Flesherton Advance, 25 Apr 1912, p. 8

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April 2t>, 1912 T H E F LE S H K li T O N ADVANCE ' Advance' Small Ads. Loftk over them weekly. There may be something for YOU BUSINESS CARDS 2 CUl.LOL'D M A YOUNO V. Hankers Markdale .eneral banking business . Money loaned at reasonable rate> Call ou us. TChlBLETT. I-ostmaster. Oevlon. niitmoner in H.C. J , Cooejtsncer. deeds, of. leases, wili etc. carefully drawu up OIWxtiouB road.', charges reasonable. Also Kiocenw, flour, feed etc. kept in itock, Prices ri^bt. RJ SPKOULE, Fleiherton vonjmlssionsr in H.C J., Auctlonee Con- voyancer, Appraiser and Money lender Koal Kstte and Iniurance Agent. Deed*. morWsvei, leases ani wills carefully drawn and sluatlons made on shorten! notice onay to loan at lowest rates ol Interest. Col- ctioas attended to with proinptnuu ebarites low. Agent for Ocean Dominion Ntaamship Company. A call solicited. DMcl'HAIL. Licensed Auctioneer for tlie j County of Grey. Terms moderate aud tatiitacilon guaranteed. The arrangement!) an " clatr. of .ale. can he made a'. TUB Aovi>c /.ffice. He.idenc and P.O.. Ceylon, Telepboae *-x>nneetion. Dec. 6.07. . I II KA1TTINO. Licensed Auctioneer for the counties of Urey and Sitnce Farm and Block sales a specialty. Turin Aiodfrate. atifartion guarantied. ArrauKo- uients for dates roav be made at tlie Aiiv .flit.- or A: T. Hutcblnson's *tre. leversbam by addressing me at Fsvershaoi, Out. Farms For Sale or Rent L'U.M I"K SM.K l ,.i , |u the ill ciio- 1 oossion olthe towusbip of Arternenia, con- taining 100 acres, eighty. nvu acres clareil, Iwlauu bardwood timber. Property of tha lateW. J. Heatty. Tbere is a bauk bsjn and roughcast house on premises aud is well watered. Will be sold on reasonable terms. Apply to JautesL,. McHulleu, Cuyion P.O., Oat. P( )K 8AI.E Cheap ani easy terms. If not * sold soon, for rent to suitable tenu-t, North half lot 30 aud iot 40, coo, 11, Artemexia, and lot 1. con. 12. Osprey. dOO acres, about 150 cleared ibalauce mostly timbered land, hard and soft wood ; good Htone dwelling and frame I'm n. stabling under , well watered with never- fnilini: small spring creek crossing farm close to barn! This It au excellent grain or grazing farm and will be sold very nhcsp if taken at once aud ou easy term*. AppI) to R. J. Hproule, Klesherton, Out. I, OltSAljE alieapauil on easy terms Lots 1 1 and 2. con. 11 Osprey; 200 acres; fruii> dwelling, frauiv barn and ^tabling under; about 170 acrea cleared and under cultivation. Homu splendid cudai with other mixed timber ou balance, also two Miiall orchardR bearing. Wei watered ; uevei falling uprlng creek. Hplendid Rraln and grazing fsrnj. Apply to H' J.Bproulu FJesljerton or Samuel Odborue. Maxwell. \1TM. W , DCDD MATHE'.VH, Markdale. A .uc'.ioueer for the county of Orey. Good aertice at re.K.nable rat... Ustts ran be wade at The Advance, u OU MKDICAL t. Physician. Bnr(on etc Office aud reiideuce-Peter St.. Fleshurton JP OTTEWELL, Veterinary Surgeon Graduate of Ontatio Veterinary College. re.ideece - sscond door itoutli west.on iTlrv street. This itreet runs soutb Presbyterian Church. DENTISTRY Dr E C. MURRAY U D. S . dn'l surgeon ' hono. graduate of Toronto University and Ucyal College of Dental ft "r e n ' I, ?" tarl0 ' 0*4 edmisiiiist*rea for teeth extraction Office at residence, Toronto Street. Fle.herton. LEGAL HANKY A; WALl.ACE-H.rri.ter., tor c et< j- i.W:i,.. c - -i MM Safin Hank ItWg.. I-hone main 14 J; Markdatel.uca. Klock. I'bone 2 A branch office at Dumlalk open etery Saturday. WH WKIOHT. Barrister, Solicitor, ConTsy ancrr etc..-Owu Bound and Klesberton. K-Ifiesbei ton office. Sproule's lllock erery Saturday SOCIETIES meets 01. the lat 1.- M:M I "i: SALE Very cheap. 100 acren. 1 lot 9, con. 7, Oprey, only ?:K)QO, reaaonabln cash payment, balance easy termu, 65 acreti cleared, well fenced and in high state of culti- vation, balance timbered, good comfortable frame dwelling, stone cellar under, never fall- ing -I'Mni; well and windmill pump at door, tew frame barn, well finished, utone stabliui: with spring water under, also in abed. It in situated i uiile from Maxwell village whern tbers are stores, post offices, cood scbool, and ison the gravel road, M mile* from railway xtation. If sold at once, above price, though VF.HY i Hi-; U' wight be shaded a little. Apply to H. J. hPKOULE. Klesherton, or THOMAS GUY. on preitise*. 'f This May Interest You Wi- wiint a reliable m;in to sail our well known specmltius in fruit trees, suinl fruits, eil poUtoeH, Howering shrubs ruses etc., in (ire/ county) during fnl and winter months. Outtil free, ex- clusive territory, Jiay weekly. 600 A6res of Nursery Stock Clean well grown trees and slirulis that will it ir y your custoiuei-H. Krly HIK! K<M>d delivery ^ii'ir^ntoed. Kitalilislit-d over 35 yearn. Write for wholu or part time terms. Sales Malinger, PKI.HAM M-RSKKVCO., 15 Dec. 11 Toronto. REBUKED AN EMPEROR. Cluck Didn't Like the Wy Joseph II. Sang Hie Music. Gluclc, the composer, was not of the tort of men of \rboin courtiers are made. One day he attended at the court at Vienna a concert at which ttye Emperor Joseph II. and one of bis archdukes eaog a fragment from one Qf Gluck's compositions. Naturally enougu, tbe Imperial artists glanced at the composer to see bow be was im- pressed by tbe honor they were doing him. They were shocked to observe that be was making a series of ex- traordinary and significant grimaces. The emperor stopped and inquired whether he nud tbe archduke were not singing the bit according to Gluck's Idea of bow it should be done. "My Idea!" exclaimed Gluck. "Why, sire, I am the poorest walker in the world, but I would vastly rather take a walk of six leagues tuan be forced to henr a composition of my own Inter- preted in such a way as that" Joseph II. was brave enough to take uo notice of tbe criticism, but tlie court was quite convinced that If such a reproach bad been addressed to tbe Czar Nicholas tbe composer would have prosecuted his musical studies from that time forth under tbe unfa- vorable surroundings of the Siberian mines. It was tbe composer Weigl, a man of very different temperament from Uluck. who when the Emperor Fran- cis Joseph played the first violin in the performance of one of bis overtures threw himself at tbe monarch's feet and exclaimed, "Ah, sire, will your i majesty benlguantly condescend to grant my prayer and favor me once more with a most gracious F sharp?" New York Tress. GUARDING A SECRET. Th Boar for Service 1'iiM'iin'il Ynikliire Hoar _ yearx old, for ervicu uii lot Ml, ecu. H. Artouiuaia. Turins -AI.KX. CAMKKON. (JOOI) POSITIONS A \V\IT ORADUATK8 at the THK DK1NCK AKTHUK IXJDOE. No. J133.A.K4 l AM meet! in the Manonic hall. Ann ftron Itlock.Flesherton. every Friday on before tha full mocn. C. II. Mu'iil.aw, W. II. ; Tbos. Clayton, Keiretary. nOL'KTTLEBHEKTON, 995. I. 0. F. meets In V Clavtou's lllock the lant Wednesday evening of each innntb. Viiiting Foreiters heartily relco.ne'C. K. <i. Hellauiy : H. 8., <i. < alrLi; flease pay 'dues to Kin. Sec. before tbe flrit day of the month. PHOSKN KhlKSOH-Flesnerton Council ol v Chosen Frieudu meets In Clayton's liall flrit and tliinl Wednesday ol each inoutli H p. in Pay ansensmeut* to the Hot-order on or Ijelore toe tlmt <lay uf eacb month. Chief Councillor T Ulakelev^Kecorder W. 11. Hunt. F ) eKariur'nClul>nieH In the hifc-h school Imil'liuij -MI the ftmt Tliurwlay in nth motah at " o.-lock 11. MI. Younie rajrmitl spm-ialU nuitwJ. r.Cnarf 1're.i.lcnt, i. W. lleUaiiiv. Si-c.-TruiP. OWKN SOfXD. MXTAKIO Thoruuxh cminteH, hrjje KtHff, exccllont qalpmcnt, our own ImiMinK, nml wo guarantee to place overy ^raduata in a *Sfl |i<itiun. Calaloxuu free. C. A. FleminK, F.C.A., O. . Floming, l'rinri|ial. Secretary. Tarn worths ior Sale HoMi *e nearly reily for liri>oiliiiij. 1'rlcet "'* ""''".W. H.,SH.M.xwellP.O. Boar for Service 1'irt-i- I'.nil Tainworth . I'.t.ar fur *.-i\ii- emn", f 1, Caiih. X. Hin II.-, Muxwfll, f Int. Bull for Service Tli'W'iRlil>i'-'l Mi'Tllii.rn hull, Hnia'll !.' \M\, f"i ffmro'.u lul In, i-im. '.I. Ospri'y. lV<lif-'- ^n appUoation. Hervicc, 91.IKI I"i gr<U- ili..r..ui{lil.i<MlH, *- r >, *M * time '' M-r\ip. l-'ull l-rirr ,|h:irt,-,-il tr r..n nnt retlirn<lH - ... M. Improved Large Yorkshires A cbnicv lt of youiiK i>iK <*f l>tl' -\i^, i.liiM,t rna<ls to wi-ii. Young SOW*, limlin ITcbruaTT; rtgiitrred Vorkiliiri- tir. 'IVnux !.<*. ' - 1 "* .1. .1. I;KD\VN. i !.-: ii- 1. .n. Ix.t HIT, 3ril rK'-, 11- T. S. K. FARM FOR SALE HoUtein Friesian Cattle Bull for Service "( aiisry Itutter Hoy Calamity, No. lil.VII lued l>y II. K. <Jeorgo of Cram|>tou, Out. Sln>, liuttur loy Calamity No. (WTO), Ham. Canary (loldie Anticipation No. {UU44). Turins lleuiu. turwl rWH .l.0(). <irn<li-4 -1/xi. TAMIVOKTII HWINK Uegintersd Tamwoith Hoar. Terms U tacit) Sow *]. IK). llrown l.fxUorn and Whitii Wyandottn Poultry. Utock for Hale. Kggs for Hatching, Hll HAM) AU.KN. LotHO. 'JI-:.T. A S,lt. Klcsliurtiiii. p.o. Bull For Service Tlmrniigliln-i'ol Abeitleun 'AIIKUN Hull, "IlUck 1). unnriil Kiim," for Hervioo on lot 28, Con 4, (llonel*. ** W. H. I'ATTKKS'IX. l'ro|). iii.t, I.ut Xn. ItMi-lriT. in the wi-onil Toi-niit.) mi I Syiii-nluim H-il, Arwmimk containing 'J-l" acre* of tirt rlmw land ; K"'"l I hnililiiiKH. plenty of water, near rliur< li unrl nclKMiI ; thrM niilBd (ruin J'roloii .Station ; 211 , orrn g<xl Imrdwood liusji, liolam-e i-li-aral j mi<l in g'ux\ ntntc <( onllivktion. Kr pm *mUri apply to. W. .f. .lACKMON, '' Perfect Sight a matter of Foresight. Many cases of eye trouble are averted by early application of proper lenses. Present neglect means future trouble. W. A. Armstrong. BULL FOR SERVICE Th.,i'.'inl.l.r* IMiMitlinm lniH/'Danilr -'iiu ' r srrrio* on lot 17l>, T. ft S. K-, Ar- Tkto MHmal is of a frond inilkiiiK Pdiip nt a|>|>liotttii. Tenrt, *: . JAJI. 8TINSON l'i|>riator. Br f*r Service A /! Tofssnire Knar tor aervloa en lot iKt. aril range W T. A H. II., Artamseia. I T*Mis*1.0a- WAM.VH. I for Service tHltwt huU for rervice on f. T. *. . Artenoia. 1 M.OO. Any time wiil lie; 1 Mai tli 1H. I T. *. J. WATHOtf, j Proton Htatinn. 1 T sew I Earn A Salary ! Take nur practical Business or Shorthand course of trtinintr unit aee how *oon wo will have you earning a good salary. Every graduate helped. Enter any dny. New catalogue on request. Coltingwood BUSINESS COLLEGE T. E. Hawkins. Priiuipal Mr*. I'.itic i.,n of Shelburne i.m a needle in her knee and aome difticuliy was found in remoying it. Number of Penoni Who Share It With Safety. In ill'- realm of the multiplication table, where, for exnmple, t\vo und two can be relied on to make exactly four, reckoning Is easy, but when you leave the field of abstract numbers and deal with persons strange results some- times appear. Such a cnse is describ- ed In Lady Dorothy Nevlll'a book, "Un- der Fire Reigns." With regard to the number of per- sons who mny nufely be trusted with a secret, there Is no proverbial author- ity for believing It to exceed two. We are told In several languages that "tbe secret of two ia God's secret, the secret of three Is all the world's," and the Spaniards say, "What three know all the world knows." A gentleman who bad gained pos- session of a valuable commercial se- cret conQded It to a friend who ap- preclaated Its value. A short time afterward this friend came to ask per- mission to communicate It, under oath of eternal secrecy, to a friend of his wbo would be llkoly to assist in utiliz- ing tbe secret to the best advantage. "Let me see," nld the original pos- sessor of tbe secret. nuiUng a chalk mark on a board at hnnd. "1 know the particulars. That mukes one." "One," a indeed his friend. "You know them," continued he, making another mark by the side of the one already made. "That makes" "Two!" cried the other. "Well, and If you tell your friend, that will be" making a third mark. "Three," said the other. "No," wits the reply "111." Life. The Fint Society of Authors. A society for tbo protection of au- thors was founded as long ago as 1735. Authors themselves were not mem- bers of the society, which was insti- tuted for their benefit by noblemen und gentlemen, who subscribed 2 guin- eas nmiuiilly In addition to au en- trance fee of 10 guineas. Their purpose, as dcflnetl by them- selves, was "to assist authors In the publication aud to secure to them tho entire profits of their own works" I (hut Is to sny, they published books, but took no fees for doing so. They were amatcui";, however, engaged In trade in competition with profession- als, ami their enterprise was unsuc- cessful. Tbe society wus wound up in 17-11), and the balance In hand (20 12s.) was presented to tbe Foundling hospi- tal. London Author. Fled From Death. We questioned tho applicant for a position as luuadress. "Are you man-led?" wo asked. "No, tub ; 1'sa wlddub." "Ah anil your husband Is dead?" "I'assuh he's Blio' dald." "How did ho meet his denth?" "'Meet It? Laws, man, ho didn't meet It! Dey had ter chase him two mile fo* dey all could ketoh him an' put de rope roun" bis neck." Cleveland Plain Dealer. Had Foresight. "That man Mcbitnblo married has a lot of foresight," said Farmer Corn- toasel. "He looked kind of worried and scar- ed at tbe weddln'," replied his -wife. "That's what makes me think he has foresight" Washington Star. Routine Returned. AUster So you have friendly doings with your brother's people once more? Pat Yts, sir. His family and our'n ffo be scrtppln' ngnln ax If they'd nlver bin parted -Harper's Bazar. Bom* to tbe seminary of a)) ther In n. May Minnie Jeffries of Melancthon swal- lowed a pin which lodged in her throat . She was obliged lo go lu Toronto hos- pital to gel it lemovvd. Kev. Mr, Jones, former pistor of the Palmerstoii Haptist Church, is now a real estate agent in Ctlgiry arid has rea- lized a sni]',' fortune in the rising value of lands. In one trangnciion .'ilnne in- volving the sale of city loti, he cleaned up $20,000 tu the good. John, the little son of James Fuller, of West Wawanosh, was kicked on the head by a hoi.se on Monday evening and terribly injured. His skull as ciushed in on one tide like an egg thell and several square inches of bone were re- inwved from the wound by the operating physician, Dr. Kennedy of Winglmm, who was summoned by Dr. Klliutt of Luck now, to assist in thn case. At the time of the accident the father was in the itHll at the horse's head and the litile fellow was climbing up some bars behind. Evidently the horse, a quiet animal, and used to .the child, mietuok him in (he dark for a dog which has been in the habit of nipping the farm stock on the Ji.-i-Is and kicked in self-defence. - Teeswator News. A little son of Mr. Itodcn, throe years of age, fell into the Humber at the foot of King street en Monday evening and was cnnied down stream with the current which was quite strong. His mother plunged into the water in an endeavor to rescue her ton but was unable to reach him and lud difficulty in reaching the lank herself. Mrs. R. O. Train, of Albion, who happened to be at her mother's near by, was attracted by tbe oriuH of Mis. Uoden and rushing out and along the bank wadud into water to hei wuiit and wan able to pecuic the body of the lad as it floated by and bring it to j t le shore. With great presence of mind j Mi- 'I rmii brlil the unconscious boy head down and alluweil the water in ili .in from In body, and I >. -. Jackson anil \Viillacu who li.-ul been kiimmoiiud, aim-ill'.' i.n the wene, by hard work rcsucitAtcd the buy. It tvss a close call for the boy, und Mrs. Train is to be commended on her presence of mind and courage in gi.inif mt<> tin- swiftly moving l water to the rescue of the b->y. Bolton j Knterpiise. The C. P. H. 1ms 'i i. It-ii to errect a big $-40,<XH) .stei-1 litiiljr- oior tlie .Saugeen river mar tin- Wild lierr, and it U ,-x- pected the new utrnttiuv will bo com- | pli'tud tlnsmimniiT. A tempoiury wi-od- ! nn bridga to replace th onu cauied way by lliu freshets is undergoing con- sttuciiiiii, and it is thought will bu ready for tiHttic tins Thursday nlglit. - Itiuce HUM*. A Discovery oi Vast Importance It Is Now Admitted That Bron- chitis, Asthma, Catarrh, Coughs, and Colds Can Only Be Quickly Cured By Mixing a New Medi- cine With the Air You Breathe. Scientists acknowledge that medl- ! :ated air treatment la the only treat - . ii. M that will cure these diseases, ind that Ktomach medicines are worse .hnn useless. Catarrhozone air treatment ha* been 'ound to be the most effective way to uire all diseases of the throat, lungs, ' ind nasal passages. Its action if so I prompt that in less than an hour an . >rdinary cold ii cured, and after a 1 nore thorough use of Catarrhozone, Bronchitis, Catarrh, and all diseaiee if the throat and iungt are complete- y cured. 9 C'atarrhozone Is a very simple and HIWI rful method of treatment. You limply breathe It through the Inhaler j ind It Immediately passes over every ilr cell of the throat, lungs, and bron- chial tubes, curing and healing as It 1 ?oes. Catarrhozone treatment afford* littla liops of healing for sore place* in the throat, and nasal passages. His Prt. Llttla Hazcl-Pftjin, what did you lay to mamma when you made up your mind you wanted to marry her? Mr. Meek i salil, "Yes, dear."-Cas- noil's Journal. Catarrhozone Does This, And Cares YOU TAKE THIS MEDICINE IN AIR Price 25c. 60c. ana $1.00 at all druff- Jlsts or by mall from The ("atarrh- i/. MI,. Co., Kingston, Ont., und Buffalo ^. T. HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS TO Manitoba, Saskitchiwai, Alberta Sptciil Tr.iai IMTS Toroalo 2.00 P.B. on APRIL J, 11. N MAY 14, M JUNE 11, M JULY I, U MIS. , M IEPT. I, IT Secoad clu uckctt from OaUna Mtliaai to i>i mcipl Northwnl poiaU >l LOW ROUND-TRIP RATES \Vianirw-a d rr lura $J4.00t Fdmonion nd rHef $42.00. inH to other poinl* \m tfopOltlMI. Tkktl gooa to return witniB 60 tUy* nrocn fotef Jt TOURI5T SLEEPING CARS lot ubU bnihi. fniy iufn*d vrfi EtSSai. ess bs trly pplittlh muii bo OR HMUVCCKIMf PAMPHLCT cnltiuii HIM sad lul iaMBsdoa. Apnlx to Mann C.P.R. Ami et M. G. MURPHY, Din. P. AH.. Ti.. ONLY MRECT LINE UO CHN OF CAH While strolling through it Held on hii farm in Kuphiw.in i.. u ,l,i|. one day In.st week, Mi J. Knoll enpiuil what he thought to be n young porcupine Nunning liiniM'lf on i slight mound. Creeping c|iiii!y up to the uniiual, Mr. Knoll quickly despatched it with n club, and to In- lurpriae found ii to be u jot black groundhog. We believe this to be the first ever known to exist in these parts UB the clost inquiry from old timers fuilH to reveal another such colored au- imal Reflector. Mr. August Ritz was in the Herald office the other day and brought, to mini the fact that it was 25 years ago on Apiil 3rd that he found a team of horses in the swamp on the Pipei farm, south of Dnndiilk. This toiin in being driven out of Dundalk hy the owner, Mr. Donald Heif, of Cci'arville, ou March llth previous, ran away !iud were lost in the snow storm that was raging. Fwr twenty -three days and nights, with the hurness still on, the animals endured hunger and exposure until Mr. Hitz accidentally discovered them, after chey were given up for lost. The lines had got fastened and the horses had only a very limited space in which to browse during their long imprisonment. They wert) i valuable team, in gi>od condition, and came through the ordeal fairly well. -Dundalk Herald. NEW STOCK ! New Suitings New Pantings Everything New! CLEANING & PRESS- ING A SPECIALTY Solicited C. BLARELEY Jcraetleal "Ualtor Standard Bank Building FLESH EKTON, ONT. WE WANT YOU to examine the Corn King manure spreader. We want to show you tlie many superior features found in its construction. We want to explain to you how easy and how convenient the working parts ure arranged. We want to show you the substantial construction. We want to show you how by usiog the Corn King manure spreader, your boy can do as much work as a man. You will be surprised at the substantial construction. You won't find the Corn King manure spreader like other spreaders it is in a class by itself. Call today. Wo are reserving a catalogue for you. It is filled with valuable information on soil maintenance and fertilizers. It is yours for the asking. If you are not ready to buy now, call anyway. We want to number you as a friend. S. Hemphill, Agent, Ceylon, Ontario, Seeds! Seeds! l'oiiu> with the crowd- and get your Red Clover, Mammoth Clover, Alsike Clover, Alfalfa and Timothy Seed, (irain and Feedall kinds. Fresh (ii'ocuries always on the move. See our goods aud get our prices. You will miss it if you don't call on W. BUSKIN GROCER. Flesherton, Ontario. NEW SPRING GOODS ! It'you are disatisfied with your merchant, give us a trial. We know we can please you and satisfy all your wants in'Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Ready-made Clothing, Hardware, Harness and Imple- ments. If you are hard to suit, your the one we want to meet. Highest Prices Paid for all kinds of Produce. J. H. PARKE GENERAL MERCHANT Eugenia, - - Ontario.

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