Flesherton Advance, 2 May 1912, p. 5

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. . r * May U 1912 FLESHEETON ADVANCE THE STANDARD BANK 73 OF CANADA >*"*>* A DEPOSIT OF ONE DOLLAR is received in our Savings Bank Department, and is sufficient to open an account and entitle the Depositor to a pass Book. The nicest current rate of Interest is allowed, and money may be withdrawn at any time without delay. Saying* Bank Department at Every Branch. FLESHERTON BRANCA George Mitchell, Manager MJLA.NCHE-S A.LJO AT PPR.HAM AMP HARR.1JTO* C. P. R. Time Table. Trains leave Flesherton Station as Going North 11 .28 ..,. You may fish for trout now. Mrs. Edmunds of Arkona is the guest lot hersuter. Mrs. W. W. Trimble. Miss Ethel I, nn:ii of Durham WSB married on Wednesday of last week to "r. Green of Mrs. Green was follows : Going South 7.43 a. m. 4.33 p.m. 8.53p. m. The mails are closed at Flesherton u , follows : For the north at 10.40 a.m. and I a frequent visitor here. 7 p.m. ; aad the afternoon mail south ,it / 3.40 o'clocK. For morning train south I Now in the time to set rid of your rhrutna mail close at 9 p. in. the previous ev'g. ! tm. You can do it by applying Chamber ~ -^^ ^^ ^ ^ t lain'" Liniment nd massaging the well known in Flesherton, having been VICINITY CHIPS Mr. Oscar Phillips visited Collingwood freely at each application. dealor.i. For sale parts by all So Harsh and Drastic are Many Pills as to Seriously Injure Health. HILL BROS, MARKDALE In a letter written from his home In Valencia. Mr. Marsh Selwyn does ser- vice to thousands by drawing atten- tion to the injuries inflicted upon deli- cate people by drastic purgative pills. "For a. Ions time I suffered from constipation. This condition compell- ed the use of pills. Like many an- other. I made the unwise choice of using pilla that were like lightning in their activity. I began to be filled with intestinal disturbances, consume rumblings, gas in the bowels and diar- rhoea. I grew pale and emaciated. Then the doctor told me drastic irri- tating pills bad caused catarrh of the bowels, an almost Incurable disease. Explaining my situation to a friend, he advised a trial of Dr. Hamilton's Pills. I speedily experienced th* heal- ing and curative effect they exert on the stomach, liver and bowels. The intestines, freed from irritating drugs, rapidly regained natural tone, the bowels acted as if nature and not Dr- Hamilton's Pills were at work. I know It will be of value to thousands to know that a pill as mild and curative as Dr. Hamilton's is available to the ailing." For bowel disorders, sick headache, constipation, liver and stomach de- rangement there is no pill so invari- ably sure to cur* .is Dr. Hamilton's Pills. Refuse a. substitute. SoIJ in 23c boxes, all dealers, or The Catarrh- ozone Co.. Kingston, Ont. We are offering this week many reasonable lines of New Goods Winners. that are Trade A Case of Endurance friend* on Sunday. Miss Maud Richardion h.u returned of and of marvelous en to her home after spending some months iu Markdale. Miss Colgan, who has been with J. Bowler, left on Saturday to accept a posi- tion in Sudbury. Miss Maud McDonald haa gone to Cnllingwopd to take t position in the telephone office. Mr. J. Alexander has resumed his old / position with M. Scully Co. after spend- ing the winter in Dunculk. Mr. and Mrs. Jamea McClocklin spent a few days of the.puit wek with the latter s sister at Culpoy's Bay. Mr. Will Wilcock, who is atuiiying for a mining engineer at Toronto I'nivenity has finished hi* term and is at home. Mrs. P. Hclman.who spent the winter durance on the tea are now in vogue. A complete library of fascinating literature might be written on this subject, and no such library would be complete without a volume covering incidents that have occurred on our uil-iuJ lakes. Vessels have gone down in these lakea and taken with them every soul aboard. The list of lake casual ties is a long cue, and in- I eludes the loss of the steamship Algonu, iu Lake Superior, when only about twenty survived ; the Asia, when only two escaped ; the Waubuno, the Jane Miller and the Jones, all left no surviv- or* ; and the sailing vessel, jane Ward, froai whom fifteen or twenty escaped. This is only a very paitial list. la some cases much heroism waa displayed, and in one or two instances the endurance of the suffering aurvivors was something to be marveled at. la talking over these Dr. Hamilton's Piils Are Mild-Never Gripe New House Dresses. Waists. Parasols, Boots and Shoes All New, Nifty Stuff, both pleasing to the eye, and in touch with everybody's pocket book. When in town come in and see us, even if you don't buy. We will be pleased to show you through the different lines. House Dresses We hare just received a shipment of one hundred House Dresses from one of Canada's Best Manufacturers made from Ginghams, Cotton Voiles. Muslins and_Prints, beautiful goods. Asic to see them. Moderately priced from $1.48, in easy steps to ' $3.98. Print Wrappers This week we will offer tern dozen Print Wrappers, all collors and all well made. This garment i.s sold regularly at $1.10, this week, to clear at . 75c Farm For Sale We have instructions to sell LOT 3, CONCESSION 9, GLENELG And ure open for offers. KILBOfRXd KILBOl'RX Cweu Sound, Ont. Odds and Ends Parasols at Hal! Price We have just received a shipment of Ladies's Parasols. The handles are gold and pearl trimming, top, the kind you usually pay from $2.75 to $3.50, for this week while they last good quality .$1.48. Corsets MISCELLANEOUS This week we will sell live dozen pain Corsets, regular seventy-fire cent line, with suspenders attached, in only. New spring style. This week price* 1 at ........... white Men's Shirts We will sell the broken ranges in Men * Work Shirt. regular value up to ""c. all sizes in this lot, i[<iick selling priced for ..30c. with her daughter, Mrs. John Chard of Markdale, returned to her home here on Tuesday. Died At her home, South Line, Artemesia, on Monday, April 29, 1912, Mrs. Christeoa McKinnon, wife of K u quhar McKinnon, aged 72 years. 11 days. The Durham armory is being turned into a public school. This is all right, but shouldn't the Durham school board reinbursu the government for erecting the building .' The season just closed has been a good one for the manufacture of maple sweets. eted them somewhat, Prolmbly the gentleman who goes into it , , .. , . c . at the last raft, most extensively in this county matters it h a citizen the other day we were reminded of an incident that oc- curred in the Georgia-i Bay in May of 1884, which affords a striking proof ot what a strong man will sometimes endure and survive., Philip Doyle WAS a lumber jack aud WSH assisting in btinging a number of rafts of 8<{iutrt) pine timber down from the French. On a Monday night in Mny about 11 o'clock, Doyle left the tug which was towiug, with a lantern and a peavy, to go back along the rafts and see \ that they were safe, ae a storm hud buff- He arrived safely ... ... ... .. ...... ....... the slick* purled. ' His lanteiu dropped into the water and Notice To Veterans of fenito raid in tili and 7. Those requiring blanks for filing claims for Land Grants or bounty now being given by the Dominion Government, can get same by applying to R. J. Sproule. Flesherton. farmers, ship your produce direct to us Best prices ind prompt returns. Correspondence solicited. Dundas Pru- duce Co., 1791* Dundas st., West To | ronto. May 14 Court Yundeluer, C. O. V. will cele- brate on Dominion Day (July) 1 this year Men.' s Smocks and Overalls 10 dozen Men's Smocks and Overalls, blue only, regular value up t $1.<K) this week on salo at per garment.. (Me Hardware ! Hardware ! \Ve carry a full lint) of Hardware and Builders' Supplies. II interested get our prices before buying elsewhere. Ernest Morgan, and stone tuasnn. Eugenia, bricklayer Oeore Shortt of Osprey, who had under Doy , e WM , eft s[r||mled ^ a s(ick of tribute 1700 maple trees. We under- \ ^^ which rtoated e(Jge mMnf stand his product amounted to over three ; L- 11 TI ) his position very uncomfortable. The hundred gallons. , , . . . ( tug did not discover his loss for somo Autoinobiluts bound eastward will | tlme 811)1 Wa6 auMi to nnd hiiu . Doy i e evidently havo to make a wide detour for j c i uni{ to the i og with his i,, gs at an ,i c ute some weeks yet in order to get around j ang i e from lhe time we hiive sute j UIlt il the. following Friday night, when he was Rhode Island Red eggs for setting-- rote and single comb pens headed by two niand roosters. One dullar per setting for nwe comb, $1.50 for single comb. \V. H. Thurston. Fleslierton. the washout at the horseshoe hill. Council will meet on Siturday and open clst a!< | lore abouf mi i e east l)f Colling- tenders for the new bridge at the WMQ- j wot)d He WM in a a i ir i olls Cl , m litioii out. The obstruction ,nens a great j but wgs able to p( ,j n f u iiy make i lil( way carrier*, | to Collingwood, where he was cared for inconvenience to traffic, mail etc. About thirty-live lovers of maple tffy :ind recovered fully from '.ha effects. For four days and a night - he had clung to Miss Osbonio'a millinery at Maxwell will bo closed each evening except Monday, \\oilnesdayand S*turdy. Blacksmith I have re-ipeneil the .shp lately occupied by Mr. J ;i*. Lung and nin i',rt pareil lo do blacksmiihing of all kinds. Horseshi'c'ins' n*l rtpiriug a specialty. J. L. Morrisou, ARTICLES FOR SALE HILL BROS., MARKDALE. ! II invaded Mr. Cha*. Stuart's sugar bush ; that log and only a man of raajtniticcut on Wednesday nisht of U-t week per ' physique aud strength could havo tood special invitation snd boiled down a j it When his friends saw him they did physical ipuntity of sap to the taffy stage, after which they indulged to their hearts' con- tent. Soiuo of the party paid for it dearly nexi day with severe tooth aches. Mrs. W. J. Ross of West Toronto, aits. W. llnnloy of Ottawa, Mrs. R. Sn.ith of Mni-kdale and Mrs. IVrigoe of jPhelpston. on lot 1-', con. 4. Fevershain are visiting their inuthcr, >'f Fio?s. Mrs. Osborne, who is \eiy ill at W. J. Stewart's. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Otto- well anil Mis. U. Alexander of Fever- shani spent Sunday wiih M.IS. (.tebornc. "Word* arrived here Saturday morning not know him, *uch was hn ci'iulition ttfter the terrible ordeal, and be reuiained delirious fur some hours. It required careful treatment to bring him around. Doyle, we believe, still lives near township Hay loader for sale Apply-M N. Few- ing, west buck line (McKenzie DUIK-II fitrin). Proton Station IM >. A few Kgi? V;it fo Sale At les tlian half what they cot Id uwvuufiicture them, suitable for soft walii- cisli-tns OB for Unks to water cattle. 51. Scully Co., Klesherton. I have returned ti-tii Sew Vork and am now tkin oiders for Meu's and ladies' clothing. C. \Vulf. For Sle Twelve young pis ready to wean about the middle < t' April. Apply to A. MoMulleii, Flesherton. Fire c'id about S5.CM10 damage to the workshop nonnested with the Def and Dumb Institute At Belleville. Pojr appetite is a sure sipi of impaired ligestion. A few diwes of ChamlivrUin's announcing the /balk Sharp S( . omach and Liver l v il>lets will 8lrenK iiu your digestion aud iui|>n<ve ,i|i|>etite. Tbotia- andu h".ve been IwnetiteJ Ivy CakiuK thtie TahlelK. Sold by all dealers. t the Seo. Mr. Sharp was engaged in the- steel works llier* and in some manner is said to have been overcome by gns, although full particulars arc not to hand. Mr. Sharp leaves a wife and one daut-h- tor, married. He was a brother of Mr. Wm. Sharp. Mrs. Joseph Blakeley and Mrs. George Johnston of this town-shin, lso Mr. Andrew Sharp and Mrs. A. Kowe of Crystal City, Man., iin-i Mrs. ..George Wilson of Singhampton. Arnold Thurston returned home on Notice to Contractors Tenders Wanted Seed buckwliH.it fur sale* Mii^le Leaf. :it 80 cents :i bushel. Apply to Malcolm McDoiwiBd, LVylou. Our Clubbing List The following price* *r for strictly paid in advance subscriptionsonly. We have no accounts with other papers. Flesherton Advance t I C Yo-iths Companion - 00 Toronto World, daily Toronto Daily News 1 '<> Weekly Globe Mail-Empire Family HeraM & Star Toronto Star 1 jW Farmer Sun '? Farmers AdvocntJ Weekly Witness Saturday Night :5 ,' Home .J.uii'L'-l Poultry News ,. ; Poultry Review 40 II l and Uun niauazino U. I). -Mcldrum, Pwrelaw,. iewuer of Tenders marked "Tenders" will be received by W. J. Bellamy, Township I lerk, Fleshorton, for the construction of a reinforced concrete culvert on the ronil between tots 150 and l r >l, con. 8, Thursday last after a lwi> months' trip lo , jforth East ArtemeHH. Also for the Furope Ho uMUd Holland. Belgium, filling of. the > embankment where it has 9rar,.rkUttd Kngl'iiul. While U-en washed -twty. in London l.o had i>" experience with, T,nd,rs will be received for the work ,. 'coimi eti- or tor ouch part separately, citifideti'-e men in which the fetter iM'iie , , u Plans and specinVatious can be seen At out very much seo- u! Vest tad wH i |lu . ,, moe ,, f fr. ... UelUi.iy, Township sounds uluiost like a f'iiy tale. 1 t' 1 ' 3 rKik, Fleshoiti.n. ur 1. Trnynor, oont.st of witx Arn -Ul made m.iny fiiends Kiiineor, Dundilk. iiiiiiiiii; the Lioult n p.'live and del eelt v>- 'Hie lowest or at>y tender not necessuri- forei-. Ui-i e\'.-itiii eMu'VH'iuv w.-is in-ulc ; 1\ mvpted. anmtterofe..minent in all tlu- l.o.uu'i. Tenders wiilbe ogend A good lu>iius; and Iwt with stiibl* to nn'. in Kiin'-ma. Apply '' John H. Jaiiiie-mn. imiii-r, 10.1 Monlros*- Ave . Toronto, orJtoath:iu Latimer KUgenia f.o, - ~"t\Jt for Sale Heavy, nsiog 3 cheap. S. Heiuphill, Ceylon. tlo. J second hand bugay f>r sW. W. Heard, gravel road sour>. 1'roioii Station p. e. Dr. J. Ralph Smith OSTEOPATH OHict;and Residence 4t>S. i'tli St. Kast, Owen Sound, Out. Hours-!* M 1-J.i.m, I.:t0to 4.:W p.m. ; U) S p. 111. Other hours by appointment Brantford Roofing . Asphalt rooil- SEEDSSEEDS Eeunie's Government inspected Mammotii Clover. Alsike. Alfalfa; Common Red, Timothy Seed, and all kinds of Garden and Flour Sowing Kape, Dutch Setts, English Multipliers. FLOUR AND FEED Ogilve's, Royal Household, White Rose, Ford's Patent and Morning (ilory for Pastry. Brau, Shores, Coru, Chop and Chickeu Feed. Best Quality of Orooeties at. Prices always right, at The Grocery of Quality W. L. Wright, Grocer, Flesherton years, For alo cheap and easy terms, of rent _ imiiiisliiiie possession, first c'ass brick veneered dwellinx in Kugeuin, good fur- nc and soft and hard water in house, .splendid #ird<Mi anil orchard. Apply to It. .). Sproule, KK'sliertou, Ont. -'7cdtf For sale- Cheap and on easy terms, good comfortable frame houses and two Crystal rooflng and si ^. iiw ami siding, Rubber rooting, feteel p'orins; and s;dmu, Metallic ceilings. J. McDonald, Agent, Ceylon. For Sale or to Rent 100 acres, 91) acre-* cleared nnd in uon.l state of cultivation, luilsuce hard wood bush, s;ot>d frinoe barn, stcne fou'id;ituin. mAaUMiOffiUtd triving house, com- fortable house, never falling well and i-ood orchard. Tho above farm is only :: miles from 'he village f MnrkdiUs Apply to .lohn White or Thomas TayKu, Purtlaw p. o. NERVOUS, LIFELESS DEBILITATED MEN OVER OS YEARS' EXPERIENCE good villiagc to R. J. lots, in Fleshert'in. apply d.ulies. We hoj-o t jers-u-iUc him to wviie out the stoiy, together with -..'iiu- Othet im-MeiiK of li> tup, for the IKMIC- 1U el our readers. at 2 o'cl nk in. on May 4th, I'.M'.'. ,-it i lu- Township Mall, Fleslu-von. T. U. M.KKNX1K. I. TUAYNOR, Engineer. Lots fur sale at reasonable prices A number <( sjmul builJiiiL.' lots nn the late W. K. Kleshev estate, K'usb- oil.Toi-oiit i and Syilenlvill aiul Durham s-tv.t.s. .\(>i'ly'tJ li. '. Got'd yi'iiii br. od iiial'i'. general puv- for vi 1 1 1 . i !>', inctibn'or :m> Frtink r >.nler. Flcs YOUNG MEN AND MIDDLE-AGED MEN, tilt? victim* of early indiscretions and later ex. cesses, who are failures in life yuu are the ones we can restore to manhood and revive the spark of energy and vitality. IK-n't tivo up in ilespair boenuse vou havo treated with oilier ,!ivtors. used elcetrio belts and tried various drug store nostrums. Our New Method Treatment has snatched liiimirrusfr< m this brink ot despair, has re- -.' r.''l hnppiiu^&i to hundreds ot btmies iknd hits made suecessful men ft those who were **down and out.' 1 Wo prescribe spoeirle rem- edips for each indivulual case ace-inling to the symptoms and complications wo have no latent inctlicineii. This isone of the secrets of our wonderful success as our treatment, can- not fail, for we pr?senl*5 RHMAofl adapted to cucli individual ease Only eumble caaes ac- I !>'!. We hno darn buiineu thrauibout CAHftda for ovr 20 Yean. CURABLE CASES GUARANTEED OR NO PAY DCAnCD Are you a victim? Havo ymt lost nCHUCn hopf Are you intending to marry" I las your blood been diseased? Have you ao] I hope? Are you intending to marry? jlood been dtacaaedt Havpyouany IIJHkMM) Our Nev Method Treatment will eur you. Wuut it has .lone for others it will do foi you. Coiuultation Free. No matter who has treated you, write, for on hoiwst opinion Freo of Charte. Book* Fr l'oyh.Hi.1, Manhixxl. Kathcrlioovl." itlluslrat- cdj ou Diseases of .Mcu. NO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. No name, on boxet or envet- one.. Everything ConliJunhol. Qucition U>t mad Cott of Treatment FREE I OR HOME TRtATMEN Snr. 'TRADfi MARHS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS Ac. liiff n ^!^^>l^-h and deicrlnlloii miff anloKIr MMOTulhi t.nr ..pini.-n frstwhotliM n S" , "Jon l i-rohnhly M"^^*.^"?!"."^ lotivoonlUlontla'. HANDBOOK l% n i n .>iii n i-i.,. oiil"s; -lueiun forecurinKPlcni. " SSS lR?iBh M"" * f -, without cbnruo, in Scientific flsneiican. ... , New York inxiun, P. C. A hnnrtnonwlT HUi*tTtiU- ill DRS.KENNEDY&KENNEDY Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich. I ft T I ^ C A 1' letters from Canada must be addressed IW I IwCi to our C-.nadian Correspondence Depart- ^i tin in. in \\'iiuisor, Out. If you desire to see us jvrsuii.iuy call at our Medk-.'.l I nstitute in Detroit as we sec .ind treat no patienta in our \Vii:dsor oiuoes which are fur l>rre:pomleriec and utury fcr C.nia.!u:t Vu<i'ao-.< <-:ily. AiKlress all letters as follows: DRS. KENNEDY & KENNEDY, Windaor, Ont. Write for ourpiivaV aildrx-ss.

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