Flesherton Advance, 15 Feb 1912, p. 5

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1'L ESHE K T ON AD V A N C E > 4 \ I THE STANDARD BANK ErtablUhed 1873 OF CAN AD A. 80 Branche. A DEPOSIT OF ONE DOLLAR is received in our Savings Bank Department, and is sufficient to open an account and entitle the Depositor to a pass Book. The highest current rate of Interest is allowed, and money may he withdrawn at any time without delay. Savings Bank Department at Every Branch. FLESHERTON BRANCA George MitcHell, Manager ICH AL.90 AT DVR.HAM ANn HAR.ISTO2f 85 C. P. R. Time Table. I not get through until 7 i. in. Friday morning. Since then the truii.* have Trains leave Flesherron Station ns been running fairly well on time. The foHows : illinium- piles of snow a'ung tl.e r:iilwy Going South . Going Nori h are no* becoming i\ menace to triflic, 7. 43 a. in. 11.28 a.m. and *honM there l>e much more stormy 4.:$:! p.m. 8. 53|>. rn. weather it would not be nurprising to The mails arc closed at Fleshei ton a.< J Me a complete tie up. follows : For the north at 1C. 40 a.n-. and 7 p.m. ; and the afternoon mil south at 3.40 ''C!OCK For morning train south mail clo'-e ;tt '.' p.m. the previous ev'<{. VICINITY CHIPS Kaisted.'a are paying 4Uc for ejus and 8*0ill for butter. Remeir.her the carnivitl in the riuk on Friday ni'lit. Shelburne's new Cimiegie library was ppjned on Mondiy "f this week. Mr. David Stewurt, onaof the pnineets of York county died at Oen S.ud. A large nu iiber of young peopel at- tended 4 ca nival at Kimberley Tuesday evening. Dr. J. P. Otlfwell Ins purcli;isd Mr. Fred Muthewsou'* farm on the Toronto line. Ho- n At lienit". Man . on Feb. <>, to Mr and M - W. Meldrum (nej M , M , ... i Mc-Cauley) * d-tuuhter. The high schtol WM clourd on Monday owing to tho buMlini of a p4>a in one if ihe Livftturt-M. At meeting ol the Methoc'^t Church ' Board held recently with ten member* present the vote stood nine '> and one I . uniuu. A D urn Shame i Harvey Daiuiu of the moving picture ' .show here bad his horse tei/ed in 1m I barn by Cunstal le Ueainiali of H:iiiover hist week. Althonsih Harvey had bunchl I the hoi so foi- $10:>, and paid for it in full, lyet the person he bought it from had, it appears, previously given another party a mortgage fur 971 on it, and the seizure was consequently effected on this old account. Harvey bought in the mort- Ijage on Monday and i ; >, . got possea- siun of his horst*. and by way of reim- bnmiru himself for tbU extra outliy seized another horse, harness and buuny from the vendor lm had stuck him for the niurtgage. Bruce Ueitthi. Tim is the season nf thr yuar u'ijt4ii mothr-i'it feel very atich coiiariie(i KVBT Uk' fre<|iieiic Ui (MtFWMd by their chililreu. and liave abundant reaxon fur it an every c->ld u-cakenn die Ilium's, luwors tin- \itality and puvi'n llie nayfiar the mine neriniH ili-i-:n--t that si i offt-ii fulliiw. I1i:ni!ierl.im'< Cni?h Remeiiy - famoiix fur itvs cures, anil in anil <jfe to take, l-'i r aK- l-v all A Hijh ychoDrontrance fi-o of $1.1*0 h IB been hxsd l>y the Departmen' of Klu*ti;::i. Tho foe fr JussTop niiitri-. - ulation Ims a'so been raised from $5 00 to $8.00. The senior High Soho.l er.- trance, (he exainiiiiition for admittance to tlie Eiijli Schools and t olU-giale Ir.- stiluti.'s, taken by pupils who have been several years at a continuation school, will no* be $5. The fees for ail other i examinations H ivo that i.f entrance to the Normal schools have also been raised. The increase in the fees is for the purpose cf pri'ventin<; candidates unprepared for t'leir examinations trying them fur the mere take of trying. Having purchased a heavy horse from John Bilgcr for $'-'_'<) on the alleged un- derstanding that it was a 'juift and 8i-r riceable animal, but discovering after- w.triU, as be claims, thut be nt a k'cker of the worat kind loaded onto him, Mr. E J. Skelton brought action in the Di- vision Court to recover $l'Hi from Hil-jer fop alleged brunch of warrantry. The caae w.is the only one on the docket and occupied almost tde tnnre any in its heaving. Tne bulk i.-i the lesumoi.y aeemeil to show that the animal w;is an iufamous kicker, one witneas claiming that it would strike with its front feet ami kick with its back feet. The horse, it seemx, is now on Mr. Skelton 's farm in the Wear, but feeling that he had been roaked on the dual, he sued for a refund of 9100. Judjte Klein after be,nn^ the evidence adduced gave Skelton judgment for $73 and costs. Bruce Times. Odds and Ends MISCELLANEOUS Young -shorthorn bull, fit for service, for sale. W. Pa' Lou, Ci-ylon, Out. Wire Works Burned A Dundalk Innocent quarters fur .A -m.i!l stake I thought Thomas Wiijht of Orneville has . they were hon*a( . hut when they got cat that i 2:5 yers of age mcd Maina j all my money I tf>cn discovered I was all ita faculties. VV. presume it is a> ] up najitii.st a buuci> gtoitt which wia loo Tk-iiuis cat. I deep for me to fathom, ' -ul Joseph A. Mr. Eduar and Al'ett Kendrew of | S ,' Dtle ;V' f ? undltlkl ^ lie ' icUro f tw I'riiii'uM' r isi ted ".>! SiitnUy will: Mr. R. Waller. The latter expects to return wijst inn few weeks Hev. U. E. Wellwood. B.A , B. D., who has for the pa*.t two Sundays been! c .biirjrd nith p'ajring a :inia of thance preaching ou organic union, will onSun ],, tin- street mid vagrancy. S lO ders told ih j detect--. that the two men, wli.ne .ri|(Miiilance hu li;id mode in tho "nnan.mc.s who were arrealed i ^ * tocd "" * ttm ' "*WW Saturday nuht Ihey were -Joseph , Cronin of Albany, N. V, and Joaeph B,. a( | y Montrwal, b<ith of whnu are < >en Sound. Feb. 11 At when the temperature was ihittjr below /.en>. an alarm called the tire brigade to a si-linn?) l'!n/.f in the big factory f the Owen Sound Wire Fence Co., on the west tide f the harbor, between Firit and Second, aveuuea. It took consider- able time, with ill intense cold, to get I he lilii/i- under control, but llie huh pressure section of the waterworks system ;is turned "n, ond the place literally deluged. The building, which is a two-story sti-ucturo with wooden roof. htd formerly been t h Lemon Pottery, The expenaite weaving machines were in thtf section where the tiro brokb out, x:id the iiiost axpenaire of these i> p'aced a< a tnttl IO.HJ, while two others are buried under piles of debris ..:i i ice. Savernl of the tirernen received seven; frutt bites while at work. In addition to the d.tmae to the machinery, smoke and water will aeiiously affect the tons of wire and manufactured yocd.n in t lie t'jre-roomi. Fortunately, the office escaped d-tiimg' 1 . President A. J. C'reigh- Ion estimate* the loan *t between fif'een and t we:i y thousand dollar*. oa whi:h there is insurance of about $28,000. Tim building, wliirli i owned by Mr. John U. Lemon, is damaged to the x'eut of abour ftl.lJOO. Repvira will be made it once. The Bre is particularly ':-.! n '1,1; 4 1 .-. coming K it does at the U -iiinin^ of the busy seaton. dy eveiiirg next take f rhU topic. "The ueid for organic cry f the world'* uhurcli union." N"' L 'kly as pMMM >y This remedy if<r rotunda of a hotel, had won $24 from Mr. John Litimar left on Tuesl.iy to , " iin - Me *<>' '" n t coupU of round*, ccopt the aasistant mn){frahip of the j l><" ltei' tht the "um^ef" ali[>|>ed Cinutian Biikbcck fnveatmeul and "*V fro^t him.- -Globe. Savings Co. at Toronto. The siluaiion f, . a,HKl 01. Hud we Wliove Mr. ^ X"" km.iv that moreie< danfter lurka _. ,, in acoraiuon uuli 1 than in any other of th- L*timr will make R.KH!. Th. Advance ( ^^ .,,,, The ^ ^. ^ uke f , bam fenders congratulation*. ! berlain'w Cough Remedy, tU-.roiinh reli*bl Mr*. KJ. Thompson and family Mat}^*^^.^ : ' i il 1 ' TI ^ jU ^ f ^^"''1 for Collingwi'od on Friday where Mr. Thompson is employed nd where they will id future reside. The day WHS bitterly co'd with 25-t,,iie g.ie b'owin Agriculture In Rural Schools od drifting the rods. Only! The drive must htvu been A I If evidunce were nutded in vhow the ery asvrre one. I practical be e8w derivud frutu teaching I wgricultura in rural school*, some recent The people along thw line of rinlaay : i t r. it 1 1 1 u I > 1 1 ii i-iw.-.i ..ill i.w ill.. I I. .1 . . i I , . . ..i. r were dopiivcd of their Toronto dailies on Wednesday of last week, owing to a freight train jumping he track down nt Liuiel. If was midnii(hl when the train got through. An Owen Sound excursion train and the regular louth 1 1 fni Tint ion siveu out by the Department of Agriculture al Waihin^ton wi'l supply it. In March, 1!>07 Prof. Bensou.oi that department, s.'iit out a circular to thirty- one schools in [<ia. asking these <jues- tions : Uow many boyi nl>ivo the tifth j g ado expect to lie farmers when urown bound passenger did not net to the city ! ... . , i to iittnlioud, and now many of the uir s until 1 a in. next morning. , . . 'expect when grown !o wmnanhood ro Postnuttor Trimble a.ks us to remind j have lomething to do with the farm? the public that all drop Icttem must | Oat of a t>tal of l4 U-ys above the fifth have atampn attached. Frequently | gradi in theie *cliools, 157 said they let 'era aro dropped without even the two would hv imthm- to do with the farm, cents accompanying then< and this makes thus leaving only seven who decided to it necessary to add the pos'Hge al the j 8 ay l.y the farm. This lo.k ld. But o'.her end The pos' master <ys h Ins w^it awhile Af'er l!K>7 the teacl ing had fuur'e n irfift.cn drip Utter* 1 1 lick | ( ,f agriculture was tikon uir in ihft stamps for at one lime and he does not j school*. In 1'JtO, Pcof. Benson *enl out like it, and dco* not h\ve to. So see that your letters me all sUm| id. ih q circulr>. asking die a;tme Out i f 174 l>ys then IT- 1 ed The went her f..r ihe past week ha " u " v<) lhe Bfl1 ' raa - lli * r *> lliej lh ' been of a pronounce I arctic nature. On they would may by the fctiui ..r h\e Siturday morniim last the the. mounter si.uethii.^ to do with agi-icultur* when registered 32 degrees blow zero. This tl'7 came to niin.hood, and only !wol\e in believed to be the lowest point ever decided to leave (he farm. Then, tlia reached here. SumUy ni(iht the ther- ! lhe K' rl * lliust not be left llt - l rll mometer registered UO liel..w. The C)USU - 16; * 'f' out of 174 enrolled, whole week past has been very cold and decided not o remtin on tha farm if ihey wood p;le and c. al bin* have Lven melt c n hel P ifc - Wn *' tn "-'-- -- 1 cenMis WHH ing way, while our visitors from the tik " iu ljl0 ' l<51 ' tls out of l"+ en- West have the Kll to 8ini,in s ly comment ! r "' llad - decided they v0 ulJ hare sonic- on the "bsMitiful w.-ather!" i th: "i< lo do with the &'>*><>< "f 'he fu-in OVER-WORKED KIDNEYS Cause. Bush of Blood, Full- ness, Dizziness. J. T. Chctland. th- well-known rail- way I'lijjim ri- ..-r litttnatuii. tn 1111,1 tho strain always restlniir upon men of his occupation vastly Intensified by a tendency of the blood to rush to his head, and often at time* '.vhen clear- ness of vision anj great stoatllneas were demanded. Finding noinc diffi- culty In bending a stiffness with puln havlna; settled In his back, it oc- curred to him that Ills kidneya might bi> at fault. "Thia was a happy idea, for by it I not only got rid flf the pain but many other troubles as well. I took a full doso L>f. Hamilton's Pills and was !ad to note that some ob- struction of the Kldneya. which I had lately noticed, was at once relieved. The flushed appearancx- of my face (rave wuy lo a more rational color and there was a perceptible Improvement In my appetite. Dr. Hamilton's Pills certainly act splendidly upon the blooti. tviiiovinK heat and fttlnens and that sort of div.xlness thut makes a man at the throttle wish when it siezes him that he were elsewhere." No medicine gives such unquestion- ably good rults for stomach, liver. and blood troubles as Dr. Hamilton's Pills; they are mild, certain, mid al- v/ays curiitlve. Refuse any substitute. All dealers sell Dr. Hamilton's Pills. 25c per box. or T'.-.e Catarrhozono Co.. Kingston, Out. Dr. Hamilton's Pills Cure Kidneys and Liver All truins on ilri line wrre held up reir Laurel nil day Wednesrf.-iy of UHI week, owing to n freight train Im-ing gnt stuck in a snow bank, wi'h four cars du- raile<l,iic*r I.iurel. It wa about 1 in. Thursdy morning when the Toronto twin got th-oujsb. Kli-nhei-ton people went without their morniiiz papers that dy. Tho night train on Thuisday Oid hiniuv 'I'I en- :i.nld be it.) more con- clu>ie evi)i:i;c tliAM thus that ih,- tench- '.ug i if r culhs'.-e i'i riirl ,<nhonN wi I d wh.<t it claimed fur it HI In r the b -ys Hiul girl.i i > rriiMiu i>i llu fnr>' ( I'Vr.i *p i i you will Hnd ('hnin Liniment excrllfnt. It all:iy>> the pain, rc- M >v the ainoiinH.iuifl .-"nil r. ,ti'it-s the parts 1 1 a healthy ciinilitioii. 'i"i :\nd ">li ci'iit bot- tles fi>r a.ile \>y all dealers. The Markdale Snow Plow Tlio bent snow-plow in tin market fur making rixtds U thx Mxrkdale Snow I'low, iiiinint.nl on fcleiglw. and is n. um''i:-i mm! by David Madill. Thosij arc nrnufnoi tired in MiuktUle nnd w beinu purchasod by County Councils t'iroiigh this I'ruviuce for the u-i- uf Township niunicipnlitiea and are ilia finest invention out. Dufferm C'ltinty profn-ed ren tliis winter and the people are de'ixhted itli th-i in.tnt.cr in whicli they make winter I'fitrlH. F"r iiulividiitl*. Townslii[i nr Mi.nicipiilitiiia. DAVID MADILL, Pr.'p. MAltKDALK To rent or let MI shares one liulf section in Alberta, JUO acru> iiiuler cultivation. Apply t this otticc. Men Wanted --To drive team. S'eiuly work to right iran, ftitl per month, married men prrfetred. Apply lo G. H . Vause, dray and transfer, Arcolci, .Sa.sk. ARTICLES FOR SALE For Sale <jud sow ilue ti' |>ij;, iilsn suveml young pus 5 weeks uM. Any person wanting to purcli.-ibe the.s pios will do wrll to come >nnl see .las. Hopps, lot 1.".'!, \Vest hack line. A cnr loud MI fi""l whetit juut in. Firi-tc 'ine, first son-mi. P. I.oucks. One sett heavy slcijlis, i sett .'i-sfnied sU-i-li.-,. -J li|>ht 2-seat-d pleusure slei^h.s. '2 cui'ei-n, 3 sett heavy double hariie.ss, 2 >i'i t I'ght doutile drifing harnefs, 1 sett sinjjlu harness 15 rubes. Gen. Stuart, Flusherton. Fur sale -Rivprview hotel, Fevcralum. Will sell rlit ;ij i and on reasunahle term.s, fur r.ii iiifili.it>- sale- Alau one Ford car, 6ve p*s.snaer, anil in eod repair. Must be sold by Feb. 15th. W. A. Kerton. Cow for ftalu- -A tirst class ymm^ cow milking. :tnd due to freshen March 29. W. \V. Trimble, Flesherton. Fur sale cheap and esy toruu. or rent inimediste poNSRSsinn. h'rst e'asH brick veneered dwelling in Eugenia, ffood fur- IMI:I and soft and hnrd water in house, splendid garden and orchard. Apply to II. J. Spnuilf. Klelierroii, Ont. 'JTcedtf For sale Cheap anil on easy terms, good comfortable frame house, and two KM>d villiage lots, in Fleshert'>n. apply to R. .]. Spoule. Lots fur sale al reasonable prices A number <! good building lots on the lute \V. K. Flesher estate, Kleoherton, on Toronto .-ind Sydenhn n and Durham strei-tw. Apply to R. .1. ISpi-oule, Fleshei ton, Out. Farm for Ssle or Rent Lot 3, con. 13, and lut 4, con 14, Oprey, better known as the JfuriiH Mye-s farm it acres 0.') under cultivation, liuud buildine'.wfll wotered. Apply lo W. A. Armstrong, Klesheitnn. ISej) tf Good brick h.iune itud two lots for sale or i m- in Fleshertn, iilso prk lot con- taining :: cre. Ap|>!p to A. Shackle- ford. for s-l? Houdahold furniturr. to Jotui K:.-li r, Kock Mills. Apply SOCIALS AND CONCERTS The Slviinn Army's tjnndny School cutannininent will tike pliice \< Fever- abain on h '.'.'ird. All ara invited ittend. Don t miss thi> treat. Doois open t ~ o'clock. Admission l.~> cents. LOST AND FOUND I'riincli found lit the 1 ! iu.-r cau h:ivu it at this nftice rink. L'lf-t in Pevervhnni mime case, on Sunday, Jan 28. Kindei please lenve at 'tf store. Flesherton Skating Rink every oiglit in the week. ' Hockey from 7. W until - .Ji Mondays | and Thuraditya. Band every Friday > night- General aUuiiigion tOc, Fridny ' nights lo cents. Saturday afteriiunn for lenn ei-a only. J. & W. Boyd Proprietors. This Medicine Is Breathed \ Have You a Cold? It Can Be Completely Cured 67 Catarrhozone It Quickly Cures Whooping Cough, Grippe, Bronchitis, Crtarrh, Hay-Fever, Asthma, and Colds. Catnrrhozotie Is not like other reme- dies, but is so heullng and soothing that when it la breathed through the inhaler it kills tlie germs that cause diseases of the throat and lungs. Catarrhor'.one quickly soothes and heals the mucous surfaces so that In a short time the whole mucous lining l.i healed. \t you are subject to throat Irrita- tion or have a tendency to consump- tion you should use the "Medicine that Is breathed." 'thousands who have used It tell of its merit. Air which you breathe through the | Oatarrhossone Inhaler carries healing | to the very spot affected, and there is no chance of failure by going to tho wrong place. That 13 why It cures. Catarrhozone i Approved by Doctors. Druggists, and j thotisnm's of Canadian people who have used it- Little rlfops of healing for weak places in the throat anil nasal laasages 'thal'a Catarrteaboe, Three sizes. 25c.. 50c- ( and $1.00. at - ilrugijists or by itriil. vostimld, from The Catarrhoione Co-. Buffalo, N.Y., mJ Kingdom Ont. C/feer up! ffere's a Good Hired ffai\ You will be surprised at tho amount of lubor a manure .spreader will save you. Try one and learn its true worth. We handle the Corn Kiny;. There i.s no better machine made. This machine ha.i a return apron, convenient levers for throw- in"; the machine in or out of year, and it will spread barnyard manure of all kinds, coiumi'rcial fertilizers, lime, ashes, salt, etc. A year's use will convince you that it i.s a "-nod in- vestment, and you will be willing to admit it's the host hired man you ever had. Drop in. Examine this machine. Compare it with others now upon the market. Let us explain the many excellent features found in its construction. Get a Don't put it off, hut call today and start saving money. S. HEMPHILL, Agent, Ceylon, Ont. NEW STORE OPENED AT EUGENIA ! Don't blame the Cook if she cannot get good BreaJ, just buy a lag of Meatiml Flour, when the whole trouble will he emleil am] you will reali/e what quality means in the bread line. The following are the differ- ent brands : Ideal, Five Lily, Lily White and Makers, Special for Bread, and Snow White for pastry. Sold by J. H. PARKE GENERAL MERCHANT Eugenia, - = Ontario. GROCERIES OF QUALITY In All Lines LALE SUPERIOR HERRING LAKE SUPERIOR TROUT I.iplin's IVa Flour and Feed- Oi/ihie K->yal Household, White Ruse and Morning Ulory. VI thrs things and many more can be had at rii>hl piicea ii The Grocery of Quality W. L. Wright, Grocer, Flesherton SECRETS OF HOME LIFE Statements made by patkitts taking the New Method Treatment. They knew it Gores If No Name* r Tettimonialt uiod without written COXSTITl'TIONAI. BI.OOI> DISKASE. ration) No. t47l. "Tli<- rota arc nil ROHI* fri-ni !)i\ l-i;a :nnl :irm iinil t fei-l Bn.'d nun. 1 am j'rry Rratiful to you anil shnll ne\ft forget the fnvnr yur in'-iili inr linv dne lor ni*v V'Ui cwn usi> my name in rocurnmrnilinK It to any ulTprrr. 1 am RoinR to net mar- fi'-il soon. Tli.inkins yuu ->nii- inori-. etc." SAY* TWO MONTHS CfREl) III. I-,,..-., i No. 185S. As-- -:. SlnRlo. in iui:.---l in .null.-! ' halts -I yean. l'- posit in urine anil dntins ut nixnt. VarU'liw V"lna i-n hoili airli't. pains In back, weak ai-xually. Hu wrltw: "! rocolvod your letter of ri-cent ilau- unit in n-ply t am plroKPd to say thut aftor taking tvvu montlia' treatment I wouUI ronaldi^r myself rumpletely cliri-d. as t have Heon no sfKna of them i:iimln^ bacK (one year). THE WORLD SKEMS DliTKBEXT. Patient No. |-.rr-.:. "I have not had a regular Kini*aion t ilnn't know \vhon anil am feeling line. The world aerma sltoRelher dlff.Tent to me and t thank Hod for din-i-ting mi- t" you. You have been an lioncst (locUT will. m> ' VARK'OSK VEINS i I HI ! t ar No. - -i n \\lion hn Mnrted treatment: Ag 51, glnnle, In- ilulK^d In Immoral hnhils srxi'i-.'il yi'ara. Vnrlcoae Vnlns on both lili-ii i>impl<*a on tht- face, etc. Aft*-r two in-mtha' tr^ntmfnt li wrlti-5 :a follows: "Your wpR-omo lottor to hnn,l and nm vry lHii to say thut t think myself cured. My Yrir-iae Voine h;ve complr-tely dia- ;ippt-ri'il for quiti* a whilo and It ocma a rurc. T work harder and !.! lean tired. I havo no doalrc for thnt habit whati'vi-r Kurt if I aioy llUi* thia. which 1 have every reason to believi* I will. TlKinkinu you for your kind attention," etc. GAINKD II POr>0)S IS ONK MONTH. in, in No. t ..,: Thin imticnt i:iKd r,si hnd n chrnnir rum- of NiTvmis De- Illty :ind Si-xual Wi'tiknce anil wn.< run down in vigor and vitality. After une monitr* trHtmi'nt hi- reports us fol- lows: "I am feellns very w*'U. I have gained 14 pounds in one month, ao that I will have In congratulate you." Later report:"! am heglnnlllK to feel more llki- a man. I feel my cundliiim la getting belter every welc." Ills lr>at re- port : "Dear Doctors As I feel this Is the hm month's treatment Uuu I will have to get. I thoURbt at <>ne time I would nevei- he cured but I put con- liileiu-e In you from the st^rt and joa hnvr cured me." CURES GUARANTEED OR NO PAY W- treat and cure VARICOSE VEINS. NERVOUS DEBILITY, BLOOD AND URINARY COMPLAINTS. KIDNEY AND BLADDER DISEASES and all Dueatu "'CONSULTATION FREE. BOOKS FREE, if un.bio to call write for Que>tio Blank for Home Treatment. All lttn from Canada must b addreuod to our Can- adian Corretpondence Department At follow* : DRS. KENNEDY & KENNEDY, WINDSOR. ONT. Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich

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