Flesherton Advance, 25 Apr 1912, p. 4

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April W-J THE F L E S H E RT O N ADVANCE Hit: /Icohertoii CliHwncc Aii iii'l(>i-ii'l"ut nw|>ai>*r, \<rHi4u:l ,--<, Tiuirndifr at tin 1 iiflM, i 'iilflrv" 1 "' Street, Klt-shafton. n ,.. n. i rl $J IKM annum, wi *< jtnl inivdtfluc*; dl .1$ when not so paid. t : in-ni >( "i. ! j JbAU"i. Circulation : ' kly. W. H. Trmraton - Editor TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR- PRINCIPLES. NOT MEN THE DRAGON'S TOLL The terrible dimmer which came to ilu> Titanic has ovcishadovvd everything in the news line dining 'lie past week, nnd lias proved even more terrible than wag upposed in our last date of publication. The mass of diamutic incident in this tragedy if collated would form a large Volume, but a few things -t md out viv- idly before us. As hi all such case*, there was the hero and the coward press- Ing shoulders, ai.d it WHS not in all casea that the coward preserved his life. Itut the great fact tin' standr out inott pin- niuiently is that over lixtevn hundred liveH were almost instantly sacriBced l>y the carelesneM i.f one man. This man, it would appear, hatl an overabundance of confidence in I lie M length of bis vc- *el and it* powar to withstand any im- pact that might occur, and ho did not even take the customary precaution of lowing down hit- spetil when in tbtt known vicinity ot ice. All went merry m shipboard nd the captain was taking . hand in tho merriment. The baud played rag-time music to tickle ll>e ears of tbe crowd. But a fi:w minutuj after- ward and the rag-lime music did not sat- isfy. It wai then that the 1> mil found it more appropriate to play ' Nearer My Cud to Thee." The play of circumstance n well ex mplided when the nireles* i-perator on the Carpa'.bia calm- so narrowly miising the call for he!]' Mi.- was ubout to re- move the up|>arilus from his e-us and re- tire when the cry came for help An- etht-i minute and it would not have been beard. The proUbility is that without wireless the fate of I lit) Timnic would never have been'known. It IN not likely thai otherwise a single person would h-tve tiuen Harexl. Before tbe inquiry now ({oingon, Man- ger Ismay, who was on the doomed \enael, stated that in leaving the ship lie took nobody's place why should he not eve himself The lat answer t that U to point out llmt he lelt more (ban sixteen , hundred peop'tt on board when he took to his boat. How, thuii, can liu ay that he took nobody's place < This plan is receiving a ({riddling tint ho n > ioubt richly deserves. What a iMiitrjsf Ixitween this man and Second OHicvr liighthulder, who remained OD the vessel tintil it disappeared liriienth the waves and was providentially rescued. Columns could lie written on tliu lo- ons to lie gleani-d from this eattatropbr, and no doubt much of viiliu- trill be trou- Hied and profiled by, I lit after all, tlie grealeet safeguard for navigation of the Bca- in careful uiaiiueiK, who can reniem- IM.T that all works of innn lire impvifect and 'prone to deitruclion. Too many forgtt this, and forget that rn the ocean Mm is ou' of hie unlive element, where <li- iMi-i spells death. So far as human knowledge wont it wiis thought impossible ti> sink thn vessel. With n head-on collision this would pro- Ubly have been true, but there was n weak point that was unknown and the ice found that point, ripping open the iron side of the great ship as a can opeuur would operate. Thin was the only way the Titanic could h;iv been MiiiUrn and it was unl liotiglil of. Speed I Speed ! What am the nation* of to-day oacrilicing to ibis dragon '( In fiis instance lixteen hundred lives py toll- It is a titanic blunder. JOURNALISTIC AMENITIES In our journalist!'? expciience extend- ing uvii twenty lire years, we have found that mot newspaper men are honorabl .', and honest enough tn credit their confreres with any peculiarly brilliant l,it of editorial work wl :oh they freely like copying. Still, there is occasionally a newspaper man who lids 'by Home accident got into a position for which nature did not. fit him, and who is willing to accepts false reputation for clevei editorial work by clipping rii(ht nd left limn hia exchange* without giving them any credit. The news- paper ni .n is aot ali.nr in this repre- hensible ounduct.howewer , He ia aasociu- ted with the best of company, because we havs known the name things to h'i|i{u-n in the pulpit. Wu have known whole erinoii8 to be reproduced and tbe prenclitH-i to lie congratulated upon their effort without a hint being given as to the real authorship. True, it was yuan gu we knew llua to happen, *ncl per- haps it is never indulged m now, but the reprehensible moral ethics atlll exint in tin: journalist world to a frightful extent. The iriiMui that has given rise to thete remarks << found in a ilttver little item tint IMS been going ll e round* of our exchange* without credit und the 111 hor- htp of which is unknown to ui. We quote the item nnd would like to nn- nounce the name of the author but can- not. Hera it is : 'Mr. r..-ii,., ., ,|,. ;,,,,. (hat, the failure of the Dominion government to make provisions fur i In- maintenance 'of teparate school* in the territory awarded to Manitoba makes his British blood boil. 1'rolxibly the real heat is that the small ciiuso of quantity the of Hritith blood has come into contact wit) the I-U:.T quantity of Itouraxsic his system." acid A DESERTED VILLAGE A few years ago Collingwood approach- ed the dignity of a boom town anil land values soared. To-day it is different The Messenger says "The farmers' market has dis-tppeared, tho tourist trade is a thing of the pu<*[. and if a few extra visitors come to town to slay over night it \K inipoiKiblo to h'nd hotel ac cmnmodation for like Goldsmith, plagiarist ' them " U the Thia .sounds Messenger a The Dundalk people prided them- selves on the fact that they did not on handciirs to Wurkington, five or MX uagi on a car, with two rnrei (it which to pull up hill or hold hack going down lull. In another place I saw men carry- ing coal on their hacks more than a mile, half of it up hill at that. Two mun were killed while digging the coal. The earth fell on them. Several weie hurt. In some places the owners stopped them from digging, which was hard lines for women and children freezing i<nd starv- ing and coal open to the day and cannot have it. In tome places the poor chil ili rn got their breakfast at the ttchoul am yet the fathers will get. drink, the grosser helping them by giving them credit to tide them over their ditticulty. Innocent "M.'-. have to suffer for the father drink ing wha> the children ought to have. But inch is life, it seems. Well, Mr. tjditor, I will noon leave for home now, I have enjoyed myeelf very much. Everyone tried to make it I'lr.-vt tut for me, hut the parting brought teats in some homes. U IK rather liaui to bid good bye forever to dear friends, !i>< who haru gone through it only v the effect. I have made many pleasant ci|uainlances this time, that I did no: know before. I met two women suffer to any extent during the receni;, knt)W w , 1Rn , WU8 ^ thpy girl Hoods, only to the extent of "a few! t(lal I | la d forgoiten. I did not hear of damp cellars," Well, Flesherlou gotlthem when I was here ten years ugo through without even the damr;|Very f ew are li\iiig here now of my age cellars, abo'.it us. There is nothing musty o o o The handling of the Titanic wreck It is rumored that theic will be another railway s'rike this summer. I think there are rough times for England not far ahead. The workers are banding together and they are a power in the news by the daily press of Canada was land now> and slan< j O y one anothe son.ethin<{ to be proud of, and .-specially Tney i, ave nu property to lose and are was thit the case with our ' v >uef>n City newspapers. The enterprise displayed such an exlent In4t it wi [ by them nd the thorough w.y in whiih ,,, uch t() ftllrt s rt .| w llion in the t.ervice was handled is it mutter congratulation. fcr future. It is an early spring for gnus. WHY HE WAS LATE "What i.iade you no late?" "I iiirt Sirithmm." 'Well, that iit no reasnn why y<m slio br an ln.iir lat- Ki'ttin({ Imme to *up|K-r. " 'I kniiu, but I asked liim how lie ivu f.-.-l UIK, anil lif inxistrd on i,-llii,. : mi . a u>ut In, Ktomarli troubli-." "Iliil you u-11 him to tako Cliamlierlaii TubletB?" "Sure, that in what he need,.." Sulil by all rilled with prejudices against the rich to not the take near young cattle are running out in some places, but it is i"" wet f.-r putting in seed. It has been a wt time cvvr ince I came here, very little seeding is done yet. Some hav planted potatoes for early marketing who had land near a town. They are noi troubled with bugs here. Trusting I will soon see you in the nVsh. good bye. JOHN CofLTHAKD. The English Coal Strike April!). 'I?. Itnujjli Home, Editor Advance : Dear Sir, A few words on th strike. All the ccliieriet in the I'mted Kingdom went out on strike on the first day of March, and are goin< hack to-day to work. K'iglftiul never went through such a Iryititf time in it" history, and no Koveriui. nit WHS placed in such a perilous position to keep peace with such a host uf hot In -ui, i| material to work with. Asi|uiih will never forget it. Happily they have got to work iignin. Kf'KKlT.SOF TIIK STKIKK It cloHi'd all thi' iron mines an.l moU cif ilu- lai'lories, ii-id a host of other in iliih'-rioi) nf various kiiuls. The railway i- panics shut off two-lhirili i.f their A c.-it, with'an inveativating turn of ..in. I. entered the back door of the Arrow office on Monday and samp'ed the content* of thu lye pot. The Hpeed with which pUNny diia|>pcard from view iiitiieiJiately after thin rash experiment culd only he. likened to rhni lightning ,)i- a western cyclone. Burks Falls Arrow. OVER-WORKED JUDNEYS Cause. Rush of Blood, Full- ness, Dizziness. J. T. Clu-ttaiul. tli.' v.-i-ll-known mil- way i..|iKliit'Ci- i-t llalnlHi.il. loiilii) tho strain always rcstlnjr upon men of Ills Occupation vastly Intensified tendency nf the blond to rush by to a hi-iul. and ofU'ii at times w<ht*n oliiir- nansrn<(e.r irr.ins ami nearly all the frei)(htjnc.s.<i of vision und ifri'iit stcadin.'S.s traiiu. KvorylhinK was at :i standstill vvo . n ' d'' 1 ""*^. KlndliiB scum- dlffl- stiffness with his back, It oc- Thu limestone ijuarriea Mopped work on iiLTimiit uf the Must furnaces heiii!{ shut down. The limcbtore is used for smelt- ing the ore. the light Mipply and in smnc . i-.-. oil . culty In bending a l.iin havliiR m'ttled I ciirn-d to him that his kldneya be at fault. "This was a happy idea. for by It I not only ;ot r i ( i ,if t | lt , ,, a | n companirs shoitei'eilj ljllt many other troubles a well. 1 took a full dos>. of Dr. Hamilton's I'ill.i and was Klud to note that HOIIH- o!>- was resorted to, and ilarkm-hs seemed to lhr(Mtan Ilic nation for ilianii'iidH to li'xht it up want of Nearly black throe million men, wonun and children were out of employment Think of it. Many thousands hail hot a week's provisions ahead. It was necessary to aim break faat at tlm schools to the p.ior chililren almost when the stiike started, nnd r\i Itruetton of the kldiuys, which 1 lately noticed, was at once rellevrd. Tin' flushed appcamnce of my face gavo way to a more rational color and there was a perceptible Improvi-nvnt In my iipi'i-titr. Dr. Hamilton's 1'llls n rtaliily net splendidly upon the blood, removing heat and fulness and that Bort of dizziness that makes a man at the throttle wish \vlien it aii'zos him that he. wore eUewlu-rt'." Nu lll.'ilirin,. -i\rs surll UIK|U( stl.'ll- ably good reBiilts [or tomach, llvi-r. I he siime tune Inrga numlic-rs were car- and blood troubles ns Dr. Hamilton': , (lol )l Pills; they are mild, certain, and al- onring and si^ht soeini! having a linn), s.niii' drifts in a hi^h rnl<{u m-.u here were workid and WHS a help to this disiiict, hut ili. pi ices went up. ll would ho a KOK| thing for ;lm owui-ra all the expanse of the lielples. I suw men >i; ' 'in- ro.il in ravines where it cin|ipitl nut and carrying it on their bucks in lima distnnct-s, while NOIIIO drew it ways curative. Kefuso any UtWtltUt*. All dealers sell Dr. Hamilton's Pills, 2!ir per box, or The Catarrhozone Co., Klir;st.in. Ollt. Dr. Hamilton's Pills Cure Kidneys and Liver CLAYTON'S - - FOR - - Boots and Rubbers TiIOSE who wnnt good wearing Boots, either Factory or Hand made for the wet and cold weather or for winter should call and inspect our CELEBRATED MALTESE CROSS & LION BRAND RUBBERS, Both Light and Heavy. Trunks, Suit Cases and Telescopes. REPAIRING AS USUAL. F. H. W. HICKUNG FLESHERTON ONTARIO. Spring Clothing This week wd place in utock n big shipment of of New Clothing for Men, Boys and Children- The Newest Styles and Colorings are Imre. The range of sizes complete. They were bought right and all reasonably priced. We shall h pleased to have you come in and compare values. We make ft specially of High (ir.'ide Men's Suits at $9.50. Girls' Washable Dresses A Jfewahipment of Smart Dresses for little Girls, just received. They are made of fast colored Ginghams and Percnka, most up-to-date stylus and shades. Sized suitable for girls of 6 to 14 rears. Prices from 50c to $2 i'5. White Embroideries Some exceptional values in white Embroideries showing just now -all widths, frou) the narrowest edging to full skirt width. Corset cover widths in handsome patterns at25c. Skirt widths 50c to 1.50 Allover Embroideries 50c to 91.30. High Grade Footwear You will find a collection of High Grade Bouts and Shoes here that can't be beaten anywhere. The newest styles and lasts in Patent Dongola, Gun Metal and Tan Leathers. Complete range of. sizes for Man. Woman and Child All reasonably priced. Our $3.75 Lady's Shoe is special value and comen in Tan, Patent, Gun Metal, Kid, either Button cr Lice with the New High Toe and Heel. Rubbers to uit the very latest lasts in all sizes. Tan Rubbers if you want them. New Carpet Squares, Rugs, Linoleums, two an<l four yards wide Window Shades and Curtain Poles, Lace Curtains and Curtain Nets. Prepared Paints Alabastine and Jellstone, Turps, Raw and Boiled Oil Paint anil Kalsoniine Brushes. Everything Reasonably Priced, HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR BUTTER AND EGGS. LOOK ! ! Now Ls the time for Eave-Trough- iog and Plumbing which I am giv- ini.' special attention to. AUo I am prepared to give good value in Corrugated Iron Rooting, pood material And work 3*ti*factory. REPAIRING SATURDAYS. Call at F. L. McGillvary's Tin Shop For Particulars )ld Advouce Ottici-. Kleaherton. LOOK! LOOK! Spring Announcement For Housecleaning Time A good assortment of everything required for Housecleaniiig New Wall Papers, New Prints, Varnish Stains ami Brushes of all Kinds, Linoleums and Oilcloths. Do You Ever Sleep? ! If you do you will be wise to pay attention. 1 am at the pros-ent time making a Specialty of Iron Beds. The original of -the picture given at the head of tliis advertisement will only cost you $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 Get something nice and e')mfortable on which to lay your weary head. Of course we have other beds at other prices, all equally low in price Sauitaiy Beds such as everybody wantd. Springs and Mattresses to tit all be;ls. Examine our stock any- way, before purchasing your sleep inducers. W. H. BUNT FLESHERTON, ONT. . . _ WANTED AT ONCE A man with some experience in horticul- ture to handle our 1 1 !.- in Flesherlon. Splendid opening and permanent position for the right party. Write fri particulars and .state experience Uiie Stone & Wellington Fonthill Nurseries, ettrahliohed 1837 TORONTO. ONT. Ktubroiderios in skirt length widths und dowu to h&lf inch. Very pretty allover Embroidery and allover Lace iu Silk and Satin. A nice range of Spring Dress Goods such as Satin striped Voils and Foulards. A big assortment of Men's Furnishings iu Fine Shirtr, Hats and Caps, Braces and Fuucy Socks. Spring Suits ready to wear or tailor made suits. Satisfaction guaranteed. MILLINERY Special prices on Hats for Friday and Saturday, April 26 and 27. las. 2. attison Qeu/nn I J. & W. BOYD Flesherton, - Ontario. House Cleaning Time Now is the time for Hnusu Furnishings. WB have made pre- parations for a hirvo season in all lines. Hugs in Tapestry Wool Brussels at cxceptionaly low prices. a Carefully Corrected Each Week Wheat 8." to 85 Oats 13 to 43 Peas 1 10 o I 10 Barley 70 to 70 Hay 10 00 to 10 00 Butter .'10 '.i :iL' Ktgs, fresh 20 < 21 Potatoes | if i hag 1 25 to 1 25 j | Oecso 10 o li|(. Ducks 1IJ to 12 Chickens 10 to 12 urKeyg 18 to 18 ' Wool 20 to 22 i ! > Carpets, Tapestry Wool, Union and Hemp From llH Cents to 81.3d. Linoleums and OilCloths in large varieties and at the Prices. High), Cl' II 1 A1NS- \\e have nil the New Designs in Laca and Net curtains in White Cream Echru at prices from 50c to $4.50 per pair. See our :i yard L-ico Curtain at 40c. New Spring Goods Dress Goods The Neatest and Prettiest Kange of Pattevna add Colois we have ever shown. See our Voilts, Gray Champayne, Nile Green, with a very neat stripe of Black, at 50c. Serges in Navy, Black, Garnet, 50c to $1.00. A fiill line of Fancy and Plain Drees Goods 50o to $1.50 Wash Goods We have a full range of all the new Fabiics, snob as Voiles, Chambrays, Xephyrg, Hepp, Gingharaa, Etc. Some very pretty Coloia and Patterns from l'2Jc to 50c. Prints We arc showing something very noal iu prints See our Specials at lOc and 12^c. Boots and Shoes Onr block is now complete i'n all the New Lasis ;m Styles for Spiino, and pi-ices which cannot be beaten any wlier . '. .

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