Flesherton Advance, 21 Mar 1912, p. 5

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March 21 1012 F L E S H E R TON A D V A N C E I i 1 . t i The Standard Bank c Canada Record of Business as at the 3lst of January, 1912 ASSETS Cash on Hand - - $3,818,722.1! Notes and Cheques of an,l due by other Banks - 2,470,791.48 Dominion Govt. and other first-class Bonds - 2,882,194.88 Loans on Cull, on Govt., Municipal and other Bonds and Stocks - 1,906,845.00 Government Deposit to secure Note Circulation 100,000.06 Bills Discounted and Current Advances - 25,397,068.68 Bank Premises - 897,84:2. 13 Other Assets - 57,253.47 $37,311,317.78 LIABILITIES Notes in Circulation - $1,092,363.00 Deposits - - . 30,116,880.88 Dividends ... 65,4t">9.00 Due to other Banks - 403,GO&87 Capital - $2,000,000.00 Reserve Fund 2,600,000.00 Rebateof Interest on Discounts - 71,643.4") Balance of Profit and Loss Acct. 61,383.58 4,733,027i03 $37,311,317,78 fl~ GEO P. SCHOLFIELD, General Manager. Trains follows : C. P. R. Time Table. leave Fleshercon Station as 3.40 o'clock. mail close nt 9 p.m. the Miss Vera Napper of Petrclen, mil- liner with J. & W. Boyd, has taken up her duties here. Going South Going North Charley Wolfs sale of furs, clothing 7.43 a. m. 11.28 a.m. !and jewellery will be continued this and 4.33 p. m. 8.53p. m. (next week. The prices given in his The mails are closed at Flesherton a.i j advertisement elsewhere in The Advance follows : For the north at 10.40 a.m. andj will ha cut 25 per cent, during the re- 7 p.m. ; and the afternoon mail south at maiuder of the sale. For morning train south < _ ._ .1 p rev i ous ev'g. The W. I. monthly meeting will be . held nt the High School, Fiesherton on < ^ m ^ Tuesday, March 2(5, at 2.30 p.m. Evils ii 1,-rw a%sn.%...'^^J of Faultfindi "8' Mrs - W. Moore and MM. YICINITy CHIPS ^ W. Heard; Why should every child be taught tu cm e for plants and children? Mrs. C. VV. Bellamy ; Solo, Miss Irene Wilson; Mrn. R H. Moore, reading, com- priies the program. Visitors are always welcome. Mrs. Jos. H. Clinton received A tele- gram from Rochester on Sunday rtnounc- inj; that her sister, Mrs. Vasey, watt seriously ill. This WHS followed on Monday by the sad intelligence thai her sister had passed uw.-iy that morning. Mrs. Clinton left the same afternoon to attend the funeral on Wednesday. Mrs. \ .i.i-v visited here List summer and much rugrat is felt for her sudden death. Mr. and Mrs. Will Boyd and Mr. J. A. Boyd attended the golden wedding of their parents at Mount Forest on Wed- nesday of lust week. The Confederate all the family were present An- drew and George of Radiscun, Sask. . Robert J. of Hegina, and John and Win of Flesherton ; Mrs. W. J. Chal- lenger of Edgerton, Alberta ; Mrs. Chris Patterson and Mrs. Douald Flett of Forest. Mr. Matsun of Mitrlcdale spent the week end at Wm. Wilcock'a. Born Thursday, March 14, to Mr. and Mrs. Oewge Best, daughter., Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Goff of Clarks- burg, culled on the tatter's mother, Mrs. Armstrong, on Tuesday. Mr. Joneph Ferris of Kimberley visit- ed the past week at the hoina of Mr. um Mia. J. J. Thompson. BornOn Thursday, March 14, to Mr. in.) Mrv John Elizabeth. ii. a daughter, Irene Mr. Walter Louckx of Porcupine is spending a couple parents here. of weeks with liis Mr. H LeGaru in iu Toronto this week attending Grand Lodge A.I >. I W. as delegate from Flesherton lodge. The Fleslierton A. 0. U. W. have re- ceived 914 as premiums on new members secured during I ho past tinancial year. Mr. E. Wurti left this week for Saskatchewan, near Rcginit, where be iii ;i valuable farm. The family will follow next week. Mr. .Nun's Me Jlocklin is retiring from the butcher business conducted under the BI-IU nmnr of Wilson & MoClockliu. Mr. VTiUon will continue the butiinetu. Hetrs. 'Stuart and Wilson sold 23 at (he Station on Monday. The animal* brought from |38 to sr, thu latter a thoroughbred Durham. Mr. George Zimmerman of Owen Stmml, accompanied by hin niece. Miss Helen Lee, visited tha past week with their Cousin, Mr. J. J. Thompson. Mrs. N. Dmsmore and four children ai-e visiting the former's parents, Mr. md Mn. C. W. Bellamy ; (hey etpest Co leave for SaskatooB in two weeks. Mr. .lames White, who ha>t been con- dutor and engineer on the 'bus linu for setns time, threw op ton lines on Satur- Jiy and taken a tifeuatioii in Mailer's ho- .Jel.'ChaUworth. School children in town and country an gee a very nice atlas of Canada for nothing by sending in their addresses to ta Minister of the Interior, Ottawa. No postage is required. The vote on church union iu Chalmer'g Church showed that a large nmjoiiry of the members wore in favor i>f union. The five elders all voted yes to both questions. Boy Wanted An intelligent boy from 14 to 17 yer of age, who would Ike to le.mi the printing and newspaper buainew, can flnd a good opening in this office. at the present time. Mr. Thomas Fisher and family left on The voice* of spring are iu the air and we can iraoll the perfume of flowers ufar off. but it wast nut *o on Friday last. These sensations came on suddnnly. Friday was one of the many stormy days of thin winter and tv good foot of snow tell hero. The tailway cuttings were tilled, the night train was cancelled, and it wan not until 3 p.m. Saturday (hut a train manaved to get ibroui(h. Saturday was a beautiful runihiny day and Sunday a thaw came on which has M.-iyrd ith us more or les until lime of writing, Tuesday. Everybody hopes that the storm of Friday was a dyinv Walkerton Crows "Sing" Cruw* were heard tinging in Walker- ton on Tuesday, which is a more promis- ing in of pnnj; 'Han that reported from Flttherton, where a crow waa seen frozen on a tre--Hrrald and TIIUM. Mr. M. Lor M< of Rediokilte, had n!.( experience this week. On Tues- day lie attended a wedding tt Randwick The thermometer waa below sero at j-iiiiK home time, so he hrated couple of bricks and put them in tha cutter to kp his feet warm. On arrivinK home be had munc difficulty netting (be baro door open and deeidrd to leare t.lio cutter, robe*, whip, etc., outaide for the night. It was a lucky decision one that saved his baru for when he went out to the barn Wednesday lucrning to put t h cutter inside he found that the hot bricks had set fir* to the rubis aud cutter ind that nil that waa left of the outfit, WM some axhea und the metal parts of the cutter. It was a very Tuetday for Parma. Idaho, wheie th*y | ,,, rrow eocape for the baru fur ereu as it will reside in future. They were ao (ompanioj by Mrs. John White and family. The infant CM ol Mr. aiul MM. Geo. Vauie of Arcola, Sn.sk., died on Tlunv day. Marcu 7, after a short illness. Much sympathy is felt for Mr. and Mm. Tauso in the lo.s of their babe. Mr. Cliarlry Staffoid got away this week for the Wchl. H look with him H ready-built hutue and an automobile. Dr. Cbailvy Otiewell accoiupittiied him t the and will practice his profes- sion as a vet cut tl.ere this summer. Inspector Beckett of Owen Sound gallons of captured a consignment of whiskey which was on its way Chats woith to Owen Sound on day of last \uvl, . Th,. l.iad i-itnsist.nl tivu barrels. was had the wind been blowing towards it the building would likely havo none. --Stayner Suu. A voiy plausible gentlenmn named Tli'.iinw Long struck town a fw weeks aga ninl bitrded with Mrs. Fcnu.. Win n the lii l, week was up ha hud no money here, had left it all in Owen Sound, in the Uolson's bank, in fact he slatbd that he hid $500 there. At the end of the second week it wtu the tvune story, but he twill i lint if she would lend him enough to take him to Owen Suunil he would go there and diaw it out tnd give it, to her son, nho wouldgo with him. Accordinely she nave 70 r.-nls, and while from the son got un tho trnin, the mun Long ilid no', and t Park Head. Mr. Fenn aw of i that his bird hJ tiikeo wings Upon returning ti 1 \Yinrlon he fouiiU him ami this boarder adin Med that, lie hadn't :i seven miles I'roin The who A oew paper has )><?cn started i<n the firuoe peninsula L L ; oim Head, calling "fot, Ihnt his h iUslf the Cnuriir. A. H. Steadman is Owen Sound, on the Meaford vuad. the gyjtleman who owns it. The Hrstj ""*" K' VL '" '" Rbcrk Ward, m-ji).r hr> nwchcd .ur sanctum. It is , "^ '' l-rrught before the police a mosk croriuble ahret, typographically tral* and th.) boarder W.IM C i on Oil days ami fions u liurry view pint. May it ri*h. Capt. ll.n .l:n ' :IM I nine tni'ii of tlie American fishinuNcliooiier Patriuian were drowned when the vessel w&& wrecked oft' Shelburue, N. 8. Mrs Elizabeth P-itersnn und her Jiiis^htcr, Mi:;s Kimvttii Putursun, lost their lives in a lire at Ningnr.1 Falls Ihht detitroyed the Macartney block. Thocliiif point of iutervst at last division court in .Mi/imt Forest was a suit entered oy n West Luthur f-inno 1 ' -for $0, ihe t >ricu of a load of wood, against a citizen who claimed that the wood WRS abort and uf pn >r quality. The farmer was illuwed fG.'JO and had to pay hts own cost*. There was a SKjiiel tn the suit. The former struck another citizen, who madu some remark about the suit, and is Imled before Police Magistrate Macgrpgor, who im- posed a tine of $5 and costs, amounting lo about {G. Mr. Norman L Wils >n, a well-known and very popular rutident of Owen Sound, died unexpec.edly Saturday morning at llio General and Marine Hospital from blood-poisoning, incident, upon a slight accident a week ago. Mr. Wilson, who was Manager of the Owen Sound Iron Work*, had a finger mingled in a lathe. The injury wan dressed, hut was .so painful that finally he went to the hospital, intending to have the finger amputated. The opera- tion, was not performed and yesterday evening bl-jod-pjisoning cet in, and diKsolutiou came Sunday m<>rnin<(. Deceased was thirty-one years of age., being the sou of Mr -I. is. Miller Wilson. He wai well-known iu militia circles, holding the position of Captain in ills Thirty-first Regiment, and was an en- thusiastic rifleman. Odds and Ends MISCELLANEOUS Charles Wolfe's Reduction Sale Lost Good white and blnck spoiled heaglo hound, about 10 months old, <m Monday, March 4. Finder please com- municate with Herb Smith, Flesherton. farmers, ship your produce direct to us Cest prices mil prompt returns. Correspondence sulicited. Duudaa Pro- duce Co., 179!> Uundin st., West To- ronto. M.iv 14 Boar for Service Thoroughbred Short- bom bull for eervice on Kit 120, 1 S. W. T. and S. R. , Artetnesia. Terms $1. Jnraeo Hill, Prop. Men Wanted To drive team. Steady work to right imn, $6O per month, married men prrfuirod, Apply lo G. H . Vause, drny anil transfer, Arcola, Sask. Hound Camw Astr*y Came to my priMiiiNti on Sa'urdav, Feb. 17. one black and whi'e Imund. Mark Wilson, Wanted Ooi.d smart boy to learn gon- ariil business. McFarlund A Co., Murk- dale. Ont Wau ted --Local canvasser to solicit cream ihip:ueiii. Apply itiving refer- enct-H mil ({ualiticationti to Walkertou Egx and Dairy Co , Walkerton, Ont. NoticeIn a f>!W days Mr. J. H. Rhodes, Arthur, Ont , manufacturer of Ln-liaa Braids. Swilchen, Transforma- tions nJ curls, made from your own combings, will call nt every homo in Flesherton with a full line of samples, cards, prices, etc. ARTICLES FOR SALE Seed liui.-kli<T.ii for sale, Mapln Ltaf, at 80 cents a bushel. Apply to Malcolm McDonald, Ceylon, Ont. R. D. Mi-lilriim, Portlaw, is.su n- n marriage licensee. Good draft year "M cult Alei. MoRae, Ceylon P. O. fur tali.'. For Sale Good general purpose horse. Apply to A. E. W.lker. Eugenia p. o. Hay For Sale A. Beattis has * fow tons of No. 1 pressed day for m!e at |17 per ton. A ood houuse nd lot with ntahle to rt'nf, in Eugenia. Apply to John H. Jaminion, owner, 101 Montrose^ Ave., Toronto, or Jonathan Lnt:oier, Kngeni* p.o. 21 June. Fr tale cheap .mil e.iy terux, or ront immediate noospssion. tir-it c'asa brick veneered dwelling in Eugenia, KHIK] fur- nce nod soft and hard water in. liousv, nplendul girdmi and orchanl. Apply to R. J. Sproule, Klesliertoii, Ont. S7cedtf For sale Cheap and oil easy terms, good comfortable flame house, and two Kood villiiige lots, in Fle>hertn. apply lo R. ,). s pn n If. Lots for sale at re<w>nabl pi ices-- A number <.f good buildint; lots n tho latt W K. Flesher osUte, Klesherton, on Toronto and Sydeuha n ttiid Durham s'rei-ts. Apply to K. .1. Spn-ule, Flesheilon, t'nit, Farm fur Sle or Rent Lot, 3, cun.lll, and l"t 4, con 14, Osprvy, better known rm tho Goorstu Myum farm 'JO') notes n't undor cultivation, ui. ml huildiuus.well watt-i-pd. Apply In W. A. AniistrniH', l W-lkrt-t| W,:uton AUCTION SALES An I'Xti-naivn credit nmtion Kale "f f:u in fti-ck mi"! iinplnnnits will be l.clil on ! >'.!', (!"H li. Ospiey. (at Maxwell m l'"riiir, Mnn-li '-".I, I'.Mi, (.lie property of Mr. I). K. I'rufon. Thu faiui will lit crt'si oil for sale if nut piioiihly sold. OF- Furs, Clothing, Jewelry and Silverware In the Park House hotel FLESHERTON Commencing Tuesday, March 12, 1912. SEE THIS LIST. These Goods at 75c on the dollar Men's Persian Lamb Collars, Muffs, Ruffs and Caperines. '.}'2 Fur Lined Coats, Ladies' and Men's. Watches, Chains, Bracelets and Rings. Silks in a Great Variety of Colors at 50c on the Dollar. CASH OR CREDIT ON ALL GOODS. IM 15 Ladies' Spring Suits, samples 818. 00 <' $11.95 Ladies' Spring Suits, samples 818.00 for S3. 90 15 Men's Coats, fur lined, Persian Collars, $25.00 for $12.95 30 Men's Suits, tegular $22.00, for. 814.95 50 Men's Suits, regular $14.00, for $10.!)0 45 Men's Suits, regular 812.00, for $7.50 150 Men's Suits, regular, $10.00, for $5.90 40 Boys' Suits, regular $6.00, for $8.95 90 Boys' Suits, regular $4.00. for $1.75 10 Boys' Snitfc, regular 3,00, for $1.12 10 Men's Deaver Coats, reg. 89.00, at $4.95 20 Men's Cravennette, regSlO.OO at $5.95 25 Auto Coats, reg $10.00 for $6.90 25 Grey Lamb Caps, reg $1.00 for $1.50 10 Black Lamb C.ius, reg $9.00, for $5.12 25 Waist Coats, reg $1,50 for 75c 20 pair Corduroy Pants, reg 83.50, at $1 75 20 pair Corduroy Pants, reg $1.75, at 75 21 pair Chenile Curtains, reg 8!). 00, at 83.50 50 Table Cloths, reg 1,50, for 65 C 25 Black Underskirts, reg $1.50, for 60 10 Black Skirts, reg $5.00, for. $2.50 25 Ladies' Leaver Coats, reg $15.00 at 86.50 25 Ladies' Rubber Coats, reg $4.00, at $1 .10 25 Children's Coats, reg $1.50. for 65c Id Children's Coats, reg $7.00, for $4.10 50 Men's Sweaters, reg $2.50, for $1.15 15 Men's Dusters, reg 8.1.00, for 99c 1'fl Boys' Smocks' reg 7&c, for 17c 50 Fancy Waistcoats, reg $3.00, lor. 75c. Sale Starts on Tuesday, March 12. at Flesherton. Our Clubbing List The following prices are for strictly paid in advance aubscriptioiigonly. We have no accounts with other papers. Fledherton Advance t I 00 Y'l'i i IIM Companion 2 00 Toronto World, daily U 00 Toronto Daily News 1 33 Weekly Globe . , 85 Mail-Empire 80 Family Herald it si.-u 86 Toronto Star 1 30 Farmer Sun . . 76 Farmers Advuoata 1 35 Weekly WiUie.* 80 Saturday Night 3 00 Home .) i iiiri'-i '. W Poultry Neim 20 Poultry lioview 40 t Rod and Gun magazine 80 Brantford Roofing Cryttal rooung and aiding. Asphalt rooff- init and siding, Rubber roi firiff. Steel roofing and siding, Metallic shingles. J. McDonald, Agent, Ceylon. SEEDS^EEDS ! Renuio's Government inspected Mammoth Clover, Alaike. Alfalfa; Common Red. Timothy Seed, and all kinds of Gardun and Flour Seeds. _ FLOUR /AND FEED Ogilve's, Royal Household, White Hose, Ford's Patent and Morning a (; lory for Pastry. Bran. Shores, Corn, Chop aud Chicken Feed. FISH Herring at 4c per pound. Trout at 7J per pound. Best Quality of Groceries at Prices always right, at The Grocery of Quality W. L. Wright, Grocer, Flesherton Holstein Friesian Cattle Bull for Service CanMT Batter HOT Calamity, No. 10M1, bred by II !'. George of Crampton. Ont. Sire, hutur H'IV < iliunit) No. (7990), Uam, Canary Uoldle \nUolpation No. (OMUI. Ternn-Rdsis- torad o'>w *3.00. Qradet * 1. .0. TAMWOBTH HWINI Regifitered Tamwortb Hoar TormiOiade How 1.00. I Brown Lfauoro and Wbito Wyandotta Poultry. iitook for Sale. RKK* for Hatching, RIfHAKD ALLEN, Lotl70. 2B.T. &S.U. Flesherton, p. o. Notice to the Public We are givinij up busineai in Fever- Hlmm to build aatore in the north, and we urn offering our stork lo the public at wliolefalw ptioe* 1 , fur casb <ir trade. We will leniti our large brick block liore at once fur best offer. All ac- coun's and patt due ni'to^'miiHt positive- ly \>o i:i i.'i'it by tin. iirst dry of April. I. HARVEY PERIOOE. Fuvershiun. I YOUR BLOOD IS TAINTED ULCERS, BOILS, SWOLLEN GLANDS, BLOTCHES, PIMPLES, AND ALL SKIN AND BLOOD DISEASES ARE COMPLETELY CURED BY THE NEW METHOD TREATMENT OVER 68 YEARS' EXPERIENCE ' TRADE MARK* DESIQNS CCPYRIOHTS AO. ,nTOiien<11nn a iliel <! nnj dmcrlntlnii itnn? niilnVly ascertain our nvlnlnn froa -.fhetlior an i," ."lloii Is im.hnl.lv imlcutiililo. C'.ninmnlrii :?"J iricl .17 KiiDdoritW. HflHnfiOOK <" ^""Jt emit froo Olacst nKn''-''''" 1 *" 1 '''^^ 1 "'''^;,. I'niontu uikou Ilirouifh Miinn & Co. receive tptctai !)*<& nlilioul sbjiye, in too We desire to call lh attentloo of all tboee flDOtM with ny BUad r Stun DiM to our New Method Tr**tnt ae a KuankQteed < ui for these complalnta. i !MT.> ia no ez- *<-M>I. {or any )M<run naving a <llsn>iir<l face from eruptions and blotches. No mailer whether berodltary or acquired, oar uneciflo reinediet and treatment neutralise all pol- Mons In tue bluotl and expul tbem fn>n> tho cystem. Our vast experience in the treat- ment of thousands of the most acrioui and complicated oases enables us to perfect a cure without experimenting. Wedo business on (he plan PM Only for the Benefit Yea Derive. If you nave Any blood dieeiwe, con- sult tin Free of Chaise and let \a prore to you II.IH <|uickly our remedies will remove H] i cvtdeotTes of disease. Under the inMuenrn of the New Method Ir.otmcni the skin be- comes ri'-ar. nluers, pimples and hlotches hral up. cnlargeil glands are reduced, fallen out Imlr grown In Again, the eyes become in i Kill . ambition and energy return, and the victim realizes a new life has opened up to liim. YOU CAN ARRANGE TO PAY AFTER YOU ARE CURED CONSULTATION PKEE Send for Booklet on DJMUM of Men "THE GOLDEN MONITOR" FREE If unable to call, write for a Question List Cor Homo Treatment A '.mdfouvlv lltnutrnlwl w-l:lv. IATKM* Hr. SiliSon oTany ?!-""" """!. lri . inr CuSSS. . i. yea., pwtlage iucii.l. sold b, M newjdoaloni . MUNH&Co. 36IBrwt(lww - New York Brlni OMoo. V W.Mhlmton. D. C. DRs.KENNEDnr&KENNEDY Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich. A " letters from Canada must be addressed to our Canadian Correspondence Depart- tncnt in Windsor, Out. If you desire to see us personally call at our Medical Institute in Detroit as \vc see and treat no patient* in our Windsor offices which arc for Correspondence and laboratory for Canadian business only. Address all letters as follows: DRS. KENNEDY & KENNEDY, Windror Ont. Write for our private nddrcsa.

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