Flesherton Advance, 14 Mar 1912, p. 7

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Only The Fence Maker Knows What's Underneath The Galvanizing All fence looks You cannot tell offhand what gang* or T7 could c'.eap- alike in the what quality of wire wa* u >ed to make en LEASER Fenrx store. The test the fence you look at in the store. You quality a fourth comes in year- cannot even be sure about the po^rir: and you'd nev- by-year service of the rralvaniiing. You must buy on er notice it till under the sky. faith and you can safely put your faith in you'd U9cl it. Leader Fence This is the fence of 9-gauge. letted hard-drawn steel wire, smoothly and thickly galvanized and set together with the wonderfu. TUREE-g-ip LK KDEH Lo;k that insures springing that lasta. Stretch LEADER Feno<> tighter than you'd dare stretch .IB ordinary wire fence it will .stand it. because it is built to stand more. LEADER Fence lasta! LEADER Fcnco has the one lock that clamps verticals and cross-wires Ermly and lastingly together without danger of rrarking the galvanizing. Thus, rust cannot touch this fence. If yon do not know our local agct. write direct to us for complete information. Agents wanted in unrepre- sented districts. Write for proposition. Queen St., STRATFC3D, CNT. tBE Frame & Hay IWMl; SOMK CIRIOIS KNULISH LENTEN CUSTOMS WINS m KJIIITS Wiimn churchyard, cross Easter picking up sixpences from a tombstone according to ancient custom, bun apiece. Secure & Profitable Bonds Paying GJ O Price Bros. & Company have been in business in Quebec over loo years. It is the largest industry in Quebec Province. Their holdings of pulp and timber lands are 6,000 miles in extent, and have been valued by experts at over $13,000,000. The net earnings in 1910 were $448,000,000. The new pulp mill now under construction will double these earnings. Timber limits are insured with Lloyds of England against fire. Price Bros. & Company First Mortgage Bonds pay 6 per cent, interest on their present price. They will assuredly appreciate in value. Considering interest return, security, and future increase in value, they are an unusually attractive investment. On application we will send you literature fuily describing these bond*, D.OVAI SECURITIES KU I AL, CORPORATION LIMITED BANK OF MONTREAL BUILDING - R. M WHITE M YONGE AND QUEEN STREETS TORONTO ONTREAL-QUEBEC-M ALIF AX-OTTAWA LONDON (ENOJ They also receive a hot SOME VA1IOUS FORMS Of PREFERRED SHARE:. How They Differ From Each Other-Im- portant Points for the Investor Con- templating Stock Investments to Know How Debenture Stock is Not Siock at all as We Understand the Term. Tho articles contributed by "Inri-j'or" are for the sole purpose of ffnidinif pros- pective mv-tor>i, and. if nosnible, o^ aar- inir them from Inning money tnromth placing it in "wild-cat" enterprises. The impartial and reliable character of the information ma/ be relied upon. The writer of these articles and the pub!. -her of this paper hate no :n -erve In connection with this matter other than those of the reader. Like many other good things and bad- there is more than one kind of preferred , stock. There is. of course, the ordinary preferred and cumulative preferred stock j referred to last week, but there is also a preferred stock which has the advantages of common dtock as well as those of pre- ferred stock. Such a stock, for example, if "participating" preferred stock. In the case of the "Soo" railway stock.i Soo being an abreviat.on for Minneapol.- - ! Paul and Sault Ste. Mane, the preferred ; shares are "participating." The preferred i I stock qualifies for its seven per cent, divi- > dends before the common can receive any return; but after the common has re- ceived seven per cent, any further pro- fits which might be divided among the j shareholders must go to preferred and f common shareholders alike. In other i words, after the common shareholders re- , ceive the -urne return as the preference ! shareholders the preference shareholder 1 ) CM-LETT* THE STANDARD ARTICLE -SOLD EVERYWHERE For making soap softening water, removing paint, disinfecting sinks , closets, drains, and for many other purposes E.W.GILLETT COMPANY Ul M I TED TO RON TO, ONT. If any chairs need new covers, or windows new curtains, I the surplus oron: 3 y f a]so auend ^ them Latef ^ This is in many way, ^ soon ^ rOura U c l ea ned. vou have very satisfactory form of investment, as it adds to the safety of the pn-f.-r sbare the prospect* of appreciation that "Dressing" the wells at Tissington, in Derbyshire, with religious! still another form of preferred ihan which has many of the advantages of -the participating share is the "convertible" ceremony. the kettle tightly, let it steam till thoroughly heated. Having remov- BRUCE'S SEEDS The Standard of Quality Since 1850 \n experience of over sixty years in the Seed business in Canada, am! our long connection with the Best Growers of the World, gives us advant- as-o which few seed houses possess ; added to this, our careful system of tasting ail i>ur seeds for purity and germination, and the great care exercised in every detail of our business, brings to us every season many pleased customers, to add to our already large list of patrons. SHOPPING BY MAIL is a most fascir.atinjf. enjoyable, and profitable pursuit. You can in a few duvs, and with perfect safety, though far removed from the source of supply, have delivered at your door Bruce's Seeds: The Seeds that satisfy. All you require to do M U>end u a iio*t curd axltin:; for our hand- amvly Illustrated 112 D>a Catalogue ol S.odi. Plants, 3i, lmp!m*nts and Pvultry Supolio. which we will mail tr hare*, Jiitlon rcveipt of satne send us yourorjr* Writ* for It now ta John A. Bruce & Co.. Ltd., Hamilton, Canada. ' y ' T^ l-:jD.r ^iwU BOUM of rfcjitda. soon as a room your material right at hand to fresh- en the furnishings. Don't forget th bedding If any- .1 ? h t !' TC e '" ment :hat C * f * thin S ^ed; washing, that should be done first; if any part is worn, repair: if the binding or lining is worn, put on new ; if the ribbon on the flannel blanket is worn, rip it to the common. waists are left unstarched by the " For alustratwn - ' O ff and bind w:ta laundress th necks of the waists ta! ' e tbat of the F N Burt light -colored chambray or ginzham cut on the well-known on the jji as ed the meat to a platter, make a will not break so earfv as they or- gravy by adding thickening to the dinarilv do. "oronto stock En-hange. and whose an- Pick up a' 1 odd -> and stock left in the kettle. You willj Never fill a lamp completely If nual report h " T< ** atl T PPr.-d m th:s d ., n c want tij find that this method makes the : it is filled in a cold room and then papcr In thls e " e the P r * ft?rre< <** some old ladvtha;.; meat much more tender than when taken into^ warm one expension bea " 7 per eent ' di ' dend - b-'h must o j wor | tj or - - > to it enjoys that kind , .- ~ .. ~..., . .. them into rags for first cooked. |wi!l occur ind the oil will overflow 1 !fore lfle con "<"' c fait and miss rugs or a carpet: To Preserve Hams. Scald a ; on the sides. "" ^ * a - howerer. as the j lol _, k ov<?r ajl un j er .^'rt and stone jar until sweet, trim ham as | Finger marks disappear from var- ' der de " re "- he may turo into after putting them in good order.! for cooking: put layer in jar, press- : nished furniture when swet oil is ' lpany hu P ref( ' rri>d 'hares and exam i ne a n tne home dresses Per- ing firmly down with a potato | rubbed on the spot, and from oi'.-d r from them an 0< ual """her of haps ^ me are h;lr j lv worth m ,, lul . masher; continue until within four wood when paraffin is used in the 8hare * of comln< " 1 tocl1 - ing. but if they are good enough inches of the top of jar; fill with bam e way. ot T "y sensible^ exchange, you say i for house-cleaning, repair them, hot. sweet lard. In advising the use of hot water C Ttain 'y not - when th <->mm..n b.-ar, a an<1 thev wi jj save v , jur guot j ,,,,. Pot Roast. Purchase beef suit- a medical writer sa.-s the advantane f e per cent, dmdendi but sup- xfter t j, e aome d reMe s fcre made able for pot roast, lay m an iron. of it is that when taken a half-hour pos<1 ' instead - il wer '. or <"<> i> g<HX i, j on ' t f a ji to have a g.x-d sup- pot, with salt and i-pper, and four before meals it draws the blood to cent ' ien ' of course - by the timple pro ' p!y of long wide-work aprons. L.>ok tablespoons of vinegar, an onion the stomach and stirs it to activity. uc " of chan s" 1 * n> the old 7 ,, v ' er tile b ,.,, O f Vuur xvart i r ..be. but and carrot diced fine. Cover with With many people it seems to work ppr ceDt ' P refe " r " J mav be converted into j,_, n t attempt to work at those un- boiling water, cooking slowly for like a charm. It is good for the in- 8 or 10 per c at c ' ommon Wlt! > "e" til after cleaning is done You will two or more hours, or until meat | active and the dvspeptic. i is well done. Then heat a skillet 1 hot, adding a few tablespoons of ' choice butter. Lay meat in the | same searing on all sides. Put : roast back in pot. making a brown j gra\y by adding Hour to the but- rKOH THE NORTII (Ot > TRY HOME move them from the oven. the potatoes, allowing the peelings jter in the skillet and the gravy in I which the meat was cooked, with a Cut HD measure of tomato catsup and ,- some mushrooms, if liked. Serve to remain. Take off the outside ; cover of the onions, cut them up, shlre P 1 " 1 " 1 "*- and mix them thoroughly with ihe I potatoes* Xow add a quantity of olive oil. sufficient to moist-en the with mashed potatoes and York- VEGETABLE RECIPES. Potatoes and Onions. One-half dozen medium sixed potatoes. Wash them thoroughly. Don't peel. Take one-half dozen onions about the urne size as potatoes. Place the potatoes in a fairly hot oven. Place th onions in the oven about five or tn minutes after the potatoes. Oook both until they have assumed the proper degree of softness. Re- VALUABLE HINTS. A lialf-tablespoonful or so of vine- entire mixture. Salt to taste. The|g ar P ut in the P an with stewing above is sufficient for two or three meat will make the toughest meat persons. tender. V* t* I VT, 1 V1.^*1HIK sponding mcrease in income, .though, of now have p ; enty ,, f tlme t<J th ; nk course, not of market pru-e. as the f:,ct and p | an what , uu wU1 nee<J ^ do> that the preferred shares are convertible or _ if vou hire ,' t J one engage somo will prevent any great divergence m the one ^ , y do it Th ^ n a!1 c ; Whore (be Winters are fold and the ""*" <ta tati I " " ^ "" ^ iifi ' draw " s , a ^ '"'-''<l ^ ' oughlv cleaned and straightened. preference stock which \ Vnen shopping. I try to think of the things 1 will need at house- Snow* * n. stock. There is also Writing from the vicinity David carrie " Totin P" er - and >^h has the Harum made famous, a man says ' member, w the cleaning time-tacks, paper for an habitual coffee board ' and the are othcr ">*n'< pantry shelves, new brooms, cans hares calculated to <)f paint for chajrs ;U|<1 j,,^,,., .,, ain that he was drinker, and, although he knew it kind * of was doing him harm, (Tea is equally attract th inve ' <tor wno harmful, because it contains caf- alnount of safety coupled with a feine the same drug found in cof- 8 P ecuI tion . , ._ ^ t ,. ^ ^^ liTO 8U fee) was^oo obstinate to give it up. rent clasf - h '" f "-'-. t was rcadv an<1 wantt>< j to begin. I till all at once he went to pieces is th f ' lUnt - T knowl ' " "debenture ta!ce one ~ rwm at a time setuill? with nervousness .and insomnia, lwk -" whlcl a9 P art of i; ' ame im- > apart wne t .; ear j ay to hann out loss of appetite, weakness, and a pli 9 - is more in tbe natore of bond - clothing, and another day :Vr generally used-up feeling, which tSou b aa a ^"eral rule, and as some- ing anc j a ; r i ng u j] forgetting porch floors, paint brush- es, stains for floor or furniture. etc. By tlii< time I f.-el as though called "odium" forms on This mould is injurious to effect on ths caged From the tips of his plumage to the heart of his song it gives brilliant. .sparkling vivacity. A cake of this Treat comes in every package of HrocK's Bird Seed and in Brock'* only. Be sure you get Brock's. This splendidly balanced ri'lcn of clean, imported sec^s. with Brock's BirdTreatfor dessert, will fit your bird to render his purest, richest. song. We want you to find out how beneficial Brock's Bird Treat will be for your bird, and will send you 2 full-size cakes of tlie Treat 1C you will rial! us the coupon below. NICHOLSON A BROCK 9-11 FrancU St., Toronto. For this coupon, please send me, free of charge or obligation on my part, two full-she cakes of Brock's Bird Treat, and oblige. NAUE 48 Stuffed Cabbage. -Take a nice I An alarm cL^-k "set" to the niin- practically unfitted him for his ' i- ua* of the ^_ __ij^_ solid head of white cabbage and i "te when a joint, etc.. placed in arduous occupation, and kept him ' <>tual This T<M,- 's s!,.,;,\l never be put away hollow out the center leaving a i tn<? oven wiil bt% cooked saves the Jon a couch at home when his duty : e 8ubd; - without being thoroughly aired, be- shell about two inches thick Now cook a lot of worry. idid not call him out. the name caU9e without this precaution a take one pound of lean beef (round A little vinegar put in the frying } "While in this condition Grape- -f similar- mould steak will do), lav on meat board' | P an atltl tllen boiled upon the stove j Nuts food was suggested to me and lty *** < [ ^uriry and a th^,,, and scra{>e fine everv bit of it removes the odor of fish or onions: I began to use it. Although it was 8nar<? - " however, through any cause t j u , s ^j Mix with this two goi>d sized on- ' f rom the utensil. | in the middle of winter and the tn debenture stock, Interni ;s m de- ions sliced, two slices of dry bread Hand-knitted stv<-k:ngs and sucks thermometer was often below zero, f -" l!; gratt-d fine, wpper and salt, and ''' ' ast longer if a strand of silk almost my entire living for about "*l- tni " manner nothing four eggs, and till your cabbage ls knitted into the toes and heels six weeks of severe exposure was but special form of bond will be fore- shell. Close top with 'loose cabbage U> n 8 with the wool. , on Grape-Nuts food with a little c lolders of the debenture leaves, fold in cheesecloth ami tie ' An invaluable recipe for curing bread and butter aix.1 a cup of hot stot-k w ' u be rf P*^- a ' ' they were hold- careullv with string Plunge into ! scalds and burns is common salt water, till I was wise enough to e the ordinary mortgage bonds, so a kcitle'of boiling sailed water and -applied loosely in a cloth covering make Postum mv table beverage. <!<''' ture stock should not be confused boil two hours. Take out reim.ve t!u> affected part to exclude the "After the first two weeks I be- i;h - har< "'- for tbe difference betw-en cheeseoloth, place the cabbage on a ' r - . ADDRESS a baking tin, and baste the top with butter. Set in oven to brown delicately. M:ike a sauce of cream, thickened ! with ;i little flour find seasoned with butter, pepper, and salt. Take cab- bage from oven, place on platter, UIK! garnish with parsley. Send to tab!e with baked potatoes and the i- re :uu uauce. Vegetable Soup. Get , good i soup bone, cover with cold water, ! and let boil for one hour. Take one I small head of cabbage, one onion, i three potatoes, two carrots, and a; small stalk of celery. Put these ve- i getabk-s through a food grinder | and add to the meat, with two tablespoonfuls of rice. Season with pepper and salt and let boil for an- other hour, then add one- half can corn, one-half can peas, and one- half cup tomatoes. Let boil until thoroughly mixed and thicken with one cup of flour mixed with <>M.' egg- MKATS. To Warm Over Meat. Place your kettle protector in a skillet or ket- tle, putting in enough hot water t'< almost cover it. On the protector place the meat and, having covered If the collar bands i>f the shirt * can to f ee ' * 5etter an<l during the ' ^" :te a< ' whole winter I never lost a trip on "i.paren: <.*ing to if not nu tv so confusion of name. as Weil, Well! THIS a HOME DYE ANYONE use ! dyed ALL these W FFERENT KINDS of Goods _ j==- ith rhe SAME I used DYOLA [ONE WE^Ali KINDS CLEAN and SIMPLE to Use. NO . i, in.-.- o f using Ih* \VROVG P t r f <>nh r >.-,.!, on* (us to color. \ : . < ( . : . n> >otir Pr nn ( - 1 *r IVj.or FRF K Cnl'-r (-nrdnj STilKY B"L!ttl-> T' Mka*a*-Hakj4BM Co.. uuiw, NK .,ir.i. my mail route, frequently being on between bonds and shares, the road 7 or s hours at a liir.e. Those ,-.>iupleu> the common forms .'f "The constant marvel to me 'vas 'hares and stocks, and. although one may how a person could >.(' the amount filul many other variations, if .-n.- took! uf work and endure th-e fatigue and h -' r 'l - rl <"'Kh they are by no means usual hardship as I did. on so sm-lll an nr important, being chiefly alterations in amount of food. But I found my new rations so jierfectly satisfu- that 1 have continued them name ru'.hor than form. INV BST >i: Tho next few arti.-lea will be d.->. -r,i : . . i> .^ \- . ihi- <!... ussixn <>f various i-la-es of shares. using both lo-tUMi and drape-Nuts au .-h a- hank, railroad, public wrricv* in- at e\'-rv uicil. and often thev com- prise siiy en; '.re :iieal. "AH mv nrrvoiisnc---. 'rrit-ibility and insomnia have dis:i)i>:e:irc<.l and healthv. natural s dnstrial ;md iiaviiration.1 HI-'.KOHK HOI SI- To make house cleaning easy. I has coin.' b.ick ""<' ' .Kre.-it de-i! ..IrpeiuN --n \\hat tome. But what has been norhaps : ><'i' -'' before that time, writes a the greatest surprise to me is the s - .-per. I pl-in in M-ireh. t>r fact that with the benefit to mv < ls tt< -'" 11 thereafter as posxib'e to d . general health has come 1 remark - - mv white- sewing. All the beloni;- able improvement in my eve-sight. rl ' - '" l '^ s '' !U> ari> '""keii ..n.-i- to "If a good appetite, good cliges-'see what is neetled. Then I buv tioil, good eye-sight, strung nerves and an active brain are to be de sired, I can sav from my own <>\ perienee. use tirape-Xuts and Pus ttint. \a:nc given by Cau.idii'i Postum Co.. Windsor, Out. IJo-id the little b.ak. "The Road to We'Iville." in |>kgs. "There's a reaso' 1 .. Evtr read th abo< letter? A nw on* appears from time to time. They an ftnuln*, tru, and full ol human Inttrtit. muslin, bleached or -<.' ( is waiHei'. stockings, h -IK! ker- chiefs, etc. I cut up all old white gai-me'its and nvtke rolls . .f old white cloili. n:x! the -..'J. towe's a -id nspk!'i ; t!ru nve pa-t M-rxk-e are Convincing Argument A single dish of Post Toast ies with Cream. Delicious Wholesome Convenient "The Hemory Lingers" also wide into rolls. When house- cleaniiig time comes, t kivw just] whei-e lo t'rtd my cleaning cloths. If I need new cosers i-n mv sofa pil- lons 1 make them but .! not put them on until tny rooms are all Sold by Grocers . 1-1 i m Postum C*r*al Co.. Ltd.. Windsor. Ontario. Canada. k -

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