â- •^ . V- Junk 30 1910 THE FLESHEKTON ADVANCE A F. T. HILL & Co. » riarkdale Selling Many Lines of Wanted Hot Weather Goods Away Below Market Value. Owing to the very cold, backward spring season many of the manufacturers became over stocked with the kind of general merchandise which requires nice warm weather to create a demand for. We have taken advantage of this and secured many exceptional good bargains m the different lines, and this we«!k we are offer- ing them to you at a big saving on what you usually pay. Many lines below man- ufacturer's cost. Our Bid Purchase of LADIES' FINE LAWN WAISTS are going very fast* Yuu can't afford to pjtst them, for the qualitirs and the Ktyles aie ths best and the prices leoi Ihaa whulesater's cost, and for the hot Weather you can't aH'orrl tw be without one one of these at the prices. A BIG SNAP FOR MEN IN WANTED LINES OF SUMMER UNDERWEAR We were very fortunate in securing this lot, especially just now when they are wanted by you. Men's Fine BnlbriiigHn Underweiir, Spring Needle 'nal<e, nice neiit blue and .stii[)ed pjitterns in Shirts ;»nd Di-itw- ers KevfuUr 50c. value, this week ^uc. a garment or 70c. a suit. Men's Fine Bu'brizgan L'liderweur, a better line th!tn the furnier. In this line we have a uunil)er of lineM nnd in different shades and designs : some are silk bound und the draweii) are tinished in the trouser style. There are 60c. and 7cc. lines in the lot, this week per ^.trment 4.'5c. i^ ^fcfc .j^. ^^ ^^ -^^ r^^ •^^ •^^' "^^ ^^' '^^ ^ '^T' ^^ . "^^1 ^^^ '^^ *T^ ^ . ^fc- â- ^fc- -^fc â- â- ^fc' â- ^^- ^fc. .^fc- â- ^â- t .^^- -^fc» .^fc ^ w -^^....^Ito -^ -*^ â- *â- _ 1 XH rr^- €roeerie$ (>ur slock of groceries is always fresh and clean. The prices are right â€" net too low for <|ualiiy and not too hi){h. fiour and Feed All kinds of Ford's Flours aud Koyal Household. Hran, shorts, and loir grade flour for feed' Whatever you need in this line we can supply thenr lee Cream Parlors We have always fresh Ice cream on hand. Sodas and Sundaes. Drop in itnd cool off. W. L. Wright's, 4 60 YE/«?9' EXPERIENCE C0PYRIC.HT3 &C. AnTonBiPnilliij r.-':c.:i'r,T.ri t!.*icri[)Moiini«» onlciiif wtrrrj 'I < i . â- i a froo w..viIi4t au liifciiM.-n In rr >' â- ' â- • I â- • ''';;i,".;.i '''â- '."""'''* t ormiiieilf c. -.i: :L:.;Lii. h."IDBOOK oulv.etus •eiit rrea/( -Mesl airo.'iey for ncemUi^ OOlenfa. m tiAun t!ir')ii>.-)i S'.uiin & Cx).reo()l7t otke, witnoutoburua, Uitlie lentlfic Hmericatt [ bandAomuiir UluBtratttl weokly. Larxcitt nUr- niltt(i'>n of AziT f^'cnt . *ti journal, 'i'ermfl for Cautid't. 9^^V> a rwi^. ^osta^o prepaid, botd by aU liei4t)duiiler«. i]|^2S^^c JJL'GGIESâ€" Mount Forest and Ainistron;}. WAGGONS - Chslhani, Jackson and Petrolia. CKKAM H.I1UVF.STEUS- Natio- nal imd I)»iiy Maid. Hindtis, Mowers, Hiiy rakes, Hay loaders. Hay furks aud C»rrier», Hope and I'lillies, Washing nm- chinM and Wrin;{ers, Brantford Windmills C E M 1: N T Just arrived » oar bad of fre!>h cement. Superim- Brand. Wc have satisBod others and would be pleased to satisfy you. Give us I a call. It will pay you, i S. Hemphill, Ceylon "I MEN-WE CAN CURE YOU FINEST HEOIGIL INSTITUTE IN AMERICA - OWNED AND OCCUPIED BY DR8. K. & K. YOUNGOR MIDDIXACEO MEN who need the services of expert specialists wliy waste your money iu treating witlj doctors you know nulhinf^ of, why waste your money with wortlilew electric bells or ilruff store Dostruius, when you can get 1,-uaraiiloed, reliable, successful treatment from theso Muler Specialitlt. Dra. K. A K. liave treated |)atieiit» throughout Canada for over :;o yoai-^ and are responsible liiian- clally. Tiicy noccpt only cur.tblo cases and 1 houlj your cato prove incurable It need nut cost you a cent. If you sro unablo to call nt our oRioo for a personal examination wowillitendaQuestiou I.i.st for you to till up froni which wocun dia;;noso your case and tell you whether you are cuinblo or not. 'Iheu wo Kill |irc»<ribo specillo rcniciiits for your imllvilunl cose which you can take at Iionie. Wo have no cure-all remedy tliat wo ticnd to cverylMjdy alike as most specialists do, but wo pr«'ScrilH) tlin roni- ei.ies re<iuired for encli Individual ciisu to complete aiure. Tliut'sonoof the secrets of our wonderful 8n'"C»*ss when oihers fad. Send for our Fre« Booklet on DUeas«s of Men tllluttratcii.) CURES GUARANTEED OR NO PAY AVe ClUttranteo t j L'uro Nervous DebilHr, Blood Diteuei, Vartcota Voint, Kidney, Bladder sad Urinsry Diaestes CONSULTATION FREE If unablo to call, write for a Queition Blank (or Home Treatment DrsKENNEDY&KENNEDY Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St,, Detroit, Mich, I if^ HOTICE All letters from Canada must be .addressed to our Canadian Correspondence Depart- ment in Windsor, Out. If you desire to â- see us personally call at our Medical Institute in Detroit as we see and tre.nt â- DO patients iu our Windsor offices which are for Correspondence and â- I<abor .lory for Canadian business only. Address all letters as follows : I DRS. KENNEDY A KENNEDY, Windsor. Oat. ^rits for our privste address. m£ r=Jr=Jr=.; -=J r=ur=Jr=Jr^=: ?=: n=Jr=/r=Jr Che Ur=to»date Tailor Shop For tine tailiiriuij citU ( ii F. A. U.\KER, 2iid door south of Ann- strcuitj'M jowclleiy Mtore, wlieie wei shsll be plea.Hcd to >.|i'i\v ynii »il tlie liilcHt design? of spiiiij; mid sununcr suitings nnd ot ercoiiiicj^.s. tiver 500 dilferont jiiitteni.s to choose from, at the most reasonable [iricuB. Fit snd workmanship guaranteed. HIGH CLASS TAILOR ARMSTRONG'S BLOCK. PERIGOE, :::: Flesherton, •::': •••• Will buy .\oiu- Jotlgyraiifl all your JJ^ notoh or avlvtitJc-4) you iiiouev on •••• tllMUl. •\\\ â- " ' â- â- •••• Iiinninitop, if everv rluss wiitlou, JJJI placcJ ill safu litid libeiul eoui- •••• Loati^. litiaratitee b»n(l8. eto. WW W'ite for KUKK IlKroUT on Sti: your doiibtriil acL-otiuta . atul i«" > â€" â€" ' I â- â- . . â- I •••• Tflephooe 19. i!| F. A. BAKER i ^??;??????t?:::!t!??????????^ a ADVANCE" ADS. PAY Thompson's Brand dolirerud regu- larly and kept for wile at the following stores: Colliuson's and J. Pftllison's, Coylon W..\ldcorn & Son'« an<l I'. Mc Arthur's Friceville N. McCanneir« Proton Station R. Heron's, Mikxwell A. Hutchinson's and Kli Uoliinsr>ir^ Fovorshain H.Onims', J.K.Ijirge's and R. Parks', Eugenia I Bakery 2? 9 I '" CHILDHOOD has blighted many llvaa because the pain eauaatf thereby produeea an avorsion to â- tutly. Th» baekward ohifd tot oft«n ^eem»« th« un«ucc*ssful mmit W. A. Armstrong, Jeweler & Optician canadian Pacific GREAT LAKES NAVIGATION NOW OPEN Regular SaiiinKS a.<i1ollow5 : Monday S. S. ••Athabasca" Tuesday S. S. ••Keewatin" Wednesday S. S. ••Alberta" Thursday S. S. •Manitoba" Saturday 5. 5. ••Assiniboia" The moat pleasant and cheap- est route to Winnipeg and west. HOMnSEEKERS'lliyc OO EXCURSION Through Ti.un tf> NVii nipeo; and West fr'. in Toronto 2.00 p. ni. on aViove diiti'. /lesl)erton ^I^oancc An iadtipeudeut newnpsper, published every Tdursday at th<> office, Colfingwood Street, yieshertun. Subscriptiun i>rir:e 91 per annum, wrben paid in advance; tl.M wbeii nut so paid. Advertisiiur ratex on application. Circulation 1,030 weekly. W. H. Tliurston - Edlto TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR- PRINCIPLES, NOT MEN THEY "EXPERIMENT" UP NORTH Truly it h-vs been »aid that a prophet ia without honor in hi* own country. During the writtr's recent trip through iiorlhern Ontario, wit.h the Canadian Press Association, he had the pleasure of inspecting the provincial eiperimental farm at Monteith and seeiog at first hand what has been accomplished. There a farm is being hewn from the forest, and a Hinall b:trn aud comfortable frame house have been erected. The house is well located on a comin.ioding knoll a short distance from the railway station, and ia surrouuded by a neat lawn, relieved by shrubs and flowers. There is an air of comfort, and withal frugality, about the farm, a porti'.n of which is under culti- vation while more is being stumped and burned, though the i{reater part is still a fure>-t of spruce .iiul jack [line, with an occasional sprinkling of poplar. Several foreigners are engHued in clearing and luimagnig the fsriii under an efficient foremen. In convoLsatioii with various gentl«- men in different northern town we failed tu Knd one person who had everything guod to s:iy of the Monteith Eiperimental Furm. Doubtless there are sturdy ex- poneiit.s of it.s atticiency, hut we failed to rub shoulders with any such. The farm, even to the carele.ss observer, is a model of frugality combined with thoroujibnecs and furniHhes hut Hlii;ht ground f<>r com- plaint. There are absolutely no signs of extravagance about the place. The pro- prietor does n'«t commonly wear a white collar, Prin-e Albert coat and plug hat, hut rather attires himself in overalls and straw "cow bre&kfs.st," etc., and tsckles with a good will the work for which ho is paid. Certainly the " hands " do not observe strictly union hours. It was about eight p.m. when the party visited the farm and the men were still busy stumpin;{. nor d d they stop their work because uf the presence of the distinguish, ed sti angers, though the superintendent kindly conducted us around. The live stock, of wliich there i.s not a great deal, was well cared for and in guod condition. To us, therefore, there was no other ex- piation for the very obvious criticism to which it us subjecttd than that embedied in the Biblical quotation at the tirst of this article: "a prophet is vfithout hon- or in hii own country. Certainly the provincial government is beninniiiii to take an increased interest in the much neglected northern part ot our province, and lliis experimental farm makes the awakeniiit.' of the older portion to the possibilitits of the newer portion as a farmitig country an easier matter. That such au awakening will be marked hy a great rush northward where homes may be had al- most for the asWii'H is the natuinl conclu- sion of one who has been there, and has "been thown." S. RaniU, Agent, Flesherton COURl'PTION RAMP.ANT After nil, there is not a swat deAi of |>r;ictical ditl'orenco between the two Caii- :idiaii political parties. Some twenty years ago, when the Cw^nservatives had the privilege of spendim; the revenue, friuduknit tricks wore introduced in the Printing Bureau. Of course this was all that Could be expected from the wicked Tories*. Corruption is as meat t) them. But behold, when in 18".>0 the Liberals at'ained the majority, matters failed to mend ! Instead of the corruption being exposed it was hidden deeper than ever in the mazes of red tape in some musty, unused garret store-room whence those interested stole through dim corridors and fostoicd it as time went on. But even all Liberals aro not of the class of politician which conceived and carried out these frauds, and when Hon. Chas. Murphy one day wandered into the secret place his honesty was shocked. After a lengthy research the story has been made public. J ust what may bo the outcome ot the incident is problematic. Will the Liber- als come down from the>r high and mighty self-righteotisaess and admit the possibility of a Liberal sinning, or will they assume that expression of perfect innocence which is always lo be found on the face of the snuU boy who has been disturbed while investigating the jam pot. The latter would certainly be the easier, but tha former in the on'y way out. Surely the frantic ravings of the im- [Missioned Conservative stump orator at election time h«vo some slivht foundation in fact -and some of the rhari;csof graft aro in it fair way to being proved^ The only agent which acti against an open- arinod reception of these charges of graft and orruption is the smoulderii'g sua- piciou that, somewhere in the viisls of the party of the accuser ia a similar taint to the one of which ho complains of in the othei\ Were it not for that the charges would be proven or dis-proven aud the I Progress is cue that calls for good politics of Canada sweetened and purified igeoeral-sbip in the editorial colamna, for all time. land we coDgratalate Bro. Letsche oa ' 'his ability and snccesa. We like to read the editorials of The Progress â€" tbey are always worth reading â€" and HAS JEFFRIES COME BACK Only four more days until ths big tightâ€" it is superfluous to say what tight, we believe that is progressing in a We venture to say that Mventy-five per j proper channel. May it atta'n a cent, of our readers (at a very conserva- j mature growth under Mr. Letsche's live estimate) are, for some reason or! capable direction, other, in the fightâ€" and the ir.ajority of I these are living in the hope that JeffiieSi may "come back." | "And all went merry aa a wedding The editor of this paper, fraijkly, doeaibell" â€" but the wedding bell does not not approve of prize-fighting, and he ad- j ^i^^yg pg^j a merry chime. Last mires the Governor of California for his ! ^^^^ ^^ American yoong lady failed firmness in prohibiting the fight m his j ^^ j^^^ ^ p^,.^j^ p^.^^^ ^^ j^^^ ^^ state when statutes forbid It ; but, flying i , ^, , ,• .• . . , , ,.,. „ y.. :„»„,. and master through complications of m the face of this, we are lutensely inter- m, , ested in the outcome of the scrap at Reno, some sort. The tangle will be straight Governor Gillett cracked a tough nut [ tened out, however, and the girl will when he balked on the fight. Sporting I have her bauble â€" nntil the divorce circles in California are strong, very court intervenes its kindly balk, strong, and may make it warm for him. Tbat's the beauty of these title for- Kiiowing this, be stuck to his duty s» it m^^^y marriages, there is always a was clear to h.m, and compelled the fight ^^^ ^^^ j^ j^ ^^ abnormal statj to be held elsewhere if at all. All good ^ ... . • ,• I of mind when a person is prepared sports cannot fail to admire his courage- â- ^ . ^ ^ ous stand, even though it might have"o throw away bappmess and home stopped the big scrap. ' merely to enjoy the honor of an We like to apply the term "sport "to empty title, when that title must any man whom we consider deserving, carry with it a crabbed makeshift of To the writer a " sjiort " is one with a- a man iu the coat of a two-by-twice bility to do things, and yet who is a good prince or duke from one of the little loserâ€" one who knows when he is trim- European principalities, nied, aud, knowing, docs not sit down in â- J .1 . i> â-ºâ€¢â€¢ a convenieni corner and sulk. A "sport is one who can take with good grace as. The Walkerton Telescope points out much, or perhaps a httle more than he 'a phase of onr school-book problem, gives. Therefore, usini; thewori in this A farmer near that town was unable sense, to us Governor Gillett is a sport, to buy a second reader in Elmwood, By' his action, ihe New.York Times says, 'cbesley or Walkerton. The trouble he has assumed national stature. : jj^^ -^ ^j^^ f^^j jj^^j ^j^g jg^^j^^g ^^^^ ~ .unable to secure them from the pub- „ , :â- . â- .13 lishing concern. We may be unjust Eggs are already being gathered . . . . , , , , ,, , ° : , ., in iraagining that the delay on the into cold storage for nest winter 3 city ,,-, . ,. • , , , ^ . „ , • part of haton in shipping to dealers consumption. 1 urn, yum! ,f , . ^ ,. n j i ru .i '^ is done intentionally and deliberately, ° ° ° but if parents are forced to write to Editor Kerr of Drnssels says , of Eaton's for the books a distinct ben - their eDnlinuatiou school : "VVhy. if gfit is conferred upon that firm by anyone in Brussels dared to raise his ti^e opportunity for advertising. If it voice against our continuation school gan be proven that there was un- they'd crucify him ! " i necessary delay in shipping the books, o I either through inability or lack of The Holstein Leader again has ' desire, then the Legislature ought to changed ownership. \Vm. Roberts is chase the T. Eaton Co. up a treeâ€" the new proprietor, and we trust he! aid compel them to waken up in their may last longer than the last two of business methods. his predecessors, that success may be ; ~ his. Winfield Hunt, the retiring ed- j j^e police magistrate of Ottawa advo- jtor, held down the editorial chair for cates the erection of a homo for inebri- six months. We imagine that Hoi- ateo m connection with the local jail, steiu is not a pressing spot, from a beins; convinced from long experience newspaper slftiiilpcnnt. '^at drunkennss ia not cured by irapris- ' onment. With many people at Uast o O .' r r drunkenness is a disease, or the result Last week the North Toronto '(.fjisea.se, rather than a crime, and what Progress celebrated its first anniver- they need is treatment and not sary. The Progress is among the punishment. The puni.shment idea is a liveliest (editorially I of our exchanges '""fvival ..f the days when diseases were "' . ,7, attributed 'to evil spirits and when it audishighlymter^ting, and valuable was thought that the way to cure the in its field. The position of Tliel'hsease was to scourge out the spirts. J. and W. BOYD merchants Flcsberton Ontario \-~ Wool Wool We want 50,000 lbs. washed wool for which we will pay the highest market price and give you the benefit of a [;oiid inspection. Men's and Boys' Clothing Men's suits in all the latest styles and pattern.^, ^C 50 to 818.00 Boys' ;< piece suits $4.00 to 7.50 Boys' 2 piece in Norfolk and double brea.sted Ji2.75 to 4.50 Boots and Shoes We have aeoinpleto range in these lines i.n ctpldren's, mis.sos', boys', women's ;iiid men's at prices which defy competition. See our special workiiiiimen'.s boots iu tan and black at §1.25. Parasols Now is the season for parasols. We have them in blaik, white and fancy colors from 50 cents t" $1.5.00. ^|k Lawn waists from $1.00 to $2.75. Also prhits, ginghams, linens and reps. BOOTS AND SHOES la this department we have added the Slater shoe, which needs no ad- vcrtfsing, having gained for itself a reputation sec> oud to uoue. Satisfaction guaranteed or jour money refunded. ^ " Tmk Seal or Certaixty " »^ ' Tmk Stiu. or Certaimtv ' SLATER.: SMOe V GoOOVtAR.Wtl.T xSaWTi "^ ♦ N â€" I