Flesherton Advance, 11 Apr 1912, p. 4

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April 11 J91-J TIt-E F L E S H E RT N A D V A N C K /Icoljcrton An independent n. -[ i| < i, imldiiiheii r\ ci y Tlmraday m tin* utticv, OulltnirwiMid Strri-i, Kl. -hvrtiin Subscription price vl |HT annuni, win paid ill advance; Sl./Vl wtiru not ><> | "!. A I I'l-ti-iiit: rati-H on application. Circulation l.UMwrakly. \V. H. Thuraton - Editor TRU CH BEFORE FAV S OR- PRINCIPLES. NOT MEN THE VOTE ON CHURCH UNION The vote f> e-liuu-li union unm.iinc- .11 unofficially .-lions the following re- sults . In the I'renl.ytariun thurch the ne^n- tive vote Amounted to iiln.ut '.W JHT cent, mi each nucstion. Tlie Coogn jjaliinul u>te showed h us tlxMi 20per edit . ugainst uiiint). Tlie Methodist i-lnirch gave a ncgnti\e v.jte of less than ihiilt'en per cent. Commenting on the a!x>\e results tie Meiluxlist ntiii-i.il organ tay.s : "A thirty pe*- oetit. majority u m ' union is, of course, too lurijo to be ignored. If the Tote in the i'resliytrrian church vhould tiiully show s.i !argi> .1 number opposed (i unio-i very serious thought will hnve in lie given to th matter before further .!*!< towards I'onxuintuat ion are taktn. But we think tlmt those ulio havo been mui-in? u> in the public press during in- past few weeks that church union as dead and tinned, have tpoken a little too hastily. The vast majority of tha menibuin of the three churches are I'M- ii. nt! y prepared for church union and (here seems no good reason why i'.s con- ^ imiiKiti'm should not be a matter it only a few ye<ua at the loD!<e*t. HAVE FOUND THE FORMULA The Post office Department is likely to nmke some big ndvaiici'i in tho matter of rural mail delivery in this country very thortly. A nuiii'i-i of ptti'ions for routes have lit en sent in from various localities in AitiMiirsm, Proton and Oijirey und tin *e I ave met arith a fvi r- able hearing and t-ncoiira^enient. The (true is faal approaching wlu-n daily de- livery of mail and telephone*! "ill make life on tho farm woith living and will <ttle the <|ue(ioii of how koep the boys on the farm. M.-uikind i- a lociable animal and like) company ruprcially the younger portlo and when he can get bis diiljr love Inter and .talk to his KWeellitart over the telephone .ill r lii.s arduous day '.-. wmk l>tlund the plow, all the terrors nf an agricul ural life will lie eliniinited. Theiuial mail mule is away ahead of "ilyii. pvKtb" when it C'JineK to a genuine formula fur km-ping .' ! ii awiiy from the ci'y's altractioim. A CONTRAST In the matter of rcceDt arc'.ic explora- tion an limn- n contiast uiiaiH between the '..*.. i.; MI j Kritiih cumniHnders of expedittonH to poliir Inndi nnd the .\merican xeiitlfinen who went fonh on discovery. For iiiHtance, Captain Aimiiiden mutle but oi.u of a |"i') of lire ineii who reached thu .south polu. < .ipt.iin Smii h, who w 1.1 also on the trail, ban only kind wi.nl- to say f tho man who reachi'd th goti before him. SVhen I', n j neared r ln north pole he forcoil his men to remain behind, and in I lie lait half mile madu his negro lervant flay in the n-nrt-o that he might havu Iho I'ltiali and childish satisfaction of Haying that IK- wan the only man who evul'Htood n the rinrili pole. Hi bitter deiiuncu- lion of Cook w.ii nlso overdrawn and IIIH treatmulit i<f thai gentleman, whether (he tatter's claim wax valid or nor, 1 in.; . I l'...i) IN a hour. It .spoiled Ins rcputntion among honorable men. At we laid before, thr . .1 n IH I'ni'tle Kiir|>rimtl if yuii have niiatUuk if rliriniKtiH 11 thin t.|.iiiiK Jiikt rnli the Affected partH fruely with Chamlierlaiii'x f^iii HP nt and it will -.IMH diitapiwar. Solil l>y UdMlen, Assistance In Drainage I i'i i in- thu exceptionally dry .-..-... o of I'M I land ttmt WHS nnderdraiind pro- duced on the average about f IB ,'K) nmie in- 1 ucre than land that wa not drained, iccortling to datn collected by the \>> IMII i inni of I'd) -i. - at the Ontario Agii- uliiii >il College. ReportH were received from a l,u .;r number of farmers, of whom '.'< were iilih- tn give definite figures on yields on drained and uodrained land. Three of In- number said that they aw no diffar- mce. but all the otherN reported in creaaeM. hi" HI. counties were repre- sented in the roportf, from Durham in (he east to Kttflei in the west. The value of increaieg, including ntraw, waM figured i 1911 prioen, and March 1912 prices. The f itim-i tthewed an average of $!;> !7 IM-I acre and the latter 117.04, and Ixtth toitether in average of fltt.BO. The three who rtported no increase were oauntud in obtaininz the averages. In wet aeneous tho roiultii aro e?en in. ! i- mnrked, but wen at flti.iii) per scie drainH more than pay for ili.-niNi !>, in two yran. The <> A C is again renewing its dfTer of asKistiuice. to farmerH in layinu out their drainage Hyatuin. The Du|>ni-t- manl of 1'hysicH liaR a special 'ill ol ill in :i;;i- udtUcrs fur th : i> work. Tlieru n no charge for tho services of these in. 'o, the only outlay to the farmer lirini- tho travelling expense?, which aru luw. As the railway fare is only one. cent a mile for this work, and its (several surveys are alwnyn made on one trij), the expen- ses are. divided irnong the .sever.il purlieu cnnceined. Anyone wishing to hve a draiim. survey i: . i. should drop a card to the Depaitment of Physics, ').A.C., (Juelph, wheieupon regular npplii-Htion form ill be sent, nnd liter on one of the unsurpassed Department'* drainagii ndvisen will make the muvey. Weeds and the Seed Law Very Low Rates and Special Trains for Homeseekers 'fhoxe ! ik in-', ailvuntagu of the lloino- i'i-ki-i . Wv-iii -i"i, should bssr in miod the exclusive features ottered by the Canadian 1'nrilit- lUilway in connox;- tion with a trip trip to thu West. It i the only all-dumdum route. Only line operating through Standard Tourint Sleepers to \\ innipei; and Vancouver. All equipment is owned and operated l>y Canadian I'l.-.lu- UaiUvny, att'ording tbo highest of etticiency. Dining c;ir service HnineRcekerN r.it i-.-. will he in etfect April J. Hi, :<0, May U, 28, June 11, 25, July , 23, Auz. Ii, 20, Sept. 15, 17, and round trip second-class ticktu will be indued via Canadian I '.i.-iiu- Kailwny from .lOnturio iininis -it very low i:it-s, f..r ex- \ Imlletin li;is bMD UMM by Ihc SeeJ ,. iiiijilr, WtBIU|iM i"i" return 5.14. UU, Edmonton mid return 84'.' 00, nnd other points MI proptiitioo. Return limit i>C Brunch of (lie Deimitment of Agricul turo, Ottawn, giving H full reprint of the Sued Control Act, 1012, which us the law ""veriiirig tin- v.- if seed* in i'mmd-i.!""^' This Act with ilu- regiilulions of ilie tiot- For the ccummodiitinii of Canadian eriior in Council, names thu weeds which' Pacific Railway passenuera a special truin arc cojiaidercd mont noxious and aru par- wl " leave Toronto 2 00 p. in. on above ticularly lei>Uted iig,.inst and defines cumpriNud of T-mrist and Colonist the standards of quality in regard la pur-j^h'epers may be occupied free of charge ity nnd germination to which seed f I'asReiigen, however, must provide then- various kinds must conform when old for seeding purposes. 1 lie stiud:irds for four giades of timothy, red clover, ulnike and alfiilf.'t seed are |;iie.ii and full iufvr- m.iliiiii regarding the law *s applied to 1 u i,,-i -i :md the way in which it may be used for their protection. The Kucond part of the liulletm deals iiwn bedding. Tourist Sleeping car* will l>o operated through to KJmunton via Sinkatoon, nlh<> through to Winnipeg and Cnluary. A moderate ctvtrge is made for berths in Tourist curs. * B'jth Tourist nnd Colonist cars are pi.'iiii.-il wild cooking rangeo, which trainmen have instruciions u> keep in with teed testing work nnd the applica-'c nuhtion. Full particulars from any tion of thu law through seei inspection. C*nadii>r> Pacific Railway agent. Ask Seed laboratories are nitiiiitained in Otta-Jfor Homeneekevs Booklet, wit and Calgary for thu use of Needsmen and farmeis where samples are tisted ft ce of charge. The KrgcHt pnrt of the bulletin, ard perhapn that i.f most inlirest to furmemjc I lie was as well aa ever." writes MM. H. di-iils with weeds and mads. About VOW". '> Unwling Street. Hydm v. Australia, dili'urent spitii-s are illustrated and de-]'*' 1 '-' 1 r< ""e rf y '* !' l>y U dualern. v.TiU-j, ,-md with the use i.f the hull, i m the iilontilicnlion of both the growing A 4-yt'ir-uld llnlntein caw win s..ld at plants and the seeds xtum'd IK,- conipara- Hellville to D. D. Tracy of Cobourg for "My little aim hail u very severe cold. 1 wa recomendvd t try Chamberlain'" Cimtfh Krinedv. and U-fure small Untie wax tinioh $1500. The animal was raised in Hafct- lively easy. The weeds considered nox- ious under the Seed Control Act are'.ngs county. niven lirst, in botanical onW. This but- letin will be very interesting and useful to tin HU interealed in the identification and contrnl of wecjs and the menus to adopt to prevent thuir introduction and ] n conH:i|aen of the washout at ihe apread (hrouvh cuiiinierci.il seeds. It is honi-slioe till, at the junction of the Col - known aa P.ulletin No. S-(i and may bei^'mwood _ srav*l and Lmcka' devitioi>. Notice to the Public F. R W. HICKUNG FLESHERTON ONTARIO. New House Furnishings e;n approach ol Spring makes one think of House cleaning and paper- tei that, comes the question of New Carpets and Curtains, and every- Tlu 1 ne iii, then, aftei tiling that goes to make the "home beautiful." Your wants have; been anticipted with a bright new with us "Everything Keasonably Priced." Velvet and Tapestry Carpet Squares stock, and as usual oolorim A lovely collection of New Patterns in Floral and Oriental effects ings. Sixes 3 x 3, 3 x 4, :U x 4i s yardranging in price from $7.95 I in new to $L'5.00. half to Linoleums and Oilcloths Mew patterns ami colorings in Floral and Black designs in all w yard, yard, yard and a half, twoyard.s and four yards wide. Prices from :50c COc per square yard. Curtains and Draperies A great selection of the New and Popular Bungalow Nets in White, Cream and Drab shades, also new' colors anil patterns in curtain scriois. suitable for Din- ing-Kooms and Bedrooms. Prices from lOc to45c per yard. Lace C'ui tains in White and Kcni shades, all widths and lengths, 30c to $~>.OO per pair. New Wall Papers Prices from lOc to 50c. double fewest colorings and designs. HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR BUTTER AND roll. EGGS. hnd f,,e o,, application to tho l'ublicti,,n' E " 8r , Uek ' " e ' '!' B ^Tn' "' Art """ !> " t ln'i-i-liy givrs nonce that theie M now r.n Hi null, D-partment of HELLOO ! ! Sugar Making Time is Here! Von will need Sap Buckets. I keep a full line always on band, all hand made. Also Milk Pails, strainer Pails am! Milk Cans. Repairing prompt. Kave Tronghing & Plumbing. Don't forget, tho Old Advance Office. F. L. McGillvary, Flesherton. LOOK! LOOK! Spring Millinery Opening FRIDAY & SATURDAY MARCH 29 & 30 f i noiici Amiculture, ,, u |,ij c highy ut that point ni.d until Oltiwa. further notice is itiven, and that the townthip will in ii'i wise bo reBpnimiblo for any accident or daniHit> > i< that may William Slimn, u I'niti-il States army occur lo any person attempting to travel veteran, ;ninniiltrd luiride at U,,l| am ||ovrr tin- uniii srctii.n of road ; thii alio to 'apply to 'iny OiTMtioa or temporhiy bridge that may bo made or erectc'd. Noticn is als-i hereby given that 70 pomiui in L.-tmling by Cfinelory. Oracellryce, an English jsirl, who th dis- sideroad, from the third concession 'o tin* hast Buck Line, 11 also poMiively close-1 appeared frnn her home in WiBUlMffJ c i i fe 'to al 1 1 ill., owing lodestruction of bnd WHS found ili- nl in a ccrub in of that city. the southLvertho Sueen river. T. U. McKKSXIK. Ueeve Millinery ! Millinery Grand Opening of the X X 9 V X Sf Y Y I I Millinery Parlors * AT THE ij| BEEHIVE STORE $ MAXWELLl An invitation is . n.-n.., .1 to till to visit our Mil : iirry Department JfS mi Thursday, Apiill 4, and follnMring days. All tin- Uti at noveltius in X I.H|IPH' hi'.nl gear will be slinwii. ^* Wu h IVD nls. > placed in N'lu^k u nifiy line of Men's Spring ami ' tj Siimnior (,'aps, Kelt II .1 and ('In in i.-s Ht prices easily witliin thu reach '*& of all. '^f Owini; to nnr liiniied amount nf "(lai-i 1 wi> hav dut^imined to reduce gj our Ure stock of ltu"lN mill Sliin-n tiy hall, unnseipit'titly w.- ar.- ni'iikin^ "** (hem at exceptinnnlly low |>ricis. ^ Highest Prices Paid for Butter and I i^^. ^ Millinery Department Strictly Cash or Farm Produce. xg S. M. OSBORNE, * MAXWELL. J| You Ever Sleep? CLAYTON'S FOR Boots and Rubbers TiIOSK who want, -,'ODil wearing Hoots, either Factory or Kaitil made for tlio wet and cold weatlier or ror winter should call and inspect our CELEBRATED MALTESE CROSS & LION BRAND RUBBERS, ISoth Li^lit and }[eavy. Trunks, Suit Cases and Telescopes, REPAIRING AS USUAL. If you do you will be wise to pay attention. 1 am at tho present time making a Specialty of Iron Beds. The original of the picture given at the hea<l of this advertisement will only cost you $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 (let lomothing nice and comfortable on which to lay your weary head. (If course we have other beds at other prices, all equally low in price Sanitary Deds such as everybody wantri. Springs itnd Mattresses to .' tit all bc:ls. Examine our stock any- '> way, bo&irc piuchuing your sleep itiducera. W. H. BUNT LESHERTON, ONT. WANTED AT ONCE A iirin with Home experience in horticul- ture to handle our I r-ide in FletiherUm. Splendid opening and permanent position for thu right party. Write in particulars und Mate experience Une Stone & Wellington !'.. ni lull Nurterien, eatabliahed IM:IT TORONTO, ONT. m mi nt Caretully Corrected fiaoh Week Wheat 80 to 85 Oats 43 to 4;i Peas 1 10 to 1 10 Ui ley 70 to 70 Hay 10 00 to 10 00 llutler MO 'c 82 KagH, fresh 2'J < 2SJ Potaloea pei LI: 1 2ii to 1 25 (Jueso.... lO.o IV! Ducks f 10 to 12 Cliickani In in 12 iiuneyt 18 >n 18 Wool 90 I* 92 Swinton Park Orchestra will render Music Friday Afternoon and Evening. EVERYBODY INVITED. Miss Sharp who has had severa years city ex- perience wi have charge of the M ii i iy De- partment and w i have a grand display of Hats on exhibition of the very Latest Styles. Don't miss this. Jas. ^attison . Qeyton ffenrral ^te/^Aant Highest Market Price paid for atl Farm Produce J. & W. BOYD Flesherton, - Ontario. House Cleaning Time Now is the time for House Furnishings. \Ye luve made pre- uiratio.mforalaivoseiwonin all lines. K,,,/, j n Tapestry Wool BriMMM nt uxceptioiiuly low prices. Carpets, Tapestry Wool, Union and Hemp From I'.'i Cents to 81 35. Priced" 01 ' 11 """"" 10110101118 ' 111 " 1 ' 8 " 1 '"' 1 ' 1 '* 8 '"' d at lhe U '8 hl ^CURTAINS We have Ml the New Designs in Uce and Net curtains in While ('ream Echru at prices from f>H, to $4.50 per pair See our .( yard I,ce Curtain at 40c. New Spring Goods Dress Goods -. Neatest ami Prettiest rUne of Tatterns ami Polois we have ever shown. , See our Vo.ks, Gray Champayne, Nile Green, wiUi very neat stripe of Clack, at 50o. Serges in Navy, Black. Game* 60e tof 1 00 A full hueof Faucy and Phua I), T . S Goods 50 C to $1 50 Wash Goods We have a full range of all the new Fabiics, R ch 88 Voiles, Chatnbray*. Zephyra, Hepp, Ginghams. Etc Some very pretty Colots and Patterns from liijc to &l, c . Prints We ate showing something vary neat in prints See our Spewalaat lOc and "" Boots and Shoes r ttfflSQ Our Stock IB iiowcoinpleloin all Iho New La^U, and tor bui.?, mid pnees which cann.n be beaten anywhere

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