Fi'l.nmry '22. 101-' T II K V LE S II K K T O X A D V A X C Advance* Small Ads. Look over them weekly. There may be something for YOU BI'SIXKSS CAUDS ULLOUOH A YOUNG bnV.'i Mm k -eaerkl banking buniiieBi. Money loaned at reBouble rtc Call on ux. T(.-HISU:TT. I'omiuuter, Ceylon. ComuiitKlorifr in It. <'. J . < Farms For Sale or Rent FAKU FOR BALK -I/it no _'. In tin- :,th .MID on Ot t)i8 Mwulhlp <i ArttmesiH, uoii- taiiuni; HHJ acre", eiuliry-tivf iic-re* clarei 1 , i linlaiic hardwood linilier. Property ol | tin' lute W. , I. jtuattv. There in it bunk barn fcinl rounhcaiit lion-- 1 mi pn-ini^rs nil i- u. II watortul. Will bo so; I ,,:i ri'*M>.ml>le terms. to JaniOH 1.. McMtilluti. < 'pylon p. o..<iut. - . Conreyancer, rtoodn. . K, ill* etc. carefully ilrawu up oHi-1-ii'iii* mail-, clmrceii rvMootbla. Also :riN-eri<:i>, flour, feed etc. kept in stock, I'rlcou rUb*. R.I M'110'JL.K. Fle.tierton ^omtclBiioner in H.C J., Auctionee Con* *yncer, Appralier and Money I.<.ii.l.-r Ku.l R>tat anil Itmiiance Agent. l>er<ix. u>ortm>, lewe an I willa carefully drawn anil vtlimtiuiii" made on shortcut unttce r.-i--v to lona at lowest rates ol internist. Col. -,io:n attooJed to with prompUMH rhiivos low. Atfent for Ocean Dominion Miu>nii> Company. A call solicited. DMcl'HAIL. T,lceno.l Auctioneer for the County of Uir>. TITIIIS inodprate and jatialartlon Knaranttpd. The arraiiKunifUtn ami ilatenof xaloican lie made a*. TIIK &DTABCM C!!K-'. lU'kideuce and I'.O.. Ceylon. Telephone ;,'ul: SAI,i:-< 'lii-Hii mil easy tonni. If nut > ' ..,li FOOD, lor it-lit to Miltalilu tena t, North half lot .10 an. I iut 40. COD, 11. Artcmuai*. *n,t lot 1. con. 1J. Ospn-i.' -J.Ki acrui, ahuut l.Vi i-learc.l balance mostly tmilHTvil lan-1, hard a..U o/t wood : coo'l stone dwelling KM i frame barn, Ktablinie uuilcr ; wi-1! utit*-i<-il with nrvi-r MiHuc H:H!| spring rroek i-ionMing farm cloao tnliariii This H ail fxi.-tillclit erain or ^i-a/inn fnriii ami will ho olil vi-rv rliuiiii it tukvn nt . onco ami on eav term-. AppI) to K. J. Si!'unle. KiuRlmrton, Out. 1,' > I I ill! SALE aheap an, I mi sv terms Lots 1 an<1 -J. con. 11 O.-piry; 'Joti acrt's ; franir .hvi-llinc, (rain.- liarn an<l '-tnlilinu nndi-i-; iibout 170 Acre- ,-], in.' 1 u'nl iiii'l. r i-iiltivatioii. Snuiu -pl.'.iil.'i ccilai with ..tli.'i- nim-il tiinlM-r on lialnii'-e. alw tw ismall uri'lianlh lu arinu. \Vel watered ; ileviM failing -[* i:>;: civet*. Splendid t'ntin and i^nt/in^ farm. Anplv to K' .I.Kproulu Kli-shcrton or Saniuvl U-bonif. Maxwell. H. ,. C.U7. WM. KA1TT1NO, UcuuBtMl Auctioneer for the couutivi of Ciroy anil Sinicoe. Kariu and Stock nalea a xpucialty. Terms mtiMaction guarantied. ArrauRe- .in-lit-, for dates may b made at the Advance offl'. or A: T. Hntcblnaon'a store. 1-evenhaui by aiMrrnMiiK IIIH at Koveraliaui, Out. DUDI) auc MATHK'VS, Markdale. l.icenml auctioneer for tne county of (irey. Good at reaacnable rate*. Uatea i:au be at Tbe Advance, o 00 L'AKM Knit SALB- Very chap. 100 acreR. j L lot 9, con. 7, Ouprcy, only *:kiOO, reaconabln cash payiiK-nt. balance yasy teruiH, fc. aci'C'i cleared. M. II fenced and in inch state ol ciiitl- ; vation, balanca timbered, fjooil couifortabln i frauio dwelling.', stone cellar under, never fail- ! iti^hpiiiiK well and windniill pump at door. , i-ew irauiu barn, well linihe>i. ttono stabling with spring .vutci under, alo in Khed. It is ' Bltiiatod i in 1 1" Irom Mu.xwell yill&fie whem ther are store*, post o!Hce. ood 8chu<il. ami moil the travel road. !H miles from railway station. If sold at once, above price, thouuh VKItY ( HKA1' niiiiht be Blinded n little Apply to H. J. sl'lturi.!:, Klftlierton, or THOMAS OUT. on premlaei, / I JfBSEMQMwrcwtot&wB iiil < -tnti- i-tr . Open accounts aud pt <luo nou,a liaudlwl n'l money advanced thereon. Uorreepoodeooe aollcitoj. MEDICAL D" *" A J1 C i' & S Ont, I'liyaician. Surgeon etc Office and roiiileuce i'eter at., FleiUerton JP OTTKWKI.l. Vt-terii.ary Surgeon Graduate of Ontailo Veterinary reuJtiuce ascouil door noutli wert.on k*ry ,*reet. Thli treet runa south I it-si \ti .inn Clinrch. BWII.SOS, MnitM.litll jraduati' nt tuo Volfriuary Scionc Atnociatlon. Uurliam Ureet, o|-|ioitu ,'u.yl. KIU'I hardware. . in Klcnlicrton with (jooil htahlo anil imver-fail- i nu well on penaton, (iooil laritu Htoru and Rood l>lltClll 8 llO|l II II I il wi-llii: ; two (JOOll stone ovllars under building ; is and can bn MDl well rented : twoijooil lialln on KI-OIII| and third i(torii ; lint chisa bniiu>nntaiid &nd will lie sold cheap a< owner i- ouuaKed in otlii-r poankM in tin' west ai,d ims no further iua for it. Ajiply to It- J. S|iroule. Kiuslicrtuii. J)KXTISTKY Dr. E. C. MURRAY I.. O. R., deiiUl urneon lionoi RrnluaVe ot Toronto Uuivity and Koyal College ot Dental BnnteoQI of Ontario, Uaa aduiUiniatered (or teetb eXtrMtJon Olli<:e t reidetice. Toronto Htreet. Heaherton. LEGAL , re -AS. HANKY & W.M.I.AI T.- -H.rrUters. L< BMIelUm.ete.-I. l.>uca. h. c . : W h. aut-v K. ( . ; J. H. <i- Wallae.-. <illi..->-. l.iro.ito. HUC-9 Tiad,.r H.,,k Ul.'i; |.lion main Hl'J; Markdale l,ui-an lllock. I'honu A. hiaucb utlicu at Unndalk open evi-ry Saturday. WH WllIOHT. Uarriiter. Solicitor, CoiiTey- an'cer. eU-.. Own Hound, and Cleeherton. H Flet.liei toil oflkoe. BprOOle'l Block every Katur<!av This May Interest You We want a reliiiMo limn tn sell our well I known |)ciiiltit!s in fruit trees, sninl fruits, see-l poiHtoiw, llowerinx shrubs MM* etc., ill Gre/ umintyi during fill nil wii.ter months. Outtil fret-, ex- clusive tcintory, pay weekly. 600 Acres of Nursery Stock I Clean well fpwirn treed and hrubi tlmt will salufy your cuhtoiuera. Vatly and good delivery ^imrniiteed. Kttntili. over 35 yean. VVrite for whule or time lerniM. SilK'S Mdh.l^el, I'Kl.llA.M Mi;s|.;itv ('<. 1"> Dec. II T.iroiit Boar for Service SOCIETIES AO U W uieett oi. tlie last Monday iti each uiouth. In tbelr longe room Iil'ln lilual lintrucl ion is a Norrla 1 block. IFIealiei ton. t N__n.iu. M. W., i i-i'\ ire on lot :l'i, pjl.00. 'j %,.| S :,!. | or . S. At tt)llll!hia. Tfl IIIH >I.IA. l AMKHON. l feature l-iu.. W. I'. ( i'ol"'V ViaitiDK brutbieo luvited' PISC'K AHTHUK 1,OD(JE, No. *a. A.I' * A II. uieeta in tht Masonic lia.ll. Arm tronu'n noefc,nbertOD. every Friday on or before tlie lull inocn. C. H. W. M.; Thou. ( layton, Hecre'.nry. COl.'KTJFrjESHKHTOS, OW. I. 0. K. n.-i>uti> In ClkVtOn'lBlook thelul Wednendav uvoliinu ol i-ii.'ii inoiitli. VinilliiR Kormtera lu-artily welcome. H. It.. Dyaipii; K. B , T. Het.ry; Fill. Hrr , C. N. l<icliarilon. I'l. -.- pay duee to Fin. Sec. before tlie nmt day of tin, month. lit till! ONTARIO Students enter nl uny time .'51 uccesful yeaiMindi-r the nne |ninoi- Id yunrantces the tliiiruni,diiii'-s nf our "unloniii! five. CHOSr.S KhIKNOfi-Fleiiliertoii Conn<-il oi Chosen FriiMKlo !in'i-t in Clayton's liall nrst ami tliinl Wwlnnailay of each inontli H |i. in 1'ay ameiunienti to tlie Iterorilrr on or Mfpr* toe nrt .lay of eauli month. Cliief Councillor T. Klakuiev: Recorder W. H. Hunt. 3. A. KleininK, K.C.A., (;. U. Klomiii|{, Prinri(*l, Secretary. Tn. Karinitr Clnli mi-nln in tliu liiiili i-lmnl litiil.liiiu on ill" nixt IhuiMlay MI mi li inoijtli at f c,,l..i'k p. HI. YdiuiK farnieiH Hlii- mllv illMte I. K.I lnr.l l'|-|"-|.l.'llt, . W. Tarn worths lr Sale I'.Otl. 'l-\ lll'Hllv li'l.-li for lil-i-c.lill.' 'lit lor quick anlc. 1,1 n. \V. Ku^S. Uaxwulll*. O. Boar for Service A large I white Vorkaliini liii KI-I-VK>I' on lot UH.Srd range W T. ,v s. n., \n ( .|ii,.M 1 i Ti-rini .-l.oer \V.\U.KK. Hulls For Service and Sale I'ni'c bird Ilorofonl ]?tills for service! ;ind sale. T. A .1. WATSON. Station Boar for Service Pure |ttl TliliWillll !' l.r Inr M n ire '1.1 II.-. *l, ''.l-ll. N. Kin Hi-, M:i\ivi-ll, Out. Bull for Service I. .i.l. i"i Mrvl ..... M I"! I 1 , '.l. IVilijiec "" i'l'l 1 I'C .itii.ll S, nji-ii. Ml.lHI fill Krmles tliiinnitlilii' '!-. >'.'i. 'ii iii linn 1 "t -. . -. .-. Kiill pi ii .HI.MVT.-.I f'.r C..\VM nut retained. .1 M i'.ri;\s. Boars for Service The niiiii'i>ii/iie>i Ims ii thoroujriibnd Ymk- vliio- l>ai for eniiv "ii Iut Ili7. :>nl iiinifi-, K. 'I'. ni! S. K., Artemisia. T.-IIII-. AN., Id -i, (.,!. I I'.nll f..i mrvfc .-. .!..!. |'.I.,\MI. 1 .ly. BULL IOK SliKVICIi 'riii.roiiKMir*- I Slioilli.nii hull. "I linnl v .liiu" ,-IV>l. f,n -,i i n l,,| ITiI. T. .V S. I! . Ai i nn-KJ i. 'I'lii- .mill, ul i- nf .1 i".",l luilkiiik' .train. IVilittr, :i|,|,lii-ati,ui. Tt-rii . (Jnuiei 91, i.-xiiti ivls:!. .IAS. STINMIN Pruprictor. FARM FOR SALE I. ii N, . I.M; H7. in tl M-'iml raiufi- i-.'inl, Ti.nint i .,11 i Syili 'iiliiun I!-, i, I. \iiiiin ii. ., ,111,111. 'I" icroH nl lll^-tlln^s lainl : K<|'l liiiililliivr.i, |I|MIIIV 'if H.iti-i. r 'ii ilinri Ii anil Bclliii.I : tin,, i,,:', Ii l'i, .inn S'.,l i"i, . :',, :i,-i-- r ,,"! ii:u ilvviMi,) bu :li, luiliui, ,- cleared n ul ii, K,,,,| .-iii. ,i , nlii\ :iti,,ii. I., i"i tinil:.l- ii|i|ily to. \V. J. JACKSON, l.'uM-i. I'urt Law FARMS FOW SAM: 2 (I Berry, lul -J I mul ::l. ml. I-'. <l-|iiey, Ijll :illil>T Clllllv*tlull. '*) lieri'K ll.IT.iw 1 , acri'Bfftll wlirnt, I rraino Imrim, 1 witli I xtoiiu fuiin.Utinn, winilinlll with mimi Imin : yonnf. thriving nrrlmnl ; voughcatt lioimu, H, riiniiiK. I'lice c,iniil. Apply I" Ho who has lost his sight best knows its value. Hundreds suffer loss of sight Timely attention mitfht huvt prevented it. Examination free. Satisfaction L r u:i W. A. Armstrong:. lUar Wll. Ill < MM ill Ait, Kcvorthcin. Office Posi lion s P,i\ i iu: i.'.ni'l iiiilari.-.H iot> nwaitinu' i v -TV MIMMU nirtii mul \s.,i,iHM with H |iructic- liiminc-H ti'uinine. No illlflniilty In plaolng wnrtbYgriuliiatei, Wriin nnw for 1H\V rill i,ln;.'iii'. 1'lllter III V tllill'. Winter Term Opens JAM 2nd,1912 Collingwood BUSINESS COLLEGE PARLIAMENTARY BULLS. Mixed Metaphors Frequent In Fervid Oratory of Commons. Parliamentary deliverances liayu much ordinary fallibility, says II. \V. Anderson in Cauuilwn Courier. Mcrn- hers have largely tabooed tho effoit for oratorical effect, and tlie plain- spoken oantribution to debate is re- coi;iii/.e ( | us the uccel)tablo and tellini( one. \e\ortlude.-s many "bulls" and mixed incta])lioi> occur, always to the unsympathetic and inmetimos boister- ous enjoyment of th, H.-teniiii; mem- IKMS. So old n I'm lianieiitiinan us Mi. llii'jii Ciitliriiv, K.C.. hist SCSMOII informed the House that his political .'pp./iieiits hud "stepjied u,)on a coil- fil udder, nnd dropped it like u hot poiato." while .Mr. David A. l.afor- tune, another Kind's C'oun.-el. grave- ly informed Mr. Speaker that he had "only one word t< .-ay. and I will .-ay it in tv.o \\ords." Probably the les) of last -c-sion's contributions wa that contained in Mr A. S. Goodeve'* lassie ilf-cription ui the Hon. W. S. l-'ielilin.j's announcement of the fate- ful reciprocity arranpt'inent. "He jilaced his I'anilora'- box upon his le-k." declared the linti-h Ciilumhia man, "opened it, and out stepped the Trojan HOI-,'. The new Parliament ha? already contributed its quota of members po.s- se-sjnt peculiar oratorical ijiialities. Kichard Hedford Bennett, of (.'alt/ary, drives Hnti-urd to the t.ll timbers with his fusilade of words and two- liuiidied-odd-per-niiniite delivery, while Aikins. of the many initials, \\lio -iicceeiieil Hon. C'liffoni Sifton in Hrandiiii. holds the recurd of poetical quotations. Foster, the baby member, wh'i defeated .sir Frederick Itordc-n, and Aiin.-troiiL'. who takes Sir Allen Ayle.-worth's cntistitueucy, iiossecs the tr(n:j.'pst 'ling power :::::! prevent tha HOII-C irom feeling lonely over the Hhsence of Hon. William I'atersou. But the nitideii Kjiecch of Webster, the vanquisher of the doughty Hon. (icorije P. (irahain in Brockville, took the palm. Ill the course of his two- hour deliverance Mr. Webster travers- ed a wide field. Canada fi. the Cana- dians, he opined, was "the greatest battle-cry ever unfurled." He did not propose to "conduct a post mortem over the dead corpse of reciprocity." Kntering uptm the agricultural field he noted that "Canadian cheese has climbed to the top of the ladder." and. in a burst of eloquent patriotism, proclaimed that 'if the firmament of Heaven was a blackboard and the Rocky Mountains a piece of chalk, space would not ullice to write what t.his preat country might become ." Nor was the pathetic touch nii.-snik 1 . "There is no more .sadder Mirht," wail- ed Mr. Web-k'i . "than to approach a biv city and lind all the chiinneya lviii|{ dead " Story About Mr. Hays. Mr. Charles M Hays, president of the (irand Trunk Railway .System, owe- not H little of his success, ac- cording to those well acquainted with hi- methods, to his habit of learning something frmn everyone he meets. \\ hen he became . i ,-i! manager of the (1. T. K . In. -tinted out tn inform himself thoroughly ! the condition oi the road an, I ils .,|>rat ion. Ami when lie liHil the tim,- he . .ii.d listen to the opinio.i- a, ,| -intL'e-lioiiii ot all *ii'_'ine dri\,r a- a'.'.enln eiy a- |,i those of a di-lnct -ilo, ! intend, 'lit. l-'or the purposes of cl ,b-ervatinii and tin- free accumulation of information, he suiiiptimo- traveled incognito in- stead of in a private car. One day. the story irocs. he hour, led a train ..r a branch Inu'. payint,' his fare in the ordinary "ay. IK- sat he-i,le an old villager, to \vho.-e talk he listened with every appearance ,,f interest. Pi ntly the conductor came alonur and the i/cncral manager pie-eiited his ticket. After the man with the punch had JIM--C I. the coun- tryinan said to hi- unknown ci.mpun- io'n : "Say. you're foolish t , pay a fare on this line. I've iieeii ridh:<r on it for ('.\eiity year- now and 1 aavo up buy- in tickets lone a;o. The conductor'! generally iibout half drunk, and I M". tend (,, he a.-leeji or -olnethini! like tlmt. nnd he think..-, he L r ot my ticket, awa\ up the line. If he doesn''t- \\ b> . I f'lX Ililll HO , !ISy ellollirll. fee?" Mi. Mays .-aw. He - H \\ n whole lot of thing! on that line mid on every oilier over the entire -\steni before he had hi- iM-ncra! r.'-omani/.ation coni- pleted. Nova Scotia's Prestige Restored. I:i October nf lust year, when the first cen-ii- !, turns wer.- )inbli-lie,l. n.ine rather ruliculiui- .-taleinent s Uere made a- to the decline of popu- lation in \ovii Scotia. The unciiiTortcd cen.-us reports eni- phn.-i7.eil the fuel that in the jmst ten \enrs the populati, f Nova Sc.iti.'i had not iiicivn-cd by more than l.MHi Souls. Ae,'.,r,||||,.' to lb,. ee||-||., ,,(li. ciuls. Nova Scntia had lost her proud prostrje H-, the third mo-t peopled jirovince in the Dominion. These statement* were doubted ti'.in the lirst by Nova. Scotian-. There must be -niiH'tliiiiL' wrom.'. Not all the young men in the province by tin- -ea had piked out west. Recently, the corrected census liir- in e.- hve been issued from Ottawa. Thi-y tell a . liffereiil -tory. The popu- lation of Nova Scotia in the pa-t ten ve.y- has actually increit.-cd liv ,')-J.7ii. r i souls. And Nova Scotia is -till the third province in the federation with respect t,. the minihci of its peo- ple. TEACHING THE INDIAN T. Ii. Hawkins. Principal Sydney's Harbor. Hydney. X S . takes every oppiiituu- H* "i iiMoiiiiii'.. her harlior lacililics. Tlie newspaper- of tile city daily im- up'in their renders the .-npei i.,r Hitnation nf the Sydney haven. The other day The Ifecnnl printed a siory iihniit some iiilvciiliii ous inomhers of the Yacht Cluli win, v.ent -u imiiiiii',' in I he hnrlmr diirinj; the lir-t dy.s nf .I'liniHry. The hath of the -ailoim-.Mi t ...I. plaoo u few weeks nft, r the late i : ofitiiiiiir iiidiiler.l in at the \iner- ii-Hii - .1 -iile ri'-ort- tn v. In, h th p.,. tiers di'voted much -pure nnd head- lilie.- lately. Tile I'ecnril'- -(,,r\ end- With one .,! the clniriictcr.- making tin.- crypti ie. mark " 1 1 ' a prent luirlior. (fond for .hip- piii'.', in ".id fur swiiuiiiinL' ai'd hlnm-t i.'iMnl lot ilrinUiiiK. . \iiil thi.- is Janu- ary I ''an you Ucut itr" EDUCATIONAL WORK HAS MADE GREAT PROGRESS. Department of Indian Affairs Has Done a Magnificent Work, In the Elevation of the Standard of Train- ing and Life Generally Among the Aboriginal Races of Canada 1 1,000 Pupils In the Schools. \Vitli the exception -<f tim~r dir<- -tly interacted, 'it may be -,,:,! '!m! ilia pulilii- L.'1'iii'inlly liavi- iitili- cKiiception ni tin; cfforls ]iiil 1'nrtli I y the DH- ] -iirlnii'iit "i Indian Affair* t,, pruvidi! educatioiiaJ fiicilitic.- fi,r tin- children of the Indians of Canada and of the jjrcat development that Im^ taken plate. Tin- rui.-iiiL' ,,f llit? Iiuliun from his primitive .-tate to tlmt in which \ve now lind him has IIPCII largely the result nf the i-o-opprativc work of tho mi--ionai\ and tin- tcuclicr. In tho early day> o< mir history, the mis- si'inary. who was tlie pioneer in In- dian work, was the teacher. The first. i>rpani/.i-d .'ffiirt t,, ">talili.-h st-liooli w;is muili' liy th ini-s'.onnrii's among Indian^ on tin- (irund Kiver. win-re an industrial Irainiiii: schnol was es- tablished in 1KKI. A number of day si-hool- wen- also (undiluted, and in a report dated 1837, wt- are told that many of the \Vyan- dot Indians in Cppcr Canada were able to read. In l*:2(i a school was opened at (.'Miiulinawa^a. where to-day there HIV M'vi-n si-hiHii.. all conducted in buildings, erec-ted within the la.-t live years, on the mo-t modern plans. The first inn. I- available for Indian education arose fmni the commutation bv certain bands of Indians of their STRIPPED THE LOUVRE. Restitution cf Works of Art After Na- poleon'a Downfall. Tbe Ix>uvre has known a still blacker day tlian that on which "Ln Glocondo" was abstracted. This was Sept. 23, i si,"), when formal restitution had to be made of tbe pictures looted during tbe conru?L..s of Napoleon. Commis- sioners R'^-nded from fourteen differ- ent states. Tbe lion's share was ob- tained, curiously enough, by the rep- resentative of Cassel, who recovered no fewer than 421 pictures. Austria recovered 323, Spain 284, Holland 210 and Prussia 110. Altogether 2,005 pictures were removed, together with n number of statues, bas-reliefs, bronzes, wood carvings, cameos and enamels. Sir Walter Scott In his "Life of Napolecn" gives a graphic account of tbe removal of tbe masterpieces, which were being frantically copied by en- thusiastic students until tbe lust mo- ment before their departure. Thanks to the exertions of Baron Denon, who was then director of tbe Louvre, a certain number of stolen pictures were retained, among these being tbe finest example of Paolo Veronese extant, "The Marriage at Cana." The gallery, however, was left with only 270 pic- tures and remained closed until tho vacant spacc^ brd been filled, mainly with the works cf French artists. Pall Mall Gazette. The World Over The Words of Harold P, Bushy, Who Was Perma- nently Cured of Chronic Lumbago by "Nerviline. " "Three years ngo I discovered that a | nan subject to lumbago might ju.-; a.-i .veil be dead as alive." These won la jjpen the sincere, straightforward letter | )f H. P. Bushy, u well-known man in the plumbing and tlnsnuthlng busi- ' vt ""'' atta "Onc attack tamp after another, and .lumbago got to be a chronic thing with |mc. I could scarcely get In a day'." work before that knifing, cruel pain "lack. I used a sal- ion of liniments; not one of them seemed prnctrarin-.; enough to set at the core of tho pain. I rend, in the- Montreal Wit- ness about Nerviline, and got five bot- tles. It is a. wonderful medicine I [could ft el its soothing pain-relieving action every lime it was applied. When I got the disease under control .with X< rvlline. I built up my strength and fortified my blood by taking 1-Vr- Tozone at m< als- This trontm, nt cured me permanently, and I 111-50 everyone to give up the thick, white. oily liniments i:icy are using, and try ,an up-to-date, penetrating, pain-de- s trover like Nerviline. "FleatC publish my letter the \v-~irlil en.led n, 1SG-J The tint ..-rant by Par- liaincnt was mad" 2in 1875-6,' when .-cveial day M-lnviU were opened in Ontario, Qnelicc :HM! tlie Maritime Provinces. In lf7!i-pd. the first ap- propriaUon f.r ednration iii Manitoba ami the Northwest Territories waa made The tir-t ,clio.,l ostablished by TRESPASSING IN ENGLAND. If No Damage Is Dona Intruders Nd Have No Fear. Many timid pedestrians In rural are frightened away from in- iy tbe notice '(Trespass- era Will Be Prosecuted." They need Lavo no fear, says an English ex- cbange. As the law stands any trespasser who does the smallest damage In- jures a fence, breaks a small branch, etc. can be summoned before n mag- istrate nnd fined. But if he does no thing from your dealer hut "Ni-rvilin, ." Large bottles 50o.. trial size. 2;>e. Sold everywhere or The Catarrhozone Co-, Kingston, Ont. NERVILINE A Family Liniment OVER 66 YEARS- EXPERIENCE were l.'H day schools in operation throiiL'honl {.'Hiniila mul fmir industrial schools in Ontario. In I*K'J a policy ,,[ expansion was pursued. H. shown by tbe expenditure !oi liulian eiliication. In H78-71I. the expenditure was Slti.iNXl; in IWH-89, ?IT-J.'.Mi. ami in th,- year I'HO-ll. $5.'i9,- 145.52. Tbe return.- -ln,w that during tbe year lust mentioned there uere in o]icrntion '-':', I 'lay. 04 ln,ai,lmg mul It) imlu.-trial schools, witb a totnl en- rolment of II. I'll) pupil* aiul an aver- age attendance ,,| li.Tli.'). These -.-huols are situated throughout tbe country, from I'rince Kdward I-!. in. I to tbe far HWIIV Yukon ami MacU,-i!/:e l!i\er district. Mlilil.L' tllC pa- th- Civilian, provomeiit in t three say* viL'oion-. policy of iiii- i,ii, h: ion- of both dny ami le-iileiitial school- ha- he -n jiiir- Hied. On several reserves an impr ,M'I| hV-tem ol ilav -chool.- has been c-tal>- li-bei| by ci'iiij.etent teachei -. In htriicli'in i- ^iven the '.'irl-. iiml in Miine instance- al>o the \vi>ni"ii in their home-. IB dom, <<!> -.-ience. .-imitation, et . A nii'1-ilay nieiil prepared by tin- eirls. uniler supervision nf the teach- 1 ITS. is (liven, (inrdcns are aNo cmi-. ilncteil at some nf lh,--e -cliools nnd the i (nit* have been most *ati-lac- tmy. Only 11 lew days n\to samples of work performed in the cAwiiur-claMJ of ii -I'M,,,,! on Maiiitoulin Island wero forwarded to the Department to sh.,\v what was beinK accom|ilisheil. This work wus highly creditable and could not be surpassed by white children of the -nine use. About the -Hine time samples of caiuieil iruit and vegetables preparo<l by the tirls of u -chool in the Uruce I'eiiinsula. from the products of then -chiHil garden, \M re received. There (an be no douiit nf the value of this practiciil education to the Indian youth. The academic aspect i< not neglected nnd there arc. in all the |,i,,\ nice-. Indian -cliools that Corn- paie mo-t favorably with the while rural -clnnd-. An Ontario public M-! 1 inspector recontly stated in an otli<-ial report , that the Indian schools in his m-peciorate, in re-ppct to build- ings, e<|iii|inn'iit and .-i ,-ni! \\orU were -iiperior to ninny of the while schools within his jurisdiction. It may here be Miid that the In- dian school> in Ontario. Qu,o',ec. Nova S.-otia and Prince Kd \\ard l-laiid are ins|iecled by the provincial in-pccloi . while in the other provinces and dU- ' tricts the work is performed by otli- I oer- ot the Deimvtment. In all day ' schiiul!". sy.-teniiitic instruction is now viven iii culi-Uieiii,.-- and liyui-.-n". and ;.'oi,.l re-ult> are antici|iatcd. \Vhene\ir p ,--lble. i|llalnied leath- ers an eiieatfed. but owinu to the dearth of teacher* dliriiu: tlu- pa-t few year- and the fact that many of the liulian -cliools arc situated ivmoto Jroin white -eUlements. It i- not al- wny> possible to M-cure teacher- with certilicate-. Nevertlnde-- many of the teacher.- without i role---ioiiai trainiiu. imbued with a mi--i,iiiaiy -pirit nnd a de-ire 1" ujilift their dusky breth- ren, are perl'ormii.L' for tbe -tat val- uable -ervice. The ic-ult- lire, that in 11 Ider province^, there are few Indian chil- dren who have i'oi received at least sn elementary education. A number of pri'(MVs>ivi' hoy- and 'irl- may he found in our hit/her in-tit\ition-- of lean, in,.- (colieires and uni\er<ilii'-l where they compete fticce^sf ully with the white pupils. The Depiirtmcnt uives, uheii nece snry, linancial aid to worthy- pupils t" enable them to follow the-e ad- vance I <-ourses. A- a consequence, there are to he foncil, iii mercantile mid profe-sional life, renrc entaiixes of the nice. su:-,e--uil in their cb-i-.'ii riilliiit.' and i 1 , -|, ',-(-.' I in th com- iimnity. In the oiitlyii.i! porlion of ( ).itar,o. ljuchi-,- and the \\e-leni Pi ,\in,-c-. \vliclo tbe Indiiin.- hiiL'ely fo|;<i\\ th- 1 chtiM" for a liveliho id. th. 11 o'nly prac lira! means of education is the hoard- ing school, where children are ci.ithcd. fid and educated while their pai are ub.-ent from their horn i, action at Inw and get an injunction. This costs a lot of money, and unless tii.- trespasser Is a man of means tbe landlord won't bring bis action at law. All he can do otherwise Is to ask you to get out. If you go peaceably you can return an hour later and repeat tbe visit as often us you wlsb. Noth- ing can be done beyond asking y<5u to leave again. But if you resist then sufficient force can be used, and if you show fight you may be legally knocked down, your legs tied nnd your- self bundled on to tbe road. The landlord may, however, piny some tricks on yon. He can sow a bridge crossing a strenm. so that you will get a ducking; be can dig a pit for you to fall into, and be can so fix tbe stile you are likely to cross that you will break it, nnd then he can bare you up before tbe magistrate. If yon don't commit any damage, bow- ever, yon can trespass to your heart's content TRADE MARKS DESIGNS CGPVRIGHTB Ac. AnTone lending a nkelrb and deacrlptlnn mar quickly ascertain our opinion ir ; rrlielhor ail Invention la probably pnlenlabl*. C, unnuinlriv iintuatrictlfconlldAiitiHl. HANDBOOK on Patent* ttont free oldest HlteiH'y for iocurnnc patonta. I'atcntj taken tnrouuh Munu & Co. roclT >."' M -ff i. , , without cbarife. lu tbe Scientific flmcricaw. A handanmtlT Illoatnlrd wrcklf 1 irk t rtr i, .ti mi of nr 'ifuorti- KHirul. Uriiin fi>r Canada. 93.70 a }IMI. jHMliifti CfciouU. -*>l,l l' , Winnipeg*! Crusher Plant. Winnipeg oxns the largest muni- cipal stone crushing plant in the world. The output is from 800 to 1,000 cubic yards per day. The price obtained is 50 cents or $1.20 a yard, according to the grade, und in five years there lias been a profit of near- ly $100.0000. Where It Could Be Seen. Sign Painter I don't see any suit- able vacant space mi your "walls. Where do you want the motto "Terms Strictly Cash" painted? Barber Shop Proprietor On the ceiling, of course. May Keep Her Name. An English. court has decided ^hat a ',v,-iuan U h6t compelled to change her iianic when phe marries and that disability Vf such' 9t W-,lilnlg! Our Clubbing List The fiJlowing prices tr fnr strictly paid in adviuicc suhfscriptionsnnly. We hiive mi account!* with other pupcrs. KreshertDii Advance ? I CO Youths Companion '2 <"<)- Toronto World, dnily L' 00 Toronto Dnily News 1 :!."i Weekly Globe . ... 80 Mail-Empire SO Faintly 11,-iiM t IStar So Toronto Star 1 'M Fanner Sun 76 Farmers Advoonti 1 Xt Weekly Wit.;ew 80 S.itu: d:iv N'illt .'MO Homo Junrnr.1 (50 1'onltiy Xewa .. : '-'0 l',>uliiy Kcview 40 K "', and (Uin nm^itiine - 1 ' A Business Suggestion. Bobby bad worn bis mother's pa- tience to tbe limit "You are fl perfect little heathen!" she remarked, giving way at lasf. "Do you mean ItV" demanded BoJv by. "I do Indeed," said his mother. "Then, sny, ma," said Bobby, "why can't 1 keep tbnt 10 cents a week you tion? I ucs3 I'm as bnrd up as any of tbe rest of 'em." Harper's Weekly. LIFELESS I rrr> AJIITIU DEBILITATED MEN YOUNG MEN AND MIDDLE-AGED MEN, t!i'.- victims of early ln<U*cretluoi ami later et - ' N . \vln> nrv failures in life y>u ur i the one* wo can i-" ; ,i , to manhood aiul revive (ho epwk of energy ami vitality. Dou't give up in despair botMiiso you have treated with othrr ilo,'toi. u.-i'il eiuelrio bclta uml Uifd TftriOYIS drug store uostnims. Our New Method Treatment liai snatrhisl hundreds from tho brink ot despair, haa re- ',,r,',l li;i|,],ii',- ., to liiintlmls c.f h.nnes nn,l hM nwe. BueowBf ul men of those who wero "down and nut." \Vo ure-^orilie spreillc reiu- ctlies for i-ai'h tadt*Unai euse aooonllng to the ymptorra anil compliealions we have no patent medicine*. 'I Iii* IsoneoftheMcreUOt i, ur vxtiuilerfiil sitt'C^s-i ni orr ti-eatnient i-an- not full, for n prrseriho reiiicilion adopted to rarli ituliviiliial oas,< Only euruble eases ac- ei'ptot). \\v have done buincu tluouihout Canada for over 20 Year*. CURABLE CASES GUARANTEED OR NO PAY nranrn Areyou a victim? Have you lost liLHULn Impc? .\rayuii intdiiliiiK to marry? I las vour Mooit IMH-II ilis*-aso,!? ll:\\e yon any nrcakneetl Our New Method Treatment will euro \ on. What it lius ilonn fnr uthiM-s it will ilo fi'n- yon. Consultation Kree. N*,i ni.-iuer who IIUH trcateil yon, \vrite for itn honest , i MI,, .'i Free of Charge. Booka Free 'Dyhoofl, Manhii-iil. nrtberhoou." t Illustrat- ed ' uu DueMM of MKU. NO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. No name, on boxe> or envel. ..->,. Ln-ry tiling Oonfidcntiul. Qucition LUt and Cot of Treatment 1 R!.l. 1 OK HUMt TREATMENT. DRS.KENNEDY&KENNEDT Cor. Michigan Ave. and GriswoldSt., Detroit, Mich. All letters from Canada must be addressed to <nir Canadian Conespotideiicc I>n;ut- nil-lit i:i Viivlsor, Ont. If you desire to sec us personally c.ill at our Medical Institute in Detroit as we see and treat no patienta in cur \Viiulsur onices \vliicli an: for Correspondence and Laboratory for ulian luisi-ics:; only. Address all letters as follows- DRS. KENNEDY & KENNEDY, Windior, Ont. \Vi ii'.-- for f.i jiri\