Flesherton Advance, 11 Apr 1912, p. 7

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' NEW STRENGTH IN THE SPRING Nature Needs Aid in Making New Health-Giving Blood In the spring the system needs a tonic. To be healthy you must have new blood just as the trees must have new sap to renew their vitality. Nature demands it, and without this new blood you will feel weak and languid. You may have twinges of rheumatism or the sharp, stabbing pains of neuralgia. Often there are disfiguring pimples or eruptions on the skin. In other cases there is merely a feeling of tiredness and a variable appetite. Any of these are signs that the blood is out of order that the in- door life of winter has lessened your vitality. What you need in spring is a tonic medicine to put you right, and in all the world of medicine there is no tonic can equal Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. These pills actually make new, rich, red Jblood your greatest need in spring. This new blood driver out the seeds of disease and makes easily tired men, women and 'children bright, active and strong. Mrs. Murray Marshall, Zephyr, Ont., says: "I do not believe I would ever have been well and strong again but for Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. I was so weak and nervous that I could not be left in the house alone. I would take weak spells with my heart ami think I was going to die. I tried doctors and electric belts, but they did me no good. Then a friend urged me to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. To my surprise I soon notic- ed my appetite improving, and from than on I improved rapidly until I was enjoying the best of health, and I have not been troubled with weakness or nervousness since." These pills are sold by all medi- cine dealt! s or can be had by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Me- dicine Co., Brockville, Ont. GOOD LUCK IN HORSESHOES. Talisman to Ward Off Evil Shoes of Gold and Silrer. It is not difficult to understand why lovers of horses came to adopt the horseshoe as a talisman against misfortune, says the London Globe. Horses were considered to be. espe- cially liable to the machinations of witches. This fact stands out in all the records of the Lancashire witch- es and other evil hags. If precautions were, not taken these mischievous witches would ride the horses at dead of night over the hills, and when the owner came to the stables in the morning he would find his animals in a lather and utterly exhausted. A horse- shoe fastened over the stable door was believed to ward off such evil. There is no superstition more deeply ingrained in all classes of society than that which is nttached to the horseshoe. As an emblem of good fortune it holds pride of place. Nelson did nut disdain to nail a horseshoe to the. mast of the Vic- tory. In the- early part of the nine- teenth century, the horseshoe- was very highly prized, and there were few London mansions where it was J. P. WHITE. President of the American Fedcr ation of Coal Miners. of shoeing horses by driving nails int'_> the hoofs was introduced into England by William the Conqueror, but such a practice did not make any headway for ceuturies. The Indians, who had no super- iors as horsemen, never thought of shoeing their mounts in any way, and yet they were capable of per- forming remarkable, jyurneys over ( most difficult country. The San- [down Derby was won by a horse run- ning in a natural state. The race j was run twice, owing to the fact ' that three horses made a dead heat on the first occasion. Prior to the. second attempt the owner of Mar- den gave orders for the light plates to be removed from the hoofs of his nominee, with the result that Mar- den gained a comfortable victory by three lengths. Even at the present day in Japan the modern horseshoe finds a strong competitor in the old fash- ioned sandaJs made of straw which are fastened to the. horse/' s hoofs after the manner of equine "cricket shoes." COLE CAUSED SERIOU| TROUBLE BIT DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS BROTGHT THE Cl RE. Mr. Hush Martin, Suffering From Kidney Disisiw for Two Years, Tells How he got Back his Health. St. Hippolyte de Kilkenny, Lake L'Achigan, Terrebonne Co., Que.. April 8 (Special). Again the peo- ple of this neighborhood are talk- ing of a complete cure of kidney disease. Mr. Hugh Martin, Jr., a well-known young farmer, is the person cured, and he gives all the credit to Dodd's Kidney Pills. "My trouble was caused bv a cold," Mr. Martin says, in an inter- view, "and I suffered for two years. My head would ache and I had pains in the back as well. I felt heavy and sleepy after meals. I was often dizzy, my memory was failing and I found it difficult to collect my thoughts. I was also nervous, while heart Batterings ad- ded to my anxiety. "I was a sick man indet-d when I started to use Dodd's Kidney Pills. but by the time I had taken two boxes I was a changed man. Are 'you surprised that I think Dodd's Kidney Pills a wonderful remedy !" If you have two or more of Mr. Martin's symptoms your kidneys are diseased. Dodd's Kidney Pills are the sure cure. BABY'S LITTLE ILLS Baby's little ills are many and need close attention. Worms are among the most common of these ailments there being scarcely a child who is not afflicted by them at some time or other. These, though, can be readily ban- ished by the frequent use of Baby's Own Tablets the only remedy sold under the guar- antee of a government analyst to contain no opiate or other harmful drug. Concerning them Mrs. Jos. Daigle. Ste. Perpetue, Que., writes: "My baby was troubled with worms ; he was nervous and had no appetite. I gave him Baby's Own Tablets and he was soon well again.'' The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Out. Little girls no longer seem to care ifor dolls, but big girls have not lost i their affection for dollars. Some persons are more suscep- tible to colds than others, contract- ing derangements of the pulmonary organs from the slightest causes. These should always have at hand a bottle of Bickle's Anti-Consump- tive Syrup, the present day sover- eign remedy for coughs, catarrh and inflammation of the lungs. It will effect a cure no matter how severe the cold may be. Yo* cannot af- ford to be without a remedy like Bickle's, for it is the best. The minute a man begins to feel i that his troubles are at an. end, he ] makes a fresh beginning. * FACTS ABOIT FACINGS. What They Mean on a Soldier's' I'niforin. Taking the breeks off a High- lander is one ticklish job. and to de- prive a British regiment of its cher- ished facings is another. Many years ago, however, the military authorities, in their wis- dom, attempted to do so, and to make almost all regiments wear white facings in pl.u-f of the distinc- tive colors of which they were so proud, with the result of wide- spread discontent. What, by the way. are facings? The next time you see a soldier in full uniform, cast your eye over him, and you will notice that his collar, the cuffs of his sleeves, shoulder-straps, and the piping, or edging, of his uniform are- a differ- ent hue from the rest of the tunic. These are facings. The general rule is that Royal regiments i.e., regiments called "Royal," or which are known as the "King's" or '-Queen's So-and- so Regiment" for instance, the Royal Scots, the King's Liverpool Regiment wear blu facings; but there are exceptions. Scarlet, for examnle, are the fac- ings of the Royal R' g ; ment of Ar- tillerv : while the green uniform of the Royal Irish Rifles is relieved by dark-green facings. Nu reg ment. however, that is not a Royal regiment wears blue fac- ings. The famous Buffs (East Kent Regiment) are. of course, so called on account of their buff facings ; while the Yorkshire Regiment were known as "Howard's Greens." from the name of their colonel and their grass-green facings. res TATARRHAL PINK ETE EPIZOOTIC DISTEMPER TTTVEK CHRONIC COUGHS Booklet "Distmyer: Cannes, Cur? ami Prevention," P*RKK. Ait drug i:\mUi. baroeon drler. SI nrt Mr boltle. Ill and K duien. DibUik iltop-Al.L WHOLKSALE DSrtMilSTS. 6POHN MEDICAL CO.. Qoanan. Indiana, U. S. A. FRIENDLESS. "He hasn't a friend in the world." "That's tough. Whom does he blame it on when he stays out late at night then ?" Complete in itself. Mother Graves Worm Exterminator does not re- quire the assistance of any othe r medicine to make it effective. It does not fail to do its work. THE GOAT. Miggs Your wife doesn't seem to like ine. Riggs Naturally ! You're the man I always lay the blame on when I am detained downtown eveiings. QUICKLY STOPS COUGHS). CURES COLDS, NCAL9 THE THROAT AMD LUNGS. 26 CCNT . (Jt AN ACCOMPLISHMENT. "She's awfully proud of her hus- band. ' "That so ' Has he had his salary | raised'!" "Oh, it isn't that. He can not j only wash the dishes, but he can put everything away in its proper place." I't at Inard'i Llnlmanl far tala atrarywnar*. THE OUEEN OF SONG. Madame Adelina Patti made her fir>i. Vnlihc appearance at the age of eight, and before she was fifteen had assisted at over three hundred concerts. From 1851 to 1912 is a far cry. yet only a few months ago Ma- dame Patti was singing at the Royal I Albert Hall in London at a benefit | concert for Mr. Wilhelm Gauz. The occasion celebrated the prima don- i na's fiftieth anniversary of public J singing in London, and her render- ings were full of grace and tender- ness. Madame Patti's figure is still 1 that of a girl, and she believes that ' -oft rain falling on the face is the finest complexion beautifier. The Baroness (.'ederstrom, as the diva is j in private- life, lives at a beautiful eld castle in South Wales, known as Craig-y-Nos, which is Welsh for "Rock of Night." During her long reign as Queen of Song she has earned $10.000.0<X). I wa cured nf Aou;e Bronrhif3 by MINARD'H LINIMENT. Rav of M:<nd. J. M CAMPBKLL. I was cured of Facia! N.-urulgia by MINAKDH LINIMENT. Sprint-hill. N. 8. WM. DANIELS. I wan cured <>f Chronic Khi-umalicm by MINAKDH LINIMENT. Albert Co.. N. B. OEO. TINGLEY. CONDITTOR Cl'REF) OF CON- SUMPTION. BUT ONE. Bjones "Don't you think a talk- ative woman is more popular with the men than any other kind i" Hen pecks 'What other kind is there r A Safe Pill for Sufferers. Ther are pills that violently purge and fill the stomach and intestines with pain. Parmelee's Vegetable Pills are mild and ffective. They arc purely vegetable, no mineral pur- (j;iti\e entering into their composi- tion and their effect is soothing an^ beneficial. Try them and be con vinced. Thousands can attest thei : great curative qualities because thousands owe their health aTi<a strength to timely use of this :nost excellent medicine. Cotton can only be grown in tro- pical or semi-tropical countries; bulk wool is mainly a product of tem- perate regions. Only On* "BROMO QUININE." That IB LAXATIVE BROMO Qt.'IMNK. Loofc for tile signature of K. W GROVE. Used -ha World orer to Cure a Cold ID One Day. 25c. Lots of people borrow trouble who don't know what to do with it. ttlnart)'* Liniment Cures turn*. Flo. " t . cream Crisp, fluffy bits of white Indian corn: cooked, rolled into flakes and toasted to a golden brown. Ready to serve direct from the package. Delightful flavour ! Thoroughly wholesome! "The Memory Lingers" Sold by Grooara . . Hade by Canadian Postum ivro.ii Co., Ltd. Pure Food Factories . Windsor. Ontario. O.mida. l lie ,-- ;, ed II is n- 10 ,en ea- sufe should be mauu compulsory, and thai; a certificate of health and fitrcs'S for motherhood should be issued to each voting woman who passes the examination. In a recent report of the society, Swis- w-nie.'i were urged to undergo examinations for the sake of them- selves and their country. The ex- tremists in the society wish the test to be applied to both men and wo- men, irrespcct've of army require- ments, and made compulsory by law under conditions that govern the granting of life insurance policies. They also seek a law making it com- pulsory for clergymen to demand a med : cal certificate from applicants before marrying them. COURAGEOUS MAN. Heck Jenkins is getting; married again. Should I send him another wedding present? Peek Cortainlv ! Would you let bravery go unrewarded? Useful in Camp. Explorers, sur- veyors, prospectors and hunters will find Dr. Thomas' Eelectric Oil very useful in camp. When the feet and legs are wet and cold it is well to rub them freely -with the Oil and the result will be the pre- vention of pains in the muscles, and should a cut, or contusion, or sprain be sustained, nothing could be better as a dressing or lotion. Matches made in heaven are not to made light of. The ingredients of Magic Baking Powder .are plainly priiiU-d on each package. The makers of the numer- ous alum baking powders never do this, but they have heen known to print the words "No Alum" on their labels. This is no guarantee it is fraud. See that all ingredi- ents are stated. CHIPS OFF THE OLD BLOCK. "Sadie," said a mother to her small daughter, "why is it that you and your little brother are always quarrelling P "I don't know,' 1 replied Sadie, "unless I take after you and In- takes after papa." "Mr. Copeland. Dear Sir. For the benefit of others I wish to make known what Copeland s Cure for Consumption has done for me. When I commenced taking it I could not sit up in bed. nor keep anything on my stomach. My doctor, and a consumption specialist of Toronto ^a:l I had the worst form of I'.m- Bumption, that nothing could be done for me. and gave me only eight or ten days to live. After i 'taking two bottles of your cure my appetite improved, ami that weak-] ! ening perspiration stopped. To-day ] I am healthier and stronger than 1 have been for years. I will answer: any correspondence. Wishing you e\-ry success. L>avid Warnock. Street Car Conductor, SiO Silver Birch Avenue.' Kvery day I. receive testimonials like the- above from persons gncn up by doeu>rs and who have trii-'l all other medicines, but after taking ' this cure are speedily recovering. Many cla.'m to be cured. As a cure f.T Consumption, weak or bleeding , lungs, lingering coughs a-nd bron- chitis it is unexcelled. It a?ts on the stomach as a stimulating tonic. Mention nearest Express office when ordering. $1 per bottle: six 1 f'T ?o. Sold only by Wm. R. t'ope- land. 511 Pape Avenue. Toronto. * Every girl with monev looks like a got rich i|uick proposition to some J young mau. A man can remember to his dyin^j day all the things he learned at college outside his textbook". Warts will render the prettiest hands unsightly. C'lear the f-xcres- ' cences away by using Hollowav's Corn Cure, which acts thoroughly and painlessly. As a rule the people who have small vices also have Minall virtue-:. Mlnard'i Llnlmtnt rura* Dandruff. WISE CLERK. Grocer What are vou doin-* FARMS FOR SALE OH RENT. H. W. OAWSON, Ninity Colborna Street. Toronto. I^ORTY ACHE FRfIT FARM NKAB Niagara River, well planted. Revenue) 1911 nearly ' aoked. thirty per cent, on prica) \BKAVTIfTL FARM OF TWO UrN- drrd and ninety acres on St. .Ton-nil s Iland. with fine house, lip-to, ilau- barn and oiitbmlding-i. Owner wihea to ill-vote hm time to othor buxinens. ao * ill M-ll i-hi-np for quick nle. Full par- tii-ul am furnished on application. HfNPi:t:n AND FIKTY-SKVKN ACRES MI Norfolk County: six acres fruit: iiii-i . -il.-.te h.iUMv new Imnk barn: .1 very <li-"i! .!>! property at a bargain. there ? C'lerk Mr. Jones had ordered a bushel of. potatoes, and I'm looking him up in Bradstrect. Hl'MiRKD AND FIFTY ACHKS WITH good house; twi. barns; ten arre orcll.-irH: in County P'-i-l. A renl snap. ONK lU'NDKKD ACRKS (JOOD IHH'MB and outbuilding"; ncur Teenvater. A first -rlass fnnn worth HIP m>rey. I l> 1SSI E 15 Mlnard'i Llnimtnt Rellavis Nauralgla. No man can profit altogether bv th<- experience of others. He must buy some of his own. PILES CURED IN 3 TO 14 DAYS. Vnnr ilriicEirt will refund in-im-v -f l> V/.D HINT- MKN'I ' fitilt t i cure .1 ly <^ai-> nl It.-ini:, Itllnil. Uleeilin^ur I'nitruilin; 1'ily-i in <J tu '.i -Uy* AOC. If a man is too proud to bi-u IM<! too honest to steal he should '-:i\<- politics to" those who are fitted for it. \N IDEAL F.MIM OF TWO J :ii-n- m (.'ouniy of WaUloirton, with Hnp hrirk house: n-H)d nutbuildinics; ca b- buiiirh: on n- ti-rni. 1.1 01' II MI'MlllKO ATUKS IN I'OI'NTT nf Simi-iic. with Uundrnd Ai-re Good Timber; 20 arri-K apnlo on-hard: (rood Kruiin Ilouse. two Barns. Can ho bough* rifht. rpWKNTY-FIVK ACItK KR'"'" F MIS N.-.ir St CathariiK-*: Brirk HOUI R;irn : -\\i-n-v .n-ri- planli-il. Call bo b>llffht v*rv rr:iMm.-ihl<*. ONK 01- THK BKST FRT1T KAUMS tN St. ('.-.th-irinw Ditri;-t Fifty arree. th:rtv of \vliii-li ari- planted! KIICMN H'-ii-r. also r.-ttairp anil fini- oulbinlil:njt. Will be -n'lil mi i-asT K-rniK. 110KTY A'MIKS <T i-.VPH.VUINKS Itungalo anil Cntt:i(to anil K'>"d oat- bitildii'KS. Thirty-four nrres plnnti-ii In fr ; t. :iml ^ IIIOIIPV in:'hor Tho owner tium t<i vi'-.'.n- .-mil anxif'ii" to wll. When Your Eyes Need Care Try Mm-ine Eve Reiin-ilv. Nn Sinarlinsf- Ki-ols Fine Ac-Is Quickly. Try it fur Hi-'. \V> -till, \\:in-ry Kyi'H and livauulatiil K^-cliU-:. llltls- tritt.'il HiK-k in pnoh l*n'l;!i;j<-. Miiriin- is coiiiIHtumliMl by our OrulKis mil a -l-:it-'Ht Mtsl- iclno" but tided in suct-i-ssfiil Physicians' Prac- Itco for miinv yoarv. N,w udtaata4 '" "1 l"" ( >- IK- am! solil br Dnu|llaaM 'x unil 50c pet Hoi I liv Milrine K>- Salv,- hi AH-|IIU- 'I'ubos, i.t- .mil ;-Oi-. Mi'-i"O Eyo Remedy Co.. Chicago SHORT KINGS, TALL QUEEXS. Many European monarch* are. of shorter stiituro than their queens. George V. is several inches shorter than Queen Mary. The Gorman Empress is slightly taller than the Kaiser; an-d it is alleged that when they arc being photographed toge- ther William sees that the Quern takes a seat while he himself stands. The Czar of all the llussias is by no means as tall as his consort, and Alfonsu of Spain is said to be a h"ad j shorter than Queen Victoria Kuscen- ie. The Kinir of Italy hardly reach- es to the shoulders of his Monte- TH'srran wife. The Queen, of l>--n mark. too. i-< taller than her hus- band. Exception-; are the Kinjr of Norway ntu! the Kiug of the Bel- gian". The latter, six feet two inches in height, is the tallest ruler in Europe. PILES CURED! Writing from Poplar, B.C~ Mrs. C. Hnnsoii, proprietress of tho Commer- cial Hotel, says: " I suffered foryears| with bleeding piles. TliB pain was so hail at timu8 that I coulil hordlj walk, and ordinary remedies seemed utterly un.ibld to give mo any ease. Finally I tli ci<led to undergo 811 operation, nnl -vent to thoSacied Uenrt Hospital | in Spokane. There t!iey purformi-danl (operation. For a tinio I was certain lyi better, but within twolvc months the <iVs became as painful as ever. 1 ] iried linimeut*, hot potil'icea, various] ' pilo cures, ' and indeed everything 1 1 oould think would be likoly to do any ;'>il, but still I continued to aulfi>r, i 'md tho shooting, burning, stingingi jpaind, the dull, aching, ' worn-out '( {feeling tbak the disease causes 0011-4 iucd as bad as ever. " One clay I r*wl a!>cur, Zam-Buk j and thought I would try it. The first! one or two boxed gave mo more ease j limn anything else I hnd tried, so I j uont on with the treatment. In a short time I began to fuel altogether! | different and better. Well, I went on | j using Zum-Buk, a'lii by tho tune I had i u-ed six bnj.es I VAU delighted to find j ;nyself entirely curod. That was three 'yours ago, and there has been no net urn of the trouble." Ziun-Buk is a sure cure for piles, 9 .vzema, ulcers, abscesses, eruptions, chapped bands, varicose sores, burns, ; scalds, bruises, interned patches, and i!I skin injuries and diseases. Btng !Rts mid stores everywhere, 50c. bos, ir /'i"i ['i:', Co.. T,,n'nti'. fur price. IJIAVK MANITOBA. AI.RKKTA. SAS- k.itrb.-w-.in :unl nriti--h r >lmnhi* lands, bulb improvi-il nncl inimnrovil. In (itiarfr half r wh<-l wt-'oriH. n'nn in Inrffpr *nt? rn In n"v<* hundrrH thoii :ind ;..-ri"< Tf tlr'nkinc of i'ivfrii>ir in Wrt- i-rn laricln it is :<> ymir intpn>t to coimult mo. ^^ Phono? Miln 6990, Park 517. H. W. OAWSON. Toronto. II \1,K SK.rn - n. -li- p. .In". Scott. FH-T V ACKK8 :i fr -in town. i -vi k. MAL-; HELP WAMTEO. FKVHN I'M UK \ TVI,n:KAI'|lKR OR j St>;i.'ii Ac"i' '' "' 'IT men. Fr.- r.i.-k Ifl nxn'n i- -v"-k and wages, n, ,IN:I' - Telegraphy. Toronto. MISCELLANEOUS. H~~AY anil FA ESI SCALE* Wllson't -, . i -: - : ' ""'- (i AM'KR. Tl'MMRS. LOU'S. i-U'. In- fi-riia 1 :!''! (''.T'l:! 1 . cur'-il wi boat pain lw our borne f-'aimont. Write hi-fon- :<* I;; to. I'r P-llmnn Meilit-al Co.. LimiU-d. Cnlliim-.MM'il, Out. TON RfALK GfAUANTKED. Wilson'* ) >,. .,;.. \v ..rk- .-:icl>' \i-finto / \ FEATHER DYEING Claaniiitf iml Curling ,iiM Ki'l GloreA clAnd. Tlio -o CAM Ho 't"ii hv pi<<i, o per . BRITISH AMERICAN" DYEING co. MON I 1C .,\l. WRITE FOR PROOF PURIFICO cu GANGER AND TUMOR CURES I AND' Canadian Branuh : Purlfloo Oo., arldgeburg, Ont ixr a- HOL TJ CRBOSOTBI Protect Prarve Beautify Sampler and Booklets on Application '. JAMES LANCMUIR & CO.. LlmltMl 1 1374 Bathurst Street TORONTO \

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