Flesherton Advance, 11 Apr 1912, p. 5

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April 11 191:! FL ESH E K T O N ADVANCE THE STANDARD BANK Established 1873 OF CANADA > Brand*. TRANSMITTING MONEY For sums up to $50 our Bank Money Orders are convenient and inexpensive. For larger amounts we issue Drafts or Bills of Exchange. Money sent at once to any banking point in the world by Telegraphic or Cable Transfer. SUFFERED FROM VIOLENT CATHARTICS \ The Warning of Mr. Geo. C. Fox Is One That Should Be Heeded by All. Savings Bank Department at Every Branch. FLESHERTON BRANCA George Mitchell, Manager AT PUR.HAM AMO HARH.lJTOe 86 C. P. R. Time Table. Trains follows : leave Fleahertun Station as \ Mrs. MarcelhiB is visiting rlus week in Toronto. LouckV dam was injured by ice dur- Going North ! ' Dg th * th>W Ia8t Week aud the miU ..no ... ' w s put out of business for a few days, but will be ready for renewed operations to-day (Thursday). Fuur of the councillors cirae out on Going South 7.43 a. iu. 1! :> a.ui. 4.33 p.m. 8.53p. m. The mails are closed at Flesherton a.s follows : For the north at 10.40 a.m. and. 7 p.m. ; and the afternoon mail south at, foot Saturday and one on horseback. 3.40 o'clock. For morning train south | Reave McKenzie had a .six-mile walk, mail close at 9 p.m. the previous ev'g. , Mr A . D . McLeod and Mr. Meldrum ^<^ * each ri ve miles and live back. They all earned more than their Hilary on thii occasion. Sermons appropriate to the Easier ' seison were preached in all the churches here on Sunday. Rev. Mr. Milligan preached in the Methodist church in the evening. The choir of this church rendered excellent-. Easter music at both morning aud evening services. TITO Flesherton ymiiiu ladies, Misses Few men on the road are better Known than genial George Fox. whose friends throughout the Wet are legion In the following letter he expresses gratitude for signal services rendered by Dr. Hamilton's Pills. He goes on tc say: "Until I used Dr. Hamilton's Pills and experienced their wonderful mildness and curativ.- power, I esti- mated th<> value of every pill by its activity. Talking about this to a well- known physician I met on the train the other day. he explained there are different kinds of drugs that act upon the bowels, the most active being known as drastic- Except in extreme cases where the life of the patient depends upon speedy evacuation ot the bowels, pills should never be dras- tic. Purgatives cause catarrh of the bowels and inflammation: their dose must be increased, causing even more harm. With such a clear explanation I could see why Dr. Hamilton's Pills are curative and not Irritating, why they are mild, yet most searching. "From my experience I recommend everyone that takes pills to give up the old-fashioned harsh, purging pill, and. Instead, to use Dr. Hamilton's. They cure headache, biliousness, con- stipation, bad stomach, and keep the system In perfect condition." Refuse any substitute for Dr. Ham- ilton's Pills; 'sold for 25c., all dealers. I or The Catarrhozone Co., Kingston 1 Ont. VICINITY CHIPS Mrs. W. A. Armstrong spent Batter in Toronto. See Richardson's seed advertisement on first page. Rob. Bellamy was home from Toronto over Sunday. Mrs. R. Hi-nth.im risited Chatsworth friends over E-utter. Miss Dell Thurstoo is spending Easter holidays at Lions Head. Messrs-. K v Kerr and t'reJ Karstedt are home for Easter holiday?. George and Fred McTavisb, Toronto, spent Easter at their li.mie here. Mr. firl Walker of The Advance staff visited in Toronto over Sunday. ladies will return to the college to corn- Mr. Htrb Smith spent Good Friday at plete their course. PU--IK il iis h. mo in Hiusburg. Lat week The Advance gave a record Miss Celia VaiiDusen of Toronto spent I of e*g laying by Mr. Jos. Clinton's hens Gertrude Bellamy and Pearl Radley, were quite successful in the Easter ex- amination at the Northern Business Col- lege, Owen Sound. Miss Uadley came second in best writing. 4th in spelling, and :'i- 1 in speedy typewriting. Miss Bellamy came second in greatest im- provement in writing, ,jut missing the silver medal ; 2nd in best spelling weekly record for three months, and 6rst in spelling test o f 1O( words. Both young Easter with Mrs. A. S. VaoDusen. Messrs. T. Clayton, C. RichardHon.and C. Crossley spent the holiday in Toronto. Minn Mamie Sullivan of Montreal spent the past few dys here with her mother. for February and March, showing an av- erage of a fraction over 2D eggs per h?n for the two months. Mr. Fred Uickling of the Tillage also kept a record for the same period and his average totes up 31 per hen, therefore he claims the right to MM. Tisd^Ie of Drumbo apeot the ] orow> But wait. Mr. Hickling had only holidays with her mother, Mrs. Corbett Mr. Geo. Mitchell with his daughter, Miss Iva, ppent Easter with hii sist>r in the city. Mr. G. McDonald of the Bank start' visited in Toronto holiday. eight hens, of Rhode Island and Lrghoin breeds. In February they laid '." eggs and in March 151. He had ouly about one quarter the number f hens that Mr. Standard Clinton had. Therefore it is a matter of over the ' doubt with us who should be considered the more successful, and wo would liku a Miss Irene- Wilson is spending the week in Durham and Mabel t!end<sreou at Wareham. Miss Lillian Somerville of Moriiatown is spending the week with her aunt, Mr*. George Mitchell. Mr. in 1 Mrs. II. Welkou and little daughter of Toronto spent Easter at kluiishaw House. the Mis* Wilda Crosaley of SVeat Toronto iji. 11' l ho holidays ami m Walkertoil. with her parents pronouncement from competent judxec. Mr. Dave Weber, the Kiuiberley mail carrier, deserves the Victoria Cross for bravery. The roads were impassable for thu t. MM, but nothing daunted. Dave shouldered the mail bag Monday morn- ing and walked out here with it, making the tetiiru trip in the afternoon twenty miles of the hardest kind of travelling ' Wu hope the good people uf Eugenia .mil Miss Irene Gaudin is aponding a couple of weeks in Flenherton. She is much improved in health. Mr Duff of the Department of Agricul- ture spoke before ihc Farmers Club on Friday evening Ut. The music of Easier Sabbaih will be j h etoujm given Haiti!) next Sabbath in the Metho- dist Church by request. Died lu Markd.ile, on Good Fiiday, the infant daughter of Mr, ;nd Mrs. Geo. Alton, aed two weeks. Kirnberley fully appreciate the they enjoy in ha vluo; such a Oritty ser- v sir f (he king to wait uijou them. Al- most as remarkable a feat, and perhaps quite, whnn age is taken into considera- tion, wa* that of Mr. John Wober, father of tho above gentleman, who made the double trip of twelve miles from Vande- 1 eur the same day. Buih were t'eais of Mr. Marcellus and Miss Pliilp of the high school star)' aro attending the O. K. A. in Toronto this week Miss Hell of the pub'ic school is spend- iog holidays :vt her home in Owen Sound and Mias SwiUer tit St Marys. Mr. Chrk of Woodstock spc-nt the wc*k rnd witl> hi* grand niocoa, Misses Minerva and Valeria Staff jrd. Miss Lillian Kiuledge of Otangeville and Mr Sturdy of Meaford spent th holiday with th former's mother. No country in.uU arrived in kown n Tuesday, consequently several budgets of news are uiis.siii!> from thia issue. Misi HtUie Nixon of Mno Road vitited hr i;rand parent*, Mr. and Mrs. Ales. Stew in, during the past week, Mrs. W. H. Bunt, accompanied by Lillian and Ploronc, visited the holiday. A Costly Washout One of the tostlient washouts that has occurred in this township for many yoais occurred a mile and a quarter east of this village early Sunday morning, when the culveit and twenty-foot embankment went out at what is kiioon as the horse- shoe hill. Tue embankment wae cut out for a distance of over titty feet and all trultic from the xast brought to < com- plete standstill until a temporary bridge o.' deviation could be made, us there was no way of getting around the obstruction. Tho culvert was put iu something like '.'.") years ago and a twanty-foot tillinv made over it twelve or Sfroen years ago. There appears to have been a weakness in the culvert when trectid in that a proper foundation was not made. It wia au arch culvert of ,U feet diametrr. Owing to the very audden thaw the water < .iiM not be carried off. Snuuuy av ening it was about sixteen inche* higher lli.Mi the uprning and about 5 a.m. Sun Woodbridg* friend* during \.pccinl meeting of the Township i d 'V carried the whole immense body Council is called for today (Thursday) I earth and log. away, until a hoU 20 to consider repairs of dam.ge. caused by feet deep and fifty feet^acrcw Was cut the spring fresher 1,-ist week. Saturday veiling Toronto young lady informed The Advance that she had | iu ' ns - attempted to buy ceitaiu grdo and I As it chanoid, Reeva McKe.n7.ie was number of lubbm at Katon's, Siuipson'a in town over Sunday and early Monday through Ihc roadway. Large numbers of villagers went out on Sunday to view the and in two Toronto wholesale housci, but could not get Ihem. After coming morning ho snd Councillor D. McLeod wc.it out and viewed the ruins ni'h a to Fleahrtton shetdt thoin at F. H. W, j view to makiig arrangements for the Hickling'8loro;ind was so happy thai. | creetioa of a temporary f>ride .T devia she thought it north motioning to The , (ion to let traffic across, until such time Advance. | as* suitable repair can bj made. Dr. Hamilton's Pills Cure Constipation Odds and Ends MISCELLANEOUS Mr. James Slinaon has purchased a young pure bred short born bull from tin Egreniniit breeder a very large aud riu animal. The animal wai dull vend at Protoo Station last week. Farmers, ship your produce direct to us Dent prices ind prompt returns. Correspondence anlicitod. Dunda* Pro- duce Co., 179! Durulai r., West To- ronto. May 14 Bull for Service Thoroughbred Short- hotn bull for servite on lot 120, 1 S. W. T. ind S. R., Arteincxia. Terms $1. James Hill, Prop. Court Vandeluer, C. O. K. will cele- brate- on Dominion Day (July) thia year. ARTICLES FOR SALE A quantity of household furniture als ) one buityy good as new, for ale by private sale. Apply to A. Shakleford, Flesherton. For Sale fwelve young pi*n ready to wean about tliu middle uf April. Apply to A. McMullen, Kl.--li.-nu' Seed buckwheat t .r-mli-. M:i,,l.- Leaf, at 80 cents a bushel Apply to Malcolm McDonald, Ceylon. 'Mr.. R. D. Meldrum, marriage licenses. Portlaw, issuer . t A good hi muse aud lot with stable to rent, in Eugenia. Apply '- John H. JamitMon, owner, 101 Montrose Ave., Toronto, or Jonathan Lattmur, Eugenia p.o. 21 June. For Sale Household furniture -nd .ilh'i tun acrex in. I it half of good land, with comfortable brick houso and burn uud g-x),l woll at .house. This property lies south of Ceylon. Apply to Mis. Henry Tucker or MrJT. Cuislitt. Colt for Sale Heavy, rising 3 years, cheap. S. rJemphill, Ceylon. Hay for Sate- A Lout 10 or 12 ton of good hay, 113.00 per ton. Jas. H. Vause, South line. Artvmctu. Colls for siile Span of mure colts, 2 and 3 yrais old. well matched, bred by Good 'Luck. Apply to Albert Siuwait, KUsherton. For sale Three thorouvthbie-i sliurt- horn Diirhain bulls, two yeis old, and 1 one yeur old. All ready f->r seivice. Alrx Canuthers, Eugouia. For lo cheap and exy terui, or rent n m, MJ i. itc possession, lir-it c'ass brick veneered dwelling in Eugonia, good tin nce aud soft and hurd water in house, splendid garden and orchard. Apply to R. J. Spruule, Fleshe-non, Ont. 27cedtf For sale - Cheap and on eay terms, good comfortable frnm house, and two good villiage lots, iu Flesherton. apply to R. J. Spoule. Lots for salo at ro-H)nal>l prices A number of good building lots on the latr W. K. Fleshec estate, Fleaherton, on Toronto and Sydenha n and DurhnHi s'reets. Apply to U. J. Sproule, Flesherton, Out. Farm for Salo or Rent Lot 3, con. 13, and lot 4, con 14, Oiiprey, better known an the Uoorij* Myeis farm 200 acres 65 under cultivation, itood buildinu,well watered. Apply to W. A. Armstrong, Flesheiton. ISep tf Good young bn>od m nv, <juncr.il pur- pose, for salx. R. Cook, Ceylon. Chatham incuba>'or and brooder, 100 egg, for sale cheap. Frank Duncan, Fles- harton. A quality of h*y for sale at ruaioliabltf prie T. Henry Fleshorton. AUCTION SALES An auction sale of farm imy. ami h.nis h il.l r)V ,--i will be held at Cfylon on Thurnday, Ajuil 11, the prupei i < of Mri. Hmy Tucker. Sale t t 2 o'clock. D. Mct'huil, auctioneer. 4 % I I mLL^ROS^MARKDALE Special Announcement - To The Ladies . We have tor your inspection the newest productions in Spring Millinery. Miss MacMillan, in charge, will be pleased to show you Spring Models in Canadian and Parisian Styles, which are very moderately priced and and we are sure will meet. with your approval. New Prints and Ginghams Tin's in the time <-f the year when PRINTS and GINGHAMS are in demand. Nearly every day sees a new lino of these goods added to our already complete stock, Prints are priced at lOc , 12Ac. per yard. Ginghams, in nearly every shade, a good range, at lOc. , 12Ac. and l~4c. Ladies' Shoe Special 50 Pair Ladies' Fine Shoes, all sizes, in Fine Dongolas, regularly priced from $2.25 to $3.00, special this week .................... ^ ............................................................. fl.78. Cotton Voiles First showing of Cutloo Voiles in Plain and Fancy Stripes, a beautiful range of coloring*, regular valun at 20 and .'I5c a yard, special this week ......................................... 19,, 5ilk Mulles and Foulards Wo received thi* week a consignment of Silk Mulies and Foulards from one ol thu largest silk Manufacturers in the busmen. These goods will make beautiful Spring ma Summer Dresses, and while they last we will .sell them at ridiculously lour prices. Special Spot Mulles in nearly every shad*, usually sold at 40j per yard . This week priced at ............. 25c. Special spot Mulles a-.id Foulards, a good range of coloring, U"od value at l>0c a yard. This week our price i:i9c Men's Fine Shirt Value \Va offer for sale 10 dozen Men's Fine Shirts, all new Spring Goods, in good patterns, sizes 14. 15 and l.H collar, regularly priced at 75c, This week ....................................................... ". . . ,4Sc. Important to the Hen Firtt showing of SL'W Spring and Summer Clothing. All the newest and latest designs in clothing will l<c found in our Clothiuu Department m Tweed* and Worsteds, made by one of C.'nda't Best Clothing Manufacturer* and very niodcrattly frctd to tuit any man's pocket. Special Vilues from $7.30 to $15.01). Come in .ind look them over. Hardware Department and When wanting Crockery and Wall Paper visit our Hardware Department. VVu are showing beautiful exceptional values in both these linen. Seeds ! Seeds ! Seeds ! Sow io the time to buy your Clover and Timothy Seeds. Wu have a large stock at present and later on goixl seeds will be hard to procure. Get our prices. They are nht. HILL BROS., MARKDALE. Our Clubbing List The following prices nr for strictly j pin 1 in advance subscript ionsonly. We hnve no accounts with other papers. Klenherton Advance 1 00 Yo'iths Companion 2 00 Toronto World, daily > 00 Toronto Daily News 1 -V> Weekly Globe 86 Mail-Empire 80 Family Herald & Star 85 Toronto Star 1 30 Farmer Sun 75 Farmers Advocate 1 35 Weekly WU,>es* 80 Siitin-diiy Ninlit 3 00 Horn* JourD:\l *>0 Poultry News . . : , 20 ;' P.mltry Iteview 40 lt<>d and Gun magazine "" Dr. J. Ralph Smith OSTEOPATH Office and Residence 4tW, !Hh St. East, Owen Sound, Out. Hours-!) to 12 a. m, 1.30 to 4.30 p.m. 7 to H p.m. Other hours by appointment Brantford Roofing Crystal roofing and siding. Asphalt rooff- inif and siding, Rubber ro< HUL', Steel r.iutiog ni'l siding. Metallic ceilings. J. McDonald, Agent, Ceylon. For Sale or toJRent Lot 22. Con. 11, ^tTleoelg, i- >nuunni! 100 acres, UIJ acres clesred :nil in good st*'e of cultivation, balance h ml wood Inisl", -^iMi.i frame barn, st' lie foundation, good -l ililnix nii driving house, uom- fortahlc hoiis.', never f-iilioj.; well and good orchard. Thu ;lx)ve farm is only _ uiilus from ' h.- villitc of Markd^le. Apply to John White or Thomas Taylor, Portlaw p. o. SEEDS ! SEEDS ! Ueunie's Government inspected Mammoth Clover, Aldike, Alfalfa; Common Ik'd, Timothy Seed, and all kinds of Gardeu and Flour Seed. FLOUR AND FEED Ogilve's. Royal Household, White Rose, Ford's Patent and Morning Glory for Pastry. Bran, Shores, Corn, Chop and Chicken Feed. rest (Duality of <Jroeenes at Prices always right, at The Grocery of Quality W. L. Wright, Grocer, Flesherton I YOU PAY WHEN CURED) Drs. K. & K. TAKE ALL RISKS OVER 68 YEARS' EXPERIENCE TRAOC MARKS MIMiMM - wwmt - COPYRIGHTS Ac. \nrom Mtidlng a tkatoh and deeorlptlon im <inlcklT uicorlaln our opinion fri -rhollior ui laVvnUM l probnblf l>i>l<tll!!!L% ('ommiinU-n m.niinrlcllyoonlldonllal. HANDBOOK on PntMiU out froe t)|<Jct naemrr for nocurnxz palanu. <: ,-ni taken throiuth Munn * Co. recelr* rpfclfl i.'f ir. . without ohnrno. In tba Cured by the N*w Method Treatment prc i.i r. , Scientific . hKniltoniel^ ul&t>nu o( <"T r*n<i. i < : iciinrt, 1 <*>uniB.K Turin* Tor i. iKietfttfO |ii<-|*iil. Sold ' i r- MO NAMES OR PHOTOS USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT NERVOUS DEBILITY T'n M i -iniK >f youDK and niiilille-ageil men are annunlly swept to A prvmnt nr thmiiKli Early Inducrebon*, ExcaiM* and Blood Di>eM>. If you bare any of the fol- lowing symptoms consult IM before it u too Utc. Arc you nervous and weak, deopon- CHOt and gloomy , specks before the eyes, with dnrk cirt'leti under thorn, w<*ak back, kidupys irritabli', palpitation of the ho.ift. b.ishf u!, dreams and lossra, sediment in uriue. pimplOH on i lii' faoo, <,-> nunk^n, hollow ctieekft. CArcworn oxprettsion, poor meinorv, Iifolp98, tllstrustful, lack onergy au.l stroogth, tireil morning*. n?s(loss nights, chanxoAme moods, weak mauboud, premature decay, boot) paiuu, hair loose, acre t.liroat, etc, YOU WILL BE A WRECK Our New Method Tre*tm*nt can cure you an>l mako a man of you. Vnder its Influ- ence tin* brain becomes active, the blood purified, so that all plmplem blotches and ulcers diKAppriar, the nerves become tttronic a-s steel, ao that nervouiineas, haAlifulness anil deft* ponucncy vanish, the eyu bivoiucs bright, tho face full and clear, energy returua to the body and tho moral, pnyniual and gezuol systema are invigorated; all drain* cease no more Tital waste from tin' system. Don't let quacks and fakirs rob you of your bard earned dollars. We will euro you or no o*r- EVERYTHING PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL READER: No mattr who hns treated you, write for an honest opinion Free of Chan*. Book* Free "The Coldev Monitor" ' Illustrated > on Secret Di^-..r. of Men QUESTION I IS l FOR HOME TREATMENT SENT ON REQUEST Dns.KENNEDr&KENNEDY Cr. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St.. Detroit. Mich. , H AT I C F A51 letters from Canada must be addressed fl W I IMfc to our Canndiatt Correspoadence Depart- mmummmmmm nieut in Windsor, Ont H you desire to see us personally call at our Medical Institute in Detroit as we se and treat o patiets in our Windsor offices which are for Correspondence and Laboratory for Canaduu business only. Address all Utters as follows: DRS. KENNEDY & KENNEDY, Windsor. One .Write for our private address.

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