February K 191-* FLESHERTOX A I) V A N C E * THE STANDARD BANK EUubliahcd 1873 OF CANADA SO Kudu. TRANSMITTING MONEY For sums up to $50 our Bank Money Orders are convenient and inexpensive. For larger amounts we issue Drafts or Bills of Exchange. Money sent at once to any banking point in the world by Telegraphic or Cable Transfer. Savings Bank Department at Every Branch. &> FLESHERTON BRANCH George Mitchell, Manager KANCHKA AI^SO AT DURHAM AMP HARR.1JTO3* Trains follows : C. P. R. Time Table. leave- Flsherton Station Going South Going North 7.415 a. in. 11.28 a.m. 4..">l! p.m. S.ii.'ip. m. The mails an: closed at Flesherton a.-i follows : For the north at 10.40 a.m. and 7 p. ni. ; and the afternoon mail south at I Marmalade ormges at Hickling s. Mr. Walter Thompson, and Harry (ienoe of the Bell Telephone Company. 1 are home. Mrs. Jamieson has received word that her niece, Mrs. Vance, uf Thessalon, ! who kept a fancy coods store, was burn- , ed out recently entailing a heavy loss. Mrs Vance's maiden iianiH was Strain, :1.40 o'clock. For morning train south j, n a s ]ie HI one time lived in Hesherton. mail clow at !t p.m. the previous ev'g. , Mmiday evening in the Epworth Leaeue the lepnit of the literary essay contest was given. Miss Teiui Hender- son took first pri/.e nnd Miss Agnes Hen- derson tecond. Givht or nine etsnys were submitted. The pri/.e essays were Born At Shoal Lake, Man., on Jn. i read at the meeting nnd favorably com- VICINITY CHIPS J^ to Mr. nnd Mrs Iaac Turner, a son. Mr. Jchn lioyd of Mount Forest spent the week end with hia sons, John and Will in town. Mi-s Fdna I'atton spent the past week in Toronto and Proton. > Mis. W. A. Armstong spent the week cml in Dund'iik. Mis Rita 6u?kin is visiting Ler aunt, ) Mrs. Frank Shier, at Portlaw. Mis. Trimble returned from Detroi t last week. mented on. Mrs. Carter, M:s. MaiCdl- lua and Mr. Holland were judges. Mr. Will Moore teceived word on Sunday that his mother, Mrs. George Moiie who lived witli her aged hubbnnd in Normauby near Varnay, was seriously ill. He lmrn.il over but only ai rived an hour befoie his mother paused away. Mrs. Moore wn.s 71 years of age. The funeral took place yesterday) Wednesday). The Flesherton hockey boys went down to Dundalk Thursdny evuning to plav a _'"'!( with a junior te.tm there but Mr. James McUae of the Northwest is ] f()l ." utl lhMllwlvrt up ;l!(i4ill . st , ive ()f Dund.ilks U. U. A. club, with a point bl.nlc refusal to play anyihing tlbc. visitinir his sister, Mi -. W. 11. Uuiit. Dr. E, Carnuchael of btrathcona, Al bevta, spent ihe week end with friend* in town. Miss Mablo Mitchell of Harrisviile. Like good spor'.s the toys would not come homo without a game and tackled the professionals Michigan, is the giust uf her nun', Mrs. George Mitchell. Mr. F. G. Kusted: and MUs Ella spent a part of 1 i week in the city, on businrssaod visiting friends. u 11 11 r ui ii ! 'I' 6 )' indulued in Mrs. Hill of .Shelburne visteil with i her aunt, Mrs. F. <!. Karstedt, during! the PHSI week. The Bruce Tii.n - and Kiuce lirruld, boih Walkeiton papers, have been amalgamated and H ill hereafter be knowu as the Hrucc Herald an 1 Times. \V. T. 1'ember, the Toronto hair goodi man, will be at the Munshaw house on Friday, March 1, with a supply of goods. See advertisement. Mrss Gladys Cornlield spent a couple of days in Toronto during the past week taking her, Senior Second examination in music. She .van accompanied by her I teacher, Mis. Jos. Blackburn. with, of course, no hope of winn'ns. They were not dis- appointed, as the score stood 4 to 1 in favor of Dundulk. The Dundulk team should not feel very hilaiious over ihe resu t, much less over the r< u ;h play Died MoKKow At Oxbow, Sank., on Fri- day, Kith hut..- Mrs. H.trlan Morrow, aired 28 years. The oUcfafcd Ijidy a the youngest sister = f Mis. W. I, \V right of F.eshcr- ton. MrMiu.AN-At Monrovia, California, tin Sunday, Feb. IS, John McMillan, aged :>() yeats. The deceased wts a son of Mr. .) hn i McMi Ian of the south line Mr. It is only i.f Mr. ulioul .1 year .since he marticd Miss Ai.na | Chisle'!. youngest daughter of Mr. T. intlus rnia for Kendiil 1 . the 8-year old ou Will Boyd, ma with a painful acciJerit j Chislett u{ Cey | 011 . 1Vn in a peculiar manner Wednesday 'Sl> | nB ,. ent t - southern Calif,, !at, on !!' rink. While skating he ran into the side of the building and broke chi'd. but did not both In in . of his light arm between the wrist nnd elbow. Dr. Carter set the bone and the little fellow i.s doing nicely. Mr. Jacob l'arlow's sale last week was aliiinit phenomenally successful, the whole sale amounting to over nJISOtl. Stock went high, his cows all bi hiving JftiO and over. One grade mare I rought $315, the highest pi ice Auctionier Mc- Pbail has ever secuteJ for a grade mare. There will be held D. V. in Flesher- l.oti Bnptist Church a Recognition Council of the Owen Sound Association on tile itjternoon of Thuisday Feb. u!). A number of ministers and deligates from different churches are oupected to be present. ID the evening there will bo a gospel meeting to which an invitation in ex'eudtd to all. It is expected ihe Rev. Dr. Norton of Toronto will preach in the evening. I Tf your lungs arc weak; If tin m, ILI t- r i consumption in vour t'amilv- If i The regular monthly meeting of the | catarrh, and Bronchia" bother W. I. Hill mi >-i i the 27th inst. at 8 ! be sure to use Catarrhozo.io p.m. in the high school. The aut.j. cts | and'cures e^S^ttoT thw a ' s?a! " v to be d'scussid are: The School its I Mrs. Brown took cough mixture-. attitude to the home, by the Principal. J^Vtom'i^r T'' " lck - Then she .., an atomizer, but, after resorting- with ag his lirilili. .iccompanied by his wife and receive any beuch'r. Heliaves a devoted ji'K wife ai;d infant two months old. The remains will lie brought home for interment. F \\M-KTT At the residence of his daughter, Mrs. ()livi-r Irwin, Ki<nherlcy, on Saturday, Feb. 17, Jamet Fawcet', aged 89 years. Deceased wac one of ihe old p'oneers ol Euphivsia but for a time lived at Uumlalk in later years. The remains Wen- taken to Duudalk fur interment on the i '.'.': p. in. i run M.. i ' i LUNG 'TROUBLE Mr. Biny Brown, of Tenocapo, N-S., Was Curod by Catarrho;o:i : of Lung Trouble and Catirrh, After Hundreds of Other Remedics Failed YOU It i trli-J (."a out benefit to poultices, sh tarrhozone. "I used Catarrh.o7.on.> Inhaler.' Writes Mrs. Brown, "five minute zvcognlzoi] that The Home-- its attitude to the School, by the Trustee*. Raading by Mrs. H. 11. Moore. The Farmers' Club will also meet with the ladies and assist in making ' every hour, and soon a profitable and pleasant evening. There the soothing m 'dic^t '"l I- "* .. will be a solo by Mr. F. Chard, speech through the air passages 01 th- throat! by Mr. Joseph Blakeley, reading by Mr. ^ " ; t {, 'l ch ^'l A' 11 ' soro "I' '- 51 , 1 " t] " L. Fisher, .iD-1 a speech by Mr. Robert, | reach. Catarrhozono seemed"' t.) go Beit. L idles and 26,,tlei'.i-:i are invited | just "'here it xvna needed most, und | soon put a stop to my cough. It n<- to attend. , stored mu- to |)prfect health, and I am . ,, . r\ , I convinced that n.> cough, cold, or ca- Division Court was held in Dundalk on tarrh can exist If Catarrhozone i.i Wednesday of last week. There was used." . . i . , ! No treatment Ij so clean, so nloa-s- only one case of importance before Ihe ant so c ,, ruln to cure oa i ; nt!,rrh- Court, that of E. Wurts v. the Durham ozone. By moans of the Inhaler, tho B- i-> nf w i n.*. local symptoms, such as coughlnpr. in- Funuture Co. Mr. Wuits sui-d the f | amrnatloll am , co ,, gcat ion are speod- cumpi-ny for $(tO, bnlanco on contract, Ily corrected. Ferrozont* tablets, and *2 interest The company had paid gR ^ SS^'fffcW 0"^! into court J32.4. 1 ?, which they claimed poisons, and build up and strengthen entered the amount due, HI Mr. Wjrts t * 1 ,.* ys * e '" 1 , ' This local nnd constitutional treat- had tetttOVud ccitniii ait:cka. Mr. ment Is alwu.v.s offpctivo, and cures Win is claimed that these nr'icles were co-^s that IKIV I., .-n Riven up as mined in the covranr .ludnin.v t w.-is hopeless. Money can't buy or produce , .-.,./ ., i ,1 /,,, anvth ntr better, and to net curt'il t Kivo.. |.'a'i.lirt f.,i h Full ?(!') and co.ts |s ftbsolute j., Kceevttuif to uw CaUrrU- ISo inten^t was Allowed. ozone. A Very Successful Skating Carnival The Hrst carnival mi the new link came oH'un Friday evening last and ius atti'iided by between three and four Iiuuihvd people. There WITH tome "> maslu-rs on the ice. In unu sense only was thu affair a failure. It wi.s supposed to be a carnival uf oationii, bui few t,f the maskers took the trouble tn get up national costumes In most instances there was no co -n petition. The masker. 1 * .simply get up the most convenient available. As a result there was great variety and some very handsome on' tits were in evidence. The two-miio open race was the featuie of the evening. There were luilf a d zvn entries, Lul the race narrowed down to three with Roy I'iper in the lead, Hushtield second and Welsh I hire'. On the twentieth round Bushficid parsed L'ipor. who fell out, i ':n.; that he understood thu judges ro call linn off. Then Welsh forgtd to the front and in the last round came in about twenty feet ahead of Bushfiold. The race Wks a good one. Following in a list of the prize winners : Bos! fancy cos'ume, lutly, I. HIM Arm- strong, Best fancy costume, gent, Chas. Richardson. Best Canadian cos'.ume, Josephine Richardson. Best Irish costume, Mrs. II. Wright. Best t'nited States costume, J. A. Cairns. Best Turkish costume, Herb Sniiih. Best Indian costume, Keugio Boyd. Besi Clown, R. Bellamy. Bes'. Japanese costume. Florence Richardmm. (Jirls roe, Dell Thurston, Florence Bunt. Boy race, Roy McAnlay, Harry Fiosr. < )pen race, B. Wrlsli, W. Hushfield Wild Ducks Perishing With the Georgian Bay frozen over thousands i.f wild ducks me perishing in i In' exceptionally cold went her of the bf-t week i r t ivo Largo numbers are lit-ing found fioxen to death along either shore t.f Owon Sound bay. The frec/.ing over of the Georgian Buy and other bod- ies uf water in the Great Lukes has cut ott' the source of food supply for these birds with the result that they ate perishing in the intr-nse cold of the past fovv weeks. Odds and Ends COMING Professor Pember Of the well known Pember Hair Store, Toronto, is coming to FLE S H ERTO N Mimshaw House, Fri., March 1 MISCELLANEOUS To lent or let on shares one half sec-ion in Alheita, JOII acres under cultivation. Apply t this office. Mfii Wanted -T.. drive team. Steady wink to right iriill, $(>( per month, mairicd men prtferred, Apply to (J. H. Valise, diay and transfer. Arcoln, S;isk. Wanted At the Park House, a good general servant. > ARTICLES FOR SALE For Sale Gond sow due tr> pig, also several young plus 5 weeks old. Any person wanting to purchase these pis will do well to come and s-e Jas. Hopps, lot l;t:i, West back line. One sett heavy sleisihs, 2 sett ."-sealed sltMtihs, 2 light 2-KCatvd pleasure sleighs. -' cutters, :5 sett heavy double Imriiess, 2 sett I'ght double driving harness, 1 sett single harness, 15 robes. (leu. Stuart, Flosherton. Osprey Council I !i- Miinii-'p.il Council of thntown- -hip of Oiprey met at Feversham on Feb. 10, according to adjournmsnt frtm Jan. 8th last. The members were all picHent. The minutes of last meet ting rend nnd adopted. Com- 'mini M!i"ii. accounts, etc. wore received from C.niniy Treasurer, hat i.t !;iuils in n-j.rcy liabla to bo loM for arrears of taxei in 1912. J. C. Finlay, account $ repairing road plow ; H. lieitmnn, account f5, Clerk's postage; Dr. W. C. Ryckman, account 97, disin- fecting a i Hugh Funwick't ; John Paul, account $14, burinl exptmscH of Deninan child ; J. A. Keraalian, account >! , discount on cheques : Municipal Tele- phone System, names of commissioners appointed And account 841.85 for poles ; Hector Moore, pathmiister for I'.tll, certifies that Hector Me: I line* performed three; days statute labor ; John Poole a trustee of S S. No. 5 was present, opposing the application of Hugh Fen- wick 'o be transferred from S. S. No. 5 to S. S. No. 7. The council refusid to ni'ikt! the transfer. Municipal \Voild account 824. ","i for assessor's supplies and other stationery. Orders weie issued on the Tioasuinr to pay J. C. Finlay 81 00, repairing rr.ad plow ; Municipal World stationery $24.70; 11. Heitman 85, Clerk's postag.'-. Dr. W. C. liycktnan 87, disinfecting at Hugh Fen wick '3. Jas. Hudson $41.85, telephone poles, 'o be charged on tele- phone account ; Htctor Mclmies fJJ, refund on statu'e labor; Hector Me- I lines 8, refund error in dog lax ; Alex. Douglas '$10. auditor ; Holt. HpionglU, auditor; J. A. Kcrnahan, 91.75, dis- couiit on clieipies ; John Paul $12, burial expenses of Di'innaii child. The clerk \vns instructed to ask the township of Arteniesia for the privilege .f erecting a telephone lino from Fever- shim to Klliertoii for the beuetit of O.sprey Munic pal Telej hone System. The standing committees for the year KO :r> appointed H follows : On loads and bridges ./no. Thomson, Jno- H. .Mo.nir.ii and Irwin Mi. iii- Min On Treasurer's security Jno. Thomson, G. W. Ross and U. Talhot On print- ing- J. U. Muirhcad, (!. W. IJoss and R. T.t'hot. On finance and assessment, all the member* of the council. Thu Road Commissioner* for the several divisions were appointed aa follows: D.visinn No. 1, U. J. Tulbot ; divuion No. 2, G.VV. Ross ; division No. 3, .In". Thomson ; division No. 4, Irwin Morrison ; divinion No. 5, Jno. R Muir- heHd. An approprintion of 8300 was placed to the credit of each of the suM com 10 H. loners for expenditure on roadt and bridges in each division, and the Treasurer w instructed to refuse pay- ment of ,r> v amount exceeding the $300 unleaa nn order WIN passed by special resolution, ordering further payment. The report fiom the auditor* was re- ceivid anil adopted and the clerk old red t'> get 300 c >piea printei 1 . Council adjoiirne.l I i nirei at Sing- hnni|.ton on Snturdny, March '.( h. Frtd. IViti : sHi wns fin'eiireil H( K'k ; L'k>! 10 ten J i' rs in pi'i.rcnlury for For ale cheap and i-isy terms, or rent immediate possession, first class brick veneereii dwelling in Eugenia, good fur- rmcc and soft and hard water in house, splendid garden and orchard. Apply to R. J. Sproulu, Klesherton, Out. 27cedtf For sale Cheap and on easy terms, good comfortable frame house, and two s;ond villiace lots, in Flesherton. apply to R. J. iSpoule. Lots for sale at reasonable prices A number uf nood building lots on the late W K. Flesher PsUte, Flesherton, on Toronto and Sydenlmn and DurhaHi streets. Apply to K. J. Spruulo, Flesherton, Out. With the latest Parisian and American Styles of Ladies' Hair Goods shown in the Dominion. Transformations, Switches, Bangs, Waves, Curls, etc. For Gentlemen who are liaJtl or partially .so, The Pember ventilat- ed lightweights, Toupee or Wi^ is the most natural ever produced, and is worn and endorsed by Gentlemen of the Medieal pro- fession throughout the American Continent. SCALP TROUBLES Diagnosed Free of Charge. REMEMBER THE DATE For Mail orders Next Vonge St. Arcade, Toronto. Farm for Sale or Rent Lot 3. con.l.", and lot 4, con 14, Ouprey, better known as the George Myeis farm 2fJO acres <i5 under cultivation, gouj bnildiimo.well watered. Apply to W. A. Armstrong, Flesheitnn. l.Srp tf Good brick house and two lots for sale or lent in Flesherton, also park lot con- taining :U acres. App'ptoA. Shickle- ford. For 8*1 Household furniture. Apply (< John Fisher, Kock Mills. Spirclla Corsets for Hale. These cor- sets will not, rust nor break. Miss Xieh- olsou has a few luft, will be solil cheap, I'.t to :(0. SOCIALS AND CONCERTS The Sdvation Army's Siindny School entertainment will t ike place at Fever- sham on tlii- 'J.'ird. All are invited to attend. Don't miss thu trial. Doois open at 7 o'clock. Admission 15 cents. AUCTION SALtS An auction saV of farm stock and implements will he In-lit ,, lot 11 IL'. Con. i, ()s|jrey. on Friday, March 1, the properly of Geo, K.lwnnlK. See bills. Stock for Sale On lot -JO, 1 N. t), Ii, Ailnm-sia. I horhu H yrars old, 1 horse nged. 1 cow S year.*, old. suppueod to be in calf, 1 cow ID y-tnioM, sMppised to be in calf, 1 cow 7 years i-M, fii|)posed to be in calf, 1 hoifer rising two years old, U steers rising tw> yeis o'd, three calvc's, 10 ewes supposed to be in lamb, 1 ram, 4 pig.s four months old. GEO. WILLIAMSON. Flesherton Skating Rink WE WANT YOU to exiimino the Corn Kinf man u re spreader. We want to show you the many .superior features found in its construction. We want to explain to you how easy and how convenient the working parts a re arranged. We want to s-liow yon the snbstimlial construction. We want to show yon how by u*inj? the Corn Iviiitf manure spreader, your boy can do as much work as a man. You will be surprised at the .substantial construction. You won't find the Corn Kintr manure spreader like other spreaders, it is in a class by itself. Call today. We are reserving u catalogue for you. It is filled with valuable information on soil maintenance and fertilizers. It is yours for the asking. It' you are not ready to buy now, call anyway. We want to number you as a friend. S. Hemphill, Agent, Ceylon, Ontario. evrrv night in tht week. Ilocki'.v from 7 :U) until S..'(0 Mondays ami Thursday*. Band every Friday night- Goneial adini-siun lOc, Friday nights 15 cents. Saturday aftenuion for leanurs only. J. & W. Boyd Proprietors. Horses for Sale Span of good bay horses, well-imtelied, or will exchange for heavier team, suit- able for eiig wauon. M. ^Ul'LLY, Co., FU-shortoii. NEW STORE OPENED AT EUGENIA ! Don t Miinie the Cook it sho cannot get gooil Bread, just, buy a bag of Mrafonl Flour, when the whole trouble will lie ended and you will ivali/e what quality moans in the bread line. The following are the differ- ent brands Ideal, Five Lily. Lily White and Bakers, Special for Bread, and Snow White for pastry. Sold by The Markdale Snow Plow Tho best snow-plow in Ihs market for making roadi is thx Mirkdnlc Snow Plow, mounted on slrigliH. nnd is omnufjirl nroit by David M.ul II. Tliesn .ire iiMiiufad tired in Markdale inul HI-" bi-iua purchased liy County Comoih through this Province for the Ufij of 'fownt>hi|i municipitlitiea and aie the tines: invention out. Dutloriii C'-unty prociued ioa this winter and the |ii!oplo are delighted with tlia maniior in which they nmke winter roadM. For iinliiidnal*, Township DAVID MADILL, I'rop. MAUKDALE J. H. PARRE GENERAL MERCHANT Eugenia, - = Ontario. GROCERIES OF QUALITY In All Lines LALE SUPERIOR HERRING LAKE SUPERIOR TROUT Lipton's Tea Flour and Feed Osilvies Uoyal Household, White Rose and Morning Glory. All thfso things and many more can bo had at light prices at The Grocery of Quality W. L. Wright, Grocer, Flesherton