Flesherton Advance, 14 Mar 1912, p. 8

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March 14, 1912 THE FLE8HERTOU ADVANCE 'Advance* Small Ads. Look over them weekly. There may be something for YOU BUSINESS CARPS I OUULOUOH A YOUNG L Hankers alarkde'e .oneral bankuiK ijuaiuum. Money loaned at reasonable rate* Callouus. Tv'llISl.KTT. PonlmaHtt-r. (Vylon. Commissioner io II. O. J . Conveyancer. o>o<l. uiortdate" !, will* eta carefully rtrawu up oll;tlou tuad.-. cbartJi'H roaBonable. Mw v %i^rii. Hour, feed etc. keptlu atock, 1'rico* Farms For Sale or Rent PAUM nut s\i.i: i ,.t n. . i , HID r.th ODD- coafliou of the township of Arteuiuqia, con- niiiiiK.; WO aonw. al^ihty-tivu ucvxi dared, i'lii'inii iiiir.iu-.i..i iiinlior. Property of Uio IntcW. .1. Ituattj. Tliero it a bunk burn Mill roughcaBt house oo preimaen and id well wnti'iv.l. Will bo -u! I on rc>o,mbl terms. Apply tn. lames I,. McMulluu, Ci-ylon p. o.,Oot. R J SPHO'JLB, Kleherton ,^>mn:i9lorir in H.O J.,Auctionee Con- veyancer, Appraiser and Money Lender Real Rstate and Innuranco Agent. Dwilt. uaortsme.. lo Q'l "' carefully drawu alul valuations 'made ou ehortest ractice cnv to loan at lowot rate* of interest. Col. ... t ,,:, attcud'-'d to with i.roni|.tn.' S . cli*r low. Atent lor Ocan DouilnioD MttkauiiUip Company. A call lolicitod. DUcI'HAIL. License.! Anctioneer for the ' County ol Grey. Terms moderate and satisfaction Kiiaranteeil. The arraignment d datciiol Halcecan b made a*. THK AHVAM K . office. IfoMdeuco and 1>.0.. Cnylon. Telephone connection. Dec. C.u7. j il K KITTING, Licensed Auctioneer for - the countiei of Urey and Farm and Stock nalea a hpocialty. Terms aio.U.rate. wtiBfacliou Kuarantied. Arral!>'- aienufur dates may be made at the Advance jffie'. or*:T. llmcblnson's utore, tevershaui byaddreasiiiR me at Kcversham, Ont. DUD1) MATHE-VS, Markdale, Liceniert K auc'.ioneer for tho county of Grey. Good Mi-vice at roascuable raUfc. Datea can be made at The Advance, o 09 I (lUSAl.K alieapand on easy terms l,ots 1 J and 'J. con. 11 Ospruy; 'JOG acres; frame dwelling, frauii* barn and vtabliuii under; about 170 acres cleare'l and uii'ler cultivation. Homo j.i. :t.htl cndai with other mixed timber on balance, Kino twiHinall orchard bearing. Wl watered ;nevei failing spring creek. Kphmdid (.'rain and Kra/ing 1'arui. Apply to IE' J.Sproulo Klohlicrton or Hauiuul Osbonie, Maxwell, L"AKH FOIt SALE Very cheap, 100 acres. 1 lot 0, '"u. 7. Usprey, only #:tOOO, reaaonablu cash payment, balance easy teruiH, 8r> acrcn cleared, well fenced and in hiuh state of culti- vation, balance timbered, good couilortablu frame dwelling, stone cellar under, uevur (ml ing spring well and windmill pump at door. uow iraiae barn, well finished, stone stabling with spring water under, also in shed. It hi situated t mile from Maxwell village whero ther* are stores, post offlcefl, uood ncliix>l. and ison the gravel road.OA miluit from railway Hutu, n. II sold at once, above price, thouuli VKRY CHRAI* miKlit bo shaded a little. Apply to It. J. BPHOULE, Flcsherton, or THOMAS OUY. on preuiises. >f D U CA M < C F P** 8 Ont. Phyilclan. Burgeon etc Offlce and residence Peter St., Fleshertou -Jf-iMMTK.WELL W Veterinary Surgeon Graduate of Ontai io Veterinary tolleRe. residence ocond door south west. on Try street. This street Prenbyteriau Cbnrch. 1?OK 8ALK very cheap and ou easy terms L The late Dr, Christoe'n :i-story brick block in 1 it- -lirii. in witliKOod t'lhi.i and never-fail- ing well on piemiHes. flood lar^e store and :;u"il butcher's shop and dwelling ; two goo<l stone cellars undor building ; U and can bu ki-]it welt rented ; two^ood hull- ou second and third stories ; flrst < ln~- btmiuess stand and will be Hold cheap as owner is cnifa|{od in other buHiueNN in the west and haH no further use for it. Apply to i: J. Nproule, Kiesherton. . runs south H 'WILSON, Hlatki-i.jiti. 'jraduste of tue \cteriuary Scienc . Aa'/iation. Durham treet, orposit' Bo>', Hro's hardware. DENTISTRY Jr B.C. MURRAY U >. 8-, dental BurReon hono. graduate of Toronto L Diversity and Koval I'ollece of Uontal 8ureon8 of Ontario, Uaa iduii.im.tert'a for teeth extraction Office at residence. Toronto Street. I- lesherton. U LEGAL . I-CAB. HANKY A WALLACE-llsrrUtcn;. !- Solicitor.. i-u-.-I. H. Lucas. K. 0.;W.B. Uanev K < ' J. H. < Wallace. OfflOM, V"ouu, x- -.' T.aders Hank l*ldK-. l'h;; main Hl'J ; Markdalo l.ucas Block. l'hoi. fl A. Hranvb "Uice at Duudalk open every haturda>. This May Interest You \\\ w.'inl ;i reliuliK* man to sell our 'well known specialties in fruit trees, 1 snml fruits, sfoil polntoeH, (lowering sliiubs roses etc., in (Jroyjjoouiiiyl during] fill and H.i.t.-i months. OuHit fret', ex- clusive territory, pay weekly. 600 Acres of Nursery Stock ! Cleini well grown tree* and shrubs that will satisfy your ciiKtuim'r.s. Karly nud ood delivery guaranteed. Kstuhlislied over .'!,"> years. Write for whole or pait time terms. .Sales Manager, I'KLUAM XrnSKKVCO., 1"> !)''. 1 1 Turonto. T H W1UOHT, HarrUter, Solicitor, Convey, 'ancer .U-..-OW.U Sound and Flesherton. H-Kle.be>ton ofllce, Hproule'* Ulock every Katun'.av w. SOCIETIES A] \V uieeta ou he laa Monday in ea.-b mout>>. In their loogo room rla>toBi>ui.ll Flenboi ton. at 8 p.m. M . W W. .1. Hellamy ; Kec.. C. H. Munha Kin., K. .1. S|>roule. Viitln hretbren Invited PINCK AKTHUlt I^ODOE, No. :, A.F.& AM meets In the Maiionlcball. Arm- strong's Illocfc,Fleherton. e?ery Friday on or before tliu full inocn. C. II. Moinhaw, W. M.; Thou. Claytoii, Hetre'.ary. nOUBT!FLF.HHKHTON, 99J, I. 0. F. meets In ^Claytou'i Ulock the last Wednendav eveiiiiig of each month. Vi.itlnu Foresters heartily welcome. H. It.. Dyson; K. H-, 'J. HeLry; Flu. Bee , C. N. itichardson. Please ]iay duon to Fin. Sec. before the flrat dav of the mouth. HHOHKN FHIESOH Fleshorton Council ol i v Chosen Friends meets In Clayton's hall first : and third Wednesday of each inontb H p. m Fay aiiMHUienta to tne Keoorder on or bofore toe nnt >layo( each month. Chief Councillor T. Blakelev: Kcorder W. H. lluut. rie Fanner's Chili meets in the high school bulldiuK ou the flmt Thursday In each i,i.,i. tli at H o'rlix'k i>. in. Voiiuu farmeis , y)B.:iallv invited. K.cbar.l l'rhiil<iut, r. W. llnllaiur. Sec. -Treat. Tarn worths for Sale Uotli t.ex nearly ready for binediuii' I'rlcet riaht for quick le. (IKO. W. I!OHH. MaiwellP. O. Boar for Service I'lirrliifil Vork'-liirii Boar 4 yearn old. for nrvicu on lot ''':, e'.ii. H, Ai tumesia. Terms 1.00. -Al-KX. CAMCKON. KSTEU ANY DAY S|ieuially arranged courses at the 3S SOUND. ONTARIO Permit yon to be^in any time. Large xperienoed stall', best eijuippcd (.'ollege in Canada, cuurses. Catnloguo freo. C. A. Kleming, F.C.A., 0. D. Fleming, Principal. Secretary. Boar for Service A laiiidwl'ilo Vorkshire Itoar for service onliitllM, rd laiiRO W T. ,V H. !(., Arteinesia. Terms *i,o(r Boar for Service 1'iui' lind Tsinworth [ Hnar f.r scrvii- Ti-i in-, *1, (;ali. N. Ilin lie, Maxwell, Out. Bull for Service I Ad, for service on Nit In, run. !', Osprey. IV.Iigi't' nil u|i|i liciiliull. Service, $l.(Ht fur gra<li' lli'iriuifhlir. -.!., .f.'i, x:i at time of service, r'ull prii'f .lli;u". .1 fur ewn imt retained, .1. M lll'KXS. Boars for Service The mi.lf i -i^ni'l hail a thoroiurilbnd Vnrk- ihire Ijoarf.n nervicc on lot HIT, Itnl range, K. T. and .s. It., Arteim-Hla. Terms, *1.IMI Alsu Hwfnrd Hull fur Ki'r\irf. .I..I. KniHii. I -Iv. Bulls For Service and Sale Pure l)ml llerefenl Hulls for service nnd sale. MMan-J T. A .1. WATSON. I'lotnii Htation pD YQUH SIGHT FARM FOR SALE I,ut No. 1Sll IK7. in tlie i". .ii'l range cant, Toront.i mil Syili iilinin H.uul, Artrmiwm, containing 24') ucrv.i "I fli-xt Hans land : R<>d bnildingx. plenty of w^tei. tiar chiiicii and achool ; three union from I'rnUin Station : L'n iuTf good lianluiiiiil lm li. lialance cleared and in KIHH! Ntnte i<f rnltitation. Tor par- ticiilars apply to. \V. .1. JAOK8ON, Kn^ct Port Uw He \\'iio has lost his sight best knows its value. Hundreds suffer loss of sight Timely attention might have prevented it. Examination free. Satisfaction guaranteed. W. A. Armstrong. Eugenia Paragraphs Mils .(.--in < iitili/iii), who has been home on ft visit, has s^iiin returned to Bridge- |ioit, N".Y., to resume her duties AN nurso. Master Aberdeen Campbell returned with In . uncle, Mr. Stcvensou, to Maple for a visit. Mr*. David of Buttalo U the <{uesl of her -i !.! . .Mi- Jacob Parliament. Mrs Woods nnd Miss Thompson of Ceylon were tho guests of Mrs. Will Ma- gee the past week. Mr. Cairns has been spending a few days with his brother near Coylou while John Cairns attended 1m hiiMileeR here. Mr. Huthvan nd wife of Clarksburg risiUjd Eugenia friends the p ist week, Miss E. Genoe has gone on a visit to 1 1 ii-n.i-i in .Min I .l.il". Mi'. Co'ik of Wiarton is spending a couple of weeks- with Mr. und Alis.l'u!.. of lbin place. Mrs. Hu^h Hammond of Kimburley j visited with bur mother, Mrs. McMullen, this week. Miss Vii-gie McMullen 1ms returned to Toronto after an extended visit with her niolher here. Mr. Itert Mngce left Monday with his bride for their home at Oyeina, S-isk. Our best wishes follow them fora happy future. Mr I'.i-ii i H .iliHin has returned to Sas- katoon after spending the winter at hi* huine here. Miss Tena LeGard of FleHherton and brother Joe of Mrkdle wore Ducats of M A Hie Williams over Sunday. Little Kh /n. :h !;, K .in of Flether- ton, \ visiting with lier ','ranJparent.s, Mr. and Mrs. Paul. Little Donelda Stuart of Kiniberley spent the past two weeks with her grand- mother, Mr*. McMullen. J. K. Williams is doing u rushing chop- ping ini .mi- lately. Mr. A. Bitdj-erow and wife of Portia w were guests of Mrs. K. Thompson. M :- - Mary Jamiesoi' is home from the cily on a visit to her people here. The concert which the Orangemen had arranged for us on Wednesday evening | was certuinly a treat. An excellent i |.i" 'i.iin was provided, also well tilleil bcxes of good things to eat. No matter I how hi"h Mr. Matthews, the auctioneer, made the bid on thu boxes, did not scmv the young men, who were desirable of purchuiag any Kpecial one. The Indies certainly spent time in der.oratinn their boxes both inside and outside. The |.i " i ,i:'.i'i. started with the chairman* ... Mi , when !:'. Carson mado a fewr remarks which made all feel thej 1 * were in good Orange society. The proKrmn was as follows : Violin solo by Mis McDowell, accompanied by Miss Phillipn. Mi- McDowell can certainly use the bow well. K. J. Redlar. our Kiigrnia comedun, accompanied by Mrs. Woods of Ceylon, gave Rood songs und after tilling his part of the program, was by request asked to give more, which ho did, in his ever pleasing manner. A iii" by Messrs. Cm milieu's, Morvmi and Williams, was highly appreciated. A solo was given by Alice Williams, en- titled "That'a VVlul the Daisies Said. 1 ' Misses Kloronre and Myitle I'arliainent rendered a duet entitled, "Silver Looks amonu the Gold." Kev. Campbell gave a fine address along OrangiKin. A dia- logue entitled "Burber," by Mr. H. Mc- Mullen and his victims, caused great l.ii."lii,-i' and applause. After sinking Ood BIIVO the king, everyone went home feeling well pleased with their evening's entertainment. Tho proceeds amounted lo 140.00. MM. (Uev.) Campbell entertained the I Methodist choir on Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Fenwick hold the i. nli annifcrsftry of their wedding on Tuesday evening, March 12, 1!>12, and entertained a number of friends. 4 (>. II. Cameron's auction sale on Tuesday was unite a success, Auctioneer McAlister sold over $.3."iOO worth in i about three hour*. A spin of registered j Clydesdale marts brought SrtOO. They! wore purchased by Wm. Rowan of Shel- burne. B'roo Press. The Bradford Witness says thai Messrs. IViinm,.,t.,n Bros, of Hairtrey have a curiosity in the slmpo of two- heudod calf. The calf in mention lim two heads, two tail*, four front les and only two hind legs. The body of the animal is prurtically a single one and the moat curious part of it is that it 1ms four leys, while there are only two hind lo^s. "FEEB^SIOIVIACH 7 ' A Rear-End Collision A n .u ni.l collision occurred on tin- Owen Sound branch of tho C. P. K. at Orombie'f station this side of Shelburr.e one day lam wcoV. A van and two <;ai loaded wilh lumber were badly wrecked. The only person injured was u mnn named Itlue, whose home is near Paisley. A 1' 'in 1 u r broken in one ot his feet and he was rather badly g^hed alniut the head. The unfoitiiuatc man was on his way to Saskatoon with a c.trlond of stock. He was in the van when the crash cainu and was fortunate to g st oil' so easily. He was carried into the vao of another freight, where his injuries weie afterwards attended to by Dr. Hunter of Oruiigeville. After getting the track clear one of the freights ran through to Oiangeville. Alight engine WHS sent from here to tho scene of the accident, carrying the doctor und u number of men. The ace dent happen- ed in a very unusual manner. It ap- pears that there were three southbound freights on the line. No. 1 stuck on a gradu ut Crombies and the conductor was obliged to cut his train in two, leav- ing half the curs at the station while he brought the other half through to Orangcville. No. 2, in charge of Con- ductor Carson, came along and the engineer, noticing the obstruction, stop- ped his train. To nvaid any possibility of a rear-end collision Carson sent one of his crew back to place torpedoes on the trick and flag any approaching train. After consi'leraliKi delay the second half of the first train was picked up. Carson thereupon got ready to start his i i.H i. tirst sending a man back to recall the Haginan. This was done .and just as i lie train was on the point of starting, the thiril freight, .1 very heavy one, crashed into the rear of Carson's train. Members of the crew, who were in the van, saw the approaching danger in time to jump. They i-.tllnl to Blue, but it is thought he was dozing nnd did not hear their warning in time to escape. The iiijured man wns taken lack to Paisley. Orangevillo lUiuier. Owen Sound Invests Heavily Owen Sound carried three imp-riant l.yl.tu's on Saturday by substantial ma- jorities. The ilrydork and shipbuilding pi"," -it i.Mi. whiluh in the largest ever placed before the ratepayers of that town, contemplates the construction of a plant to cost in tin 1 neighborhood of one and a half million dollars. It is under- stood th t the scheme n being financed chietly by English i ipilal. When com- pleted the concern will be the most mod- ern and extensive on the C-uiadinn side, and fully -.1 well e<|ui|>pe'l as the very best A nifiii'. in >lrydni'king and ship- building plants. The rubbi'r-i'oinp'iny I'yUw provides for the inn of a live-acre site and a fixed assessment of $110,000 to tin 1 Canadian branch of the Aetna Rubber Company i>f Cleveland. The ce-nent bylaw provide! for exemp- tion from Uxntion of the merger of the Sun Cement Company and the t!rey and I truce corcent plant. The merger com- p-iny will take the defunct Crey and Bruce Company's plant and instal u i-rushed stone system, whereby they hope to manufacture cement cheaper than under th<- old marl system. { Are You Going West Artemesia Pathmasters This Spring ? K S)trgcuti A> sTrving. F. A. York, If so take advantage of the remarkably R. McKen/.ie, T. Sled, S. Irwin.C. Be^r, low One-Way second class colonist rates! VV. J. Moore, T. J. Stinson. Albert to Vancouver, Victoria, Xelsun, Spokane, 'Stevens, A, Jordan, T. Elliot, H. D. Seattle, Portland, San Francisco, LoslMcLcughiy, C. Irwin, W. Hill, G, Angeles. San Diei?o, etc., iu effect MarchjClurk, S. McMullen, Alex. McMulle, 1st to April lath, or if Western Canada John Blackburn, W. H. McNally, Alex, is your destination, the One-Way second Anderson. John Nevin, K. Norvil, Jos. class Settlers' Rates should appeal lujDowselt, B. White, fl. L. Douglass, you. Settlers' tiains to Western CanadajF. T. Wright. H. Piper, R. Siowarr, .1. will leaye Toronto 10.20p.m. each Tuts-jHogarth, Jas. White, John Lyons, W. d iy during March and April. H. Ludlow, Police trustee!, Priceville, Bear in nind that tlie Canadian Pa- Archy McArthur, G. Williamson, cific KaiU.-iy offers the finest possible equipment, and fastest train service. The Reid, John Vau.se, J. G. Little, Archy McLean, W. Diugwall, W. Paton, Jas. route is one of tho most scenic in theJTurner, Archy Coiikey, D. Hinkt, A. world. It is the only line operatingjOilchrist, J. W. Lyons, D. Harrow, W. through standard and tourist sleepers,!Hill,Jas. Fishcr.W. Fiaher, W. Russell, also dining cars to Winnipeg and Van-!s. Martin, James Russell, R. D. Akitt, couver, with the most modern compart-i'l'- Betts, Archy McLean, D. Me- ment observation library cars through Dooald, J. M. Armstrong. tbo mountains and icross Canada on^- Turner, W. JJnctiauan, A. Dunlop; transcontinental trains. By tnvellin* L^'mer. \V .Graham K C.P.U. you avoid the necessity of chang- * 5=*""^' ewel! - J ' Martin, T. Fenwick, B. J " . . . , . , depots. Dinmx car service uiuiur- p oiice Tru3tec , s> Fleshcrton, Geo. passed. All equipment Downed and| Bow)es T . oi i christf j . M> English, oporated by the C.P.R., affordms? the|D_ ^j,,,,. ^ \\ L Johns toil, James highest form of efficiency. If such itipntchaid, "W. C. Hauley. Albert trip U under consideration apply to any Blackburne, W. Sample, D. Mc- C. P. R. Agent for full particulars. Honor Rolls Donald, C. Lyons, E. Baker, Leitch, W. Hislop, G. Hughes, Usbovne. D. S. The Following is the report of Eugenia KKNCEVIEWEI'.s Alex. McUae, R. Whhtaker, D. Me- The names are in urderiMillau, Jas. Blair, John Belaad, Alex. public school, of merit. Class 4 Russell Lalimer, Addie Wilson Lily (''iiiipl-fll, Allii- Williams and Wilson equal, Chas. Parke. Class :< Chas. Williams, Ray (ienoe, Henry, David Teeter, <!eorge Moore, Alex. Unt. Dellaj IMII'NI> KEEl'EKS Wm. Alilcorn, D. D. McLaughlau, Fred A. York, J. A. Thompson. M. U. McMullcn, Wesley: Wes - Breel1 - J " S - McMcMullen, A ilson, Chus. Fiher,' Cal - ruther8 ' VV - U - Hemphill, R. Pli Wilfrid McMaster, Wesley Wilsonj "'- Jonathan Lntimer, Harman Itidley Wallace Armstrong, liurbara Armstrong, Willie Walker, Robert Leppard, Leone' Pedlar. ClHM 2 -Winnie Fisher, Gonlun Wil-j son, Marjorie Parke, llerbie Haney, Nea Williams, Millie Il^ney, ' ,y II Cl.Tl- Ross Parke. Primary-Joe Williams.Ern. Willimiuf AUSKS MOHAN, Towher. W. G. Shannon. George Jack, of Chatham got ur P rile (il " other ^' wbm "" to the ?*<* '"> Deceived a box Lixxie '>nUiiiin K . w.tch and other valuables. Eleven years ;" the home of Mr. Jack was entered by a burglar, who walked ^'^ h a gold watch, a r,ng, and a 8Um of money in all ainounting t,. r5 in value. The identy of the thief was A freak in the shape of a three-legged;,,^ discoverc j alld ,., .^ 5,,.. ., ack calf may be seen on the fiinn of Mr. Hubert Winters near llerriedalc. The,8* ve "P tlie n "P of iwover.ng his calf tirst saw tho light of day un Satur- properly, \Viththeparrelwnsa Ittter day and Mr. Winters thought he would f ri>m t)i e '.thief, now in Califoinia, in kill it and then he changed; his mind, which the writer stated that he recently ( lutsiilo of the fact it has only on front g,,t reliaion and decided to make restitu- Icg, the calf is just the came asany othei (ion. He added that when he com- of its lace. It is a well bred calf, the mitted the burglary he wan in hard mother cow's name being "Black Dinah" circumstances and that he was driven to Mr. Winters is puzzled what to name the thieving in <ird<r to provide fur his three-legged calf. Burks Falls An ow. family. FARMS FOR SALE II" Si arras, lot -JO anil -I, "'' ||1 . !>-l>i'V I m acres unilnr rultlVAtion. :10 nereH ImrdwotKl liuxli, Tncron fnll wheat, 4 frame IIMIIH. I with rtoo* foundation, windmill uith t,|> i liarn : joiing, thriving nirliaril i ioiiKli<:t limme, N room*. PrloadflOOO, Apply to Mar U M. BUCKIKOHAII, Kever)nui. BULL I OR SHRVICH tkjXbpMiiKl'I're I Minilhorii lmll,"l Innilv .liln" K17HJ, lui > i v M v mi I., I I7ii. T. ,v H II., Ar i n,.-<i:i. Tliin iii.iinnl in of n ^i.,il millu.iK Hlrain. IVilii-i.e ini |i|>lir.itiun. Ti'r"ic,- I'rupriator. - J Office Position s I'AyiniiKOOil .alniii's arc awaiting (>vory . ..nr. IIIIIM and v, Mniiu with a praotlc- ii.,.i'n iiiiiiiin,' No ilillloiilty In placing worthy Knuluates. Wrlto now for now catalogue- Kilter any tiiiu-. Winter Term Open* Jan 2nd, Collingwood BUSINESS COLLEGE T. li. Hawkins. Principal Causes Digestive Weakness and Poisons the En- tire System. "No one can have .suffered mure than 1 ilnl with stomnrh trouble-" wrltcH I'hll. K J'asi'alur, well known at St. Andrews (.'orni'rs- "My doctor told ino my Indigestion and slrrpli'sa- IU-H.S were due to poison* In the blood- CiTtultily my conditinti WHS di-speratc, and It seemed from the despondent frellngs Hint swept over me thut I would lose my reason. I happened to rtad about Dr. Hamilton's rills and bought five boxes from the <\russl*t. Sueh body-cleansing pills I nevi-r u.-ted; they were mild und yet iiiilte strong (Hough tn drive ull the humors out of tho blood. My stomach gained strength rapidly with Dr. Iliimiltinfx Pills und I Improved su much that In i iBht weeks I timid cat and illKcst all ordinary food. Depression and weari- ness passed away and T am. flunks to Dr. Hamilton's PHI*, enjoying rnlmst giniil health." No remedy fur blllousneH*, In.IlueH- tlon. headache, sick ntomach, or onn- tl|iatlon that cnmparM with Dr. Hnm- llton'H Pills. Uefune iiiibKtituti'S. Sold In i5c. boxes, All drillers, or The t'alarrhozone Co., Kingston, (int. While workingli'ii. tho 14 concession of Veapra on Wcdnevlny, Mr Wm. K. McFuddyen and his bu'ther heard some ( strange noises niuler a pile of stump!*. ' Hi /v developed into ominous growls and \ in moving the stuiiips n Im-.- bear stuck | he 11 head out. Aimed only will: an axe, one man stood i, ml while tho othur went to tho iiouso for a ritle and on te- t inning shot the old bear. She. measureO seven feet. Three young rubs, each WtlgbUlfT iboql "JO pounds, were then taken out and arc beini{ fed by Mi'. McKuddyen. Staynor Sun. Kurnilure deliverej directly from the factory to your homes at lowest possible prices. L. Hecker, Proton Sin. Tho vote of the Durham Methodist 1 Hlirial Hoard on the union question H repotted 'JO in favor, 7 against. Dr. Hamilton's Pil! Cure Stomach Troubles SEHLERS' TRAINS MANITOBA^ALBERTA SASKATCHEWAN The only through line LOW COLONIST RATES For MtUere trtvrDint wilh tivmtock ti<i Mj Special Trains Will leavt Toronto Each TUESDAY MARCH and APRIL 10.20 P.N. Sllln .I..1 \, iilioui livnlack houU uie Regular Trains leavinx Toronto 10.20 P.M. Daily Through Colonist and TourUt Slocuers Colonist Cars on all Trains No charve for bertha Through Trains Toronto to Wfn Careful) You better be careful -in the selection of your twine this year. Be sure you get the best. Beware of mixed twines, which are really composed of low grade tnanila. They are unsatisfactory at the best, and they will annoy you to death straightening out tangles and picking up ^ :se bundles. Buy good sisal, standard sisal, or high-grade n.. mi hi binder twine and save yourself annoyance. When you consider the satisfaction that sisal, standard sisal and high-grade manila binder twine will give and the amount of extra labor good twine will save, you will more fully understand the value of McCormick twines. McCor- mick binder twine is made in four brands sisal, standard, manila, pure manila. Every brand is up to the McCormick tjuality. You will get perfect satisfaction if you use McCormick twine. Don't be misled, come direct to us and we will explain the twine proposition. S. Hemphill, Agent, Ceylon, Ontario. NEW STORE OPENED AT EUGENIA ! Don't blame the C'ook if she cannot get good Bread, just buy a bag of Meatbnl Flour, when the whole trouble will be ended and you will realize what quality means in the bread line. The following arc the differ- ent brands : Ideal, Five Lily, Lily White and Bakers, Special for Bread, and Snow White for pastry. Sold J. H. PARKE GENERAL MERCHANT enia, - - Ontario. * *

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