Flesherton Advance, 21 Mar 1912, p. 3

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MARCH fEATHER RHEUMATIC IEATHER Victims Oan Cure Themselves With Dr. Williams' Pink Pills With the coming of March people Who are Afflicted with rheumatism begin to have unpleasant remind- ers of their trouble. The weather is changeable balmy and springlike one day, raw, oold and piercing the next. It is inch sudden changes of weather that sets the pangs and tortures of rheumatism, lumbago and sciatica going. But it must be borne in mind that although wea- ther conditions start the pains, the trouble is deeply rooted in the blood and can only be cured through the blood. All the lotions and lini- ments in the world can't cure rheu- matism. Rubbing may seem to ease the pain while you are rubbing, but there /its value ends. Only through *fi blood can you cure rheumatism. That'e why Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills have so many thousands of cures of this trouble to their credit. The new, rich blood which they actually make drives out the poisonous acid, and rheu- matism is vanquished. Here is an xample : Mr. W. 0. Douglas, Webbwood, Ont., says' "I was at- tacked with inflammatory rheuma- tism, which spread through my en- tire system. For two months I was not able to go about, and eeemed to be hovering between life and death. My joints were swollen and my legs and arms twisted, until 1 expected that they would never re- turn to their normal shape. The doctor seemed to help me, but not to cure me, and I would be better one day and worse the next. At this time a friend strongly urged me to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and I got a dozen boxes. Soon af- ter beginning the pills there was a change tor the better, and T con- tinued using the pills until I was quite well again. The swelling di* appeared from the joint's. My limbs returned to their natural hape and I feel as if Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have saved me from be- ing a rheumatic cripple. I hope my experience may prove a blessing to orae other sufferer." If you suffer from rheumatism, or any other disease of the blood, begin to cure yourself to-day with Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Sold by all medicine dealers or by mail at BO cents a box or six boxes for $8.60 from The Dr. Williams' Me dlcine Co., Brockville, Ont. KEEPING IN PRACTICE. Why Irish Peasant Could Keep Up to Duke and Duchess. Probably one of the heartieol laughs which the Duke of Con- naught, now Governor-General ol Canada, ever enjoyed, says the Tat- ler, WM that occasioned by the re- mark of an Irish peaaant, who ono day, while the Duke was drivfng in Dublin with the Duchess, ran along- side the carriage and kept up with it in an atonishing fashion. So persistent was the man in his en- deavor* to keep pace with the car riage that at length the Duchese had the vehicle stopped, and asked the man what he wanted. He said that he was anxious to get a good look at their Royal Highnesses. The Duchess was much flattered, and asked him how he managed to keep up with them. "Oh," he said, "shure, haven't I been chasin' pigs ill meloife?" Head Broke Out. Spread to Arms, Legs and Entire Body, Itched So He Would Scratch Until Blood Ran, One Box of Cuticura Ointment and Nearly One Cake of Cuticura Soap Cured Him. Has Had No Return. MAHCOM'S HUMOR Ougilielmo Marconi, the wireless wizard, who has been much in the public eye lately by reason of tke part he has played in the war be- tween Italy and Turkey and because of his reported discovery of mastless wireless, had an Irish mother, and naturally possesses a tense of hu- mor. The first time Marconi visited To- M r. G. Marconi. ronto, some years ago, he was given a big banquet. One of the speak- ers, a prominent citizen, in heap- ing eulogies on the guest, by a slip of the tongue, used the word "done" when he should have said "did." Signor Marconi's English is excellent, and in ihe course of his speech he remarked, in refer- ring to a phase of his work: "I scarcely know how I did I mean, done it." There was a twinkle in his eye, and everybody roared. HIS TRAINING. "Well, boy, what do pou know? Can you write a business letter? Can you do sums?" "Please, sir," said the applicant for a job, "we didn't go in very much for those studies at our school. But I'm fine on beadwork or clay modeling-." BABY'S OWH TABLETS CUBE CONSTIPATION No ailment causes more suffering to little/ ones than does constipa- tion. Hardly a little one escapes this trouble many of them suffer from it continually. The surest cure and safest remedy one that is absolutely guaranteed to be free from harmful drugs is Baby's Own Tablets. They never fail they have cured thousands of cases. Con- cerning them Mrs. Lev. Blanchet, St. Racine, Que., writes: "I have used Baby's Own Tablets for con- stipation and vomiting and have found them an excellent remedy, and I have recommended them to several of my neighbors." The Tablets are sold by medicine deal- ers or -by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. ' >! The sun never shines for a man whoso only joy is money. Running the furnace can teach a man about as many swear words as anybody can learn. The Best Liver Pill. The action of the liver is easily disarranged. A sudden chill, undue exposure to the elements, over-indulgence in some favorite food, excess in drink- ing, are a few of the causes. But whatever may be the cause. Par- melee's Vegetable Pills can be re- lied upon as the best corrective that can bo taken. They are the- lead- ing liver pills, and they have no su- periors among such preparations. FEW ARE ABLE TO RESIST. "Bosworth apparently is a man of great force of character." "How was he ever shown it?" "I overheard him yesterday re- fusing to sign a petition for some- thing that he didn't know anything about." SHODT THE NEWS FEOM TH1JOUSETOPS THAT DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS CUHE SUFFERING WOMEN. Mrs. Savard Tells How They Cured Her Kidney Disease From Which She had been a Sufferer for Many Tears. St. Simeon, Doriel, Charlevoix Co., Quebec, March 11 (Special). Only those who have suffered know the blessings of perfect health. The joy that it brings into their lives makes them want to shout the good news from the housetops. They want other sufferers to know the road to health. Such is tho case with Mrs. Alfred Savard of this plac-">. "I have been a sufferer for many years with Kidney Disease," Mrs. Sa>ard says, "Reading an adver- tisement telling what Dodd's Kid- ney Pills had done for a similar sufferer I decided to give them a trial. Six boxes cured me com- pletely." What Dodd's Kidney Pills have done for Mre. Savard they have done for thousands of other suffcr- jers in Canada. The daily papers j tell of cures made by them every ! day. They always cure Kidney ; Disease and Kidney Disease is the j cause of nine-tenths of the troubles ! from which women suffer. 4. CHl'KCH OF HID TREASURE. Its Walls Said to Cont-.iin a Chest Full of Money and Jewels. A small building popularly known as "The Church of Hidden Trea- sure" stand* in the little, town of Barelas, New Mexico. During the Mexican war many of the richest families in the neighborhood hid their gold and valuables in all sorts | of curious places. Senor Sandoval, a very rich land- owner, chose the thick walls of the village church as his treasure vault. according to a writer in the Wide World, and tradition says that the precious hoard has never been re- moved. Only a few years ago several groups of men, armed with pick- axes, crowbars and othe r imple- ments, beseiged the place in search ; of the fabulous wealth said to be concealed somewhere on the prem- ises. The treasure is beJieved to be contained in a large wooden chest, such as most of the wealthy Mexi- cans formerly possessed. It is ; claimed that the box contained thousands of dollars in gold, be- ; sides emeralds, diamonds and ; pearls, set in pure native gold. The Sandoval family, however, ! guard the place most carefully, while they in turn are jealously : watched to see that they do not dis- turb the churcih property. Bold and daring plans are sometimes laid, but nothing seems to come of them, and the ancient building still 1 guards its precious secret. Mlnard'i Liniment rur Dandruff. Each year 3,000 foreign waiters ' find situations in Great Britain. An Oil That is Prized Every- where. Dr. Thomas' Eclectrie Oil was put upon the market without I any flourish over thirty years ago. It was put up to meet the wants of i a small section, but as soon as its j I merits became known it had a whole j continent for a field, and it is now known and prized throughout this hemisphere. There is nothing C'"ial to it. HOW TO HOLD YOUR JOH. Factory Commandments Contain Good Advice. A manufacturer poeted these comandrnents in Ids large, establish- ment : 1. Don't lie. It wastes my time and yours. I'm sure to catch you in the end, and that's the wrong end. 2. Watch your work, not the clock. A long day's work makes a long day short, and a day's short work makes my face, long. 3. Give me more than I expect and I'll pay you more than you ex- pect. I can afford to increase your pay if you increase my profits. 4. You owe so much tu yourself that you can't afford to owe any- body else,. 5. Dishonesty is never an acci- dent. Good men, like good women, always scorn temptation when they meet it. 6. Mind your own business, and in time you will have a business of your own to mind. 7. Don't do anything here which hurts your self-respect; the em- ploye who is willing to steal for me is capable of stealing from me. 8. It's none of my business what you do at night, but if dissipation affects what you do the next day, and you do half as much as I de- mand, you'll last half as long as you hoped. 9. Don't tell me what I'd like to hear, but what I ought to hear. 10. Don't kick if I kick ; if you're worth correcting, you're worth keeping. A FIREMAN'S PERIL. How Zam-Buk Delivered Him. - *. ~&^, Cz^tz ^ <*<*< J> LIPTON'S TEA FARTHEST FOR THE MONEY At 215 Eraser Ave.. Edmonton, Aha., lives W. P. Many, a former member of the 'local fire brigade, who ha wonderful cause to be thankful for the curative powers of ; Zam-Buk. He says: "A serious skin disease broke out on my face, and spread until I was in a terrible | state. The spots and little ulcers werf frightfully irritating, and yet j when scratched or rubbed they bled j and smarted. Shaving caused me ,' agony, and sometimes I would have j to go two- weeks without a shave. I tried home-made remedies, herb salves, and various other prepara- tions, but the soros got no better. When Zam-Buk was mentioned I had little r aith that it would be able i to do me any good. I gave it a fair trial, however, and the first box made such a wonderful change for | the better that it gave me encour- agement to continue. I did so, and i to cut a long story short. Zam-Buk, i in the ent', quite cured me." Zam-Buk cures eczema, blood i poison, ulceis, chronic sores, pi'ee, ringworm, cold sores, c.its. burns ami skin injuries. All t'r'iggists and etoros at 50c box, or p st free from Zam-Buk Co.. Toronto, for priee. Refuse substitutes. Tommy Huh ! I bet you didn't have a good time at your birthday ] party yesterday. Jimmy I bet I did! tommy Then why ain't you sick to-day 1 "A Grand Medicine" is the ec- comium often passed on Bickle's Anti-Consumptive Syrup, and when the results from "its use are consid- ered, as borne out by many persons who have employed it in stopping coughs and eradicating colds, it is more than grand. Kept in the house it is always at hand and it has no equal as a ready remedy. If you have not tried it, do so at once. Mlnard'i Llnlmint Cures Qurns, Etc. The bigger the sign a man has to put up the less there is behind it. TOO TENUOUS. "There is onlv on family line in this country which can bear the burdens which are put upon it " "What is that?" "The clothesline." CRIPPLED WITH RHEUMATISM. 82 University Street. Montreal. "Just a word of praise for GIN PILLS. About fifteen months ago I could not walk across my room, fluttering severely with rheumatism. I took QIN PILLS and be- come quite well." SAMUEL LONGMORE. Write UB for free sample of Gin Pills to try. Then get the regular sire boxes at yonr dealer's, or direct from us 50c. a box. 6 for $2.50. Money refunded if GIN PILL8 fail to cure. National Drug & Chemical Co. of Canada. Limited. Depart- ment W.L., Toronto. VERY WELL PLEASED. Collector "Say, look here! I'm tired of calling here about this bill !" The Debtor "Well, I'm mighty glad to hear it." Comfort for the Dyspeptic. There is no ailment so harassing and exhausting as dyspepsia, which arises from defective action of the stomach and liver, and the victim of it is to be pitied. Yet he can find ready relief in Parmelee's Ve- getable Pills, a preparation that has established itself by years of effec- tive use. There are pills that arc widely advertised as the greatest ever compounded, but not one of them can rank in value with Par- melee's. ITS MORAL. "The thermometer is much like men in one respect." "What is that?" "When it once begins to take a drop it falls by degrees." Ovr a hundred thousand pedes- trians pass over London Bridge in one day. while the number of ve- hicles which cross this bridge ex- ceeds twenty thousand. The cheapness of Mother Qravac' Worm Exterminator puts it within reach of all, and it can be go;, at any druggist's. H. W. DAWSON, Ninety Colbornt Stret, Toronto. FtoRTY ACHE anrr PAHII- XEAB Niugnra River, well planted. B* >un 1911 nearly thirty per o*ut. on yrio* abked. 4 DEATTIFfL FARM OF TWO KIT . V dred and ninety aores on I Joseph 8 Inland, with fine nous*, up- date- barn and outbuilding?. Owner wn-hw to devote his time to other buslMm, so will sell cheap Tor Quick pal. Foil uar- tU-ulurs furnished on application. HUNDRED AND FIFTY-SEVEN ACREi in Norfolk Count?: BIZ acres fruitl np-to-date house: new bank barn: a very desirable property at a bargain. HUNDRED \ND FIFTY ACBEH-WITH good houpc: two barns: ten acres 'orchard: in County Peel. A real snap. ONE IH'NDRKD ACRKM-UOOD HOrSB and ou*. l>ii i Id ings: near Teeewater. A flrst-clafts farm worth the money. AN IDKAIj FAKM OF TWO HUNDRED acres in County of Wellington, with tini' brick house: good outbuildine* ; can be bought on eas*- terms. Marion Bridge. C. B.. May 30, '02. I have handled MINAUD'S LINIMENT during thi- past year. It is nlwayx the flrM Liniment anked for hre. and tin- f|iiotiorml>ly tho bept seller of nil the different kinds of Liniment I handle. NEIL FEHQUSON. A girl knows by the way a man looks into her eyes they ought to be just the color she thinks they PILES CURED IN S TO 14 DAYS. Vour -Iriitii-iHt will refund money if PA/O OIVT- MKST (Ail- t" cure any CM j of Itchlnc, Blind. iiiu or Protruding I'iles in 6 to U -lay*. soc. I^OTR nUNDHKD ACRES IN COT'NTY r of Simooe. with Hundred Acres fiood Timber: 20 acres apple orchard: eood Fr*mo HI HIM- . two Barns. Can be bought risrht. T TWENTY-FIVE ACRE FRCIT FAKM Near .St. Catharine*; Brick nouses Barn: twenty arrex planted. Can lie bought very reasonable. ONE OF THE BEST FECIT FARMS IN Ht. Catharine* District Fifty acres, thirty of which are planted: Elegant House, aim Cottage and fine outbuildings. Will be sold on easy termt>. F'ORTY ACRES ST. CATHARINES Bungalo and Cottage and eood out- building*. Thirty-four acres planted in fruit, and a money maker. The owner wishes to retire and anxious to sell. I HAVE MANITOBA. ALBERTA. SAB- katohmrmn and Britieh Columbia land*, both improved and unimproved. In quarter, half or whole Hprtioni). also in Inrirer lots up to flve hundred thousand acre". If thinking of Inventing In West- em lands it is to your interest to consult me. 'Phones: Main 6990, Park 527. H. W. DAWSON, Toronto. MALE HELP WANTED. (^1 COD RALAltlES EARNED BY STA- ' tion Agent* and TelegriipherH. Oreat demand for men. We qualify you quickly. Boat school in Canada. Free Hook 16 ex- plains. Dominion School Telegraphy. To- ronto. SOUVENIR POST CARDS. lOo FOR 15 BKAl'TIFfL POST T Cardc. all different Agents wanted. Smith Card Co., Parry Sound. MISCELLANEOUS. H AT and FARM SCALES. Wilton'* Scnle Works. 9 foplanadk, Tommo. CANCEB. r .U.-OB8 J.njlPa, eU>. ID. ternai u-: ext^r- .1. curid without pain by our U-H.I* tr.-aiiueui. Wntv VM before tco ':!>. Dr. Bellman Ucaiual Co, Limited, r-allibffwood. Ont- As a safe-guard buy nothing in ;he baking powder line unless all -he ingredients are printed on the label. The manufacturers of the brands of baking powder in which Astronomical observations B -.o man or woman should hobble China were carried on as far back : painfully about because of corns as 2353 B. C. when so certain a relief is at hand I as Holk'\va\ 's Corn Cure. Try Murine Eye Remedy ' Some of the spankings children ' get might do more good on those who give them. Only One "BROMO QUININE.' 1 That isLAXATTVKBKOMOQIJININK. T.ook for the siunaturp of K. W. OKOVK. Used tho World ovrr to Cure a Cold in Ono Day. 2ic. Did you over hear of a woman giv- ing to charity the money she had saved up with which to buy a hat? Inard's Liniment for tall avsrywntr*. r TON SCALE GUARANTEED. Wllmn* t> Scsle Works. 9 Esplanade. Toronto. Your Overcoats u.l futal Siiln would >*k htl rr tjrt. If no *.-,! ol out* In your town, writ* Uircl to M nlrtfcl. Ui 154 rltloh Amoneain Dyolng Co. "When my boy was about three months Id Ills head broke out with a rash which wu very itchy and ran a watery Quid. Wo tried everything we could but he got worno i , ,-. all the time, till it spread to his arms, legs i large quantities of alum are used, nd 'hen to his entire body. He got so bad 'are afraid to print the ingredients the label as no person would . Try It for Ul, Wk, Water? Ky Mid CrnnulRttMl M. i:.,- llliiMratc<l Hook In ouch l-iu-lnn". MIMUNK If im- poiiniltMl liv oiirPrnHflta- notn "Tutrnt Medicine" but UKcd Insurvpt-sful Phyat- Olan*' PfaotkM for many year*. Sow iliHllrmed to the Hiilillo ai.,1 nold hy l>ruggleu*to-*irhouia. Murino Kye Halvo in ',.-,.:., TUUCB. . Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chlcigo that he came near dying. The raeh would hi li so that he would scratch till the blood ran, and a thin yellowish stuff would be all ver his pillow In the morning. I had to put Bill 1 1 I.H on his hands to prevent him tearing bl-i .!>,. II" was so weak and run down that Be took fainting spells as If he were 'lylm,. Be waj almost a skeleton and bis little bauds krere thin like claws. " He was bad about eight months when we |rlcd Cuticura Remedies. I had not laid him own U> his cradle In the daytime for a long bhilc. I "funned him with Cuticura Soap and but on onn application of Cuticura Ointment fend he wt to soothed that he could aleep. You don't know bow glad I was he felt better. It tcol: oti box of Cuticura Ointment and Getty near ono cake of Cuticura Boap to cure ni. I think our boy would have died but lor the Cuticura Remedies and I shall always lemam a firm frland of them. He was cured lore than twenty years ago, and there 1ms keen no Kturn ol tho trouble. I shall ba tlncl to have you publish this true statement If his cm--." (Signed) Mrs. M. C. Malt laud. lasper. Ontario. May 27, 1010. For more than a |*nratkm mothers have kmnd a speedy, creeable and economlcsl treatment for th4r skin-tortured little ones hi Cutlrurik Soap u.l Ointment. Although Ihey ar* sold l>y dniMlsls and dealers every- lii-re, a liberal sample of ( li may be obtained tree, from fhft lv>:rr Drug & Chem. Corp., Die prop*., 63 Columbus Are., Boston, U.S.A. on the label as no person buy it at any price. Magic Baking Powder is pure and guaranteed not to contain alum. HIS FAVORITE PARABLE. A country clergyman on his round of visits interviewed a youngster as to his acquaintance with Bible stories. "My lad," he sa'J, "you have, -vf course, heard of paiables?" "Yes, ir," shyly answered :h* boy, whose^ mother had instructed him in sacred history, "yes, *ir." "Good." said tho clergyman. "Now, which of them do you lik the best?" -The boy squirmed; but at last heeding his mother's frowns he replied : "I gvoss I like that one where somebody loafs and fishes." Mlnard's Liniment Rellvl Neuralgia. HIS WAY. "I won't defend a man whom I believe to be guilty." "Now, my boy," said the older lawyer, "you mustn't set your judgment up against that of the majority. I have defended plenty of men whom I believed to bt> guilty, but the jury decided otherwise." HE WAS DEAF. Old Lady "I want you to change that parrot I bought from you ho doesn't speak at all, and you said he'd repeat every word he heard." Shopman "Yes, madam, and so ho would but you took him in such a hurry that I hadn't time to tell you he was deaf." Man is said t<> lie subject to over 1200 different diseases. Tho Soul of a Piano Is the Action. Insist on the "OTTO HIGEL" Piano Action M. A. LYOM N. L. PLUMMER LYON & PLUMME1R (Mamban Toronto "lurk, Kx<'lwu-,< Stocks, Bonds and Mining Slocks tanujrht and old on commission. Dealers in (io\ eminent and Municipal Securities 21 Mollnda Stroet, TORONTO Tls. M. 7978-9 - Cable: "Lyonnlum" DODD'S Kl DN EV PIUS .' ED. issrv: 12 KITCHEN KITES. A cook who keeps in thj damper deserves a kitchen th.it keeps out the damp. Treat your servants well, for, in j the cuse. of good ones, finding is uot ] necessarily keepings. A mnid goes out to service before inarriane--then she goes into it. A good mistress may be born< a. gocd servant must always be. made. ' It is more pleasant to give than | to receive this is especially true of notices. Give your servants a good table, I and they will be less apt to eke out! the same with the family skeleton, i A maid shouldn't try to dress like her mistress, for if she fails, she i only loses her temper, and if sKe ! succeeds, she only loses her place. | If you talk before your servants as though they were deaf, you will soon find out that they are not dumb. On the new Cunard liner, Laeo- nia, whkh is now in the course of construction, passengers may have mounts on mechanically driven horsci. Well, Well! /THIS i a HOME DYE ANYONE can use I dyed ALL these DIFFERENT KINDS of Goods f with tht SAME t>e. I used DYOLA [ONE OVERALL KINDS' CLEAN and 8IMPLK to Use. NOrh>tu-nru>lntth*WRONGDylf>Mt<r<.i><MU onr lit* to color. Allcolor* lit -n your Oi utiulit or Bsstan inn c:oli>i Cu<Und I/TOUT Bi ..fieri*. Thr /hQoo-RKhfd>oli Co.. IJmireH, Moiur*l, PIT A I* I I V , I -\ 1 *f j* , _^ n ^ n r H liHKr*!' uuncu Send for Frrn Hook (riving fl1 " parlu-uiiira or TRENCH'S REMEOY, the World-famous Curo for Kpilpppy and Fits. Staple, hoini- treatment. 2S y*' BIH-I-I-M. TpBlmuiiualB from all TRENCH'S REMEDIES LIMITED 107 St. James' Chamber*, Toronto. TWO CRUISES -ON TUB- VICTORIA LUISE ue..'itn Tout From New York NOT. 12, 1912 Fro San Frncico Fb. 27. 1913 Will mil M.a.ic.. Sptii li.l,, E^pt, India. l>rlo. Slrtitt Stltltwet,. J.. PkillplM... CkiM, !. P ... S..J.ic* l.l.odi. with Ovriland AneriuB Tout. INLAND EXCURSIONS AND SIDE TRIPS OPTIONAL 1 1 7 O v , ,n M,. TOURS j U D n , , J aff , Duration 110 Day* Eacb 'Alk niw!' Cm(M. Wrtt, } HAMBURG -AMERICAN LINE 41-45 BROADWAY. N. Y. or Ocenn Staamshlp Agtnoy, (3 YortRr St., Toronto, Canada.

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