Flesherton Advance, 14 Jul 1910, p. 3

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t/ / ^ •^4itT-:>- f 'i THE WESTEBIMEAT CEI AbO'it One Hundred Million Bushels is tHe Estimated Yield. 'A despatch from Winnipeg says ; ] estimate of one hundred million 'A careful canvass of the leading bushels is conservative, and a plain grain men and otlftrs peculiarly in- terested in the present condition of the crops throughout the three â- western provinces shows that as a result of investigation by dozens of -experts, who have covered the whole country, leading operators now look for a crop totalling one hurdred million bushels of wheat. Reports show that the crop is patchy, some districts being almost Vuined, while others are rejoicing in the finest outlook in maty years. With close to eight mill' ^n acres under crop it will be seen that the admission that great damage must have been done in many districts. TLo public generally realizes that the damage in Manitoba has been heavy, and that the straw is very light, but is reassured by the re- CONDENSED NEWS ITEMS BAI'PEM.XGS FROM ALL OVEB THE GLOBE. Telegraphic Briefs From Our Own and Other Countries of Recent Events. CANADA. The Winnipeg crew won the Ste- wards' Challenge Cut at Henley. W. H. Mahon, a Port Stanley holelman, was fined $500 for sel- liiig liquor on Sundays. .Another advance of -20 cents per n-.embrance that some of the best j barrel has been made ij the price cr-.ips ever reaped have been oft j of Manitoba flour, very short, light straw. The wheat | Professor H. B. Telegman of. is well headed everywhere, and at] Kingston died suddenly at Koshee present is looking very well, but Lake, where he went on a fishing! mere rain will soon be needed. The ; trip. intense hot spell seems to have j Ontario Government has prohibit passed, and there is every prospect ed exhibition of prize-fight pictures of normal conditions for the im- mediate future. r.:fa«ii)aiWffiM8e»KeMaK«K<ir4>M»>a»>^^ â- "•â- ir iiVriirr^Ma^fiai^ir ti -^Si^t"-'- ' YEAST CAKES MOST PERFECT MADE We knew and users of Royal Yeast Cakes know tliat thesa are the best goods of the kind in the World. Bread made with Royal Yeast will keep moist and fresh longer than that made with any other. Do not experiment â€" there is no other "just as good." C. W CILLETT CO. LTD. Toronto. Cnt. Awardad hisheat honors at all Kxpositlona. Montreal MADE IN CANADA STREET CARS RUN DOWN. RACED WITH A WHALE. Train Crashes Into Pair at Winni- peg Crossing. A despatch from Winnipeg says : One of the most serious accidents of the kind in the history of the c'ty occurred at 4.45 on Friday af- ternoon, when the Oak Point lo- cal, eastbound on the Canadian Ncrthern, crashed into two street tare bound for River Park, at the Pombina street crossing. The train vas travelling fifteen miles an hour, and hit fairly between the closed car and the trailer, smashing both, and throwing the trailer into an ex- cavation for a subway under the tracks ojk Peypibina street. Mrs. | locked astern all Lajfrence, wife of an employee of cr'mson streak â-  the Street Railway Company, sit- ting on the front seat of the trai- ler was thrown from the car under \he pflot of the engine and instant- ly killed. The body was carried cue hundred feet, and the engine Lad to be jacked up to release the mangled remains. The escape of the other passengers was nothing short of miraculous, as the trailer â- was well loaded with merry-makers bound for the park. Tunisian Ha.s a Novel Experience Off Belle Isle. in the Province Mr. Frederick VilTiers has decid- t;J to come to Canada and live, and will probably settle in Victoria, B C. The first conviction under the new bread by-law was made at St. Tho- mas, four bakers being found guilty of violating the law. Four employees of the Govei-n- THE WORLD'S MARKEFS BEPORTS FBO.n THE LEADING TRADE CENTRES. Prices of Cattle. Grain, Cheese and Other Dairy Produce at Home and Abroad. BREADSTUFFS. Toronto, July 12.â€" Local quota- A despatch from Montreal says : Tho Tunisian of the Allan Line, i _ „* d • »• t> â- . n^^ . , 1, . , , 17 -J ' Btnt Printing Bureau at Ottawa â- which reached port on Friday u„ „ > j j t • _ ,, , , ^ , . •' have been suspended for carrying Bight, had an unusual experience, ,„ _ i i- u • •' ° ~^,, oi. -i. f T> II T 1 T 1 on a monev-lending business. off the Straits of Belle Isle on neri aiu»-i. t> - e /-• i u • -j ! ou 1 -i.!, Albert itogers of uuelph is said ; 97<. to Qfip mitsi/^lo incoming voyage. She raced with a ! , uâ„¢,.„ u i ** a.^n.^ u • '*- 'o s'oc outsiae. to have been left $10,0»0 by a I Manitoba Wheatâ€" No large whale for a long time, and| wealthy Pittsburg man, whom he t.cns are as follows :â€" Ontario Wheatâ€" No. 2 winter, 1 north- flmmO' S SPLESD ID CROPS The Only Cloud on the Horizon is the Shortase of Farm Laborers. the mammal was winning, but un- 1 "\"'7-'f -'-â€""'* .""*"• """"t "T "°' ^^â- '^•^o. 2 northern. 81.06,'/; fcrtunatelv it attempted to cross' =*'**^ ^"""^ drowning m Scotland. Xo. 3 northern, « 1.04. at lake ports the bows of the liner. There was a i *"«^ ^r * m *h ' r> -^ f f+i I ^o' i™™ediate shipment. ll^f' fr'^L'"' '" T' ''' ^^^P- ! G-and Trunk wifo L^ri^TreTurn V.5°';?rtT„?;?_!' J"!. Ir}^'':'-^^ has iust returned to Toronto When the omcers and »^»==»""'"- â- * â- who had crowded the S^^ir'J^^f^ ±.*!!!'.!f^'^,r'^"S ^ll'^''':'^ «=^. Toronto freights. Uies of the "I have never seen the crops of j farms is still their incflSciency. Ra- the Province in better shape at this cently, Mr. Sutherland, acting up- time of the year than they are now. ; on a number of complaints on this Some of the grains were delayed, score, sent out a circular letter t» by the cool weather, but now every- i a number of farmers who had em- thing is growing splendidly and | plcyed men through the depart- great crops are promised." j ment, asking for particulars abou* This was the enthusiastic report! tli-? men. These reports are on th« of Mr. Donald Sutherland. Direc-j whole far from complimentary. In tor of Colonization for Ontario, j one, the farmer, after stating that ~ the immigrant who had left him ;e&c, No. 2 yellow, 67,>ic; Canadian ' from a tour of the western coun- decks watching the unusual sight | ^^^^IfP'^Tf'r^ Z "^ ! Oats-Canada Western, they saw was a on the ocean. Whales are seldom seen so far north in the Belle Isle track. !t.ie average of former years The Coroner's jury on The Mont , ENGINE SLID INTO LAKE. A Washout on the C. P. R. West of Kenora. A despatch from Kenora says : The C. P. R. main line is at pre- â- sent tied up, owing to a dump be- ii.g washed out at a point eight miles west of here. This spot has igi^^cn trouble before. The dump went out at 5 o'clock on Friday morning under the weight of a freight train, carrying down both the east and west bound tracks to a depth of twenty feet and for a dis- tance of one hundred feet. The en- gine slid into the lake, where it is <completely submerged. Engineer Penny and Brakeman Campbell â- were carried down, but escaped with little injury. All westbound trains are being held here and the tie-up is complete and will prob- ably last twelve hours. 0,000 QUIT WORK. P.i? Strike of New York Garment Workers is On. _ -- â€" Province. â- >o„ XT o r. TtT „, . . 1 r' i "So confident are the farmers 3Sc;Xo.3.C. W 37c at lake ports that the crops are going to be real Herald fire victims found that x„^ 2 whftf LtT4routsi2r'xo1 ^''â- 'â- ^\*^''' ^'^^'^ "« becoming anxi- no one was responsible for the f-'^l^i:!'SSlS:!ii^%lt:n\^^^^ aster, and recommended a regular , track Toronto i j outner- inspection of water tanks. I Bar'levâ€" No 9 v^ tn -^9^ . V« il •':''• "â- ^"^ ^''^'^'^'^ ^o"" ^a^â„¢ hands The official investigation of com- 1 extra 49c to 50c • Vn % iL tlsyl i " ^"'* ^^ ^'*° *' ^^^"^ ''"^ ^^ ^« '^- i *'-="^ ^^^ ''"^^^'^ plaints against immigration in-^.fJ.fjJn..l:fil.^\^\^^J°-^^°^ we , , , , , , outside ; Manitoba, No. 4, spectors at the border shows that track lake. Peasâ€" No. 2. 70c to 71c. Ryeâ€" No. 2, 67c to 68c. Buckwheatâ€" No. 2, 51c. Manitoba Flour â€" Quotations only two complaints have been re- ceived, and one of them was un- A despatch from New York says : founded. Obeying the strike order issued'by: The residence of the Fiske fam- their leaders, thousands of women ib' at Xicolvillo was destroyed by cloak and garment workers in thisih'C on Friday, and a young son city struck on Thursday afternoon t was burned to death. Another boy fo' higher wages and inproved^as very seriously burned in at- wcrking conditions. The strike or- tempting to save his brother der went into effect at 2 o'clock, and an hour later it was said at thy union headquarters that the ci«r to walk out was being gener- ally observed. The prediction isixixphv made that 70,000 operators would have quit work. GREAT BRITAIN. The Canadian rifle team at Bis- !«y won the Mackinnon Challenge THE KING'S CI-VIL UST. Committee Reeommends Provision of $3,170,000 Yearly. A despatch from London says : The select committee of Parliament appointed to consider the civil list lor King George V. recommends a fjrovision of $3,170,000 yearly for tho maintenance of the Royal fam- ily. This is an increase of $63,000 over the allowance made during the last reign. Madame Detaroche was serious- ly injured when her aeroplane fell V(ith her on the aviation field at Rleinis, on Friday. KILLED BY A BILL. St. Remi Farmer Dies at Montreal From Injuries Inflicted. A despatch from Montreal says : Cleophas Thouin, a farmer of St. Remi, died at the Hotel Dieu on Wednesday. The farmer, who was about twenty-three years of age, kept a ferocious bull on his prc- mi.ses, and one evening about three weeks ago went to bring it to the stable, when it gored him. He had Michigan, several ribs broken, some of the bones of which pierced the lungs. Sir A. Spicer suggests that dis charged Postolfice boys be sent to tiie colonies. Lady Abdy has offered $250,000 toward the promotion of an aerial line bet'w-een London and Paris. The British Home Secretary will be asked to prohibit the exhibition of the Jeffries-Johnson fight pic- tures. Toronto are:â€" First patents, IJ5.S0; second patents, $5.30; strong bak- er?'. 83.10; 90 per cent., Glasgow frieights 25s. Ontario flour â€" Winter wheat patents for export, $3.30 to $3.60, i» buyers' bags, outside. Millfeedâ€" Manitoba bran. $18 per ton ; shorts. $20 per ton. track, To- ronto. Ontario bran, $19 per ton ; shorts, $21 per ton on track, To- ronto 46Kc on Would have that number of appli- cations from farmers in less than tv.enty-four hours." Around Brantford the demand tor farm help was so acute, he con- " timed, that Indians on the Brant- was not a competent man. made the following reply to a question as to whether the man could milk : "No," he wrote, "he can't milk, but that was the cow's fault. The cows he was used to in England were different." The farmer, re- plying to another question, said 'â- farmhand"' could only harness a horse after he had been taught by his emplo.ver. L'nder the head of "general re- marks" comes this illuminating comment : •'I put him at hoeing the garden bur he said that the handle of the ii. rd reserve were being engaged i h<-e was too short. It was just S- at $45 a month and board. j r.tw one I bought." The chief difficulty w^ith the im- This man was receiving $20 ai migrants who have been placed on month and his board. to 6%c; good. 6c to 6Kc; middle, I SANE, SOBER. STRENUOUS. Sj/oC to S/'^c ; fair, 5c to 5,'-.jC; com-. COUNTRY PRODUCE per dozen UNITED STATES. A private detective was lynched b. a mob at Newark, Ohio, on Fri- day. n:on, 4,':jC to 4,'^c. Toronto, July 12.â€" The range for the best butcher cattle was on an average of from $5.75 to $6.35, with t(i<; medium and common grades | bri ging from $4.90 ta $5.25 and ! $5.40. Cows and bulls ranged' j widely, bringing- from $3.75 to $5.-1 I aO, according to weight and qua- ] i lity. Milkers and springers Earl Grey Gives His Opinion of Canadiaa People. Eggsâ€" 19,'., c per dozen in case lots. Butterâ€" Creamerv prints, 23c to 24c: separator prints, 20c to 21c ;i '=*>'• ^"Isers and springers were i i^ dairy prints, choice, igc to 20c ; ^ '""">' .^^'^ P*^*" ^^^^ '*'*^'"- Sheep' do., tubs, 17c to l«c; inferior tubs, j*"*' '"!"''» firmer at $t.«.25 as the A despatch from London says : Earl Grey, in this week's Standard of Empire gives a statement of his hopes and convictions regarding C&nada, and says: "Canadians aro a sane, sober, strenuous, earnes* patriotic, invincibly indus- I trious, a people worshipj-ing no -Large, Ill-^c, with twins ler Cheese- at ll%c per pound. Old cheese IS'oC to 12^'4C per pound. Beansâ€" $2 to $2.10 for primes and Forest fires are raging in North $2.15 to $2.25 per bushel for hand picked. Potatoesâ€" Ontario, 55c to 60e per â-  wlTeat IFALIAN'S CANCER CURE. Says He Has Conquered "Hope- less" Cases With It. j A de.'patch from Rome says : ; Prof. Fichora has announced to the' Two women were killed in New York by falling from high windows ibaj; out of store. American, $2^50 to $2.75 and $3 per barrel. PROVISIONS Wholesale quotations : â€" Porkâ€" Short cut. $31 to $31.50 top pri e for Iambs. Hogs were quoted 10c higher at $3.75 to $9 UNITED STATES MARKETS. Buffalo, July 12.â€" Wheatâ€" Spring in tenement houses. Walter Wellraan will attempt to cross the Atlantic in his motor bal- loon in .Vugust or September. .V school boy was found dead in Boston. He had been hanged, and doctors say he did not commit sai-ipci barrel; mess, $?8 to $23.50. cide. i Lardâ€" Firm; tierces, 13,' ^c; tubs, Dr. David Starr Jordan, Presi- 1 15>.jC ; pails, lo'^^c ; stocks steady. Institute of Experimental Hygiene dent of Leland Stanford Univer-| Smoked and Drv Salted Meatsâ€" t!-e discovery of a cure for cancer. The cure consists of injections of serum from a human embryo. The professor says that he has cured several hopeless cases at oancr'r hospitals. He has also experiment- ed successfully with the same re- niedv in cases of anaemia. as a:L ng clear bacon, tons and cases, â- J and I 1.3',ic to 15'.x; backs (plain), 21c to THE CES TIY OF PEACE A Great Celebration Is Proposed for the Year 1914 sity. has denounced football combination of pure brutalit pugilism. |21%c; ba<'k3 (pea-meal), 2l3.jC to llev. H. H. Bingham of London, 22c; shoulder hams. 14c to 143.jC. Ort., was elected Vice-President of i Rolls, smoked, 15c to 15'<^c; me- the Baptist Y«ung People's T'nion,dium and light hams, 18c to' 18,''.jc; )i America at the convention at heavy, 16' .,c to 17c; bacon, 19c to Saratoga, N. Y. easier ; No. 1 Northern, car- load , store. $1.22;^:^; Winter steady. Corn â€" Firm. Oats â€" High- er • No. 2 white, -iolic : No. 3 white, 4C'<c; No. 4 white, 423<c. Barleyâ€" Maltin.g. 63 to 6Sc. Mi'Mieftpolis. July 12. â€" Wheat â€" i July. $1.16; September. $I.10-''s; ) December. $1.08^^; cash. No. 1 haid. $1.19'..;: No. 1 Northern, $1.- 17 to $1.19; No. 2 Northern, $1.13 to $1.17: No. 3 Northern. $1.12 to $1.14. Bran- $IS.50. Flourâ€" First patents, $5.30 to $5.50 : second pat- ents. $3.10 to $5.30; first clears, $1.13 t(i $4.23; second clears, $2. SO to $3.20. 'A despatch from New York says : that has recci/oJ e.onsideraUon The movement for a wcrld-wido ce- ! f'-jn''?'".Pl''^t<^.s a ' -'Vr-i'ini* ;n<Kt.l. lebration in 1914 of the one hun- diedth anniversary of peace amr'ug English-speaking ;,coplvjs i.^^.-k » " term here on Wednc sday with che announcement of a 'â- ommi''tef se- lected to organize the work of pu'- puration. The conuiiULte is head- ed by .\ndTew Car.ij;ie as Ciititr man, and aniiounceiue it of tli'.- ;iie 8fnt status of the moveiucvit was nade by Chairman J-)lin A. Sicw- a>t of the Ex;';\tivfl C'ominiri'ce 'A One Hundred. The tr-;at..- of Ghent »a signed on Deo:mbcr 24, ISll. aid it is prop)'?ti to coiiuve'iiorato this event throi;;i an iiivi'atun i.f the United Stu-'es and Great Bii- tai-' to tho woril at lai'ito t(. tale part during 1)11 in a comiivjn cp!e-l biation. The exact fcni which the â-  celebration shall t;ike has l>efn omy tei.tativtly discu .scd. A nigjj' sitnl GENERAL. Professor Schiaparelli. the fam- ous ^alian astronomer, is dead at Milan. Thousands are starving because of the rice famine in the Chinese pn vince of Shantung. Russia and Japan b:»vc sitrned a convention pledging themselves to ob.'crve the st.itus quo in Man- churia. 41 , REVENUE INCREASED. Stutemeut For the First Quarter of Current Year. A despatch from Ottawa says Th< financial statement of the Do- 20c Green meats out of pickle, Ic less than smoked iiig a day of cer/jn-iT-r,! .Jli-int <â- < ri ferences in Liid.n and \\;;!-h:iif;- ttn, and the los-j'o'o er''<>ti n in New York of a gr'.Mi memj.'ial building, which shall be the pl».;e' r.union for the first quarter of the of the holding during 1914 of inter- 1 present fiscal year shows an in national conferences and LJiigresscs creased revenue of $4,741,981, as for the consideration of imp irtaritj compared with the corrcsiwnding subjects relating to the woi-'.d's' three months of last year. For the peace, with suitable exhibits by I t'le various nations. Nothing ini th^ way of a world s fair is contem-j plated, however, the committee's representatives state. las*, month the increase was $1,633,- 779. The quarter's revenue, total- ted $26,33-t,853, and the revenue for June $9,612,677. F.-xpenditure on c( nsolidated fund account for the Ii is stated that the movement ' throe months was $8,883,107. an in- has been discussetl with President Taft, who has expressed a sympa- ! thctic interest in the committee's j work. It has been suggested tbat a ijart of the celebration iJro- ' gramme be the creation of a/Suit- akle monument such as a m^jhorial bridge on the Niagara bot ^?i5T^V crease of only $16,300. Expendi- ture on capital account for the quarter totalled $3,1.30.035, a de- cria.sp of $864,268. During June the net debt of the poniinion de- er- ased by i?2, 333,467. the debt at the end of the month being $339-- 400,328. 1 i**** »- MONTREAL M.VRKETS. Mo treal. July 12.â€" Millfeed â€" Oi;tario bran, $1S.50 to $19; On- tario middlings, $21 to $22. Mani- toba bran, §1S; Manitoba shorts, $21. Pure grain mouillie, $32 to $33; niixe<I mouillie, $25 to $28. Flourâ€" Prices aro up 20c per bar- icl again to-day, making an ad- v.M ce of 50c a barrel within the last ten days. Butterâ€" Best creamery, 22Xc; creamery, 2l3flC. Cheeseâ€" Western, lOj^c to lie; eastern, lO'^c to lO^c. Eggsâ€" Selected stock. 21c dozen; straight receipts, 17c to ISc dozen; second grade, I2'.jC to 13c. Country Produce â€" Beans, three- pound pickers, $1.95 to $2 bushel. Potatoes, per bag, in car lots, 43c to 50c. Maple syrup, in wood 6c pound • tins. Ol.jC. Sugar. 10c to lie. Honey dull; clover, white, lie to 15c; dark grades, llJ^jC to 12c; white extracted, 10%o to 11«. Buck- wheat, 7c to 7j^c. LIVE STOCK MARKETS. Montreal, July 12. â€" Calves, $3 to $10; live hogs, $.50 per 100 pounds; sheep, 4,"..jC to 5e per pound ; lambs. A big storm at Aberdeen. Sask.. blew the fronts out of several stores ai.u wrecked a large number of barns. false gods and following no will ol the wisps, but steadily and suraly, with their eyes open alike to op- portunity and dangers, are build- ing up between the Atlantic and Pacific the greatest nation that has ever been within the greatest Em- pire. That has ever been Canad.i's wonderful inspirations to any right- thinking man. No better fate could befall any Briti-sh boy, girl, nyj .••T woman than to become a-rgood Canadian and play his or her pari in the Dominion's great forward march, which is the most wonder- ful process in this wonderful age." Earl Grey strongly favors emigra. tion of young children to Canada 4. BRITISH TRADE INCREASING. More Raw Material Coming In; More Manufactures Going Out. A despatch from London says : The June statement^ of the Board of Trade shows increases of $14,- l>-:i 000 in imports and $23,408,000 in exports. The principal increase io imports was in raw material, and manufactured goods showed the largest gain" in the exi>orts. MAW O F THE GBE AT WEST Newcomers Are Swallowed Up and Leave No Trace, Says Mr. Hays. .V despatch from Montreal says: re could not get men at the money. Ml. C. M. Hays, who is just back from the west, discussed the con- struction of the Grand Trunk Pa- cific and the scarcity of labor. "It is a matter of astonishment." said Ml. Hays, "to see how quickly all t' o newcomers disappear. Train- load after trainload of immigrants are continually arriving in Winni- peg, yet within forty-eight hours the.v are all swallowed up in the wonderful west. What is more. their cominp; does not seem to af- fect the labor market in the least. The scarcity of labor is as bad now 11- ever it was. When I was in Vancouver we sent round to all th» lal'or bureaus for 100 laborer-;, «^ the lowest they Thirty cents was Would consider. "Mr. Chamberlain still thinks that we will get the Grand Trunk Pacific constructed through ti> Piince Rupert by 1912. It is, course, all a niattei.of labor'' Jf we can get the labo^ic ».*r«jj 6e dono $S.50 to $5 each; steers, choice, 6}4« fering theui i'lt ceats an hour- i'" hut can we question." He denic company tevinin thei>-.^n(.v Tiki t is the reports that tho ought property for ancouver, saying all was being concent rat- •'•.g into Prince Rnprrt. h..wevcr, that thev wera new wharves at Seattle ctoria, tu accommodate thoir / Vv. â- x T"

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