Flesherton Advance, 29 Feb 1912, p. 4

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February _ 191-j c THE V L E S H K KT O N ADVANCE in i--. /Icfiijcrton '. An in<lei*tiu>ut ! -|.j|irT. puUiklied every Thunday at ih- office, (.'oliingwiMid Sin. I, VU-ihertitn. Subvert ptii'ii price SI prr annum, l.--n |>.ii 1 in ,i<l* ni;i . . f l.M when not w> paid. ,\ I. < Hi-mi.- rait-* on applltatvm. Circulation 1,100 weekly. \V. it. Tliurwlon Killtoi- TRUTH BEFORE KAVOR- PRINCIPLES. NOT MEN THE EUGENIA HYDRO-ELECTRIC The hydro-eli-< nic sui xvyi-rn h<i li.ive Seen woikins; ut Eurenia for Mine time had to pi*! pi i i- optiaiions lual tek iwrinv in deep MM.W. The oik will ifria be retunied when the MIOW disap- pears. This woik ^ deelopin intu "omelhiiu! much nioic gigMitia than w.-ia at rirtl antici|nttd The whole liver from Kugeiiia tu >Vver.>haui. a distance f nine or ten nn'.i -. mill I>e undrr con- trol of the Comiiiis-ini f..r stunige pur- pose*, add the .1 .-i aieit a'. Eugenia .1.1111 it expecttd to lie :ibout L'. 1 . liy <i milo-. This Kill hold an enormous body of water. It i.-. aid that the cosily tun- nell driven through the mountain**! Ku .nil i will nevn lc used but that the water will be dropped i.ito the valley t irthi i north, where a much uii-.iti i head can IK; secured. The work is developing into ouch a liirge sffair that it will take ifvcial >e<is to dunplete, unless a very Urge force of men is employed in con- struction win n 'hr MttflMkM are in. This lieing the cae, we wish to draw the attention uf the Commission to the condition of ait.m in Flesheilon and ask tli.-u intervention. There is nov a running plant at Kuyenia, > > rather one u|i.il'li- ut brin-j run, but lying idle, and this village wants light. When llie old company jst on this rucks our light was cut off, and the hjdn -eUcti ! people arc responsible f' i mir predicniiienl, becaiue when the company bad given an nptiun in their pioperty they did not consider U wisdom to pnl in i.ew dynamo or ven ti\ up the old oi.e. With a small outlay the ('oii.-iiii.-ion i-..uld g.-l ibis jilant in iiiiiiiin^ 01 dor and x' vt ' us lij^ht, and this certainly should be done at once if it i- Koin<; to take years In gel the larger pl'int in opernti >n. The pUut would pty its !> 11. il the < oinmisMon should not hei-il i-iv I" a few *<!eks, when the villat- IMS M-niu-d inccrpora- tion. it "ill be inn |M siiion in ti-fiit di- rccfTy*nV.-'.he <' iiiiiiiMiiin. mid one of fhc tirnt ilulieh f tl.f i llx'ci.-. to ln--lei-l. I'd shoulil be to pu-li ll.is initln- lo a itisfact..ry voncIuMcii -tith th- <'mii- uMoo. rh<> - rai.d nbout dioconiiiiu nT.-e is all genuine There is -., .n-.i-iliini; p!.ins:m-il ill-mi it in our iniiid. What' K u%t Imrdship wnnU there be in waiting a couple of hours longer for the daily piper or correR|Mindeuc ; It is not its though wo had im (eleiihones or tele- graphs. I'rgent I. a- 1 ii--- is not trana acted l>y letter nowndaya. As a matter of fact the Klyin Post WSM a Imiuy. pure and simple. It wan ooe of Mr. Lnuricr'M sweet meatN which he sctttered al'ii-g the line of 'lie Grand Truuk wet.t and we all have to help pay for the candy. When tln> supply must be cut oil the childivn " kick," but what would you .' It wais IM.] policy to mart the aupp'y ; it ih good policy to withdraw it before the habit becomes so strongly en- trenched (lint to remove it would ca'.ise grca* p:,iu lo the sulferer. : HOCKEY The Maine lias ouee more been The I )n ml ilk mi 1 Kli-..ln ii'in hockry teams played a inatvh on the rink here Monday evening tint, for in exhibition of rough playing, discounted lacrotKC to a final. When Flctherlon played in Dundalk the Utter team gave our <rreen boys some pointers on rough play th-it they evident ly protitcd by, and on Mon- day night the l.o ne i -am held its own in that regard. Dundalk brought along ai.d referee that ilid not know his business, or fdiled to do his duty. Twice- after goals had Ik-en scored by Flesheiton he called it an off side, and twice when [>u ul. ilk acorud in the stmc way h failed to see It that way. One man on e.'ich side was knocked out McDonald of Dundalk with u cut in the jaw, mid I'ipcr of Fleiheiton with a Hinash in (he ribs. Dui.dalk played five O.H. A. men, floated and it lias been demonstrated! vi/ ' McDonald, V. Kusssc-l, D. Uusie.ll. that the explosion came from the out- ! R " lldle and *"""!"; . Ther " ., m . 'only two men on the viMlui" '" side. TOO* an immense burden of lias in: rolled from (lie Uncle Kani, who had never himself been quite sanguine as'gall and are willing to iesort to any kind to the justification for his liable iiijf subterfuge in order that a little gom into that Spauish-AmcricHU'epheiiifral glory may be obtained- but war. He is quite checiful once again!' 1 '* 1 " " ot " >rt in tlic true Sen8e " f llic and his thumbs arc now up and now! len " and doc " "'t always succeed, team ,., ., . . , A did not belong to the C). U. A. inost . ,,. camc llp (l) ,,,. a 8reeil in (hc i,. firnneason. Somo tporU i bat . , And tl , (111 hnve down as the- poor indepeudent Cuban o o o The goicrnmeot (nyiucer reports that it would icijuire S'200,000 to '* witllell8ej in lhiliCHbe - A i the end of L . IIIIIU nil- m;vil- Bli*uu, .' ' -I ' 1 1 ' 11,' tO tile kowtows before his might and mnjosty' 1 , .. ... , . _, J * rcfeive, .t-.!. rk'Mierton wanted loT>lay oil and offere.l to lay off a man, but the Dundalk O. il . A. team declined and the not , J tune the score stood, accoruing to were satisfied to reUirn home with complete tlie Newmarket canal, that this ia only HO per cent, of what tbe canal would cost if completed. Figure out how much money has already been spent on this gigantic give away. The first correct answer will entitle the solver to a bright new lead pencii to replace the one used up Hi HI rivm" at tiie solution. satisfaction of knowing they had defeated Jy a green scrub team. Following u the line-up : Fleslicrtoii U. Mitchell J. Cairns C. Crossl,-y I'. McLod II. Siillh.ui U I'ipcr Dundalk. goal I 1 c.p. rover r. w. K McDonald V. HllSM-ll D. Itussell \\ . Rundie Se:wrii{ht ,. ORIENTALS AWAKENING Both Canada and the I'nitid Siat<.-< lu storinx "p troubh 1 fm thelllirlvM in fi.'ir attitude tow. ml- (iiii-nlal immi- grants. .I'ipin and China at at present 1 !.!. mm- awako to the injustice to which they an- uhjected and air bi^iniiing (o think about iitalmf.n- in kiirl. Anil vhen they do make up lie u ininil to hit fcack it is not likely th it t'tey \\ill .submit Uuir grievADcea to the IJi-m- tiibunal j\ Contreli'inps of llii* kiml mi-lit eusi'y fiwnken n . i , il.-\ i- t:n- ileiiinii ili.it < ml.l M '! easily bu placed undei siib- jeiiion. And to maku mutters worse. t'.matU refuiies admittaQcii of natives of certain other British cnlotiies. 8h iuld the great empires of Imlri, Chun and J i|'nn make common cau.-u against uii)|>ean agreaaion aud opprr.ssioii wliat vitt;lytin would result! _J There is undoubtedly a <;rave danger to the liricish Kmpire in*|thtH immigra* tinn ijucntiiin from *tha fact that each c ilmiy makes laws to^suit its own nidi- vid'ialcaa*. wlt'iout let or hindranc 'by the mother land. Just now it is to the intereat of Canada or rather of llritinh Columbia -lo exclude natives of India, China, and .lapmi. The interests of the >.in|iii . as a whole arc not considered, liut the Empire as a whole has to betr the blame and submit to the reckoning when it ei'ine-. Let iii hope that our^atatonmen trill ba endowed with wisdom and fore- uM, eHchewint! that narrowneia of vision that hi. wrecked many a kingdom and pi ne r ility in the pat. The while man's burden is a poor, miserable allair if it lakes the form of a dog in the nin natger. THAT FLYING POST Our very esteemed and interosling confrere, the Mouut Forest Confederate, i hints Hi.- position taken by The Ad- vance regaiding the Flyinit Post is an uoworthy one, and adds, " {'erhapi the tomtit mlitnn the railway north of Orange- Till will HOIIIU day desire improved |mstal facilities." Perhaps they will, but they will not aak for it at the cxpenxe of the ret of the country. No locality should be granted post il l.vi.ri lint are not frranted to the country as a whole. It i not ii-hi that they should ^-' them. If n early mail i of value to any town from a liusinasx standpoint, it i of juit B-. much value to all, and if onu roceivoa the advantage all ihnuldfrecttive it. The government would be exceedingly unwise lo -unit special privileges to on aection if .'.111111 1 y lhat it could not grant to all. T!i is is a truism no patent lhat few will i onsnli i il an unworthy poaition to Uke. Hut psh iw ! 'I'd. u- is polities in it, And we iloti't fni a moment I h. . . that The other day we mw a newspaper' Urn, headed "Laid in 18X0." At lii>t On Wednerffcy fll hat Wek tl h*y glance we tl ought it u-fem-d to egs I|0) ' S Wl '"" <> Markd^le to play a K-.IIIC with the club there. The boys are H OOmmooly sold us "tres-h". but readin- on we f mid it Icld i.f tar macadmn, which W.IH tiist laid us a pavcmer.t road- liMlo reticent as to what really happened, but we learn from a private .source that way in OnUrio in that \. .-. llamilton beiny tin 1 city. Sumo of the tar n adaui llii-n laid i still in usr. So. would appeir, are sume of Mi. FOH st Confederate, M in,il;ii.- did them up to the tune of Dwiiii,' to the storm or somcthiiii; tin- boys did not arrive home until about 11 a.m. nt-xi day. F. H. W. HICKLJNG FLESHERTON ONTARIO. New Season's Wash Goods Special Values We are now placing our New Season's Wash Goods in Stockand emphasise some SPECIAL VALUES : (H;K 1U- I'KINT A :il inch wide, soft Kns-lish Cluih, evenly made, free from dressing. Color 1 * warranted fast ID a hisj range of prrtty dcsitrns in dark, Mejiiiin and light effects, spots, stiipea and fancies. The kind you usually pay 15c for. Our price )'2Jc per yard. ()|-K li^'c GINGHAM Tin is it very Special line, the cloth is tin". Mift and even, -"' inches wide, the colorings are absolutely fast, i'. in,' known -i . Anilriii.il > Gingham,' H <;ii>irantee of the excellence. The patterns include large and small (.hecks, snipes and plaids in black and white, <!:irk and li-jlit blue, pinks, greens, etc., also plain colored cham- brays all ill 12ic per y&rd. OTHhK WASH GOODS SPEC 'I. MS White Fancy Vestmirs, 15 to 2~>c per yard. Spot ami Stripe Muslin, 10 to 20c per yard. Wluta Dimity Muslin, 10 to 2Dc per yard. White Indian Head Suitings, 15 to25c |>er yd. Fancy Flowered Muslins 10 to 25c per yard. White and colored Duck Suitings 15 to 25c per yd. New KiiibroiderieH and limei lions, Flouncing, Cw.-et Covers, Embroideries, Valenciennes am! Maltese Laces, Ne* Shirting Patterns. Xew FlannelletteN. |ieniemb.-r our Grocery Department. Complete in every respect. Everything Fresh, Clean and Kea.ion- ably priced. HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOB BUTTER AND EGGS. CEYLON'S Andrew Carnegie, the multi-million- __aiie, his agreed to give the town of Chesh-y SlIMlOO for the erection of a ii- libiary. PHYSIC3ANS Failed to Cure Rheumatism Farm For Sale Miss Flora Chapman Viv- i.-t K-, c-on. 10, Towi^hi,, ,,f (hp,,.y, idly Describes Her Suffer^ k 'wn* 'lin^i'ruiir'i.ouse?' sJvMtJ ings and Ultimate Cure"""' 1 " 1 " 1 A> ; |l| y. l '' l JT A. d. CAMPBELL, With "Nerviline." 310 Tlutholine Kcwd, Toronto. Mai Ii. STORE "After lieliitf :m enthusiastic user of Nervlllne for years, I feel Ii my duty in tell you pei-Konally what your won- derful preparation ha.s done for me. "I suffered torture fiuin rheiiinatlMii uiul lieart trouble, tried .semes of so- i ailed r, inedlcH, < -oliMilteJ fur Weeks and months with Tonmtn'M nmst iiin- nent jihysldaiia, but derived only slight benefit. "A friend Insisted on my using Xprvlllne, and to my surprise a \\K- 010 us i ulihliiB of tills powerful lii . ineni eased the paliiK anil reduced the stiffness In my joints. I continued In use .NVrvlllne anil was permanently cured. I am now perfectly well, and fur three yenrx have had no rheumatism at all. I know man) fumlli. s where no other medicine but Nerviline Is kept - __^^___^__ It Is so useful In minor ailments II e earache, toothache, neuralgia. cnURliH. eoldn, lumhago. and Hclatlea. I call NervlHne my "Ufe <tuunl," and urKc all to try Its merit." Dec. 17th, 113 Talmerston Avenue. Toronto. UefUHe nnythitiK else offend Instead of Nervlllne, r.Oc per Imtlle. trial si/.e. 25c. All ileulers. or The Catarrlio/miR Co., KinKstoii. Ont. CURED 3 YEARS NERVILINE Cures Rheumatism SETTLERS' TRAINS -TO- MANITOBA, ALBERTA SASKATCHEWAN The only through ling LOW COLONIST RATES Colonist Cars on all Trains No charge for bertha Through Trains Toronto to Winnipeg and West A^ ny C.P.R. Airai lot copr .,( "SntUn' Guide" Do You Ever Sleep? If you do you will lie wise to pay attention. 1 uin t : lie present time making n Specially of I run l!eds. The ordinal of tliu picture qiveu at the liea'l of ' this advertisement will only cost yon $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 <iut soructliiii!; nice uiul c )infortable on which t') lay your weary linid. Of course we have oilier beds at other pile H, nil equally low in price Sanitaiy le<ls sueli us every bo.ly wantti. S[iiinijK uinl .Matti-esses to lit all be.ls. Kxaininc our stock any- ! way. before pnrcliiising yotti 1 slicpi iudncers. W. H. BUNT FLESHERTON, ONT. CLEARING SALE Of all Winter Goods. Sale commences Feb 1st and lasts until Feb. 15th. \Ve want I,, clean out all our Winter Goods in 15 days (o make room fo.r N.ew.Sp,,,,;, < ''> -'"-d in order to do this we are going to ,,ffer .11 winier , ; ,,,ls H, .xcepiuinally low prices. Ladies' Astraklmu Jackets s., Uc<-|.-.r, iKin quilled lining, re. |40.00 for $;).> L-II.-H A..,kh,,,.l,u-ket, reg. *28 CO for 821.0(1. lilies' long co.its,_lH-.-iuT shell, curia; lining, rubber interlining, reg. J18.00 for ?14.<... Men." Al.-i-.ka beaver Fur Overcoats for S22.00. Men's bt-.v.rc^.lithvrC,^ -,uilted lining, Mink Marmot collar, re u . l|0. Men s dug lined coat, sable collar, reg ^:!() Oo ''''-^'f Men s beaver shell ouiley lining, oil cloth interlinin.', T."' M u" !"M* '' ? * - f " r 8U - 7:> - AU other Fu - *K Im.H.sand Mulls at 'JO per cent. olFreg. price. Men'. Cloth Ovir- co:.ts at ciirrvsixJiidins prices. Ladies' Cnderwear at c-ost, and k-fs Men s Woolen I mlerwear. reg. $1.00 for ;.>. ;iJeg. 75 to We for 5.V-' VT- ,',o r '' g ''"' ;!5c - P/'FIJCd lined, reg. :ttc. 4ilo and 4,>r ht -.>c. Sweaters and Sweater I WK, 1.1 per cent ott' re- prices. Also Horse Blankets and Rugs. 15 percent, on" re-ular pricj-' Heavy Uul.her.s and Felts of all kinds at big 'reduction,. Men?Zi I U *'*> 1 MMlru i \ . in >..<* . I i i .1, . tji. -.1 ^ . a .g reucon,. e I weed I bu,K just ,,, ,-,g. 10.00. 1U,-H) and Jll (X) ,., r g- . ' f '' r *"'' 1! ">' S rr - M-00 for *:? 75. Hog. St,.(in f,,,. f(1 , n ; )( . : , - - . len 8 rullcl.ith Pauls, reg. $2.25 for 81.75. l{ Highest Market Price paid for all Farm Produce CLAYTON'S FOR Boots and Rubbers TilOSK who want good wearing Boots, cither actory or Hand made for the wet and cold weather or for winter should call aud inspect our CELEBRATED MALTEESE CROSS & LION BRAND RUBBERS, Both Light and Heavy. Trunks, Suit Cases and Telescopes. WANTED AT ONCE A man with some experience in horticul- ture to handle our I rde in Flesherton. Splendid openinu and permanent position for the ri(,'ht party. Write for particulars mid state experience fas. Q 'ylon 1 1...- Stone & Wellington h'.iiii lull Nuneries, established 18.H7 TORONTO, ONT. REPAIRING AS USUAL. 1HE IIIIHI. Carefully Corrected Each Week Wheat ................... 85 to 85 Oats ...................... 43 to 43 !W ................. 1 10 to 1 10 Dai-ley .................. 70 to 70 Hay ................ 10 00 to 10 00 Hutter .................. 30 ( .o 30 Eu({s, fresh ............. 30 c 35 1'oUtoes pei bR ........... 100 to 100 Geese.... ................ 10 o 12 Ducks ............... 10 to 12 Chickens ................. 10 to 12 ' mnteys ....... ............ 18 to 18 I Wool ..................... 20 to 22 | Public Notice Notice is hereby given that a by-law was passed by the Council of the Town ship of Artemosia, on the eighth day of January, A. D. 1912, providing for the of debentures to the amount of for the purpose of purchasing a tire ir nnil npplianco) for the Police Vil- lage of Fleslie-rtnn, and that such hy-lnw was registered in thu reoisl.ry 'ifh'ce of the South Kiibn-- of the County of Grey on llm UOih day ..I .lanuary, A.D. 1912. Any motion to quash or sot aside (ho SHIIIB or any p*'t thi-ieof must bu mnde I within three inonthi after \\w in-i publi- .-.INI. n of thi* notice, ami c.-iiinot l - e nmdi! ' theroftftpr. Diited ibis oth day of Fi-bnniry, 191'J. W. J. BKLLASIY, Twp. Clcik. J. & W. BOYD Flesherton, - Ontario. This week we are open- ing Large Consignments of Spring Goods. Look out for prices later. J. & W. BOYD Flesherton - - Ontario.

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