Flesherton Advance, 4 Jan 1912, p. 5

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January 4 1912 FRESHER TON. ADVANCE . . , THE STANDARD BANK ESTABLISHED 1871. Qp CANADA l05 BRANCHES. QUARTERLY DIVIDEND NOTICE No. 88. Notice is hereby given that a Dividend at the rate of Thirteen Per Cent, per Annum upon the Capital Stock of this Banlc has been declared for the quarter ending 31st January, 1912, and that the same will be payable at the Head Office, in this city, and at its branches, on and after Thursday, the 1st day of February, 1912, to Shareholders of record of 20th January, 1!>12. The Annual General Meeting of Shareholders will be held at the Head Office of the Bank in Toronto on 'Vedneaday, the 21st February next, at 12 o'clock noon. By order of the Board. GEO. P. SCHOLFIELD. Toronto, 21st December, 1911. General Manager. Married STRAIN WALLACK - At Minto, Manitoba, on Monday. Dec. 25, 111. Anastasia K. Pearl, daughter of Mr. and M.v. Richard Strain, lo Mr. Norman Bernard Wallace of Virden. Manitoba. C. P. R. Time Table. Trains follows : leave Flesherton -Station as The Arteroesia Scarlet Chapter will meet in their lodge roum, Woikman's | ball, on Jan. 14. As it ii the annual j business meeting of the year. A full G i . n l Norlh >l tendance is revested, Geo. H. Cairns, Comp.-Scribe. Going South 7.43 a. m. 11.28 a.m. 4.3:5 p. m. 8.53p.m. in. .. . , ,-,. , , In the Eugenia correspondence last The mails art closed at Flesherton a* | follows: For the north at 10.40 a.m. and j week a cou pl e O f typographical errors 7 p.m. ; and the afternoon mail south at crept in. Mrs. Geo. Gorley's name as 3.40 o'clock For morning train south ! Vice-President of the Ladies Aid was mail cloe at tXp.m. the previous ?'g- . omitted, and the wciety ha $50.00 on VICINITY CHIPS the Mr. Geo. Paul of Canane:t, visiting friends here. Mr. S. Col.|uett of Toroote spent past week with his family here. Mr. Christ .pher Irwin cf Goodwater, K-tsk., is visiting friends here. Mr. Eirl Cari>i> of Indian Head. Sak.. is the guest of relatives here. Mr. Kllwood Genoe of Toronto was k'li'Hi^ the New Year's visitois here. M'. Fred NorrU if Prince Albert, Sask., is visiting his raother, Mr*. John White. Edward Moore of NVr V.-rk state vis- ited with hi.s uncle. ML. Will Moore, last week. ' hand, not $46.00 as staled. A junip from no "snow and tirst-closs wheeling, to sleighing with .two feet of snow, is what we experienced here last week. Thursday ^morning we had no snow ; Fii lay morning we had two feel of it. Huh winds have distributed the beautiful very promiscuously. Owen Sound, Colliugwood township, Thorubury, Durham and eleven other municipalities that Vi.ted on the repeal of local option sustained it in every instance. Eight of ihese voted on simple majorities. Tlrs does net look as though the-threc-lifths clause was a necessity. The Methodist Sabbath school en- tertainment on Monday evening was a most pronounced success, nettinv; the school some $iu. The piogram was excellent. I nJjr the efficient superiu- Undency of Mr. \\. U. Bunt this school with H indie Love The residence of Mr. and Mrs. H. Love, Ceylon, was the scene of i vpry pretty wedding at 2.3<) a m. Wednesday, when their only daughter. Bertha, was united in marriage to Mr. Win. Uindle of Mixwoil. The crrumony was per- j fonnt>d by iho bride's pastor. Rev. Win. McLaren, and Krv. Mr. Wellwood of the Fleiherton Methodist church. The bride looked sweet in a dainty i{owu of white eyelet embroidery and luce, and was at- tended l>y Miss S. Love of Toronto, who was nt tired in white lawn trimmed with lace insertion and embroidery. The groom was supported by his brother, Mr. i C. Uindle. After receiving the hearty [ congratulations i those present s.11 re- paired to the dining room, where a | dainty lunch WHS served, the table being jiri-n ily deccrated with lily of the valley i and ferns. The bride ws the recipient of many useful and valuable gifts. The bride's going away gown was a suit of brown"ladies' clolh'wiih hat to match. ; The young couple are well and favorably ' known and their many friends join in wmhini; them long life and happiness. The guests from a distance were : Mr. and Mrs. Harding, Cortetton , Miss S. Love, Mrs. Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Eddy, Toronto : Mrs. Coniley and daughter, Edith, of Proton: Mr. and Mrs. Hindi* of Maxwell ; Mr. and Mrs. Izard and Captain Marsland of Feverdiam. Persons troul>le<l with partial panil.VM:. are "ill-it wry iijin-li beuelin.il by inaasafiring the .irf.-i-ir'i |,;IIT- 'In.i'.Mulily when apply inn i 'haiiil n-i hiiu - Liniment. Tlti - liuiuient :il*o relieves rheumatic [mm*. Fur *ale l>y all dealers. is in a very prosperous cimditii.n, Mr. and Mrs. Fred White, Toronto, ! a good supply of funds on hand. visited Mrs. Gee. Murphy over the New j A team be i otlying to Dr . u ycklllilll , )f ** ar - ' ! Maxwell upset the cutter between the Mr. Fred Bellamy of Lindsay is visit- j station and villnsre one night last week. in:; his parents, Mr. and Mr. John ( They clumped the driver out and hit a 1 VII uny . I hot pee for Maxwell, nine miles aw.-iy, Mr James Aikenhead, Toronto, visit- which they reached in ijuick time and W. J. Bell of Angus, carried ott' the Sweepstakes prixe, a handsome silver ' tea service, t the Guelph Winter Fair, i with a year-old turkey, it being adjudged the tinest bird of any variety in the 5024 birds exhibited at the allow. The turkey weighed 42 pounds. HILL BROS., MARKDALE This week we are receiving our second shipment of NEW RUBBERS From one of the most reliable makers, which makes our stock complete in everything you could want in the Rubber line, for men, women, and children. It will pay you to visit this department of our store. Men's Heavy Rubbers, all kinds, Boys Heavy Rubbers, Ladies', Girls', and Child- ren's, tften's and Boys' Light Robbers, in a large variety of styles and prices low, consistent with good quality. New Styles in Dainty Soft SoleShoes for the Baby AT MUCtI LESS THAN YOl* REGULARLY PAY This week we ate offering Babies' Soft Sole Shoes in a great variety of styles, including all colors, such as White, Black, Red, Blue, Tan and Pink, all sixes, to 4. reyulai- 30 and lilt lines, this week, per pair 38c Special Value in Men's Good Quality Fleece Lined Underware for 48c. This line represents such well-known makes as Pen Angle's, Simpson's and Beaver Knitting Mills ami ar Wool Fleece.different btripes, .-special this week, per garment 4Xc. Dress Goods Reduced Below Wholesale Cost Th ; s week we put on scle about -0 pieces of Dress I ioeds in Heavy Tweed*. Light and Dark colors. Cashir IMC. Serges and Satin Cloths. 50, tit), and 73c. lines, jutt the thing for (jirl.s' Dresses, reduced per yard to .... 38c. IK Special In Ladies' Ringwooil Gloves 18c Pair or 2 Pairs for 35c. Nearly all colors, .some are plain knil but Ihuv come m' -i Iv in the fan?? knit make*. all sizes and the price very much less than you regularly nay. A Big Snap in Fine Botony Worsted Hose. Children's and Girls' Si<ws < >uly I'.lc. pair This is an exception^] otfer :is the line is a tery tiiu 1 Bvtony Worsted line m-i was tniule to sell at -~>, '.\0 and ."">.. pi- . us to size, on sale this week !''-. ed his aunt, ftlr>. Fml Hickliu;;, during the pvt wei-k. Mr. and Mr*. Mt-Kiddon of Mono Mill-, am v'sitinjr at the latler's parental liiime, Fleslierton. Mrs. .). \V. Heiidorsm of Toronto gptnt New Yours day with Mr. and Mrs W.J. Bellnmy. Mr. .uid Mi-s. Fied Graham ot Blind Kiver have been holidaying with rela- tives in this vicinity. Mif.s/ell McLeod letumcd to Toronto, iiccoinpanied by her broiher Percy, who will visit ft iends there. Miss Annie Howard df Toroiitnreluin- without the ehadow of an accident. It is said they made be'ter time than the doctor's auto can do. The annual meeting of the Conserva- tive Association for East and Centre Grey will be held in Haskett's hall, Mark- dale, at 1.30 p.m. on Friday, the 1 2th ' day of Jmiuiiry, 1!M2. After the election j of .tticers and general business addresses will be delivered by C. R. McKcown, ' K C., M. P., the nionili.'is fur thu rid- ings mrl other members of the Acsocia- tion. All suppoiteis nf ihe pnrty imit- ed. N. L. Curry, President ; Waller j Turner, Secret ry. At the last regular mooting of Court Carefully Corrected Each Week Wheat 85 to 85 *ats 43 to 43 Peas . 1 10 to 1 10 Barley 70 to 70 Hay 10 00 to 10 00 ' Butter -.'5 > 85 I Bugs, fresh : c :) ' Potatoes pet >>ag KM) to 100 Oeesc 10 .o 12 Uucks 10 to 12 ! Chicken* 10 to 12 Turkeys 18 to 18 Wool 20 to 22 Hill Bros. Markdale. Odds and Ends ed to the city this wtek affer .pending , NM , M c> a F . No 5;?5< the M |,, willR holidays with her mother. Mr. Robert Henderson of Mowejuw and Miss May Hcndenon of Weyburn, . ,:ito home for winter holidays. olticers were elected for the. year I'.U'.' J, D C . Chas. Heron : C. K.. G. W. Uoss ; V. C., Jas. Lone : F. S., C. W. jLong; Treats., W,n. Wright; R. S., W. The snow plow was brought into . I. Wright; Chap.. C. M. Field ; S. W., requisiiion sifter the big storm las-t week | Louis Kerton ; J. \V., M. Kerton ; S.B., IF. Spofford ; J.B. Jno. Morrison ; Con- ductor, F. J. Bemrose. The Couit is in for thu lirst time thi.s winter. Mrs. Robert Flaniyan, Hunt.svillc, is visiting her s'ster. Mis. W. Buskin , Miilili-, accompanied her. a prosperous condition and llic member- eiich >'*< Tll(>i i t m | oyster supper wil be he'd on Jan. Mr. .<iul Mrs. Alfied lUrpell of To- . nto spent New Years day with the ' Mr. and Mr.. John \ Hl ' lb ' Slllilh elltljrUlIU - ia " ^*9 Wf lf trl it ivi-s and friendo, it being the occn- s on of Iheir "tin" wedding. Arao'ii; t'lnse present were : Mr. and Mr.?. Wilj Stew.irt and family, Mr, anj Mrs. l>.Mc- Tnvish and family, Kir. mil Mrs. Jacob MISCELLANEOUS Youny shorthorn bull, tit for service, for sale. W. Pditon, Ceylon, Out. Cho|ipin2 at Mn.xwell every day. Satisfaction guaranteed. M.irshall Ker. to"- feb - FHrniers desiring custum s-awinu dune at Eugenia should bring in their logs this winter. I will guarantee to be hind to do the sawing M. Beard. ARTICLES FOR SALE A stack of ^md hay for sale, ab >u f . leu tons. A si. ap for quick s.ile. N. ft'c- Caiinel, Proton Station. lattcr's jiareots, Bellamy. Misses Maggie and Klossie C^swtll < f Ti .roDto visited at hr)iiie over the New Year. The latter will remain for n few weeks. Feed whwt A'e are expecting ot wheat in shortly. P. Louck". New Prolific Seed Buckwheat for Sulu --E\M-: stroni{ in traw, heavy yielder, larsje grains, from imported soid ; S;i per bushel. Farmers, renew joui seed. J. E. Wtight, Ceylon P.O. AM , WANTED A live representative for Floahevton and arrounding distrie: to sell hi^h cl.i.-.> slock for The Fonthill Nurseries More fiuit trees will ! planted in F.ill of I'.ilf mid spruii; of I'.ll- than iner be- fore in the hisiory of Ontario. The orchard of the future will be thu best payinir part of the farm. We teach our men salesmanship, Tree culture anil how Irg profits in fruit- ^i-inv:n^ can be nudu. P;iy weekly, perniaiieiit einploynienl, exclusive territory. Wri-e for particulars Stone & Wellington TORONTO Farm For Sale or Rent Kami for S".U- or Kent, rtint:uniii^ '-'">" :IITI>, l"t." |O :HI,| 11 run. :!. Kn|.!ua.~]il. .Ml :u-rvH \';ilu;iltlf tinibi'f, ^oiwi nicharil. 'jitt'rt'd \\itlt ^priiitfs : two fviuni* liottwf.s, nurii .~>0\.~iO st;iWcs iiiiilfi-i-:itli: tii'.u school, church. 1'or.t Ortii ,. Apply t" Win. II. I'.ath. Kixlwintr I', (i. (hit CLAYTO N'S FOR Soots and Rubbers REPAIRING AS USUAL. For sale cheap and easy teruH, or rent immediate possession, tirst o'ass biick \\ilhatns anil family of Eu^enm, Mr. and veneered dwelling in Eugenia, ood fur- The bi ne ice riuk will be open fi r > M :V , H.iist and son of Michittin, Mr.und nce and soft mid hard water in house, business on Fiklay eveiii.ii! ol this week, ( M r ,. c ox ,i,,j son ,! y,.. Yred Sn>i'>> ' plodnl -jurdi-n ami orchard. Apply to with a splendid sheet of ico. The band J { Hillsbui'it.Mr. and Mrs. Charles Slew- will furnish music. (.)ur I'oluiims arc crtiwdod ilh ndvei - tising this week hut will be relieved ne\t week, when the usual amount of reading "B**> matter will be i;iven. Mr. M. McNainarn, Collector of Mr.Jan.es IV-vler, .ncrelini.t lailor. Customs at Walkert.,,, for the lst thirty 'art and children, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Stewait, Mrs. George Stewart, Mrs. Joseph Blackburn and Rev. Mr. Mil- h.is removed his sh<-p to IVj.skin'.s new block, wheio he ill be found hereafter ' with a complete line of giodi in an up- I to-date shop. Call und pass the time of j d i> itli Jim. The police tmslees for the village for ' this yer are '1 Hlakdey, Dr. Murray and Geo. Wm* a. The Dr. headed the ; poll. The other n.iutea on the ballot ', were W. Boyd, \V. Buskin and ^ D. Me- , Tavish. - We boa to acktK'w'ed^e ihe receipt of i a handsome, calendar fn'in Mr. Juc. Podlar, Picsidinit <'f the Loim City bank, Loi!i> Cily, Nebraska, also it calendar issued by th_- c mnty aricultor- ; al department. For all of which, thanks. ' Court Fleshelton O'.O, I.O.F., have; i-ji ctcd ihe forouini; i-rticert for th en- uuinx year : Court Deputy, C. W. Bel- lamy ; P. C, K-, .' Parker ; C'. U , Oco. Bellamy; V. C. K., Wm. M.H..I-O ; Phy- ^ 8'cian, Dr. Crt ; F.n. Sv.. W. Bus- kin ; Ric. See., .1. < \-rnlield : Ointor, Rev. Mi. Willw.od ; S W., C. Blak.ley; two yours, d 0'\ on Si'iiday. He was tiiken with a slight stroke of paralysis five week.' ago ai.cl never recovered. Mr. McNanrira was burn in IrtUnd 71 yenrs nyo, mid for 4ii years was a resi- dent of Walkerlon. He was a member of the High School Board, and took an active interest in all public matters. For over forly years he w:vs(!. N, W. i;' m iln'tv niiil h.i.l been the town ticket agi'iit ol the Orand Trunk for a great many years'. Mr. McNaimirn was father of the editor of tho Bruce Her iltl. R. J. Spruule, Klesherr.011, Out. STcedtf For sjile Cheap and on easy terms, good coitifortablefraniehou.se, itnd two good villiage lots, in Fleshert'in. apply to R. J. Spoule. Lumber for sale \Vei* now giving up business, and having a quantity of dry hemlock lo dispose of, for which we solicit en<iuirs. Also some hardwood 1 inch, Ii inch and 2 inch, miitahltt for inside work in bains IT stables. I'liin we are cffering at a low pi-ice. Gibson Collisoii, Ceylon. Shiirthoin Stix-A Bull, Cnstlegard, Xo. 7431K), for F:I'C also two yountr animals, frc'iu the above and Brondhook's cows one 1 yenr old and th>' oilier 1,^ month.t. James Kin. i! ix, M uk. I iliv I. \v., H. yuiiivan ; s. r... strong ; I. B., M. Wilson. Wm. Arm- nsdiy. -'.in Deaths UYDKU-ln Toronto, on Thursday, D.C 2S, 1011, Fred Ryder, age I 54 yru, Thefuoeral took place en Saturday, De<\ 30, upon the arrival of the noon train to Flesherton cemetery for interment \VH1T1KX, AtToronl.. ( oii Monday. Jan. 1. 1 1> 12, Klw.-ml Whiiten. The f-i- placc to Hesherton cenu'tery the ;miv' f the iioi-n triiin, \\H1 Lais fur salo at reisonable pi ices A nuinher i f uood buihliuu lots on the late W. K. Flesher estHte, Klesherton, on Toronto and Sydeiih'iu and Durbani s' reels. Apply to R .'. Spn-ule, Flesherton, Out. Farm for Sile in Rent Lot 3, con. 13, mid l"t 4, con 14, Ouprey, better known as the Georije Myeis farm 200 acres (i."i under cii'tivation, -jood buildintcc.wvll wntwretl. Apply lo W. A. Armstrong, Kli'iheit. 11. IS, -ii If LOST AND FOlJiD l.o.- 1 I >-i Ki'iitav. D. c. -".>. between Markdalo nnd 'tiuivie Viilley sell house, a pa'e.'l coiHniiiin.' npron matoiiil mil yarn. I'loase leave at AdvMin F. H. W. HICKLING The New Store With the New Goods A A A A A A A A A A A A * A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A THOSK who wanr gooil wcariiii; Boots, either i -I.KY or Han. I inatU- for rlie wet and i-uld weather or tor winter slmuM call ami inspect our CELEBRATED MALTEESE CROSS & LION BRAND RUBBERS, Both Light and Heavy. Trunks, Suit Cases and Telescopes, We wish to express our Thanks to our Many Friends and Customers for the Generous Patronage Extended to us during the past season, and we wish them A Very Happy & Prosperous New Year. HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR FOWL, BUTTEI

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