Flesherton Advance, 21 Mar 1912, p. 8

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March 21, 1912 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE 'Advance' Small Ads. Look over them weeldy. There may be something for YOU BUSINESS CARDS [ CULLOUGH A YOUNG 1 Hank 01 B Markdale R eaeral banking business . Money loaned at reauonable rate? Call ou us. TUHISUKTT. I'Mtiuavirr. Ceylon. CominUeioner In H. C. J . Conveyancer, deed*, mortgage*, lease*, wills etc carefully drawn up olk'ctionii u)d . cliargeu reasonatlu. Also groceries, flour, feed etc. kept in stock, Prioej ruut. RJ MPROULE, Flenherton vxmimluloner In H.C J.. Auetloneo Cnn- veyaaoer. Appraiser and Money L*amr Heal Bstate and Insurance Agent. Dewta. ioorui<efi, lease* an1 will* carefully drawn and Taluatloni made on ihortest notice oney to loan at lowest ratal of interest. v/ol- jllons attended to with promi'lnem eliaruei low. Agent for Ocan Dominion Htauihn> Company. A call solicited. Farms For Sale or Rent PAHM KOUSALK-l.ot iio-.i. in tlie Mb coo r ceneion ottlie towuahlp of Artt mi'-iu, uou t&lniog 100 iir, . eii|uty-itvu ucieu ciarml, bulano hardwood timber. 1'roperty 01 the lateVV. J. Keatty. There is a li.-ml, barn MX! rongbcaat house on preniinen anil is wll watorml. Will be Hold on reaao.iablo terum. , Apply to Janien Jj. McMullen, t'ey ion p. o.. Out. VOK BALE Cheap an 1 easy terms. If not * Hold soon, for rout to tuiitablo U:nft*-t, North half lot :S> and lot 40, COD, II, Artemesia, ami lot 1. con. 1*2. Osproy. ''> acred, about ISO cleared balance mostly timbered land, hard ttjilno/t wood : uood Htonedwcilliug and frame liarn. atablinit under ; well watered with never- filling tiuall spring creek UOMlng farm close tn barn: This it au excellent gralu or grazing farm and will bu ould vory nhoaii if taken at once and ou eaHy term*. Apnlj to 1C. J. Hproulc, Kleiherton, Out. DMcPHAIL. Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Orev. Term* moderate and Mtiitactiou cuarante(1. The arrangements nd date, of ului can be made a, THK ADTJNCK office. Kldnc and P.a. Ceylon. Telephone connection. Dec. Oj07. KAITT1NG, Licensed Auctioneer for the counties of Orey and Bhncoe. Farm and fitock sales a specially. Terms oioderate. atifaction guarantted. Arrange. menu for du may be made at tlie Advance jffiec or A: T. Hutcblnson's atore, Keversham by addreBbing uie at Fevermbain, Ont. RL'DD MATHF.-.V8. Markdale, Licensed auctioneer for the county of Orey. Good trrrice at raaacnable rate*. Datea can U made at The Advance, o OB I Oil SALE alicap and on eaiy terms Ix>tR 1 * nuil _'.<< in. 11 Osprey; 900 acres; frame (hvelltng, frame barn and ^tabling under; about 170 acrtja cleared and under cultivation. Sonio xplundid cedai witli other mixed timber ou balance, also twi small orchards bearing. Wei watered ;nevei falling spring creek. Kpleudid grain and grazing farm. Auplv to K J.Sproulo I >. n, 1 1 in or B&muel Otsboruo, Maxwell. VAKlf FOIl SALE-Very cheap. 100 acren. 1 ' lot 9, con. 7, Osprey, only *.WOO, reasonablii . cash payment, balance easy terms, 85 acren | cleared, well fenced aud in high state of eulti- { vation. balance timbered, good comfortabln I frame dwelling, etoue cellar under, never fail I ing uprlng well and windmill pump at door, I uew frame barn, well finished, stone stabliug with spring vrator under, also in shed. It in situated J mile iroui Maxwell village whern tilers are stores, post offices, gnoit sohuol, and is on the gravel road, 94 milea from railway nation. If Hold at once, above price, though VKKY CHEAP might be shaded a little. Apply to R. J. BPROQLB, FlMuertoo. or THOMAS UUY. on prenulsei. T IHAKVEV PF.B1GOE. broker, Fleihertou General brokerage business. Insurance of rvery kind placed in tafe and liberal companies. ti*r<jlateetc.. Open account* and past due uotBS handled and money advanced tbereou. Correspondence solicited. MEDICAL 8 Ont, Physician, 8ur B eon etc Uflce and residence Peter at., FJesherton VOH BALE very cheap and on easy terms I* The late Dr.Cbrintoe'a :i-8tory brick block in Flesherton with good stable and never-fail- ing well on I'M i!ir.i-v Good largo store auil good butcher's shop and dwelling ; two good stone cellars under building ; ia and can be kept well rented ; two good halls on second and third stories ; Unit clasn buainesa stand and will be Hold cueap aa owner is engaged ill other buHluesH in tnr west ni.it ha nu further use for It. Apply to It- J. Hproule. Kleshorton. is May Interest You Church. H. \VIL8ON, lilackn>ith Jiaduate of tue Veterinary ficlenc u .,,...-, ni-iiOHlte Association. Durham Ureot. Boyd, Hi ii i- hardware. DENTISTRY L. O. S . We want a reliitblu iiinn t<j sell our knowii |)i-cialtioH in fruit irees.f siniil fruits, I polutoen, Hovering n>se etc., in (ire/Kcouiity| and ' V..I.I.T clusive fnl ex- LEGAL -CAB. HANEY& WALI.ACF-H.rri.Urj. *olictor...lc -I. * oBlce, Sj.ro Ktur<Uv SOCIETIES O U W uieU on the last Monday A , eaob month, in tlieir lodge rootu CUvloB'ubaJl FleBherton, t S^ l 1 - 1 *^ '^aw! months. Outn't fret*, territory, pay weekly. 600 Acres of Nursery Stock Clean well <fiwn trees mid shrubs that will satisfy your customers. Early and good delivery guaranteed. KstHblislieil over :JO years. Write for whole or pait time trims. t~A\VH \! .1. ' /. 1. t'KLUAM Nl'RSKRYCO., 15 Dec. 11 Toronto. Boar for Service I'urehreil Yorkshire Hoar 'J yearn old, for ervico on lot :!">, con. H. Artuiiii>. TerniB tun. ALEX. CAMERON. ENTEK ANY DAY Specially arranged cuurne.s at the OWEN SOUND. ONTARIO lOUKT'KLESHEUTON. 995, I. 0. F. meets in Permit you to begin any time. Large -,cktheiat Wednesday eTenwi experienced stuff', best equipped College in Canadii. course*. Ciitnhigiie free. C. A. Fleming, F.C.A., O. T>. Fleming, 1'nii. i|i,-il. Secretary. daroftbe iiioiith. PH08EN KhIENi)8-Fle.herton V,"Ti'lirl t choaen Frleiid. mot in Clayton . hall first and tliird Wedneadav of eicli month 8 p . m Pay a*.iiient. to tlie Kecorder on or before aMflrtt >lyof each month. Chief Councillor T. Ulakelev'Kecorder W. H. Hunt. Boar for Service A larpolwl'itfl Yorkshire Hoar for Bervico _ j on lot Iftl. nl raugo W T. ,V K. !{., .Utemom. r. Karmer'.Club uioeU in the blli -choo Term. !.) bulging on tlie lirht Tlmrsday in each month at o'clock p. m. Yonnif farineis WAIiIiBB. ...-clally invited. BeiUtBV. Suc.-Tri-as. ck n. K. ( 'h . . atil Preaident, C . W. Tamworths for Sale Hoth MIX nearly ready lor liroodin. Trice* r quick l| p ( Boar for Service I'nrc Urnl T.inwnrtli 1 15<iar for nuvi , yi, < Vh. N. Ilin.llr, Maxwrll, Out. Bull for Service Thoroughbred Slimthurn bull, J^K). for m-rvicu on lot In, con. !>, Osprey. J'nliKi-r i'n a|)|)litatiini. Service, 9\.W tnr gradi'x thoriiiiclihri'dK, W, XI at tiim' uf Mi-vice, r'ull prii'i- illiarK'-'l f"r CIIWD not " t " rl ""'- .1; M. in- HNS. Boars for Service Tin- midiTsi|(ii<Ml lias a llioruughhred N'mk- hireliarfor wrvic.- on lot )>", :<nl range. K. T. and H. H., ArteineMa. Terms, -*1.00 Alwi lli-ii>fid Hull fin srniiv. .I..'. Urown. 1 Jy. Bulls For Service and Sale Pure 1)1-0(1 Hereford Bulls for .service and sale. MM an 1 . 1 T. ft .1. WATSON. I'n't'iii Station FARM FOR SALE Tjut No. IWi IS", in the M-rnml range cflst, Tiinint.i an i Sydi-nliain K.iml, ArU'inei, coutjiining 240 ucrim of fimt claim land ; gixid huildiiiXB. plenty of water, new cliurch and achool; three nillcii from l'r..n.n St.ui.ni : 20 ttcm guild hardwood bu;)i, l>alaiife cleared and in (rood xtatc of i-iilti vation. Kor par- tJcular apply to. W. .1. .IAOKSON, 16uct I'urt Law FARMS FOR SALE SCOaore*. lot 20 ami 'Jl, coo. 13. Oupray. 130 aorun under cultivation. KJ ncroa uardwood biwti, 7arron fall wheat, 4 frame baru, I with utono foundation, windmill with tap at liarn ; TOUDA. HirlyinK orehaiil ; roiiRhonsi IMIIISC, H rooms. Price WOOD. Apply to Mar WM, HI i KINtiUAU. Keverthaiu. BULL FOR SERVICE He who has lost his sight best knows its value. Hundreds suffer loss of sight Timely attention might have prevented it. Examination free. Satisfaction guaranteed. W. A. Armstrong. , tirtlinrn hull, "Dandy .lim" H for s*rvicfl on lot 17, T. A H. R.. Ar : eaxwiii. Thii animal in of n yowl milking p-truiti. I'ediffrne nu application. Tern.-a. . |1, i* V i*Ured H. J AH. HTINHON Prufirietor. | l*i Earn Ar$ alar yj Take our practical Business or .Shorthand course of training ;[nd see how oon wo will hare you earning a good salary. Every graduate helped. ' Enter tiny day. Now catalogue on request. Collingwood BUSINESS COLLEGE T. E. Hawkins. - Principal Riverdale \Vil- Mrs. Wm. Jioyd visited Mrs. J. ROM of Heavordnlo lust week. Mi. Ilerli. Wiley, :icuompauied by lii> sister, MisnOiive, and Mif8 Kdith Scott, wore guests of Mr. Will and Mi Ethel Heath, on the first of tlio week. Mr. Itobvrt Irnin visited friendx at Klinliedjje for a ftw days recently. Wn understand with regret tlint our elKcieiit teacher, Mius K. Scott, has de- cided to relinquish profesHionnl duties in our school at Kaster. Mr. Robert Ptolemy of Walters P\lls, accompanied by his mother, visited Mr. mill Mrs. Win. Boyd on Friday last. Mr. J. Lougheed of Wodehouse, orig- inator and promoter of the proposed mini telephone line from Hocklyu to Wodehouse, Hiverdale and Markdle, was in our burg on Monday soliciting subscribers. We trust that the citr/.eni of this vicinity will be enthusiastic hooat- erH <>f this stupendous project. Misses K. Scott and N. Stephensou were the guests of Mrs. R. Brown, town line A. and K., recently. OUT genial old bachelor, Mr. Faulk- ner, whose eyesight is somewhat defec- tive and 'about 85 years young, hail a thrilling experience on Saturday night last. About 7 o'clock in the evening ho took his departure from D. McJntosh'n for his home aliout half a mile north, and, according to his own statement, when ahout half way on his teturn trip he wandered from the straight and narrow way into a teu-ucre tield, where he chased himself around all night in ten feel of .snow, vainly endeavoring to relocate the highway. Set morning about 7 o'clock he arrived at the home of Mr. Mclntoah in an exasperated and exhausted condi- tion, but otherwise none the worno for his nocturnal stunt. Had Mr. Faulkner not been a man of remarkable physical ability, grit and determination, he un- doubtedly would have been gathered to is fathers. MKItltlKKI.lt- IIENN [Mi < >no of tlie prettiest and most im. pressing weddings of the reason was celebrated at the cosy home of Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Ilennmg on Wednesday evening, March C, when their eldest daughter Martha WHS united in matii- mony to Mr. (.'has. Mcrritield of Beavur- ualx. Promptly ut five o'clock the bride entered the profusely decorated parlor, leaning on the arm of her father, to the strains of au appropriate selection from Lohengrin, ably tendered by Mr. Hobt. <>il>on of enst Riverdale. The cermony took place under a beautiful lloral arch of i uM's. everitreens and wedding bells, Rev. Mr. 1'hnlen of Markdnlu, being the itticiating clergyman . Mr. Hubert denning, brother of the bride, support- 'I the groom and MIH.S I,. Merritield of Ittiaverdale, gracefully a.ssisted the bride, who was charmingly attired in a becom- ing costume of white silk trimmed with vulencieues lace and insertion, and i! i UM| a gorgeous bouquet of cream rohus and maiden hair Inn-.. Following the jnycus'iTocptioi), the multitude of guests adjourned to the dining room, where a dainty and 'delicious wedding dinner was served, after *hich n most enjoyable evening was spout in achieving (the butterfly whirl until tin- u|t|iroaclung dawn. The popular young bride was the recipient of a large number of elegant! .11,. I cosily prosents, which attested the high esteem in which the young couple are held in their home vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. Merrilield are jolly, sociable | young people, and begin married life [ with the best wishes of a host of friends for a happy and prosperous future. May i in-ii years be full of sunny days And life's own skies bu blue ; Ami the future ever sou I lh'ii,!"ii'i, fair hopes come true, Toronto Line North Severe cold* and bad rods, at present. Mr. 1>. Matheson who has recently returned from thu West, had an auction of i n 1,1 stock, implements and house- hold effects on Tuesday lust. HP ex- pects to return again soon. We are glad to report that Miss w Susan McKcn/.ie has rcc.ivcre'l from her long illness. Mrs. D. Taylor who spent n couple of weeks at her home in Owen Sound, has come back to spend another few weeks withjlier sister, Miss McKenzie. Messrs. Wm. utd Henry '{('iibson of \ Orange Volley, spent Sunday at Mr. Fred Matheaon's. Mr. Robert Sw.utton lost n valuable hor.<e last week. Little Melvin Sled is on the sick list it present. Address and Presentation On Thursday night of lust week, prior to their departure for Idaho, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Fisher of Rock Mills were waited on by a number of 1,1,1,1 and neighbors and presented with the follow- ing address, accompanied by H purse con- taining about. &iii in gold, a jewel sot and fountain pen : Mr. Thomas Fisher tad Family, W your friend* or neighbors, learning dp regret of your itj|id depart from our neighborhood to mtiko your fu- ture home in Idaho, have gitliered in your homu this evening to xpund one mure pleint evening with you befoie you leave UN, to express cur deep regrt't at your departure and in a small way ' < .sh , our appreciation of yourselves. We wi.sli to present you with this purju <>f gold, jewel set nd fount-.in pun, us a slight token of our esteem for y>u, l~ot on account < i its intrinsic value but is a souvenir of our respect, wo hare al- ways t.. ii',| you good neighbors, ready to lend a helping hand, and to assist when- ever called upon to do si. As you look back on the days tpunt in Artemesia may you rett assured that whatever inny be our lot, we thall nut forget thu times Kpenl with you. While sorry to part .with you, we wish you happiness and rosperily in your new home, and if wo nhouid not b.-pennitted tn meat again in thU world. *we hope and pry thai it may be our happy lot to meet in tliat happy and where parting is no more. ^Signed on liehalf of your friends and ncighbois Alex. English. J. O. Allison. Mr. Fisher was taken completely by surpriie and was unable properly to i hank the donor*. lie desires The Advance to onvey his pritteful thanks to the friends uho so kiukly remembered him. Address and Presentation On the 11 th lust. Mr. and Mrs. James Sproat of (,'ej Ion, previous to their <te- piiruire for Alberta, were waited on and presented wkh an exteniion table and I watch fob. A Unit 70 friends and neigh- bors Assembled and a pleasant evening was spent. Following is the address To Mr. and Mrs. James Sproat : Dear Friends,- WP, a few of your neighbors and well-wishers, have met at your home this evening to bid adieu before your depaiture to your uew home. During your many years hem you have both been bright and cheery neighbor?., ever wearing a sunny smile of happiness and ready at all times to lend a helping hand to those needing it. \Vo know your place will be hard to fill, but assure you that you can carry with you the con- fidence of having done nil in your power for the success of thosa you are leaving behind. Language cannot express our feelings, so we have concluded we could CAUGHT A TARTAR. Retort of Witnusi That Broke Up Crest Examination. "The purpose of a cross examination iii a law case," said a Judge, "la to try to break Sown tbe testimony of a witness, but sometimes even tbe smart- est, la wyor catcbea a tartar and Instead of breaking down tbe witness be him- self Is all broken up. .t will never for- get an answer made to me by a He- brew witness wbo was tbe complain- ant in a burglary case In a county court He charged tbe young gentle- man whom 1 was defending with breaking open tbe door of bis apart* ment above bis tailor shop. On direct examination be testified that tbe ulleg- sd burglar bad broken the chain on tbe iBside of the door. I started In to cross examine wltb that ease of man- ner which characterizes every lawyer who has a good point up his sleeve. In my sweetest tones I asked: " "Now, my dear sir, you say this boj; broke in your door?' " 'Yes, sir.' "'And you say be broke the chain that was fastened on tbe inside?' " 'Yes, tlr. 1 "Now will you tell me bow anjr man on tbe outside of a door could possibly unfasten n chain that was on tbe insider "Quick as a flash be blurted out! How should I know? Vy don't you ask him? Dat's bis business. I'm a tailor. He's a tlef !' ^ "That cross examination came to A full stop then and there." Brooklyn Eagle. WANTED AN EXCHANGE. An Easy Medical Degree. Time was When medical degrees were obtained at St Andrews without nil the difficulties of today, nnd the story is told concerning n learned pro- fessor of old, who had advised n par- tlpular .-indent vruoin he nnd never seen In the flesh and of wbose work he knew but little, to call upon him nt his house so that he might be examin- ed for his degree. The morning was n brilliant one, aud the learned gontle- lunu found it impossible to resist the attractions of the links. Before set- ting out, however, he had left a mes- sage with one of the maidservants, aud a conversation like tbe following ensued on the arrival of the student nt the appointed time: "Are you the gentleman who wus to cnll this morn- ing about a degree?" asked the tiri on opening the door. "I am," was the reply. "Well," said the maid, "I was to te.ll you that It was all right You have passed!" Scotsman. -._ Not Just What H* Said. 'A v. i-ii known parson, preaching to ft crowded congregation at a church where In his younger days be had been curate, alluded to tbe many changes that had taken place. He contrasted the attendance with that of days gone by and remarked, "At one time in this church there was not a soul er per- son In the gallery." Next duy, In n report of the service which appeared In one of the local newspapers, the minister was report' ed to have saUl, "At one time iu thlt church there was not n sober person in the gallery." Exchange. in some other manner our feelings to- wards you. Please accept these '.okens uf remembrance from us, not for then intrinsic value but to have as a reminder of the many happy days we spent to Kether, and we trust aud pray that you may both live many years to enjoy their usefulness ; and when you look upon them may you be reminded of the fat that every neighbor whose nme is at- tached was your personal friend. We nil unite in wishing you and your family continued happiness in your new home, and hope you both, aa the heads of the family, may b spared for many years to rule wisely in the future as in the past May your home be as the roses. Interspersed with sweet perfume, And your long lite, when it closes. Find & bright, eternal home. YOfR NEIGHBORS Kolapore We ar plumed to report the box social which was held in the Kalapore jublic school on the evening of March 15, a decided success. In spite nt the tad roads a eoodly number turned out, \1, -il'< n!, Itavenna, Banks, GibmlUv, Collinjrwood and Fever-sham tieing well- represented. We beg to thank our Fe- versham friends fur their kindness in, so ably assisting in the program. Much, credit is due our teacher, Mi-.-, Jeunie Hale, for the patience she exercised in. preparing the \ery excellent program. The proceeds amounted to about $40. which will be applied to a new fence for he school grounds. Bird fanciers uf Meaford are much exercised over a disease which is taking >rT large numbers of their best fowl, not let you leave us without showing you S. McClain ha<l the misfortune to lose 80; out of 100 bird.- in one week. The cause of the disease if a mystery. His hens were not laying fast enough in suit a chicken rancher nut in Washing- ton so he set himself to devise ways and means to increase their output. He Hl the hen house with paintings of nests ful 1 of '.;gs ; he placed heaps of china r.'i;.- in I all convenient corner* unc 1 finally aj I tifceen minute intervals during tha day | he had a phonograph repeat the triumph- | al cackle of a hen who had just accom- plished In r chief duty and was tlling | about it. The result was surprising ! the output is doubled and the hens still h live. And this is not exaggeration, i either. Ex. C'apt. Wm. Tat KoberUon, one of tlwfvared" pioneer capttina of the upper lakes, died at his residence, Owen Sound, Sunday afternoon. For some time he has ben in poor health and gave up active work on tin- lakes about ten years ago. Since then In- has been, until tlie appointment nf the American-Consul. Deputy Ameri can Consul. For the past three years he has i,, ,"i Harbormaster, lit- U survived by his nklow, who wa* ' the third daughter of the late Judge ('reasor. lie u.is born in Chatham, but cttmo to Owen Sound about 1803, Krst filling the position of purser on the old steamer Frances Smith, tnd on the death of bis uncle, the late Oapt. W. H. Smith, he became captain. You Weak, Bloodless, Anaemic ? 7ou Can Be Cured of Poverty oi the Blood Just Like Mis3 Everett Was. Since the early axes. !n all couiUrio." . :mong all cla^sos or people, ati.ifinU ias been one >>t the most pL-rnk-iuu.-i onditlona that afftct mankind. Writing frot:i hur home tn I-*ai.l-y. .Irs. Everett says: "My ilaushtJi- ad just j'Urf.s- el hi.-r Mxtcentli yea;-., /lien sin.- Uvgraii to ruplJIy lose col ir- .:id atrengtb. Si-rlnu.s coinpllcutliir.s ct in that niaui; her faj-iily < .T riends must unxiouj. We were i:ot. inly worrie'l on account )f her !!1- ii-alth. but because she was likely t > o?e her years' work itt the HI-, i chool. where she was preparing for' he profession of teactil:iK. The doc- or said it Wiin Ana.-suiu.' I luuv.- he bost rt:nei!y was I-"CITO::.IP.I' ainl nade my liiiugliter take two F-rrozm; r..!j!fin with every mt>al. The f.r '- >ox did little more ippe-titc. But with vas really ;lgns of n-tur::iiiK ace bei.iinc .- ort > !rst that i'< -..!:.-. than increase h< : the second box it ti> :itc4i tlK- In-altli. Anni.-'s a yel!o\vio.i ;it whitcm-sii d!.:.';i- Cnt It wasn't lon< betore ;i udtly gltr.v wjs pyrc-. 1 .')'.!^!- In h r- In- Ks. itiid rciil Rood color ivtiirn"il. ill Annie's troublfs wriv curcil js.ii- ;re'.v :lrj:\- r :; viKJruu:; h-'avy In veig-ht feels and looks the picture of Maltta." FERROZONE Makes Strong Blood Hunrtrods of cases of anaemia, poor- :olor. bluoj ant mrv. disorUvrs. tin- hronic lund tlicy have bern cun-d ly tVrmzoue why not you? In 50C m.xes. six for Ji.rifl. all rlculfrs. or The ?atarrhoxone Co.. Kinyston, A Curiom Adventure In Which the Cxar Nicholas Figured. Tbe Gear Nicholas was very fund ot masquerade balls and one iilgbt ap- peared at one in the character of his Satanic majesty, with grinning face, in. mi and tall, and seemed to enjoy the character very much. About 8 o'clock in tbe morning he went out and, throwing over blm some furs, called a cab and ordered tbe coachman to take blm to the Qual An- glais. Being very tired, be fell asleep. When he awoke he found tbe coach- man had taken tbe wrong direction, for tbe Qual Anglais was In tbe most fashionable part of tbe city, while around him were only miserable hov- el 9. Nicholas began to remonstrate, bat tbe driver, paying no heed to him, drove through a stone archway into a cemetery. Then, taking a long knife from bis girdle, bo opened the door of tbe cab and said: "Oive, me your money and your fun or I will kill you." "And do you give me your soul," ' cried Nicholas as bo threw off bis furs and disclosed his personification of tbe evil one. Overcome with terror, tbe coachman fell senseless on the ground, while tbe emperor himself drove the cnb back to . town and afterward used more care in the selection of a coachman. YOU ARE THROWING MONEY AWM' every day you continue to slm the cronin from your milk l>y using the old gravity settiiojr method I ~- ~^^<>** You can't jr^t all tlie butter fat uncl if you don't got all the butter fnt, you arc not pelting all the profit there is iu (iota Dairymaid Cream Harvester; try it for a month, and- it will suvo you both time and money. -** ^ It yets nil tlu^ butter fat from the milk, and it will save enoiiyh to pay for it soil' in loss than a .year. < Call and lot us explain why it is to your advantage to use a Crotim ll-.'.rvostcr and the Dairymaid in particular. Thi- inne-liiiic has many advantages which other machines do not have. * **** "m* niurtr You want tlie best Creiim Separator there is on the market, and you will get it if you come to us and buy the Dairymaid. If you are not ready to buy, call anyway, and we will at least spend a pleasant half hour together. S. Hemphill, Agent, Ceylon, Ontario NEWuSTORE'OPENED A' EUGENIA ! Don't blame the Cook if she cannot get good Bread, just buy a bag of Meafbrd Flour, when the whole) trouble will be ended and yon will realize what quality means in the bread line. The following are the differ- ent brands : Ideal, Five Lily, Lily White and Bakers, Special for Bread, and Snow White for pastry. Sold by J. H. PARKE GENERAL MERCHANT Eugenia, - - Ontario.

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