Flesherton Advance, 14 Jul 1910, p. 4

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Jri.Y 14 I'.UO E V LESllEKT ON AD ^^ F. T^ HILL & Co. = narkdal Selling Many Lines of Wanted Hot Weather Goods Away Below Market Value. Owing to the very cold, backward spring season many of the niannfacturers became over stocked with the kind of general niercliandise which retjnires nice warm weather to create u demand for. We have taken advantage of this and fjecured many exceptional good bargains m the ditterent lines, and this week we are otter- ing them to you at a big saving on what yon usually pay. Many lines below man- ufacturer's cost. Our Bifl Purchase of LADIES' FINE LAWN WAISTS are doing very fast. You can't afford to uas* them, fur the qualitirs and the .styles are the busit and tlie prices) leHi tliaa wholesaler':) cost, »nd for the hot weather you can't :iflford to be without one«(>ne of tlie*'- nt the prices. A B I <1 SNAP FOE MEN IN WANTED LINES OF SUMMER UNDERWEAR We were very fortunate in securing this lot, especially just now when they are wanted by you. Men's Fine BalbriKgan Underwear, Spring Needle oiake, nice neat blue and stiiped patterns in Shirts and Draw- ers Revular 50c. value, this week 35c. a garment or 70c. a ^uit. Men's Fine Balbria^an Underwear, a better line thun tlie former. In this line we have .i number of lines and in different shadrs and designs : some are silic l)ound and the drawers are tinished in the truuser ttyle. There are 60c. and7Cc. lines in the lot, this week per garment 43c. THKm /lesl)ertoa %ij>aM^ An inilepi-ndcnt n<?w»pai)er, publinhed every 'riiun*ilay ut tli"- oftice, CollinKwood Street, Klvaherton. .Subucription price ll i>er armuiii, whi^n paid inadvi\nce; $l..'iO wlien ni>t »<> l>aid. AdvertUiiiK raCen im application. Circulation 1,031) weekly. W. I-C. Tliuratoii - KUIto TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR- PRINCIPLES. NOT MEN Strong to » -)d I promid* from the premier. We hope, however, thai the promise will prove to be merely of the nature of an aate- electioo pledge of vague proportions. lb ia rumored that the authorities I ests will 'not permit the Johnson -Jeffries |fo"e a recogni" fight pictures to he shown in Flesh • erton . We warn our readers against iu- dnigiog in airship flights anless they have their nerves well in hand. Nerves are a very bad thing to take depends upou the paator as much as The success of the modem ehnrcb g g ggggfl S g S g ^F'y-ggg^ g^ZP^^'g '^Z^^'^j^ -y- T - y -T - r -T- y - ^ and ) groceries Our slock of groceries i« jilways fresh and clean. Tlie prices are right â€" net ton low for quality not too high. flour and Feed All kinils of Ford's Flours aud Royal Household. Bran, shorts, and low grade flour for feed- Whatever you need in this line we can supply them- Icecream Parlors We have always fresh Ice cream OR hand. Sodas and Sundaes. Drop in and cool off. ^ w. L. Wright's, i 60 YEidS' EXPERIENCE Tbaoi Marks Ucsiar s Copyrights Ac QnlckiT McerUla our opinion fruu^ Anfona Itntf lag a sketch ar;! ^o«crintl.-)n m«> .... . . - wiioir ^onini onP rpaten COhtac lt.T«nUon ItprobAMf p'lltititjibla. Comnmnlciv tloneetrlotlrconOilnntfal. HANDBOOK onPatouu •ant tree. OMMt mipncr for lecnrtDtrpatenti. Fatenu uken throunh tlona Jk Oxtaoetn t^etal notU4, wit bout otaarKo, lu tha Scientific Hmtim. A hatwS«om«l7 Ultutmted woeklf. fjuneat nlr- oolatlon vt Buf trlentlflo Joomal. Terms for Cin><1». SXTS ft r«^« pottUgo propalit Boia by «U OMadeftlen. â- J,=J,=Jr^ r. 3^ BUOGIEHâ€" Mount Forest and [) Armstrong. WAGGONS- Chatham, Jackson and Petrolia. CREAM HARVESTEUS-Natio- nal and Dtiry Maid. Binders, Mowers, Hay rakes, Hay loaders. Hay forks and Carrieri, Itopc and Pullies, Washing ma- chines and Wringers, Brantford Windmills CEMENT Jiwt arrived a car load of fre.sh cement. Superior Brand. We hare mtiafied others and would be pleased to satisfy you. Give us a call. It will pay you. S. Hemphill, Ceylon ITSEJ^rJrxH^ WE REPAIR WEAK MEN ONE SECRtr OP OUR SUCCESS. Every case submitted to n« receives the personal attention of our Medical .StalT, wbo consider the symptoms, compUcatlong and cbrooicity, and Ihea decide as to the disease and eurabllity. Specillc rcniedli-s are then prescribed for the case and are compounded by our own chemist in our own I.alX)ratory. Such appropriate treatment cannot full lo cure, as specillc medicini'a are selected to cure Iho symptoms that trouble you. Wo have no cure-all medicines lilje most specialists use who send the same medicines to all patients alike and cure none. We have treated patients tbruuKhout Canada for over twenty years and can refer to any bank as to our responsibility. We Coaraats* Cures or No Pay. Wo Trtat all Disouos of Men and Womta. IV CONSULTATION FREE .£% If Unable to Call, Write for a Question List (or Home Trealmont DRS.KENNEDY&KENNEDY Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich. ^HflVI^P All letters from Canada must be addres.<ied N W I I W Ei to our Canadian Correspondence Depart- ^^â- â- â- â- ^â- la tni!nt in Windsor, Out. If yon deiire to see us personally call at our Medic.il Institute in Detroit as we see and treat •o patieDta in our Windsor otficiii which are for Correspondence and Laboratory for Canadian business onlv. Address all letters as follows: DRS. KENMEDY & KENNEDY, Windier, Oat. Write for our private address. CRITICS SERVE A GiX)D PURPOSE At a recent vote in Stokes cmiitj^ N. P.. twoschniil districts defea'ed a special tux pr 'jiositionby overwhelniin/ niaiuri- t'e<, undone of the districts is said to liave voted solidly s<{ain.st the projusitiou. Evidently these distiicts do not lieliove in school tales. The N. C. Advocate ponts out, however, chat some of the sec- tions of this very county have been send- ing large delegations to the Atlanta pen- itentiary. Ignorance and crime are often allied. The school pays its way always, â€" Christian Guardian. The attitude exposed above is not an unusual one. Ever since the first white man brought bis wife and family to this continent any progress that has been luade has been oiade. in the face of and in spite of opposition. (The Indians were the first "kickers," and hucky ones at that.) Were this not so the develope- ment of our country and nation would be of a cursory nature. The necessary stability to ensure a lasting nation is the oatiiial outcome of a growth attended with difficulties, and while without them there would bo a rapid growth, the tinished product would be as a hot-house plant and unable to withstand the frosts of adversity. All educational progress has been ntade in the same manner. It is only human nature aMertiog itself when some people '''kick" against advanced education, and it is Well that it should break out in such a place. The result is that a more thorough system of imparting kitowledge has been evolved, and the day of readin', 'ritiu' and 'rithmetic aii the entire curiic- ulum is long past. This world would he a slow place if there were none to criti- cise, and while the critic may appear to be a knocktr, he is in reahty a booster of the best sort. Don't criticise the critic too harshly. He serves a good purpose. up in an aeroplane, anyway. One lady, last week, forgot to leave her'a on terra finua, and lost them when she got up among tLe clouds. In the drop which followed the lady was probably fatally tnjared. A fight fan, who had lost money on the Jeflries- Johnson I couples attended the meeting. the saccess of the mercantile business depends npon the merchant. That one pastor at least is re.idy for any- thing to attract an audience is evident by the action of a Pennsylvania minister who preached in the dark. His reason las given outi was that the heat was too great to use lamps and . . ,, , „ . T , remain comfortable. Whatever the in betting on the Jenries- Johnson ., ,. â-  t r, , , 4 'reason, the result was •ncoaraging,for scrap, tried to force an entrance to j , j u * . ^1 - , , 3. ^ , . an unprecedented number of youo^ the champion a home, and to put him i.. ..i._j„j »i ..• out of misery by the pistol route, He was blighlly mixed in his bear ings and should have turned the pis- i A rural correspondent in one of tol on himself, to rid the world of one | our exchanges says with reference to more aselees character. A man who! July 1st "and 'lie °>08' stayed at becomes crazy over a prize -fight ought home to mind their own business." to either leave the betting alone, or In the first place, we would like t» take bis medioine like a man. .say that it is a poor businf js which ij g Q always needs "minding." There ia _ ,, ., J 'something wrong wish the farmer or Owen Soand has recently re-named » * . , , « „ , . ^ .. I ll business man who cannot knock oa all ber streets. More recently the churches have been re-christened and now the schools have undergone ., . -. j . u ' IS so helpless that it needs to be minded." The crop will work for a week or so, or even a day, at some time or ether. No business â- Jr=lr=lf =i r=nJf=J,=Jn=: :=^ --'r='f= J Tailor Shop For tine tailoring call < n F. A RAKER, 2ncl tloor south of Atm- strong's jewellery store, where we shall be pleii.sed to hIimw you ull the luloHt designs nf spring and summer suitings ami overcoaiings. Over 500 different patterns to choose from, at the most rtav>nable prices. Fit and workmanship guaranteed. P. A. BAKER HIGH CLASS TAILOR ARMSTRONG'S BLOCK. =Jr=Jr=Jt^r=J r=:il,^f^,^,±=/f=Jri=A\ H PERIGOE. Flesherton, •••• •••• •••• •••t •••• '•m% â- â€¢â€¢â€¢ •••• •••• •••• Will l>uv ymir lodger aud all your tiotus or fttlvancu vou luouey on th-m. •••i placed ill «iafti aiii liaiiiott. liberal com- I (tl \tit I.oan^. Biiarantott b'lndH, otc. II •••e .__ •1 ::SS ^'••lt» •<"• *""RK ItKHOKT on III "i\ yonr iloubtlul acouunts . auil n I '.Hi notnn. N ! ..•• i^ ' "S* Telephone 19. > j ISi|9UeeeooooeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeetSr; I «2uTiS«eeeeee*«««»**«*********»*««2>il "ADVANCE" ADS. PAY Thompson's S Bread delivered re^^'U- larly and kept for sale at the following stores: Collinaon's and "J;~i'»''t''"»"'*'> t-'eylon VV . .Vldto>cn "^ Son's and P. McArtW's Price.illo N. McCannell's proton Station R. Heron's, Maxwell A. Hutohin.wn'» and Eli Robinson's Feveraham H.Cairns'. J.E.Urge'^ a nd R. Parks', Eugonus ] Bakery "" CHILDHOOD has bllghtatf many ilvaa baoauta tha pain caatatf Charaby produoaa an avaralan ta atttcly. Tli« baekward ohild to* oftoi) \^«e»mM th* uniuoeasafful man. ^ V Armstrong:, .^4«le«" * Optician fANADIAN BEST SERVICE TO Muskoka Four Trains from Toronto 9.40 a. in. 12.15 p.m. 8.05 p.m. 10.10 p.m. Bala sleeper carried on lo.io p. m, trMin Fridays. Enjoy The Cool Breezes Of The Great Lakes. Sailings daily except Friday and Sunday from Owen S»ound. Speci.tl train from Toronto 1,00 p. m. sailing days. Meals and berth included on boat. The must pleasant and chuapest rout'* to Winnipeg and West. S. Randt, Agent, Fieshertor. THE DROUTH BROKEN Four weeks of braasy skies and scorch- ing suns, without any rain, made matter* look serir>ns. There had been several storniH in prospect during thai time but all hud been dispersed or took a distant course. Saturday night what looked like a general heavy thunderstorm arose in the wast, when lightning flashed and thunder bravely roared aloni' the west- ern iky, .111(1 everybody anticipated a big .storm. But before it reached us the siorin was once more broken and dis- persed to the four winds. Etiily Sun- day morning, however, the clouds came together and a general rain storm set in thut lasted all forenoon, soaking the ground thoruu;;lily. Foliage was washed clean of dust once more, the birds smig mure cheerfully, and all nature smiled her broadest smile.- The situation was saved. Root crops and small fruits had been .sutForing for want of luoistute, but the beniticrni showers of Sunday will put things on a different footing and giowtli will go forward by leaps and luunds. Hay on old land is very light ; new meadows are good and grain crops aie excellent. FLYS AND FLIERS The flying craze is now becoming quite epidemic, aud a bad case has developed right in our own Cjueen City. Of course the art of flying is only in the exhibition stage at present. A« sn amusement it has come lo stay and later undoubt- edly will develope into .something more beneficial. The air has not altogether been conquered yet, but it shows signs of weakening. Records are being broken on two continents every day. Probably the nioitt remarkable flight yet made is announced from Allautio city, where Brookins went up 6174 feet in his aero- plane. At that altitude his fuel gave out and the ouginea stopped but he success- fully reached the earth by gliding. That, to us, appears to be the greatest victory scored by the man-birds and proves that new wrinkles in aviation sio t«ing le«rn- ed every day. a similar metamorpbosia. It only; remains to change the name of the . ' „.,,,, _j » a ii_ ,».««»o .11 growj^st as well if the farmer la not town, in order to finally remoTe all » â- â€¢ ... .. .^.u-.- i;,n- 1 sitting on the fence and watching it. sense of mfenority over other little, s .-,•.„ â- , ... ._ k- _.,..>«„ The farm will not pick itself up and cities, which appears to be respon. i ^ t^ sible for the restless desire for change | '"'^ «'7/ '''°^" '^^'^ ^"^ °~"- in tLe mind of the average Owen ;°°»' »^°'"^»y' l>"^ '7«^P«°P'« «^»"=«- Soander. Our friends of the county ! '^ "^o"" .'° «>'°P"''«°'* /•»""• They town should return to the original «''"'°'°"'S*°'"'^''"^f"'i'''"**°"-'' and more euphonioas name olSydeu-i»;'':y«°««^f"-y ^°' '^« S'^'''"'' °^ the hay or the ri|)ening of the wheat. lOf coarse it is nobody's bnsinesa bat I their own, but when they try to keep Sir Wilfrid Lanrier is jast now 'the boys at home too,a snag is struck enjoying a tour through the north* and Johu hies him away to western western wheat fields, and unburdening , fields, or citywards, leaving the "old himself of addresses en route. On man" to work out his own salvation. Satarday at Fort William Sir Wil-'^/en '^« '^s'"" 's learned-bat too . . , , , , 1^.11 J ' late. An occasional holiday is an frid told the people that he Pttrposed^j^^^j^^^ necessity for the farmer aa deepening the Welland canal to twen- ^^ell as the professional man. ty feet, and building the Georgian! -_________^_- Bay canal at an early date. (Won- ; ^^^ j.,^^,^^ J^^^.^^ der will he deepen the Newmarket Notice is hereby given by the Muni- canal till he strikes water.) This cipal .^ouncil of the Township of Arte- Georcian Bay ssheme will not be re- |>"es;a that the said council will, after "r L .1 I ( It (four weeks from the first publication here- ceivtd with favor by the people Ot tue.^jj j„ ,j,^ Flesherton Advance newspaper, east, involving as it does the expen- the date of which first publication is on diture of a sum out of all proportion 'he 30th day of June, IDIO. proceed to uibuic v/. a su... c r pass a bylaw or bylaws for the closing to the advantages offered. Some a„a disposing of the under mentioned financial interests have for a long original allowance for road between lots , ^ ., 1 J ' l:$0 and l.'U in the third concession north time been advocating the work, ard ^^^ ^j j,,^ ^orouto and Sydenham road spending considerable sums in its in .said township of Ariemesia. promotion-endeavoring to convince All persotis interested are hereby rs- " quired to take notice, the press of its feasibility and neces- j Dated ihe 30th day of June, 1910. sity â€" and it appears that these inter- 1 W. J. Bellamy, Clerk. J.andW. BOYD merci^itts Fl^sbcrton « Ontario Wool Wool TIME FOR A CFfANQE This county has been paying out a lot nt money to high tohooii outside this county, also to high schools in the north of the county which benefit residents ot the southern portions very little indeed. This county pays annually towards the maintenance of Owen Sound collegiate |4fl6:i.24 and to Mea'ord high school 12732.19. Besides this the county pays a couple o( tAuusand dollars for mainten- ancs of pupils outside the county. It costs the township of Art«nietia about llflOO towards thes» paynnenta and it is pretty nn«r time that tha north of the county should be asked to assist the educational facilities jn the southern (wrtiona. J Isn't it curious to hear the storm of protest thnt U^r suddenly arisen against prize fijUt^ig -since the white Wo want 50,00011)8. washed wool for which we will pay the highest market price aud give you the benefit of a good inspection. Men's and Boys' Clothing Men's suits in all the latest styles and patterns, #0 50 to f 18.1)0 Boys' 3 piece suits $4.00 lo 7-50 Beys' 2 piece in Norfolk and double breasted $2.75 to 4.30 Boots and Shoes We have a complete range in these lines in ctjildren's, misses', boys', women's and men's at prices which defy ounpetition. See our special workingmen's boots in tan and black at $1.25. Parasols Nuw is the sea.son for paramls. We have them in black, white and fancy colors from 50 cents to $3.00. Lawn waists from $1.00 to $2.75. Also pviuv^ ginghams, linens and reps. man lo^*^^ 7 BOOTS AND SHOES la this department we have added the Slater shoe, which needs no ad- vertfsing, having gained for itself a reputation BeO'> end to none. Satisfaction (^a» ran teed or your money refunded. OoowrmAa.V/kt.T SmtH ^ " lUc StM. or C«BT<U>ITY * .^ SLATER SHOE OottmjmJt/kM: â- T<aiawH ^R^R^K^^^^^F^K/»>^R^f^K^R^R^R' iN .-v --

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