Flesherton Advance, 28 Dec 1911, p. 4

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y/ Decern BKR 28 1911 THE F I. E S H E KT N A D V A N C K /leslierton !Xi>i>ance All inile|«-iiilent nfWspaiKT, luililiaiipd escry I'niiiiidsy at th"- ntfice. ('i.lliiiKKcxxl Street, Klt-nherton. SulMi'riptioii price ♦! iwr annum, vihra \»'ui inailvHiice; $l..'iJ wht'ii not no |>M(I. AdvertUinK luto on application. Circulation 1,100 wiHtWIy. W. H. ThurHloii - Ktlltor TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR- PRINCIPLES. NOT MEN Nomination Was Well Attended Tlie following ventlvmen were ixiinin- inated for Arteniesia Council on Kiiday lut: Ki'R KKKVK Juliu .\' IJoyd, by John iUatkliurn And Jos. Blakeley. T. R. McKeii7.i<*, I'V Henry Willi.iniM and 8. Hempliill l.ri'l T\ KKKVK Donald MiLeod, by Julin ItiacktuiD and Joi. Blakeley. Wm. Caswell, ly Alci. Henry and Tlios. Taylor. FilH "orMII.LOK J. I. Graham, by Win. Carson Knu Kdward Haker. Samuel Thompson, by Win. ('arsoii and Henry Welter. Oeorge Meldiuii', by Wei. Camernn and Wni. Walker, A. I>. Mcl,eod. by W. H. Tliumton and Thoa. Taylor. T. M, FJannon, by Win. Sharp and W. J. Boyd. Harry Shaw, by John Weber and Robert Best. The two laHt teaiitnaU. The municipal nomiuation on Frid-iy last went f)fl' very pleasently, the town- ball beinn crowded with an iiiterelod and orderly audience. Mr. .lo«eph Blakeley (jctupiwl the chair very ably, and in'ro- duciny the nieelinx refered feelingly In the deatli!* of the late re|iected Reeve and Mrs McLcod, wife of Councillor A. D McLeod. He r.-fcied lo the high late of taxation »nd l>clteveil tlia! they might even go higher. His own had doubled during the pixt eight years. He wa.s in favor of the Henry (ieoii^e system of taxation b<> for as it applied to farnis. He was also in favoi of coiiiiiuitiny statute lab )r aloDf; 'he grivel roi'is as half value was not ({iveii under the preMinl system. Mr. McKcn/ie »piike for an hour on past years woik in the lonnthiii and in the County C 'Uiicil. He aUo lefered to the dark .><ha'low of death that bad fal- len over the t .wii9hi|i (I'lriMi' lb« past year, ine'ilii'uing the deaih of Mr. W. C- I'edia r.iiitMiiber of the liiidi school boaid: HeL'tor Mc I»ipnHKl.hi-.ib counly constable; Reeve .\lfX Muir, and Mrs. .\. U. Mc- Leod. He reviewed niiiiutr-ly the tinan- cial Work of the yeir ard explained th«t the incre'kKed taxes were sonietliin;/ over which the Council liaJ no control. The Council had cut the iiiunicipal rate '2.1(.> millt, but the county rule had inireased in like ratio. He ci>iiM not promise u reduction in taxes but he would proniiae !i careful expenditure of the people's money it he were elected to the Reeveship Mr. J. A. Boyl, the otli?r candidate for the Koeveship followed, but spoke «|uite btiefly. He also referred to the Had ex|ieriencu of the tho |>ast year, and in- cidentally refei red to the work be had done m the County Councd with regard to getlini; tho county'.to take over certain bridges. There had l)«en an agitation t(j raise Arteiiiebia'8 county rale .md this would 111 n\\ liklihood have lo be guarded this coininji ' year. Owen Sound'n rate had nut, been keeping pace with it'i de- velopment. If elected to the Hecveshiji he would oive ineiyl>ody a S'jUare deal. Mr. Uonald McLeod, cniididale for the iJepiityhliip, in addition to accounting for his work (luring the year, advocated the •ppoindnent of an asHcsanient i-ommiu- â- ion and aRM!>sino the township for live years, lie also advocated tagging of dujia and that owners of laiflean dogs bu lined from 90 to fL'O. Mr. Caswell believed in f<iirne.'ii be- tween man and man. lie explained his expend tiire and the fcettleinent made with Mrt Muir, who had her leg broken by a defective sidewalk at Ceylon. Tlie Hettlement was the chuapcat way out of it. He thought ho H'ii.s bellei iiualilied for the Uepulyship than Mr, McLeod and wouUl npond the mon«y in the most lirotitHble manner. Mr. Graham 8|Hike very ahurtly, ex- plaining luH deteriiiination to drop the candidature for Deputy and come out aH candidate for Councillor. Hu did not think it would be in tho interests of the townihip to iiave n three cornered tiigia . Mr. Sam Thoni|>soi) gave a rattlinK upccch that rnuaed the audience lo en- th'jsiatn and laughter. He had no lins of the past ttjanswerfor and consetpieiiily livl no explanalioim t > make. Neither had he any proiiiiaoi to make. He want- ed to be truHted and if the rate|iuyei'8 -Could not trust liim, why vote fir iliu other man. The past was gone beyond recall. He desired to m-v n savin^t in taxea, Mr, George Meldrum made his firat Annoocancu on (ho plulfi'rui. It was at \carne*t k-dpieHt of a large numier of friendh lli.it he did ah. If elected he would do the lieat ho could to serve the the lowiiuhip; if not, why he had lott to do at home. This ended the apeaking, but before adjourning the huge meeting unani- mously endor.Hcd by a standing vote two resolutions of condolence with the fam- lies of the lite Reeve, and Councilor Mc- LeiKl, these reaoUitious lo be forwarded to the respective ftmlies. The Uieeling then adjourned in the beat ofh umor. A Local Fur Stoty Mr. John McDon.tld tells a good story of the late Mr. W. A. Ferguson. Many years »y i when the late Mr. J. W. Kllioti was poHtiiiaster at Chatsvvorlh he recieved a potal card one day from a big Fur House in the Iniled States asking him to susigest the name of some one who dealt in or collected furs and whom they might appoint as their agent. Mr. Fergufon was standing by and he said, "Wriie in McDonald's uatno lor a joke." The conseipioiice was that the name got on hunilreds of Fur House lis's. That was over twenty-ti\e yejis :kgo, and eter since then, year in ami year out, and especially in the fur eeaaon Mr. McDonald has recieved letters, circulars and tat's from nearly every fur house in Canada, the Cnitetl States and Europe, ijuoting the piice of every imaginable kind ot fur from skunk and raccoon up to uiountain lion, and asking him to ship on his sup[ily of pelts at once. He sjiys the letters he has recieved have run up into the thousands, :ind the worst of it is be doesn't know how to stop them.- Chatswoith News. Honor Rolls FleHherton Public Schol, S. S. No. ;"., fcr December. Room 1 Class IV Florence Bunt, Herb Ls- (iard, Klmer Wrigh', Nettie Truman, Eld* Karstedt, Roy 5tcCauley, Maurice Wright, Leone Thompson, Ne'tio Teeter, Rebecca McLaren, (^hristena McLeod, •lennie Mcl>aren, Will Ooldhawk, Cla.ss HI Sr. .\lice McLeml, Clara Lever. .Meda Mitchell, Wilfred Watson. Ciass III Ir. I'l-arl Blakeley Mary Culgaii, .Aleata Blakeley, .\lineda Legard. Room '2 Class II »r. Mabel Fields. I Hive Mc Mullen. Susie McClocklin. Class II jr. â€" Kendal Boyd, Clarence Fisher, Siewail McTavish Cla.ss I fr.-- Krnest Davis, iV Il.irry fiC- (iard (ci|Ual) Cecil Wurts, Kihel Fields, Bertha .Smith A (iertie .McCIocklin(e(|ual^ Hilda (:o!dha»k. I'l i'liary Room C ass I Lili.iii Buskin A tiladys Lever (o(iual) VN'ilfred Lever, Alav I ^ll|â- illgton it Vera L -ver ('-iiual) Bert McLeod, Kinie Flynii. Class A L I'la Ferris, .laiiiie Wright, Olive Ma'ht-soii, Mamie McT<ti>b. ("Iihs I! â€" Ivan Wurlz, Fi.mI.i Matliesoii Norvai Stewart, L^lliui McMullen. Class I'â€" RoL'gie Boyd, Krrol Truman, (iordoii (iolcib.twk. Report of .S. S. No. ;!, .Xitemisi.i, for Dtieinber : Class 4 Sr. Zoll.i Beiilliaiii. Mabel Irwin, Robert Sharp Class 4 Jr. Hugh Moore, K!sie C.is- well. Clacs :'.--K!ij lb Bi-ntli.iiij, Willie Irwin, Wardie Harrison, Roy Bisi. Class •.' sr-Rhoda I'lesl, Wilbc ( )rr, â- Su>ie ( haid Class ii jr MiMici Sharp, .Mljert Moore. I'art -J- Fred Irwin, Mildred Caswell. Sr. I Mildred Moore. .Ir 1 (lordon Irwin, lil.i Breen, Oeoige Kikiiis. Atlell Bleeii. iM. B. Wilson, Teaohcr. BUSINE.S.S Cards IOUIiiiOUOH <k YOUNQ ' , llaiikuia Matlidale goueral baiikiufj buaitieBH. Blooey loaned at reaaooable racen Call ou ua. TOhlBLKTT, • Postinastor, noyloti. CouiniiUHiouer iu H. C. J , Conveyancer, deeds, mortoaRea, leaaua, wills etc. carefully drawn up ollectioua uiad'. cliarfiaa reasonalili). Alao Krocariiia, doui.teed etc, keptlu stock, I'rlcea rlKlit. R.I SFUOULB, PleshertOD oommlaaloner In H.C .1., Auctlonee Con-* reyaaoer, Appraieer and Money Lender Real Ratate and Insurance Afjent. Deeds. uaort!(aKeB, leases and wllla carefully drawn and valuatioDa uiade on aliorteat uotioe ouuy to lotn at lowiist ratea of iuteroat. Co). i.-tioue attiinrtod to witli proinptnesa diames lutf. Agent (or Ocoan Dominion Htaamabip Company. A oall soUoltad. DMcl'HAIIi, Idcensed Auctioneer for the • County of Orey. Terms niorlorate aud aatlaraciion Kuaranteed. The arrangements and dates of bales can be made a*-. Tus Adva.vok ofllce. Itesiilence and r.O., Ceylon, Telephone roQuectioii. Dec. 6.07. Farms For Sale or Rent DAKM FOK HALK~l.ot uo'i. in the .'>tb coo- ' ccaaiouo: the townahip of Artcmeala, coo- tainint; lOO acres, eiabty-nvo acres dared, halaue liaidwooti tiiiilier. Property of the lateW. J. Huatty. There is a bank baro biid roiighcaat liouae on preuiiaes and is well watuiod. Will \>e sold on reaso.iable terms. Apply to. lamusli. McMullen, Ceylon i>. o.,<Kt. FDli S.\fiK~('heap and raay terma. If nut sold Boon, (or rent to suitable tena't, N'ortli half lot :I9 aud lot 40, coo, II, Arteuieaia. and lot I, con, I'J. Oaprey, •JM acres, alraut ISU cleared balance iiioatly tliiiberad land, hard a..dso/t wood ; i{ood atone dwellinff and frame ham, stalilinK under ; well watered with never- fsiliug small spring creek cioasiiig farm close to barn; Tliin is an exoellejit Kraia or gra/inf; farm and will be sold very cheap it taken at once and on easy terms. .Appl> to K. .1. Kproule, Fleahertou, Oct. w» M. KAITTIKO. Licenaed Auctioneer (or tho countii-B of Orey and Bimcoe. Farm and Stock salos a specialty. Terms uoderato. satisfaction guaiantted. Arrange- aients for dates way be made at the Advance offlee, or a: T. Hutcbiusons store, tevoiabam by addressing me at Feverahaiu, Ont. RUDD MATHKWB, Markdale, Licenaed auctioneer for the county of Grey, Good service at reaatnable rates. Dates nan be made at The Advance. o09 r HAUVEY PKKIGOE, broker, Flesherton ^ General brokerage buaineaa. Inaurance of every kind placed iu lafe and liberal companies. Real eatato etc.. Open accounts and paat due notes handled and money advanced tbereon. Correspondence solicited. Medical DR CARTKR M CP & S Ont.Phyaiolan, Surijeon etc OtHce aud residenceâ€" Peter at., Fleaberton JP OTTEWELL Veterinary Burgeon Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College, residence â€" escond door south weat;on iaarv street. This atreet runa aoutb Presbyterian Church. eWlLbON, Hlecksniith • 'Graduate of tue Veterinary Scienc Aasociation. Durbaiu Ureet, oppoaite Boyd, Bro'a hardware. I Olt SALT, aheap and on easy terms -Ijots I ' and 'i. con. II Usprey ; 'JOO acrea ; frame dwelling, frame barn and stabling under; about 170 acres cleared and under cultivation. Home splendid cedai with other mixed timber on balance, alao twnsiuall orchards beariug, Wei watered ; never failing spring creek. Kpleudid grain aud grazing farm. Apply to It J. Spicule Kleshertoii or Kaiiiuel Osborne, Maxwell. UAItM FOH SALEâ€" Very cheap, 100 acres. ^ lot 0, con. 7. Osprey, only )|:J000, reaaouablii cash payment, balance easy terms, 8.5 acreti cleared, well fenced and in high state of culti- vation, balance timbered, good conifortablii frame dwelling, atone collar under, never fail- ing bpring well and- windmill puuip at door, new frame burn, well flniahed, atone stabtiitf; with spring water under, alao in shed. It in situated i mile from Maxwell village where tbers are stores, post offlces. good sch^.^ol, and is on the gravel road.SJ miles (rom railway station. It sold at once, above price, though VEKV fHK.A,P might be abaded a little. Apply to H, J. SPHOULK, Fleaberton, or TJIOMAH OUV. on prou;iae«. •( COlt S.'KLE very cheap and on easy te: *- Tlie late Dr,('hri8toe*e .'l-story brick Dentistry Dr. E. C. MURRAY L. O. fi.. dental Burgeon houoi graduate of Toronto Uoiveraity and Royal vJollege of Dental fturgoons of Ontario, Gas adniislniatered for teeth extraction OUice at residence, Toronto Street, Fleshertou. Legal I IfAS, KANKY A WALI.ACF.-Itarristera, »-' Bolicilor«,otc.-I. 11. l.ucas, K. C; W. K. Haney. K. C. ; .1. II. G. Wallace. Olhccs. Toronto. fOO-'J liadcrs Hank Hldg., phone main lllj; Msrkdalo l.ucas Hlock, Phone 2 A, Hianch ullice at Duudulk open every tiatuiday. WH. WltlOHT, Harriater, Solicitor, Convey- ancer, uti-.,â€" Owen Sounil.and Klesheiton. H â€" FleHliertoii othce, Spronle's lilotk ever> Saturday SOCIETIE.S A O I' W meets oi, tho laiit Mouriay O in (iHcti month, in tliuir lodge ruoai Norris' block. iFleshertoii, at H p.m. M. W., H. C. l.-(ianl ; Ilci'., C. H. Munsliaw; FJn., W. P. ( roiislcy Visitiug brothrcn invited PRINCE ARTHUR LODGE, No. :i:«,A.F& A M. meets in the Masonic hall. Arm strong's Hlock, KloMhorton. ovury Friday on or befori' tlin mil iiioci). ('. H. Mu'ishaw, W. M.; ThoM. flavton. Secrtitsry. nOURT;FLESHr.RT0N, M"., I. 0. K. ireetsin ^ Clayton's Hlock tho IsHt Wednesilnv uvotiing of each month. Visiting Foresters ht^artily welcome. II. U. Dyson; R. 8.. T, Ilei.ry; Fin. Sec , (;, N. Hicliardaoii. Please pay dues to Fin. Sec. before tlio first day of tho mouth. termaâ€" - - . -story brick hlock in Fleaberton with good stable and uever-fail ingwellon piemiaea. Good large store and good butcher's shop and dwelling ; two good stone cellars under building ; ia and can bo kept well rented ; two good lialla on second and third stories ; first class business stand and will be sold cheap as owner is enga4{ed in other business in the west and has no further use for It. Apply to It- J. Sproule, Kiesherton. FARM FOR SALE Lot No. l,S«i-IS7. ill the secomi range east, Toronto an I .Sydenliam Koad, Arteinesio, containing 240 acres of first class land ; (?'««! Iiniklings, plenty of water, near church and .sctiool ; three miles from I'rotim .Station ; 20 acres gcsid Jiardwood bush, balance cleared and ill goml state of cultivation. For par- ticulars apply to. \V. .(. .lACK.SON, l-^-ct Port Law Colts Came Astray Came to my premi.ses, lot 4, con. 4, -Artemesia, about Nov. li, two colts. The owner is reiiuested to prove property,- pay expenses and take the same away. -WM. FJ.KTCHKR, Ceylon P.O. CHRISTMAS GROCERIES A bi^ stock of choice Christmas Groceries on himl, fresh and at right prices. CM and see what we have. We want your trade and will treat you right. W. L. Wright, Grocer, Flesherton CEYLON'S "'S.RE Christinas • Itit 01(1 Santa has been here and left a good slia.e of c his goods lor old and ycung Furlined Cowt.s, Muffs and KuS's, Kid Cloves and Mitts, Motor Scarfs, Fascinators, Silk Hiid Net Waist-s, Sailor Collars, of allover iMCe, very pretty. Silk Collars for Coats, Cushion Covers, Centre Table Covers, Sideboard Drapes, Rugs, Fancy Collars and Ties,- Hand Bags, Brush and Comb Setts, Manicure Setts, Raisors, Strops, Shaving Brushes and Mugs, Fancy Slippers, Fancy Handkerchiefs, Perfumes, Games, Picture Bo)ks, and all kinds of Toys. Groceries New liaising, and Currant.s, New Peels and Nuts, New Prunes and Figs. Highest Market Price paid for all Farm Produce This May Interest You j We want a reliable 111,111 to .sell our widl- known specialties in fiuit trees, sm.ill fruits, seed po'ntoes, tlowering slirui's. loses etc., in (Jrey county during fall and wii.ter iiion-hs. Outlit free, rx- r|Usi\e Iririioiy, pay weekly. 600 Acres of Nursery Stock I Clean well orown trees .md shrubs that j will sati.^fy your ciih lers. Kaily and I oood rlelivery oiiirHiitced. KMabli.slud | over 3'! years. ^V,-iti. for whole or pait! lime terniN. Sales Maiofjer, PKLHAM NI'RSKRVfo., !'> t'tc. U Toronto. //as. xratfison Senerul .^lerchant "il^U John .\ndersoii, registrar of deeds foi .North Wellington, is dead. PHy Your Mother If She Is Frail or Weak, Ferrozone Cures Weakness The hrrolc side of life Is most often iiiiul l!i tho struKplc between iluty ouiirils the faiiillv. unil the mother's iiiihility through Ill-health to piTform li;(t duty.. "Words soniotimo sooni poor things o oxpre.-is one'.s fiPllnK."," writes Mrs. I. P. .\li rrllt "I liiivo ,1 family of five !l pr.-tty I lose loKi'thor. Aftor baby Vii ; born my !::treii!-!tli didn't lonie mi k. The child pulled nio down a lot, i!id I co'.ildn't wiaii hini In tlic hot viather. my other cliildren m 1 ded so ill], li to l)i- (Inrio for them. My .sys- o!ii did not toMie right â€" my color w.m inllld. and monilns and niglit and all ho time, I uas livid. .My druggist old iiii> of how \yi II Ills customers i»oUi-_ i)f Ki rrozoni'. and I Kot six bo.xis right away. You wouldn't be- lieve bow well It built nil! up. It seims (|uite strange now to be rial well again, to feel like my (dd self onco moro. I was really io|ic|,-..<sl\ III despair and too complete- y worn out to fc'i-l llko IIvIhb: before I used Kerrnzone, .so yi>u ran iiimglno low highly I prize such ;» good med- iiinr- My chlldron now say "mother j^n't tlrid any more,' and formy child- ren's sak(! I am su (jlad to be well â- nouKh to Blve tliem all the can' and tttentloii that every good mother feels -ihe must bestow uiioii her family." Vou are sure to be InvlKorated, cer- t.ilti lo be built uji and kept always at »our best â€" you are bound to enjoy all the happiness ot lasting ({nod lieulth f you use Kerrozone. "Try it. one or two tablets along wi.h your meals, l-lfty cents a box. six for $2.50, all JealerH or The Catarrhozoiie Co., Kl:iffston, Canada- CORNS CURED Vol! i-uii painlessly remove any corn, clllier hard, fmft, or bleedinB. by applying I'ulrianis Corn Kxtractor. It ri.'v<-r liuriis. leaves no scar, contains no Lieid.-; is harmless, because composed niily of healluK ) .; and balms. Fifty years In use. Cii 'Milluaranteed. Sold h\- nil drii»f«lsts. L'.io bottles. RefusB I' llo-lllllte.s. PUTNAM'S PAINLESS CORN EXTRACTOR pHOSKN FHIKNOS-FlePhwrton Council of ** ChoHf'ii FrinndH iiieotn in CtAyton'B linll flrut &i)() tliiid Woilnosday of oacli inotitli H )>. m Pay aHuuriKinoiitH to the Iti<!cor<Jor on or before tt^H tU*Kt 'iayof oat:]i inont)i. Chief Councillor T. ll)akeltiv:Ueeora»r W. II. Huut. rpiiE Fariiiei's Cliil> iiieoiK in tin* \\\y^\ Hctiool â- â-  l)iiihlinu on tlio f\iKt Thnrsday in eiioli inotitli at H o'clock p. ni. Vouii),; ranut>)s HptM-iaHv invitoii. F. Clittnl Prt'Hi.K'nt. r. \V. Hfllaniv, Si'r.-Tni«H. Berkshires and Tamworths I liav« now for sale a (ow very t-lioiio IWik nhire i>iK>', nearly ruady to weau- Hurry your t^rdnr an<) fjot the buHt. AIt*o ^ooil Tatiiworth ho^ four yt ars old. ff>r Bale' OKO. W. ItOSS. Maxwell I'. (). I > taMBf , I Boar for Service \\ fir I'liii' I'.imI 'I'l.n «.,itli Term^f, *l, Cash. N. Miii.llc, Maxwell, Out. Bull for Service 'I'lioroiinlilired Shoitliorn Imll. r.iniidliiKpk's l.iid, for stTsice itii lot li!, v^^n. ti, t)sprt-y. I'edigi 11 application. Seivice, Sd.lMI lur grades. tlior-iiiiflibiedK, .^'."i, 5i;t Ht time of service, Kiill price dliai^i'd for i-iiw.i not eturned. .1. M. r.ruN.'^. Boars for Service I'lie iiii(liT.-<i),Miicl has a lliooniifhlirinl \'oi'k- vli ire boar foi- werxiiu' 011 lot Hi", ^Iril rani^e, K. T. and .s. I!., .-Vrteint'sia. Terinr.. .'il.lS) Alio Hereford Hull for service. .I..I, lirowii. 1 .Iv. BULL FOR SERVICE 'l'Iinr(iu>,'l'lire.lSlii(rtlioin Imll,"! >iiiulv .lini" H17K4. for M'lvicc on Int I7)J, T. & M. Jt.. Ar- ^enieKiu. TliiK animal is cif a ^ihmI milking Hti'iiin. l'i'<liKre« on jiiiplication. 'IVni m, â€" (ira<h*H %\, n-Kisten-a %\\. .JAM. STIXSON I'roprk'tor. Our Clubbing^ List The followinj; prices are for strictly fiaid ill sdvaiiee Hubscri|itions<iiily. We \ lavu no aecouiits with other p»peis. \ Flesherton .Advance J ' j Youths Companion 2 ! Toronto World, daily 2 .» | Toronto Daily News 1 8 . Weekly Ubdie « Mail-Kmpirc , . . , .... 8 ; Family Herald A Star 8 | Toronto Star 1 35 | Farmer Sun 75 ' Farmers Advooatd 135' Weekly Wil.ie»s 80 Saturday Nii{ht 3 05 Homo Joiirufd (!0 I'oultry News . , : 211 Poultry iteviow 45 ^ Hod and (inn tnAgar,ine 80 He who has lost his sight best knows its value. Hundreds suffer loss of sight Timely attention might havt prevented it. E.xamination free. Satisfaction guaranteed. W. A. Armstrong. To Winnipeg And West ANADIAN Pacific TRAV!»L BV THE DIRECT ONLY CANADIAN THROUGH ROUTE CAR LINE DAILY SERVICE Sofid through train of CoBcbes, Tourist and Standard Sleepers and l)iliiiij< Cars, Toronto to A'aneouver I't.'JO p.m. daily. S;^ Rand, Agent, Flesherton or M.G. MURPHY, District Pai.eng«r Agent, Toronto. NEW STORE OPENED AT EUGENIA! II n ill.! based the premise-s recently occupied i't Euijenia by J. E. Lar^e I have opened up a full line of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Ho(jts anil Shoeswifh special lines for Chrixtmas presents for your friends. I would like totuake the atiiuaintance of .ill, and 1113" endeavor will be to treat your iiiieiests in .such a manner that your trade will regularly come my w.-iy. Call .iiid see us and what we can do for y^ui Wishing you The Cotnpiitnents of the Season J. H. PARKE Eugenia, Ontario. Boar for Service â-  â- urobrnl Voikaliira Ikgir J ynfUM oM. (m- erviooonlot :«, ecu. ». Art«nio»ia. Toriiia â€" AI.KX. ( AMKUON. Wiiil.-r Term from Jan. 2nd JJJOTT Ti'lHiM't), ONT. StaiuU in a etas'* by ttnelf whoa f^tricllv flrst.cUs-i WJrk is confjidereil. Wriia (or Catalogue. YOUR BLOOD IS TAINTED ULCERS, BOILS, SWOLLEN GLANDS, BLOTCHES. PIMPLES, AND ALL SKIN AND BLOOD DISEASES ARE COMPLETELY CURED BY THE NEW METHOD TREATMENT \ye desire to call the attention o( all those ntllieud witli any Blood or Skin Diuue to our New Method Treatment as a guaranteed eure lor tlicae conipluints. There ia no ex- cuse for auy person having a ilisflgureil face from eruptions and blotches. No matter wtiether hereditary or acquired, our specitlo remedies and treatment ueutraliie all poi- sons iu the blooil and expel them from th« system. Our vast eiponence iu the treat lucnt of thousands of tho most serious aud complicated cases enables us to perfect a cure without eipcriinentiiig. Wedo business on the phui-P«y Only for the Benefit You OeriTe. If you have any blo'xl disease, con- sult us Free of Charge and let us prove to you how quickly our remedies will remove all evidences of di.sease, Under the Inliiience of the New Method Treatment the skiu !«â- - conies clear, ulcers, pimples and blotches heal up, enlarged glands ar*' reduced, fallen out hair grows in again, the eves become bright, ambition and energy return, and Ihe victim realties a uew life h-as opeuetl up to hiui, YOU CAN ARRANGE TO PAY AFTER YOU ARE CURED CONSULTATION FREE Send for Booklet on Diieatei of Men "THE GOLDEN MONITOR" FREE If unable lo call, write for a Queation Lbl for Home Treatment DrsKENNEDY&KENNEDY Cor. Michigan Ave. and Oriswold St., Detroit, Mich. All letters from Canada must be addressed to our Canadian Correspondence Depart- -T tiient in Windsor, Ont. If vou desire tf» see Its personally call at oi^ir Medical Institute in Detroit as we see and treat «o p.te»U ,u our Windsor offices «,hich are for Correspondence and I,aboratory for Canadian business only. Address all letterVas foUoire- DRS. KENNEDY & KENNEDY, Windsor, Ont. Write for our private address. IM-WOTICE Boar for Service .\ largo "wlite York-ihivo I'.oar lor iiiloHl):), :ird riuge VV l". t S. It., Art rerrus *1,U0' service enieeia. WALLrjR, \ Bulls For Sale Three young Hereford bulls foi a'lle for sei vice. \ou will have t you want one of tlicse fine vouiig a HM.ari2 -T. A J. W -sale, suit- huriy if "i rials. AT30N. r < li *^:: r ' t

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