May 9, 1912 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE * Advance' Small Ads. Look over them weekly. There may be something for, YOU BUSINESS CARDS M CULAiOUOH ft YOUNQ OL lituken Marktlale .,eorl banking liuiiuesn . Money loaned at ruMonable rit Call on us. TCHI8LBTT, I'lMtmuter. Ceylon. Cqpuuissloner in H. C. J . Conveyancer, deeds, u>CrtK;t"i, lease*, will* etc. carefully drawn up olUctioui mad?, cbarget roaBonable, Alao Ktaror.BS. Hour, feed etc. kept ID stock. Prices R.i SFKOULE, Fleiherton oomminslonar in H.O J., Auctlonee Con- veyancer, Appraiser and Money Lender Koal Ktt anil Insurance Agent. DoedK. mortso'ni. leases and wills carefully drawn and valuations made on shortest notice oney to loan at lowest rates of interest. Col- eotions attended to with promptniwc cbaruoa low. Agent for Ocean Dominion rUuibip Company. A call solicited. Boar for Service Purebred Yorkshire Dear 3 years old, (or ertrlce on lot 35, on. 8, Artuuiunia. Terms 1.00. ALEX. CAMERON. GOOD POSITIONS AWAIT GRADUATES at I he THE DMcPHAIL. Licensed Auctioneer fot the County of Grey. Terms moderate aud satisiaction cuaranteed. The irraiigenientB and Jut,-, of rile, can be made a<! THK ADVAJ.CK office. Uonidence and P.a. Ceylon, Telephone connection. Dec. 6.07. OWEN SOUND, ONTARIO i Thorough courseo, Urge staff.J'excellent I equipment, our own building, and we guarantee {> place every graduate.lin a posi'ion. Ca'aloi-ue free. 0. A. Fleming, F.C.A., G.D.Fleming, Principal. Secretary. WM KAITTINO, Licensed Auctioneer for the counties of Orey and b^nco. Farm and Stock sales a specialty. Terms moderate satisfaction guaranteed. Arrange. SentrJlr dato. may be made at the Advance >*< or A: T. Hutcblnson's store. KeTersbam by addressing me at Feversham, Ont. R UDD UATHKWB, Markdale, auctioneer for the county of Orey. Good service at rea.uable rate*. Dates can be made at The Advance, o 09 MEDICAL , Physician, Bnr K eon etc Peter St.. Flesherton Office and roilden Jp OTTEWELL Veterinary Burgeon Graduate of Ontario Veterinary Collage. wl<ioce "soond door outh west. on Halrv .tree*. TbU ttreet rani south Presbyterian Church. Holstein Friesian Cattle Bull for Service 'I'anarylliitter Hoy Calamity. No. 10531. bred by H. K. Oeorge of Cramptnn, Ont. Hire, Mutter Hoy Culainity No. (7">50), Dam, Canary OoldleAti'iolpation No. (0313). Terma KeelB- tered c"W8 3.oo. Graden $1.50. TAMWOKTU KWISK Heijistore:! Tamworth Boar. Terms Gi ade Sow SI. 00. lirowu Lfjjhoru antl White Wyandotte Poultry. Block lor S]p. EKRS for Hatching, RICHARD ALLEN, Lot 170, 2 E.T. & 9.R. Flesherton. p. o. Bull For Service Thoroughbred Aberdeen fAiiaus Bull, "Black Dininond King," for service on lot 28, Con 4. (Jlenel*.-* W. H. 1'ATTERS'JN, Prop. DENTISTRY Dr E C. MURRAY L. D. B , dental surgeon j 'hono. graduate of Toronto University and Royal collie of Dental Burgeons of Ontario, SS aduiislutstored for teeth extract Ion Offica at residence, Toronto Street, Klesherton. LEGAL , TJCAB. RANEYA WALLACK-B.rrUter.. i L- solicitors. etc.- 1. B. Lucas. K. C.; W. J h. IUnt"V K C J. H. O. Wallace. Offices. ; rSrrmto H06-9T,dor8 liank BWg.. I'hm> | uitin 14 '2; Markdale Lucas Jllock, Phono 2 A. braucl'odce at Dundalk open every Saturday. WH WKtOHT, Barrister, Solicitor, Convey- ancer etc. Owou Bound, and Klesherton. H Kieshertou office. Bproule'H block every Saturday SOCIETIES A) U W meets 01* the last Monday in each mouth, In their longe room < say ton', ball Klesberton at B p.m. M. W., W I Bellamy : Bee., C. H. Munnhaw &U..H. J. riproule. Vultlng brethren invited PIUNCR ARTHUU LODK, No. IBS, A. FA I A U. uieetH in tilt Uenoulchal . Arm- strongs Block.Klesberton. every Friday on before the f ull mocn. C. H. Muishaw, W. II.; Tbos. Clayton, Secretary. POURTTLEBHEHTON, 00.'.. I. 0. F. meets In w Clayton's Block tbn last Wednesday nvotiini! of each month. Vtiitinif Foresters heartily wclcniiiu'C. H.. . Bellamy ; K. B., U, ( alms; Fin. s. < , W. Buaklu. Pleam pay duos to Fiu. gee. before the flrBt day of the month. Perfect Sight a matter of Foresight. Many cases of eye trouble are averted by early application of proper lenses. Present neglect means future trouble. W. A. Armstrong:. CANADI/ CHOBKN FhlBNflB-Kleslierton Council of Chosi.n Friends meet! In Clayton's ball Brat and third Wednesday of oach month H p. in Pay anHominorits to the Hecorder on or boforc- toe nrst tlay of each month. Chief Councillor t. rl!akelev;ltecorder W. H. Hunt. Tut Farmer's Club meets In tho lilh school Imil'lliiK on tho first Thursday In each mm. tit at H o'clock 11. in. Yoiiuu fanm-is pool ally Invitud. t'.Cliard I'resldmit, (. \\ . liollamy. Huc.-Troan. Tamwortha for Sale Ilotli ex nonrly rcudy for brooding;. I'rlcus h t (or quick stlu. OKO. W. HOSB. MaxweH I'. (I. Boar for Service Pure Hrt"l Tuinwi.rtli , 1' fur ncr\ii. 7Vrniv, 91, Ciwli. N. Ilin-llti, Maxwi'll, Out. Bull for Service HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS > TO Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta Special Traint Uare Toronto 2.00 p.m. on APRIL 2, II, M MAY 14, 28 JUNE 11, 26 JULY 9, 23 AUG. 6, 20 SEPT. S, 17 Second dm licketa Iraa Ontario itttioni to principal Noilhwnl pointi at LOW ROUND-TRIP RATES Winnipeg tod fetra $34.00; Edmonton uu! return M^.OO. and lo other points i:i proportion. Ticket! (ood to return wilhia 60 cUyi from noing date TOURIST SLEEPING CARS through to Edmonton TU Sukit ion. alte lo Winnipeg j.n.1 Cilnrr ria Maw Line on all <, ;... Com- locubU Urdu. (uUr tquipptd with bedding, can be . -. uirj .1 modenu met throuih local agent. Early application muit bo made. ASK FOB HME8C[KCRr PAMPHLET conlaimiK itteond full ,n. Applr to nearetl C.P.R. Agent or M. C. MURPHY. Dirt. Pa.. Agt.. ONLY LINE NO CHANQE OF CARS Thorough breil Hlii >t th. irn bull, \ MA, for service on lot In, fun. U, Oprey. JVili^w on application. Hervico, 81. (10 foi" graili.K tlic,r.>iilil.i.'il, $r>, :i t time f ervico. Full iric dhtrfad fr cows not Ud ' J.M. IIKIIXS. Improved Large Yorkshires A olioicc lot of yuung piga of luh K.-M-, ^linii-t r(l to wrin. Young m>\v, l.r.-il in I . i u.iryj regiittfreil Vorknliire bxmr. Ti-i'iiin $1.00. .7. .1. NROWN. VMwrtnu 1-ot Hi7, 3rd rniiK'', K. T. 8. R. _ FARM FOR SALE l.i.i No. isi; is;, in tlio Krconil run|( ent, Turiiiil.i :ni I .Syli'iiliam R.iml, Aili-tm -.i.i. oontainlng 240 norei of BrttoJaH laml ;K ..... ' litiil'ii:.).v, plonty nf wiitci, ni'ur eliurcli Mid . ilr* froiii I'ri.l'in St;tli..ii ; -'<! ifc-ri-t j:.i..<l liar.lwo.ul Inr h, linlancc rlriiml nil. I in . mil M.iti! "f l''"r pii ticiilarxuiipl) L.. W. .1. .1ACKHON, 1-H.ot 1' PHYSICIANS Failed to Cure Rheumatism Miss Flora Chapman Viv- idly Describes Her Suffer- ings and Ultimate Cure With "Nerviline." BUM. FOR SP.RVICH i.- I l.nll."l):nitlv -liin" M; I, I.. i ^. rvicu on lut I7, T. A S. If., Ar i i. '!'). iiliilnal i" "f n i"" a in etnvin. l'< h;:i. ..... i n|i|iln.'!i'.:i. Ti ' i. ... ti-rc-d *:\. .IAS. OT1NHON l'i ' Boar for Service l.jliire H"i f.i .1. :ir.l inn ' v. , V. A I . Bu'l for Service i '.a i.. ' i i ii'iii f .I . .'i. S., A Itiin. cl ii. I'u. I- o >\y iii il i - t'ii i .' l . ; . ; .. J M.IM !i I, T. A. .1. VfA i "Aftpr being nn enthusiastic user of Nervlllne for years. I fm'l it my duty to tell you pirHiiiKiliy \\liut ypur Won- derful prfparntlim has dniu. for in.-. "1 Buffered turliifi' from rln'iiiniiUsm and licnrt tmulilt-, frloil SCOI-OH of uo- cullcil ri'incdits, cuiiHiiltcd for vvcoks nnd montliH wltli 'J'orontu'g most (.inl- nont physicians, but derived only slight benefit, "A friend liiHl.-ilod on my using: Nri vlllnr, mid to my surprise a vlR- limns mlihiinr of thi.-i IMIV.I i-i'iil llnl- rnc'iil t-iin-d tlip [KiiiiM ana rt'iliiccil thn Bllffnrss In iny jniiitn. I mnttmnM In U8e NcrvlliiK 1 aim u;is piTiiiinii'iitly (in 1 . (I. I inn rimy |u rf.'ctly \vell, and fur Ilin-i.' yonw liavo liatl no rhtMiinntlKtn at all. I know inaity I'.uiiili. -.-, \\ In ' i .1 I'll.' I ini lii.'iM,. I,IH ilillf is 1. it In so un fill In'li CURED 3 YEARS miinn iii'iirnhda, c..ii)tli.'!. <-.dd.i, Illl lbgO, and tl .1. I 'iill Ni'i-vlMnc my " i liiard," . ...I ni>;, . : in try Its inrri!.' 1 Deo. 17th. 1 13 ralin. IH|,,II A vi nn. , Tiirmito. It. fuse anyiiiii - . e offei . ^l In; i. .M! of Nervlllni-. i.iie pi , I,,, ill,., tflnl . ... Phi l';Utirr!ii.:..uiu CO., l-vii . t"ii, l int. NERVILINE Cures Kimberley Budget Mr. George Hutchinson is the first to finiah Koeding, having tinished on May 4. Mr. 1 1 iii.-liiiisrin gets up before broakfsat. Mr. and Mis. Robert Holly of Mea- ford were visitors in our burg during the pusi week. Mr. Aidrew Fawcetf, accompanied by his mother, visited friends at Duncan recently. R. R. Fftwcett visited his sister, Mrs. J. E. Corbctt, at Dundalk last week. Mrs. D. Weber visited friends near Markdale last week. Russell McMullen of Eugenia visited with his slater, Mrs. Jasper Stuart, dur- ing the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Hammond and family of Priceville visited tho former's parents here on Sunday. Arnold Thuraton of Toronto, accompa- nied by his sister. Miss Dell, of Flesher- t "ii, spent Saturday evening and Sunday lost the guests of their aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Walter. Mr and Mrs. Johii Plewes are visiting friends at Collingwood this week. The many friends of Mr. Elgin Cook, of Vancouver, B. C., eldest son of Mr, and Mrs. Ezra Cook, former much re- B|it:t-i eil residents of this vicinity, were shocked to learn of hia sudden death, which occurred recently. While we have not full particulars an to the cause of his death, yet it is supposed to have been caused by a premature explosion of dy- uaraite. To the sorrowing friends we extend our sympathy. Messrs. George Hutchinson, George Burrit and J. R. Fawcett attended the quarterly official board of the Euphrasia circuit at New England on Monday after- noon of this week as the official repre- sentatives from the local church hero. Mr. Samuel Gilmore, one of the repre- sentatives from the Victoria appoint- ment, has been an official representutivu ofthoabu'ic appointment continuously for fifty-seven years. Maxwell The annual meeting of the Ladies Aid was held on Thursday of last week, which was well attended. After tlie business was transacted tho following officers were elected : Mrs. (Eev.) Phitmster, president; Mrs. A. N. Brownridge, Vice-President ; Mrs, C. M, Field, Secretary, and Miss Alice Fcnwick, Treas. The annual meeting of the W. I. will be held ou Saturday, May 11, at U p.m. sharp. A full attendance is requested, as tbu otliccrs will be elect- ed for the rn inn: year, aud final arrangements for the concert to bo held on May 14th, will bo made. A good program is prepared. We extend congratulations to Mr. John Coultlmrd who hus sppnt the winter in England, on his safe arrival in the laud of the inaplo unco more. The farmers a-e rushing the seeding. Some, are nearly through, all arc losing no time this beautiful weather. Mr. and Mrs. C. Kcrton are taking up their abode iu the village. \Ve wish them loug life and prosperity. Miss Osborne is very busy now in tho millinery department. Orders are coming in with a lush this (im; warm woulher. Priceville Jottings (muling and limit, fulling scoius to keep both thu nn ul ami in ban portions of the population ijnltu busy. Wo liavo not suou any speckled 1. 1. n.: ... an ,i|i|"'i'. yot Hint wunld I., i.i tbo r.icor.t, but wo ncttud agood timid hupciuiun of tho olhor kiml at Itivonlalo week liofovo lal, Wtiicii \vo .-, p. ' r to holtl for a conploof weuks lin ' M ii'iitillo purpoBiiH and well, fur Kcneiul amusi'munl tibpm-iully tho latter, Dr. J. .\. McLeotl nl Mussie, Ont., paid a brief virtit to our \ ti]ii r ;.i last HaturUay, Huv. Mr. Iioece uoutliiotod u sorvioe for the children iu the MotliO'lmt church last Sun.lai inoi'ning. lil-liiiKual Boi floes, (laclio eorvioen flrst Biinday in fiirh havo beeu arranged furiliiring tho Hiiii:inor suason, commencing in:.: Kunilay in May in thu I'.r i.\uniau cbuicli. TUa Wumou'ti Institute meeting for Mav -.van lutltl at tho liomoofMrfl. I. Mooro on Thursday laut. '1'htifoMowiug nlllctirs wore ulected fir tlio (in.Hiiilii; yuar : I'rukltlent, MisH Jonuiu McArlhur; Vice I'laa,, Mi . 1). U. McLean; Hoc. -Ti oii., MI'S J ounio Witaon. MI-K. !: M.-l'l, ill roturuod to lii.rlioine, O. D. lt.,iifu.| s)iiiniHiin luutuf thu wiiitor witu nor sous in tho \Vust. Viti could nut resist tho teuintation, noekbn- (oru In -I. wlniii thu tt.nyd HCIU 10 handy by, iiiuli:. wo itttRlillUiul to iitlr Ihnliui at'i .lull . lii : vtiMivins jr. liinufcntli in all his lit ry rii Hi, t in it I i UK volumtnof tlaiiit'.ijnautiticsof "ill lUctioillllU'H, 1I1IIM1IH Of VOllltW political lltei'itt in r, uii't i.hnwiMH of Vnnhuo tUunr, uinl now' fun Uiviiif,', liplil tu'ini; popHlaco ' in il.i. f\ t ninKn'ii tbo hill tops i, ml nn tlio mot 'b'ardi'iiH of tno liicbubt bulltUii(,'s, KHZ. I .1 il"' I i Him 1 phi'in.ii.f. Htm, Jontitin anil juliiiiK tit Its origin anil pro- li.ibl. tlniii.i.i:!. whilu HUM , pi iilnf lHii|;htor iiiK onl "ii Uu. fvcnlnu air. Thuro IN a liitio to Ian . Tliu win in : I <'Wt v cf inin rn Knixlay ni' la. and iilittl" <'M Mnii'la.v < \..nlni; t\-( Inivii inutlu a in M I." I iini'iiivi i.i nn thu ftrasi.. Feversham Items Ti, I I'.H nt'iM nru li'ivn lino ivtnthor for in.- "I llniii Livti uniii- ll.Hl. Ii \. boon 'i M' iu: cident happened iu this village on Fridxy evening lait. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Thorn son of the F.igth line had just stopped at Mr. Clinton's stole and M n. Thomson had flighted from the veichle when with- out warning an auto came around the curuer at the Temperance Hotel. The horse ran away and threw Mr. Thomson doirn giving him Rome severe bruises aud upsetting thu rig broke a good many dozen of eggs. The horse got tangled in Mr. Lushe's wire fence and was rap- tured. Surely this man who had the auto has had warning enough to be more careful. Mr. John Coulthard has returned home after spending the whiter with friends in England. His many friends here were glad to see him again. We understand tha t Mrs. Christopher Thompson of the 10th line is very ill at present. We hope to hear of her early recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Horton and chil- dren, of ColliuBwood, visited with Mr--. 1 It. 1 1 nn's parents orec Sunday. Robert Colquett ia on the sick list at present. Re f. Mr. Sifton preached his first ser- mon to the Feversbam Presbyterians last Sunday evening. FOR FAMILY^ USE An Ideal Remedy for Coughs, Sore Throat, Catarrh, Weak Chest. After having made a .'jipolal study Of the treatment of the throat and lungs for twenty years, Prof. D. Jack- BOH states that In his opinion no pre- paration for general family use is so efficient, so healing, so certain to cure as Catarrhozone. As his reasons for making this claim for Catarrhozone, Dr. Jackson says: "Catarrhozone is free from opium. "The patient can breathe Its rich, balsamic fumes direct to the diseased spot. "It la a remedy that treats and cures causes prevents disease spread- Ing. "Reaches the innermost recesses oC the throat, nose, bronchial tubes, and lungs. "Alleviates chest soreness. " coughing Instantly. "Prevents bronchial Irritations. "Relieves clogged nostrils, "Cures sniffles and nasal catarrh. "Prevents La Grippe. "Has proven Itself a cure for weak lungs, loss of voice, speakero' sore throat, asthma, bronchitis, catarrh, coughs, colds, and winter ills." Catarrhozonc is unquestionably the world's greatest breathable cold, cough, and catarrh medicine, and be- ing free from nil drowsy drugs, entire- ly safe for chlldn-n and old folks; It makes an Ideal family remedy. Re- commended by the medical profession, and sold by nil reliable dealers. Be- ware of imitations, get "Catarrh- ozone" only; large size lasts two months, and Is guaranteed, price $1; smaller sizes IJjc and 50c. By mail from The Caturrhozone Company, Kingston, Ont. CO RN S CURED ^W V^ Itt <t9 IN24HOUHS You cnn painlessly remove any corn, cither hard, soft, or bleeding, by ap- plying Putnam's Corn Kxtractor. It never burns, leaves no scar, contains no acids; la harmless, because com- posed only of In ' '. gums und balms. Fifty years In use. C;iro guaranteed. Bold by all druggists, 2Ct. bottles. Re. fuse substitutes. PUTNAM'S PAINLESS CORN EXTRACTOR HORSE. ROUTES Don Carlos THE GERMAN COACH STALLION islands l(i} 1 minis Weighs 1500 pout.ils ' Mnmlity Will IIMVO his own stnMo, ' Mrafitnl, to St. floorings hotel for noon, ihrn liy Olurknliui{r 10th Inn-, u> l'lun. Hill's for night. Tut'Kiliiy- I!y I: \ ..mi i to Mr. Thomp- son's, Mn, fur noon, thun t>y 4lh lino, 'O 9 and 10 Hidi'i'imcl and west, t.o tilh lino, thru .. n'li to John Tysoii'n, to#n- lnii', lor ni^ht. Wodnoadav Hy Hugli Thompsnn's Oornor n nd Fovi-raliniii to Mi>xwi;ll for iinon, l hen by Kuck MillH uml north ilirougli Kiigi'iiin to Kimlu'vley for niultt. ThniMiiiy I!y Ynndolt'ur nd Alox. I UiinyV Corner to Markdulo for tioon, tlion north to Win. Lyunn, townlino, for niyht. Friilny Ncrth to Thos, Findliy'.s, Wnllers Fulls for noon to Durry lino oy Gardonor's Cnrnor to Mvaford for ni 'lit. 8u( nrdiiy nuirnint; Home. Si u Ti'i-ni.s as to living colt8, JOHN FIDLAY, Propiiotov, Mcnford, Out. MAltNIX Moi.diiy Will Ifi.vj hi* own triable innl proucoii up i-iml lack lino to wi'hi I. n .. lino l.i iDHllliiui wust to for noon, tin n norlh, to Btrko'oy fir olght. ^JTiitifdiy- \\Ynl. of ltoiki>lt<y to Noirndn I > H line's fortuion, tOUlhwoat to l.'ortioch fi'i' oignti Wi'dncsil.iy Noiihnp lh GafifrAXn i-oiid di Williniiisfiiid for noun, then 1 1. .nut ('.'lit ro for ni' lit. Tlini,>d.i.v Nurlh i mi lu'ln iin<l n vjiiiiviii-,'..| in 'iTund uf llollind. tlvn north to Siitniii-1 llowcy's for noon, Ihi'ii I'.i.-il :i>.l.i|in SllthoflftOd'H fur ni:;lit. K'ii! ., inn. iiii;j South down tha 10th t ll^i 1 ,\ ,y In .lnl.ll 'rinilllp.n ill's for noon. .'.en li liir lo ' I.I, : Iliullt. S.iinn! ' y Down M-M n h l<> I 1 <'niin'r :n '!ii, 1. n... i i M.irhili!.! fur noon, and home to \i\* *n RI iMc liy n.iv uf ur ivcl lo.ul, wliri,- hi- wi.l until llio following Mi.'i ij v \\. .1. I.Ks Kit, Ravenna Intended for last week A number of fanners of this locality have taken advantage of the beautiful weather of the last few days. Mr. D. McGowao has returned home after Hpending the winter at the Northern business college, Owen Sound. The Ravenna spring hurst!. show, which was held on April 14, was well attended. A large number of young people at- tended the party at Mr. Art. Loughead'a. the other evening, quite a number com- ing from a distanca. All report a good time. Mr. Wilton Collins sold his driver to Mi. McDonald of Dundalk. Tho pur- chase price was 8165. E. Pinch and R. E. Gardiner madu a flying business trip to Hamilton and To- ronto last week in itearch of horses for i'le West. A meeting of the Ravenna baseball o'ub was held in the town hall Saturday evening and the following officers were installed for the season of 1912 Pres., Robert Walter** ; Manager, Albert Faulk- ner ; Capt, Ed. Pinch; See. Treas., Percy Collins ; Mascott, Frank Wagg. Directors Burton Carefoot, W. Collins, W. Weir, R. E. Gardiner. Any outoide teams wishing to arrange games can do to either by phone or letter to Robert Walters, general merchant, Ravenna. NEW STOCK I New Suitings New Pan tings Everything New! CLEANING &. PRESS- ING A SPECIALTY all Solicited C. BLARELEY ^Practical "Uailor Standard Bank Building FLESHERTON, ONT. ^=- =i Carefvl! You better be careful in the selection of your twine this year. Be sure you get the best. Beware of mixed twines, which are really composed of low grade manila. They are unsatisfactory at the best, and they will annoy you to death straightening out tangles and picking up loose bundles. Buy good sisal, standard sisal, or high-grade manila binder twine and save yourself annoyance. When you consider the satisfaction that sisal, standard sisal and high-grade manila binder twine will give and the amount of extra labor good twine will save, you will more fully understand the value of McCormick twines. McCor- mick binder twine is made in four brands sisal, standard, manila, pure manila. Every brand is up to the McCormick quality. You will get perfect satisfaction if you use McCormick twine. Don't be misled, come direct to us and we will explain the twine proposition. S. Hemphill, Agent, Ceylon, Ontario. GOING--GOING GONE THAT IS, OUR TIMOTHY AND CLOVER SEED JUST ARRIVED Tit-Id Ci>rn Crompton'H Kirly North D,ikoU Wliiio Op Iiiipiovtil Oiant Ensilage Fl:ix Seed Hupo Seed Millet liuckwheiit Sii^Hr ISect Carrot Se Sugar M ed igle Cut our Derby Swccd Turnip Put oh Sotts Spanish und Cookin Onions GAUDKN SEEDS Corn, Peas and Bfatis in bulk Kluwor St-i-ds in ]iackgcs Sweet in bulk. A full line of Groceries, Flour, Feed, Ftuit and-Confeotioney. All kinds of F*nn Product, such asGrai-t, rnl-itooa, Onions, Kjgn K'c. aud sold at the FLESHEKTON GKOCERY W. Buskin, Flesherton, Ontario. JUST RECEIVED A largo consignment of Eartlumwuro from Knglimd, which will now b sohl at bargain prices. Call and let us show the many di'si^ns in fancy China riatcs, ('nj)s and Saucers, Fruit Dishes and Salad r.o\v!s. Also a number of nice designs in (! lass ware, consisting of wale i Setts, Mutter Dishes, Sn^ar T.ouls, Jn^s and Pitch'.'! 1 Call and see the goods and get our pricea J. H. PARRE GENERAL MERCHANT Ontario.