Flesherton Advance, 7 Mar 1912, p. 5

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March 7 191 1 FLESHERTOX ADVANCE . . . ' THE STANDARD BANK E*uudu OF CANADA A Complete Banking Service Available for Manufacturing and Commercial Houses, Wholesale and Retail Merchants, Municipalities, Corporations, tarmers and private individuals. 80 Savings Bank Department at every Branch. FLESHERTON BRANCH George Mitchell, Manager B A NICHED AL-SO AT DURHAM AMD MARR.UTO C. P. R. Time Table. Conductor Patterson Dead Trains follows : leave Fleshertun Station as | About 8 o'clock on Friday evenint! ! last, while Conductor Thomas H. Patter- Going South Going North ! son of the Walkerton branch of th- 7.43 a. m. 11.28 a.m. 'C.P.R. was waiting tor the night train 4.33p.m. 8. 53p. in. 'at Saugeen Junction ho wus sudden!} The mails are closed t Flesherton a.< | stricken with apoplexy. He was taker follows : For the north at 10.40 a.m. and j to his home at Walkerton, where death 7 p.m. ; and the afternoon mail south at intervened at 2^ /clock Saturday morn- :1.40 o'clock. For morning train south | . Mp . Patterstm W]ia ;l highly es- inail close at ! p.m. the previous ev g. ' teemed official by all who travelled on - * the VValkerton line aud the news of his j sudden death cime us a distinct shock to those who knew him. Hi- was nf a cheery nature and had a smile for every- bjdy, while he always tried to make it as pleasant as possible |for those un- fortunates who had to make tlte tedious VICINITY CHIPS Twelve cates of smallpox are reported j from Grand Valley. Mr. Jeff Tliistletliwaite returned to Totonto Tuesday. Mis* Ten* LeCSard of Toronto is visit- ing nt the parental home. * Mies Boyd of Epping was a visitor at Mr. Guy <>' lust week. Mis. (Dr. ) R. Henderson and little >OD of Toron'o are quests of relatives in town. Mr. Willie Cainu of Bolton was the guest of his cousin. Miss Mary Burnett, last week. Born At IMIo Plain, Saak.. on Feb. 12th, to Mr. .ind Mrs. Ernest Morrison, daughter. Sharp weather IKK prevailed, during she p*st week, l.ut frea from storms a iTt-at relief. Mr. Jack rait of four hours at t Injunction. Tbe family have in fd in NValkurton since tbe completion of the Walkerton line. He leaves a widow and family of seven children, the eldest, Harold, with the G.T.P. in the went; Elmer with th? C . P. R. at West Toronto, aud the rest at home. Frozen to Death Thomas Stewait, ;i farmer living fe mile* weat of Lions Head ,md it ThUtlethwaite hiis moved into hi* brother'.* house, by Mr. Ed. Th iii[..i,. lately vacated of Mis. John J. Browti, Sydenham, was found frozen to death in tht snow bunk beside the road . ,-ir hit home on Thurs- day nigLt l.ut. He had been it Culpoya during the afternoon and on I. way home encountered tbe fierce blizzard that swept this district. His horses inanigel tu get through to Lions Head and a little beyond. There Stewart went to a farm house and borrowed a lantern to help W. Belts of Uedwiun ws kil'ed while h' m out "long the drifted roads. That working an ed^t'i in the mwn.ill. He was a widower with two children. Born At Ilwriston, Feb. 'JStli, to Mr. and Mrs. K A. Sinclair (nee Misa Ben. Hales), of Teeswater, a daughter. Mr. Fred Ksrstudt wus home fom Torunln I'uiversiiy the first part of the week to attend the funeral uf the late John McMilltn. Mr. and MM. Fred Morley left the latter part of Ust weok for Weyl.urn, Sask., where they hare situations. Advance wishes them success. The remains of the latd John Me niill-.ii! who died in was the last seen or him alive. It s supposed that in his absence the team moved away from where ho had left them, as they were found in a fence cor- ner almost buried in snow. Stewart was overcome by the colii and storm and collapsed before reaching his sleigh, and his body was later discovered in a drift I alongside the frtn next to that owned by him. O. S. Sun. Rev. D. McLennan, Secretary of the The Children's Aid Society, has been cal'ed upon i !IM week to investigate what ia ili.'U ' to be a shocking caso of cruelty California, arrived i perpetrated by a woman uorth of here on Saturday and interment was made in the South l.iin- cemclvry on Mondiy. Mr. Fisher's baiber shop came very near goiog up in *nioke and Hme one . l.iy last week. <>u returning to work after the noon hour Tom found un incip- ient Maze at the tear of the shop in some cloth and a few minutes muro would have put it beyond control, as a -.mull Unlit was already burned in the ll >i Mis.s I > ;i Mitchell entertaiued about twenty of the youu people uf tho town at a Leap Ye.ir party, given in honor of her cousin, Miss Mitchell of Michigan. The sumo evening Miss IK-ll Thurntun entertained the out-of-town High School W'i.irton against her uiue-mooths-old child. The mother ia reported to have left the infant in a most neglected stxtu at homo, while she went away on a t*o r three aays' stny. The infant is al- iened to have been in an almost perished state when a kindly disposed neighbor took charge of it. -Hanover Fust. Horses for Sale Spun of good buy horses, well-matched, or will exchange for heavier team, suit- I able for eg wagon. M. SCl'LLY, Cu.; Flesheiton. Mrs. Geo. Stuirt was suddenly] called Holstein Friesian Cattle Bull for Service Cn*rv Butter Hoy t'alaiiilty. No. 10:>31. bied by H. 1-'- ti'Mir^i- of t'ratnpton. Out. Sire, butter Boy Ctlamlty No. (7"uUi, Daui, Canary Uolilio Antioipatlon No. (994:1). Tersna Kogis toreil c"w* W.OO. Urade 91.00. on Wediuvsdiy <>f last weok to what was supposed to be the death bed of her brother, Mr. Clarence Johnston of Thornbury, who was ill with hemorrhage LotUJ. aE.T. ft 8.U. of the stomich. VVe understand there is improvement in tho condition of the ulfeier. Mr. Johns! nu is a married mail with a \vifeuml two children. Mr. George Clarke, son of Mr. J. D, Chirk, of the Dopirtim-nt of Justice, Ot- tawa, and gr.uidson of Mrs. J. W. Anr.- TAMWOBTH SWIKB KeKtsteroJ Tauiv,-ortl> Hoar. Terms Ctmdo Sow tl.OO. Browu Lrgboru and White Wyandottc Poultry. Stock for Sale. Ken* for Hatching, KU'HAKD ALI.KV, Klebertoi>. p. o. Coughs, Coitis Bronchitis strong, Floshcrton, lias been appointed niHiiager of the Canadian Bank of Com- merce, in tho town of Forest, Out. If there Is an ailment in the- throat or chest, it is surely essential that the remedy be conveyed direct to the af- fected part. It's because the healing , ! vapor of Catarrho/.ono Is breathed into Geoige has many friendi hereabout who the gorc | rr jtated throat and bron- nll be xld to hear of his rapid advance- , chlal tubes, because Us balsamic fumes .... . uu kill the germs and destroy the cau?e ment in his chosen profess.on. He has , \ trmlblc . ThPSC a re the reason* recently been accountant in the bauk namrd at Fetorbvro. You judge a man not by what he proimseii to do, but by what ho ha* done. That in the only true test. Chamberlain's why Catarrhozone never yet faileU tc cure a genuino ca.c of Catarrh. A.-th- ma. Rroncl-itis. or Throat Trouble. The wonderfully soothing vipor o: Catarrhozone Instantly reach'-:< thi P k furthest recesses of the lun.-. ;ivo iduces a healing, curative offoot thut I.- it terms of praise. For sale by all dealer*. Married Remedy jud'd hy this (rtandard has nosnper- j j mpo81 , ib i t , w |,h a tabl'-t or liirilil lor. 1'eople every where m>ck nf it in the high- which Roes merely to the st.i'ii.ifh, a:u. falls entirely to help ttu- thrmt c: lung?. To permanently run- v>;ir Wlutc Ills, your coughs, snet'Xin.tc ^r.'l <":i tarrh. by all means uso a trv.-.l .->.ni ,. 'proven remedy like Cat.irrli . /<>, ''11 MaUee LeO*rd--Al tho Methodi t beware of the substltutor aivl :-Tiit;itor parsonage, Kugnm. on Feb. ii8, by Hev. Jf ^/^, ^,*1 ( ^ hc " ne o:!!/ i0t ' *"' Mr. Campbell, Rita M y I.eGard, eldest. duughter < f Mr and Mrs. H. LeOard Thomas Albert Maiien of Onom*. Sask. I "^ T *% ** * M Ai ^ T\ 5'1 ^ at all '^Catarrhozoir A. runaway on the west back line might have been very serious. The h"is. started from the house und proceeded down the road, the driver after him hl- erinn " Whou ! ' but the- borne UIUH have been deaf or the driver i stranger, fur the burse never heeded. The poor nun was nearly exhausted n-hcn a neigh- bor atoopdd iho horse, The driver hap- pened ' .be keepina house for a frienn ind win Huppiiaed to he taking the fam- ily out for a drive or out looking f< i uears, but he got started for the town i : Proton. Then it was the poor horse got exhausted but returned home happy and decided not to go out looking for penis till the right season arrived. Com. Hound Came Astray Came to my premises on Saturday, Feb. 17. one black and white hound. Mark Wilson, Flt-sherton. Chest Inflammatio. Odds and Ends MISCELLANEOUS Men Wanted- To drive team. Steady work to right iran, $<>0 per mouth, married men preferred, Apply In ft. II . Vause, ih :iy and transfer, Sank. Good man and girl wanted to in went in March. For particulars apply at this .ttica. Wanted Local canvasser to solicit cream shipments. Apply giving refer- XIIC-K nnd quali ticationt; to Walkerton Eg<; and Dairy Co , Walkerton, Ont. ARTICLES FOR SALE II. D. Meldrum, Portlaw. issuer o marmee licenses. Suffered From a Heavj Cold, Pleuritic Pains ii Side Constant Cough- ing. "Anyonf that goo* through a I thai offered la*t ivintor will am-rJc/: -. ,' , value or a remedy that cures iik \er vilin,. cured me." These are the o-,cn Ing word, or the solemn ecl the solemn declaration E P. Von Hayden. tho well-knr.vi violinist of Middleton. "My work k*n at night ' and Plavin-r' : places brought on a ., cold . vere cold that setUeJ on my c h had a harsh racking cough and sum, pains Jartc; through my side and settled in m; hflUUMK, I nsci different liniment? but none broke u; my cold ti!! I tisei Nerviline. I r:i '. bed it on my neck shoulders, morninn an pain Nerviline CURES CHEST COLDS Chamberlain'* Couflh Kemadv h won i frreat reputation and extensive stU 1 by il r i .i.nk.:li'i' curi i>f cougbc, roldaand croup. h can b dfpjini.'d upon. Try it. Sjld by ' all dealer* Just Breathe 84, Cure is Sure chest and nljrht. and all tho Realizing that such a heavy colj h run down my system. I <ooK Ferrnzon at meals, and waa completely built u and strengthened. Since using .Nervi line I have no more colds or pleuris} and enjoy perfect health." It's because Nerviline contains th purest and moat healing essences an medicinal principles, because it ha the power of sinking throujrli the pore to tho kpmel of the pnln thein nr the reasons why it breaks up cold cures lumbago, stiffness, neuralgia sciatica, and rheumatism, l.vr ;.. . :ui; substitute your dealer may su;ji;pt- Insist on Nerviline only. Large bot ties. 50c. trial size 25c- Sold every where, or The Catarrhozune Co-. Kins aton. Ont. EXTENSIVE CREDIT Auction Sale OK- Farm Stock, Implements and Household Furniture The undersigned ha^ been instructed by Mr. O.'o. Whewell to sell by Public Auction, <>u Lot 17, Concession 8, Osprey ON- Thurs;, March 7, 1912 The following artirlrs numety : purpi'He horse ten years old, 1 Kcnor.il purpose home rising twelve yeni.solJ, 1 Muricultural horse colt ns- ina IMIO ytar old, Cairnbrogio Siatnp, 1 agricultural m in- colt iuiiif< one yer old, Citiinbruitie iStHinp, 1 cow rising fivu yeurs old, due Mxreh ?7, 1 cow fnui years old, duo April 12, 1 cow risinn tlueo years old. due Apiil US, 1 cow ninn years old, due May 11, 1 cow rising three years old, duo Juno 30, 1 cow IIMIIJ sin yt.-trs old, mtpposcd to be in culf. 1 heifer rioing 'J yc>ir.t old, 2 heifer calves rising one your old, ThcroiiKhbrcd Berkshire sow, due in Match. 40 Ply- mouth Hock hens, Plymouth [Wk muster, Uronx.B turkey. Mastiey Hums bindei, Oft cut. McCnrmick binder, 5ft cut, seed drill. MntNey Harris cu'tivHtnr, nearly new, BUscl steel roller, 9ft, nearly new, sulky ritke. No. 21 Pnris plow, Uoudy plow. No. 12 Fleury plow, 2-furrow Cockshutt gun<! plow. snit lii I'lill harrow., sett It-bull harrows, Se't springtouth harrows, w.igon bo.x and slock rack, top bugirv, settof s'ei^hx, cutter nearly new, Fetter Htmilton culling box. Mousey Hitrris cutting box, sttt 2UOO pounds stock scales, Chatham fanning null xnd bugger, \Vutt. fanuing mill, luigvy pule and neckyoke, setc pea hirvesteis. sett double lmi-nes<>, sett single Imrneafe, sett pluw harness, turnip pulp;r, wheel barrow, su^ar kettle, feed pot, 100 sap buckets and RpileK, hay rnck, stone bout, 50 fe t if palvnnized |'i|'iii,. drill ui I hHinmcr fur )>l-istin ! ;, sci'op shovel, 30 grain bags, logging chain, grain cradle, grindstone, mkes forks, scythes ami other articles too numerous to men' ion. Dominion piano, new, upholstered mm chair, upholstered rocker, couch, contre table, 4 dining (.linns, kitchen table, box stove, cook stove. without reserve as the west. TEIlMS: All sums of ^5 and under, cash; over that amount ten months' crodil will be given on approve*! joint notes, ti per ceil', oil' for cash in lieu of notes. S.i'n- to stait nt 1 o'clock p.m. sharp. Geo. Whewell, Win Kitting, Proprietor. Auctioneer. Good draft year old colt for sale. Alex. McKne, Ceylon P. O. Fur Sale (lood general purpose horse Apply to A. E. Walker. Eugenia p. o. - One 05 note Player, 1 Ennis newest design, 1 New Scale Williams Luuii XV. Style, strictly new and gjnrin'eed by the company. Will sell these at grent reduction during March. Call and see theie inecrumenls. L. Becker, Proion Station. Hay For Sale \. Beattiu has a few tons of No. 1 pressed hay for sale at $17 per tou. For rale chuap und IM.-.V term), or rent immediate possession, first c'.ass brick veneered dwelling in Euguniit, good fur nice and suit and hnrd water in house, splendid garden and orchard. Apply to R. J. Sproule, Flesheruiu, Ont. 27cedtf For sale Cheap and on easy terms, goad comfortable frutnu houtie, and two good villiage lots, in Flesherton. apply to R. J. Spoule. Lots for sale at reasonable prices A number of uuod building lots on the lute W K. Flcshcr euUte, Flesherton, on Toronto and Sydenliit u :ind Durham H'reets. Apply to R. .1. Sproulc, Flesherton, Out. Farm fur Sale or Ken' Lot 3, con. 1 ; . and lot 4, cun 14, Osprey, better known as the Georua Myers fsnu 200 acres '>"' under cultivation, good building*, well tered. Apply to W. A. Armstrong, KMiettnn. ISep tf Good brick IIDUHH and two lota for sale or i i'ii'- in FleohertoD, also park lot con- taining ;H acres. App'p to A. Shtckle- ford. Spirella Corsets for sale. These cor- sets will not rust nor break. Mixs Nich- olaun has a fw left, will be- sold cheap, I' 1 to ::o. Pure bred shorthorn bull, ten inunthit old, also pure Shorthurn heifer, lining three, due und of April, and one sett heavy sleighs, fur -.1 V cheap. G. Orr, FUnheiton. cupbo.mU All will be Hold owner is going MINI M. A. Becker, pupil of Miss W. B. Freeman, will takn 't limited number of pupils for iiistruc ion on the piano at her h-inie, Proton Station. For MO tlays we tfer the balunce of our ntock of Men'* fur coals, nn<l Boys' heavy overcoats and reefers , Ladies' fur ami heavy cloth coats, fur caps, muffs, stoles, caperinet and gauntlets at cost. L. Becker. Proton Station. AUCTION SALES An extensive credit auction sale of f.-n in .stuck and imp'ement.s will ha held un lut :!:>. con. <{. Artenifsi*, nt Rock Mills, on Thursday, Murch 14, the prop- erty of Mr. Hi. iiu i- Fisher. Mr. Kittlier is ';nMi : to Idaho mil uverytliing must be soKI. D. McPhnil, auelioneer. Stock for Sale On lot 20, 1 N. D, K, Artemesia, 1 horse 3 years old, 1 hursc agod, 1 cow | 8 years old, su|>|>oi>ed to be in calf, 1 cow ( 10 ytMrs old, supposed to be in calf, II co* 7 years old, supposed to be in culf, ' 1 heifer rising two .years old, 2 steers rising tw<> yens o'd, three calves, 10 i-wi-s supposed tu be in lamb, 1 rum, 4 pigs four months old. -GEO. WILLIAMSON. Flesherton Skating Rink Skitinv every night in th weok. Huckey from 7 '<' until 8.30 Mi>nJ:iy and Thursday*. Bund eiery Friday niu'M Oeneiiil nl i i MIHI lOc, Friday ui^lii i 15 cents. S.iturdiiy :ifteiiH'on for learner? only. J. & W. Boyd Proprietors. Our Clubbing: List Th following prices are for strictly paid in ndviuicesubscriptioiisoiily. We have no accounts with other papers. Ktenhertoti Advunco ....... t I 00 Youths Companion .......... - 0() Toronto World. dily ....... 2 00 Toronto Dnily News ...... I &> Weekly Globo ........ 86 Mail-Kmpiru ..... ..... SO Family Hum Id & Star ...... H5 Toronto Stur .............. 1 W Farmer Sin ............ To Farmers Advocate .... ...... I &> Weekly Wiioew ............ 80 "0 HOMXS Jouri'.'l Poultry News . . : ....... '^> Punl ry IJcvinw ........... 40 Kuil aud t!un niiisii/.iuc ...... 80 SEHLERS' TRAINS TO- MAN1TOBA, ALBERTA SASKATCH EWAN Ttie only through line LOW COLONIST RATES Kor with tivotock M>d Special Trains Will lave Toronto Each TUESDAY MARCH and APRIL 10.20 P.M. SruJrn Ind fimill<-> withoul livalock houUiiK Regular Trains leaving Toronto 10.20P.M. Daily ThrouKh Colonist and Tourist SlMpcr* Colonist Cars on all Trains No charvc for'berthi* Through Trains Toronto to Winnipeg and West Ailc my C.P.R. Aient for mm at " Sdllrn' Guide" REPABRS Did you say repairs? We have them for McCormick machines mower parts, binder parts; in fact, we carry a complete line for old McCormick machines as well as new. Drop in. Let us figure with you on the repair question. Make your wants known. We will tell you exactly what it will cost to repair your old machine, and in case the expense would be too great we will frankly tell you so, thus placing you in a position where you can get your new McCormick machine in time for harvest We handle a. complete line of McCormick machines, and will be glad to see you at any time. If you are not ready to buy, call and get our catalogues anyway. They will interest you. They will inform you as to exactly what we have, and then you will know exactly what you want when you get ready to buy. 3^============r====rz^====r=============================s S. Hemphill, Agent, Ceylon, Ontario. NEW STORE OPENED AT EUGENIA ! Don't blame the C'ook if she cannot get good Bread, just buy a bag of Meafbril Flour, when the whole trouble will be ended and you will realize what quality means in the bread line. The following are the differ- ent brands : Ideal, Five Lily, Lily White and Bakers, Special for Bread, and Snow White for pastry. Sold by J. H. PARKE GENERAL MERCHANT Eugenia, - - Ontario. GROCERIES OF QUALITY In All Lines For Lent LALE SUPERIOR HERRING 7 cts. LAKE SUPERIOR TROUT 7 cts. l.iptnn's Tea Fluur and Feed- -OyilvitM Koyal Household, White Kuse and Morning Glory. A'.l these things and many more can be had at i i^lii piices .-it The Grocery of Quality W. L. Wright, Grocer, Flesherton VARICOSE VEINS CURED |0- NO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. Confined to His Home for Weeks. "Henry work, sovpro straininc; ami evil habits in youth brought on Vnriwse Veins. Wheu 1 worked liar.l the aching would become severe and 1 was often laid up S'it a woelc at a time. My family pliy ~i i i.m Uiid luo nu operation was my > >uly ho|>e L'Ut 1 dreaded it. I tried several specialists, but soon found out all they wanted was my Diouey. I commenced to loolt upon all doctors as little better than KIL;'I *. One day my boas asko 1 mo why 1 was off work so much and itoltl lilramr conilfiin. HoodviseUmeto consult Drs. Kennedy & Kennedy. usuehiultuKon tn-ntmenl. from them himself and knew they wcro s'i'ian- an-l skillful. I wroto them and got THK NEW METHOD TREATMENT. My progress was sumciyhat slow and during the tlrst month's treatment I was nomewhat discouraged. However, I continnl treatment for three months lunger and was rewarded with acnmplpte cure. 1 could only earn $l'-i a week in a machine shop before Lreatntpnt. now I nm rarninK SSI and never loose a day. I wibli all sufferers knew of your valuable treatment.. 11ESKYC. LOCUST. HAS YOUR BLOOD BEEN DISEASED? BLOOD POISONS are the most prevalent and most sorious diseases. They sap the very life blood of tbe victim and unless entirely erft.lleat.-d from tho system will causo sonons complications. Bt>ware of Mercury. It may suppress the symptoms our NEW METHOD cures all blood diseases. YOUNG OR MIDDLE AGED MEN. Imprudent acts or later excesses have broken down your svsUm. 'i ou feel the symptoms sto.Uine over yon. Mentally, physically and vitally you are not the man you used to be or should be. will you heed the danger signals? DCinCD Are you a TictimT Have you lost hope? Areyou Intending to roarryf Has itAUl ll your blood been diseased? Have you any weakness? Our NEW METHOD TREATMENT will euro you. What it has done for others It will do for you. Coiuulution Fr. No matter who has trcnted you, write for an honest opinion Fre of Chan*. Book* Fr ''Boyhood, Manhood, Fatherhood." (Illustrated) un Diseases of Men. NO NAWES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. PRIVATE. No M on box> or cnTlop. ErerytKinc Confidential. Question Lint and Cot of Tr.t m .nt FREE FOR HOME TREATMENT. DRS.KENNEDT&KENNEDY Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St. Detroit, Mich. M AT I O F ^" letters from Canadu must be addressed H V I I W Ei to our Canadian Correspondence Depart - ^ ment in Windsor, Out. If you desire to see us personally call at our Medical Institute in Detroit as we see and treat no patient* in our Windsor offices which are for Correspondence and Laboratory for Canadian business only. Address all letters as follows : DRS. KENNEDY & KENNEDY, Windsor, Oat Write for mir private address. 1

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