II .. March 7 1912 T II E F LE S H K R T N ADVANCE 'Advance' Small Ads. Look over them weekly. There may be something for YOU WINDOWS IN MANILA. BUSINESS CARDS I CUl.l.Ul'iiH & YOUNG I Hanker* Markdalo gOiieral banking business. Money loaned at reasonable rate* Call ou us. TCHI8LKTT. PMtuitiiti-r, '"avion. Couimiiiloner m H. '. .1 . Conveyancer, If .'.N imiitKiu: ". !-. ", will* etc. carefully drawn up olIvctlouH mad. 1 . cliarijua rcaHonahlu. Also crooorim, flour. feoJ etc. kept In Block, IViooe liKut. R.I Sl'KO'.'LE. Flexlierton oiiin.i-M.-ii.-: in H.O J.. Auctlonee Con* veyaacnr. Appraiser and Money Lender Meal Knistn and Insurance Agent. DeodH. iuo'U;Kf. !'"' " 1 will* carefully drawn and valuations made on ihortent notice ou..y to loan at lowotit ratei o( interest. Col- otij:n attended to with prouiptnem ehuii low. Agent lor Ocean Dominion Company. A call ollcitd. Farms For Sale or Rent PAltU PORHALK-Lotno'J. In llio .'.til con- c<jB*iou of the towimhip uf Arteiiiunia. con- taining IUO iii-rim. eii;bty-nvo ncies olarod, I .,il H mi lianlwood limlier. 1'roperky of tbo WWW, J. r..-.iit . . Thero is it bank liarn kiid rougbcast houo on promised ana i) wwll watered. Will '< Hold on rosKO.mblo tumiR. Apply to Jainoul,. McMnlleii, Cujrion p. o.,l)nt. l,'n|{ SAIjK Chesp anl cay terms. K nut * noli) soon, (or rent to suitable tisno't. North half lot :W an i iot 40. con, 11, Artenii'Hia. and lot 1, oon. Ii Uspruy, '1X1 aorns. about i ' i cleared bslauco innHtly timbered 1auil, bard H:J.I Hoft wood ; ^ond Mtune dwelling and frame bam, stabling utidor : wtstl \vatoru<l with uever- foiling small uprini; creek ciof>inn fnrin close to harul This i an excellent uraiti or ::nt/in;: farm aud will bu Hold very ohnn if titktin ut onco and on any t.-im . Applj to It. J. Si'i.i-ilr, Kletiliorton, Out. DM. i II Ml . Licensed Auotionoor for the County of Qrey. Temm moderate aud ratlsiacilou guaranteed. The arrangements and dates of salun can lie made a'. THH ADVAM-K office. Residence aud P.O.. Ceylon. Telephone connection. Dec. 0.07. \17M. KAITTISO, Licensed Auctioneer for V the countim of (irey s>nd binicoe. Farm and Stock sales a upocialty. Terms | jiudt-raiK satiiifactiou guarantied. ArrauKe- uienta for dales may be made at the Advance ' jffl.c or A: T. Hutcblnson's store, teversbam ' byaddresBinK uie at Feversbaui, Out. RUDI) MATHE'.VS. Markdale. IJcsnsed auctioneer lor the county of Urey. Good service at reascnable rateb. Dates cau be made at The Advance, o 00 1IIAUVEY PKllUiOR, broker. FIcshertou I General brokeraco business. Insurance of i rrery kind placed in cafe aud liberal coinpauies. : eal etatuetc.. O]>*ii accounts and past due; i-oti-!- bandied and money advanced thereon. Correspondence solicited. I i i|; SAl.i: .il.,-.i|inu.l on easy terms Lots 1 and 'I. con. 11 (lpri>y; 'JUO acrcn ; frnim- dwelling, fraimi barn and utabliiiK under; about 170 acres cleartvl and uirlt'r ciiltivatiou. Komi) xplundid cmlai with othur mixed timber ou balauce. sUo tw >Niiiall orrhardH bearing. \V>1 watered ;ncvei failini; spriiiK creek. Splendid L'raiii ami nrn.'i t; farm. Apply to It J.Sproulu Klesbertou or Suuiuel (>borne. Maxwell. 1,'AKM KOI I RALK-Yery cheap. 100 acren. lot 9, con. 7. Oaprey, only 11000. reasouabln cash payment, balance easy termx, B."i acren cleared, well fenced and <n hit;)) state of culti- vation, balance timbered, KOO<! comfortable frame dwellinii, stone cellar under, never fall- M ; ; spring iv. ii and wiuduiill i>ump at door. Lew frame barn, well finished, stone stablim; wltb spriuu Mut,'i under, also in shed. It in situated J mile from Maxwell village whom thorn are stores, post oHIcen, good 8ch<x>). and isoa the (.'ravel road, 9* ui ill- - from railway station. It sold at once, above price, thnmjh VKKY CHKAP iniiiht. be . akartexi Tl little. Apply to ]{. J. Ht'KOULK, Fleeherton. or HOMAS GUV. onpren:iae.. f MEDICAL D Uttcu l " M C J' 4 8 Out. Physician, Surgeon etc | ILU resilience Peter it., Flesherton L'Olt BALK vcrv olinrp and on easy torms * The late Dr. Chrisio^'" 'i-storv l>rick block in Floshcrton with good stable ana never-tail- inewellon piemiHi-ii. (iond lm-.- atore aud Kood butcher's Hhop and dwelling ; two goo<l stone collars uuder buildiui; ; In and can bn kept well rented ; twoKOod halls on second anil third BtorluH ; ftrp>t class business stand &nd will be Bold cheap as owner i , eiiuaKOd in other buniuesH in tln> went and lias nofiirther uso for it. Apply to It- J. Hpioule. Kieniivrton. Translucent Shells Are Used In Placi of Ordinary Glass. Perhaps in no otliur country but the Phlilpplnes uro conchas used as a uuu- Minii.- for window glass. Tuese shells ure flat, ticnrly round, and average foui Inches iu dhimeter. The edges nre trim uied off so us to leave panes about three inches square, and tbesu are set lii narrow strips of wood. The shells nrc, of course, translucent ruther i luii transpareut, aud the result Is a soft, opalescent lljiht, very agree- uhle In a country where tho glare of the sky would be intolerable if ordi- nary Klass were used. To obtain the maximum \vindow openings the sashes arc made to slide horizontally on wide sills of bard wood In .1 manner similar to that adopted by the Japanese. I'.y this means openings as wide as twelve feet a re obtained. To realize the splendid resources of the Philippines, says a writer in the Ceulury, one has only to see tbe bard- wood floorings in the public buildiugs and the residences of the better class. These consist of large slabs of mahog- any, or, to use the local names, mo- lave, iinrrn, tlndalo aud acle, these be- ing of various colors and graining. Frequently the pieces, occasionally as much as forty inches In width and for- ty feet In length, are laid alternately In dark nud light shades. Polished by the household luucbacbos (bouse boys) till they reflect llko mirrors, they produce n iDugulticeut effect. MAGNET MARVELS Modern Giants That Raise Tons of Metal at a Time. LIFT BILLETS HOT OR COLD. Honor Rolls Honor Roll of Flcsheiton Public School for February : MtSNIOR KOOM Clatvs 4 Florenou Hunt, Edna Kar stedt, Klmer Wrij?l.t, Rebecca McLaren. ;<Jeorfte Ulakey. Shire, Harry Thompson, Alico Wilkin. sou, Marshal Shertrood, Sr 2- Sadie Shier, Florence VVhytc, Violet McNully, Klsie Croft. Jr 2 Florence Badgerow, Lula. I'ed- lar, Liuiie Medlar, Lizzie Thompson, A Sirujle One of These Monsters With Invisible Magic Fingers Will Do the Work of Half a Hundred Men Th* Magnet In Medicine and In Suti-gery. Those wlio have watched a toy mag- net lift up pins find needles and mar- , veled not a little at the unseen power !Ge'"Se Whitney. Pi 2 Hnrry I'dell, Howard Wakey, James Wilkinson. Sr I Dinsmore Watson. Jr 1 J. Shier, Olive Badgermv. INTKRMKKI'ATK Prinviry class- Roy Lyons, Olive Sr. '1- Mabel Fields, Wes. Armittroiig, Wilkinson. Mabel Hichards.ni and Susie McClockliu Lu Sr. 3-Alice McLeod, Peiul Whitney. Percy LtGaitl. Alctla Mitchell. Jr.:* Delbcit Pattoti, Bobs TrioiMe. i JAlbert Sparkis, Friink Thurston. [e<|ual. I Jr. 2 W \TMO.N, Teacher. Violet Watson, Frank Emit, Sr. 1 Russcl Trueman, Cecil Win-In. JP OTTEWKI.I. Veterinary Surgeon Graduate ol Outai io Veterinary Collide. rel.luuco ucoud door noutli west. on l.iv street. Tbis street runs soutlj Prestytcrlau Cbarcb. H WILSON, Wackn-.iiUi 'jraduate ol tjie Veterinary Bcienc Association. Dnrbaui reet. OFPOtlt* Boyd, Hro's hardware. DENTISTRY Or E.G. MURRAY L. D. S-. dental surgeon bono. gradual" "f Toronto Uuivority au.l Koyal Collet! ol Dental SurKaons of Ontario, lias aduiiBiuistoru'l lor teutli extraction Office at residence, Toronto Street, Fles^erton. AiAL , ti'AH. HANKY* W AU..M K-ItarrUtey. '* rioliritoi" et<\ I. It. Ijiican, h. C.; w. . KaneV K f ; J. H. (i. Wallace. MBlce.. Yorout". ." T...IL-I* Hank HMg.. I'boiiH main Ml-': Markrtale LuckH Illock. Pbone A. HraucU olhce it Ouinlnlk open uvry Saturday. This May Interest You We wunt a reliable until tu sell our "well known specialties in fruit I reos.1 xm:il fruif.s, st-e-1 p.ilHtoeH, HuweriiiK *lirubn roses etc., in Qre/||4XHinty] Uuriii;'] *al and wihter nuHiths. Outlil frt>t>, . -. rlasivi- territory, pay wvfkly. 600 Acres of Nursery Stock i Clean well ^i-uwli trees ;ind shiulis that j will sitiify your ciisloinerN. Karly und gui)d delivery ^iinianti'ed. iMtnlih.'-lifil ver .'!") yearn. Write for whole or patt lime terniH. Sales Miin.r,'ci, I'KMlAM XI !" D.-c. II H WKIOHT, Barrister, Solicitor, ConTey ancer, etc., Owen Sound, and Flesherton. H Hleatierluu ofllce. Hproule's Illock uvury Saturday W Boar for Service I'urelired Yorkshire Hoar -' vearn old. for eivirconlnt i., ('i-n. M. Arteint-sla. TorniM 1.00. -ALEX. ( ' AMMKON. DODGED THE ROUNDSMAN. The Tired Policeman Cleverly Got Himself Out of a Hole. A police sergeant was going the rounds wben ho saw a policeman, whom we'll call Hullancy, go Into an undertaker's shop where there Is gen- erally a pinochle game in the back room. He knew there was no back wny out for Mullaney, so "rounds" planted himself by the door and wait- ed. After a time he sent in word by one of the men working iu the shop ttint he knew Mullancy wax In there nud that he had better come back on post, because the longer he waited tbe worse i in; complaint against him would read. There was much commotion in the back room, and as there were a num- ber of coflins being loaded luto n was- nn outside they put Mullauey in n cof- lln and loaded him on the wngon. Then they drove him down the street u couple of blocks, and Mullauey climb ed out. Mo strolled back up to where tho sergeant was doggedly wutcbluj; the door and saluted. "Hello, rounds! Pleasant evening. Isn't it?" he said. Aud the sergeant stared for n moment nnd then stamped away too tnad to speak. New York Sun. SOCIETIES a o U W meete 01. ho la Monday A m each month, in their longe room Norri. block.lPleeherton, at 8 l.-iu. M. W-, H r lA-dar.l ; Kec., C. H. Munnhaw: Kin.. W. P. rroMloy ViiltinK brethren Invited PKINCK AllTHUB LODGE, No. tCM, A.F 4 AM meets in the Masonic- hall. Ann trouKH Hlouk.Klesuerton. every Friday nn or before tho full mocn. r. II. Mu-itw. W. M.; Thou. Clayton. Secretary. f OL'inTFLKBHKKTON, 995, I. 0. K. meets In V Clayton's Illock the U, t Wednesday evoiiluR of each month. Vinitlng Korentors heartily welcome. II. 11.. Uyion; . 8., 'f. Hetry; Kin. Hc , C. N. llieliarilnon. Please pay duns to Flu. Hue. before tho first >. of the mouth. CHOSEN FltlKNOH-Flesherton Council of ClioRon Friends meet* in Clayton's hall first aud third Wednesday of each month H p. U) Pay aeiuients to the Kecorder oil or before tut- flrit day of each month. Chief Councillor T. Ulakelev: Kecorder W. II. Huut. EXTKU ANY DAY Specially arranged, courses ut i OWEN SofND, ONTARIO Parmit yon to begin ny timi>. , experienced stuff, Kcst equipped in i '.in. nl. i courses. Oiitalogtio free. C. A. FlemJnr., F.C.A., (!. D Finning. Prinriiwl. Secretary. The Karmoi'sCliib meets In the liiKh school IxiiMlnic on thn first Thursday iu each month at H o'clock 11. in. Vomit; friiiri iieclally Invited. K. t hard PmhUnt, '. W. Mollainv. Hec.-Treas. Tamworths Jor Sale Itolh si-x neatly res ly for breeilliiK- 1'ilcei rltfht for inn. I. tlf. (Hi). \V. ItDSS. Uaiwulll*. II. Boar for Service A lari,'.>lwl'ite Yorkshire lloai- fur m<rvice onlo(lffl,8rd raiiRn W T. ,V S, II., Artcme-ia Ternn <l.iNi- WALLBB, Boar for Service I'm. P.rnl Tmnwnrlli . l'i ar f"i N. Ilin II.., Maxwell, Out. Bulls For Service and Sale I Wo l>ml Ifercford lor service and sale. I IMuriL 1 T. k .1. WATSON. I'nit.in station CiPSlHTf^ Bull for Service 'ed Shot thorn hull, Uri>alln>K' \M\, (or Mervieu nn lot In, eon. U, I '. ili^t *' h upplicatinll. Set \ ict*. gradi-n tluiriiivlibiHdK, *', * at time Ol ervii-<.. Ktill price dliarRcil for ". iml I IP tin n.. I. .F: M. Ill' UN'S. Boars for Service The iinderniKned (MM k thnKNUfc fatd \oik- ^-r'T^. fZSJt ^-rS-W Hundreds suffer loss of si^ht Alao Hereford Bull for service, .I..I. llrnwii. Ho who has lost his sight best knows its value. Queer Looking Worms. New Zealand, Australia, luc Sauioan and (he Solomon islunds, as welt n tiortlons of tho Hawnlian group, are the homos of various species of worms with thicU, heavy bodies and with a well defined neck connecting the body with a head that Is a startling remind- er of that of the monkey. In the Sand- wich Islands (hoy arc called "me-ttt-lu- kl," which means "creeper wltli a child's head." An old New /calami leg- end says Hint at one time they were of Immense proportions and threatened the extinction of all human life on the Islands. FARM FOR SALE I...I.N.I. Isii-lKT. iii tlm second runK '"i- Tnronl-. an I Svd. nliaiu llond, Aitenieia, OOnUiaing 940 oorM "f first elaH land ; goixl l>iii : dln|rn. plenty of water, nnni elinnli and xchiMil : three mil.- - fmin I'M. ton Statinu ; 2<> Timely attention might have prevented it. Examination free. Satisfaction guaranteed. Principles of Action. There are live good principles of no- tion to he adopted to heuetlt olueru without being lavish, to encourage lu- bor without being hnrsh, to add to your resources without being covetous, to bo dlgniilod without being super- cilious and to inspire nwe without be- ing austere. Confucius. Just the Other Way. "Understand yon huvo just done Eu- rope?" "Then you misunderstand." "Haven't you jtmt returned from Kl.road?" "Yes, but I didn't do; I was done." Houston Post. und in i n .l.ii apply l.Wt > "lti\atinn. Knr pui W. -1. .IACKHON. I '..it Law " / a l VV . A. FARMS FOR SAM! SiO avrpH. lot 'JO nutl -'!, inn. 12, ii-pi <, l ji acrH under rnltlvatinn. i i.rr... hard wood luu-li. 1 acroH fnll wln.'Al, 4 frniiu* Imrim, I with tono (oumUtlnn, winrtinill nitli Input Inti n : yniillK. tiirlvinK or.'lmnl ; rOOgllOttl I'lillHO, K ....INI-., t*riO*6000. Apply to Mil SV.M. Ill l MM.IIAM. l'..vuli-hiiln. I BULL FUR SERVICE ucl li|. I Mi..illi.nn l.iill,"|);iinlv .Mm' . fni MIS,, i |,,t iri>, T. V H. ]{., A i Tin'- nnlmftl is nf a frniid milking i tr:iin. l'iFili((ree DM applloation. Trrnn,--. - 41, r,-Ki,|r.r. If"). ,1AM. STIX.SON Proprietor. Office Po si tions I',. . in: i;... .'I -.tl.ii i . m . awaiting nvnry MIIIIIIJ mnii innl wnmnn with n |.riicln-. huRlmis* tralninfl, No dltlV-nitv In plapfii0wofthy graduate!, \ v 'iiu. now for nun MtMOgnl. Kilter iin y tnnn. Winter Term Openi Jan 2nd, 1912 Collingwood BUSINESS COLLEGE T. t. Hawkins, Principal A Good Cauie. All the sehooltenchers nt I/ngnno have K"O on strike owing to r> differ- ence with tho edncntUniiil nnthorltles. With splendid loyalty tho little pupils are ntnnding by the touchers nnd urg- ing thfni not to glvo way. I 1'r.n.-:-, The Natural Trend. "1 know of one place which should lie a pnrndlse for real estrite men, the ground rents show such activity." "Where Is tlmtV" "In Iho onrlliiinako region. " Balti- more American. Humility, n rnro tlilnjc nmong the earned, Is rarer still wltli tbe Igno- nt- Anfitole Kmnr*. tbat causes the bits of metal to jump might well be excused for standing i i aghast at the sight of a modern giant magnet picking up several tons of iron and steel from the scrap heap and con- veying It with case and rapidity to tbe melting furnace beyond. So great Las been the commercial de- Teloprnent of the magnet that it can Cecil McTavish, Ethel Watson, lift live nud a bnlf tons. These giant magnets used In Iron and steel mills can pick tip hot ns well ns cold billets, and a single one of this character, will displace balf a hundred workmen. A further improvement may be not- ed In tbe combination of skull cracker aud magnet Tbe skull cracker is a huge pear shaped ball of iron suspend- ed by a chain to n hook and steel ropes. Tbis skull cracker Is dropped You Going West This Spring 1 If so uke advantage of the remarkably low One- Way second class -colonist ratetr to Vancouver, Victor!*, Nelson, Spokne r Jr. 1 Bert McLeod, Gladys Lever, .Seattle, Portland, San Francisco, L'^ Gordon DLtkeley, Karl Leitch. Angeles. San Dies?o, etc., in ttt'ect March Class A Jamie Wright Vada Wilson,; 18 ' to A pri' loih, or if Western Canada is your destination, the One-\\ ay second Cla,s B- Harold Hellamy, WiUie," 1 " 8 Sottler8 ' Rates shtnlld a W eaI tl> Whitney, Norval Stuart, Jack Karstedt. Class (' Allie Fields, Reggie Boyd. with great force on scrap metal to be broken up for remelting. It breaks the metal into conveniently smnll pieces and la lifted up and down by tbe mag- Report of S. S. No. in, Arteiiiesia,' for February . Si 4 Arnel Love. <!race Muir, Muriel Lei(ate, Forbes Rntled^e, Uoy Kutledge, Grace Cherry, Jiniinic McMuIlon. Mark will leave Toronto, lO.-'O p.m. each Tues- day ilminy March ami April. Heal in i.iind that the Canadian Pa- cific Railway oliers the liue.st possible equipment and fastest train service. The route is one of the most scenic in the world. It is the only line McLeod. through standard and lourit,t sleepers, also dining cars to Winnipeg and Van- Jr4-LizzieKi.gli.sh, Wtllie Pattison, , ouver with .,, , , uost ulodern com j Mirt . McMullen. ucnt observation library carx through Kthel Bennett, John English, the mountains and -icross Canada on the magnet gather up the small pieces l^" 118 ""Mullen, Willie Uadley, Percj .ranscontinentat trains. By travellin? and carry them to the melting furnace. iHemphill. J.P.R. you avoid the nete.s.-,ity nf rhang- Tbe entire operation is ncceuplished j J r 2 Anna White, Willie Stewart, < depots. Dining car service unsur- in one-hundredth of the time formerly ' SUnl ,, y Wh ite, Anus English, Jinuni, P*>ed. All equipment i.wned .ind required by mununl labor. , A , _ , f , M . T ...^i.^ Tom Chen . yi operated by the C.P.R.. affordin the ley. highest form of efficiency, (f such a Pt2(a)--KattieM l Don 1 ld, KU nad . trip U under cousideratiou apply to auy pick out small particles of metal that frequently get luto Hour and cause ex- '| e y i A|J,. C Bennett. plosions through friction when they come In contact wltb the big rollers. l>t 2 <"')- France bte*art, N iol Not n particle of metal cnn escape the Kennedy, Mary McLiughlan, Alice Me- powerful magnets suspended over the | Mullen. P It I IV Alt Y A Flora Bennett, Ivan McLatiRhlau, inimi. HATTIK CO|.KVH\, Teacher. Report nf S. X... 7, Artetnesia, Lillie MePh-iil, Clara l.'il- An Iconoclast. "All over lOnropo my wife ninde one- niies by boldly ilonlitint; cherished tra- ditions," snld the traveler, "but her skepticism rcspertin^ Alfred the Great embroiled lu-r In tho imut -eriutis illlll- i nil v. All old gcnlleiiinn who sat with thin, blue finger* Kprcnd above tbe feeble blu/.e from which uiy wife, red nosed and shivering, endeavored to extract a little warmth, expatiated on the cake burning episode. Said my wife abruptly: 'L>on't tell me Unit old yarn aguiu, please. I don't believe a word of It.' " 'Why not? 1 he demanded. "'Because,' said she, 'Micro never was u flro In Knghind hot enough to burn cakes.' "Her retort did for the old gentle- man what the tiro hud failed to do- lt in. nk- him hot bill, even so, ho never forgave her." Now York 1'rcss. chute through which the srniD passes. In wining and nietallurglc.il work tho mugnet has become an Indispensa- ble labor saving agent. The magnetic -Mervyn Muir, Irene Stewart, separation of ores hug snved thousands Cherry. Ha/.t-l MeLeod. of dollars to mining companies. When J ij._ w ,m e Corrigan, Annie tbe rocks are crushed nnd pulverized powerful magnets gather up the In- llnlte-i:iini parts of metal released from their bed* nnd convey them to the smelting furnnce. Quantities of ore February : can thus be saved from old tailings' ciax-, :, that were formerly considered pure , waste. Recently commercial mngnets were 4tl ' Class JVittie Muir. Clark McMi employed for the novel purpose of rals- Ian, Walter Williams m. Archie Whytv, Ing sunken treasures. A big cargo of .)un i >li\er, Kiluh Williamson. | nails was lost In twenty fathoms of ,. ,. .... ., ,, water, nnd tbe loss seemed irreparable iiltn.Ui until some enterprising genius raised DtOgWtH, \Nilfnd PWHOV. them easily nnd cheaply by menus of class :> Jr. Bobs Meads. Frank Wil a maguct 8US|H-uded from n derrick by , U|US()11 Et|lp , (il | ohlist> ,| im McLean, steel cables. In tbe most Improved commercial magnets hollow steel castings are used. In which magnetized colls are plnced. The latter are built up of alternate layers of copper mid asbestos and In- tilutixl from the cast steel frames by thick sheets of mien. A magnet of this construction Is proof against beat nud cold nud free from the danger of short circuiting. There Is nothing com C. P. H. Agent for full particulars. Dodging the Dun. " "Why did you come way "flowatowS to buy this wben you could hare) bought It from your neighbor!" "I've exhausted my credit with him, nnd If I went in there and paid casU for something he'd think I bare money and itart to dun me." Detroit Fret Press. .7 " . _, Just to Cheer. Young Hub There's no need of fur- ther parley. The nest war that come* along finds me joining Young Wife- Ob, George, George, don'tl Young Bub In the cheers of victory. London Tit- Bits. Mnry White. Sr. '_' -Jim White, Klmer Muir. .Ii. - - Annie (iilchrist. Surah McLean. Part -2 Allie Puislow, Sadie- Wliyte, lie.Urice \Valteis. Si. 1 John Dow. Jr. 1 Mabel Oilchrin. Average al'i'iivUnco !il. E. WILSON, Teacher. People who never bare any time tre tbe people who do the least Lldi tea- berg. Pity Your Mother If She Is Frail or Weak. most iluty tlH-rV ;> rf:ir::i Report of S. S. No. 4 Avtcmesia, for bustlblo used In Its manufacture, nnd It can gatii .T up a ton of hot scraps of steel with comparative case. But tbe Invisible lingers of the mag- net cnn pick up the most delicate i February, splinter of steel no larger than a sew- g,. 4_Klm. Stevens, Lillmi Stinson, Ing needle as easily as It lifts n huge <m, n ,, n,,, lr j Iron or steel beam weighing n ton or two.- The small magnets have there- ! Sr :i *M'y Wyvill Nicholls, NicholU, N'icholls, , Lilli.in Luther! The hernir side of llfi 'ouml in the struggle b-iw owards tho famlU. an. I tile .nubility through ill-h<-:ilt'i -. . hut duty.. "Words : ; ..nietitiu' o< ni poor :' i o ex|)iv< ; oneV l . !in." rll Mr'. f. P. Menltt "I have a f :l; ,,j| c ,( (11 pretty i lose together. .Ut, ; b .vas born my strength tlirln't < .-i ie >uek. The ehilil pulled ir<- <!>:! ;i f.-t. mil I c inldn'l wean h::.i ii \:\.~ }-i,t .veathcr. my other ihildivn n< eilril <' mieh to lie I'tme for tln-::i. .My tin did imt i unit- right my enlor \v:ia nillltl. anil morning anil nlxht ami ..II In- time I was livid. A I \ i!nm^i-t olil mo of bow well his en-t..;n -- -poke of I'Yrrozom. ami I g,t six l>..v .-; rlglit away. You uouliln't !><- lievo how well It built me up. u seems quit.- ytnnge now to be rval well again, to feel liki iny olil sell' oneo- more. 1 \v as r.-ally uy fore found as great n field of useful- jKllwood Stevens aud Walter ness ns the blj? ones. In nil trade* ^.innl, Marcus Heard, Mabel they nre employed for handling pieces , Mll , ;l x it i u ,i| s , \< t \^ n M,.|,oils, of metnl too smnll for lingers to pick w , ,, ,_ >ip easily. In a medical way they nre used sue- Jr : Ida StiiiMin, Laxxs,.u l cessfully for extracting iron or steel iKoss Stevens, Willie Heart), cinders from the eye and also for ] LoVl , |, H . stms,,.!, Ken , U-hcson, Wlter| '"i'k-ssiy in .lospalr unii t-m complete- drawing out of the body needles nnd i Wv ville i. y ..\ vo , r V. u A. t '!./ oel lik " " v " 1)? , bef ? rp pieces of metal that have found lodg- ' y ment there. A dressmaker who had '' - Krnio Stttuon, otillie Loukhart Inadvertently swallowed n dozen nee- .Kosjgio Stevens, Gertie Stinson, Susaun; dies was operated upon in this way (Ludloxv. Willie Ninon, with entire success. For several days sbo was placed under a powerful mag- net until every needle had been drawn from her body. In a therapeutic way inngnfts have l! Mirjorie Nicholls, Stella Aclieson. proved of value In destroying ulcerous .,.. . and cancerous growths, and even * Kduh bt.ns,-,,, Average MMDdtBM -'. , l,n i IAN H. W.M.hKi:, 'reseller. Pt '2 Vi del Miners. blood diseases of some kinds have yielded to their curative effects. A man with the point of a dagger broken off In bis body had it removed by a magnet. Another patient had been | Report of S. S. No :'. Artemesia, for suffering from a painful nicer on the ; (lll , m ,,, |th of Kebrnary. chin for many years without liudlr.g relief. He was finally cured by treat- i r 4- Mabel Irwin, Xella Uenthsin, ment with n inngnet, which drew from Kol. Slwrp, Rob t'lmrd. his culn n lot of steel mines that bad .,,. 4 Klsie t . a , we |i u lls , h M oore. caused all the trouble. The filings bad found lodgment In n cut In his race ' Ir;! Siijah Bentham, Widta Hum. one dny when working before n turn- ing lathe. No Immediate trouble had followed, nnd the man bad forgotten the Incident until the magnet drew thorn out and gave the ulcer a chance to henl. fleorgc E. Walsh, in Chicago 1 us.-d Perroxone, so ynu can Imagine low highly 1 prize such a Rood niod- leilie My children nnw s.iy 'niother sn't tired any more.' and for my child- ren's sake I am so glad to be well noiiKh to jcive them all the care und lUciitlim that every good mother I'. -els -lie must liestow upon her family." Vim are sun- to be Invigorated, eer- ln to be built up and k.-pt always at .our best you are bound to enji.y all th" happiness of lasting good health f you use I'Vrrozone. Try it. one of cwo tablets alona; H i :h yonr meals. '-'ifty Kiits a box, *lx for J2-50, ul| ili'ulrra or The Catarrhozoue Co.. I Kingston, Canada- * '" Record -Uerald. A Pertinent Question. There nre great men who cannot poll, nnd small people who object to them. ''Spell 'cat,' " sold the teacher to the boy tit the (nil end of the class. "K a t." replied the boy. "Silly," re- piled the tiwlier. "Can't you spell "U'cll." n-i'lied Iho sensible -n!, ; n docs l;a-t spdl?"-I.ondon I iel pt Chard, .it'.-" t.ov. son, Willie Irwin, Clarence <>vr. Sr '-' Uhoda liest, Susie Willie OIT. Jr -' Mildred Sharp. Albert Moore. Pi 2 Fred Irwin. Class 1 Id* lireen, Adele Hroen, Kkins, (Jordon Irwin. M. WM.SI.X, Ti-ncher. Report of S. S, No. h, Arieinesi-i, for ;Febriwry. Sr I -Vinii W;ilsnn. .It- 4 -Albert Wilkiimm, Harold I'll .nipM.ii, Kilmi WilkinsDH. .\l-ln Lyons, David . You ean painlessly remove any corn. Illier hard. soft, or bleeding, by !:.., "::-. Futnam'.H Corn Extractor. It never burns, leaves no soar, contains na lelds; Is harmless, because composedl uily of healing ( _.; and halms. Fifty .ears in vise. Cu. Miltuaranteed. Sold iv all QroCflBta, L'.ie bottles. Itefnaa nihstll nl^s. PUTNAM'S PAINLESS CORN EXTRACTOR OVER 68 YEARS EXPERIENCE r e<- Is only the ri'ftmo of weak r.n.l iho bolW.iy o: fuole.-Ches- ; j,. .; ..;|. xi . 01 , ca W.-m,,-,, M , ,, .Held, Hoy Whyte, Ci.or-e (\|.-ll. K-.n TRADE MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &C. \nTone senrtlnu nkc-loh nnd iloncrlptlnn mar quickly ajoartAln our i>iuj.>n rr-.^nnothor an Invenuon la probably nueiitobhi rnnnuunlciv Monsstrlotncoiiflaentliil. HANDBOOK unPntcuts BOIU doe oldest nuon.'y I'er *-.-urii>u putents. PatonM tnhcn tarouih Muini .t Co. rucolve tptcta iwdcv, vltboatcbarn, In the Scientific Hmerican. \ Imndaomolv lllntrall \Tcoktv Ijvrirt clr .nlmivn t.r kiiy s.'ii-nun.- i.niru.ii. u-riu (or all'ncv?' -* 1 -'"--'' T "' |l0 Uru F SI 'Y"lilttiiiuii. V.