CHURCHILL ATJEHAST Outlines The Home Rule Bill For Ireland Before 6,000 People A despatch from Belfast says: The essential features of the Liberal Government's Home Rule bill, to b introduced into the British Par- liament, were set forth for the first time on Thursday in the course of the speech of Winston Spencer Churchill, the first lord of the Ad- miralty. Tlie unusual efforts taken to allay Unionist resentment and to afford military and public protec- tion was effectual, and there was no serious attempt at disturbance, although there were signs of the Ulster spirit from the time that Churchill, with his wife, arrived at ' for England to learn how to com- the Central Station. A number of j bine * n e fullest expressions of na- OraiiRcmen who had gathered at ' toii*l and local aspirations and ac- the station greeted him with groans I tivities with the strongest f rame- and boos, but these were drowned work of imperial unity. Home Rule in the hearty cheers of the large for Ireland, he said, h regarded U ufactured in the past. "The Gov- ernment's Home Rule bill," contin- ued Mr. Churchill, "would fit into a general scheme of Parliamentary devolution leading ultimately to the federation of the Empire. That was the only way to free the House of C'ommons from its present conges- tion. Look at our great rivals, the United States of America and Ger- many. Both of those powers con- duct their business through 46 and 23 separate Parliaments respective- ly," ihe said. In order to keep pace with the world movement, he said, he considered it vitally necessary crowd of Liberals and Nationalists. There was no disturbance and the large force of police on duty in the station had a very easy task to per- the first milestone along the road to the eventful unity of the English- speaking races. Mr. Churchill con- tended that the settlement of the form. long quarrel between the British Hair, fell pitilessly the whole Government and the Irish people morning. The- football ground i would be a boon to the Empire be- where the meeting was held is ' J" jnd compare, as the Irish through- a swamp and tho saturated canvas j out the world were ajiowcrto^good marquee in which Mr. Churchill spoke sagged threateningly several times. The turroundings of the football or ill who had in tho past mostly worked counter to British interests. Mr. Churchill then outlined the pro- pocd Home Rule measure, and said grounds, which is known locallv as that the Government is prepared to "Paradise," were appallingly d'eso- i right the bill through Parliament. Birds the air get ex- ercise to keep healthy. Cage birds get little exercise, and should be given BrocK's Bird Treat a tonic In cake form which aids digestion, sweetens the song and brightens the plumage. It Is given free In package of BrocK's Bird Seed or two cakes will be sent free if you fill in the coupon below and mail it to us. We know it will Improve your bird in every way. NICHOLSON <b BROCK 9-11 Fraud* Strt. Toronto. For this coupon, please send me. free of charge or obligatioh on my part, two full-size cakes of Brock's Bird Treat, and oblige. 47 NAME t )O ADDRESS ... Fresh, 45 to 50c; selected. 38 to 40c; No. 1 stock. 33 to 35c. lots. 11.70. Potatoes Per bag. car late. The deluge was incessant and the approaches to the marquee were a tea of black ooze. The supports Mr. Churchill said that under the and ropes holding up the marquee | present system Ireland was entitled were strained with the weight of the to a subsidy of $10,000.000 a year He asked for fair play from the Unionists. On the subject of finance J N O . 3 yellow. 66 to 67c. Oats- No. 3 white. UNITED STATES MARKKTH. Minneapolis. Feb. 13. -Wheat May. $1.- 071-4; July. $1.08. Closing cash-No. 1 hard. $1.081-4; No 1 Northern. $1.071-4 to $1.073-4; No. 2 Northern. $1.051-4 to $1.053-4; No. 3 wheat. $1.031-4 to $1.033-4. Corn- sodden earn as through which the water dripped like a shower bath. Mr. Churchill was greeted with a rou-ing reception from tho G,000 people gathered within the tent, from Great Britain, and this would be increased largely through the maturing of existing legislative ob- ligations. The Government would approach the question in the desire MAKING SAFE INVESTMENTS EQUIPMENT BONOS ARE READILY SALEABLE, BUT HAVE LITTLE CHANCE OF APPRECIATING IN VALUE. High Ylild Whin Security la Considered Is Particularly Strong Feature of Equip- ments rjb!ic Not Educated to Them High Convertibility Stabl* In Price- Vory Excellent Investments for Business Surplus. Tba articles contributed br Inrertor* are for the iol> purpose of raiding pro ppi-tlvi, Inretton. and. If possible of * ln( them from losinc IDODST tbr->"h oUolnir It In "wild-oat" mterprlsas. The Impartial and rellabU character of thi Information mar be relied upon. The ritr of tbese articles and the pnbllihcr of this paper bare no Interests to irrre In connection with tbU matter other tha thuie of the raader. (Br "Investor.") We hare BRPTI that BO far an safety is concerned railroad equipment bonds non- Hem flecurity equal or superior to that of any other form of railroad security. Thn remaining characteristic! rate of incou. , convertibility, prospect of appre- ciating in value and stability-^may now be briefly considered. A particularly strong feature of equip- ment bonds is the fact that as a rule they yield a relatively high rate of in- NSURES PERFECT BAKING RESULTS MADE IN CANADA KILLED OR IAINED Many ChargeT of Dynamite Were Set Off Without Warning do the mortiraife bonds of the railroad issuing them. In railroads, this is I'm- dne case of Canadian to the fact that serial bond or for bonds of such short date as "equipments." and also to the quality raenta. of equipment For this r-- whose enthusiasm not even the. de- 1 to achieve a good settlement and pressing Mirroiir.dings were able would provide for prosperity both entirely shower l.iitli canvas n.f. quench. A steady poured through the making the floor an incipient marsh. Mr. Churchill immediately got on good terms with his audience, prom- ising them that the Government in- tcndi-d to pass a Home Rule bill which would In- harmonious with imperial intcre-t". smooth the path of the British empire, liberate new forces for its M-rvk-e, and for ever do away \\ith the accursed machin- ery by which hatred had been man- social and economic. Home Rule would give the Irish Parliament, he said, real responsibility in finance, and it would have complete control of large areas of taxation, and the power within reasonably wide lim- its to supplement its income by new taxes. The national anthem was Ming by all present at the close of the pro- 491-2 to GOc. Rye No. 2. 89c. Bran-In 100 Ib. sacks. $25 to -$25.50. Flour First pat- ents. 15.10 to $5.40; do., seconds. $4.75 to $5; first clears, $3.50 to $3.85; do., sec- onds. $2.40 to $2.80. Buffalo. Feb. 13. Spring wheat No. 1 Northern, carloads store. $1.751-2; Winter No. 2 rod. $1.03: No. 3 red. $1.02; No. 2 white. $1.02. Corn No. 3 yellow, 69c; No. 4 yellow. 673-4 to (&. all on track, through billed. Oats No. 2 white, 553-4c; No. 3 white. 551-4c: No. 4 white. Ml-4c. Barley Malting, $1.22 to $1.35. LIVE STOCK MARKKT8. Montreal. Feb. 13.-llatchers - cattle, $6.25 to $6.50; do., medium. 84.75 to $6; do., common, "' to $4; canners, $2.50 to $3; butcher*' -vittle. choice C.OWH, $4.75 to! A despatch from Fort Frances, =. . .<,....,., ...... - On *'' * a - vs: A terrific explosion An a general thin* they return | took place shortly before 12 o'clock from one-half to one per cent, more than I on Friday at, the construction works of Johnson and Carey's camp on an island on Rainy Lake, some eight miles east of here, when 12 men were killed outright and six badly II .1 ( '' tfrl CTJUI JJU1C11 HJ. **!! .1 ' t,\f 1.4JCI, 1 1 J W I v *J 1 I i , > fact that the general Canadian public has n< e died, making the number of not yet been educated to the <">rvr high dead 13. There are still some of the bonds Invest- men unaccounted for, eo that the. I* 8 - r r. tu '" ^ st may ^ e st "-'l father augmented before tho search now being prose- cuted is finished. The cause of the explosion was the. premature dis- charge of one of the holes charged w, ,h dynamite. The gang of men under Foreman Thomas Casey had sunk 64 holes at a uniform depth of turity. Bonds maturing within a short j 22 feet, and one of the charges in B the holes was not properly pre- pared, and it was while this charge en out that it was set off, the concussion immediately term equipments -or even thor.e with 8 i Causing the other 63 charges to ex- or 10 years to run- as a highly liquid and | plixle. The men were hurled into very satisfactory medium in which to in- j the air along with tons of rock and vest in order to be able readily to con- ! debrie. So great was the explosion vert their securities into cash. Indeed. that ] argc p j. eces of rock lia , f the there is probably no cecunty. eicepting high. In the case of Canadian Northern "Equipments."- th only bonds of this class at present available to the Canadian investor the return varies from 4 1-2 per cent, for short maturities to 5 per cent. for bonds with some years to run. As regards convertibility, equipment bonds vary according to tho date of ma- time ore highly convertible, while more distant ones arc only slightly les so. Many investors, particularly those iu- i vesting a business surplus, whch may be \ W 5 S Dc . ln 8 called upon at any time, choose short shares, which possesses a readier market at all times. Shares, however, are by no means stable j in price. Equipment bonds, on the con- j trary. owing to their short duration, and $5; do., medium. $3.25 to $4.25; do., bulls., , he fg( . t lhat thc 8wtirity thp , on(for ceedings. Mr. and Mrs. Churchill t 3 to $5; milkers, choice, each. $75 to| mnturitie , im . r ,. ailrg ,, a( .h returned to their hotel in a motor; car, and then took a sperial train for Ivirne, on their way to Scotland. PRICES 8F FARM PRODUCTS KIS HtOM TIIK LEADING TRADK CKNTRES OF AMERICA. Prices of Cnltle. Grain, Cheese and Oilier Produce at Homo anil Abroad. BBBAD8TOFFS. Toronto, Feb. 13. Hour- Winter wheat, N per cent, patents. . .'" to '-''! at sea- board. Manitoba flours- first patents, 15.50. nee. UK", patents, $:">. and strong uuk ere'. $4.80. on track. Toronto. Manitoba wheat Nn. 1 Northern. !!. 13. Ray ports: No. 2 Northern at $1.10. ud No. 3 at $1.06. Hay ports. Feed heat, all-rail. 73 to 7Jl-2c. Ontario wheat No. .2 white, red and mixed. 95c. outsnUv Peas- (jnod ehii/ping peas, 11.15 to $!. n, outside. Oats-Car loti of No. 2 Ontario. 45c hid. and of No. 3 at 43 to 44c. outside. No. 2. 48 to 49c. on track. Toronto. No. 2 West- ern Canada oats. 52c, and No. 1 feed, 47 l-2c. Bay ports. Barley-48 Ihs. at 97 to 98c. outside. Corn No. J American yellow quoted at 72 l-2c, Toronto freight. Bye No. 2 at Sl.Oi to $1.06. outside. Buckwheat 74 to 71c. outside. Bran-Manitoba bran. $25. In bags. To- routo freight. tihorts, 82650 to $27. COUNTRY PttODUCE. Apples-Winter dock. $27j to $3.50 per barrel. Heaus-llund-plckcd. $2.55 to $2.40 per bushel. Honey Kitracted. In tins, 11 to 12c per Ib. Tombs. $2.50 to $2.75. Baled Hay No. 1 at $1550 to $16, on trin-k. and No. 2 at $12 to $13. Haled traw - $10. on track. Toronto. Potatoes-Car lots In bags. $1.65 to $1.- 75. and Delawaros at $1.80 to $1.85. Out- of-store, $1.90 to $2.00. Poultry Wholesale prices of choice droiibud poultry :- Ohlckens, 12 to 15o pur Ib.; fowl. 9 to lOc; (?oese. 13 to 16o; tlu.-ks. 12 to 14c; turkeys. 20 to 21c. Live, poultry ubnut 2o lower than the abovu. $80: do., com. and medium, each, $50 to $60: spring''!'". $30 to $45. Rhcep. ewes. $450 to $4.75: bucks and culls. $3.75 to $4.25: lambs. $6.50 to $7. Hoes, f.o.b., $7.25 to $7.35. Calves. $3 to 10. Toronto. Feb. 13.-- Demand is goad for thc right kind of cattle, but dealers re- fuse to look at cheap stuff. Drovers have II.NMI losing mmicy right along on this kind, and prices touched rock Iwttom at $2 to $4 for the common butcher cattle. Choice ones sold from $6 to $640. and medium ones from $5.25 to $5.85. Lambs were advanced to $7, and some even sold as high a.n $7. SO. Sheep were steady and unchanged. The Ho? Market was strong at an advance of lOc. year by teu per cent, of the total issue-owing to the rule, are re- ts seldom that one hears of sales more 111(8. O. A. 8ELDY AND C1ULO Uses Only Cuticura Soap for Prize Baby "\ have aJwnyH used Roapand no other for my lml>y, and hft I in-- nevr hart a Ror of uny kind. lie <l(tt not nven chafe n most 1)8- i.i. do. I t'-'l that it is all owinK to ('utksiru Hoop for he U fino and ttPnlthy, Biul when live months old won a pri' in a baby contest. It maki my huart ache to go inlo BO many homiw and sw a sweet fasd baby wil-h thn whole top of its liend solid mahs of scurf, oauned by the use of poor coap. I always recom- mend Oiitieura, and nino times out of ten tho next timo I BOP the mother '.- says ' Oh 1 1 am so glad you told me of Cuticura.' " (Signed) Mrx. O. A. Selby, lldondo Beach, Calif. Although futlcum 8<>p Is eoM by drug- Hits >nd dKr> i-vnywherr. a potUl to Cutleun." HI-PI .">M. BMtun. r H A . will count liberal mmplc. with :'-'! boufc oa Uu CATS Of Ilia. KlIP SJUl Bt'TTKtt, CHEKSK. A TROIBLF MVKKR. Tea and Coffee I'IMNOQ I : reeds Variety of III-. A California woman who didn't know for twenty yours what kept her ill, writes to tell how she won size of a .small house were upheav- ed, while the foreman, who must have been standing over one of the holes, was blown into the air for 150 feet, the body landing near the Canadian Northern Railway line, with both legs blown off and terribly disfigured. The other men wero badly bruised, and in some ca*es al- most every bone was broken in their than a fraction from the established vleld i bodies. A gang <jf shovel men who were working in a lower level tak- ing out the loose rock and loading it in the dump cars were not 50 feet distant- when the explosion occur- red, and were not injured in the least. One of the- men said that as soon ;is they heard the blast go off they made at once for cover. The sight, he said, was a terrible one. "We saw Ca-^oy hurled over our heads, and with the tremendous thunder of the explosion, the. crash of falling rocks, and the screams of those who and friendly cure for the present inflamed state of public opinion rest largely in the belief that the Kaiser may be induced either to pardon Stewart or take steps to bring about a revision of the court's drastic action. The entire British press is united in demanding vigorous action to uphold the national honor. Even The London Times takes the view : "That a British citizen abroad t-as been harshly condemned in circum- stances affording no security for innocence and raising a strong pre- sumption of grave miscarriage of justice." Unfortunately for the hope that the Kaiser may pardon Stewart, all advices from Berlin indicate that public opinion is too highly aroused there to permit any action of this kind at the present time. STRONG AID price of this class of security. As a class they arc relatively considerably more stable than other railroad issues. Owinr to the same reasons that renders them stable equipment bonds possess a very slight chance of appreciating in value. Thc short maturity of equipment bonds, as suggested before, render them parti- cularly adaptable for the investment of business surplus or other fund*, which may be required at short notice. For example, suppose an individual, or a firm, has a surplus of $10,000. In the bank he would get but 3 per cent. By purchasing a 41-2 per cent, equipment bond with i three years to run, at the present time he ! wero not kll . 1<xl . could purchase them at about 9862. which ver forget the bight, would yield about 5 per cent. Suppose at the end of two years it was necessary to realite. The bonds would have but one year to run and would sell- as a rule I will ne- of , .' ui i a I at par. The purchaser would, therefore, back her health byquittlM coffee: not on)y make 5 per reiu on ^ mnnfy Butter- Dairy, choice. In wrapper*. 29 to 32c; largo rolls, 29 to 30c, and inferior, tubs. 18 to 19c. Creamery quotud at 35 to 36c. for rolls, and 33 1-2 to 34o (or solids, per Ib. Kggu New-laid bring 40 to 45o per Htorago lots 36 to J7o. Cheese- Large quoted at 161-Zo. and twins at 16. Mo per Ib HOG PRODUCTS. Bacon, long riear, 111-2 to 113-4c per Ib.. In C-BHB lots. Pork Short cut, $2250; do., mess. $19.50 to $20. Hnms-Hhort cut. $22.50; do., mess. $19.50 to *20. Hamn~ Me- dium to light. 16 to 161-2c; heavy. 14 to 141-2c; rolls, 103-4 to He; breakfast bacon. 16 to 17c; linckn. 19 to EOr. Lard Tierces. 113-4c; tubs, 12c; pails, 12 Mo. MONTRKAL MARKKTH. Montreal, Fob. 13. Oats Canadian West- ern. No. t, 531-2 to 54c; do.. No. 3. 511-2 to 52c; eitra No. 1 feed. 521-2 to 53o; No. 2 local white, 51 to 511-2c; No. 3 do., 60 to 501-2c; No. 4 do., 49 to 49 l-2c. Barley- Malting. $1.01 to $1.02. Buckwheat No. 2, 73 to 74c. Flour Manitoba spring wheat patents, flrstn. $5.60; do . seconds, $5.10; etrong bakers'. $4.90; Winter patents, choice. $4.85 to $5.10; straight rollcm. $4.- 40 to $4.50: do., bags, $2.05 to $2.15. Rolled oats Barrels. $4.85; bags, 90 Ibp.. $2.30 Bran $24; priori*. *26; middlings, $28; moui'lie, 828 to $34. Bay-No. 2, per ton, car lots. $15 to $1550. Cheese- Finest Western, 101-4 to I51-2c; finest Easterns, 141-2 to 15c. Butter Choicest creamery. 33 to 34c; ipcondu, 32 to 32 l-2o. Kggs (Tea contains caffeine the same drug found in coffee.) "I am 54 years old," she says, "have used coffee all my life and for 20 years suffered from indiges- tion and insomnia. Life was a bur- den and a drag to me all the time, and about once a year my ailments got such hold upon me that I was regularly 'sick in bed' for several weeks each time. "I was reluctant to conclude that coffee was tho cause, of my trouble, but I am thankful that I found out the truth. "Then I determined to use Pos- ttim exclusively -for a week at first for I doubted my abilitv to do without coffee for any length of time. I made the Postum careful- ly, as directed, and before the week expired had my reward in a perceptible increase in strength ami spirits. "Seeing the good that my short experiment had accomplished, I resolved to continue the use of Pos- tum, cutting out the coffee entire- ly. This I did for nine months, finding, daily, increased cause for gratification at my steadily improv- ing health. My indigestion gradu ally left me, my sleep returned, I gained 20 pounds in weight, my color changed from sallow to a fresh, rosy hue and life became a blessing. "Then I thought I would try cof- fee again, and did so for a few weeks. Tho punishment for desert- ing my good friend, I'ostum, was a return of my old troubles. "That taught me wisdom, and I am now and shall be all my life hereafter using I'ostum exclusively and enjoying the benefits it brings me." Name given hy Canadian Postum Co., Windsor, Ont. "There's a reason," ant! it is ex- plained in the little book, "The Ii<p;u! to Wellville," in pkgs. Ever ri'.ni HI,I above latter? A nw one appears from lima to time. They irt but a small profit, which would make his total income for the two years he held tin- bonds average 5 1-4 per cent. This Is a point worth considering. WOMEN NEED C!N PILLS. Port Dufferln. X. 8. "I was troubled with Kidney Diseases for wt'veral yearn. My back was weak. I hud terrible headaches, and was so restless that I could not sleep at night. At last a friend told mo about Oin Pills. I, at once, got a box and after taking them I felt hotter after three boxes I was cured. KTUKL DALCOMBE." Write us for free sample of Gin Pills to try. Then get the regular size boxes at your dealer's or direct from us 50c. a boi. 6 for $2.50. Money refunded if Oin Pills tail to cure. National Drue A Chemical Co. of Canada, Limited. Dept. W.L., Toronto. "SKE MONTIJF.AL AM) PAINT" Dirtier Than Naples, Says Sir Wil- liam Van Home. A despatch from Montreal says : "Even notorious Naples is clean as compared with Montreal," said Sir William Van Home, discussing thc condition of the streets of this city. "The dirt in them at all sea- sons of the year is enough to turn one's stomach. In no city in Can- ada or the United States is fiere anything to compare with it. Why, the' dirtiest streets of Cuba are cleaner than Montreal's." Sir William advocates the appoint- ment of "a Parks Commission to plan better conditions. j^ Two Fort William men bitten by a mail dog will take Pasteur treat- ment in Toronto. Dr. Peter Spahn, leader of the Clerical Centre party, was elected President of the German Reichstag, It is said that the amount dynamite, in the explosion was over 200 bolts, or about five tons. MNKTKKN HINDRED AND ELEVEN PROVES A RECORD 1KAR. That the Dominion of Canada i* making (Treat strides in all directions, and that. generally, prosperity reigns in bumoe:: tnd ftniucial circles, in indi-.-ated by the publication of the statements of the dif Terent financial institutions for the year 1911. Among the companies worthy of men- tion us being strong, progressive, and in a healthy condition, should be mentioned the North American Life Assurance Com- pany ol Toronto. Its new businv: s of last year eice-ded that of the y**r prev,ouo by over a million dollars; its anst-tn in- creased by about the same Hxun>. while it paid to its policyholder-j during the same period the large sum of SW8.J4S.87. A notuble item is the amount paid for dividends to polk-yholders of about $!5fl.- 000. This very considerable sum. Mpemr ally in comparison with the mill amount paid shareholders of S6.000. IK lUifcing evidence of the inpiisnifiVant outlay for the protection of the shareholders' fund. and of the real mutuality of thc policy- holders' interests. The Company's assets are ovrr $12.- 000.000. invested in the hiehent .-Irii'i of consisting of mort- debentures. .. securities, mainly gages, bonds, and WAR MINISTER FOR GERMANY After an Audience with the Lord Haldune Depart*. A despatch from London. Kng- land, says: Lord Haldane, Minister for War, left London suddenly for Berlin on Wednesday after having had an audience with the King and Sir Edward Grey. Although no of- ficial announcement was made as to the cause of his hastily arranged journey, it is believed to have a di- The liabilities are all amplv nroTii'e.l for. the re=rve being on a hf'< MMU'in* I absolute protection nrt at the sriroc time mott substantial surplus or dividend r- tnrns to policyholder... Aft-r makjnz full provision for every known liability. lh"ra remains a further ( bv way of net surplus of over SI. 300.000. AB."" from this, the Compaiiv hn-i a contingent ^^r- plus of neaHv $170.000. being the- excri i of market value ,f Ivinds. 'eic. over '.'ie book value, and which is not iiclU'lf 1 in it ! surplus, although it is the e-r-fn-n with iBBiiy intitiiti""s to t-ke .-'Ivrvnt- a* of this item to increace the net sur- plus. Some y,'ars ago, tho Company Loan Dermrtm<"'t for Die Wept, wif'i hendquTtcrs at Winnipeg, slid it h-n al- ready invented a very larsr** -Mrouiit of money in niortrriue loanr iu tint ff-^^t and (trowinc country f weil an in Britin'i Columbia. ,,lt is cratifyimr t" know th:'t these loam have proved h'Thly -:>t>y r rf- tory. thereby eucour-xrinir th> making of further investments iu that direction. rect bearing upon the strained situ- ation which everyone recognizes is beine hrtiught about bv the rising i Agen tide of indignation in' Great Bri- defeating August Kebel, the Social- inulne, true, and full of human InUritt. jt leader, by 19G to 175 votea. The Company ii we') and c.-rntul'y man. ,...,,,, . ' aged. beiiiB recouniwd p- moonc !> lr.-d- recognizes is, . |n that rp ., l)e( , t in rn naci.i. vv.' it* Stnff in composed of hir'i!v p- 1 - tide~of indignation in Oreat Bri- j E55SiKt*5SSS^5i52^ M i^ U DSiito tain over the conviction and sen- ; ion. tence of Bertram! Stewart, for es- j 3 ,,. ., .. r j The people of Canada nre nmv en well nionage. On the tram with Lout i served xvi: eicclK-nt home litV in iir- <: Haldane was Sir Krnest Cassel, the ' companies, among wh:c-h tho North A-M-I!- banker, and representative of tl:| &*^ \Sff^S35SSS Kt'lMmC great financial interests which are | ing insurers to- look e'aewhere than f> exerting every effort to avoid war 5rt5,5* T ^S^| 8 |io^r lf s ll tti ri OT}jr with UerillJinv. It is considered I mpann hv which the majnritv 'if po ipl<, significant that bcfure Lord Hal- f& r '^%**y*^*l*** i( dane's depurtuve the King saw botlt when taken away. Sir Edward Grey and Lord Lans- downe, who was the former's , ,e- i r>r5t ; gh dyckerg wont IJUt o sro deoeuor n MiDuter el Foreign .\f- t Manthestcr and cthpl . vt fairs. British hopes for a peaceful ].-,.j t j. ly SJ% ON YOUR IDLE MONEY fl Western Canada 5% First Mortgage Bonds will unquestionably -!>'):-":'.^o considerabjy in value during the next 2 or 3 years. Investigation p'oves that Public Utility Bonds of this nature aie the most profitable form of ri .estment-- for instance Winnipeg Electric 5% Bonds sell now at 104 ; Sliawirir^n Water and Power Co. 5% at 103 ; British Columbia Electric Co. 4^% bonds at 102'/.. The city and suburbs of yaucouver are growing very rapidly." Western Canada Power Co. plant is located 35 imile; from Vancouver and New Westminster. B.C. It inpplies these cities ands'irruunding territory with electric power. This company has perpetual water rights from the Canadian government. M.iny pi Canada's leading tinam iers arc large holders of these bonds. DirectoraU induircs Sir Max Aitken ; Mr. T. J. Drumniond ; Mr. A. R. Doblo, Secretary, Bank of Montreal ; Mr. Campbell Sweeney, Manager Bank of Montreal, Vancouver. If jou have any money for investment we strongly recommend Western C*lMdl Power Compjtty Bonds yielding over si/. DcU:U.d information and lUt o! bondholders will be willingly sent on request. pnvAi SECURITIES ^ KU I AL, CORPORATION L.M.TED BANK OF MONTREAL BUILDING - YONGS AND QUE_EN STREETS R. M. WHITE . Manager y- TORONTO KONTREAL-gUSBEC-HALIFAX-OTTAWA LONDON IENG.)