see the new mode of locomotion. In this connec- tion it is interesting to note that a Candian machine willjoompete. Later atill willj come the big exhibition. All these things will be big financial dmwers, and Queen City business men should not suffer with the lazy bug this summer. 000 Col. Boosevelt has returned to the United States and says he is willing to do his share towards bringing new barn, which he purposes raising next week. A glorious time is anticipated. Owing to the threatening aspect of the weather on Friday evening htstalarge number from here were regretfully de- tained from attending the garden party at the home of Mr. T. Mercer, Markdala suburbs. We are looking forward to a big time at Flesherton on the 1st, and arejparticu^ larly interested in the Hanover band, whioh is so highly spoken of. We were delighted to observe in a re« cent issue of a local newspaper that those charming little creatures "deers" are be- coming quite numerous in this vicinity. Local sportsmen will not be obliged to resort to Muskoka this fall to capture tha , precious game. A hearty invitation is extended to the Flesherton sports to come this way next autumn and get a share of the good thing. It was with emotions of profound re- gret that we learned last week that our esteemed and accomplished school teach' er, Mise Alma Wood, formerly of River* view, purposes resigning her profeasioiul about the many business reforms 1 that his country needs. A man who L„^iJg''in our public" school »t'the expira- IS wilUng to undertake such a contract 1 ^^^^q „£ ^y^^ present month. as that is not to be laughed at, and it will probably be found that, al- though he is no longer the recognised head of the democracy, he still rep- resents all the choice cuts of the body itself, and will continue to do so for some time to come ; although he no longer wields the big stick,' be controls a fairly good substitute; in the tree from which the stick came In other words, the great public of the republic still are willing to be led by the man who absolutely refused to remain in the White House for a third term. He will now proceed to show what he can do as a private citizen with the trusts and corrup - tionists. An annual occurrence at this time of the year, many conspicuous and beauti- fying improvements have been made in this vicinity during the past few weeks, aud we feel assured that every loyal Riverdale citizen will consider it a pleasure and a du-.y as a resident in Riverdale, to endeavor to accomplish something that will augment the already really charming aspect of our prosperous and up-to-date community at the'earliest possible occasion. The president of the Riverdale Recre« ation Park has recently informed us that never in the history of the Park has such gratifying success been attained since the opening on the 24th of May. We might just remark that just some few years previous Riverdale Park, which is now such a far famed and beautiful summer resort, was then quite obscure and prob- ably would have remained so had not an entirely new board cf managers been elected last spring. This famous beauty spot, which is 80 charmiDKly situated this year at j ^i;^^ f^^j ^Ues east of Markdale, w in- Lucknow when Reeve Joynt chartered a disputably a pUce of such natural loveli- special train at a cost of over $200 and new that once viewed it can never be took the county councillors, a„d,.resofl;o^otte-J^^^^^ f^^^^ ^^^^t- the villagers, over to Goderich to meet J;*^^^ ^^ ^j^te the park stUl more com- the Huron county councillors in sea-sion fortable and fascinating for those who in that town. A banquet was given by are spending their sunimer vacation with Every year the Jur.e session of Bruce County Council is becomirg more of a big social event than a business session. The climax was reached Huron county council and before the session at Lucknow was over a banquet was tendered the county councillors by the citizens of Lucknow. Two banquets and a special excursion in one week is going some for officials who are paid $3 a day for looking after the county business. â€" Chesley Enterprise. us, by way of a rasgnificent gymnasium and observatory, are to be added m tha near future. Dr. J. L. Scott, V.S., of London, Out., died from blood- poisoning, supposed to have been contracted three months ago by inhalinfi the breath of a sick horse. 1 Good looks are of little consequence â€" but the lack of them is of much . 000 Will there be any so called revenue cutters in the new Laurier navy? We trust not, The Beoond>rate cruisers may be relied upon to cut the revenue sufficiently for all immediate needs. 000 At this late hour we speak of it as Ha!-Ha!-Halley's comet. There! the longrsuffering reader's persecutior is o'er. Not until its next appearance will the odious thing be mentioned iu The Advance. We're done. 000 TLo waters continue to collect their toll of liveb . Such a frequency of drowning accidents emphasizes the need for a more general knowledge of swimming. But as long aa parents cannot trust their little dears in the swimming pool a mended state is im> probable. 000 The instructor iu things military at Niagara has a tough time of it With the raw recruit. One Corporal solved the problem to his own and the r. r's. satisfaction by shouting " gee " for right turn, "haw " for left, and "whoa" for halt. The idea was one possibly inspired by the presence of that mas- ter tacticiau, General French. J. and W.BOYD mmbants FUsberten « Ontario j Wool Wool We want 50,000 lbs. washed wool for which we will pay the highest market price atid give you the benefit of a good inspection. Men's and Boys' Clothing Men's suits in all the latest styles and patterns, f6.50 to $18.00 Boys' 3 piece suits $4.00 to 7.50 Boys' 2 piece in Norfolk and double breasted $2.75 to 4.50 Boots and Shoes We have a complete range in these lines in oqildren's, misses', boys', women's and men's at prices which defy competition. See our special workingmen's boots iu tan and black at $1.25. Parasols Now is the season lor parasols. We have them in black, white and fancy colors from 60 cents to $3.00. Lawn waists from $1.00 to $2.75. Also priuts, ginghams, linens and reps. BOOTS AND SHOES In this department we have added the Slater shoe, which needs no ad- vertfsing, having gained for itself a reputation sec-* end to none. Satisfaction guaranteed or your money refunded. ' Thk ScAt. OF Certainty slaters: SHOE t GooovtAitWBiLT 'Sewn. " The Seai. of Certainty « « '^mmmmi:m.mmkmm»m^m

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