Flesherton Advance, 14 Mar 1912, p. 1

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"TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." " PRlA'CIPLEts NOT MEN. 1 VOL 31, NO Flesh.erton, Ont., Thursday, XI arc- h. 14, 1912 W. H. TEORSTON F.DITOH and PKOPUniTO \\ ui*.t.-**^ v* li i Board of Agriculture For Grey County growing girls droop, become fra gile, bloodless and nervous. Naturt is calling for more nourishmen 1 than the blo.xl can supply, an< eigns of distress are plainly eviden in dull eyes, pallid cheeks, weak an< aching backs, a languid step, fits o Delegates from eleven Farmeis Clubs depression, nervousness and a dis| f Grey County mot in convention nt the like for proper food. These sig nl Department .if Agriculture office on mean anaemia that is bloodlessi yvednesday afternoon .March "i. for the ness. purpose of centrnlixinu; and consolidating The watchful mother take ifc d _ prompt steps to give her girl tni new rich blood her weak system i^ery interest.!.- reports of the work thirsting for by giving her Dr. WU carried on by the respective clubs were Hams' Pink Pills, because so man ^iven by each delegate and all we.ru en- thousands of feeble, anaemic, un thu.sioatic and optimistic concerning their happy girls have been transformer ^ aLg {or fulure tfo . p ei . atmD . robust women through th into robust women rich, red blood these pills actual Fallowing is a list of those seriously injured : R. L. Stevens, Strathroy, traveler, pine hurt, ribs broken and internal injuries, probably fatal. M E. W. Pyke, traveler, London, ribs broken and collar-bone frctured. J. A. Cole, London, cut about head, face and bands. W. 1'. Lindsay, Toronto, traveler, hip mid Luck injured. W. Wihon, Fergus, back badly in- jured, suffering from shock. Mrs. John Boyd. Fleslierton, head anil face bruised, back apparently injured, shook, J. F. Simpson, St. Marys, riht liumbcut and tij-ht .shoulder injured, eft lex bruised. K. .). Cost'orU, \Vojdstock, left hand cut, two fillers injured. J. A. Hunt, Elbow, Sask., lilit scalp wounds and side of face scratched, ri^ht shoulder bruised. Mrs. J. A. Hunt, slight si-alp wounds, Buby seven months old, unhurt. R. Wt.llrott. Went Monctuii. left hand cut. right shoulder hurt, right knee bruised. \V. Totten, conductor, bruised on iu.-k of bad. Small, brskennrin, cut on back of liend, riht hip injured, nod generally shaken up. Chai l.-i A. Sanders, Funk Warner mid M. E. Home, all of Durham, badly up. A cuutial organisation known ;i.- the Grey County Board uf Agriculture was formed and a constitution di awn up for the same. The Bo.ird consists of two delegates from Bach club and corresponds to a town or city Board of Trade. At the annual meeting of such Hoard an ex- ecutive committee of five is elected by ballot from among the delegates present, tha District Representative baing i per- manent member of the committee. The Executive for UU'-i consists of the fol- lowing members : Nelson Perdue, Mas- sie ; W. G. Mikun, Goring: L. E. Bowes, Stnitlmairn ; D. U. Shore. Clarksburg; J. E. Dolphin, Tara. and H. C. l>uu. Miukdale. This concerted action "U the part of the Farmers flubs marks an epoch in the his'ory of co-operation. Tho proud and independent tiller of the soil has ever shown a marked ri-luctance toward rec- ognizing a common interest and has ne- gieeted ui.-ry an opportunity of coming to mutual uiidrrstandiiiii ith his fel- low f irn.er. It speaks well, indeed, for the intelligence of the a^iicuhuriet-t of (Jrey that they have come to realize the prime iir.porUnce of the controlling fac- tnr of political economy in the welfare and progress of the fundamental indus- try of which they form a part. Many siitfe- .-i-n from rheuuiatiMn !"<- ''W mu'iwised and delighted with the prompt itliet afforded by applying Chanil>eilan'. Liniment Not one cane of rheuuiatiwii in ten require* any internal treatment wliat- -.er. This liniment in fur mile liy all dealer-. You can BHV g.jodbyS to constipation with a clear conscience if you use Chamberlain's Tablets. Many have IN*II permanently -tired bv iheir use. For sale i>y all dealer-. Feversham Items It is our .sad duty tins week to report llu? death of Mrs. Kli Robinson of this village, which occurred on .Sa'urday, March !), after an illness of about three weeks at the age of 'M years. Mr. Kolj- inson wan one of the tinest of women, beloved and respected by all who lr.iew her. Shu was the eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. (jeorge Whiteouk and was married to her now sorrow-stricken hus- band seven years ago. She leaves four small children to mourn the loss of a kind ;ind loving amber, the youngest being an infant three weeks old. The remains were laid to rest, in the Fiver- sham cemetery on Monday afternoon, when one of the largest funerals we ever saw followed her to her last resting place. The services were conducted by Revs. I'himisier and Mills. Besides her sor- rowing liusbiir.il and children she leave a father and mother, four sisters ind one brother Miss Kmma of this villn<>e, Mae of Toronto, Mrs. Ern Davidson of the 10th line, and Mrs. Chester Long of Collin" ,ud, Rub and Pearl at home. The sympathy of the entire neighboi- hocd is extended to the sorrowing hus- band find friends in their bereavement. Mi. tieorge \Vhitonk and family mov- ed into our village last week. N^e wel- come them. Mr. Chester Lout; ;tnd wife of Colliug- wood attended the funeral ot" the lutter's sister, Mrs. Robiin.il), on Monday last, also Mi>s Mae W!iiteok of Toronto was called home to her sister's deathbed. Mr. :ind Mrs. Bristow of Stayner at- tended Mis. Robinson's fiinenl. Mrs. Harry Hortoii of Collingwood is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Col juett. Mrs. Ales. Mclii'yre of Suyner is vi- itiug friends in this neighborhood. Maxwell Vandeleur Happenings New Tailor Proton Station A number of young pople from the burg spent a pleasant i-vening at Iho home of W. Ciallai{her <>f Victoria Cor- ners on Tuesday night of last wek. George Mitchell of Berkeley save the town a friendly call ou Friday. Miss R. I- McCoonibe visited her home in Durham. Miss M. Becker returned on Saturday after i8iting a month with friends in Toront*. Mr. J. C. Wright of Toronto was in town a few days last week on business. The Ladies Aid purposs holding a St. Patrick's concert on Monday March 18. A good programme will to provid- ed by the Proton Ochestra and others. East Mountain This Week's Items. Milder weather. Your scril>e heard the first ciow last Thursday which uMiiiiiiU us of spring. Mr. F.daar Gorley is home for good, to set ready for spring we hear. Same fiom this part took in the box social at Eugenia last Wednesday even- ing and report a tpjiet time. Miss Mary Welsh spent Sunday at her parental home. Milton Neil and wife left for their ne* home at Ravenna last Friday. Miss Lizzie Welsh accompanied them and will remain a month. Held Over from Last Week Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Martin and Miss Wilda visited at the latter'* parental koine, in Beaverilie, on Sunday, Miss Mary Welsh is the guest of Mrs. Alex. Cherry of Kppiiif?, at present. Mr. Geo. Allen is bedfast ,it present. Lt week NV. J. Martin and B. WicK- r had quite and experience whik' working in the former's Imsh, they fell .1 maple tveo which contained ;i !<>rge Iwarm bees, They succeeded ill got ting ver '10 pounds of honey. The b.>ys had ((uito a time getting their bounty to the house, which proved H sweet licat i:i- tad. Mrs. John MtuUu is bedfast again. Dundalk Mrs. Lawrence of Swintou Park, has niMved into town, taking the dwelling over Mr. Lamon's ottice. She has opened a dressmaking shop. Kobt. Arnott of Osprey, delivered in Duudalk, on Saturday, for Messrs Irwin * Sprott. the drorers, three tino cattle for shipment. The price realized was fWlG.OO. Mr. Chas. Thomson of this place, recently received" the very flattering news that her cousin. Mr. Frederick Simons, F. R. 0. S., was chief engin- eer to tht company now ngjged in dredging the Sacrctl Lake of Guatavita. iu South America for buried treasures- Mr. Simons is a noted explorer, having explored a large part of Africa and South America. Herald I'hilihen art ninth more likely to rontnict the (.tnitagioMK dUcases when they have void) Whoi'phijf rough, diptheri-i, scarlet fever and vunxuinptiuii are disease* that are often roiiti acted when the child has H cold. That is why all irtfdiial :-.iithnrilie -ay In-ware of c>ldi". For the quick cure of colds you wil find notniug better tlian ('hainberlain'*] Cough Remedy, It ran always be depended upon and is pleasant and afe to tak>. I 1 ' salfl\v all dealer". Victoria Corners Mr. Newlou Bannon is home fron Flesherton. Mrs A. Shearson of Proton, visited ,-. few days with her mother, Mrs. Pattou MMS^KIIOX, former tescher of >\>. 4 visited over Sunday with Miss F.lla Best Chas. Moore sold one of his Holsteim Lo Mr. Richard Allen tor the neat littli sum of something over one huudrec dollars. Mr. Thos Talbot Las moved to Duudalk. The teacher and pnpiU of No. visited Proton Station school ou Fri- day. They say there was a spelliug ninl arithmetic match but we do no wish to publish vcsults. Never miud we will show you next week, ye Pro tou pupils, what we cau do on ou: own ground. Miltou Buuuon purchased a borse from Mr. Robert Achesou and has uow a well matched team. A very enjoyable evening WHS speut jn Thursday, March 7. when Mr. and ilrs. K'lmond r.iiiniiuioii cclebriited heir silver wedding and guests sat down L .splendid supper. After this was erved all entered ihe sittina room, when heir pnstor, Kev. J. Phiiuister. gave a cry nice address, supported by O'oun- illor(t. Ross and Mr. . Buckingham. Ither speeches were given and closed by singing "For he's a lolly gtiod fellow. " L'hen our host gave us all a treat and went into the parlor, where the rust of he evening was spent by music, singing ind games. Mr. and Mrs. Binuinittou received many valuable presents from relatives and friends, and the eucsts lope that they may be spared to cele- rate their golden and diamond weddings md wish them many happy returns of the day. The evening was closed by singing " God 1 e with you till we meet again. A very pleasunt evening was spent at the home of Mr. James Clark on Wed- nesday of last week when about forty friends and neighbors were invited to spend a .social evening with them befoie they leave fur their new home near Uol- lingwood. Mr. and Mrs. Claik also gave trh* youi! people a party on Friday night. All wish them happii.css and ptosperity in their new home. Much sympathy is felt here tor the sorrowing friends of the late Mrs. Kli Robinson. The Ladies Aid of Maxwell purpose holding a Shamrock Social on the even- ing of March 18. A good old Irish pro- gram will be given. Miss Maudo Guy, who has been iu Toronto for some time, returued homo on Saturday last. We are pleased to report Mrs, William Wright of the fourth line, who has been ill with pneumonia, is recovering. Our boys ara sl.ill going West. Mr. Geo. Priestly left cm Saturday last, while Mr. Fennrick Heron's two sons, .lames and Henry, fouth line, leave- this week. Miss Ida Osborne, who spent % couple of weeks iu Toronto attending the millinery openings, returned home last week. Miss MUry Winters, third line, who has I'lvn very low with pneumonia, vre are pleased to report is recovering. Mr.Saiii ,11. il MibsTilliu Buchanan ami Mr. aim Mrs. Will Hulchinson attended the wodding of the laitor'a brother, Mr. F. T. Gilbert to Miss Sadie Fawcett at Kiuiberley on Wednesday livoniii". i (wing to the illness of Mr. M. Beard a number turned out with their Mams on Saturday and drew sawlogs fur him from his bush l"i in the valley to hi.s mill yard here. Mrs. Sam Speeih and -son, Willie, of the west back line spent the week end at J. II. Holley s. Miss Violet Gilbert of Kiuiberley is the guest of Her sitter, Mis. Will Hutchinson. We are pleasud to report Mr. A . Wy- ville able In be around again after bemu laid up for a conpL' ! weeks with pleurisy. Mr. M. beard, jr., in veiy ill a', pres- ent with mi attack i appendicitis. A number (-f neighbors turned out a week ago last Saturday and cut a supply o' wood for A. NVyviMu to tidi- him over tile cold wuathcr. Mr. ami Mrs. Willard Gilbert paid a farewell visit to friends lieu' lusl we-k before returning to their home at Moosi- jaw, Sask. John Gilbert of Toronto paid a living visit tu friends hero ou Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Richardson "i Flesherton entertained the members oi Vandeleur Division S.O.T. mi Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. .Jacob Nuely of River- dale spent, a few days recmlly with the latter's parent*, Mr. and Mrs..). Warling. Mr. aiid Mrs. S. Croft, Porllaw, cele- brated the lirst anniversary of their wed- ding at the home of the hitters parents. Mr. and Mrs. John Holley of this place, on Friday evening. A. 5>. Dunlop of Toronto was a visitor u Mr. 'ieoi^e Warling's recently. A number from here spent a plaa.-vint tim at the home of Mr. ml Mrs. Ed. Donnelly at Wodehouss Friday evening. New Goods Jewelry New Styles Having taken over the tailoring business of Mr. I 1 red Morley 1 am now desirous ot introducing myself to the citizens of Fleshertoo and surround ing country, and would solicit a trial order. I feel mysell competent to give you thorough satis- faction in tit, finish and price. C. BLAKELEY Standard Bank Building jl.KSHKKTON, oNT. A Splendid Stock from which you may readily make A Satisfactory Se- lection. We car- ry Photo Supplies. W. A. Armstrong, Jeweler FLESHERTON, - ONT. cu: K.tvniu^ J'OWei' by f Itell.linL; tnO ELLIOTT Big gain on all winter ^.,,,ls .r,,iii e :k t TORONTO. " ONT " oot, must be -\d i,> mak.- r."..iii" Bf'P' 1 ' """'" '"' "'-" <*imd Bninel 1 K.liii-aiinu. 1-l.tnrnow. i >)>uli .ill vt-i. loll IH-W spring Koods --irnvini; at L.; Becker - sturu, I'n.iuii Station. For 10 days only, IKlus granulated UKar f->r SI. 00. 3 ids. i-itisins for ^.")c, Ibe. cookniK rif ..M-. good uiapju syrup, quart linx 3k., special blend teas 5 Ibs. for ll.no. best coal oil, o gallons for 81.UO. Our stock of groceries is always fresh and complete. 1.. Meeker, Proton Station. An old account book kept by the la'* Jacob Reddig, who conducted a general store .-it Stevens, where he gathered a fortune of S'-'O.OOO. shows that m egs sold at cents a dozen, whiskey at 12 cents a i|iiart.cu/ar 20 cents a hundred, butter nt li cenis a pound and cotfee M 16 cents a pound, while calico was 30 cents a yard, striped caslnnerc 75 cents a yard and nails 8 cents a pound. Fanners Sun . Suitings ii >n:iin-- latest ,jy v , .. A |, ,,, e n We have just received our supply or I'atleru.s - aii.l in ^ ro ., t v, n ,.|y. \\\, ,.,,, sll[ ,|,jy v , .. nobbiest suitings for ~pniin and siimmei don..' up in the !>-! ilylc irt tailoring. Our price are riu'lr. Diop in ami look at DUI jo whn4iL-r you order or not. \Ve want to make V"iu .Spring *ui! S. J. BOWLER, THE VI,ToR DATE VBUSKIN BLOCK. FLESHERTON../ Publish toy Letter The World Over The Words of Harold P. Bushy, Who Was Perma- nently Cured of Chronic Lumbago by "Nerviline." "Three years ago 1 discovi^rnl thnt.i HUM subject to lumbago might Just as .vfll bf dead as alive." These words ipen the sincere, straightforward letter if H. P- Bushy, a well-known man in the plumbing and tinsmithing busi- m'ss in Portland. "(.IK- attack came after another. :uiil lumbago KOI to bo a chronic thing with UK-. I could scarcely get in a day's work bofoiv that knifing, cruel i>ain would attack my back. I used a Bal- lon of liniments; not one ot them seemod penetrating enough to gt at the coro of tho pain. I read in tho Montreal WU- CHOICE MEATS PORK, , SMOKED CHICKEN WILSON MeCLOCKT-IN LETTER NO. 4311 Specialist In dls as s ot the Eye, Ear.Nose and Throat Office-30 Oth it. West, Owen So und At the Uovero house, Markiklo t 2nd Thursdiiy tiicli month hvm 8 to 12 a. m . Duiuhlk, 1st Thursday of each mouth. Or, J. Ralph Smith OB i Mlicc- and Residence W* lv i'u St. Kast. Owen Sonnx!, Ont. M,.m* :> M 1- .-i.m , l.:?0 i... 4.:;n p.n,. 7 to p.m. Other hours by appointment . ness about Nerviline. and got live bot- tles. It is a wonderful medicine I (.oiiki f<-el its soothing pain-relieving action ovvry time it was applied. When I got the disease under control with Xt-TVlllne, I built up my strength nnd fortified my. blood by taking: 1-Vr- rozone at meals- This in-atnuiit lured me permannntly. and I urse cvcrvono to give up the thick, whilst oily liniments tln-y are using, and try an up-tti-date. pcl)''trating. pain-.le- troycr UKc Nerviline. "?!i'so imblish my l..-tt<-r tin- worid over. I want all to hear of Nerviliiu-.' 1 l>nn't !). r.ijol.-d into r.-i.-, ivins any- thing from your dealer hut "KervWa#>" Large bottles 50i--. trial si/..'. 2rie. Sold .\.iywhere or Th..- Catarrliozono Co-, Kingston, <int. NERVILINE A Fnmily Liniment Seeds! Seeds! Come with the crowd and gi't your Red (.'lover. Mammoth Clover, Alsike Clover. Alfalfa and Timothy Seed. Grain and Feed all kinds. Fresh (irocories always on the move. See our goods and get our prices. You will mis* it if yon don't call on W. BUSKIN GROCER. jjf Flesherton, Ontario. ,

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