Flesherton Advance, 9 May 1912, p. 7

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BANISH PIMPLES AND ERUPTIONS IB THE SPRING MOST PEOPLE NEED i TONIC MEDICINE One of the surest signs that the blood is out of order 13 the pimples, unsightly eruptions and eczema vhat come frequently with the change from winter to spring. These prove that the long indoor life of winter has ha/d its affect upon the blood, and that a tonic medicine is needed to put it right. Indeed, there are few people who do net need a tonic at this season. Bad blood does not merely show itself in disfiguring eruptions. To this same condition is due attacks of rheumatism and lumbago ; the sharp stabbing pains of sciatica and neuralgia; poor ap- petite and a desire to avoid exer- tion. You cannot cure these trou- bles by the use of purgative medi- cines you need a tonic, and a tonic only, and among all medicines there is none can equal Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for their tonic, life-giv- ing, nerve-restoring powers. Every dose of this medicine makes new, rich blood which drives out impuri- ties, stimulates every organ and brings a feeling of new health and energy to weak, tired, ailing men, women and children. If you are out of sorts give this medicine a trial and see how quickly it will re- store the appetite, revive drooping spirits, and fill your veins with new, health-giving blood. You can get these pills from any medicine dealer or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes foe $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Out. THE WRETCH. ''Now that our wedding day is drawing near," she said, nestling a httle more closely in his arms. "I am beginning to be awfully fright- ened. Sometimes I almost fee! tempted to run away and never come back." "I didn't intend to tell you about it," be replied, "but I frequently feel that way myself.'' "Why, Fred ! I don't believe you really love me. You you heartless wretch ! I shall never speak to you again.'' Some persons have periodical at- tacks of Canadian cholera? dysen- tery or diarrhoea, and have to use great precaution to avoid the dis- ease. Change of water, cooking. and green fruit, is sure to bring on the attacks. To such persons we would recommend Dr. J. D. Kel- logg's Dysentery Cordial as being the best medicine in the market for all summer complaints. If a few drops are taken in water when the symptoms are noticed no further trouble will be experienced. "I saw Pibble standing on a cor- ner yesterday winding up his es- tate." "His estate V "Yes;adol- lt watch.' 1 Mlnard't Liniment Lumberman's Friend. Tommy, aged ten. had a sister named May, of whom he was very lend. May had also a lover who was very fond of her. One night when their grandfather called he asked Tommy "What do you call May's young man?" "I call him 'April showers,' " said Tommy. "Why," asked the old man, "what on earth makes you call him such a silly name as that?" "Well, you see," Raid Tommy, "he brings 'May flowers.'" THE Q TEEN'S EXAMPLE FELT. English Society Girl* Turn to Do- mestic .Science. Ever since his widowhood. Lord Curzon has devoted himself prin- cipally to the welfare of his three young daughters. Periodically a rumor is circulated that the distin- guished widower has chosen a suc- cessor to the stately Mary Leiter. The names of half a dozejn eligible women have been mentioned as the second Lady Curzon, but it is his settled determination to remain un- married. Although prospective inheritors of a brilliant position, with all the ease from arduous duties that a large fortune commands, the Cur- zon girls are being educated in a very practical fashion, indeed. Lord Curzon is so intent upon, inculcat ing the domestic instincts, for in- stance, that he ha-* arranged for them to learn cooking and various i kinds of old-fashioned needle-work. | This attention to the practical de-| tails tf ordinary life is in keeping with the spirit abroad in the more exalted circles of English society, ] and is doubtless due in some mea- sure to Queon Mary's influence. Several society brides of the imme- ] diate past were instructed in cook- : ing before their marriage. Thej Duchess <6l Sutherland had Lady Rosemary Lcveson-Gower taught ; to make Scotch cakes and biscuits, ' while the Duchess of Rutland's daughters know the mysteries of the kitchen as well as their own chef. Besides, many of these titled folk, including Lord Curzon himself, have a horror of the domestic re- volting suffragette. ALL GOME nm THE SAME CAUSE WHY DOOD'S KIDNEY PILLS CURED MME. DEFAULT'S ILLS. She Had Diabetes, Sciatica. Back- ache and Headache, but Found Speedy Relief in the Great Cana- dian kidney Remedy. St. Boniface, Man., May 6. (Special). After suffering for threa years from a complication of dis- eases, Madame Oct. Dufault, of 84 Victoria-street, this city, is once more in perfect health and Dodd's Kidney Pills are credited with an- other splendid cure. Speaking of her ure, Madame Dufault says : "Yes I am again a well woman, and I thank Dodd's Kidney Pills for it. I suffered for three years and I may say I had pains all over my body. I had sciatica, neural- gia and diabetes. My back ached, and I had pains in my head. I was nervous and tired all the time ; there were dark circles around my eyes which were also puffed and swollen, and heart fluttering added to my troubles. "But when I started to use Dodd's Kidney Pills I soon began to get better. I took thirteen boxes in all. and I think they are a grand medicine." Every one of Madame Dufault's ailments is a direct result of dis- eased kidneys. That's why Dodd's Kidney Pills so quickly cured them all. CLTBS TO OFFSET SALOONS. King (..-III-L-C Provides Homelike for Workmen. AN EXCELLENT REMEDY. Baby's Own Tablets are an excellent remedy for little ones. They never fail to re- lieve baby of stomach and bowel complaints or the many other little ills that worry him. Besides this they are absolutely safe, being guaran- teed by a government ana- lyst to contain no opiates or other harmful drugs. Con- cerning them Mrs. Sam. Le- gros, Ste. Cecile, Que. , writes: " I have found Baby's Own Tablets an ex-. cellent remedy for my little one and would not be without them.'' The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. INDEMNITY REPAID. A German statistician declares that the war indemnity of $^000,- While Watson Rutherford, a Liverpool M.P., has introduced a btil in Parliament to make British liquor saloons more like "a home from home," King George is tack- ling the. liquor problem in his own way, down in Norfolk, around his home at Sandringham. He has built a, clubhouse for hits workmen at West Newton, where liquor can be obtained in reason- able quantities under the best con- ditions and accompanied by com- fortable surroundings. This is to compensate the workmen for the prohibition vf saloons on the San- dringham estate. But some of the workmen live at Dersingham. a mile or so from San- dringham, and so far have counted themselves especially independent, as they are outside the radius of royal prohibition. To rope them in the King now plans to build a second club-house at Dersingham, as a Coronation gift, where the members can see all the papers or play at games while enjoying their evening glass. As for the country generally, every visitor to England from over- seas comments on the squalor of many of the saloons. The memor- anda accompanying the Rutherford bill says these saloons are mostly designed merely a places to drink in, with no provision as in other civilized countries, for the adequate accommodation of the public. The bill does not propose to take away any of the powers for police super- vision of saloons or to increase the facilities for more drinking, but it does plan to raise the tone and com- fort of the liquor shops, for the pro- moters believe they will tend to in- crease good order and national so- briety. TWO EFFECTIVE COAT SETS. Last season's suit may be given BADLY ULCERATED LEG. / i in-l!iik Cured Her when so Bud She Had to I'se Crutches. For varicose sores, bad leg, or chronic ulcers, Zam-Buk is without equal as a he-aler. A proof of this is just to hand from Montreal. Mrs. T. Edwards, of 164 Amherst St., writes: "Some time ago a bad sore broke out on my left leg near the ankle. For a week or two I did not heed it, but it got so bad that I could hardly walk. I sent fur our ' doctor, and he told me that I would I have to lay up with the wound. I did so for three weeks. At the end of that time the ulcer healed a lit- tle, but I could only move about by using? crutches. "The sore then broke out b.idly, and the doctor told me that the only thing that would cure it would be an operation, and that I should have- to lay up for a year. "Mv son had cured a bad cut on his finger by using Zam-Buk, and he advised me to give this balm a trial. I did so, and in less than a week's time it stopped the pain, 000,000, paid by France to Gormany ; a " "P-to-dat appearance by the] which had been so bat! that many : in 1871, has been almost completely addition of a set of new collars and nights I did not get a wink of sleep, repaid, as (Jerman losses at French , cu ^s. as shown in the illustration.! i n a very short time the wound was gambling resorts have amounted to j The upper eet is of black and so ^^ better th-it I was able white striped taffeta, with over-set; to move about an<1 do mv work i of Irish lace. Below this is a wide collar of white flannel, trimmed with tiny buttons to match the suit. $12,500,000, a year. TUB SEASHORE. The Grand Trunk Railway aims and intends to make New London A Thorough Pill. To clear the and its environments a popular i stomach and bowels of impurities persevered with Zam-Buk, with the result that the wound is now per- fectly cured, and the limb is as sound and strong as ever." Zam-Buk is just as good for piles, i 1 abscesses, boils, scalp sores, blood seaside resort. The first move in land irritants is necessary when their poison, festering wounds, cuts, this direction is the inauguration j action is irregular. The pills that j burns, scalds, eczema, eruptions, of an up-to-date night express eer- will do this work thoroughly are: and all skin injuries and diseases, (vice between Montreal and New Parmelee's Vegetable Pills, which! All druggists. and stores 50c. box. or London, which will have conncc- \ are mild in action but mighty in re- Zam-Buk Co., Toronto, for price. j tion at Montreal for passengers suits. They purge painlessly and j eastbouml and westbound between effectively, and work a permanent Chicago and Montreal and inter- ; cure. They can be used without It is Criminal to Neglect the Skin and Hair THINK of the suffering 1 entailed by neglected skin * troubles mental because of disfiguration, physical be- cause of pain. Think of the pleasure of a clear skin, soft, white hands, and good hair. These blessings, so essential to happiness and even suc- cess in life, are often only a matter of a little thoughtful care in the selection of effec- tive remedial agents. Cuti- cura Soap and Cuticura Oint- ment do so much for poor complexions, red, rough hands, and dry, thin and falling hair, and cost so little, that it is almost crimi- nal not to use them. Although Cuticura Soap and Oint- ment are solil by druggists and dealers everywhere, a postal to "Outicura," Dept. 5M, Boston, U.S.A., will secure a liberal sample of each, with 32 pago booklet on Skiu aud Scalp Treatment. mediate points. Such well known fear by the most delicately consti- resorts as F'sher's Island, Watch : tutcd, as thero arc no painful ef- Hill, Block Island ami Long Island, frets preceding their gentle opera- which are in tho immediate vicinity j tion. London, will of New London, will be reached with ease and comfort. There are splendid hotels at these places to The real thing in honest men is one who pays the widow that 85 he More young men might maua^e to earn a living if their fathers de- suit the pockets of all, and many elined to do it for them, delightful cottages are open to those who desire more exclusive accommodation. A handsome book- let, profusely illustrated, will be mailed free on application to A. E. Duff, District Passenger Agent, Toronto. Perhaps the worst thing about charity is that it covers a multi- tude of sins that should be exposed. Protect the child from tho ravages of worms by using Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator. It is a stand- ard remedy, and years of use ha\e enhanced its reputation. PLENTY OF CARRIAGES. Accordiiij.; to recent statistics, the population of Paris is 2,700,000, and there exists a carriage for each forty-one inhabitants and a bicycle for each sixteen. At this rate, mak- ing allowance for the smallness <-f Parisian families, hardly any one needs to walk unless by choice. As the. number of vehicles is duplicated c\ery fifty years. I960 will find the, number of vehicles in Paris to-i large for the city trvots to contain unless they are scattered evenly throughout the capital. A CRANK. "What docs your husband like for his breakfast?' "Anything I haven't got in the house." K*cp Mlnard's Liniment In tho house. THE DERIDED OBESE. "Laugh and grow fat." "Yes, and then get laughed at.' If one be troubled with corns ami warts, he will find in Holloway's Corn Cure an application that will entirely relieve suffering. SOME OBJECTOR. "Does your wife bject when you stay out late at night?'' "She couldn't file more objec- tions, my dear sir, if she were a corporation lawyer." borrowed of the late lamented just before he left this vale of tears. Tt Will Cure a Cold. Colds are ' . commonest ailments of man- kind and if neglected may leid to serious exudations. Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil will relieve the bron- chi.'il passages of inflammation speedily and thoroughly and will strengthen them against subsequent attack. And as it eases the inflaii- 1114 tion it will stop the cough be- c-nuse it allays all irritation in the throat. Try it and prove it. ED. ISMT tlK-12 at all." THE PROBLEM SOLVED. In sinking a shaft at a coliliery near Doncaster, England, water was encountered. It was pumpe<l out at the rate of 7,000 gallons a minute, but the supply see-med in- exhaustible, and the engineers were about to give up. But sonic Ger- man engineers came to the rescue. They bore<l holes around the shaft to a depth of 400 feet, lined these, with steel tubes, and puniix-d down a freezing mixture, which soon turned the ground and the water into a, great block of ice-. Through j this the boring was continued as: tlu- ugh rock; then the shaft was j lined with iron plate*. This done, warm water was pumped down the tuhes to tha.v out the ground gra- dually. The frost wall was so | strong that it has required three | months to thaw\ "Eh, doctor," said a gillie of a small Scotch town to a friend, "he maun hac been an oxtri<'r<.l ; larv man, that Shakesptviu.. Then- aro things hae come into his head that n. -,(! would have come into mine UPTON'S TEA Vv- SOLD IN V AIRTIGHT PACKAGES ONLY THE RIGHT WAY In all cases of DISTEMPER. PINK EYE, INFLUENZg. COLDS, ETC. of all horses, broodmares, colts, stallions, is to "SPOHN THEM" on their tongues or in the feed put Spohn's Liquid Compound. Give the remi;<iy to all of them. It acts on the blood anil (iands. It routes the disease by expelling the disease germs. It wards off the trouble no matter how they are "eiposed." Ab- solutely free from anything iniurious. A child can safely take it. joe and fi.in: < <o and tii.oo the dozen, bold by diuggists and harness aeolers. Uiairibatorat All WboleMle Dru-jgun SPOHN MEDICAL CO., Chemists and Bacteriologist* COSHEN, (NO., U. S. A. A BRIGHT OUTLOOK. Mrs. Much blest I feel uneasy. The baby hasn't cried all dav. Mr. Muchblest So do I. He will probably cry all night. A Pleasant Purgative. Parme- lee's Vegetable Pills are so com- pounded as to operate on both the stomach and the bowels, so that they act along the whole .alimen- tary and excretory passage. They are- not drastic in their work, but mildly purgative, and the pleasure of taking them is only equalled by the gratifying effect they produce. Compounded only of vegetable sub- stances .the curative qualities of which were fully tested, they afford relief without chance of injury. GOING TOO FAR. The Husband "Well, say what you will, my dear, you'll find worse men than me in the world.'' The Wife "Oh, Tom, how can you be eo bitter (" TWO TARTARS. Hobb "Is your wife critical I" Xobb "Frightful : She is almost as bad as my 15-year-old daughter." MInarfl's Liniment ustd by Physicians. FARMS FOR SALE. H. W. Oawion, Ninety Colborne Strict, Toronto. HUNDRED ACHES County of Perl. IN CALEDOH. ril HCNDBED ACHES IN CALKDON H CNDRED ACRES UOOD BLTLDIXO; Orrhard: near Oakvtlle. AN IDEAL FARM OF TWO HUNDRED and Ninety Acre* in Township of Hilton, ten minute* walk from Post'>fllce or Wharf: Fine Stone House and Good Bank Barn and Outbuilding. Implement* included in the price. Building* :ilon . -r nearly aa much as price atked. It i* i "nay. FINE THIRTY- ACRK FRI'IT FARM Good Building*: well planted: at IKN ACRE FRUIT Catharines. FARM - ST. IWKNTYFIVE ACRE FRUIT FARM - St. Cstharino. A LBERTA. SASKATCHEWAN. PRIT- -"\ inh Columbia ami Mani.oba land! in mall nr Inrirc block*. H. W. Dnwbon, Ninety Colborne Street, 1 OO AI ' I(KS I* OXFOIU) COI'NTT: Minard * Linimnt Co.. Limited. K>U. Pl '. -tn: frurno h"iiei D*ar. Sir*. Your MINARjrs L1NIMKNT '';""ber .if <>ur-hiii>dinff: rir-e. .000. ic our remedy (or mtrv throats, .-oiiit-. and Will XclUMfn for citv. 1"wn or vjl'* all ordinary ailmen.it. rrorr or 1- r smaller (arm. W.'-r. It never fail* to relieve and rure ' Real KTa;H. London. promptly. CHARLES WHOOTKV Port Mulgrajt AGENT" WANTED. -!< rn The modern girl is never satis- fied until sh gets a hat too large for her head and shoes too small for her feet. When Your Eyes Need Care Try Murlne Eye Keniell.v No Smartiuff FeeU Fine Acts Vmrklv Try It (or U<-l, Wruk, Watery K.vt-M and Urauulatcd K.velid.s. lllun* tratnl book In each Pavkntfe. Murlne Is ifioipounOiu) by our Ot*ulll nol a "l*uu*nt. M--J Iclno" but used in socrcssrttl Physicians' Prac- tlco for m. in, v.-ar>. Now dcdtcnlu.l to thr. Pub- lic and sold b> t>r uuglm s at 'Ac nnii Wo per Uolllii. Murlne Byo Salvo la Aicpila Tubes, 2Sc and iOc. Murlne Eye Remedy Co. Chicago Somebody has discovered that the hobble skirt does not prevent a wo- man from jumping to conclusions. ASK for Mlnard's and take no olhor. SURE PROOF. Doctor "What makes you think the bov isn't normal I" Mother "Everything. He was sixteen years old last March and yet he doesn't seem to think he knows more than his father." Don't be a quitter. There is still plenty of room in the hall of fame. \I;ENTS SI-RE MONEY-MAKER is >nr Dollar Book. ' Dernct:..n of Titanic,' het book printed: I'omniipo^on 50 r>r cent; o,itrH frep; frpigh- n.i:d: credit riven; EitcloKp noct.i(r<>, ten cents. N:rh<']* (V, Limited. Tcn-nto. Cnnrtda. KALE MEL' WANTED. RAILWAY AIJKNTS. TKLEHR APHKR8 and Clerk* in ir^na! demand through* out Ontario and North W<-t s.x m.'irru will qualify you. Day and Mail coun-en. Ponitionu wnriol. Free Rivik '8 explain*. Dominion School Telceranhy. Toronto. FOR SALE. ONE LAR<;E PACKAGE OK FANCY ilk pieces for patchwork, irinran- t<fd bet on ilic market, pontage |>aid. Z5 Canadi.-ni Hii-chti!d Supply. 132 Simiison Avc.. Toronto. HARBER SHOP AND POOL RO'l.MS. An excellent proposition. Price 0; terms. W. R. Scott. Whitewood. O EKD POTATOES L).\\ IKS WARH1OR" lUfJMM yieldcr HuHph test* 1911; niig ti. Liiicy. Mcmtton. Out. MISCELLANEOUS. [AY and FARM I fv-il.. VV.-rk-. BCALE& Wilson,* C^l ANCER. Tt'MOKS. Ll'MPH. ..f. In- ternnl and oxiorna!. cured wi'hoiit Dm by our homn treatment. Write u before too late. Dr Bellman Uedical Co.. Limited, CollinRwood. Ont. / TON 8CALK OUAKANTKKD. \> Sonic Works. V KspUnailr WRITE FOR PROOF PURIFICO GANGERAND TUMOR PURIFIED HiS BUM Or. Worse's Indian Root Pills Healed Mr. Wilson's Soren CURES I AND Canadian Branch : Purlfloo Co., Brldgeburg, Ont II -CM C'.EANEB When tile sewers of the boily howcls kidneys and skin ducts get clogged up, the bli>od quickly becoir.os impure and frequently sores break out over the body. The way to heal them, as Mr. Richard Wilson, wlio lives near London, Ont., found, is to purify the blood. He writes: "For some time I had been in a low, depressed condition. My appetite left me and I soon bcgaa to suffer from indi- gestion. Quite a number of small sores and blotches formed all over my skin. I tried medicine for the blood and used many kinds of ointments, but without satisfactory results. What was wanted was a thorough cleansing of the blood, ttul I looked about in vain for some mcdi- CIP' 1 'li.it would accomplish this. At last Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills were brought to my notice, and they are one of the most wonderful medicines I have ever teown. My blood was puri- fied in ^ very short time, sores healed up, toy indigestion vanished. They alwr.ys have a place in my home and are looked upon a< the family remedy." Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills J .ruse the system thoroughly. Sold by all dealer - ,:' 2ot- a box. Men's Suits BYil Host Work in Canada. U.ilrt M.lalit BRITIS* A*E ICAM DYMMC CO. P BOX- 11.1. MONTH-*!. CRBCWOTE] Protect Preserve Beautify Samplei and Bookloto on Application JAMES LANCMUIR A CO., Lim ted 13T4 1^"i8 OfTost TORONTO Maypole Soap 4 /%& DYES SO E ASIUY With Maypole Soap there u no tioublearn! no rauts 11 home dyeing. Dy cotton, wool, silk or mixture*. 24 colort-willgive any haHe. Color. lOc. Black I K at youi dealer's or pottpaid wil\ booklet "How to Dy" horn F. L. BENEDICT 1 08 CO. Manlrer.1

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