Flesherton Advance, 11 Jan 1912, p. 3

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ST. VI1US DANCE Cured Through the Use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Chorea, or as it is more gener- ally known, St. Vitus dance, is a disease that usually attacks the young children, though older per- sons may be afflicted with it. Ita most common symptoms are a twitching of the muscles of the face ; and limbs. As the disease pro- ' grosses this twitching takes the form of spasms in which the jerk- : ing motion may be confined to the head,V>r all the limbs may be af- fected. The patient is frequently unabie to hold anything in the hands or to walk steadily and in severe cases even the speech is af- j fected. The disease is due to debil- . ity of the nerves and is always 1 cured by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, which enrich the blood, tone and j strengthen the nerves and thus re- j store the sufferer to good health. ] The following is a striking instance : of what Dr. Williams' Pink Pills j will do in this trouble. Mrs. Chas. Phipps, Pelee Island, Ont., says: "At the age of fourteen my eldest daughter, Edith, became much run down, and the trouble de- , veloped into St. Vitus dance. First ! her loft arm becamt affected, then the left leg and entire left side-! She grew so bad that she actually could not hold anything in her hand, and could only go about with sliding, jerking motion. Not-; withstanding that we were giving her medicine, she seemed to be ' growing worse, and finally her ! speech became much affected. We became so much alarmed about her that finally her father got a supply of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and we began giving her these. In the course of a few weeks she was much better, and before all the j pills were gone she was again en- joying perfect health. This was in 1908, and as she has not had a symptom of the trouble- since I feel | Justified in saying the cure is per- ] manent." Be sure you get the genuine pills J which are sold by all medicine I dealers or may b had at 50 cents' > box or six boxes for $2.50 from Th Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. ij GENERAL INVITATION. One morning Miss Lucy Hal- oomb, the most fastidious house- ' kper in Bushby, who was report- ed to have washed an unfortunate grand-nephew into a, decline, opened her front door, having heard strange noises on the piazza. There stood a tramp, his shoes o*kcd with mud, which he was craping off with a knife and kick- ing off by alternate applications of hi heels on her door-mat. "What are you doing?" demand- ed Miss Lucy, indignantly. "Doing!" echoed the tramp. "I was starting round to the kit- chen to ask the young lady I saw hanging out your clothes if she'd hand me a bite of breakfast. Then I thought I didn't make a very good appearance, and was about to go on to the next house when I w this mat with the invitation, 'Please use this Mat,' right on it, ex> I stepped up here. In about five minutes more I'll look well enough to I can go round to the kitchen." "Well!" said Miss Lucy. "Well!" And then she closed the door, be- ing unable to think of any appro- priate remarks. *T ' A Dreadnought battleship in course of construction keeps 3,000 operatives in steady employment. GETTING RID OP A STORE. Not Easy to Sell, But He Got It Off Hia Hands Finally. One- reason why "Uncle" George Latham was so hearty and happy at seventy-seven years of age was that he never let himself worry. He did the best he could, and took things as they came; and as usually happens with persona of this kind, things came fortunately oftener than not. Having made a comfort fortune, he had withdrawn almost wholly from business almost, but not quite. He still owned and ran the old general store in th little town where he was born, partly for the sentimental reason that the store was wh r h*. got his start, and- pariiy for the practical reason! that the business was not easy to seli. His wife, "Aunt" Martha, tried for years to get him to close the store. He was old enough, she | said, to quit and take things easy. Uucle George did not deny that he was, but he could not make up his mind to let go. It happened last fall that Uncle George and Aunt Martha visited a ; neighboring city and spent a week : or two there at a big hotel. One : night, as the clock was striking j twelve, Uncle George was waken- j ed from sleep by a call to the long- ' distance telephone. His son Horace ! was at the other end of the Line. "Is that you, father?" he called. ; "Say. I'm awfully sorry to disturb ' you, but the old store burned : down to-night. It all went, stock j and all. Total loss." "We.ll, well, Hod. that's too bad, i ain't it!" said Uncle George. "You j attend to things till I come back next week, will you?" "But you're coming back before! that, aren't you? Do you quite! understand ? Your loss is twenty- five thousand dollars. Aren't you coming up on the next train?" "I know what the loss is, Hod. But you say it's all gone. Why should I come up 7 You can attend to the insurance, can't you? You're thirty-five years old !" Uncle. George rang off and went back to bed. Aunt Martha was awake, of course, and wanted to know what the message was about. "Just a word from Hod," her husband said. "I have got rid of the store at last." In less than two minutes there was unmistakable evidence that Uncle George was asleep. SAVED HERSELF YEARS OF PAIN IF SHE HAD USED DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS FIRST. Mrs. Mr RIM suffered for orer two years, then two boxes of Dodd's Kidney Pills made a new woman of her. Previl, Gaspe Co., Que., Jan. 8 (Special). That she might have escaped two years and seven months of suffering had she tried Dodd's Kidney Pills in the first place is the firm conviction cf Mrs. John McRae, an old and respected re- sident of this place. And this is the reason she gives for believing so : "For two years and seven months I was a sufferer from Kidney Disease brought on by a strain and a cold. My eyes were puffed and swollen, my muscles cramped and I suffered from neuralgia ami Rheumatism. My back ached and I had pains in my joints. "For two vears I was under the doctor's care, but he never seemed to do me any lasting good. T%vo boxes of Dodd's Kidney Pills made a new woman of me." To save yourself suffering cure your Kidneys at the first sign of trouble. Dodd's Kidney Pills are the one sure cure. Terrible Itching Got Little Sleep m Mr. T. Vr'Ullam.1. Wuui/yeg. Until Cuticura Remedies Cured Him Those who have suffered long and hope- lessly from torturing skin eruptions will road wnti Interest this letter from Mr. T. William*. IIS Pacific Ave.. Winnipeg (dated Jan. M. 1011): "The C'utlcura Remedies certainly did work finely, and I am thankful that there b such a icinedy. aud that I tried It. Abo:it three months ago a terrible itching com- menced on my body. I could not understand H. It gradually grew worse and covered a liir portion of my body. Thero was also slight eruption of the skin, sort of a rash. I suffered greatly with the Itching and at night time I had little sleep. I tried one or two remedies which did no good, and then I tried I'litU-nra Soap, Ointment and Re- ol vrnt. Ia about ten days I was completely ured." For more than a generation the Cutlcura Remedies have afforded the speediest and most economical treatment for itching, burn- ing, scaly and bleeding skin and scalp hu- niors, of young and old. Sold by druggi.- ts ant: dealer!) everywhere, Fr a liberal saniflo of Cutlcura Soap and Ointment, with 3--p. booh on the care of the ."kin and treatment of Its aftectlono, send a postal to the I'utter Drug * Chem. Torn., sole props.. 61 Coliun- " Shilohs Cure QUICKLY STOPS COUGHS. CUffCS COLDS. HCAL8 THE THROAT AND LUNGS. 29 CCNTS THE HIGH COST OF LIVING. Wife "George, do you know that the children need new shoes?" Husband "So does the auto. The children will have to wait." So popular is Bickle's Anti-Con- ] suinptive Syrup as a medicine in tho treatment of colds and coughs or ailments of the throat, due to ex- posure, to draughts, or sudden changes of temperature, that drug- ] gists and all dealers in patent me- \ dicines keep supplies on hand to meet the demand. It is pleasant i to take, aud the use of it guaran- j tees freedom from throat and lung j diseases. British imports from Japan have increased eightfold in thirty years. Minard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria. Bulgaria has 3.8S3 centenarians ; Roumania, 1.074; Servia, 573; Spain. 410; France, 213; Italy, 107; Austria-Hungary, 113; England. 92; Russia, 80 ; Germany, 76 ; Norway, 23; Sweden. 10; Belgium, 5; and Denmark, 2. It Has Many Qualities. The man who possesses a bottle of Pr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil is armed against many ills. It will cure a cough, break a cold, prevent sore throat it will reduce the swelling from a sprain, cure the most per- sistent sores and will speedily heal cuts and contusions. It is a medi- cine chest fn itself, and can be got for a quarter of a dollar. NICK DISTINCTION. He had been describing a scheme which he had in mind for the bene- fit of mankind in general, and as he finished he drew a piece of paper from his pocket. "I have here " he began. "I'll not subscribe, a cenb,~" in- terrupted the business man. "I don't believe in your alleged chari- table project, and I'll uot give you anything for it." "But I don't want any money from you." protested the caller. "Then what do you want?" "I just want you to sign a peti- tion to someone else to help it aK>ng. Your influence, you know, will " "Oh, well, of course, I'll do that ; but I won't give you aay money for such a swindle/' Mildmay is a philosopher in his way. The other evening Mrs. M gave him a scolding that would have made almost any other man crazy. But Mildmay said neve* a word in replv. He only murmured to himself: "And that is the wo- man I used to hold on my knee, and call my little tootsy-wootsy!" Minard's Liniment Curtl Cold*, 4o. QUEER EASTERN DRINKS. National Drink of Tibetans Fer- mented (''.!<>. nn! Milk. Arra may be said to be the na- tional drink of the Tibetans, being given at all times and in all places. The natives carry it in long buffalo horns on trips from place to place, and the shepherds deem their ex- istence miserable if they have not their daily allowance. Arra is used also by the Bhutians, but the great drink of these people is mar- wa. This is a kind of beer matle from millet. The grain ia sub- jected to a very primitive method of fermentation without malting, and is stored in earthenware jugs ; it has to be used quickly, as it soon sours ; it is very light in alcohol, but it is extremely nourishing. Nipa wine, made, from the :iipa palm, is a common beverage '.n Burma. According to Bonfort's Wine and Spirit Circular it resem- bles in tastf- and flavor the palm wine or toddy of India, though by some it is thought to be more pow- erful in its inebriating qualities. But the favorite beverage of the Burmese is shouchou, which greatly resembles sam-tchoo, only it is a little more fiery in taste and its ef- fect is somewhat quicker and decid- edlv more lasting. They also use the milk of the cocoa nut. which they ferment in vast quantities and preserve in glaz- ed earthenware iars which hold from 100 to 150 gallons apiece. Likt> their neiuhbors the Hindus aid Chinese, they are prolific in the distillation cf their many fruits, and many excellent drinks are made therefrom. They import large quantities of European li- quors, especially gin, and as a rule they prefer strong spirits instead of "monev in payment for what we term odd jobs. A pin scratch may cause blood poison, a rusty nail cut is very apt to do so. Hamlins Wizard Oil used at once draws out all infection and makes blood poison impossible. Some women are so changeable they never wear the same complex ion twice. PILES CURED IN 6 TO 14 DAYS. Ymir ilrui*Ut will refund tunnor If PA/O OINT- MKXT fmilto cure any raw f Itcliinit, Blind, iiletxling or Intruding 1'ilm in to It days. 60c. The Canadian Pacific Railway has a mileage of track of 10,480. Mothers can eas ; ly know when their children are troubled with worms, and they lose no time in applying the best of remedies Mother Graves' Worm Extermina- tor. Notice is hereby given that Lot- tie Logan, of the town of Paris, will apply to the Parliament of Canada at its next ensuing session for an act of divorce from her husband, Josephus Washington Logan, on the groutid of adultery. Paris. Nov. 10, 1911. MacCracken, Henderson, Mat-Dougall & Greene. BED TAPE TOOK DOG'S LITE. Saved from Shipwreck, but England Had no Place for Him. It is no uncommon thing for a dog to save human life but the case of a dog who saved three persona from being burned to death in a fire at Engham, a village not 20 miles from London, England, the other day, and that of the dog that had to pay the penalty of death after being rescued from a sink- ing ship, owing to the amazing English quarantine regulations, serves aa a contrast between canine and human kindness. A Norwegian sailing ship was driven on the rocks at the Lizard. The crew were taken off by means of the rocket apparatus, when sud- denly the captain discovered his dog had b*an left behind. At great risk and amid cheers, the dog, which was a great favorite- with the sailors, was rescued. Then fresh trouble arose. The quarantine, regulations had to be complied with. No dog could be landed on the shores of England without the Borad of. Trade certifi- cate, and there was no provision for quarantine at the Lizard. Without the necessary permit the the captain had broken the law by bringing his dog ashore, and the poor dog which had been born and lived all its life on board his mast- er's ship, was shot. English soil, however, provided the little alien with a, grave. IN MATCHTOWX Fortunately no Faith Was Re-J quired. For She Had None. "I had no faith whatever, but on' the advice of a hale, hearty old I gentleman who spoke from experi- 1 ence, I began to use Grape-Nuts about a year ago," writes an Ohio woman, who says she is 40, is known to be fair, aud admits that she is growing plump on the new diet. "I shall not try to tell you how I suffered for years from a de- '< -anged stomach that rejected al- most all sorts of food, and digested what little was forced upon it only at the cost of great distress and pain. "I was treated by many differ- ent doctors aud they gave me many different medicines, and I even spent several years in exile from my home, thinking change of scene might do me good. You mav judge of the gravity of my condition when I tell you I was sometimes compelled to use mor- phine for weeks at a time. ''For two years I have- eaten Grape-Nuts food at least twice a dav and I can now say that I have perfect health. I have taken no medicine in that time Grape- Nuts has done it all. I can eat ab- solutely anything I wish, without stomach distress. ''I am a business woman and can walk my 2 or 3 miles a day and feel betti *-r doing so. I have to use brains in my work, and it is remarkable how quick, alert and tireless my mental powers have become." Name given by Cana- dian Postum Co., Windsor, Ont. "There's a reason." and it is ex- plained in the little book, "The Road to Wellville," in pkgs. Ever read the anovt letter? A new one appears from time to time. They are genuine, true and lull of -um.in Interest. Investments for the Hew year We have lo offer several first-da si bond investments yielding 6 per cent, net, carrying our unqualified recom- mendation. WRITE FOR FULL DETAILS CANADA SECURITIES CORPORATION, LIMITED 179 Jam-- Strjtt. Montreal. 308 McKlnnon Building, TORONTO, - 14 CarnhMI. , ENGLAND RAN IN THE FAMILY. Mrs. Jenks Mr. Billington is such a nice man and not at all shy that I really can't understand why he remains a bachelor. Mrs. Tolker (absent mindedly) - Oh, I presume it ia hereditary. His father and grandfather before him were bachelors probably. Pills for Nervous Troubles. The stomach is the centre of the nerv- ous svstem, and when the- stomach suspends healthy action the result is manifest in disturbance's of the norves. If allowed to persist, nerv- ous debility, a d-ingerous ailment. may ensue. Th first oonsiderv tion is to restore the- stomach to proper action, and there is no read- ier remedy for this than Parme- lee's Vegetable Pi!!s. Thou?.-i!:<:ls can attest the- virtue of theso pills in curing nervous disorders. THE RIGHT ONE. "I hear Maude has accepted old Millvun's hand." "Ye*; the on h signs his cheques with." FARMS FOR RENT AND SAUE. H'V. DA.ViOX. 90 COuBOtt.N'K -ST.. Toronto. OIltNORED ACBKS - i^OOD Building!): "i-ar Brampton. m WEMTr-rivH ACRB FECIT FABM- 1 Brick House and Good Buildings; ' AM'MLt-H OF GOOD SlXXJK. anil Du.ry Farm* In lUlton. y,irk. Ontario aud Prince Edward Coun- ties. ; ^ EVERAL GOOD FRCIT F.VilMB I* k? the .Niagara Fruit Belt. * \| A.MTOBA. SASKATCHEWAN. "^Ab- Jl berta and Bnf.ph Columbia Land*. lu amall or larff blocks. F YOU VVA.Vf TO HCY OB SKLL A Farm. consult H. W. Dawson. Ninety lboruti St.. Toronto. I AGENTS WANTED. 1 Gi N:S WASTED. - A LINK KOB 1 ^T\. every home. Write u* (or our choice ; l.Bt 01 agni'9 supplies. We have the ; Kn-u-.fi: ageui-y proportion in Canada . ti>-aay No outlay uecegsary. Vpply U. C I. I-Q .. rs Albert St. Ottawa. HELP WANTED. ^ ALES.MKX -*jfl PEB WEEK SELLING O oue Hand i-KK-bcator. Sampin and term* i>c Money refunded if uu tory. Collef.u il.'z. Company. wood. Out. Minard's Liniment Co., Limited. Geiitlemn.-I hare used MIXAItD S LIMMKNT from time to time for tho past twint TC.TII. It wns rcommi"'dcd to me by prominent phyxiiMan of Mo-it- reai. who called r. the "ui-vat N.ira S<-otia Liniment." It does the doctor work: It I* parti< ularlr cood in case of Rheuma- tism and Sprain*. Yours truly. G. Q. Dl'STAN. Chartered Accountant. Hahfai. N. 8.. Sept. 21. 1905. LEAKS THE BAUBEii TBADK RIGUT- I'ne M'Jiur tUrurr Collrae : the ori- L. .... college, founded in '.*<-. K'auuatro are uow sjci-t-wiui harbiTs all over the world; V'ju get expert innruc ;on : constant uract.ce. \trite i >r .:.i.,nnji... Molar barocr College. 121 yui-i-n liaet. Torouio. MISCELLANEOUS. H AY and f.VKJl st'ALhS. Wilson* .u \Vorkb, 7 bt.piun.idu. Toiuuto. CA.xibd. TLUotta. u. -.1'-. etc. In. ierii.ii auu filer i._.. mre<l vmlioue ,...:i oy uur uum irt'a .:. I-UL. Write ue) before loo late Dr. bc.>.*u Ueiliom Co. Limited. Cohmrwood. Ouu G 1O.N Scale Wurke. . Lepianade. Toronto. \UL.NTS WANTED. - A STL'D* OF other Agency propoeitioiie conrince* us that none can equal ours. You wtll al. ways regret u if you don t uppiy (or par* ticulars U> Traveling l>ept.. .._) Albert St.. Ottawa. ue lu regard to any dieeaa?. Lowrel London's largest chandelier is the one at the Alhambra Music-hall. It is fitted with si.xtv electric lamps, each of 500 candle-power. A Medical Need Supplied. When j a medicine is found that not only I acts upon the stomach, but is so composed that certain ingredients of it pass unaltered through the I stomach to find action in the IT'S ALWAYS THUS. Maude "Are the wedding pre- sents she got valuab'e ?' Hazel "No. But if they can arvtm in "drugs of all kind.: , . fruMes fitted 07 mail. fi-nd mea.iur* sell all the straw they were packed mto i. Giassee fitted by ago. Write u>-da tt,.,.'ll Ko ri/^V. '' for anrlhi.ig sold in limt-ola-m drug ton- to Dr BollKaD. Colllilgwood OnL yjj^ Tr, Murine Eye Remedy CLEANING LADIES' WALKING OR OUTING SUITS Cm l>f 4 .ue perfect'y by our F'enc.-t pun iMe Try Ik Cr.tsh Amario^.n Dyain.^ Co. Montrr.il, Toronto, O Uwa .-nd Quebeo. y Tr, 1 1 for Itrf. wk. W.trrr K>. ... J YOU i^ Uc4nu..tt elld. I' ~l*d Book " In eU rackue. rii;s l> c,.m- t^ 45 p."'"'d .'./ " ur0 7 1 . 1 . 1 *?'^iS.','^r,' mm ^m c n n - fractlc* for mpy ytr. Sow ft C G O iifJi.-.-.l to th Pu:..io oJ ^J',', 1 ,.,^ ^J O f* g& T-7* 1* ili Ajeptlc Ttlbw. toc^ec. *^ " *" Uurlna Ej Remeiij Co.. Chicago Nova Scotia sends away over 1,- 000,000 barrels of apples during the season. Minard's Liniment Cures Garget in Cows. bowels then there is available a purgative and a cleanser of great effectiveness. Parmelee's Vege- j table Pills are of this character! aud are the beat of all pills. Dur- ing the years that they have been in use they have established them- selves as no other pill has dune. On the active list of the British Just when a man has nothing to say he is asked to make a speech. Minard's Liniment Cures Distemper. Paper 175 inches wide, for new- paper usu, is m.'vJe at the rate of G50 feet [XT minute. Army. Gunner Samuel Parsons, of Windsor, is the oldest soldier, be- ing eighty-seven years of age. Only One "BROMO QUININE." That ULAXATtVK RROMOQ11NINK Look for the Bifcnature of K. W. GROVB. Used the World over to Cure a Cold in One Day. >c. OUhen buying your Piano .. insist on havirvcj an OTTO HIGEL Ptano Actiorv R. . LYO* H. I. PLUMMER LYON & PLUMMER (Menbn Toronto -"took K\>-h*uK| Stock?. Bond* and Mining StocksBought ind old on commission. Dealer* In Uoternment nd Municipal Securitloa. . . . Corns cririp'.e the feet UIK) walking a torture, yet sure relief in the shape of Hollow.iy's Corn Curt- is within reach of all. ANVIL SPARKS. Even the smallest fault ra a fault just the same. He that hath lost his faith hath litili> else to k>se. You cannot sharp your joy too much nor your grief too little. Don't write, down your griev- ances: the sooner they are forgot- ten the happier you will be. When you make ablunoe.r step ahead of it, and thus you will make it an occasion for advancement. 21 T Streot. TORONTO Cjbls: "Lyon?lu.-n' KD. 7 ISSl'K 2-12 CATHF.ORAL A WAR CHEST. St. Petersburg, as well as Mos- cow, has some cathedrals which are marvels of ecclesiastical archi- tecture. St. Isaac's Cathedral, for instance, in the cent-re of the city, cost 24,000,000 rubles, or $12,000,- 000. Scores and scores of im- mense marble p'llars adorn its four equal sides, while several of the beautiful green malachite columns within are worth a kiniz's ransom. It is sHtd that in the jpildfn domes of St. Isaac's and the jewels within Ru.sm ha-s a "war chet" that would defend her from hfr en^m'' :>< for many a month if she should send need the gold. for free sample to Oept. W. L National Drug and Chemical C* Torontei DR. DOW'S STURGEON OIL LINIMENT External application for man or beast. Everyone knows of tho \\vjiderful qualities in the oil of tho STrRGKON for sprains, lameness, etc. Dr. Dow's formula has i'; in its best form. For Rheumatism, Lumbago, Neuralgia, Swellings,', etc., it cannot be equalled. Try it once and you will be satisfied. Price 25 cents. ASK YOUR DEALER HE: SELLS IT. The Brayley Drug Co., Ltd., Sole Props. St- John, N. B.

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