January 11, T II E F LE S II E 11 T O N A D V A N C It 'Advance* Small Ads. Look over them weekly. There may be something for YOU BUSINESS CARDS CULLOUGH A YOTOO Bankers Mark<1al _enertl banking buiiot-na . Money loaned t rewouabie rate* Call on us. TOHISbKTT. i-MMiui..:. : feylou. Comuiiuloiier in H, C. J .Conveyancer, deeds, u-oittaKH, least*, wllln etc carefully drawn up ollectioul mad:-. charge reasonable. Also froceriw, flour, feed etc, kept iu stock, Prices &.I , Fleiherton . omn:iiioui-r -in H.G J., Auctionee Con Tevaocer, Appraiser and Money lender H-l Kstato ai^l Insurance Agent. Deeos. too tc<x*. leases aiH wills carefully drawo ami valuations iim.li' on shorten! notice ooey to loin at lowett rates of interoit. Col- --tioai I'.tondod to with promptness r:.i _..< low. Agent for Ocean Dominion KtuitJi|) Company. A call solicited. DMcl'HAIL, Uofnteil Auctioneer for the County of Grey. Terms moderate aud ratistaction guaranteed. Tbe arrangements and dateiol nates can be made TllRAuViNCK office, lieiidence aud P.U., Ceylon, Telephone connection. Dec. C.07. Farms For Sale or Rent BAKU FOR SALK-Lot no 3, in tue 5tb con- * ceaiion of the township of Arttiuevia, con- tainins 100 acres, einhf-tlve iicfes clarei), lialauc uardwoo.l limber. 1'roperty of tin- lataW. J. Heatty. There is a Imnk barn Mid rottffbcast hoiiHe on premises ami is well "-iicii.il Will be not 1 on reasonable terms. Apply to James L. McMvillen, ('eyinn p. o.,Out. UOKSAI^R Cheap an1 easy terms. If not r nolil soon, for rent to i>uitab! tena-t, North half lot -<'J au.l iot 40, eon, 11, Artemetia, and lot 1, con. I'J. Osproy. 200 acrefl. ahout 150 cleared balance mostly timbered Ian < hard H^dsoft wood : ;">" i alone dwelling ar- t raino b&ru, Htablinij under ; well watered wit' never- Niliui,' tiuiall spring creek ciossing larin close to barn! This is an excellent grain or Kraziup farm and will be Hold very '?hesp if taken fit onco and ou i-a-v terms. Appi) to K. J. Kproule, Klesherton, Out. I OH SAI*K ohoap and on eav "erins I, -its 1 and -2. con. 11 Oaprey ; '200 &cres ; irauii- dwelling, f i iii.ii- baru and -: .iMnu -uidur; about, 170 Acres cleared arid nn'ler cultivi -ioti. Home splendid cedat with othor mixed timber ou balance, also tw> email orchard* be ari'iR. \Vol watered ; nevoi falling spring creek. Splendid L'raiu and gva/itix farm. .Auplv ' K J.Sproulo Kleshertou or Samuel <Hborne, alnxwelt. No Students Rangers WM KAITTINti, Licensed Auctioneer for tlie countiea of Urey and Biuicoe. Farm and Stock sales a specialty. Terms _i,oderat. satisfaction guarantied. Arraug- . t-nts I.. iiKit-- may be made at the Advance . flirt, w A: T. Hutclilnson's atore, frevershaiu byaddressinc tue at Feverabam, Ont. RUDD UATHR'VH, Markdale, Llcenaed auc'.loneer lor the county of Urey, Good t-ervice it reasonable rate*. Dates ran be ix-ad at 1u* Advance. o09 IHAKVF.Y PKH1GOE, broker, Fleiherton Genuitl brokerage business. Insurance of every ):iml placed in rate aud liberal compauiee. H-a,l wtsteotc.. Open accounts and paat due uuta bandied and money advanced thereon. t. orrespocclence Bolicitetl. 1,'AKM FOR BALK Very clie%p, 100 acre*. lot 9, cou. 7. Osprey. only - >, reasonable canh payment, balance easy teiuis, fr." acreti cleared, wtill fenced aud in liif.li state of culti- vation, balance timbered, good comfortable frame dwelling, atone cellar under, never fail- ing eprln g well aud windmill pump at door, tew frame barn, well finished, etouu Dtabliui; with spring vuter under, also in sbi-d. it in situated ; mile troni Maxwell \ ; . i. whern there are stores, post offices, tood -!...,!. and is on the gravel road, <M milKS'ioiu railway nation, li sold at once, above pice Uiotwn VEHY CHEAP BiiKht be shsd d R little Applv to K. J. Kl'HuULK, Fl.*bftrtou, or THOMAS GUY. on preu:ise>. f MEDICAL 0R CABTKK H C P * S Ont, Phyalcian, Surueon etc Office ail rosideoce- Peter t., Klssherton L'ui: s M.I: i..| v i ii.'i, |. ami on .-.ny t.-rius The late Dr.Cbristoe'B.-l-Bto., I . : |.;k block i in Fleihertou with good stable an I never-tail- ling well on ]n,-n i iM-r. Good law store and ood butcher's shop and dwi.-liioj. : two ({ood stone eellars under buildinc ; i .!it can be I kept well rented ; twoi>ootl halls <n. hucon<l and , third stone* ; first claim uusiut 8k n .nil km) will I be lold cheap a* owner is , i.;->. t In other busiuenH in the westabd ha nol ilior use for 1 it. Apply to H J. Sproule. J-'iiisbt.-.on. JP OTTEWEL.L Veterinary Surgeon Cxradnate ot Ontaiio Veterinary College. residence scond door aoutb wett'oc x.n street. Tblt street rum aoutb frestyterian Cbnrcb. H. Colts Came A) tray Came to my premise*, lut 4, con. 4, Artemesua, about Nov. U. i wo < nits. The i owner in requested to prove properly, Veterinary Bcienc ' 1> expenses and take the KUIIIB away. treet. opposite ) -\\M. FI.KTCHKR, CVvlnii P.O. DENTISTRY Dr. B.C. MURRAY L. D. 8.. dental inrgeon boooi graduate of Toronto University and Koyal College of Dental KurReoni of Ontario, Oa* aduiiiiiustei r<l for teeth extraction i>flc at residence. Toronto Street. Fleifcerton. LEGAL . IVA8. RASEYA WALI.ACF-BarrUter.. *- ooliciloi. etc. I. K. Lucaa, K. C.; W. K. I'.aney K. C '. ; J. H. (i. Wallace. oriicea. Toronto. 806- Traders Uauh Hlii., phone an. MIS; Markdale Luca Ulock. Phone S A. Branch office at Dundilk open every Saturday. This May Interest You \Ve want a reliable man to (k-l| i-ur well known -|i. -.-:., In,... in f ru it trees, anial fruits, seed poiatoeo, rloimriug -l, ,,,(,,, riwei etc., in (irey county during fal and winter months. Ou'llit free, ex- territory, -i ' !i. 600 Acres of Nurseiy Stock WH.WKIOHT. Barrister. Solicitor, Convey- ancer. u-.. OWD Hound, and Kleiherton. B Flcibei ton office, Hproule'l block every SOCIETIES O U W uieeti ot, tb )Mt Uoudmy in ecb montb, in their loao room Norris' block.'KlMibrtOD, m tt p.m. M. W., H C. Lifcrt ; K., C. H. Munnw: >-n \V. V. Cioley Viiitlug brethrtC Inrlted A wHgrovii trte* wid ihraU that will wititfy your custoineri Kaily and Rood delivery "uir^nteed. Eitahlinhed over .'i5 yearn. Write for wrmle or nart lill)o termH SuleR Manajer, PKLHAM XrR.SKIlVCO., 15 Dec. 1 1 Toronto. DK1SCB AUTHUB LODGE. No. :<W, A.F.4 A U, weeta in tbt alaaonic bill. Am. urone'i Block. Kleaherton. every Friday on or before the f ull iDOCD '. H. Mu-mLaw, W. M.; Tlioi, Clayton, Setre'.ary. COUBTTLF.SHEBTOS, 993. I. 0. F. ireetn in Claytou'iBlork the list Wednesday evmins of each month. Visiting Foresters heartily welcome. H. K., Dyson; B. 8., T. HeLry; Kin. Hte., C. N. Kicbardioo. Pleaae|y duea to Kiu. Sec. before the flrt dav of the month. Boar for Service reil Yorkshire l(oar t yearn olil. for nu lot .r,, ui.ii. H, Aneinenia. Ternn -AIJ-:\. CAMKRON. CHO8EN KhIKNi)8-Klelierton Council of Choen Friend* uieeti in Clmyton'iliall flr nd tbinlWwluexlay ufe^cli nioutli 8 p. m Py aisiiiinntB to tlie Ke^oriler OD or before , ten nrl<Uyof each month. Chief Councillor T. Blakltv; Recorder W. H. Bout. TORONTO, ONT. Is recognized lhr(.uhout Cinmda as n school of the hij-lictt i^radf. II K record JKIVOM it. Write lor cjtalngiju. Kilter liny .me. T |M raniier'Clul> meet" in tlio hlli M-)IOI>! buiMinu on tlie nrnt Thursday hi e'h liiObtll Ht n o'clock li. ni. YoilllK fltrun-m Vrciailv invite 1. K.( lur-l rrmiilont, < . W. 1 . Hum. Hoc. Tit-ap. Boar for Service Alamo wl'ite Yorkshire Hoar tnr service on lot HI.). 3r,lran 8 e W T. * H. K., Arteine.-ia. 1 (-1 111 4 1 ,IX!- Herkshires and Tamworths T lisve now for naif tow v ry choice I i k >ire pii, nearly ruatly to wen. Hurry your order and (jet the bent. Alno good Tain worth ton o'iryfr oll. 1<>r Kale' OKO. W. ItOSH. Waiwell f. f>. Boar for Service Bulls for Service and Sale J'urc bred Hereford Hulls for service and s;ilo. UMariL' 'r. * .1. I'.otnn Station e Bin! , ft, (.'ah. f..r N. Ilihll.-, Maxwell, Ont. GUARD YOUR SICHr He who has lost his sight best knows its value. Bull for Service 'I'liuiiniKliln-erl .Shoitli'nii hull, Uroailhixik'n j.iwl, fur service <> l"t lo, i-on. !', Qaprey. ^Tjulfn tli.iriiufhbiwU. t >. *:> t lime of j Mfi-vice. H'ull jirit-f illi!K- J <l for vttvo nut """ d ' .,. M. untxs. Boars for Service alS^t'^rv Je": t" ..'fti S; i Hundreds suffer loss of sight K '!'. ami H. li. . Artenn-iiia. 'IVriim. tl.OO . o Hmfmii Bun fnr M-rvk-t-. ,i..i. liiown. Timely attention might have - prevented it. _,-- 1 - ~ ~~" - , i BULL FOR SF.RV1CO 'J'lniroiixl'lirf I Wliortlinrn luill/'Dondy .lini" XI 7M, fur wivii-i- mi l"l I7H. T. * S. !{., Ar- ciin-sia. Tlii-- uiiinial u uf H t""l iiiilkinx trin. I'l'iliitrre on n|i|ilicatioii. Teriro, (Jrudec l, reKiftt-n-l . I AS. STINSON PropHfltor. FARM FOR SALE Jt Nu. IMi-|M7. ill the ct-..inl raiiK'- ''.I-'. Toi-ont-i nu I Syili-nliain l(,'a<l. \ilriin-siii. i containing '.MO .:< i , . of In.-t ,].,-- lanil : n I I li'iiMiiiK', plenty i>f ivntci, near t-hurrli unit j f-.t MI|; threi- iiiil'- fniiii I'ml'in Stntion : '-1M guiill liiiiilM.mil lili h, Imliuii,- I'li-ainl ' iiini in good state ,( ruliii .11 i..n l-'i>r p.n kfoulM-K apply t... \V. .1. JACKSON, ; ...ct l'rt " Examination free. Satisfaction guaranteed. W. A. Armstrong. FARMS FOR S \l I 2 O .-', l"t :O au.l s!l. cn.i. 12. Oprev. I.Vi * I it .in.liii 1 cn|-,i ration. 'M neri- Imrdwooil , I . ., Tacro! full wliott, I finiiiu liarnn, I with t 'i fonii'ifliicn , wfndinill witli tap at barn ; < lilu tf. thriviiiu orchard ; roughcast l>oiiHe, M , tcotxif. l'.ice000. Apply to WW. B'vCKINOHAM,, Office Posi tions l'il\ illK /OO'I H>l!arj>>8 A'P JMVII it ;n,; rvri -, .....MI man anil woman with n pinctir- bu'ltiMp training, Nrt difflroity In plnrinij wotthvcmiluatne. \VrUo now for iit-w cataloijiii*. Knter any tnntt. Winter Term Opens Jan 2nd, 1912 Collingwood BUSINESS COLLEGE T. E. Hawkins. Principal New roguliil io m for fii<? i been iosued l>y the Department of Land*, Furento and Mine*, tlie most importau' of which is tho fact tliittiu nil thn |..nj lint of rules mid inRtiuitinn.s the word "student" doos not iippeir. Infuture no studt-ni will he tout out .s Govonnnent fire rangers. This was decided l.y Hon. W.H. Hearst at'er very cnruful conside- ration. In pist, years hundreds ofslu- i-ni- have been pent out encri Suinnior to act as I'UiL'.'i-, and, while no serious coin- pluints weie made, it was thought advis- able to discontinue the practice entirely, HH, in many instance*, ihe young men were not experienced buslnnen, while others wont out only for the purpose of (pending ihe summer inc<tnoe.s and lieinij pil $tO a month f<-r it. In fuiure nnc but experienced liushuien will be en- ^rn^ed as 1:11 L'i'i s. i.i'i they must be highly ice iiniiH'iu'.u(! or hive had considerable I'xpeiiencu. The new regulations stipulate tliat the rangers must keu|> diaiies, which will be sent to the foremen evrry three month.-*, and tran^miite'l by him to ihe Minister at Toronto. Foremen are given power to dismiss Lingers who U - come inoiticated or absent themselves fom duty without leave, and for other The notorious Bob Cook, who ter- rorized (Irangeville and vicinty with his wild i i|i.nli-.- a couple of yeatH HO, is in the toils agiin, althouoh he was re- li-.'i-t-'l from Kingston only ubout two inonthi ago. " TliiH time hn is charged ith sleitling sheep. He was anested niong with Louis Driokwater, a cousin of hit wife, on Saturday ni^ht by ;i poste ,of nix defectives. Mia. A. K. Tabor ot Cri.ler, Mo., had been i iiii.I,-.i with - ii-k in- ul.ic-li,- for nl :unr five eare, when she be^an taking Chamberlain'* Tablets. She has taken two Imttleg of thxiu and i In -i have cured her. Hick headache is :aused by a disnrdt red stomac-h for which liene tablet* w> especially intended. Try hem, t;et well and stay well. For Hale by al! tealorw. Are You tVeat., i Bloodless, Anaemic / A Sad Suicide Mr. A. ,Miii-.ii . poitmaster of Miltlirmy, committed suicide on S;iluulay murniiiK liy drinking carbolic avid. Various coin, plaints in t- said to have been sent in of Ute ri-gardinj! I lie Milduixy poKtoftice, nd i Ins M reported lu Imve culininnted in the pustoftice inspector visiting there on Fiiday last. What discloHtireK ho made are not known to the public, hut it is rumored that Mr. Mural was about lu lie disuiiftstfd. At all events uit Sat- urday morning the uufoitunate man ptirchaxed about an ounce of carbolic wnl from a drug store acrons the road and returning to ihe pontorlioe drank the poison with apparent suicidal intent. His young son, who was working in the postottios it 8aid to have noticed his father in a itber delirious state and al once ran out and nuniinone<l help. When the would-be rescuer*, arrived they found Murat lying in a precarious atato <m the lounge, and although medic*! atlenilance ws nattily procured, il>u piison had al- ready dune its work aud the pirit of tin- aged pottniaster took its fli-jht. The de- ceined, who was in Iiifl3rd year, i mr- vivid by a family if fmir inns ami iwn dauKhters. The *! i.fi'iir i.s niuih re- giettrdanJ di-cply uvp|i>rd ; n iliis v.cn - ity. Bruce IlenM. Crushed to Death On Saturday John Millnian, a residi'iit of IJrrhy, iiHwr Jackson, WK crushed to ilcatb liy a sleili load of wood. Tin- de- ceiseil with his litllw buy, Wilfred, nj-t-d li, went to the bush to get a load of wcrod for lown. Ou fuming out of thu bush the tleiuh slewed into a pitch hole mill the front tier of wood tumbled off and Millnmn, who was on it, full down under the whipplelreet ana the front bob went over and remained oti timeliest. At once the little Ind called for help and managed to uuhitcb the IUUNI.- and rode ll'iene. Help was al onco brought but life wii*. extinct. No .. -roller's jury WIIR necessary. The deceased wn<t born in Whit by county ifl years .tgu and it the ago <>f 17 i-t-inovod to Derby, where he IIKS since resided. (). S. Sjn. \Vlmt is tlie situation in retard to iho [Vople'.s railway ! The Keuord wm in formed tliii morning iliat loriil in-n pro- iniHently intvresied in the r<id are c- tively ifiignged in nmkinu jiri-piriitions for Mir construct inn of tliu r.iad. Ale- Hugg, the nrigiiiiil proiuotcr-*, aie no lor.uur ' "in . i.-.l with the road. Thu looiil men, through a Toronto bond house an? negotiating with a cuiiKtriictiiiii com- )itny for ihe completion . i the road and. it is sid, the Toronto limkeis are mtn- guine over the progress of development*. Merlin Nuw.s-J'ocord. Surely Ernest Anderson, Lavender, is having Ins fu'l shaie of nilli I..M. In Octulu-r last IMS i wo children were very ill .mil or.a of them, lh . i.i. ,i . died. Mis. Anderson, who hail waited on tlu>ni { to ttiiiderly, becama ill and pa.ssed awy Dec. 1st. Tin 1 remaining child continued very weak jml as he .showed no nignx of iiiiich jini'-ic-: Mr. Aiuli'i'son ti nk him to the s : ck childien'.s hospital a i-oiiple of weeks ago f.,r treatment. Shit.ly , t iiri ivlurning home Mr. Ainlt'isoii hiniFe f became ill ai .1 is now m bul with tj. |>ho;d fever. - Croemore Star. Indiviihial liutruction is a special fentmv at the OWEN SOI T ND, ONTAIUO StudenU enter at any I in u .'II succusst'iil years under thu onu princi- pal guarantees the thoroiighiu>.ss of our courses. Oiitnloguo free. 0. A. Fleming, P.O. A., O. D Fleming, Principal. Secretary. You Can Be Cured cf Poverty oi the Blood Just Like luiss Everett Was. Since the early ages, in all countries among all classes of people, ainmni;. ha-j been one of the most penilcioir c(.iiditi-jns tliat afftet mankind. Writing from her home in Paisley, Mrs. Everttt tays: "My dpughttl iiHil ji.it jia.s.-itd her slxtt-enth y -ar, \vhtn die began to raplilly 1 n-e i-ol ir and strength. Serious complications set in that made her fariily i.nd friends moot anxious. \Ve were not only worrle'l on account of her ill- h-lth, but because she was likely t" i.i <> her years' work ut the High cliool, where she was preparing foi tho jiroftssion of teaching. The doc- tor said it \vus 'Ana<-inia.' I ];niw thi? best renifdy was Perrozone and :nade my daughter take two Kcrrozone Taljltt. with i very int-nl. The first box did littie men 1 than increase hrr appetite. But with the second box it WHM rt-ally ili-llghlful to watch the sign* i>f rt-turnlnj: It'-alth. Annie> face- became* sort of a yellowish at first that deadly whiteness disap- priired. But it wasn't Ion:? before a ruddy glow was |i:-rt-.*i>tlbli> In her ihrelis. and real good color returned. 4.11 Ann!<-'s trout)lc-.< wt-re cured .she ert-w s-trong vigorous heavy in weight feels and looks the picture of tualt!l." FERROZONE Makes Strong Blood Htimlrrds of cases of annrmla. poor :olor. blood and ntrv> disorders, the .hronlc kind they have been cured oy Kerrozone why not you? In 50c joxes". six for J2.50. nil d^alerx. or The ?atarrhozone Co.. Kingston. Canada. Seed Barley Ahout 200 bushi'l ,.f O.A.C. No. '2 buley for s!r, gnoj clean seed. i.'CHAKD ALLEN, I/ot 170 5 h'. K. T. A S li. i .-. I. ,- , i , i . IM t 1 l"i-. II Farm For Sale or Rent Farm lor Sr.le r-r Rent containing iV* -ri'n, lot* 10 and II c in. ^Kaphrani*, M ncrex Valuable timbei 1 , g.>-d rchtrd watered with springs ; twn frame Itou s, MI-TI ,'' v t. r >0 Rtuhles underneath; near t ,.b";>i f-!"n":h. 1'ost-pHii-e. Apply to vVin. H. Bath, i-'sdwiiig P. '), Unt NEW STORE OPENED AT EUGENIA ! The Holidays are Over Now for business . Start the year right by getting one of our Calendars and thfen keep right by doing your business at our store. You will get one bond red cents value forevery dollar we receive. Our stock is New, Fresh, and Up-to-Uate, consisting of everything you want to buy. We guarantee satisfaction or your money refunded. Highest prices for all kinds of produce. J. H. PARKE Ontario. CHRISTMAS GROCERIES A big stock of choice Christmas Groceries on hanl, fresh and at right prices. (Aill and see what we have. We want your trade and will treat you right. W. L. Wright, Grocer, Flesherton JUST ARRIVED AT CEYLON A Consignment . . OF . . Wagons NERVOUS, LIFELESS DEBILITATED MEN AND Buggies Which will be sold at prices that can Not Be IJeat, coiiHiduriug ^yln und i|uality, also a full lit.n ,.f tilUso, H.uv.-sting uchiiH'H and Wind Mills, Fenca Wire, Stable Oiilriti, Hy l<Yi-kii, l\one ntnl c.-irriers. Now i- the the time tn yet ready. A call solicited. .Satisfaction guaranteed. S. HEMPHILL CEYLON MONTREAL WITNESS Canada's Best Metropolitan and National Newspaper. Strong and Courageous The 'I),lv Wilneai' on trial, Sl.OO regular rate, three dollana. ITie ' WeeUy Witac* and I Canadian Horoettead* on dial i regular rate, one dollar Theie trlaJ rates are offered to \i-i\v nbscrtbera or those In tvtioao home* nolther edition baa beon taken regularly for at Imst two yoara, that la, alnce it has bean so Wonderfully Enlarged and Improved Its circulation IB being doubled, and 13 the moat popular paper among v chnroli-golng people. Ha Aj Bubserlliers love It MAKE n YOUR CHOICE FOR At the above 'Whirlwind Campaign' Kittr ? Ami tell yi>\ir* friends ahout this oT- fcr. Tlu-y would also enjoy It. Subscription* sent In :>t tin-si- fatfl shoulil cither be Hccompnnlad tiy luii ailvertlscmpnt or the paper in Whlck you K.IW. the nnnniiii. , n.. r mn t i. haiiu-il when snuHng the suhHi-rliitlun, JOHM DOBOAI.1 S, BOM, I'uhllBhera, V '\s UIK-HH Bloc.k. Montreal. YOUNG MEN AND MIDDLE-AGED MEN. the victims of early indiiicretiytiii and later ex. (.-esflcR, who are failures in life you are the onenwe can restore to manhood and revire the spark of iwigy aud vitality. Don't Rir up in despair because you have treated tvita other doctors, used electric belts and tried various drug store lustrums. Our Nw Method Tre*tnat has snatched hundreds from the brink of despair, bus re- Hlori-d happiness to himditHls of homes and has made Ktu-cessf ul m- n of those who were 'down and out." Wo prescribe specific rem- edies for each individual rase according to the symptoms and complications -e liara oo |>atent medicines, '('his is one of the secrets of our wonderful unocess at our treatment can- not fail, fir we- prescrita remedies adapted to each Individual case Only rurable. cases ao- .!'"'' W h*T done butincu ihroufhoul Canada for over 20 Y car i. CURABLE CASES GUARANTEED OR NO PAY Aryou a victim? Have you lost holier Are yon iutrmiinK to marry? lias your biooil bt*en niscase<l? Have you any \uakni-ss? Our N*w Method Tr*tm*at will euro you. AVhat it has done for others it will do for you. Consultation FrM. N"" matter nho lius ireattil yon, \\rito foe an honest npinion Free of Cbario. Book* Fro "lioyhooil, MniiltiHHl. ruthorliooU." tllluntrat- 1 1; ou l IIMMM", of Men. NO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. No nm. on boxei or env.I- opei. I'.crylhinf Confidential. Qultion l.cil and Colt ot Troatmant FREE FOR HOME D^KENNEDY&KENNEDY Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich. NOTICE All letters from Canada must be addressed to our Canadian Con espomlence Depart- ment in Windsor, Out. If you desire to see us personally call nt our Jleilical Institute in Detroit as we" see and treat o pattenu in our Windsor offices which are for Correspondence and Laboratory for Canadian business only. Address all letters as follows- DRS. KENNEDY & KENNEDY, Windtor. Ont. .Write for our private addretts. Look at the Wheat! There's a deal to know about wheat. If I didn't select the wheat I couldn't guarantee the flour. Cream of the West Flour conies from Cream of the West Wheat. And it certainly does make good bread I Cream & West Flour the hard flour guaranteed for bread You in .1 try it. H it doesn't give you right down satisfaction your grocer pays your money back. That's the guarantee with every bag. The Campbell Milling Company, Limited, Toronto ARCHIBALD CAMPBELL. Pr*$Uot 107 Sold by W. Buskin, Flcsherton & Jas. Pattison, Ceylon