Flesherton Advance, 29 Feb 1912, p. 8

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February ^' THE F LE S II K 11 T O N A D V A N C Jh, 'Advance* Small Ads. Look over them weekly. There may be something for YOU WORK OF THE POLICE. Light BrsixKss CARDS UCULLiOUaH 4 YOUXQ Hank. IB Mrkdle -ners.1 bankini; busius. Money loaned at reaiioutble rates Call ou us. TCIilSI.KTT. - PoKtmastfr. 'Vilon. Comuiissioiior in H.i'. J . Conveyancer, deads, I uiortgaitMi loam'", will" ftc carefully .Irawii up ollectimi iiia.l . cliarijM rt-auouahle. Alo ivt, flour. Ic'i'J etc. kej't iu stock. Trices &.I 81'KO'JLK, FlevltertOD ^omaiilour in H.C J., Auctionee Con- vrtvam-'-r, Appraiser and Money Lender h>al Ktate aud lumrance Agent. Dewm. ujortRaKet. leans an I willn carefully drawn and luatios ma/le on shortest notice one* to loan at lowest rate* ot interest. Col- e-lions attended to with promptness charca* low. AKCIH for Ocian Dominion authip Company. A call solicited. Farms For Sale or Rent P\;;\l KOK KAI.K~l.ot nu . In tlio .'I, COD- cession olllio township t>\ Ai-Uiiiosia, coil- tainiuR nm acres, lahtf-BT* HcreH ulare<l. t iNi:-- tianlwntxl limhar. 1'roiierty of tin' iKii-W. .1. lloatty. There is a bank liani hll.1 1 >'l;:ll' ilst llOUKU Oil Jlffllh^l'S HU t Is Writ watfii'il. Will be soil on rosso, lalilc tri'ini. Apply t'l.lmiii". U McMullcn, Ceylon |>. ,>..ilut. tOll HALKflieaii tut easy terms. It ii'it tiolil soon. lor rent to suitalilc tn*'t, >.'crth lialf lot .to an.l lot 40, cou, 11. Artuiiii'siu, : ( lot I, cnik. 13. Oxprey. 'Ml) acres, about 1 . ;i i-lcari'il balance mostly timboroil lauil, I. ml a^daoft wooil : ({OO<t Htono dwelling and frame lai i, Htablini; umler ; well watered with IIP\- i (tiling small sprint; croek OTOUtog fMrtD C|OMI. totiarnl This 10 au excellent Ki'aiu or L:rn.-in farm and will bo sold vurv rliuap if tttkon at once and on easy terms. Apr>i) to It. J. Kprotile, Kk-nliertoii. Out. \V M t, DM.l'HAlL. I.lcnittd Auctioneer (or tlie County ol (iri-v. T. itn* moderate aud tatistarnou ciiaranU'eil. Tlie arraiiKeinonte an.l .l.t-H ot .an- can I* made a'. TUB ADVANCE office. Kesideuce and I'.O., Ceylon, Telepboue connection. Drr. I',.U7. ^ ,1 h UTTINCi. Licensed Auctioneer Jor the counties of lirey and Simcoe. Fanu anl Stock sales a (specialty. Terms moderate, satistaction guarantied. ArrauRV- meets l(.r dates may bo made at the Advance . ffi*.' >,r A: T. Iliitcblnson's store, reverubaia by addressing uie at Pvenbaui. Ont. RUDD MATHK/VS. Markdale. Licensed auctioneer for tlie county of (irey. Good K-r.k-o at reasonable rate. Dales <:aii be n Adu at Tbe Advance, o Uil I HAUVKY PKKKJOK. broker, Flenbertoii -I (icneral brokeraRH business. Insurance or t\erv kind i, laced in eaJe and liberal companion. Heal estate etc . Oiien accounts and past due totes liandlwl and money advanced tbereon. Correspoudenco solicited. I 1)1! SAI.K oliuapand on uasv terms l.ot I J and 'J.C'in. 11 <.)s\>r4-y ; '3X) ncroe ; fraiiH- dwelling, train- bav >! " 1 5'ii'r, undur; about 170 .iri.". r i.'ii i .. t and un'lor cultivation. Knmu plttOdid C0du with other mixed tiuilx-r nil balance, also twjsmall orchardsbeariiiK. Wei waterud :nevui failiiiK upriui; creek. K|ileuili'l crain and grazing farm. Ap!\ to If J.Sproulc Klenlierton or Samuel Osborne. Maxwell. D" CA M C 1' 4 S Ont, Physician. Snrneon etc ufflce and residence Peter bt., Klesberton 1,'AUM KOI; SALK-Very cheap, 10O acred, lot >. con. 7. i i,]u i". , only *:KJOO, rvacouabln isli payment, balance caav teruiK, 8."i acrc'i cleared. wi;ll fenced ami in iiii;h state of culti vation, balance timbered, good comfortable frame dwelling. Btone cellar vindur, nevi>r fail in** HpriiiK wull and windmill pump at door. !.< rmm barn, well llnidbul. Htone Htablim: with Rprin^ wntur under, also iu nhed. It i situated J mile troui MHXWI-II village utiiTn them are stores, post otficeR, ROOI! sclutol. and ison the uravel road.'J^ !...!. i from railway station. It sold at once, above pi ice. though VI. I: Y CIIKA1' inn lii l.i. sl-.aded a littlp Apply to It. J. SI'UOULK, Kletliertou, or 'I'lIOMAS OUV. onpr.-n.iae.i. *f COI! KAI.K very clii'ap and on easy terms " Tlin lute Dr. (In iHtou's :i-htory brick blei<-l< InPlMbertOn with Rood stable and never-fail IUK well on piemiscs. (jood 1. ..[ Htoru and KOO<! butcher s shop and dwelling ; two :: " i stone ri'llurs under building : i" and ran br kept well rooted : twoi;ooJ hulls on &m>nu.l am! tliiirl stories ; flnt class bu-iiu-i-s utaml MI. I will Maold rhnap as owner in unuaued in otlii-v DOallWM In tin' west ai.rl lias IMI furtlicr usit for It. Apply to It .1. Sprotilu. Kivtlierton. JV OTTEWEI.L Veterinary Surgeon Graduate oj Ontario Veterinary ( oll;e. re.!dWe - 'co.,d door aouth we.t;on i*ry street. This street Presbyterian Church. I.1IIH BOUtb H \\II.SON, r.lsckM.iitli 'iradimt- (if tuu Vctri inarv Association. Durham itreet. o Uo)d, liro's hardware. U DENTISTRY E C MURRAY T.. .). K , dental surgeon bouo. K rad.iat "f Toronto Univorsit) and .'..ll'-i!- "I I""'" 1 adiiiisinisterrd for teeth sidence. Toronto Street. Klesberton. LEGAL UCAB. HANKY A' WAI.I-A< K- , . L ,.,!,. il OI ...'t.'. I. I 1 -. l.'ir-. 1'an.iv K C J. . '1. Wallaci-. Voro tn M.. V ......in- Hank HI' 1 *'-. I' 1 '.?"" main IIJ:Mark,lal-l.iira Itlm-U. l'h.,ne '2 A. Hr.i'cl. ..lbc at Oundslk prn .-vrl y haturrtay. Wll \\liltillT. Itarrist-r. Solicitor Conray- aucer. et<-..-Ow.,n Soun.l and Hpuhertoii. li.-KJci>buitoii offlce. BpronU'l Hlock every Saturday This May Interest You We \viuit 11 reliable man to sell our well known upeciiiltics in fruit trees.' sni.-il fruits, seed poiiitoe.s, tlnwurini; hhriitm rust's etc., m (ire/] couutyl during f;d and iviiifcr inonlhs. Outfit free, ex- clusive ten Hi, ly, p:iy weekly. 600 Acres of Nursery Stock I'l.-ui trcll grown tree* and abmta that will aalitfy your ciist.iiners. Kurly nnd Hood delivery yn n un.v.i. K-.I ibh.slu-d over :!."> years. Write for whole or (nut time terms. Sales Mal.c.',',. I'KI.HA.M M TSKHN CD, a i I"' 1'i-c. 1 1 Toronto. SOCIETIES An U W meets 01. llio last Monday iu ea.-.li uiontli, in tln'lr IOMK room Norrls- l.lonk.tFlemorton, at h |.. '" J 1 - "; . II ( L.i.ar.l ; lt<--.. < M. Miiiiid an; rin \V P I i.".l>'> ViMliiiK bitthrtnluvitud " PIHXCK AHTiU'H I.ODC.K. No. :t33,AK& A U. meets in tilt Maonlc liall. Arm ) tronK s Illock.Klesborton. every Friday on , or before the lull mocn. < '. H. Mn-isLaw, \V. M.; Tli.,.. Clayton, Hecre'.nry. C(lfHT:KI,i:sill.llT(iS-. '.C.r,. 1.0. F. ireel* In Clayton's Illm-k tlnilKBt WMDMOftV JTeolM , f i-ii-li month. ViKltlllK Formtcn bMTttlJ welcome. H. It.. I)yn; It. H., 'I. Hei.ry; | Kin. HIT . C. X. lli<-liardon. Boar for Service I'uri'i I \inksliii,. Ilimr j year* old. (or .^l ' OP I"' . 01 n. -. Ait. iiiria. Tfrnn .M.KX. ( AMDItON. KNTKl; ANV DAY ially arranged oouraei t iliu ()\VKN S , I'eriiiit yon to lie-in nny lime. experienced slut!', lusst r,|iii[i|M-d ] in Camidn. -V e'.iitscs. Citrnlnjiiio free. ')NT.MMi >ni S. r . C. X. Ilirliarditon. Pleane pay dues to Fin. Sec. before tlio first C. A. VUmSog, F.C.A., C. I). Fleming, l'ri,,ei,,;d. Secretary. CIIOSI.N" KlllKNl)K-KlclH'it'in roiincll ol ., Fin -ii. i iiii-i-ts in Clayton's hsll first and tlin I \V. Inrsday ofetcli inoiitli M p. in Pay ai<ctii*ntii to ilia II.-. ..id.-r on or li.'fore toe rtn>t .invi.r rscli month. C'liluf Councillor T. Klakelev; Kit-order W. II. Hunt. Tlit Karinor sClnl. mn-tn in llm lilcli whool li.nldiiii: <ni UK. loi-t Ihnri.day in MMO :,.-,,, I], Hi H iirl.wk p. in. VullllK Inri.ieiB illv imitti'l. K. rlmi-.l l'i."-i,l.-iit, I . \\ . IWIamv. HIT. TM-IH. Boar for Service A l.ii , tul it,. Y.irknliirn HOHI fi>r KIHI. . oulalld8,8rd range W T. A H. II., Arti-im-m Trims m.iKi- \\ Al.l.KH. Tarn worth A lor 5ale Hot), i-.-x nearly n-.li I, /i l.ti-ndini:. IViws I l.'i.l t'.r .Mill k - llr. 1,1 ii. \V. I!OSH. Maiwi-llI'. O. Boar for Service I'm. l!i id Tmnw"illi l'i itr f. r .-. i . i, > N llin II.-. Mtuw.-ll. Out. Bull for Service Tli.>i."iKlil>ri-d Nlmiili.'iii Lull, llrniullimik'H J.iwl, f..i -.-ivii-ciin l"t ID, .'.MI. '>. O<pivy. I'emgM on apltllbatiiiii Snvi..'. xl.wi for (.'Ulil>- tlloninrlil.r. .1-. -,. .-:l :it til f 'nic.1-. Knit prii-i' .lli.ii'/.'d fur 1'invH in. I |.-tllll|,.l. .1 M. I'd'KNH. Boars for Service 'Mi. iiii.l.-ii.it.'iii'd IntM ;i tin .r. niKlili rci 1 Y..iU -liin- l,,,:n l'..i >.-n i, .,ii lot Hi7, .'lul rnitKr, K. T. and S. U.. Art.-in.-ida. T.-IMI-. <! IKI \l-.i II, -M fill. I I'.llll f'.l . I \ I. . .1.1 II|'I>H-|I. 1 .Iv. I'.M I FOR SERVICE Tli. n (fl.lirr I .Sbnrllii.rn Lull. "I hnulv .lim" M7x|, (, -i i -MI.- vii lot I'll, T. AH. K., \i < in. in. Thin nniinnl I- .,f u f.io'l milking train. IV.Iiirm' mi ;i|,|.li. .itiuii. 'I'.'in H, Ci.,,1., SI, i.Kit.-r,',l x:i. .1 AS. STINSON Propriator. Bulls Hor Service and Sale J'nir Invil Hrrdia-il Hulls IDT service and sal(>. T. ,\ -I. \VATSON. I'liii.iii Station He who has lost his sight best knows its value. Hundreds suffer loss of si^ht Timely attention might have prevented it. Examination free?. Satisfaction guaranteed. W. A. Armstrong. FARM FOR SALE 1...I Xn l*i 1X7. Ill Hi.' r-,,.,11.1 l:,hk" ' <!. 'r.iliilll., ;in I Sy.|.'ldi:nn llniil, Arli'lni-NJn, r.in'.ailnn; "I" I'M "I ln-lilss- luli.l ; (Jonij J l.niMiii"-. 1. 1. uiy nf Uiit'-i, itrui chin, I. .in,l i KC'liin.l ; tin.'.' hii|.' from I'li'ioii Siutii.n : i!n ;icn> K.I.| ii iriliMMiil ln|. I.. Imliiii. . cli .i.'l ,-llnl ill (i.i>il -III. , I .lllliiMlM.il. I 1 '. I |.:.l Hp|.iy i<i. \v. .1. .1 \CKSH.N, I'.nt i.n 1-AkMS IOR SALE ,i, i n, con, i ' ' .Ni.li-r l.'lllt.tnll.lll. -''I I" i, h. ' 1,11 h, . Mil, -lit. I fiiuiio linniH, 1 wllli llrtlull, ttillllllllll illl lH|. Ill I. ill I: i.Kt I'Ollna, " i UK). A|i|>K I U M. HI l I ! '.U AM, I . ',. Office Posi ti ons I 'm iuii (,'fin.l siilni i, n ice iiualt me , \.-i \ \ ,n,n until and \\ninti \\ it h n |.i n 1 1. hniladM li-iiiinin:. Nu , Mill. 'ill! \ Iii l.lni'lui' w..itln i.ni.l;ini. \Viit. vv fll I'atlllllKIIM. Dili.', HIH tlllll. Winter Term Opens Jim 2nd, 1912 Collingwood BUSINESS COLLEGER T. Ii. Hawkins. Principal Commissioner Perry Throws on R.N.W.M.P. CoramluiQBBT A. H. Perry of the Northwest Mounted Police, in lii.i an- nuul reixirl to the Comptroller, throws f-ome light or. the liuzardous work of tluit grcut foro.- in tlio far north of Canada. 11,1, rriiiL- t,, ihc death ol Inspector Fitzgerald and other niciiibcr- of the Mcrnerton-Dawaoo i>utro) last March. lif -ay.-: "I venture t i refer to some pritici.-nis \vliich have been made in the \>r<-*~ as to the unless saorificft if the livi - <if Ihcs,' men. I have =t:i!cl the '.l.jfrt-;s of the patrol and tli. frequency wish which it has been made. All over the northland niem- b.r- ,f this for.-e are carrying out thc-e dillictilt jiiurncy.-: Sergeant H(.yttr. 700 miles return journey from l-'tillrrti.n, alone the west coast iif Htid>oii Hay to Kunkin Inlet, to m.,; Si-ryi ant liorden. who went up fr.iin Tori Cluirchill to mec-t him. c..n>iiiL' mail nnd taking the census of the K.-(jiiiniiin.\ : Sergeant Waller from Fort Churchill t,, York Factory and rcttiin: Si ri;, am Xicliolls. from N..rway Hon-e to Fort Churchill und return to Ginili; Sergeant Etdgentoo from Sjilit Lake to Fort Cluirchill. i.rrivinj.' with dos j abandoned by the way. and three days without food; S.rpant Monday from the Pas to Lac du Rrocliet and return, 900 miles in iittv-onc day.-; Sergeant MacLeod, fr..m Fort \Yrmilli'>n across the Cri- lioti Mountains to Great Slave 1,,-ike : all carrying out definite duties, or visititif.' IndiHii eamjis, and maintain- ing law and order in tlio far northern regions. "Tile m, niliers of the force have subscribed $622.58 for the purpose of erecting a tablet to commemorate the heroic death of Fitzgerald and his party, who tried to do their duty as they saw ii. "to provide acainit a like di-uster "Vertakiii'.' :he l)aw-on-A[cPher>on patrol, instructions were issued for th.- erection of a shelter cabin at Bip Hart, River, ten days' travel from Daw.-on. The cabin is stocked with emergency ration-." Mention of tlie K. \.\V.M. P. recalls many a good Mory of their method.-* in the west. The men who drove thf> Caniulian Pacific Railway line through tlie Rocky Mountain- have reason to be i.it. 'fill for the fjniet but firm man- ner in which tii. jmlice bund!,- ii dif- ficulty. An Indian chief nuriicd Pic- a-pot took exception t,, the cmniiu' .,f the steel track, and. with lii- ban. I. pitch,'.] his camp in the path din-, n for the railway. There \v;i- an uncomfortable dead- ;,,ck. The Indians :.|n-. d If m,,vn. and the yoiinc in n filed rifles in the nir. and Ull a' Ol d to fight. Tin- uu- thoriti"- -A, r, :i|ip.-a!e.l I... and one day the little polid !-' "t Maple Ci !: received :i brief order to move tie Tndiiiii-. Tie i, ua- no fn--. and nn In, tin r A -' i>'.'ii nl and n con- stable :-add!.d Hi', rod.- ovi r |.'. Pie- n-pot. and fdd him that lie nni.-t IlloVe Tlie Tn.r ' ; led. and tried t., liti-tl, tie i, Iii ..nt ,,f tii camp. Itut tli" - i : .nit r, l"ii-d In nnive ..r : xcit.-d T^' la : that he and 111* companion, t > Military redooata, w.-i.- in tie in Id'-- "i" a band .,f howl- ing red-luii-. ivhn lnand:-li--.l i:ll.- lltld tlirmt, l|. ,1 'in-ellief. luid II, i ef- fect on him. Taking out his wiitch, lie -aid: "If you hnv"i:'t In i!tm to break camp and take the northward trail in liile, n minute-, we -hall make you." The quarter of an h-'.ir pa.-d with no -ifii of iiu.v. in, tit. The chief ^nink.'d -t.didly. while hi- ymmu, r men -li.,llt, d d.lianc,' and fired nibs in the air. Then tin- sergeant init liis watch back iii hi- pock. -I. r. -marked calnilv. "Tim '- up'" and dismount* I'd. He first walked .\vr to the clu- i'- lent. One kick at the key-pole with his li.-avy cavalry boot, and the tent cam.- ! . the (.-round. Kr.'in lent to tent tin; oflieer pmci -eded. kicking , acii down iii turn. Then he Innt.-'d hi the chief th.it h" had better go and th,' '.Id man w, n! willimit further bother. Tin' -t..ry is wmth the telling if only I,, -how the -pirit which .'ini- liiate- the police, and .lialde- Ihein to carry <m tiicir L-ij-'antic worth with so small a force. Prpsrntation to Duke. An inter. 'stini; jireseiitation wan inajc I,, Hi- i;.,\;il lliuliness ths (!..\ , rnor-dcnenil recently by .1. H. Mel.elhlil. -no, i in;, n,|, tit <.f the Trent Caiittl. nam.'h . a i.it, ,t,-.d eiiiiniving of th' 1 late Qm en Victoria, mother of tlie Onke ',f ronnaught. mad, 1 bv a Itelgian arti.-t nf the Inn, her lute wn* 17 year- old, and the gift of Mr Mel., -Han t., his royal highn. -.-. ri.iine time an' 1 Mi. Mil.ellan hud an st, through the Trent Valley the B.luian Minister of I'nlilie and. in return for the eontle.-.y to him on thnt occasinn. lh minister DreMnted I'" 1 ,'n- !.' to Mr Mct.ellun. t'jft ha- nil the more value be- cause his n.yal hiKhness had no idea that the engraving existed, and is much interested in it on that account. On the Jump. 'I fin Itoiird of Tradn in St. ,lnhn, N.H., is a very nggressive body, .lint at present it is conducting H whirl wind campaign to secure new mem- I.eis. Number-i mean increased nC- eoiumodntion. The board lias its ey on the Troop Itnilding a.s a peiniBiii'iit club house. A eoiirttriu-tivn ideal, which it is now trying to work out id to promote a union of nil the Hoards of Trndu in N'ew HrunswicU into a pro- vincial board. Such an "ruaiii/atioii. if well knit, it is thought, would be nn effective agent for linnming the province, Wolves on Derreaso. 'I he howling ,,f wolves iii Alumirpiln I'llll* Will I .'C!|M.. prnbilhly t,,,'. ever, T. \V. (.il.s,,n. lieputy Mi'ni ,ter of Mines, ha,- receiveil a report frmn the |iarl; siipci'int"iidi'id. stiitillR that U,,|\,M lire \ery -.iince tin \ear, only 'Jl having been Killed by the nuiver.-i. I bl lid . d Hint the I n rye iiiiinbcr of leimiles Killed la-,1 \enr accoiintd for the present .'in. it\ ol liie.-e ravng- 1 the jjnie \s dl- r.'-tilt of the disiippenian. of th wolves the deer nre incr. rapidly. A PRIMITIVE LIFE. A UNIQUE ARTIST. Is an I The Labrador Fithing Village Uninviting Spot. A l.ai<ni<lor lisliin;,- villuL-r quaintest, rapgedest :-pot on earth. C'ity planning does not even reach the location of the houi-e. or tlin load i::.'ht- In the Magdalen Islands, where tin 1 land is more level nnd there is soil enough to make it a consider*- tion, tin- fish-houses are placed with tumie cijjiijiion regan William Cruikshank, R.C.A., Is Little Known to Canadians. Swift Wat a Dune* at School. Not only philosopher* and divines. but some of the most trenchant aaO- T rlsta and brilliant bnmorists, were dull enough as boys. It baa been aaid of ii. The annual i.n.spi .cius of the Ccn- Swift In bis lest days that "he dfo- tral Ontario School of Art and Design played either tue blasting lightning of at "The Gran!;.'," Toronto, ha* just satire or the lambent and meteor-like hern issued. AIIIOIIK the teachers i.- a caricatures of frolicsome hnmor." And man ubout whom Canadians know too' a uou wom anaans now oo_ e t ^Is vigorous dlspotant wa con- littl.-Mr. William Cruikshank, R.C. i g , dered fit subject for a tool's rap e A. Ho is a patriarch among our _,,,, ii^,*,* ,t ***. nnhiir, nni. portrait painters, and a iriiin a? iiner- scboot. Tliu i.ait and tackle and otlir odori- I for a roadway. e " n * !'/' , is ^tiring Afterword at the Dublin versity "be v as by scholars esteemed in ScotJ a blockhead" who was denied bis de- Mr. Cruikshank was bom ... ~^^ , , eri .. i ( . wer land ninny years ago. He was reluted I R'ee on nte nrst application and Ob- fo ihe. great Cruikshaiik who illus- i talned It with great difficulty on th* trated the works of Charles Dickene I aecond. London Standard. one of the immortal artists of Brit- ain. He received liis early training - at the Royal Scottish Academy at ] Edinburgh. There, at tlio instance ' lory, and the fiwiily sleeps, dines and .-it.-- in the single room above. In Lahrudur there is no such tiling as a road to consider. There ha.- never leen a horse nor un ox to use it, nor lias a traveler attempted t make one settlement from another hy any other method of transportation than a boat. There is practically no Foil, tlie bare, uneven, raountainboj rock sinking ab- ruptly into deep \\ater. The tish- hou-es are built wherever a ldge of rock offers foothold, and a staging; rotiL'h pule* projects, from tlie wat- door, hv a approached from the iT-lde water by a rickety ladder-work of pules; perhaps ten, perhaps forty feet Ilicfa. In Newfoundland the tishin*: villages are clustered so closely to the water's edge that the village is built upwards instead of horizontally. A li-herinan could spend his whole life of Sir JJoel 1'aton, he made drawings for admission to the Royal Academy Things He Knew. His Wife \Vhy don't you BO to th* doctor nnd flnd out Just what you I .^.TIVMi H.J I IIC I ki ' \ (11 f\ t < I ! t ' II 1 V i . , . School, London, and obtained seven "Sht to eat and what you ongbt t years' studcntsliip. Later he studied *old? Dyspeptic -Oh, I Know all in Paris, and did a L'reat deal of fine that now. 1 ongbt to eat everything work in the line of ijlustration for 1 don't like and avoid everything I tha famous London picture papers. ' do. Exchange. Coming to America, he first settled . in New York, whe.ru his work attract- ed much attention. H; is credited with having introduced pen drawings : with brood lines to this continent, I -aft und with having established a nucleus ' fciBW |'H /v. \\nt U \7 round which grew the Art Students' V 1% M. fwlflllMj 3i Lengui'. From New York Mr. Cruik- j shank came to Toronto, and for ' -.-i co e , , at his work without touching ground, tw.-nty-hve years has been identified I',, the Mde of a cliff the staging?. fish-houseo, path*, cod-flakes and houses will run, m-c-upyin?. s at the Hatterv udjoininir St. John's, not im.re with art instruction here, having been connected with the Art School , and also conducted private classes. ! For seventeen years he has had Eemc.iy for Coughs, Sore Throat, Catarrh, Weak CLr.st. . , , than fortv or ftftv feet of horizontal ' h ? rg ? " f llle lllltl( l" c class "' the Art surface for a large village. Land resi- dence \f an unfortunate necessity that is simplified to its limit. There the fishermen live and di a- their fathers did before them i.'eiicratioiis. Their work, their hone--, their lives, they themtelve*. will al- ways be absorbing to the visitor with a love for the picturesque. Indiffer- ent and phlepniatic they may appear. out they take chance- that wool I mean certain deiilh from School. After having mrde a ^eolal rtudy Sonio of Mr. Crniksriank's most j of the treatment of the .n; .-it mid famous Canudian paintings are livings for tv.u.ty years. Pn.V. D. Jaek- "Haulins the Ma-t." "Breaking the son states tli.-.i In his opinion no pre- ,, )r Road." "The Sand Pit," (which is in 'paration for general family i:so is so the National collection at Ottawa), I efficient. *o healing, so certain to cure ' and "Plowing Lower Canada." for as -atarrhowne. which lie received a medal at the As his roa .nis for makins this claim .for t'atarrho-.'.onc. Dr. Jackson says: Pail-American Exposition at Buffa.o. > "Catarrhoz.ne Is fr.-,- frm o;>iui. Mr. Cruikshank. though known far , .. The ,,atl<nt can bn-atlu- its rich. and wide among artists and art stu- 'balsamic fumes direct to the dis. am-J dents, and most highly respected, is jspot. ,,r iH-lnie- to't'li" ni'/ire aetTvVr- Aii.'l scnreely known at all 'to the citizena j "It U a r mody that tr.-ats ond through all then trials and penis they t Toronto. He is almost monk-hke cures causes-prevents disease M-r.-ad- r rpullv Kuti^Heil lu "'9 ' OV 8 f seclusion, and anyone (IBB- I who will sp.-k him in hie studio liiffli 1 "Reaches the Innermost recesses of M.iili tlm eutcli ..r AnnniTionfl ,nL "wv m srci\ nun HI utfl siuuio i i tbo Yonpe -trent ArenHp inrl lll ' throat, rose, bronchial tubes, and tliouirhtle-s of anv ..thcr occupation "P In l .-\rcaae, ><}.. thai, the catel,i,,,/L.f the e,,d. ! >! him in conversation, will ..^i eviates cbest Sl>rencss . \t (!-pe tliero i- an interval ol b delighted and astonished by the lobster catching that means, money, vast store of information he possesses. hut HloiiL' lh I.abrud.,r there is noth- not '.'; rc>1 y, ul)out art - l)ut al> ? 1 ^ cur - fro.n .lulv until the ice forms rnit hf. about th,> history of Toron- a-aiu in October but rod, or, as they to and her leadmi- citizens, and every it "li-l, " Th.. MairdaU-ner is a """'f topic connected with the past hprrinif cod <ir II "' future of Canada and Cana- ! ,' > __, t ':.!:.,.,., ...... .i , i Hiii-a.lor di;ln - c - He is a tall man with n long. t-"-". asthma, bn.nchltls. catarrh. f'Rr,'y l.read. and deep ,, t ev-s that coughs, colds, ami winter - - L'at-irrlioz .n<- is unquestionably the i>r--athul>!.- cnld. nn -rtirlne. an.l hu- ln free from all ilru-.v-y dnins. .-ntlro- Iy .1.1 fe for c'lililnn jiti.l o!.l fyll. : it - tin ideal family n:iie.l>. Re- .1 liv the tn.-illca! pr - 11. Hid sold by all r.'lia'.il.- dial. i>. Bc- .-. a:- of imitations. Bet "i \itarrh- 171.111'" ,,:ily; lart;.' si::e lasts t\vi> and N ^'.i:i rant -I'd. price JI: .He. I'.y mail one Company. :si ; toa, Ont. "Stops co;ii.hliiK instantly. "Pr.'vents bronchial Irritations. "RV-lievtS cviKgcd nostrils. "Cures -nj.rU's and nasal catarrh. "Prevnts l.a Orio; . "Has proven itself a euro for weal lungs. lo.;s of vole,'. t-pi'iiktTs' sore .iiiuint t ,u n- M tli.' ca-t. eoa-t aeiiding out alnio-t all their men ... io the north c.-unt.-y ju-r .1- -. m as pen* a little in June. Rally :n ,i),.ntii ihe li-liiii^ .-cliiMiiu'i's --tart ,.n theii !..ii'j inn i|..wn 'lie C,,H-I. dod-.'iiik.' tiiriiii'jli the i^e li.-l.l-. ru:i- An Education.il Anomaly. Tliero i- a vini.ri.ns in,i\enient in Regina at pre-ent ti.r the esublish- Miii'.' int. I..TI in face ..i a Moini 01 a me nt <.f a teciinical school. \Vhon the .,,,. ,. , threatening icefloe, and truauna moi i educational aotboride* met recently, mailer siz.-s ^:.c ami 5 '. I'l.ivideix-e tlmii t, SUjfht elM l-.r a (*is,-ii-Mon t.,,ik place as to the need Von! The CkUrrDOSOl -ai. -iy. It i- a fears. nn.' run, o f a more practical educational *y.-vm that lii-t trek northward; -Ukiui.; in the city. It was ursed against the I l,,.t!iiiii .'iL-iiin-t k;rindititf. in- present schools, that they succeeded f* 'C*1& ? |\| O CURED ,!.. ice: and many a Ncwfuun. I- 'admirably in fittim,' pnp'il- :,,r pro- *^ ^ 3^ 1T1 ' bind home is empty ir..m a lofing fessional life, but that thev contribut- : \'<-ars In <i~r. Cur.' (jiuiraiui-ed. si. 11 :.- nil drtiKRlM-. 2.'.'. b.ittli-s. He- .. tltutes. I i " ' ' '4 h,. spends h:s day- on the wati-r. his |Were no t suited to the community. It .veiling- uplitting the day* ratobi analtHma just to criticize the lohoola of a his niylits in the niake.-luU shack* western city of the size of Regina sit- 1 . tlnit aiv d.-cm-u -ufli.'ient ...vniirf ua ted in the midst of one of the great- PUTNAM'S PAINLESS fur the tin'. ..... i- low month* season eat farming districts in the world. 1 In that northland. As few women now | w han on the curriculum of those' venture noith. tin- li-h.-i tn.-n must schools, practically nothing is taught' all their own work in the | which is of the slightest assistance to' of :lic lisli. They ar* tin- boys und girl* whose natural life out.' v.' the lishini: to attend to ]ook i s t j, 9 ]ail( , SXTRACTOR |i-i!.rm lli.l" to I,' the dryiii'.'. with ib' 1 i'' 1 -" 11 that many; j jet weg t e rn cities beware of making o! them tempt the fate ,,t u umt''i- suiT t |, e m i s t a ke of Kastern Canada, by ..l.,ni! mi inli,i-)'iuii.l>'. asMTted *f l dvlng too predominant a place to the 1 l,v remainirta north until the muu "humanities," and teaching boya to \.,M-ml)pr. -pen, hue tnc .a-t i.-w Despise the honest toil of workshop 1 .v.-.'L- in can-Hilly ntiliwnj e\ery ray la , u f{ arm The cities of the west have 1 .., Mill-bin.' '.- uiake the best >aie t | lpir future a great future; -but the (or their ware:-. And then i backbone of the oities must be the' back through th. ev. r -thick, < wheat-rustling prairie. Lt the sons .nid increii-nii: -i. .mi- - \sorse tlian o ( pioneer prairie farmere be 4ncour- (he -priim run. aged to stick to the prairie. Courief. OVER es YEARS' EXPERIENCE Old-Tim Humor. Tlie Daily Teh-uraph of St. John. N K . i.'o'iitly w- sli..wii by Mr. (i I.. I'urdy .'( thai city a copy of tin. "New Dominion und True llimiot- lit." published at St. .loliu on .\un.-t HI. 1^0". The Tt'li'^raph IMVC- -ampK-a i.i htimor from that old-time publica- tion. They may lu-lp n< to arrive at a conciu.-i'on as to \\hftht-r Canadian huiiior li> M-iilly fnilfii .,n evil days. H.-IV an- mm.- i.arai:ra|ih.- that wci.' ax rue mil's and Mi'-'ucstif.ns for All Sound. Fred \Vhnt do yon think of my ar- ciiinont? W!!l Round; most certainly emiiiv'.. Fred- What else? \VIIl-Noth- Inj; else; merely sound. It- thnt Is of n merry heart hath a continual feast. TRADE MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS Ac. \nron lenAIng ankMrl. nj .tc-orinth-n mar OnU'kly nm-ert'tni enr ni>,i i. .; fTM VMAIM9 M hirelltlon in liriihnl.ljr |miiitiil.|o. O.imiiunlcn tluiuwncllf conlldcittlal. HANDnOOK vii I'KU-IIU ri-ul frort iililent naonrf fur j*^.-un,v palelilw. HKtenta taken tnroaili Muiin ft Cu. rvlT tftfi'i- nofiCt, wit Tiout clinruo, lutbo Scientific Hntericatt. A tiAnrtHomtly IlluntnilM w^-l:h- 1 rw-.-nl ,-ir .'ulmioii ot nny .-irniill.- ILIIIIIA!. l-iim lor , , v,,l.i. J: V. a yval. I'.'M.i^ .- pi,-ni:i|. Sold I ftll "r.si I. j: H Uraucb oniM.. rl K 8( VaaklaftOsV 1>. "It is highly Important t.. the ear at thi> -MNIMIII of the year curs of c..rn can h- <-uKiv:t*il at MTV Ktllo expcllsi'. "Never ilriim on the piniin as it is very offensive to the drum of the ear. "In duett^ ii y 'ii n rn aloii.> play with Anna-matioii. ami I- it u-ll. \iway< lie pHitictilar t., ^Imw tim.'^r- ring.' especially if it is n brilliant one." ('aniiiliiin Courier, "Bill" and "Dan." .lust livo years at-, i the Toronto ll.inrd <if Trade t'.iv. 1 11 notahle hn .|ilet ill honor id' Mr. \\illinni Muckeii- /.(< nn. I Mr. H. D. Mann (.neither of Ihein had then IHMMI kniulitt><l), to ci-le- lirate the entry into Toronto of the Canadian Northern KaiUuiy. Neither of the giu'ttt.s cnnlil nmkt> much of a s]i<ecli, lalUini; Mot lieiiiK lln'ir lout; -int. Hut Mr. '/.. A. Lush talked for Ihein. It \viis n., lartlK-r Imck thiiii Iri'.M! that Sliicken/.if and MIIIIM nctivt'ly he- (,'an lln'ir traiiM'oiitini'iitnl mail. In that year they nwne.l mily l'J5 miU-s ..I mihuiy. In |!'(Ki they owned 4,!'llO miles, mill liH,l e>talilisheil I.TJ n.-u !,,u I 1 - in the rfe.-l. All, I ~ll|,e l!ii Ii they havi? dune a lot of thinus, us ever\ h...|y Uliuws. Famous Walkers M.iy Meet. A. T Veolllllinl-. In. I, lei' of the Iwo- nnle heel HIII! t".' walknm r,-,- r,| \\\ Ci-ent Itritiiin. i- out with n clmlieime t., m. rt (;i.((j\'e < ;,,iil,iii",'. the gen**. tiolllll wn Ike? "! ( ':HI.'I,|:I, I'..|' iui\ ihs- ' 'I n, ','. from nite 'i:ileH, for $l,l'HKl!l si.li'. The ollllllrn.'e us mHllA .h lie.,. M.'l 1,'iuiKI. the ..|i,.rtinu innii Who .liivi ta '.lii' lei i I Mutt \\ell . the iivlihu <-lininpi..ii l),,xrr of client Britain. NERVOUS DEBILITY OUR NEW METHOD TREATMENT will euro vou ami mako a r.\n of y.'ii. I n.l r lismllucni-e tlu> In- .in bcvonraa ctiro, tin- Hood puriiu- i so tint till |iiiii|il.- . Ii . .;. i.-m-.-i.l i !.vi-fi lir .1 tip: tiio tu'rvt'n IHHMIIIC str.a^' as ^to.l. s<> th?it iierti,ii<:ii- -J. I hi: I era nail ilvapontlKncj' iliu)<|K\ir: tlir oys INVIIIK ln-k-lit. tin- I ' I ' 111 I I > 1 'e.r. ' 'I ' >" I :nr:t : !,i|'l I oilv. ati'l 111" ll|..r::l, pllV-ic.ll Hll.l lllvlltlll s i ruii-.i l-nl ,,t-:i', I: ill il.-.iius i-.-is> uu inor* vital \\iislo from tho s\st.-m. ^' ni 1 ' ' >."! r'fn iii-i'iiin 1 l,:i,.- iifu-ri:v;<! cauu./t bu u (ailurc. Pont IU quacbl MM f:.Liis fu i you of jmtr lmr.1 curui'il ilolUrs. f f~ NO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT THREATENED WITH PARALYSIS rr r. Rummers rolatos hla "I was tnml.lud with Xcrvnus Debility tomwnyyi us. i lay It to lodlatmUoa anil e .tv.vM-s in y.tnOi. I becntiK) Vi-rv ile-|io:uli'til nnd iiiilti't care \\hrtluT I . <.r u.,t. 1 imueiiuxl evcryUnly \\lui l.Kiki'd at. mo guessed my srci-ct. ImtgloatlTO drMnti at uight nrukoiu'tl mo inv IMC'., acliod, luiil pains iu tbr baidt . I my i ..l. liandi and foot , ,- e-'l.l. tired in the inoruin^, iioor appetite. Iliwrx wero slaky, oj'i's blurred, hair lOOMS iiiein.'i-y iv.or, rtu. Niiinlincs- in UIP lliiKi'i-ii set ill mi. I Hi.- d.H.'t,i' told mo ImfmrtHl ptiml\>ii 1 took ull kinds or inedlclun mnl t\-ln\ \n:u\\- (lrst-clns pnys^ohuia, wore, mi electric Ix^lt forthtx-o , lil.inllii, 1'iit tvei-iveil liitli> K 'iin.-.ly, though [had lost nil initl'i in * rtt " TRt T "t > T ini-j. T.ikenirowtihisiimii I eommrntwd Urn Nnw METHOD TRK*TMI!CT and It ,i my lif.- Tim Improvement \vm likn mBic I could fsel UierlKoriroiuirtlirottM ii..n.-. 1 Hiweuft-diiu-iitllyandpliysicully. 1 have scut them inauy wiiou mi. I iMuiuiue to iin so. CURES GUARANTEED OR NO PAY ,ffi.WB* TO^AWCM. ^S^S^SB^Jf^SSi BCFORC TDIATMtNT ii, DRS.KENNEDY&KENNEDY Cor. Michigan Avc. and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich. ^"'IMIP^NnTICP A1) letters from Catiada must bemldrcssed y.'-^ir "** ' (lri '-<r Canadian Corrfspomlence IK iM'i- "^^M incut iu Windsor, Out. If vou desire to rsonally c.,11 nt our Medk-al Institute in Detroit as we see amr treat no patient* it, our \\ ,.! ;,,!, nrc {or Correspondence nnd ot> for Canadian business only. Address all letters as follow;- DRS. KENNEDY & KENNEDY, WinJ.or, Ont. ^ . .1 ' (V.r our prlvnto nf

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