Flesherton Advance, 2 May 1912, p. 1

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SUtoonte. "TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." PRINCIPLEb NOT MEN.' VOL 31, NO 43 Flesherton, Out., Thursday, May I?, 1912 W. H. TEDRSTON ami PUOPBIETOll Eugenia Paragraphs Married At the parsonage, Eugenia, April '24, by Rev. Peter Campbell, Mr. JL}, Wiltshire of Duudalk t<> Miss Ger- trude Achvson of Proton. Mrs. Len. Lntimer has i-one to Hep- worth to atteud the funeral of her aunt, who died on the 26th inst. Mrs. Herb. Smith of Kleshertou spent the past week with her s'ster, Mrs. Jake Williams. We are sorry to have to leport that Mr. W. G. (iraltam is -till confined to hj.8 bed... Mr. James Magce iia^ the carpenters preparing fur the erection of a new barn at in.- farm on the Tenth line. Mi 1 ". Woodlmrn is visiting heqgfriend, Mr> Thompson, at Flesherton. Miss Hilda G<Jldhawk of Flesherton fcpent the week end at Eugenia, the jjueet i Miss Neah \\ illi-tnr-. Mr. and Mrs. McKeown of Markdale are visitinc the tatter's parents. Mr. imd Mi-s. Fisher. Mr. and Mr. Weltoa of Fleshcrton were the guests of Mrs. Munsruw over Sunday. Mr. and Mnt. Hawkcti of Flesherton pent Sundny with Mr. and Mrs.R.Park. Mr. 'iit.J Mm. I. R. \\ ilium- spent >> inl,iy with Mr, i-iil Mrs. Feu wick ! Flesherton. * N"v! SaLbuth is communion in the Methodist church here. Special music w betog prepared by the choir. Tin- tirst tKto uf the season -s*iled through here on Sunday. Bom -At Stoughton, Stttk, * April 14, to Mr, and Mrs. Kdwanl Cuff, f 1*r*y then<_ for fne Kimberley Budget The farmers are busy seeding. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Fawcelt returned . In -in-' on Friday lost from Collingwood after it oleflWUlt ten days' visit with friends in that town. Mewrs. J. E. and Will G. Hammond of Meaford spent Sunday at their paren- tal home here. On Saturday last, April 27, Mrs. J.R. Fawcett made a rhubarb pie from rhu- barb grown iu their garden this spring, Miss Moran, our teclets times p sparing six of tret entrance examination. TF-w*uld Hurprwe you * kmw f tfceacreat gixxl fhat - iii-iiiis -li" by ' 'li.itiil'*',ii Tablns. Darius D,*v> v, of>ni>ei>K .1 unc- tion, N. H , writes, "My wife tia -lreu igC'humtjvrli" TaMotMkiid timk' th-'lo very tfrtual ami (loin* brt lots nfgoud." If you have any truuhle with .yrnwr -vniim-li n IxiweU xinr th a trial. <-'i -'Ur by al The weather bi!l <e-.mtifraiii cold, re- tarding gnurtJfc. Mr. Jack <*'Krior.-f &la*fctwle i visit ing his amit, Mrs. Wf i. H-umberstone. Mr. .luliii Muriii: iiteltUis son, Fred, at Thorubny4ut>VAeek. Mis. \Vltun *t : l! reinmm under tin doctor's eaf- Miss Mry j-lmtvifi' pen'-Utie week end , iu M.irkJU. Mr. TOOL HorVioK-le nfifc^ady is in ou vicinity. Mr. and Hie. llMiert Md%lullen visited Mr. and Mrs. Wv? flk-MuTen of Fever thain on StiiwiUyilnnt. * Miss Mary JtLm.'liei-8tui>e and Mr. Geo, Madden of O*pry visited the former parents, Mr. imi Mra.'Wm. HumbeJ *t one, ouThuawdaf last. Mr. Win. Allan, who hs; been viuitin * his nephew, Mr. lihompsiir., Jias returnei. to Ins home iu Mi 1-mii . . Horn Ou A|r*l<33, tu Mr. and Mrs * Fred Martin, iwse MUs .h-.n Maaee, o "h -rnbury, a so*i. Mr. Robert McMisllDn * successfu ^r. his lawsuit tti? tt * lls - Mr. Juiut Kindl>i v! Moaford, at th*. Diviu,-a Court ii fVshcrtoii, April 17. . i'-nar making is ;U ail end .lor another ' yenr. Tim season *r>w *>l.i-t, winter 1ia,v'n lasted so luu& Aj j x. Carrutl.ers ha<i .wooi bee last *fo. it wasn't j?i'own under ulna. Me. Kidd, a fruit exuer* 1 who has liarge of the expeviii'Cnial apple orch- i d-. has 4 number of men pruning and praying W. T. Ellis' orchard., Some of he local pruning experts are inclined to hink that the trees are pruned a little oo much. This same system of pruning laa been practiced in other parts of the jeorgtan Bay district with excellent re- ults. We are pleased to report that Mr. larold Proctor, who has been ill for the Htst two ur three mouths with inftainum- niy rlii-iiniaii'.i'.i. is now making favor- able pronress toward recovery. Mr. ( !...iru McClelland of .Johnstown, :**., is tint iciest of in- uncle and aunt, Mr and Mrs. M. K. Hammond. Mr. nd Mrs. J<*seph McCllous;h- of Maik'fiil-.- visited friends her en Sunday ast. Fever sham Items The Rev. Mr. Ketllewell of .Toronto, gave an interesting address on temper- ance in t|ia P('ebyt-erin church on We umlerstaml tliat there will be service in the Piesbyterian church next Sunday evening at 7 o'clock. Mrs. Ira Perigoe and daughter, Mrs. H. Alexander, are visiting the former's mother, Mrs. John < isborne, Sr., who is. very ill in Fleshevton at present, Married On Tuesday, April '22, M. uliii Elliott to Miss Bella Brown. The stiinaiih- couple will reside on the enth line east of this village. Con- rat illations. Mia HumburNtouo, tuauher at No. 5, jent Sunday with Misc Bcti Oaborne i this village. Died Ou Thursday, April 25th, the nfant son of Mr. and Mrs. James Conn, 'he sympathy of all are extended to the >creaved parents. Riverdale it Dundak It is li.i-< .y pruball.e .that Dundalk will be in tiw lacrosse f nine to tuiy xtet this cumin c a<on. A INIX . v was l...i '.- 1 with lumber Fleshertiir Station ir the Ull : It : wt yet liill< l>y th .tn.-iii durttis-t4?s uiicht, freight Ui along Hfi picked * up. Now the -car lust amdxhe luiufc-.-r canaot \tt 'fcut The-'onpany sutj eets that N<j >c*i unloaaed here. "V (Jetctiv m-n inO dalk-u couple u( days last wrek tt}>i<L' lomitr or i racu tfib 1 jBt. ilnior 's poultry !Wui*H ' i:.i.l escapu'.i-oiu tire T>i.<-^ii > nrn he tire siiioulilecifl tlin-ui*!i fch d pur?, -of the flvu* w -burned mi;. to*i) cur.taiiitid thii'ty :e all sufi> cated by tfot-oiiH&e. 1 MI readw swill li.-.-i- wi :: <i'-e( (f the denlh- of hic i .- tides Swin t*K Park. The ca w if*r:ut>rly HW 'fiinu th<) f_t of the fether'H deiL just few weekn^go from ttieiiMH: -Uroad di( use. lunw troiibl*. 'TliK ywt.-is lady * ho wavk. her twuty-tbird y--r. was c brivhl rd happy diM^OMttiun -.utid wi U- missed, both iu th huwo untl tKiiniiiu 'iiity. .The funeral tk -place en Mon kiay afternoon t" SintoitPaitk-enetery Herald. I.Aiiii W.- k is uaiuJy c ix"i% o< theui!i-s of the bailU, for ..ill liD'i'MtliiiiK better thin. ( hi !.:M]IIH!I Kill' N*le I". .IK I]':MH, . natixi yu e i i.iin th Mt.Ern. Moore returned tin Owen rftouM after a lengthy visit at J. 'Welch s. 'i'lit! Misses HumlMMtom liave re- tined *:> thtir respective schools after tin 1 Kiisl>erholiday>, al.so Miss lirudeifi' to 4icr |ii"f*WHional duties. ^ Mr. TlMMuas Camsck and Misses Myr- tle and Nettie, visited at W. J. Matin's 'n Sunday list. < Mi. .I-'hn O'Brien uf 'Markdale visited Jitmls in this neighborhood last week. Horn In Clarksburg, on April 26, to llr,. and Mrs. F. (i. .Martin, a son. Mi, Ernie Proctor nd Miss Kdna Ca- mai.-k >iited at W. J. Martin's Sunday. PUIICIII MoVauel, Sr., of Maple Grove, 'lini iinth, hid his shouklw dintocated ;C'-i"iy 1> .V bt-ing thrown ojjji *// hi HatherfaNB are busily enja<il iin i ua^tl'-u-suil and netting it, i-Bto.Vy tf *8ed, 51f*ii-s. C. and J. WitwtoH ^'oc-in ili<- l-ix: t sow. .Probably one of the wowt nil iiorm tii -ti hii; 'been felt for *iiie itHkio.. )i.-c- *Mr kist ITi-iiiay. Mwfci f .. Crowther rewwned 1e.r dtit-^ iu1t'<er a , pl-.-nsant visit with fiiteuuls u in .... I>un Turouto AMurkhxin and l).<ill:iriil MJ380K-W. Hawion nud B."' li. .( ui' .Fversham were calleik bunj; Iast4-,aturday. Mr. (. JJouse of the B. T. Co.. 'UP.-, wae iDuking rppiiirs on the phon lini!ast wek. Mm. K,ii-n..'ili mid son, Harol-J, Sunday witii .f'-icMids here. The Ornnga^ten of '.his pi-ice have de- cided to renov-wie their hall by putting a stone foundktuon under it and covering it with si re! siili.,-, ;-, also replnsterinir it, which will make it very comfortable. They have kindly ojusented to its use by the Sabbath school. Miss Mngsfie (iry <.f the South Line is visiling her sislei, Mrs. R. Winters. Mr. Herb. Irwin o< Markdalo "spent Kunday with friends liur*. A" item appeared in Tlw Advance last week announcing the capture of a black groundtuig near CUrkjfeutR. Last suni- iner whilu II Down and sou were j)low- ing they came across n grouudhug as black as it could possibly be, unj d >g sooji undo jhorl work of jt, Walkerton Licen.se Inspector Caniion ^ceived a IH--IIH for 9100 on Motid^f from Con- tabl Cameron of Lucknoir, which wi he !tiount at H line levtei on a Luck low -Iruj-gist. Tor selling liquor without i ioense. Local option ^tesn't come into 'rce in Lucknow tmfil May 1st, bu Jrcady one lUiiggi"! 'Has i{onc astray. I liable to iii.nce-m mortgage when i iiecame duc^ Mrs. <Hmes Garbutt it ta* ini( of the cup of swriHv which the hie )f Qioui-y i-.ri>|.,i-.. in thii work. Th fariii on WK.-'II she Jind her family hv long 1-ijep itvsnhw, has as a ..n-.- P.-H. l.i-i-ii ,<ol<i -UM-I h?r In 1 . nl, anil she and her -^ --lii'niT-ci must liinl eiaowhurc to la^ tbcir hth. As they Ixve no visible in"(iiM-tt suiport, their Jt is any- thing 'lit H l*<jpy one, mid i^lieir de- l>nrtu.i!(-.i'riii!i tbeir old home in ^Braut is likelv A > .411 d-ov.i as one of ifcf-saddeat of plh/viuiages. one liundivd -Collars and red B^iinsl * y>it!!y man i- MateiMtrate Tw*t-on here n ivt'ast for tiulUng a Habk ikf without it licenw. to Jam*>-. ',rii..u..i .Vutlett of 1 >nrl,i.vni tlio piwi<H-> .Su*d->y. * '*n bcinp -i>eit / '. and lined .foi earryiaf a vaviAwr .ii \Valkertwi. itlu-AJuuhiUje mau in the .tuurse of iJvt- of w-'iJ-ki-v iu town ani n-vualeU ti the vuuil, ll-e muue .' tho-iuuu who -ic l-.uv. tlij-l /.(-. The uA'tiHiler proved i. be..yuum; factory iMuid-wKi was in no v. n lei c-.niai aiv .onui'-u-il nli hi (u.the .ch;EKf, tiie ourr' yave !** a li*/n in high Ii DMUKK liy .xNseHaing -J:iui w.lk-ul- tl'o ai.-cus<it tctMiiiulii^'ly pak 1 .<ml ..'... ....;': rel v.-.. . I'.- u I m. Mr. Breadner of Markdalu was ,-i pleaennt caller in our bur" last week. We are pleased to report that Mr. and 'Mrs J. Neeley are able to be around again, after their recenc illness. The return checker Waterloo with the Wodehou.se champion resulted in another stupendous victory for the Uiverdale Imperial. Mr. J. Slepheueon visited friends at Cherry Grove on the first of the wek. F, Culling ha* accepted. slick osilioii wiili Mr. Baird Jfc C---^ tlivifr- ilu iuinber manufacturers, J. Boyd. thi) alleged "Hiverdale ramatist," renewed uci|iiaiutauces at Vodehouse lecently. A meeting will bn h.-l.i m the city all ou Friday evening, by way of re- rganiKing the football luaiii fur tho MOB. Assessor Glutton of Hocklyn, umde lis regular nlKcial visit; to thin vicinity it week. MM. B. Gibson, who has Ireen comc- vhat indisposed during the :--i>i montli, s tavin-iiilv feoupcrating at present. I-.'.'i.i Warling of \~andeleur, is th juest of her sister, M<<. J. Xeely, for few ekg. Tie Riverdale Booster saw mill is now al full blMt, an average of ninety logs pur day. Our euterpn*ni> business mau, Mr Jim Baird, renewed acquaintances ii Toronto last wi-ek. Mi.ves M. K. Wilson and Sara M i----.- .,.- i.;^..-. visileil fiiend hera o V- n . . Mws S. Hall <;f Ivermay, who assun jd ^-M-ofpssional duties in our publi s. Ti.."l ii K i: .1 <v. ,- . i . i-i-iuiy famous as tented . yi-nng iady. li--.---iiii.iri"! 1 . rli.i: a glorious old time M>*) of jilbilou it, to be celubrated at onu >f -Uie-divrrdale niajile s\rup works next v-,-k. TluuKe who are engaged in maple m.iliif,. operat ions in this vicinity k-ndly rv[uested to practically -!- istvt ; -heir hospiiahly by keeping land nu kinple supply of fat pork, dry cordwood, for the con- vcinenev of tho nocturnal hoodlums. Wu **ceediuyly reret to observe that the- hostile Pricevilli; (Vr., (Keciproi-i'y boi-;rj) takes such a profound interest in .Rtvtu-dale hnpMlltttJ(t, Tnforring fi-om tihe i|U x 'l!c anim tdvursion of i in- obwiletu political!, he is evidently nui-s- iu-.-.- big, juicy grouch towards a certain t'oim-rvative party in thii vicinity, and we- suggest on tho side that ho order *i<:ther yard of Boyd's celebrated grouch reiacdy, at the earliest possible occasion. A couple of j'niing men, residents of Sunnidale township, had a trying oxper- 1 ience last Situ rday night. They drove i into town to tunke a cull, tying their | ^ horte in the Methodist church .shed. ! During the evening the animal nmnaged to slip its halter, slip out without damag- ing the bu!tgy Hn J ran U P ''"* street, coining to urief while running into the Coughlin hotel yard. One of the shafts was broken and the horse bruised but no more damage done. The horse was tied up by someone and it remained there until iiiiinini'.', Mr. Coughlin kindly giv- ini? it a gotnl feed it) tlie uigi'iiiny. Tla- : joiing men tiioiiyiil the liorio had gone t home so they tramped the seveu or eight . miles, arriving at :! o'clock in the morn ing only to discover that their steed was somewhere else. Both are doing HS well <) could be expected. It is cuci-onily-i-epinted thtUr. J. &' ilhna, nf Barne, has been appointed c^ifitrar of deeds for Simcoc county, to 11 the vacancy caused by the death uf Samuel LounU The position is worth J2,WW per year. Jewelry A Splendid Stock from which you may readily make A Satisfactory Se- lection. We car- ry Photo Supplies. Ceylon VLi . il<W;>kMon --iW- /aas th' .winter .uion tkw ^uC' spetniini; r.-'.H- i:-.'i' ill Ciiloili Mr. J. Wi-.dlfi^dlii;.- '; to lli>, '. im- am' men , Iwve -;i Mi'. -J Mj. .J. Mrs. Bl.. Tucker s pl*xv ,ivu'.iiUy pur- Mr. Jlas. .Uenphill < '!'.ii,, >..'.'. ivh somu u :i>.'J<s MJ-II juuUu'Wtiilt ;ui .)|'ji;ilii;ti, i', 1 111,1 u^.; ..n ^-ii.ci relay to i.si.' lit dtrother, Mr. >. Meiu4>tull. Mr !,!:,.;.. many tntHidt; .liuin.- are pIiMSwi t.i.t.i'o him -llili- ti> !;' .tf.(,)Ullll Mgilin. Mrs. All* Alc\t<to is .111 tins <iuh lisi. .Mi- and Mr*, i'.. K.ulk'.v tiW .fuaiily x-i/F.'ir JSundajr wttb.MuxwaJl f/itad*. ti,-:. llax.xaid of 1i,.,r.i|Uo \;am .u able n'.iii! c-s c'li Sundiy uflcruooir heif. on Iv - liwf ,t the Douiiniou Alliance. M v Jonnie O'Mvlift visite<l her in.rl.-. Mr. J. Jjiiniett, s.mil-. Line, last .!>. M < ' hrtr'es fjittleof Gjllingwood in iu town i li.is i'i'k on busineM. We are (jleased tip repoit Mrs. J, L. wood and Mi-s. P. Muir abU to be iip again after their seiimis illnew, Mrs Bull from near Paisley visited her Ill-others, MesM-s Ut.ddie and Archie Stewart, last, week. It IK aadwttood (hat th>) Cafladian and United 8tates Govern menU have, arrived at, an agruement rugarding the lisheriuH, on poiiJt* left open ry T))0 Hftgm? award. W. A. Armstrong, Jeweler FLESHERTON, ONT. |-.>|.l. . Tlii i* linitai-y fife. r never wan a time wln-n !-*- i n nl ill, real intuits uf Clia Cfli Ki-nit-tly imiri- than now. ..ho* n liy the incrrUMMU Allies and WK.Knnniiilx friiin IKTSIIIIK who have <M .> it. If you or your rliililn-n ;u-. troiilile<t witlia i-ough or a culil x""-' it .. trial ami towme acquainted with its o.iil i|iiulitit>s. K<n -alv bv all <ii-alci*. Still After Local Option A .despatch from Owen Smind to the Msii Ki.ipire says : iJi-iiMi-r \\. II. Wright, noting on in- stcutti ins from .). D. SMdiiri, has scrvwd notice "ii the town council that action will be instituted at once to have tlie.lm-al nptiuii bylaw declared null anil vok!. Tlio aciiun in bused on irronulari lii-s KIM! lo him- l-ikcn piai.vat. the pull- in Itul .January when Inca) option was ^uslmiu^d by a majority of l-^t!. It was upon, thise 8HIIU- irreuularitli-N that five local (ipoion councilloi-s were unseated a lew wi-*k- .ig.i. As the Council is now :on*lituk'd the nmjnritv "f the membeis le nntis,..,-> clmt i- is unlikely that they .trill sanction any defence of the bylaw, in w^iic-h casui-Jt will pi-rforee go In the court uti-h'fndi->(. If the aiitiw press their actiV.n it IK u...| iniprobablo thai a similar notiiun will lie bexnn against the indus- trial and civic bylaws passed al the same i into HH Inca! o|rt.ion was Kii.slnined. Many Hii.siiiu8s<-o!U.Kcsci,>Ho for n , ac-ntion ilnrlnfi <lie iiminoi ".JJOTT TUJJOXTO. IJN'T,. iloes u ( ,f Now in an excllent 'iinet.o roiiiiiiuiicoa course. Write tor 5peclilist in dlti-ago* of thn Eye, Ear.Nose and Throat Office-30 Oth st. West, O-wen S ound Al, the Rnvere house, Markdalo, 2nd Phureday each month from 8 to 12 a. m. Dund-ilk, 1st Thursday of eaoh mouth. Here is an example : A farmer had a lot of baled hay. He reached several dealers by Bell Telephone Then telephoned mid ordered fX).x ear to suling. Received word when this \\as done and delivered hay. Cheque a few days later. Rural Line Extensions in this District are now being considered. Write for particulars to our nearest Lcx-al Manager or call al the Hell Telephone Co. office. THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA SEEDS SEEDS We are the oldest Seed Store in town and \vc only carry tho beet. A choice from the best hhuses. Come in and see them. Timothy Seed, Kcd (,'l.iver, Mtlitiiiiotli Clover, Altalla Clovci-j Alsiki* Clover, !Sewin Kiipe. Orchard tirau. Tin: Inist afsoituji- , ol Tin-lip Scl, Mangel Si':d and Sugar Beet. In Flour and Vegetable Seeds we can give you a bi^ (.-liuJL-i-. Sweet Peas gnu Nastnrtion Seeds in packages and bulk. In Corn wo have Crompton's Karly. Loii K fell..w North Dakota, Etc. W. E. RICHARDSON &. FLESMEI^TON SON Spring Suitings \\ e have just received our supply ol Spring Suitings lalt-st Pattorus-andin great variety. \V can supply you with the itokbitu!-. suiting for .spring and suiiinier done up in the bet style of art tailoring. Our price are right. Drop in and look at ou whether you order or uot. We want to make your Spring Suit. S. J. BOWLER, THE VIi[8k DATE BUSKIN BLOCK, - FLESHERTON.

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