TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR. PRINCIPLEb NOT MEN. 1 VOL 31, NO 37 Flestierton, Ont., Tliursday, March -M, W. H. TfiDRSTON EDITOI! ooii PHOPHIETOP. Kimberley Budget Crowded Out Last Week. The ciows are with us again. Mr. and Mrs. Thus. Abercrombie on Wednesday of this week, attended the fiftieth anniversary of the wedding day of Mr. and Mrs. N. C. Hewson of Heathcote. Mrs. Hew-on is a sister of Mr. Abercrombie. Mr. and Mrs. WilUid Gilbert, who have spent th? past thi-ee mouths with friends here, returned '> their hume at Moosejaw, Sask., during the past week. Married Al the residence of the bride's parent*, KimberUy, on Wednes- day, March ti, by the Rev. J. R. Wilkin- son of ^Holland Centre, Sadie, lecond daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. F-iwcett, to Mr. Jasper Gilbert of Vancouver, B. C. Vie offer congratulation! and wish the young couple a long and proapeious voyage through life. They intend leaving for their new home in Vancouver, B. C., in the course of a week or to. Mrs R. D. Meldruin und sou Cecil of Portlaw, and MUs Dora Pedlar of Rock Milis, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Smith, on Sunday last. Miss Purle Lewrenoe visited friends at Rocklyn during the pant week. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Thompson of Klesherton, visited friends here during the past week, and were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Plewes. A number from here attended the iuast|uerade carnival at Itocklyu on Thursday night <>f last week and report an excellent time. Mr. Wilfred \Yaker, one of our popu- lar young men, has taken Horace Greely's advice and leaves thia week for the golden West. Wilfred intends locating ..t Sperling, Man. A number from here on Friday las!-, attended the lectures given by prufeuors f the different departments of Agri- culture on the Better Karmiup Special train at Fleaherlon and Markdale. We are pleased to report that Mr. Harold Proctor, who has been suffering with rather .1 severe attack of intiamma- ory rheumatiim, is now making favor- able progress toward recovery. Mr. and Mrs. (Jeo. McCartney and daughter, Miss ManoU visited friends here during the past week, and were the quests of Mrs. McCartney's mother, Mrs. Joseph McCullough. Miss Eva McGee of Cherry Cirove, Bpent Saturday and Sunday at he r parental home hero. Miss Ellen Fawcett is visiting friends at Shrigley. Miss Lee of Winnipeg. M .n. is the guest of her aunt, Mrs Jos. Ferris. On Friday night of last week a large number of the f.iends ami neighbors of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Hammond assem- bled at their home to spend a social hour with them previous to their removal from our midst, and presented them with two rocking chaiis, nocompinied by an address, as a slight token f goodwill toward them. Mr. and Mrs. Hammond will move shortly to their new home near Priceville. . On account of the illness of Principal Johnston of the public school, he was unable to give his paper on " How long a girl should be engaged previous to her jairiae, " at the last meeting of the Woman's Institute. However, this aubject will be given at some future meeting of the Institute. It is a ticklish aubject to handle, yet we believe Princi- pal Johaston will be equal to the occasion. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Ruhill and family of Spelling, Man., are visiting with old friends here. Kev. .) K - Wilkinson of Holland Centre, President of th Owen Sound Epworth Leagues, organized an Kpworth League here or. Wednesday night of lust week. Following it) thu list >f officers : Honorary President, Rev. C. C. Otton : President, J. H. Johnston ; Vice Presi- dent, Mrs George Burritt : 2nd Vice, Mrs. Henry Hurd ; 3rd Vice, Mrs. S. 8. Burritt ; 4th Vice.Mr.Geo. Hutchinsou ; Recording See., Mi*s Odessa Walter ; Corresponding Sec., Miss Kinross Boyle; Treasurer, Miss Ina Mugee ; Organist, MiM Kei lie w i k ns J Assistant Onjan- iat, Mi< Knnii Burr'". Ti:B League will meet each Suiday evening at 7.30. The first meeting was held on Sunday bight last under the direction of the Missionary department, when M..--, Lee kl Winnipeg jave aa excellent address u Hm J !-.!. Ui. R. J. Stuart U ptndiBg a week or so with friends in different parts of I Bruce County. Mr. Clifford Camack, who is employed in the G.T.B. offices in Toronto, lus re- cently been promoted to a more import- ant position. Clifford is sober, honest and industrious, so consequently is bound to succeed. We otter congratulations. Portlaw Too late for last week Born On Sunday, Feb. 25. to Mr. and Mrs. George Chapman, a daughter. _Mr. CJeorge Thompson of ^haUworth visited a few dnys with his brothers here. His many friends here regret that Mr. Thompson's health is in a ciitical state, and would rejoice if he was restored to his, old-time vigor. Mr. Wesley Fawcett haw removed to the Henderson ftrm. Mr. Win. Taylor lias moved back from Duudalk to the old farm on the Ceutie Line. Mr. and Mrs. (Jrierson of Aberdeen drove over from their home after one of the late big stonna. It appears from rhe sloiy of their experience with snow- drifss that their outing was not oue of uninterrupted delight. Mr. Grienon h returned home while his better half re- mains for a more extended visit with their daughter, Mrs. George Chapman. Mr. Jameii Potts of O.sprey purposes oviog in his portable saw mill and will set it up "n the farm of Mr. VV. (J. Jam- ieson, who is preparing to build a barn. Mr. Fred Wilkinson, who has returned from a visit to his old home in England, is visiting with his brother, Mr. John Wilkinson. Mr. W. A. Morton ha ihe brick on the ground for a new residence. Mr. and Mrs Bacon of Fenelon Falls are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Love. Miss Annie Shear down - on an ex- tended visit with her aunt at Lucknow. Mr. .John Mclntyre, one of Osprey'a early settler?, and a much respected citi- zen, passed 10 his rest on Tuesday of last weuk at the age of 7!" years. In the early part of the winter deceased, who was in failing health, was removed from his home in .Melntyn- to the home of his daughter ncre, Mr-. J. A. Thompson, from whom be received the most tender care duriug his illness, t >n Wednesday the body was taken to his late home, from which interment took plnce on Fri- day at Molntyre. Many Miffeivnt from rheiiiiiatUin have been surprised ami delighted with the prompt relief afforded by applying Chambei Ion's Liniment Nut one case of rheuniatkmi in ten requires any internal treatment what- ' IT. 'I'liis liniment ixfcir sale liv all dealer*. Proton Station Priceville Jottings Death has removed sereral from our viciuiiy this winter, and some who went from here to distant parts of the country were taken back home in their buriil casket. Mr. John McMillan, jr., a former Priceville school boy, spent a year in the West and was becoming ex pert in railway conitructicn, but before a year of his happy married life had parsed he Mil an attack of la grippe which seemed difficult to remove. A cottage was secured in the gepial climate of California, some thirty miles out from Los Angeles, proper diet, careful nursing, best of medical treat- ment, all of no avail, human skill could not remove the disease. On the 18th of February he passed away. Owing to de- lays on the railways the remains and those accompanying them did not reach this station until March J. Rev. J. A. n conducted the funeial services at the parental home on the 4th iust. and interment took place in Evergreen cem- etery two miles east, near mud lake. The pall bearers were six cousins. On the evening of the 4th inst. friends and neighbors gathered at the station to receive the remains of Mary Ann Mc- Vu urie. daughter of John McQuarriu of the North line. Some years ago deceas- ed marrieu Neil McDougall, son of ,t neighbor, and went to live in Duluth. She had been ailing for some time, but passed away unexpectedly 01: tho 2!)th of February, Hed about 4.'! years. On the 6th uf March funeral services were held in the Presbyterian church, conducted by Rev. J. A. Marbesou, ant) interim- ut look place in the gravel road cemetery, one mile west of the village. A number of persons went from hero to Walkerton on March 4 U> attend the funeral of Conductor Thomas Patterson. The special private car furnished by the company for the friends of deceased pas- sed east on the evening train to Have- lock, near IVerboro. Conductor Pat- terson w is held in high esteem by the travelling public, and he was no doubt a faithful servant of the C. P. R. Oa tho morning of the 13th the people were shocked to hear that SVm. Seaton was found dead beside ilw road on the North line a little west of the town line. For some years Seaton has lived aline in a shack about two miles west uf the vil- lave. On the morning of the 12th he walked to Markdale, reaching there be- tween 5 and o'c'ozk, a distmce of eleven miles. He walked bai-k some time that night, but never reached, his -li.n ay. If local option had carried in Markdale would Willie Seatun be in his grave to-day .' What will some of tho Markdale voters give at the judg- ment day '. Eugenia Paragraphs Mr. Leonard Latimcr has soldhJ8 farm to Mr. Robert Campbell. Mr. Lauriu Muiishaw is borne on a visit. Mr. Russet Park is visiting bis grand- father at Priceville. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Fisher and daugh- ter, Minnie, visited friends at Rock Mills the past week. Mrs. Woodburn has returned home from an extended visit with friends in the city. Mr. John Williams of Brantfonl is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Williams. The fish pond soci-il held at Mr. Robt. Campbell's, financed 817. 11. Miss Maria Cooey of Markdale viaited her friends at Eugenia, the pant week. MM. Napier of Portkw was the miet of her siater, Mrs. W. Armstrong, the past week. Leone Pedlar nave H birthday purty to her girl friends on Wednesday afternoon. The Methodist choir by special invita- tion. drove over to Mr. PUntt's on Satur- day evening and was entertained right royally. The evening was spent in gar.ies and music, after which Mrs. Phtntt served a tine display of uood things. She i.s a lady who does not need any new suggestions on how to make delicacies. Attar spending the evening without breaking on the Sabbath, they dispersed, everyone foiling thu better uf the sucial evening spent. Mr. Samuel Pedlar and son of Port- law, visited Mrs. Joseph Pedlnr the past week. New Tailor New Goods New Styles Having taken over tlu- tailoring business of Mr. F red Morley 1 urn now lesirous nt inti-oduc-inir myself to the citi/ens of Flesherton and surround- ing country, and would solicit a trial order. I feel mysell competent to give you thorough satis- faction in fit, finish and price. C. BLARELEY Standard Bank Building FLEJSHEttTON. ONT. Jewelry A Splendid Stock from which you may readily make A Satisfactory Se- lection. We car- ry Photo Supplies. W. A. Armstrong, Jeweler FLESHERTON, - ONT. increase your Earning power by yjorr Big salt- on all winter :,''>. Is going at cost, must be sold to inaki- room for new spring goods arriving at L. Becker s store, Proton Station. TORONTO. IJNT" Hi t plan' ml sumllur Hih (iradii Unships* Kducdtion. Phter now. i ipen All vcar! t'ata- loijtiB true. You cuo *ay K'MHlbye to count ;,.,ui"ii it'n u clear conscience if you use C'hambfrUiin's Tablet*. Many have been iHrnianeiitly cured by their use. Kor sal* ny all dealer*. Victoria Corners Pattim ban been visiting her Mrs. Jo. Park, Proton Mr. James Allan of VVilliamsford, called on L. Beckei mi Tuesday of last wi-eL. being on his way to the West with a car of horses. Mr. H. Thompson of Cliatsworth visited with friends here a few days last week. W. D. Hopkins is visiting with friends ill Durham. Miss McCombe, our popular school teacher, with her pupils, journeyed to Victoria Corners ou Friday afternoon to take part in a spelling match with thu pupils "t Miss Walker s ichoo). Proton carried off tho laurels, in spite of !,i- 1 week's warning. Ethel Consley spent Sunday with her parents here, remaining for the concert on Monday uight. The concert held here on Monday night, under the auspices of the Ladies' Aid of thn Presbyterian Church, was a success. The music by the orchestra was enjoyed by all. The male Cartel did credit to themselves, and soloi, instrumental und vocal, were appreciated by everybody, also the recitations by the Missus Walker and Acheson. Kev. Mr. Milligttii gave a very able addrcsa on St. Patrick's Day and Mr. Charles of Toronto sang a solo and recited the interesting poem, "The Cremation of Sam McGee. ' The ladies realized the sum of oue hundred and thirty-eight dollars on their iiuilt. Durham We regret to learn that Mr. Robert Leguto of Dromore has become almost totally blir.d. For tho past year he could see but very little, but lately has become so afflicted as to distinguish only between light and darkucstt. He is 82 years of age. Inspector Campbell has purchased new Ford automobile, and expects to hare it here about tho first of April. Mr. Campbell can certainly make good use j' it in his regular work, and as ho is a sort of mechanical genius hc'il not In- long getting into the way of it Chronicle. Mrs. \\ daughter. Station. This recent storm iloea not Icok much like ipring, though March m slipping away <|iiick1y enough. 'ha.-. Msore was rather ui prised on the morning of March 10, ti> meet a visitor in the granary in the shape of Mr. Groundhog. He was extra large but very thin. Starvation must have driven him from hi* hole. However, he was taking a good bite aud ipominuly ex- pecting to live well forsorn* time. Tha', with the cawing of crows and hooting of owls in the vicinity sounds like spring. Chamberlain's (.'ough Remedy ban wmi its great reputation and extensive sale by ito remarkable cures ( coughs, oildsand '-ruiii'. It can b <l|H>mM upon. Try it. all dealers 'Marvelous necovery' Spring Suitings \Vo have ju-t received our supply or S|irin Suitings latest Patterus ami in great variety. \Ve c:m supply you with Hie nobbiest suitin^a for -pi-iny and summer done up in thu brt style of :rl tailoriii". Our price nre rii{!ir. Drop in and look at our uood*. whether you order or not \V.- want to make yum- Spring Suit. S. J. BOWLER, THE J5S? ATC FLESHERTON.^ BUSKIN BLOCK, Montreal Man So 111 With Dyspepsia Thought Would Die. Ho You judge a man notby what he promises to do. hut by what ho has duue. That is the inily true test. Chamberlain's O'ii|{h Remedy judged liy this standard linn no sultr- ier. People every where speak of it in the liiftli* et terms of praise. Kor sale l>y all ilenlers. 1 ('liiliiifii are much iuur likely to contruot the cuntogicniH when they have coklH Whooping (.-oiigh,, scnrlct fever and consumption are < art 1 often contracted whmi tlu- chiM ha^ colil. Tllit is why nil invtlkal r.uthi'rities say beware of c >!<!;. for the quick cure of oilds you wil liml lu.tuiuK bottvr tlmn C'hamlwrlaiu'.t CiH(h Kcraedy. It ca nhvayi be depvndod upon auJ i pletuuuil n. I utfe to takts )}Sr alUv all The survey of the new C. P. R. branch from Maxtor to Collingwood has been completed and the work uf construction is expected to sUrt by May lt. Tho survey jrs are now working on another proposed branch between Huelph and Beeton. (.'reeiiioro Star . Mr. J. Manary the noted horseman of Duntroon, has disposed of his tiue hack- ney stallion I'ercy Performer to A. Cowan of Orangeville. Mr. Military has purchased a clydesdalo stallion, "Coltie X^airiV and puts him on the route this etaon. Suyner Suil^ Dr. J. Ralph Smith OSTEOPATH Office and Residence-'^, Otli St. East, Owen Sound, Out. Hours y to 12 a.m., 1.30 to 4,30 p.m. 7 to 8 p.m. Other hours by appointment Xo mori' convincing i-vi^i-tu-n was ?ver put on paper than t'io mllowlng li'ttrr from OIK- .-f well- known citi;-.<ns, Mr. IX R. L.;iro.c, of 3Js Jollctri- street. "Permit mo to writ.- yon a f. v wonls I'Kiii'.-rniiiB Dr. Uumiltivi's i'.:!.-. I sufferi-il from liyspoj'sla .-inii iinllgcs- tion f<ir five yrMi-s. I siiffi-ri-il --o much that I couhl huriUy uttviul t-> my work- I was weak unU lost all c-ourage- I i-njoyrd no rest until I decided to follow your trratnu-nt. ait.>r haviug rc-iiJ your ailvcrtisomi-nt in the paper. To my great surprise I immedhitt.'lv begun to fer| better. I am now using the second box anil I feel so well that 1 v\:uu to loll yon that I owe this grunt change to your famous pills. I recommend them to every person who is suffering from dyspepsia. Your Krutet'ul servant, D. R. Larose, 338 Jolietle St., Montreal. P-Q. Let all who have weak stomachs, and those who suffer with indigestion, headaches, biliousness, know they can be perfectly cured by Dr. Hamiltou's Pills. Successfully used for many years, mild and safe. 25c per box, all dealers, or The Catarrhozone Co., Kingston. Ont. CHOICE MEATS A COMPLETE STOCK OF CHOICE MEATS ON HAND BEIEF, PORK, SAUSAGE, HEAD- CHEESE, SMOKED MEATS AND CHICKEN. Fresh Oysters always on hand. VV IL.SON & MeCLOCKl^IN F L E S H B I^TO X Dr. Hamilton's Pills Cure Dyspepsia Coino with the crowd ami get your KcJ Clover, Mammoth Clover, Alsike Clover, Alfalfa and Timothy Seed. Grain aud Feed all kinds. Fresh Groceries always on the move. See our goods and get our prices. You will miss it if-you don't call on W. N <kpeclllit In dlcie ol lha Eye, Ear,Nose and Throat Oiee--30 Oth t. Wett, Owen S our.4 At the Revere house, MarktUlo, 2ud Thursday each month from 8 to 12 a. m. Dundalk, 1st Thuradny of tch month. B U SK I GROCER. Flesherton, - - Ontario.