Flesherton Advance, 25 Apr 1912, p. 1

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TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." PRJNCIPLEb NOT MEN. 1 VOL 31, NO 42 Flestierton, Ont., Thursday, April, 25 1912 W. H. TBUfiSTON K ^ l <i I-BOPMIETOK mm^^^^^mmi^^^^mu*mmm^^*la*^^*^*^^*^n**^a^^^^^*^^^^^^^^^*^^^^- Priceville Jottings Eugenia Paragraphs Kimberley Budget The spring freshets have p;issed away without doing much damage in this vi- cinity. Some of the planking on Mc- l.i'ud's dam was broken and will tike some time to repair, b'.it both bridges over the Siugeen in this village are still intact. Our councillor, A. D. McLeod, has his hands full at present repairing bridges, culverts and washouts in other parts of this division. A few more pupils have come in from outside sections and board in town, iu order to attend our public school and continuation classes. Mr. G. W. Tryon has been seriously ill with heart trouble. Mrs. L. McArthur iswilfering at pres- ent with an attack ' f pleurisy. Miss Sarah Burnett has been in poor health for some time, aud may have to go to the hospital aud undergo an oper- ation. Mrs. E. Taylor is ve.ry ill at the h'.aie ef her parent*, Mr. and Mrs. Alex. WhytB, O.D.R. There will be no service in the Metho- dist church next Sunday, April 28, ow- ing to sacramental services being held at Ebenezur on that date. Messrs. P. McArthur and U. Me- Laughlihivo been buying a. quantity of young cattle for stockers, also Messrs . John Stothart and H. McLean have been engaged in the same business for several days. The dramatic scenes at Riverdale of lai-e are amusiug. Act I. March-News reports circling around the belle of the i#n and warding off all male attendants and threatening dire vengeance if they come near her. Act II. - Apiil Chimi- pion knight discards fair maid and sighs for " better goods from the south." "My little son had a very severe cold. I wan recomended lo try Chamberlain's Cough Kemedy, and before a sniftll bottle was finish, ed he was an vvoll us ever," writes Mrs. H. Wlk*, SI Dow ling Street, SyJiuy, Australia. This remedy is fur sale by ul) dealers. Ceylon Mr. Ueoi-ge Cairns and little son.Cecil, of Glenellii, Man., arrived last Tuesday to visit his parents. Mr. J. MsKinnon, Orillii, is a guest at Mr. S. Hemphill's. Mrs. H. Tucker, who has been a resi- dent of this place for the past seventeen years, left Saturday for Paisley, where the rill reside with her Jiui;!iter, Mrs. Isaac Cruikshank. We regret to lose Mrs, Tucker, but hope what is our loss will be her gain. Mis. lladley, Fleshcrtou, is in attend f ance on Mrs. J. Cairns. Mrs. Hands and two children are vis- iting Shelburne friends. Mr. Roy Wansborough, former ope- rator here, spent Sunday in town. Mrs. Bradley of Oregon arrived Mon- day to visit her sister, Mrs. J. Cairns, who, we are sorry to report, is not in) proving. Mr. Otto Tucker left Monday to visit his sister in I'aisley. Mrs. Taylor of Inistioge, Messrs. Cieo. aud Ed. llaney of Toronto, uad Mr. and Mrs. Morrow of Dundalk, visited theii sister, Mrs. J. L. Woods, on Saturday Mr. Woods has been quite ill but is im proving. Miss Klla Whittaker, who has been in Toronto tor thu p<vst two mouths, has re- turned home. The C. P. H. has men busily engaged putting in an electric bell at tho railway crossing to prevent further accidents. Mr. John Whittaker and little daugh- ter, of Durham, spent Sunday with his parents here. For rheumatism you will find nothing bet ti i than Chamberlain'* Liniment. Try it aud se how quickly it given relief. For sale by all dealers The monthly meetiuu of the Ejigenia Branch O.W.I, will be held at the home f Mrs. Joseph Williams on Wednesday, May 1, at 2.30 p.m. As this is -.mnual meeting for the election of officers, all ncmbers of the society are expecteJ to >e present. Visitors welcome. The Farmers' Club regular meeting ill be hnld in the school room on Wed- nesday, May 1. at H p.m. Mrs. H. Fenwick has gone *to the city on a visit. Mr. Oscar Towell is visiting friends at Lady Bank. Mrs. Jerry Thompson of Fleshcrtou visited with Mrs. Wood' urn the past iveek. Miss Tena WTuAiiiti has returned home 'rom her visit with friends in the city. Mr. E. Morgan has taken the contract of laying cement walks and steps in front >f tfR I'resbyterian church. Miss Ruhsell of Port Law was the juest of Mrs. Armstrong the past week. Miti Annie Hislop returned to the city m Monday. Mi . Phillips, who has been spending thi past few months at the Kngcnia House, has gone to Dui ham for thu summer. Mr. and Mrs. Jasper Stuart of Kim- Ijerley 'iaited the hitter's mother, Mrs. McMu'.'en, over Sunday. Misses May aud Kate Jumiesou and 51. Genoe visited friends at Maxwell the pair week. Most of our men who can are absenting themselves from homo these d-tys as the women are housecleaning, but there are some who have to stay with it. Mrs. W. H. Walker and daughter, Irene, have gone to Toronto to spend the summer. Maxwell The W. 1. concert which was to h.ive been held on May 1st, has been post- poned till May 14th, on account of thu bad state of the roads. Married- I >n tfie 17th of April tit the residence of the bride's brothel -iii-law, Mr. Robert Young, by tho Rev. Mr. I'himislar, Mr. Charles Kerton to MIHB Hattie Lottch, both of Maxwell. Mr. and Mrs. Kerton left on the IHth fur a trip. They will visit Toronto aud other points ot interebt. Mr. William Wright of Maxwell left last week for .Vrcola, Sask.. where he intend!) spending the summer. Messrs. George and Ildiiy Linley left on Monday for Toronto, wlieru they in tend to spend the pummcr. Miss Ida Osborne has a splendid display of spring millinery this year We think ftll cm please themselves who give her a c:ill. The ruguhir monthly meeting of the Ladies' Aid will be held at the parsonage on Thursday, Miiy '2nd. A full attend- ance is requested as the officers will be elected for the unsuiug year, and other important business tnnsiietud. , Thu fai-'nors are all busily engaged in plowing and other spring work, although HO lato a spiing, wo hope for better weather soon. The thunder storm that swept over this part of the country on Sunday night last, damaged some places. Lightning truck one of the barns of Mr. Duncan Brown, just offthe 4th line, Nottawosaga. The building was 'M x 40 frame structure, and containing a quantity of lumber and straw, and isolated from bis other build- ing, which tontained his stock and implements. It was totally destroyed, but fortunately was insured K> snrne ox- scut, although his IOIM will be consider- able. He puts hia loss al f SOU. insur- ed for |;JOO, ColliDRwood Messenger. I IT i lif surprised if you Imiu An nttauk of rheumatism this spring. JuKi; rub th affected parts frm'ly with Climl>wlain'* Lini- ment and it will sunn disappenr. Soltl by Ml '! Ji'i .. Durham Registrar Thomas Lauder, mi gentlcnmn of 84 years, left his home Tuesday morning last about livu o'clock and with nothing on but his night clothes and socks, wandered onto tho railway track where he was discovered crossing the Saugeen bridge by Mr. John U >biu son. Of late the old man's mind is weak at times, aud he is not responsible fo: his actions. It is indeed fortunate tha he met with in mishap, nor does hi show any signs of having t.iken col< by the exposure. Mrs. Win. Calder is in St. Michael's Hospital, Toronto, where she underwon an oueralbn on Tuesday of last week fo a very severe caso of appendicitis. To years Mrs. Culder has had trouble in th region oF tho appendix, but always fl reluctance at submitting ban operation. We are pleased to leai n nho in getting along nicely. Mr. James McClocklin, Flaahertoa, reno>Ted acquaintances in lown for a few days last week. Durham Chronicle. Seeding has commenced and will be eneral thu latter part of this week. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Fawcett are visit- ij? friends in Collingwood. Mr. and Mi-. Brat'y of Markdale rere the guest.s of Mr. and [Mrs. David iVeher, on Sunday last. Mr. Win. Best, sr., of Wodehouse, a inner resident of our burg, visited riends hera on Saturday last. Mr. Best s as hale and hearty as ever, and as vely us a ten year old, despite his four core and two or three years.. We ate sony to report Mr. Sam. Me- .mi'.' seriously ill at present. We hope o leain of his speedy recovery. Mr. Jack O'Brien of Markdale, w.is a welcome visitor to our burg recently. Mr. Jjhn Stuart of North Bay, paid a linn visit to our burg, dm ;ii_- the past week. Arbor day, which means "tree day," will sood be hero again, but how often is ' observed in the planting of shado rees in school grounds For instance, ake our school grounds, there are not lalf thu shade trees in it that there ouM have been, had tha day been roperly observed in previous years. .el us hope this year will see all the auancies tilled in. Mr. Ashley Fawcett, our popular >arlier, left on Monday of this week for North Bay, where he had accepted a ucrativo position. Ashley will certainly nake good, as he is a first class artist. Ib looks as if football is a thing of the last, for this year at least, is fur us viniborley is concerned. Little or no .T' -: was taken in the g:in:e hern last season, and this season two of our s'ar ilayers, namely, Les. Lawrence and \shlry Fawcetl.will not be available and rticiilly none of tho juniors are f tst enough.for senior company. So thu once a r famed football centre with its team if IrUh braves, "The Shramrocks, " wlii.-h seldom ever tasted defeat, will est on its oars for 'lie year I'Jl.. We are pleased to report that Mrs. W. S. Bishop, who has been on tho sick is', is now making favorable progress toward recovery. mi will look a gooi' while bi-fura you fiml ali"tti-rjl>etter medicint 1 for cuugliH and colds thin Chamberlain'* Cough Remedy. It not mly Bt'.es relict it cures. Try it wlinn you iitvc cough or u fold, anil you are evrtaiii to be pluaxvd with the prompt cure which it it will ctfwt. For sale by all Fever s ham Items The fanners in this pait hiive com- itnced ploughing. Mr. Wm. Periiroe jr. ifas left our illage. He has gone to learn the nnll- ig business with his father at Barrie. number of the young people of this illage.had a tatfy pull and a party at the ome of Mr. Joe Heron on the eighth tie on Friday evening last. Mr. Geo. Julian has installed a saw- ust blower and slat carrier in his saw lill and i<> now tiusily engaged in manu- luluring lumber out nf his large stock of ogs. .Mix. .lohn liuckin^hum and daughter rliene, visited friends in C'ol.inuwood ast we.-k. Mr. and Mrs. U. J. Coliruette spent u ouple of days with their daughter, Mrs. lurry Hnrton, in Collins-wood this week. Mr. Win. Davids n (if Cullingivoi.d peut Sunday w.ith Mr. mid Mrs. A. J, n.ri >ii of this village. Farm laborers ure very scared here his spring and wages are high, from wenty-six to thirty dollars per nion'h or the summer being the average. Mr. John Spoer of Clarksburg visiti-d with his mother and sisters vcr Sunday. The minting of Can,idinn tito and ten dollar gold pieces will begin ne.vt month t the mint. Thu new coins will meet a long-felt want in Canada, moHt of the gold coinage us^d here beini; Americun. There are several millions here in circula- tion. Thu new coins will be exactly ol the same intrinsic value as the Anmricai gold pieces aud will be exchangeable ai p.ir in the I'uited Stated, thus obivating present difticullieH of Canadian travelers visitmtr the failed States in regard t< being obliged to discount Canadian bills Thero will bo about eight mi llion dollar worth of (he new gold pieces coined this year. The property of the DuH'erin Power Co. at Homings Mills will be sol: by auction. The plant i.s valued a |!I7<M. It supplied lighting for Shel Inn in' and Orangcville, and was prepar ing to supt>ly Duudalk. Deathly Cramps, Stomach was Bloated A. Bad Case That Prove? Cramps and Stomach Dis orders are Cured Fast by Nerviline. "The distress I nuffcrod from crnmps lust .summer was so severe I thought i meant death," writes P- R. Enu-rson of Guys Hill, P. O. "I was doubled up with pain and In such bad shape couldn't walk a hundred feet, t re membered havinR Nrrviline on hand ind took half a tcaspoonful In sweet- ened water. In five minutes I was wel ind my stomach derangements disap- peared entirely." NERVILINE r AN INSTANT RELIEF pudding appealed on a dinner menu ill was never accompanied by the tradition- al brandy sauce. In spite of her stand as a temperance supporter, and notwith- atinuling her character as a retiring homo woman, Mrs. Spiv. ul,. has maintained her ofticial position wilh considerable success, excelling as a lioslus* when a goodly proportion of tho gursts included friends she had made in Ottawa duriny the many years (thirty-two) that her husbund has represented East Grey in Parliament. Among her inmates the ladyoflhe Speaker's quarters is very much Wluved, nnd at Markdale. where her home is, -in- is one. of thu most papular women of the place. Mis. Sproule's father, Mr. W. K. Plusher, represented East (Jrey in Parliament for ume years, being succeeded by Mr. 'proule, who the following year became is son-in-law. In religion, the Speaker nd his wife arc Methodists, and close illiurents of that church. Jewelry Vlrs. Sproule and Intoxicants The following article from tho pen of .'llestertu'ld i|>l>eir<"l ill lust weak s family Herald tn.l Weekly Slur : Among the public hostesses at Ottawa, here aro none who usually come into greater prominence than the wife of the speaker of the House of Common*, for die resides in public quarter*, is always vilhin very close range of Uiu hustle and l>ustle of public life at the. Capital, and s expeo'.ed to do. and does, a great deal of official cntcrtaini'ifr. Immediately ifter her husband assumed ottice upon he opening of the recently concluded ao&aion. Mis. T. S. Suroule. the piesenl ady of the Speakers quarters on the House of Commons' sidu of Parliament llouso, came into general public promin- ence on account of the announcement :hat at no festivities in the Speaker's (unrters during her regime would in- .oxicating beverages of any description >e served .or allowed. Mrs. Sproule, who is by conviction, and hits been nil ler life, a total abstainer, is deeply im- [ire^ted with the desirability for abolish- ing wines, etc., from social functions, mil is convinced that the di inking habit would soon die out if it were frowned down in the highest social circles, h was only natural, conseipiunlly. Urn! sho should signalize her accession to In i present dignilicd positirn in otlicin society by noting upon her conviction* It will be remembered tlmt when tin decision of tho wife ef the Speaker <>f On House of Commons on this point wa announced through the press, tha icsolutions were passed by meetings >.> the W. C. T. 1 .. and other temperanct bodies all over Cannda co<nplimenliii| her upon her action ; but it must not b supposed that the other side did no make itself felt. Asa matter of fact ninny personal friends, and mure HI' quaint:iiice.h, warned her I hat she woul loe caste if she persisted in the ne\ order of things. Somo suggested tha if -lie had wines served at her table aiu contented herself with banishing .stroiij lii|iior and malted beverages tlmt would accomplish her purpose withou creating offence ; others expressed th oppinion that if she had claiet cup am champagne served that the principle sh stood for would be preserved and th public desire gratified. Hut though quiet womiin of a decidedly rclirin: nature, Mrs. Sproule showed that ah was in earnest and had a will of hor own Not one guest in the Speaker's qusr had a sip of anything stronger than tea More than that, wine jellies and punche were prohibited, and in spite of th chef's protest, whenever- English plm Many Buslnom Collorjoa close for a vncatio Im ini: tho Miniiiii'i LJLIOTT TUKONTO. (INT., doe* not Nowisan excellent t.iruetoooiniiiencoacotirs Write for ottrloguo. For cramps, flatulriice. diarrhoea and disorders of the stomach and bowels, Nerviline knows no equal one million bottles used every year fifty years on the market, that's proof enough ot its merit. I^arge bottles. 50c.. trial size, !5c. All dt-ulers or The Caturrho* >a* ?omiiany. Kingston, Ont. DR. BURT In <Mteaie of the Eye, Ear,NoseandThroa A Splendid Stock from which you may readily make A Satisfactory Se- lection. We car- ry Photo Supplies. The township of Oulross lot eigbly ridges in the recent nonda. W. A. Armstrong, Jeweler - ONT. Otk st. W*st, Owen Sound At Hie Kcviirr house, Markdale, 'ind Tlinrstly Mh month irom 8 to 12 . ih. PnmUhi, U IhuMdky of h nxxith. One Farmer Writes: "The Bell Telephone Is the best investment I ever made. I used to get up at one or two o'clock and drive eight miles to he at market first. Now I ell by telephone for better prices. This more than pays for the service, and I am also protected againat sicknean or other misfortune." Rural Line extensions in this District are now being considered. Write for particulars to nearest Local Manager, or call at our Office. The Bell Telephone Company of Canada SEEDS SEEDS RICHARDSON F LK S H E 1>?TO N Spring Suitings Wo have just received our supply ot Spring Suitings latest Patterns and in great varioty. We can supply you with the nubbiMt .viifcings for spring and summer done up in tho brist ssyle of art tailoring. Our price are right. Drop in and look at our good's, whether you order or^not. Wu want to nmke your Spring ?uit. . S.J. BOWLER, THE T u IiI8k DATE BUS'XIN BLOCK, FLESHERTON.

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