Why Take Alcohol? Are you thin, pale, easily tired, lack your usual vigor and strength? Inen your digestion must be poor, your blood thin, your nerves weak. You need a tonic and alterative. You need AVer's Sarsaparilla, the only Sarsaparilla entirely free from alcohol. We believe your doctor would endorse thtfe statements, or we would not make them. Ask him and find out Follow his advice. J.C.AyetCo.,Low«n,Mp*». t^ndononratofyoiffdoSw win ccttainlygrcaUyiMcrnie your UliMafuUiylaialivc. UvcrpUk. AU vccetable. Atk your confidence In Aycr*! doctor about ttwm. Business Cards WALTER LOUCK8 Builder D<1 Cnotrko tor For Brick, Stooe m.at\ frame rMldeocei. Es- tiiuktea cheerfully lurrubed, Fltwbertoo I' U lutkrlo. SPRING TERM •tihe u dUIXOUOH /k YOCNQ VI KkDkiirs Mkrkdale i>o • general baukiug butioeiis . Mosey loftDod I et reftcoOftble rate* Call on uh. ' ChlSliETT, ] • i'onuiaster, Ceylon, Coniuiisiioner iu H, O.-J .Conveyancer, deed*, u.ortf;*«et, le«ae4, wills etc. carefully drawn up .:ollrctioaa mad?, chargen reaxonable. Also rrooeries, flour, feed etc. kept iu 8tock, Pricee iwbt. RJ 8PROULB Pojttiiaater, FleahertOD v/«iumif*ioDer in M.C J., Anotionee CoO' veyaDoer, Appraiser aud Money Lender RmI Rttate and loiurauee Agent. Deede. mortcaaaa. leaaea and willa carefully drawn B^ and valuation! made on fbortest notice money to loan at lowest rates of interoit.tCol- •ctions attended to with jiromptness cbarsas low. Agent for Ocean Dominion Btaamsbip Company. A call solicited. Owen Sound Commences Tuesday, March 20. 1910. INDIVIDUAL INSTRUCTION IN ALL BUSINESS SUBJECTS. Information Free, C..4. FleminR, O. D,Fleining, Priociiw). Secretaiy, DMcPHAIL, LIcenasd Auctioneer for the * County of Grey, Terms moderate aud aatisfaetion guaranteed. The arraiiijements •nd dates of saleb can be made a*. Thk Advancb olBce. Hesidence and F.Oi, Ceylon, Telepbooe connection. Dec. C.07. WM. KAITTINU, Licensed Auctioneer for tbe counties of drey and BImcoe. Farm and Htock sales a specialty. Terms jaoderale. satisfactiou guaranteed. Arrange- meats for dates may be made at the Advsoce ^.^ifice, or Al T. HutcbiUBon's store, i<eTerBhaxu by addressing nie at Feversbam, Ont. DUOU MATHE.V8, Markdale, Licensed ** auc^.ioneer for tne county of Grev. Good service at reaacnable rates. Dates can be made at The Advance, o 00 HARVEY FEKIGOE, broker Fleiberton. Ueoaral brokerage busineaa. Insuranee of CTcrj kind plaead in safe and liberal compauieB. BmU Mtet* etc., Open accounts and past due note* bandied and money advanced tbereon, Corraapondencc solicited. Medical fVB CARTfeR . -^ . ** II OP A 60nt,Pbyiieian, Sorgeon.clc Oflee and residenceâ€" Peter at., Fleeberton JP OTTBWELL Veterinary Surgeon Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College, rcoideoce â€" tsoond door aoatb west^on liary street. This street rani aontb Presbyterian Cbnreb. WILSON, Blacksmith • Uradnate of toe Veterinary Sciene Assoetation. Durham nreet, orpoaite Boyd, Bro's hardware. SPRING TERM FROM APRIL 1st. High grade departments of Business, Shorthand and Type writing. In dividual instruction. Students may enter at any time. Catalogue free. Collingwood Business T E. HAWKINS Principal College Dentistry ry. B. C. MURRAY L. O. S., dental surgeon *f honor graduate of Toronto University and Royal College of Dental Burgeooaof Ontario, Gas admialnlstered for teeth extraction OOne at reaidaace, Toronto Street, Flesherton. Legal • r Wk*. BAWEY tt WALLAf^R-Barristers, ^ HoHcitors.etc.-I.B. Lucas, K. C: W. E. Itaney. K. <. ; J. H. G. Wallace. OIHoes, Toronto, HOO-O Tiadors Bank Bids., phone main Mil; Markdale Lucas Block, I'lione 2 A. l^ranclioDice at Dundalk open every Hsturday. WH. WKIQHT, Barrister, Solicitor, Convey- ancer. etc.. â€" Owen Hound, aud Flesberton. N Bâ€" Flesbei too office, Bproule'8 Block every Baturday Societies AO U W meets ou the laat Monday in each month, in their lodge room Morris' block, Flesberton, at H p.m. M. W., ,Alfr»d Harrison : Itec, C. H. Munshaw- Fin., W.J. Bel. amy. Visiting brethren Invited PINCB ABTHUK LODGE, No. S33, A.F.A A U, meets in tht Masonic hall. Arm- •'tronit's Block, FleshertOD. every Friday on CI before tbe full iiiocn. Tbos. Blakely.W.M.; Herb.Siiiith, Kecre'^ary. r CURT FLEBRERTON. 09.5, 1. 0. F. ireetsin Jt^ayton'it Block the last Wednesday eveuing uf each month. Visiting Foresters heartily welcome. H. R., Dyson; H. S., T. HeLry; Fin, Hec , C. N. Bichardsou. Please pay dues to Fin. Sec. before the first day of the month. Our Clubbing List The following prices are for strictly paid in advance subscriptionsonly. We have no accountu with other papers. Flesherton .Advance % 1 00 YoMths Conipauion 1 76 Toronto World, daily j> 00 Toronto Daily News 1 ftfl ^eeVJ." C-lcbe .. 80 Mail-Empire *;o Family Herald & Star 80 Toronto Star 1 30 Farmer Sun , . 80 Farmers Advooata 1 30 Weekly Witoew 75 Sitiirday Night 3 00 Home Jouruil 66 Poultry NewB...: ..,. 15 Poultry IJcview ,36 Rod and Gun magazine 80 Custom Weaving The undersigned is now prepaired to do all kinds of Custom Weavini;. Plain, Twilled and Satinet! e, Carpets, rags and Hammocks a Specialty. Hit and Miss Rags, Colored Wnip found, 20 cents per yard, Striped r»>,'N exfrt. Wm, LEES, Fleslierton, Ont. \ CHOHKN FklENPUâ€" Flesberton Council of Chosen Friends meets In Clayton's hall first and third Wedneadav of each tuoulh It p. m Fay SHseoiiiients to tiie I<e<-order on or before tee ttrst iiayof each month. Chief Councillor T. BlakeleviReeorder W. H. Buut. Farms For Sale or Rent FMIM F"*!!! S.\LE-One hundred acres in eiceliout condition, good sugar bush, new barn tiO»70, stone stabling, well watered, wter instable, viudmlUon well and bain, every convenience, . . , , j, Alto inoo feat of U inch black piping, and doable aetlu(_powar pump. Apply to <'HA8. BTAKFOUD, riesheitOD. laug. FARM FDIt HALK-Very cheap, 100 acres, lot 0, COD. 7, Osprey, only »:)000, reasonable cash payment, balance easy teruis, B.^ acres cleared, well fenced and iu high state of ctilti. vatioo, balance timbered, good comfortable frame dwelling, atone cellar under, never fall- ing spring well aud windmill pump at door, -jiew frame barn, well finished, stone sUbllug with aprlna Vater under, also In shed. It la altaated i mile trom Maxwell village where tbar* are stores, |>ost olfices, good school, and iaon the gravel road, M miles from railway artatlou. It sold at once, aF>ova price, though VRIIY «'HF.AF might be shaded a little. Apply to II, J. Sl'ltOULE, Fleslierton. or THOMAS OUY, on premises, t< tfot sale cheap or rent. Immediate poisesflon, " Lot :» cell. K. Artcinesia, about 75 aorea clear, comfortable log house and frame barn. Apply to R J Rproule, Flesherton, or John J Martin, across the road from aald lot; Xfor sale cheap and on easy terms, good oom- â- ^ fortabls fraVe dwelling, stable and driving bouse with th'ee village lots in Ceylon- Dwell- ing wall bnilt and finished and good bearing •rafaarduD tbe property. Apply to â€" R J Braom.H. Kleabarton. Jot IB, obnrii,~Ospriry oonwiulug 100 acres, HO ''cleared, fraae bouse, frame barn, stone fonndatlou; orchard, well watered. One ilioiuand down and balance to ault purobaier. himediata posseeaion Apply to B. N. KiKNr.Aji Maxwell F. O. • SEASONABLE GOODS IN FURN ITURE The largest, aiul best Htock of Furniture ever Khown in Fleshcrtoii. This without four of con- trHdiction. Come and see Koine of the nice things ill Side Boardw, Dining Room Chairs, Parlor Setts, Bed Room .Sett.s. A special reduc- tion just now on every- thing, in order to re- duce the stock. , , . W. H, BUNT FURNITURE DEALER esherton Bulls, etc., for Service. VOU tBItVICR Shorthorn Hull. No. 7fMlfr- -C^ Lot ll«. (on. ii. West T. and S Road, TartSk •!, payable 1st Jan.. 1011. Join U. Oi at oll, propr ietor. rbave lot service a I'ure Bied Bull, nroiur- hook't Lad. NO. I'fM on lot 10. con, B, Osprey, Terms •!. -JAMEH BliRNH, Keversham.Ont. »â- ' " ' . ! . â€" - I L _ , Beriuhires and Tamwortht. I have now (or sale a few very choice Beik. sbirepigs, nearly ready to weao' Hurry your order and get the beat. Tggi-W- -'l<j^:y- Magwsll H. O. Ceylon Meat Market All kinds of fresh and sinoked roeata, headchoeae.aausaae, always on hand Ca.sh paid lor hides. J. HcCLOCKLIN Thompson's Ughorm. Exhibition and utility stock, woq more Ut and apeoial prises than all othur lilrds In nom- twtittOli, Inelndlng special beat male and â- penal b««t female, a' y bres.I or type ; ipscial fevat pair leflliorns. itorkertl and iiuiict, Kasc Oray, lOOO, Birds for sale. Fglia for listchiiig that 4rlll produce winners. Hatlslaotioo liuarantead, -KICHAHD ALLKN, Mt.VtMkUTir Fanm l*'leataeri«n, (Int. Bread dalirered regu- larly and ko^it fj>r sale at the following storcH: (^ullinson's and J. Pattison's, Ceylon W.Aldooin* Son's and P. McArlhiir's Prioeville N, McCanncirK Pl'oton Station R, Horon'a, Maxwell A. Hutchinson 'a and Kli Roliinson'* Fevorshaii) H.l'iiinis', J.K.Large'ft and U. Parks', Eugenia Sro. Irwin Prophesies. In hi* report of the corner atone layinil; last week Bro, Irwiii of the Durbaoi Chronicle raters the prophetical lield. Aa a propbat we hope he will b« as suc- cessful as he has in other lines of life work, Mr. Irwin says : Aa in all sifgreasive measures, the en- tahliMhiiieiit of the institution hag a num- ber of opponents, but the feeling of the speakers seeinetl strongly of the opinion that tinae and a better knowledge of the benefits of the school would wear away all feeling* of antipathy. The township of Arteniesia, and the village of Flesherton, constitute the school district, and in addition -to teach- ing the higher subjects of the school cur- riculum, special training will be Riven in scientific agriculture by a properly quali- lied professor. The feeling that country children are deprived of many higher ed- ucational advantagei for want cf higher grade sehiwls, had its influence on the promoters in bringing the high school to the child who would otherwise be unable to get to the high school. While we hare a personal feeling in faroc of all educa-. tional progress, it is not our intention at this juncture to try and convince others to think as we do. We know the futility of such an attempt and wait fur - the changes that may come through a few years' experience. All the rural schools are engaged, to a greater or lesser extent, in preparing can- didates for entrance to the high schools, but once the high school examination is pawed the child is often forced to quit school and hi* e<lucation is too frequently at an end. Th* expense of sending » child from home and paying for board and tuition is often a great hardship on the financially overbuitlened paientf, who would of'en strain a point were a school at all convenient, Nv'e are now looking forward hopefully to the time when the children of Artemegia wiH have the advaniage* of a higher education and when regular lines of conveyances will carry them to school in the morning and carry them home again at night. Tliis is not an entirely new idea. It has been in successful operaiiou elsewhere, and may soon be regarded as a necessity by the outlying portions of Arteinesia township, It would not be looking towards an iro> possibility to imagine stabling accoromo- dation to be provided in the villajte, or ]>erbaps on the school premises, when the children from different localities might take turns in providing mean* of transportation. We are living in ar. age of com|.mratirely cheap t>icycltts which in many ca.ses would servo a good purpose for a ceiuiderublu portion of the year. Where there's a will there's a way, and a pupil who is anxious for a higher educa- tion will " Hnd a way or make it." Notes of the Women's Institute. The roguUr uieeiiii^; of Klesherloii Branch will be held in the town hall on Tuesday, the 28ih inst,., at 2.:W- Fin.d Value of Straw berries, iiul Citiining, Miss C. Henderson ; Prosperity of Canadii,iiiid Memoirs oi our Late King, Mrs. H. K. Wfllwood. Mrs. Robt. Moore will nive a shiirt repoit of the county coiivuntioK, which wan held in t)wen Sound. Visit- ors, particularly young ladies, are invited to the meeting. K shocking accident look place iieur C.P.It. depot at Walkerlon last Friday bight in which an employee of iliu Hiiag circus advertiNiiig department wsh out to pieces by the night express. Tjte victim was Clarence k. KcUett whose home is ill Grtenville, South Carolina, He h.'td been drinking and must b»ve sat down on the trnuk and wu> apparently just making a cigarette when the accident occurred. Kellet was a young follow of 24 years of age and was to li ivo lieon mar- ried in Sepleniber. He wiisu rrry (leni^l little fellew. His parent* ir, the distant south were reached aFier considuiable difticulty, and a nienibur of the family is expented up to remove tbereinainv hon;e. An inquest will be held. The whit« grub has male its appear- ance in this neighborhood as well as farther south, Mr. Amos. Hoover aays he has lost several acres from its devasta- tions while some of his neighbors have had to plow up some of their arrain. The white grub i* the larvae of tbe June bug which lays its eg((s among the tufts uf grass in ihe hay field* and pasture land. The first year it does very little damaite but the second year it coinmenfles feeding upon rhe roots of the grass and grain so that they are completely deit rayed. It was thouKht that the depredations of this pest were confined to the southern coun- ties but thi* section is al*o suffering. It* work is said to be as destructivt as that of the wire worm. Walkerton Teles- cope John Marshall, a well-to-do and hi^l \j respected farmer about; one mile noith of Hhelburne, lost his life as a reault of a runaway Friday aflernunn last. Ho was workinn on |,the road unloading gravel when an automobile approached, owned by Dr, Oowan of Homing's Mills. The horses beoanie frightened and ran away, Mr. Marshall, who was standing oi^ the whippletrees at the time', was throwir< n the tongue of the wagon and dratjged for some distance. He only lived a sho:t time after tbe accident. While laboring at the town dock. Coll- 1 ingwood unloadinc coal off the steamer } Pawnee, Thomas Brigge fe'-l off a sasnt- ling and met death iosUntly, The de- ceased ii. some way Btumbled,falling25 feet and aliehtini( on his head upon the oment dock. Mr. Brigge had been a resdient of Collingwood for a number of yeais and was highly respected by bis I niiny fiiends. He leaves a widow and two daughters, Melville t* a new town. in Saskatche- wan, of which most people have heard but not many are aware that Melville people have done something that |makes thejn distinctive. Presbyterians, Me- thodists, Baptists and Lutherans at Melvelle have built and dedicated a u nion church costing $7,000, Frank Quinn of St. Catharines jiimped from the lower steel arch br. jge Into the Niagara River despite the efforU olf his conip. nionstostopbim. He.wssnotgecn again. > the residence of H. K. Gifforj, 7th line, St; Vihcenf, was burned to the ground. It is suppo^d to have started from a chimney spark. Insured fur' $1200 on building and 9dO0 on content; â- John Bjiley's horses took fright .at I an automobile when he was returingi home from Whitby, ran away, and the | old man's neck was broken. John Wbyte, a farmer of Blaudford i town^ihip, was sentenced to two yeai-s in Kingston for trying to set fire to his ' barn. Meaford ratepayers voted down a by. law to raise the sum of $32,000 for the erection of a now public school building. Juhii Miller of SuUivan. has gone back to oxen as a means of working his farm. He paid $160 for them. The' Sexes In Church. The separation of the sexes seem to have been formerly by no means an uncommon practice in tbe Gharch of England. In fact, Edward VI.'s prayer book specially mentions that at the . communion service "the men shall f tarry on one side and the women on the other." The papers of a church in Westmorland include elaborate di- rections for the division of the sexes at its services. All wedded men were to be placed first before any of tbe young men, and all young wives were to "forbear and come not at their mother-in-law's forms" â€" this was pre- sumably before the days of the pew â€" "as long as their mother-in-law lives." â€" London Chronicle. Mr. T.I.Truman, Town Clerk of Mid- land, is dead. Mayor Knechljel of Hanover donated $3,000 towards a town ball and library, provided the citizens raised another $13,000. This was done by.a debenture bylaw, H«iioverwill now have a muni- icipal building of which she expects to be proud. The auditorium in tbe proposed building wiil be 50x75, which, wiih tbe gallery, wUI seat 600 people. A hopper (slant) floor will be the width of the building and 20 feet deep. There will be dressing rooms alwve aud below tbe stage. Wednesday of last week was a baniur day at the cement works here, when the shipping department loaded tweoty^six cars, poDtaining in all 4,026 barrels, or 16,1,00 sacks of cement. This was shipp- ed m one special train to Toronto, and was consigned to points all over Ontario. This taiiU ia this year enjoying a steady run with plenty of orders to filj. «nd should the preseat run of business keep up will possibly proye tbe red letter year of tbe cement indusLry here.â€" Durham I Chronicle , Mr. Fennell's place is developing into a regular temperance hotel. He sUrted with a restaurant six weeks ago and now he has waiting looms, dining and lunch room and several beds for accommodation of travellers. He is making a reputation for first class tdeals. The charge to farm- ers is 25 cents, commercial men 40 cents. â€" Dundalk Her«l(i. Cwefiilly Corrected Each Week ,V.^*»* 86 to S6 ^'•••- 80 to30 C'f • ••• 70 lo 70 â„¢"*y ,. 45 to 60 »"y 10 60 to 10 00 Butter. Eags, fresh Potatoes per ba<,'. . Geese..., Docjcs Chickens Torkeys Wool 17 to 10 18 '.o 18 40 to 40 10 to 10 U to 12 12 to 12 18 to 18 21 to 23 Notice To Creditors. Jn the matter of the estate of James Campbell, late of the Township of Arteme«ia in the County of Grey, Farmer, deceased. -iSSiS.^? b hereby given pursuant to the re- vised Statqtew of Ontario, 1807, Chap. 130 that â- " .*''t ^l*^*on and others hav&g claims •^"» tHe e'tate of the said Jamea ( -ainpbSl! wbodied onor about the 28th day of Wardi! MM, are required on or before tha^ll davof Jone^OlO, to send bv post w B^"- f "1?*.1" P"* "fflo*. or to the nndte' â- I«nad Solicitor, for the Executor.; tb!^ e&rtMian aod aurnamet. addranas andde- â- CTlptlons. tbe foil partiealara of their claims, the etitenieut of their accounts and tbe uatara of tbe gocurities (if aoj) held by them. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTK;E tkat after wch laat mentioned data the said execaton wlH pirjeed to dutribute tba aaaeta of tbe de- cealad among the parties eutitled thereto bavin* r«[Md ouly to the claims of which tbey Bball then have notice, and that the wid ezeeators will not be liable for the said asaata or any piu-t thereof to any person or tonsoBa Of whose cUim notice shall ifot have bean re- eaivad by them at tbe time of snch distriba- tlon. Dated ihe First day of Jnae, A. D. 19ia Luca»i Baaey ft Wallace, Uarkdal«, Out. Solicitor for W. W. Graham and Gao. Gordon. Rxeeatora, of the Estate of the tiud Jamee I ampbeli, deceaMd. C. J. B E L L A M Y'S Hardware Hints A Poet's Pastime. A magasine editor received a lengthy typewritten poem the other day entitled "Falling Snowflakes." The "snowflakes," having had no re- turn postage attached to them, flut- tered lightly into the scrop basket after the editorial eye had run hastily over the first lines. The editor gave, however, a trifle more attention to the letter because of the following ex- planatory phrase: "The inclosed poem was written many years ago by one who has for a long time slept in the grave merely as a pastime." Shakespeare's Anachronisms. The very head and front of all of- fenders in the perpetration of anach- ronisms, was Shakespeare himself. He speaks of cannon in the reign of John, whereas cannon were unknown until a century and a half later; of printing in the time of Henry II.; of clocks, and striking clocks at that, in the time of Julius Caesar; he makes Hec- tor quote Aristotle and Coriolunus re- fer to cats and Alexander; he (lowers Bohemia with a seacoast and makes Delphos an island. A Wis* Answer. The Shah once asked a group of courtiers whom they thought the greater manâ€" himself or his father. At first he could get no reply to so dan- gerous a question, the answer to which might cost the courtiers their heads. At last a wily old courtier 1 1 said, "Your father, sire, for, though you are equal to your father in all other respects, in this he is superior to youâ€" that he had a greater son than any you have." The Busintss of Life. Our business is now to make the most of this great and beautiful ex- Seriment of living, to leave behind us owers for beauty and fruit for use, to make our life a harmony, our en(i- ing a serenity and our awaking an eternal ;oy. â€" John Page Hobbs. Naples and Coral. Coral manufacture is an important trade in Naples. The tourist will be astonished at the number of shops which sell this article in all forms, iewelry and table ornaments especial- ly, file low price of labor there is an important factor. JUST ARRIVED A fresh shipment of Pratt's Poultry and Animal Regulator in 50 and 25 cent boxes. A guarantee given with each box. If not satisfactory your money back. SMOKERS' iSUPPUES __Conie in and see some of our bargains in pipes. We sell the Frost Fence made by the Frost Fence Co., ot Hamilton, in 8 and 9 strands at 35 and 4y cents per rod. C. J. Bellamy, - Flesherton ine Oleatbcr Booms millinery With every day warmer than the d»y lit fore Jiiid the appearance that tine weather is going to stay, stiiimlsies the demand for hats ijuick. Though wo are- busy, we are not overlooking onlers. Every bat Koes out with cart-ful attention. Wo have just received a otje of new shapes, brHi(jyi and flowers. Beautiful new Dress Goods 3ust Jlr rived A mong which Hic to Iw feen the latest shades in wisteria* tt>e new rose shades with pale blues, also very pretty shades in browns, blue.s and groene. Shantung linens, and rep the correct thing for that new summer suit in the different shades of rose, russet, green, wisteriii, linen, etc. Dainty Dress muslins A good range lo ch.iose from ranging in price from 9 ty 20 cents Uestings and Crossbar muslins Nothing miikes up much prettier for the ne* tailored blouses than the ve.stintts and crossbar muslins. We have just received a bisj rangrt ill these and you will Bud i^ualiry and desii;n the best. We als.. have a full line of white blouses, fancy and tailored. liadies fancy aud embroidered linen collar.s. Jabots, frillings and cords, » good as'ortnient. Special in Underskirts We have a number of good black sateen underskirts in all sizes. While they last at 50 cents. Lace curtains are now in deimtnd and we have just what will suit you ranging in price fiora 25 to $2..% per pair. A few more of those good Canadian and English p-ints at 8 and 9 cents per yard. In gents furnishings wo never have had a more up-to-date line. You will find our fancy hose hai-d to bea*. Do not fail to see, also the shirts and ties. Our new spring suits have just arrived, which will pay you to call and see before buying elsewhere. The styles, quality and prices, are right. Hats and caps in all the new spring styles. Everything you need in boots aud shoes. Wall papers a specialty, paints and varnishes, hartlware, groceries and confectioneiy. A full stock. FruiUin their season. J. E. LARGE, Eugenia Jfe*:?^ NO. 3 SayttUMilUr: "«l|ht ottt to the prairio for aso-yos (iroo-ovory year too. ever see a prairio of rlyo whoatf YeUow JJIta tout feet high, tlretchiag for mllos-ioiUiM fa,.!,! ha,voitin< fro. dawn (ill SMadowo. That" whit Vk!!!! mo. for you know what that meant to »•••••• •CREAM or THE WEST* FLOUR and what • Cream of tho Wosf saeaas to hakiaf. You'll Bovor know tho real truth about tho host flour on aar^" •Ctoam o< tho West -till you tty it. Cot oa! h!r A â- IModol Mill 'product." «••! oao »ag. A Th« Campbell MiUinf Conpaay. Umilcd. Toroito â- ^i n.^ f For Sale by Spr«ule, Higslntwtham & Co. FI«$hcrtoa and Jmnes Pattison, Ceylon