14 HM'J THE V L K S H E K T () N ADVANCE TH I- . \ll illilc|-|id' II! llt-\> (... | i I. pIllllixlKll i HIV Tmindity t tip- office, ColUDffWOod Street, Hi*lu-rton. Subscription price 81 |x-r annum, nln'ii paid in .ilk-met-; ."I M w lii-ii nut K<4|>uid \i|\crtiMiiy i.i!. - n up) liiatimi. < 'irculatuni 1.1OO \vi-okly. \V. H. Tlmi Hton - Killtoe TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR- PRINCIPLES. NOT MEN POSTAL MATTERS The Mount r'orrst Confederate giii returned to tl>c <iueMion of the Flying 1*<>81 last murk ii charged The Advnnce .rli t.ikini! ";!o- untenable position i. it n<> locality should lie granted postal tutors that :irc ii(>t granted to the j country a.s n wh le." Xn, brother, thai is nut the position wo look. We never leprccatcd the advent of rurni mail ^delivery, and hopi- to see it extended until every citi/on of Canada >;ets hus >.nail delivered :it I.i- i wn dooi . The viticn li.ive < njoyiil this privilege no I iiu; that suburbanites are. becoming impatient at the 'on;; delay in extending s>uch facilities I.' them. The position took, and maintain, is that the time lw not arrived when special iailir-iy or aixshi|> unites should be iiinugura'ed in this country for any f'.ivored IIH- khty ut the expense of the country, and more especially before the defects in our present system me rcctilied and the perfected y.stem ex- ended ID all alike. If tho Confederate will wait until the people of this country i ikii share equally in a perfected delivery -ylcm. toward which goal we me iidw : li.ipiri':, then but not until then -we ' will In- ready to listen to the plen of I M:. Forest ilia' it may he allowed to yet - - iii-w -|i;i|ir: - and letter* .. couple of ' hours bi-fore it* Inisinos- competitors I in Attliur slid 'IVcswaler tfet lhe:is. The C mfeiK-rati- alfo brings ill ihu! hydro-electric cii>u.isMii and wants to AMOW how Th" Advance would like other yilac.es to raise a !.-. :.'..;., about the level .jinn-lit of Kuynia Flls. .Now, really, la there any I.'M.I , u . . in il.., 'H"i|. i, .' Is i- pcrlilli'llt to the Mil'j.-:l The hydro-coin minion supplies electricity ;o thoso who who will liny, nl tin! c.ii-t but the users p-iy for wlmt they |>;t and without ftuir tii'iu any si ii'c-c. llid the tows aloiiL; llie r- utr of the (Iyer puy fur its tlyin.- ' If tiny .u.l. we h.iie nothing more to say, mole than to nniiik rli.il they Hhoiild have wliililirv p.iy dr. If they did ri.it, . \ ri) l In' ; Th \dvninv has sai<l on the | !! :ou -,| ill ho!d> ^mn), /roni our point of view. The Slioltiiiinu Kcunomist of wed; copir] our article 01: I'itigeiiia Kails development credited il to the Owen Hound Snn. The Sun took it from without credit. It i& > ttat !The Better Farming Special the! mil '''he bettiT fin-mini; spi-rial which willed ;it tills Htuliim uii Kridiiy iiftt'niouii The Advance never safe to laflt WUH pntrui)i/.ud liy some hundred farmers, wK . were all Ihri-o delighted with the innovation. HOCKEY M<irkdale hcckey team played home team here on Thursday evenini!i' lil 'f a las', the vmtors winnina liy a score of lecturos and the rest d<-voted The u lid pulled in herd a little ahead of time, but wus aidctriu-kcd and ready for operations sharp on thu minute advertised. Lectures were fjiven in three of (ho coachis on ratious topics and all of thu large coaches were crowded. One conch was reserved for the Indies, where auitah'e iptestions were discmsed. After lectures the demonstration cars were, visited by everybody. In thesu ;iirs tilde was nr. immense variety of exhibits but the crowil was so i it that Jin the limited tune nobody could .see all 'And hi-iein lies thu only weak nets in (Connection wi h this train. Thu time gi/en to view the exhibits and tdk with thoso in charge was all too short The I lie train should lumairi at each point at least with two hours given to to illkpOC- credit the Sun with anything. That| traiu was , 11H<lc> up |lf Un ^^ paper is n liteiary thief with seared, calloused conscience that will stop at nothing to make its readers believe in its marvelous enterprise. It lmn been taken lo task by nmst of the country pa pus but goes on with its pilfering with supreme unconsciousness, o o o The Meaford Mirror has cnteredi upon its 81st year of publication, and J like good wine improves with age. lion and rchinge of idea?. I'lider conditions the good done would be more 'him doubled. The qaeationi discussed This i.s two wins out of three i played by these teams this winter. Cecil Alton < f Markdide as referee gave satisfaction as usual. The game was aj The questions discussed covered clean one, minus the slu^in" and ruughllarge number of subjects, including work exhibited by some other teauwlDairjinj, Fowl. Apples, Driinage. Live that have played here this winter. Tlie.S'ock, (jraiu and Seeds, etc. The stall' contrast wns |'l.;t-nr.- to note. The of Itc'urers, demonstrators and train line-up WBM the Mime HS fur th.> last.lnndsttcconipaiiyinx this train, live, eat land ulecp or board, coveting two points a each day niul somotimes three. The train started at Windsor and will go jiitrfinyh to Ottawa on .11 lii inches of tin- |C. P. 1!. The olliciaUi say that they are moating with an enthusiastic reception game. > iH'ni': and hockey will so n be thius: of the past . Next comes tishiuj;. W. I. andF. C. Meet The February meeting of the W.I. was ill along the route. held on March ~>. It was of particular . j ( liainbci him s Qongn Kiiiucdv interest, as I ha r aimers ( ub met with! i?rct ri-jiutation and rxtci^m I he ladies and fTiovidid part of the pro- reLiaika ,, lt . L . ureK of e,,,^,.,, C( ,Msand .short han won its sa'e by ii- oroup. It r m in- ili-pt>nil--d upon. Try i'. S.ild liy (ram. Mr. Kolieit liest, in a speech congratulated llie \V. I. mi theirlsJl dealen nia-ivhs in llie wink. Mr. LOU KMier nave mi adinirnble nd dre..- mi the lii-ii von! of living. He said An auction sale ol 20 imported I lyaes- onu reason why Ihu I'onsuiner in ciues , , .,,. tale riliu-". ranging in .14.' troin one t j hud to pay much more than tn& producer , lihreo yei.rs, will le held a' the leceive.l u.-is liec-Miine '! the middleman or ' plump birds" he called tli m. Me Miid f'lither that the poor bullei- and . ki pi priceiuown fur Iho BOUQ butter and Live here BEEF CATTLE Ml . I ill Ililll I. - , !l.i Sj.u'ne nil Stuck -I' tin- 1:1 llU'll^'Ilt loll tl'ilill Friday, i$pvilm|M in HI j/ood a P'.HIUHII at uny Hi in in I'mnli in M/.O dp the cinilil :.iii nf .ill i i , 111 Ins line, and !ns maiming up is worthy of the att>'nliun of farmun In ili:- - n. !)' pnints HI 1 . Ill .t funnels ill the r.'istem part <,f ^'iinndii, in liie M-iiiiiiiu pinvini-es. and ill Westell! Canada are U"lliy out of liei f ittli- utiMiii; .mil into dtitry and o'lni lines. Ontariu i* the only province that < even holdi'iit its own in tin; railing nf I vef i iittli'. With tin' lari;e iiiiiinx'a linn and c\pair,iiin in ( ' inadii the de I'-iiiiiinl Is X'eater mid I lie supply is (Moiling. Id: believes t here is a great filluiv ahead for the ''ii-f i nttle industry mil ml* i-us the t.ll Iners to i;el into it ri^ht away. Many of thu I'.n m.-i>, in this seclinii, lioweM-r, are ns aeute in visinn HH Mr. < iunrdlioiiHe himself, liavo Nuen I In .nili'i M i "iniirj and am -. Itm-- in lino to rtp the i(lvanttgei, In thu n-|i"' Mr. (iiMi.lhouso ilc|.l..ri-d the tondcncy to Uhe nnpi'ili^ii i d silos and Hlron^ly advoc.ited thu rearing of thoruunhbrid Block. Whali-vvr bleed ol sln.-k ji.u handle (mid tin- I,,,!,U .-., d mil. all .iinnial.M it PIV-, to IIT thi) besi that inn be HI it. yei.rs, ,, i-. , llot.-l, ilainivi>r, on Friday, Uaron l., ,, ,,.. ..... .. . I'.tl'J. I beta hllies aro all mipor'ed and ; . , . no highly rocommeuded liy their bieed- ,, ... ., , , or, Mr. Win. Montgomery of Heotund, s the best I hat exiierieneo and omfui Cgtfli, rtroedii-g can produce. Farmeri* "Tiiul Mr. Fnink Chard gave an a,. pr ..|. r i -sti-; , lh(>ls dosjl ,, lis (lf (lb , Hin i n( , |,iKh-bied t much appreciated. t,,,k should ..ttend this S alo and h-..k Mr. .Inseph Blakeley came In In-ir Mr. these animuN over bet'.in- iimkin.' put- Mau-olluii hut gave an address thai pul (r i lu .,,. s . ^alo will cfinmeni-e t o .o lliu ladioi in gnod humor, lie wiid tin i ,',l,, |i sh,,ip. i.un or shine. Tiiesf til- iiinlhi-r .(hould teach her rtaiifhter U> do|l, M w ,|l tjo gold on vasy tonns. *l,i.h four ihiniiH well nnd-*i>hirged on th> -in ! w ,il U- ina.le kn,.*n -it lime of Bile. to bo i^'o.l Inuiiilii-s-i'S, t.i make H,, hi. liii^liinn. 1>. Mel'hail .nnd .las. (ml luca.i, y. od butter, nnd guodk|yi eB| Auctioneers ; T l>. Kllm-i. Ill F. R W. HICKL1NG FLESHERTON ONTARIO. New Spriag Goods In Stock This Week Everything Reasonably Priced Men's Felt Hats and Spring Caps. Spring Shirts. Collars and Neckwear. Leather Suit Cases, Club Bags and Trunks. Boots, Shoes and l\ libbers New Carpets, Rugs and Squares. New Linoleums and Oilcloths. Curtain Poles and Rods. Lace Curtains and Curtain Nets. New Wall Papers and Window .shades. Household Linens New Allover Laces. Ladies' Silk and Net Waists. Ladies' Cloth Skirts. New Dress (Joods and Silks. Swiss Embroideries and Laces. New Corset Styles. HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR BUTTER AND EGGS. . (lll) , ini] | t (l POLAR EXPEDITIONS Again hai the hardy Noiaeinnii justi- fied Inn i laiin as an eiplorvr. The pen- pie wl.o are i .1 to Imve discovuroil Ann ii. i long I , I, ,1, ('(iluiiiliUN nailed bin oulurn In the palm tria <if the Wuit In <liec, I. i'. .- IKIW, after the t-xpiry if ccn HIM , homlud thu .Ni.i w. ;;iiiu ll .; at (hi - ml Ii (loll-. It IN il .HIM nl.'lii'i- I I. il tWO men wme in the raou fur doth Iho norlll n.'i itoiith pole at the time of their ilU- COVCf; . A gi-iitlcinaii linked Tin- Adi'ancti the ollu-r Inj what eniild he unined by vi>it- (UK (lit |IO|ON Well, no u. ml. I I,, ili . covrrer i* now niukiii a pi iine living nut of lecturing on tlio mihji-ot. Another i ui nuiiiili-il by n halo of gh>ry that will never ilnfmrt froui him. (.'autain Am Miiil-.i-n'., i. . n...;,i ,,,,, by Km llaakun Will |/lm i him beyiuid waul, hnaiii-ndly nd IL.I...I .1 iiy, for (he rMt. of hia day-, while Cuptkin S.-..I I, wh., IIHH luit jot re- turned from Ins <|IIOM(, mil no doubt alxo ln.-Hil K Mills llitl Will * e i .iitllcielit hiiniii in linn to coiiipuniatn him for lln> toil and siillri in<> which In- experieucr*. Oh. yon, there re honnrK and cvon in to mill tall tint iliinH to b yaine.l hy . nn- mnding i-\|M-ln ii.n to the iiiliotp table poll's, and oven Dr. Oouk llndt HOII.C nlitr.1 from Ins nt i .1 tin- il t .-nn I plain en k e I hat \\iilliot injioe a child's di|^. SUM- org'ins. Mr. .lolui Itobtnd. our rue hoi.oi.-i'y member, was called on and he hind, n Hoys ivikiilcd to leiirn feninu to a former i|iiestioi|, tint j;oodiiiid liuiHliini'. Apply t temper was the best :nl in making i>o< d butler. \Ve Mi|>pos ' In- tlioiii;).) that I t milk of Inn. an kiiidius.H WHH allowed In Miiir, the material hut'er would have' an in- d H i.i.i Mr. M.ireellus j{iue his uddie-s on " Altitude of tho Home to thu Bchool. " This address .showed careful pri paraiion. Dundalk I'r.ips. BOYS WANTED i ii.in, -i MAKKLMKK FURNITURE CO.. iMnrkdale, Out. Public Notice For Sale or to Rent Lot 2^, dm. 11, (ilenelg, containing 100 acres, !H) nercs cleired and in good stale of cultivation, baliuce hard wood hush, jiood fmme barn, st lie foundation, good stabling and drums; house, coin- furUblo bottl*, I'Uvir f.iilii.g well nnd ({ond orchard. The aliovo farm is only - IMI i -. from 'I..- vilU^o of Markdtle. Apply to John White or Thomas Taylor, Poitlnw p. o. NIIIKC t<i KatepAyeis A* the Fanners Club has made a rei|iiest to the- School H .ar.l, KuKenii. S.S. No II!, nskiil'' for the use nf th vacint n ..m and allowing them to lap the. iluninoy and put in a S'ore, any objection*! O the above must be bunded in by Ih- l.'ith day of Miucb. - -.1. Mint bun I.. 1 1 ii.>-!. Sec. CEYLON'S BUSY STORE Spring Announcement ! Now istlio 'imo to get your spring sewing Jono. \V t - lia\ \- just n ceivi-,1 a large quantity of New Spiiug Goods in Prims. (;in;,'lmii>. Xephjres. Galatios liniietis, Sliirtiiigs, Vpst- ings. /.piou Gin- hams. We liave special vaittts iu Grey aud white coaoti, piirams and Curtain Muslins. W e have also bar new Spriug Boots and Shoes tn. They are real uioe aud Ncl>by. \Ve have received our Milliner}- for this Spring. This is our fust season in the Millinery Business, but expect it will be * good Bnceewu oar Milliner bu Lad good experience in the business, has worked u: it ->ix or eight yoars iu the citv. \Ve want Miilirpiytipprenticos. In Clover ami Grass Seals we luivi- the 1st and -211(1 grades. Anyone wanting the liest, can get Uei Right Prices. Save money anil get v vi>m- Sugars ut. Tho Municipal Council .shl|i of A I :< inesi.i hereby f the To eH notiee to His own oli.sonution, , the tho uitep:iytis of school stdions numbers and other parties f Arti'incM i, tliat ;i|i;i!n- ii inn has I ! u imnte to raid m-hooliooni 1 -"- 1 " 1 '; 11 " 1 ';- 1 '"'" I.-OIH-I-I ni-ii in iiif towmhip weie fiei|iienlly oriiivn on, thus Dinklllg ii of more |)inctit-il i:due. If Mr. Vai-.Counc'il lo nliei' (ho boundaries of said cellns will allow us (he use of il hopeJM'Ctii us a. id to fmii a new Huctlun out of to print it in thu ncJii future, us it "I'"" f"''' I. MI valuiiblu lo be conlined In the W(ls iiin: ini.niii K properly viz : Lots' 1 to ... [144 iu thn second emiee simi, and !"t-. ^jll! to 144 in thn third coiu-ession, imcth- wbo were prenentnt the maeiiim. From M8t ,,f ,| lt , Tonflito ami Sydenloim ea^.t it wu cull a few r.nltli-il statrmoiits : Ituad, lot I'l in the 8th concession, loti Theru is no plnmti in lif.i in which the 1 " 111 " 148 '" "'" 1(M| '-oncessioii and . , , lots lii HI. I 17 in the I ttli COHCCBMOII if Woik of llie school ninni is not oronuhl ... , ., . si.iu tOVIUoip, '' nd I bit Ihe iniiiter will in. The ichool helpl the In me iiloi K |, t . ,n<.,;lcred at ik special nie.-i:ii!j i-f said moral Inns. The child who hu i,..i an ('ciincd lo I o held on Monday the If h education is like a wheol with a broken ''ay <'f March l!H- ( , at I o'clock p. m. to/, ill, y miiy succeed tn K certmn c D.iled thi.i 4th day of March. I'.H'.'. tent, but ciuitiol do their |liesl wuk W. J HKLLAMV, Twp. t'leik- Ki'kjii't wars felt ib.ii Mr Henry > a s not |'ii" n 1 lo t.tko Inn pail in the m feting. The Kiinnm C.ilh'lio latepnyers II -mover, nt it muetini; hold there hist week, liavo decided tn I ui'd a Sopaiate Nchnol in thill towi'. Farm For Sale Lot Hi, Con. 10, Township <>f O.prey, () f closn to Kevrrsluini I'ost Oltiee. I'riiine bank burn and fniino hoiiso. Seventy acres c'lenl'ed Apply to A C OAMl'UKLI.. li Kusholine ';,. nl. Toronto. Marl.'> ^V S'^S^Zsirfl^sT^J^.'W^/Tf^./lK' s^v?tp' %p%?v\/v/^\yv\^f\/vs ^*^%FV^r\?WN^<r%^C CLAYTON'S - - x FOR - - Boots and Rubbers TilO.^K who wnnt jjood wouriiifj Boots, either Kactory or Hatiil made for the wet uud cold weather or lor winter should call and inspect our CELEBRATED MALTESE CROSS & LION BRAND RUBBERS, BothLightand Heavy. Do You Ever Sleep? If you do you will he wise to pay attention. 1 am at the present time making a Specialty of Iron Reds. The ordinal of the picture given at the head of this advertisement will only e-jst you $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 Get something nice and comfortable on which to luy your wenry head. (If course, wo have other bods at other priivs. nil equally low m price Siuiitaiy Beds such na every boJy wants Siiriuns and Maitreases to tit all be. Is. Examine our stock any- way, before pin chasing your sit en inducers. W. H. BUNT LESHERTON, ONT. Jas. tPattlson . Qeylon f*Jenertil ^/Hcrc/innt Highest Market Price paid for all Farm Produce J. & W. BOYD Flcshcrton, - Ontario. WANTED AT ONCE A in ni with KtnvnptriWIM IK liurticul turn tn lianillo our trido in Kli-sherton. Splendid . 'ill-inn", mil 1 1. -i in mi-Hi position for the right purty. \\ us .- irr pnrtieu'iirfl und stule experience Une Stone & KiiiilliiH Nnrtri ii-i, TORONTO, ONT Wellington! K, I'Hlnlilishpd is.;, . K Trunks, Suit Cases and Telescopes. REPAIRING AS USUAL. ^ *1^Sl**t' 'w^?PN?i^ \rv?% *w^7^p^?^?i^ /w^?\"w\ **\>"*\ *w^?w\?^'\^w\ ^*^JSF>?vW^^ IHUHEIt Carefully Oorrecte;) Kach Week J Wheat 85 to 85 J OHM 43 lo 4:' i IVas 1 10 to 1 10 | Hmloy . . TO to 70 I Mnv 10 00 to 10 IX) j r : i Et!H, fnmh 20 i 20 Potatoes pel bai; IIH) 10 10(1 Oeese 10 o 1 -' | '^ l>uekit 10 to 12 ,\^ Ohickwm 10 M 18 'kO . aiKrfg , 18 to IS ' ' J Wool New Spring Goods l Dress Goods Tin. Neatest and Prettiest Range of Tatterns aud Colois \v have ever shown. See our Voilts, (iray Chaiupayne. Nile Cireen, with a very neat stripe of lilack, at 50c. Serges in Navy, Block, Garnet, 50c to$l .00. A full line of Fancy and Plain Dress Goods ilOo to $1.50. Wash Goods We liavo a full range of all the new Kabiics, such as Voiles, ChaiDbrays, Zephyrs, Repp, Ginghams, Etc. Some very pretty Colots and Patterns from ISJc to 50c. Prints We are showing something very neat in prints. See our Specials at lOc and I -W, Boots and Shoes Owr Stock is now complete in all tho New Lasts and Styles for Spring, and puces which cannot be beaten anywhere. J.& W. BOYD Flesherton - - Ontario. . ' j