March 14. 191i* FL ES H E K T N ADVANCE - ' I The Standard Bank of Canada Record of Business as at the 31st of January. 1912 LIABILITIES ASSETS Cash on Hand Notes and Cheques of and due by other Bauk* dominion Govt. and other first-class Bond-. L<*arre on Call, on Govt. , Uuoicipal and other Bonds and Stocks - Government Deposit to secure Note Circulation Bias Discounted and Current Advances Bank Premises Other Assets $3,18,7->-'.U - 2,470,791.4s J.S62. 194.98 1,906,949.00 KJO.000.00 25,387,068.68 397 ,842. 13 57,283.47 $37,311.317.78 Notes in Circulation Deposits - - - 30,1 16,849. 38 Dividends - - - 45.439.00 Due to other Ranks - W3.#.87 Capital - $2,000.000.00 Reserve Fur.d 2,eOO,OW>.00 Rebateoflnterest on Discounts - 71,643.4.5 Balance of Profit and Loss Acct. 61,383.54 4,733,027.03 Virtue U not always its own reward. A Ma>.ichaset ta man has Leea presented with a gold watch because he has Deter j used prnfiiiie word, never roked or SI 9' 353 00 ' h ew *d t"bacco, and hid cever taken a drink of liquor, nor kised a ijirl outside of his o*n f*nu.'y. Such a man dues at $37.311.317.71 GEO P. SCHOLFIELD. General Manager. C. P. R. Time Table. Trains leave Flesherton Station as follows : Going South Going North 7.43 a. ID. 11.28 a.m. 4.33 p.m. 8..j3p. ro. The mails are closed at Flesherton a.-, folio fi : For the north at 10.40 a.m. and 7 p.m. ; and the afternoon mail south at 3.40 n'clocK For morning train south mail close at 9 p.m. the previous e'g. We are obliged to hold over 1 and other correspondence. Mi. Bert Armstrong of Meaford visited his mother here this week. Mi*s FA Inkster ot Warehsm spei t last week with the family of Dr. Murray. Charley Wolf has sold his team and is now sellio? his goods at the P;vrk.House. See his advertisement in this issue. Mr, and Mrs. A O. Findlay of Owen Sound, spout a few ays with her par- ents, Mr. nd Mn. W. C. Hanley of the *r.h line, Areuicsui. They left on Mon- day of this week for Alberta. Somebody has been "stuffing' the editor of '.he Mr. Forest Representative. Mr. F.-ed McClocklin of Holstem was i He print* au item statin:; that a certain in town on Saturday. ! gentleman over there killed a groundhog Mr. R. Beotham spent Sunday with j "e other day by climbing a Uee and his brother-in-law. Mr. J. Buskin, at ! knocking it down from its prcn 40 feet Wodehou**.-. U P- ^" e do<z ** supposed to hare fia. thed . ., T , _. . the job. Who ever heard of a '-roi nd- Messrs. Donald McL*od,Deptity Reeve , 11 IT o. ii k | hog climbing :i tiee ' Perhaps is was a of Artemesia, and J. H. Snell, are at i j- T it T I tnuskrmt ! Or a mudturtle . London ibis week attending L.O.L. Grand Lodge as delegates. Mrs John Bo ? J - who was iu tfce Durham nil way wreck of Friday, was ' brought t j her bvme here on Saturday. VICINITY CHIPS Mrs. (Dr ) Carter waa culled to Torento on Friday last by the serious illness of a little nephew, who, we understand, is now improving. Dr H. Heodeison spent Sunday with Mr. aud Mrs. Jus. Blackburn. Mrs. Herdersou, who has been here for week, returned homo with him Monday. Mr. Jacob Pars!ow of the Durham Road, prevK'U* to leaving for the West *uld his farm to Mr. Jo*. Oliver of the same locality. Mr. Oliver does not take possession for it year. Flechertun skttim; rink maintains its popularity and on Friday n.ghr was crvwded with sn hilarious bunch of young people. Representatives were pieienr from Feverham, \ andeleur, Dundall(. Ceylon, and Rock Mills. A partrid^o was found l)iug beside the n-ad uetwe'> the vil!.;e mid station on Monday. There were no marks of tivleice. We hope ibis does i not nieun that the partridge* are dying off owing to the severe winter. The funeral took pUce here . n \Vec- nesday of last week of Mr. IVriitley H. Freer of Durham. Mr. Freei w 52 yens of -ige. Other members if family liave a resting pi ice i.i Flesher'oti cemetery. Boy Warred An intelligent fuuu 14 to 17 yens .f a.;e, who would like to learn the printing -ind newspaper bus.ues,. can find a g,x>d opening iu th s and J * es <" h "- office at tho present time. To the rijit , toy a good chance is offered. M'>. I! yd i* not so seriously lojurtd us the Toronto papers wade it appear, at- though it ii bad enough. She received a really need a gold watch. What he wants U an alarm clock. Ei. While cutting ice on the credit River near Credit Fort) on Saturday afternoon, James F riser was suddenly overcome by weakness and fell into a hole from which he had just removed some ice. His fellow workmen rushed to bb asaiscicce and -401 him out of th<j water in .short order, but only to rind thai he wia dead. The man w.u carried to a nearby house snd a doctor tent for, but it was of no avail. Dr. Henry Gear of Erin, Coroner investigated the case, but found it ua~ uece&ary > hold .1:1 inquest. ,9 the nun h-ul died from heart failure and '.*s in aU probability dead before striking the water. Odds and Ends Charles Wolfe s Reduction Sale OF- MISCELLANEOUS Lost Good white and blick spotted be.vzle hound, ahut 10 months old, a Muaday, March 4. Finder pleise .-. iu- oiuntcate with Herb Smith, Flesherton. Farmers, ship your produce direct t'j us Dest prices ind prompt returns. Correspondence solicited. Duuda? Pro- duce Co., 179t Dundai sr. West To- ronto. Mty 14 re<|uired a couple of stitches, also some ; bruise*, but the greatest injury was i caused by shock. Mr*. Boyd says she: remembers norbing of tba wreck after J premises Boar for Service- -Thoroughbred Short- hot n bull for service on lot 120. 1 S. W. T. and S R., Artemesia. Terms fl. James Hill. Prop. Brantford rooting. Crystal rooun;; and siding. Asphalt routine and siding, Rub- ber to tin*. Steel routing and siding. Metallic shingles. J. McDonald, agent. Ceylon. loApt Men Wanted T-> drive team. Steady work to right u-nn, $'" p-r month, married men prtferrod. Apply to G. B Vause, dray and transfer, Arcola, Sask. Houud Cam* Astray lame t on Sa'urday, Fe*>. 17 eemst th* conductor throw up his hands i and makefur the door, uutil she fuund , herself s:ttmg ou her valise with her hand bii{ ou her arm. You judge a man not by what he (ironiM** to do, but by what be hu don*. That i- th only true test. Chamberlain ' CiMitrh Remedy judged t>y this standard has no super- ior. People everywhere speak of it in the hi(rfa- et terrm of praise. For sale l.y all dealers. Mrs. Leah Hutchinson black and while bound. one Wilson. Good brick house and two 1- u- for or ren: in Flesherton. also park lot con- taining ;U aores. Ap^'p to A. Shickltf- ford. W-inted liocd *mrt boy to leirn gen- <>rl biwiness. McF.trltud & '.' .. Mtiik- Jtle. Or.: Wanted cream ship nenfs. . i i J aud D.-i-ry Co canvasser Apply g ti> \ -In a few On Friday, March S. Mr*. L-ah ;(. Little) Hutchinsoii passed peai-efully away at Inistii^e. The immediate cause ' Rhixles, Arthur. UPC of death i.< puralysis. When a child of eight years she. with her parents, cau.e from Ireland to Toronto, liter stttliu^ in the township oi Artcuien . In 1804 C'J she was uiarrivd ti> Mr. \\iii. Kutchin- tha ' sen, wh predecca.d her eighteen yeais the ,>>. The union was blessed 1> ttu rvfer- ercon W ilkert. n. I >'.it. 11 II I I [Ml A i i !><! M M I II II II II SI i ! I i ' i 1 1 ii I 1 iiii i! i! lii! IHI llll Furs, Clothing, Jewelry and Silverware In the Park House hotel FLESHERTON Commencing Tuesday, March 12, 1912. SEE THIS LIST: These Goods at 7 5 c on the dollar Men's Persian Lamb Collars, Muffs, Kurt's and Cuperines. 32 Fur Line<i Coat?. Ladies' and Men's. Watches. Chain-?. Bracelets and Kings. Silk* in a Great Variety of Colors at 50c on the Dollar. CASH OR CREDIT ON ALL GOODS. 15 Ladies' Spring Suits, samples *1?.00 _>. $11.9-3 ' Ladies' Spring Suits, samples $13.00 for $5.!W 1-3 Men's Coats, far lined. Persian Collars. $25. 00 for $12.$i SO Men's Suits, tegular $22.00, for *U.! ^0 Men's Suits, regular $14.00, for flO.UO 45 Men's Suits, regular $12.00, for... $7.50 130 Men's Suiis. regular. $10.00, tor .$5. 'A? 40 Boys Suits, regular So. CO. for $3.95 30 Boys Soi, regular $i.OO, for $[ -5 10 Boys' Suits, regular ^3,00. for $1.12 10 Men s Beaver Coa:s. reg. $9.03, at 34. 95 -0 Men's Craveanette, reg $10.00 at $j :>5 2-3 Au:o Coats, reg $10.00 for $6.:H. 25 Grey Lamb Caps, reg $4.00 KU- $1.30 10 Black Laab Caps, reg $!>.00. for $5.12 25 W-iis: Cca:s. reg $1.50 for 75c 20 pa;r Corduroy Pants, reg $3.50, at $1 75 20 pair Corduroy Pants, res $1.75, at 7"> 21 pair Cbenile Cumins, reg $0.00, at *3.50 50 Table Cloths, reg 1.50, for .. ...65c 25 Black L'uderskirts. reg $1 50, for .t50c 10 Black Skirts, reg $.3.00. tor ..... $2.50 25 Ladies' Leaver Coats, reg $15.00 at 56.50 25 Ladies' Rr'jber Coats, reg $t.OO. a: $1.10 25 Children's Coats, reg $1.50. for... Ooc 16 Children's Coats, reg $7.00, for $4.10 50 Men s Sweaters, reg $2.50, for $1.15 15 Men's Dusters, reg $5.00, for 99c 2* Boys' Sa'X-Ks' reij "be, for I7c ~0 Viuey \Yi:s:coats. n?g $300. lor Toe. I- H Sale Starts on Tuesday, March 12. at Flesherton, II ill R [)<! children -6 boys and 4 s'rls. Th* sons . , jie: Rev. John F. of Flat Kock, Mich.: *U > William H. of Hi* Ri|.ids, Mu-'i : Hilliard nt Walio!). Ont ; andiic -i^e W. One died in in- fancy. Tho daughters are Miss >lir-.i at home, Mrs. John t'nrkci 't Midland, Mr-*. Alex. Br->wni.f Vas#y and Angelina Anu>ns th^vse who left this station for , aecensed. The. funeral took plaon >n the West o:. Monday of this week were M, n liy. llth iu>t.. t.. Fleshert<-u cem- Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Parslo*, Me*si'>. e tery. Rv. Mr. Weilvrood om\-it;ii^. Fred Yauio. -li>Ku Meads. Mr. nd ' i'h deceased lady is survived by eleven Mrs. Mitt Leitch. Mr. l!e Priestly of ^tatid.-hildrei-, also by twc sisters Mrs. Maxwell, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Magee. Jud, j onn Breeu and Mrs. Margaret Kkiasof Fleshrton aud n brother. William Little of Owen Sound. At the age of 74 >he paused from service and sacrifice of Alex. McLaughlsn. Messrs. Howard Watson and Hurry J. Murney the Duudis Prt'..uce West Toronto, wete in lin Ivt looking after busiiu-s.", i-.d nave The Aovai'c-a call. Mr. Watson i a native of Swinton Park and both lire enterpris- ing young men wh>m we have {>lesuie in reeomuientHcg. See their advertise- ment elsewhere. this life to the mansion prepared for her in 1 ojveii. HIT end was peace. The Public Library Although the books have not all been placed ou the shelve* of tho public 1'b- r^ry, *ubcribers havo been supplied with books for some tuue. The< work of placing some ten or eleven hundred One afternoon W week a party of youni p*t>le. chipei'>n<d by Mrs. W. j A .,.nis a-.U Kev. H. K. Well- volumes i* a work of conulrb. magui- lo Mr. W DM WIHK!. snowshoed over lo Mr. Witcork's 'ii the bacfc tire and wove en- tertained there tight royally. Thett were son>e i-tiff j.'iuts next day among the tyros lut (hut is all in the game. Suowshoeing has been good '.his wiuter. While playiivx hockey wiih th Mark- d;le> club ou Thursday evening CharVy Civssley got a cut over tha chin with .t hockey *tiok that jurred >m of his teeth li*w and cut hist **> badly that the wound had to be it itched. Jharley refused to quit p'ay although Markdale offered to put off a mau <n.h luai. and jrittily.tinished th* garne> -then went (o the Pi. A horie attkchrd (oacuttov. belon|ing to i gentleman fmui Stone'it line, made a dash for liberty (rvm Atmstr.iiig'a shed ono afternotn list week. The thing nn about four bUvks and iiUo a snuwWnV. \Mieii the dashboard cmn int> contact with tha anow the hui v fell on I-* mde. and those who Mlicd tv. i'* aiatuiew Had no ditticultT ! du.tritn. Ho to live on 4 ilvuna l>ay, ta takiux a waptur*. No Mtioua dmte ! Hailway Cor<iuel* <f the WvttlJ, l>io was 4m, aaJ la* uwaer's felinj way ' BMTt j, Omada. (H Wtsltin Trad*. tude and takrs time. However, it is ex- (>ected that the work will be completed within the next two weeks, when things will run in re smoothly. The hours iu which the library will be open are from 4 to t> and 7 to 9 p.m. on Wedned:iy and Saturday*. A regular librarian ha* not yet been appointed but the work will be looked after. The following new books have recently been aidvd : Treasure Valley, Caa* of Dick Meyrvll, The Wilderness, Th* Money Moon, Sing r of the KooUnay. The. Fourth Watch '!'" Secret liardrn. Members of the Family, The Measure vf Man, Tho Golden Silence, From Tunderfool to Scour, Mary Midthornr, The Ri>a*ry, The Mistress - t Shenatour, FollowiiiK of A Star, Lizbeth of the Dale, Winning of Karl*ra Worth, Tho I,<>n Roll, Uiaryof Mr*. Sinicce. Mother Carey's Cliickenv, Ballads of a Cheechakt'O, l> >*n on the l.i\l>idr, Trait of ihe I'athrinders, Arc- tic Prauiea of Canada, Souls hi Action, in the Woods, Some Ameiican In- ^ ei- f"*a by a- . I C<1 and Def.nor. d*ys Mr. J. H , manufacturer .if eh es. Tra uaf c m i - tions and curls, lu'ide from your own combing*, will call t every home in Fleshertoa with a full line of samples, cnrds. pri'.-es. ere. ARTICLES FOR SALE f :it )>0 cent* l>usue; .1^1* Leaf, Apply to Ma.. Stock for Sale thil.jt L\. 1 V. 1>. Ii. Art-uiesia, S yer> old, sup|.ed to be iu calf. 1 cow 10 yatrsold, s-jj.[i \sed :o be in calf, 1 o.'* 7 years 'Id. supposed t be in calf, 1 heifer rising two years old, i steers rising tw-i ye:s o'd. three calves. 10 e*rs supposed to U; in Umb, I ram, , a four mouths old. -GK WILLIAMSON. R. l>. Mrldrum, mart 111:0 licei:-; - I' iw. Flesherton Skating Rink .. .'; v'r.iit year old colt f'>r sale. Alex. M.-Rc, Ceylon V O. F 'r Sale -liooil general purpose horse Apply to A. K. Walker. K ioni* p. o. SkltilU every Hockey from 7 ->l i and Thursday*. - Mue Oo note Flayer. I Knuis newest design. I New Scale William* J. & W B'Oyd Loui* XV. Style, strtctlv new :ind _ i;.: iriu'eed by the company. Will tell Di^h* in the> uiif.i S..'>0 M Band oery Friday General ad.ui-siou I'.V. Fnd;y nights 1 J cent<. Siturd.iv ufteru'>ou for learners only. Proprietors. thee 'il a great reduction during March. Call and see these iu$iruuj<. > ii:<. I. l?<ecker, Troion Stttion. Hay For Sale- A IKMIMB h;ts .1 ft-w tons of So. I pre<std I ity for sale at $17 per tou. 7 ' Horses for Sale Spin ofg'Kid ly Imrseo. well-matched, or will exchcuue for heavier team, suil- for etiir w;iitor>. M. SCl'LLY, Co Klesherton. GROCERIES OF QUALITY In All Lines For Lent LALE SUPERIOR HERRING 5 cts. LAKE SUPERIOR TROUT 7 cts. I.iptn'sTe.. .vi Fce.: ". Ma R . .: ii .Behold, \\'h ... M niiu^ Olory. All th.-~c th:!'^> ar.d niai^y i!..>re can be h i . i al The Grocery of Quality VV, L. Wright, Grocer, Flesherton F"f cde cheap *ud e i*y terun. or rent immediate p><jsessio'i, tint c'ass brick veneervd dwelling in Kugeuii, go*.d fur- incc :ind soft and hrd water in house. splendid gtrdew and orchard. Apply to R. J. Sproule, Fleshertot-, Ont. JTcedtf FIT ^tile Cheap and on easy terms, goi-d C"in[ortble frame house, and two Kiod villiaite lots, in Fleshert"n. apply to R. J. Sr*>u!e. Holstein Friesian Cattle Bull for Senrice Canirv Hmr l-iov t,'j!jiity. N^. lOoJl, brtd by H. t-'. *.i-ort:e of l.'rAojj'too. On(. Sir*. butter Hoy I'UiMiuty So. |TUI, 1>*U1. I tnr> i CioUio An:ioipasnii No. WUi. Term* Kgi* tered c<'is f^iW. lirJ #l.oO. T.kworu SWINE RjrtJrwJ T::iortb Kor Tsrtin HiJ Sow l.i. Bruwa L^shoru and \VUito WyanJctto . block, Jor Sale. Lot 170. 4 R.T. Kitg (or H RH'HJiKD AIXKN. Klbrton. Lots fi>r slo at reasonable prices A | nuuiber i f itnod building lot* ii the lat- W K. Flesher estate, Klesherton, ; on Torouti> mid Sydeuh-iu mid Durhaiti ; strevta. AppJy to R. .1. Spn>ule, Flesherton, Out, Farm for Sale or Rent -Lot 3. con. 13, and ! I 4, con 14, Osprey, better known as the oeorx* My<?s farm 20>> acres 1x5 under cultivation, aood buildinits.well watered. Apply to W. A. Armstn'ns:. Flesheitcn. lS#p tf Mis M. A. Becker, pupil of Miss W. B. Freeman, will t*kt a limited uumber of pupils for iiistruc ion on the piano at hrr li-ime. Proton Station. For SO day* we offer the bali.nce of ^ur stix-k i'f Meti't fur coats, and Boys' heavy overcoats and reefer*. Ladies' fur and he-avy cioih coats, fur c*p, muffs. stoles, caperineo snd gtuatlet* at cot. L. Becker, tV)t'>:i St*iion. MCltHI SttBS Notice to the Public We are giving up basin**' in Fever- sbaui to build a store in the north, and we are offering our stock lo the public al whole*al prices, for cash or trade. We wilt KMIK our larxc brick block here at ouc<> for best offer. All ac- counts .tud past due notes must positive- ly be ettled by the first dry ->f April. I. HARVEY PKRIGOE. Feverham, oven M YCAN : KXr*CICNCC An el'rxaix* au<tui sale of latM I l.H.-k. uiipleineiitt and hoiMoho'd eff. i-'s will be held <>i. Tuesday, March 19th on I lot ia. : N. K. T. * S. R. Sale to j comment* t I o'clock p. o>. aharr, Rud. Mvtk*. Auctionter. 1>. A. M:hw'i', Proprietor. !< pot*. or MKuniv pttfuta. piMnii takon t6n<ub Mann Ik >' s rclT odcv, without oorr, IB tbe tpnM .TU,, Witout Scientific SOWING HIS WILD OATS REAPING A HARVEST OF SORROW How niaay younj nien can Ux'k. Kick on their early h:e and rejrret their misdeexls. ' 'Sowing their wild oats' ' in vjurtousway 5. Uxcesses, violation of na- tv.-. s laws, "vriao, women a::d soag" all tuive their victims. Yon have re- formed but what about the avcd you have sown what about the harvest? Don't trust to luck. If you are t present within the clutches of any secret habit which is sapping your life by decrees; if you are suf- fering from the results of pust in.Hscretions; if your blood has bevn tainted from any private disease and you dare not marry; if you ar marriexl an*l live in dread of symptoms breaking out ami exposing your past; if you are suffering as the result ot a misspent Hfe-DRS. K. 4. R. ARE YOUR REFUGE. Lay >our case before them conndeQtially and they will tell you honestly if you are curable. YOU CAN PAY WHEN CURED W Treat and Car. VARICOSE VEINS. NERVOUS DEBILITY. BLOOD aad URINARY COMPLAINTS, MONEY and BLADDER Di*. ea** od all Dwea*a Peculiar to Mn. CONSULTATION FttEE. Book> Fr,. oo DIMUM of MM. U naMU 10 cal. writ* for Qu.0o BUok K.r BUMK THK ATMKJIT . DPS KENNEDY&KENNEDY Cor. Mich iga n Ave. and Grwwold St, Detroit, Mich. NOTICE All letters from Canada must be addressed to oar Canadian Corre-spoiKlence: Deportment iu Windsor. Ont. If you desire to see us personally call at our Medical Institute in ]>etrcitas we see and treat oo patient* in our Windsor offices which are u.-cd for correspondence and Laboratory for Canadian business oaly. .VUlress all letters as follows: DRS. KENNEDY & KENNEDY. Wind.or. Ont. W. iie tor ovr private Ji^Mtrv*