Flesherton Advance, 29 Feb 1912, p. 1

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"TRUTH BEFORE FAVOK." " PRItfCIPLEb NOT MEN.' VOL 31, 34 FIesh.ertoii, Ont., Tlmrsday, February 1?O, 1912 W. H. TfitJRSTON Kimberley Budget The terrific wind and snow storms on Wednesday and Thursday of last week were easily the worst of tho- season. In fact, one of the early settlers informs us that they wore the worst he ever saw in th valley. Mr. Robert Irwin uf Noith Bay spent Saturday and Sunday last al his parental home here, returning noith on Monday. Rob. has a good position in thi northern railway t-iwn. Mr. and Mrs. Kmerson Brown and family of Clarksburg visited friends here on Sunday last and were the guests of Mr. mid Mrs. R. J. Stuart. Mrs. Brown will remain for a week. We are sorry tt> report Mr. Harold I'roctor on the sick list with an attack of inflammatory rheumatism. We hope to learn of hia e-irly recovery. Mr. Bert Graham of Saskatoon. Sask., accompanied by Miss Virgie McMulU/n of Toronto, visited friends here on Sun- day last. If local option is to be a success the Ontario Government must certainly aid. Mr. Richard Howell of Dundalk, a l ,rmcr resident of this locality, snout a few days during the pay week renewing old acquaintances hereabout. Mr. 11. spends considerable of his time in the West looking after his real estate inter- ests near Saskatoon, and those of his on, John, who by the way is a'so an old Kimberley boy. Died At tin- homo of his daughter, Mis. ((liver Irwin, on Saturday, Feb. 17. James Fawcett, aged 89 years. IVci-ased was bom ii'-ar the village of F.nniskillon, C'c.uuly of rVrmaiiagh, Ireland, in the year 182:!. When i|uite a young man, together with his parents, brothers and -,-ters, he came to Canada mid settled in Albion township. Peel I'ounty. < >ver wixty years ago he and hit wife, who pre- deceased him some three years ago, moved to tho township of Kuphrasia, which was theu a howling wildern.->s. and settled near what ;s now know n ..s Heat he >te. Ho and his beloved partner have continuously resided in Urey County until called to their heavenly h'>n;e. Mr. Fawcett leaves to mourn a large family Robert, deceased : Bates, .)nies,Thoina.-, Alexander. l-'ioderick. Mrs. .Js. Stuart, Mis. Olivi-r Irwin, Mrs llothcringlon nd Mi>. Johnston. The funeral service was conducted by his pastor, Rev. < '. I'. .OH, .n. The remains were interred in the family jjlol in Dundalk cemetery, to await a glorious rossiuoction. 'IV thi orrnwing friends we extend our .l.-e| tiympathy. II.. von know that mole leal danger lurk- in a common coK 1 tha-i in any ollu-r nf tin minor ailment*.' The -ate :> is take ( 'liam lierliiiu's Coiitih Kcnivily, thorough n-liaLl. {reparation. anl i id yourself ot tie- enld M i|iiiekly an )..,-, P. ii- Thi- remeilv is fur ale liy .ill dealers. Explosion At Singhampton Victor Ross, late proprietor of the Exchange Hotel, was mixed up in an acetylene explosion which might have cost him hi* lifo. Something went wrong with the lighting plant of th hotel and in the hope of rcmov ing the trouble, Kosg went into the basement. t iking with him a lighted lantern. Scarcely had he opened the gencratoi when an explosion occurred, the releascc gas becoming ignited by the flame of the lantern. The report attracted the at tention of those in the hotel who liurriei to his assistance and in a few minutes had him < ut of the basement and fn-u from the debris that had been generally mixed up. FortunsUly,. his injuries were not AH serious as they initcht hav lienn. consisting of a number of painfn burns on ihe head, face and neck How ha escaped death is difficult ti understand. The explosion shook tin. Eugenia Paragraphs Mr. and Mrs. (ieo. PedUr of Markdale visited the formers mother, recently. Mrs. Seeley of Duudalk and Mrs. Chard of Rock Mills were the guests of Mrs. W. Armstrong the past week. ' The hydro electric surveyors have finished in Eugenia for thn present. Quite a number of the young ladies are feeling sad that the contract did m.-t last longer. Mrs. William Hyslopis visiting friends at Ceylon and Markdale chis week. Mr. Wesley Cooey. who has been lending the post few weeks with his jusnis here, has returned again to legina. Mr. John Little of Port Law was the ueat of Mr. John Williams thu past eek. Mrs. Adam Smith who has been sick, e are pleased to see around again. Fic'd Fisher is home from the city on visit with hit parents here. Mrs. Mi-Mullen is visiting her d-iught- r, Mrs. Stewart, at Kimberley. Mr. and Mis. F.iiiursoii Wickuns of 'leshertoii were the guests of Mr. and Irs. Fred Pedlar the past week. e ste bills out Unit the Oraiuro- ion have a good lime in store for us at lie box social on March ii. in their hall Mr. Duff.distiict representative, Mark- lie, is to be present on Fiiday, MuHi si, at the first reguhr meeting of our 'armors' Club, which was organized bout a month ago. Ballots are out for your vote on hurch union. How ai-j you ^0111- lu ii.n-k y.nr X ' Mi-s Maria Cooey of Maikdaic is visit- ug with her cousin, Mrs. Uobert 'Jnnip- building and raised the causing chairs to tumble more Star. upper Moors almul. Cree Owing to tlie box .social on the tith of March, the regular monthly m-jcting of he W.I. will Ue held on Thursday, larch 'i, at the home of Mrs. J. K. William.-, at '_':!<) p. in. Vi.-i'ors elcuinv. Mi-s Mu'li lu ,-kett h.ls lieell laid lip with broll'-lliUs and asthm i ami is still ery pooily. Mr. tieurge Orr and hii sister Annio isited Mr. and Mrs. E. liraham over Sunday. Miss (!ei i M irshali of Moaford is .-isiting with her sister, Mrs. Fri'd I'-dl.-ir. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wit-kens, Kim jerley, ere the guests of Mr. and .Mrs. I! I'.nk over Sunday. Fever sham Items The weather has been very changeable for the past week, some days mild and others very stormy. Wednesday and Thursday of last week capped the climax for storm. Our stage driver. .) . Sample, got into trouble in the storm on Wednesday and did not go to Flesherion with the mail on Thursday. Mr. (ieoriie Hale gotJost in the storm on Wednesday niglit and was f ound by Dr. rtyckuiuii neaily exhausted About I o'clock on Thursday morning. If the Dr. had not found him and got him into Mr. E. Buckingham's the old uentleiiian might have perished in ihe storm. Two runaways near the vilhigw in one day last week. Some pait of the harness on \V-n Conn's horse broke and the horse bolted and got an ly Irom Mr. Conn. It ran into a rig on the road and left the cutter, but no damage of any ac- count resulted. While driving into the village on Tuesday evening i,f last week Mr. Long of Maxwell had a runaway. The cutter upset, throwing Mr. Long out, and away went the hoise. It jumped into the back of a sleigh in front of the Temperance house, causing the horses on the sleigh to l.olt and run away. They were stopped aftei giving Longs horse a ride of a lew rods and dumping it into t sn.iw drift. A number of our visit. u-i from the West are preparing to leave for their homes again. The I. terary S. ciely sjave an enter- tainmi'lit in tho school room en Tuesday evening last. A mock trial was the play put on the li. aids and i'. certainly was amusing. Mi.-.s I'lihcilla Hannah Lone some. plaintiff, siioj defendant. Mr. < Blallu-rsky, for SDIH) for the services of her e-U while c.i'ehin^ rats and mice. i in defendant's promises th"' lawyers. Mi. Si-il ilnsciiil for difcndaiit and .Mi. Dunkumfinktnn tor plaintiff, and His Honor. Judge T< ,utmiu|>, affected a compromise between the two by way of a matrimonial alliance, and the suit n ,-n Iropped. Portlaw Indended for last Week. Mr. Mcfntyre of Mcfniyiv, who is spending thn winter witli his daughter, Mrs. Albeit Thompson, in very poorly at present. Sirs. Thomas Taylor is recovering from H spell of severe illnes.s. Mr. Clinton Pedlar of Toronto vvlio.se health has not been very satisfactory of late, is recuperating at the parental home on the fourth lino. Miss Mildred- Lyons of Proton Station spent the past week visiting with her luiit. Mis. J. W. Lyons. Mr. Thomas Sherwood has been laid up fur some weeks piist, and receiving nodical treatment, vvi'h as yet very ittlc apparent improvement. Mr. Joh:i Badjeruw haa bought the Jowei's farm nil the fouith line. Mr. Harold Thompson, son of Mr. <Ml. Thompson, while playing at school, ell against a brick pillar and cut his head so severly as to necessitate a numlier of witches to close the we mid. He u now. we ii.- glail to say, able, to attend school gain. Something over a week ago, Mr. Wm. Ulaki-y hail the misfortune to louse three live dollar bills from his pocket book mi the way to Proton Sution and expected that the money was p;ist n.-e<>vcry. hut Mr. Lewis Hill had heal I of the loss ana lecidcd to kee|> his eye open. The result was that last Monday his eii-jlo iplic url) siulited the little green wad in. I in a .shoit time it was relumed to the israteful owner. Messrs 1'erey and Cutl Watson ot SchcnectaUy, New York, have returned Mrs J. A. Shedding of Hillaburg at tempted to tlftiw a frozen cistern pum by the use of concentrated lye. She hai put considerable lye in at tho top of th pump and was looking into it when rush of lye and water struck her in th eyes and face. It is now believed ilia nothing worse than .slight I urns will be the result. Will io .ui Wedow of BinnUiit down a (roe I. is! week th-n measured t'4 inches in d .nnetor. It took two men three hour* to fall it. M'. Earnest SchukiK'cht nf Bt-m inck brought the log lo town for him. Hanover I' >t. 1'liis is tin- i-iix>n of tin- year v.hen mothers f,-,-l ..-iv n ii.-li .iic-.-iiifd over the fi-ei|iii-m oliU Mintricteil l>y tlii-ir . -hildri-ii, unil ha\e .liiindnut reason f"r it a> every eolil weakens ihu lungs, lower* the vitality aid M-S the way for the inure ii-rimi- <li>c.iM-s that so ot>un follow. I 'liaiiil.erlaiii ' < '<n\n\i I ly is tam.jn- I'm it- fines, and i 1 |. i. .nit . anl-.ife to take. I-', r sale l.y all lealers. Unmaking a Canal Ottawn. Feb. !." The Deiwirtmenl i,f Railways has paid Mr. W. B. Russel, the contractor I r thi- Newmarket Canal, one thousand dollars as compensation for the cancellation ot the contract for finishing the canal. In addition Mr. Russell is given the contract, for re- building all the bridges over the eanal, and repairing the highways demolished l.y construction work. He is to receive lif'een percent, above cost of such work. Tin- engineer*' report on the canal, which Hon. Frank Cochriuie has promised to produce in Parliament, will show that over eighty per cent, of the work toward: completion has beeu done, and that the amount rec|iiired to complete it would bo nliout 200,000.* The engineers' re- pot t also the problem of water supply could have been solved by adopting a system of pumpins! buck lha water each nijjht from the lower levels, as now sut-cossfully and cheaply done on number of similar canals in Belgium and other Kuropian c-omitries. There is no hett'-r medicine made for colds than Chamberlain'* Cough Keiin-ily. hu mi nature's plan, relieve* the lvm- n "<. opi-n- tin >i-eiei.iiin>, aids expeiloration: and restmi- the -ystivn t," n healtliy cnii'litinii. l''"r al liy all ileillrl-. 13URT -p.-^ i.ih-. iii .ir. ,i> ol . he Eye, Ear,Nose and Throat Office-30 10th st. Wet, Owen Sound At the Keveiv lioiiso, Miirkilale, 2nd Tliui-Mlay e.-iL-li inontli from 8 to 1'2 n. m. Duiul ilk. 1st Thursday o( each month. Riverdale The inuc-li rei|iiired ;uid sppreoiuteil thaw the tirst of lust week improved the water condition considerably. Mr. (i. (!;c attended the informal li:ill Hi the home uf Mr. W. Dillon, Blantyre. Mr. .intl Mis. Kraser Dnnlop of Ulan tyru weru thu nuests of Miss I.etiti;i Doyd on I ho tirst, of last wuuk. Mi^- Ku|ilu;niia Stephenson pltMBOlitly tnU-ittiiin-'d u number of her friendu at birthday purty recently. Oin profesnioiml violinist. Mr. Kr Cutting, aiu-ndi-il tho bridal reception :it the home of Mr. Chris I'.rady, week be- fore last. Mr. .Jaiiu's liiiinl v i^iteil liis lionu- Thoriibury recently. \VeunJerstand tluit Mr. -I. Uoales lias dis|ioM-il of his farm to Mrs. D. Johnstoi of South Riverdale. A number fiom this vicinity attended the v.-ikntino concert -it Vandeleur. Keonoiny is a good tiring, but it doi-s always (jay. One evening lant suniinei a |iriiiiiinent Uiverdale eiti/.cn who is t eeiiiiomical tn subscribe for a uovvsii\pet sent his little boy to- borrow the copy taken by his neivlibor. In his haute U lie home before dark tho youth took ; near cut acrnu the lawn and ran into i beehive. A few minutes later he looked like a warty toad His father, who wns .nilUing, henrinx tho frightful screams of 'his son in torment. r.ui to his assistance, and in a wild and wooly moment failing to notice a bnrb wire ftnce, innputated a port ion ( jf epidermis from his anatomy .ind mined H pair of new live dollar trousers. An old eow grazing near by took ,-idvant.ige of the gap :ii the fence iinii exploded herself eating yreen garden corn. Hearing the apallin^ racket, the wife, who was preparing to churn, ran out, upsetting six tcalluns of rich ert-am. and butted into the clothes line, demol- ishing a lu-aii new set of ten-dollar false teeth. The baby being left alone crawled iliiou-Ji the cream and thua into the parlor, defueing a ^-dollar carpet. Dur- iug the excruciating excitement I lie hired nrm (...p:. 11 .'-' l ' u ' ';"entioii to iln'ir dutijjh- [ tef. T!;o liogN yillpcd iii fuiir puils of ueff milk. :lll tlii calves come jallopin^ aloiiK :ind -.'or^ed I bemsel .'es to thn limit Vi -.ill the extreme ends of four lovely white shirts on t.h,' elotlies line. Lovely li.uiois ! All because, the. >! 1 man was (00 e ( onoii..:c.-d to .-xpL-ndthe iiin^liiliceilt s. mi ..f on.' dollar, subsciipli n pii. .- .it the paper. Croat snakes ! llow avM'til Lu think uf it. home after visiting witli their uiii ' .). II. Watson. Mis.- Ifartiara Napier has l-'l('sliiTioii for si. me time. Mi, and Mrs. W. .1. l.ebson ,j| lalk. -ouiu -> line days wi'h old ni.-i Mr. gono to Dmi- East Mountain A different winter later. Mi^s Mary Stall'oid has returned home after a two weeks visit in Heathcoto. Mr and Mrs. W. J. Mar'in, attend- d a leap yuar party at the latter' s parental home, 'Jieaverville," on Friday ! evening. Assessor Mtldsuin vibited this neigh- borhood last vieek. Miss Frr of Durham is visiting at Mr. Hiimberstom- s at present. Charli.! Martin spent the latter of last week in Thornlniry. Mr. (ieo. Allen is in poi.r health at present. Last wi-ok a number of noighbois met on Tuesday night and presented Mr. and Mrs. Noil with twj fancy chairs as a token of appreciation. Jewelry pun A Splendid Stock from which you may readily make A Satisfactory Se- lection. We car- ry Photo Supplies. Uei. Hand of Slaiiton delivered in Shelburna on Salnnlay last a lunetecii month sold stallion, --Haron ..| .Muret.in," that welyllfd H.HO pounds. He H,l> sii-ed by Julio Mowal'a lUron Colmr- bs ' ami his dam vviis |{i.,^>.iin ,.f Muieton. " nisi, i nporled. Tin- anima was bred by Mr. Hand and wua sold t Oeo. Vuluutine of Swifl Cui-ient. Alti The price ptid for the cold was Shi-llniriie l-'n-e I'ros.s. W. A. Armstrong, Jeweler FLESHERTON, . ONTJ TORONTO, Best place iu ( 'anadft for Blgb t;r,i,i.- itu---!.-- i 'ilin-.it! m. I'lHiM :>nw. < ipi'il ol year. < ntn- tree. KiUaul l.ig'i'heiiil has been to .Melani-t lion's laurels ni a ^ram ;{row- ing township thil yenr. Mr. Ligliihcart lias Illpplidd aeod grain gi jvvn on Ins farm on the 4th line to Mulmur. Mono, Aiiiitrnnth, Caledon anJ Chinguacousy farmers. All hia suiplus gra ; n was sold i'oi- -eeil. The oats were certiiinly a tine sample averaging almost three butliolft to the ordinary bag. Slielburne Free I'rets. l-'m .1 i-i ain you uill tint! Chamberlain's LiniiiN-nt excellent. It ulhiy the pain nmu- the sori-iieK.-.aiiil -""li ..-~I..i. -s the \>:i> t~ to a healthy condition. -'.' am I "'" cent l^'- tie- fur sale !iy all 'le:ili-r-. This Medicine Is Have You a Cold? !c Can Eo Completely Cured By Catarrhozone It Quickly Cures Whooping Cough, Grippe, Bronchitis, Crtarrh, Hay -Fever, Astlima, and Colds. rnUn'ho/.one is not liko other ri-me- t':\---. but Is !"' lu'iillnn ami southinj? th;it uln-n It Is bn-iithetl throtr;li the inhiili-r It kills tho germs th.it eause li-. ,fes of the throat and lungs. i ':itiirrtioy.one <iuiekly soothes anJ lii-als tin- murciiR surf:i-.-es so tliat in a short time tlio whole mueous lining i ' . .ik'd. It' \ou are subjcet to throat Irritu- ti,-;: or have :i tendeiu-y to eoiisinnp- lion \ou should use tho "Mprtieliie tliat is breiitlri-il." 'I'linu.siinilK who have us< d It U-ll of its merit. Air which you breathe through the I'ahilTlio/.otiO" inlutler esirries li. :il-n^ to the very spot at't'eeteil. and I hero is no eharu-e of failure' by ttoing to tho \vroii;? plan-. That is why It .-iirt-s. Ca'tarrhozone Approved by Doctors, DruffKists. ami thousaiK.'s of Canadian pi-o'ile who havo iisod It- I.lttle drops of healing for wi'iik places in the thrniit and nasal uisMiqcs Hint's Ciilarrhoy.oi -. Thn ,- siz-s. r..-.. Me-, a P..] SUM), at ;lniSi:i*ts or by in. ill. postpaid, frum T' - i':it ''! 50MO (.''.. i:;::t'aio. N.Y.i ":it. Or, J. Ralph Smith OSTEOPATH Oflicctiud Uumdiiiot; -ItlS. '-'Hi Ss. K.ist, Ovvon Sound, <>nr. II., ins :i to I'.' ii.m , l.oO to 4.1)0 [i.tn. 7 to 8 p.m. OHier hours Uy Spring Suitings ot \V,-!nve pi-! i-.vcivi-.l ,nir supply i ,' -, iriily. \\'a i-iu sii|i|,,y \-. .ii \\ilh tlie nobbiest litiuga fur spring and sii'iimer done up in the be-t -,'yle .f irl ' i:l..riiiLT. Our price arc riylr. I'lop in and look i 1 vi hi ther you ,i l-'i or not . \\',- w .I'll to lllillie V llr S|i 11114 >i|,r S. J. BOWLER, THE VIiI8 R DATE \BUSKIN BLOCK. - FLESHERTON.^ CHOICE MEATS A COMPLETE STOCK OF CHOICH MHATS ON HAM) FOR THF: CHRISTMAS TRADE. SLCH AS BEIEF, PORK, SAUSAGE, HEAD- CHEESE, SMOKED MEATS AND CHICKEN. Fresh Oysters always on hand. YY IL.SON & FLESHERTON WE SELL Prati's Stock h'ootl, FouUrv Kooil. lionp Cure, Louse Killer, Heave Cure, Worm Powder, Disinfectant, Salve for sores anfl burns, Flax Seed, Linseed -Meal, Oil Calie, Salts, .Saltpeter, Sulphcr. Oyster Shell, lien Feed, Bran, Shorts. Chop, Flour Cream of the West. Sovengli, Eclipse. Pastry and Low Grade. Pens, Pencils, Scribblers, Note Boalis, Writing Tabs, Envelopes, P'lank Notes, Receipt Padr, Accotti.'t Tablets. If yon do not see what you want, ask for it at W. BUSKIN GROCER. Flesherton, Ontario. L.

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