QUtoottc*. "TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." " PRINCIPLES NOT MEN.' VOL 31, NO 47 Flesherton, Ont., Thursday, May C3O, W, H. TBDRSTON Eugenia Paragraphs (Intended for Last Week) Mr. E. A. Urahiini has sold his prop- erty here and intends taking a trip out west on Tuesday next. Mr. Alex. Cameron arm Mr. Oliver Turner intend /'.iiu west on the same date. Mm. Robert Haney and children have gone on a visit with friend* at Paisley. Mus M. Cooey had the mufortune to scald her hand very badly the past Week. Miss T. Armstrong visited her sister : Clarksburg, the pint week. Mrs. Irwin of Heathcote is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Armstrong. Rev. Mr. Wellwood of Flesherton preached to a large congregation on Sabbath evening, in the Methodist church here. Mr. and Mrs.Jas. Walker of Kimberley were the guests of the letter's sister, Mrs. T. Genoe. Miss Edith Hammond and Miss Katie Walters were guests at Eugenia on Sun- day. Mr. mid Mrs. Jake Williams visited Mr. William S'ewart of Flesherl.on i over Sunday. Mists ln Smith mid friend, of Mark- dale, visitod her aunt, Mrs. P. Munshaw, the past week. Misses M. Boyd, 'A. Trimble, M. Wil- ton auil E. Kurstedt. of Flesherto n, accompanied by Messrs. V. Kurstedt, C. Bellamy, G. McTavish and G. Mc- Donald attended service at Eugenia Sunday evening. Mr. Richird Smith has returned, after spending the winter with his daughter in Sarnia. Mrs. John Boland of Vandeleur gave Iler Eugenia friends a call the past week. Mrs. Fred Pedlar and daughter have gone on a visit with her people at Meaford. Born May Ifi, l'Jl'2, to Mr. aud Mrs. I s. b'enwick, a sou. (This Week's Items) Wedding bells are ringing. Born To Mr. and Mrs. Will llawkens, May UlSrd, a son. Mrs. T. K. Fenwick and Mrs. Paul have returned home from their visit with friends in Paisley. MI-.S Maggie Wilson is visiting at Mrs. Bolaud's of Vandeleur. Mrs. Wood burn and ^Miss Etta Thompson of PlesherUin vimted Eugenia friends the past week. Thu 24ih ol May was a red letter day in our twautiful village, with quite a number of picnics from different parts the county, also an ink-resting game football between Fevorslmm and Swintun I'nU ; g'inie result, one in favor Swintou Park. A good concert ended the day well. Mr. Tudor of Sarnia is visiting bin father, Mr, Tudor of this place. Mr. mid Mrs. Uol>t. Stuart of Kiinber- ley visited in Eugenia on the 24th. Mr. Win. Stuait of Parry Sound gave Ins friends huie a call the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Wes. .l.uniesoii have returned home after spending a few weeks with friends here, Mr. and Mra. Frank Cairns of Ceylor visited Mr. H. Cairns the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Hammond ol Pricevillo, and Mr. and Mrs, J. Stuar of Kimberley were the gueals of Mrs M M ullri, the past week. Miss M. McMullen of > Wodehouse speut the holiday wi f .h her mother here ; also MIRK Etta Latimer of Uarkaway, accompanied by Margaret Wiley, spent the holiday with her parents heie. Miss Bertha Williams is visiting nt Mra. Jos. Fen wink's of Flesherton. Miss Boyd of Moaford was i he guest of Mrs. Fred Pedlar the past week. Mi. and Mrs. Chaa. Mo'favish of Toronto ; Mrs. D. McTavish and hild- ii-ii, of Flesherton ; MM. Smith, Mrs. A. Stewvt and Mrs. Goltlhawk of Flesherton, visited Mr. and Mrs. .lake Williams the past week. Mr. Ei. Graham had the misfortune o step on a rusty nail. Miss Jean and Card. Graham have j,ane to Parr/ Sound to see their faihen ho is seriously ill. Mr. and Mrs. dake Parliament of lax well were the guests of Mrs, T. E. Tenwick over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jake Williams visited riesherton friends over Sunday. Mr. Fred McMullen of "Flesherton and iister Flora, and Mr. T. Wardrobe of Toronto visited Eugenia friends over Sunday. Mrs. Solomon 'furner has gone to Toronto hospital to u.idergo an operation or appendicitis. Mis? Ruth Paul and Clara Latimer of Hesherton visited their different homes here over Sunday. It would .siiri>rie you to know uf th {(Mid that in being iloue by Chamberlain's ['abli-ts. Darius Duwney, uf Xewberff June- ion, N. 15 , writes, "My wife ban been MS. ng Chaiuhvrlaiii'H Taliletsaiul rinds them very effectual ami lining her lots of gmxl." If you IILVU any trouble with your s'-oinach <>r X)\vel (five them a trial. K"r sain by all Riverdale Balmy weather. Miss Ida Thompson of Wudehoutio, isited Miss Winnitield Johnston, the irst of the week. Our efficient teacher. Miss Hall of Invermay, holidayed it the parental llorne. Mr. V. Knowlan of Markdale was a leasant caller in this vicinity recently .1. Boyd spent the glorious 24th in Jwn Sound! We are pleased 1 1 report that Mrs. K. jibson, who has been somewhat nulls H -ril during the past few months is convalescent again. A fast and furious electrical storm passed over this vicinity on Thursday evening One barn struck but not gnited. The charming young lady in this vicinity whose favorite song is, " Call Me up Some Uainy Afternoon, " assured- ly got all she desired and eared for last week. A jolly democrat loiul of our society jewels attended Kbene/.er Kpworlh League on Sunday evening, Messrs. Kobt. Mid Sc-th Henning of the west back line, visited friends here recently. The genial old stork again visited this vicinity on Wednesday ov ening, on this occasion leaving a dear little precious at the home of Mr, and Mrs. J. Neely. Congratulations. An inquisitive individual recently in- i|uired, what do you h iverJale citi/.sns do when it rains ! "Well, we just simply let it rain." The 24th was quietly celebrated here. S-me went visiting, while others in- dulged unsuccessfully in piscatorial sport. We are elevated to the seventh heaven of bli.ss by tho plausible testimonials of the recuperating Piiceville yell, Oh Jock! Our celebrated grouch remedy is evi- dently already achieving that degree of curative etlicicnoy, to which its marvelous properties entitle it to.but considering the frightful chronic nature of tbis singular case, we presume that several yards extra of our famous preparation may be required to ettablish a permanent cure. Fever sham Items Dr, and Mrs. E Paul and children of Toronto spent last week with the Dr's t iarLMits, Mr. and Mrs. John Paul ! this village. Dr. Paul is une of our young men who spent his boyhood days in Feversham and now resides in Toronto, where he has dental parlors and has a large practice. His friends were glad to see him and shake his hand in fiind- ship again. A number of Canadian Foresters from Court Foversham No. 534 attended the funeral of their late Bro. D. Cameron, and aloni' with the brethren of his own court at Maxwell performed the l.itl sad rites by following his reinems to then- last resting place in the Presbyteriau cemetery at Mclntyie. A large number of friends and neighbors gathered to pay ilu-ir last respects. Bro. Cameron's bereaved family have the sympathy of all. Miss K. Hale of Orangcvillu spent the holiday at her home here. MIKK May Whiieoak of Toronto is visiting at her parental home here at present. Mrs. DeLong of Belleville has been visiting in our village for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Lung and little daughter of Collinuwood, spent spent Sunday with Mrs. Long's parents, Mr. and Mrs. t-ieo Whitciuk in this village. Mi. A. McKean of L'ollingwoo^ was a visitor in our burg on Sunday. The I Mii/ii Sabbath School here pur- poses holding their annual picnic in the near f ul ure. Portlaw. Kev. Mr. Campbell delivered his lec- ture in Mount /ion church on Wednes- day evening of last week to a <>ood si/.ed audience. His life hittory, especially his experience a.s a missioniry among the Northwest Indians, is replete with stirr- ing incidents that wi.uld make very in- teresting book reading. Musical selec- tions WOMgivtm by Mrs. Campbell, Mrs. Wesley .laniieson and Arcylo Campbell. Mabi/1 Wilsnii is improving, although it will bo a considerable time before she is restored to perfect health. Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Meldrum visited friends in Toronto last week. Miss \\ utaon, teacher, spent the late liolidnys at her homo in Pricevillo. Mr. H. Arnott has been very ill lately. Mrs. Newell of Hadgi/rus is visiting with her daughter, Mrs. Gco. Wilson. Mis. Fred Pedlar and niece, Miss l)el- mer Pedlar, of Toronto, visited nt Mr. S>. Pedlar's. Mrs. J. A. Thompson spent suinc days with her brother at Mclntyie. Mrs. P. Somers visited Irieiuls in this part lately. Hev. Mr. Campbell was accompanied by his brother from Chingacousy on Sun- day last. Mr. vVill Jamieion ol Tui">nt<> nave a solo ill Mi. /ion church Sunday week. Porllaw streets are beiny watered reg- ularly lately. Vandeleur Happenings The remains of the late Ernest Bu- chanan, whose death via* announced last week, were brought to Flesherton station where they were met by the mumbeis of Prince Arthur Lodge, A.F. and A. M. and interred in the Meaford Road ceme- tery on Wednesday afternoon with Ma- sonic honors. The deceased, who was a son of the late J. C. Buchanan, was 28 years and was born and grew to manhood in this neighborhood. The large number of fiiends and acquaintances who attend- ed the obsequies testified to the esteem in which he was held. An impressive memorial service was conducted by Rev. Mr. Wullwood in the Muatord Itoad church on Sunday afternoon. J. I. Graham left this week to attend his brother (Jeorge, who, we understand, is dangerously ill HI his home iiwar Parry Sound. Mis.s Eva i .ii>, it 1. 1 Toronto spent the holiday at her parental home. \\ill 11. ui i- of Kimberley was a caller in "in buig on Thursday. Herbert Allen of Gleni-lu \isited in this neighborhood recently. Miss Vera Loucks of Fleshurton is vis- iiiiii! her sister, Mrs. A. Wyville. Jinu- liack is usiwl.v i-aud by rliftimatisin "I the mutclea of the bai-k, fur which yon will rind m/tliiM;, iii-iti'i than I ')uinil>rrlaii> '- Ijiiihiirnt. I "i *iile Vy all lU-ultTs. The regular monthly meeting of the 0. W. I. and Farmers' Club will meet together in the school room on Wednes- day evening, June filli, at 8 o'clock p. m. All members are pasted to be present. A good program for the,evon ing will be provided, also delegates from each society will be appointed t.o attend the dVrirl. annual meeting to be held at Rocklyn and convention at Dundalk, which unfortunately ire both on the date. During tho severe electric storm of Friday morning last the house of Mrs. Davis in Durham was struck. The family were all in one room when the bolt struck the chimney, knocked the stove pipes down, turnod_tho stove part- ly around scorched the wall paper and ripped the carpet. None were hurt, except Mrs. Davis who was burned across the foet slightly. William Watson, n ex-councillor of Egremont, one of the old residents of the towship, died recently. Apples That Keep "Georgian Buy apples have an ex- cellent reputation for keeping quality . I believe this reputation to be founded on actual facts of the case. Some of the most reliable apple buyers and handlers in the Province inform me that Georgian Bay apples are a safer pioposition for storage purposes than apples from almost any other part of Ontario. The reasons arc, 1 think becauNi) the Georgian Bay district oiijoj s a moderately cool summer -t i-mi, and apples ripou thereat comparatively low temperatures. Tho district has a short fall season, and applrs ripen > close to winter that they do not begin tojbritak down until late in the sonson. - Prol.J. W. Crow, Ontario Agricul- tural College, at Guelph. Wodehouse (Last Week's Items.) Most of the farmers of this locality finished seeding last week in spSte cf the set back, due to the snow stoiiu. Mis^ Ida Thompson who has been spending the winter in Markdale, is ill at her home here with measles. Miss M. G. Mi-Mullen spent Sunday week with her friend. Miss K. Latimer of Harkaway. Mrs. John Wiluy has returned, to h homo in Maxwell, after an extended visit with li lends here. Mr. Will Hicks and sister, Miss Adeline <! Collingwood, visited at thuiv grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A her- crouibie's, the patt wet'k. Mrs. Cook of Rocklyn is visiting her daughter, Mrs. C. B. Abeivi-ombie. Mr. and S. J. Wiley and family Mr- turned to their home in the west the past wurk. Hiss Hannah Bush has returned 'o Toronto. Our genial postmaster, Mr. K. Mor- wood, spent Sunday with his mother and brother of Meaford. Miss M. <!. McMullen spi/nt the week end hero with her friend. Miss Kva Kuskm of Ouoen Hill. Tho annual business meeting of New England Sabbath School was held in tho church on Thursday of last week, when it was decided to hold their annual picm on Juno lit, on the church grounds. Tea will be served in the evening, follow- e.l by a tirst-class program. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Wiley have pur- chased a DeLaval cream separator. Nothing like starting right. Miss Vera Langtrce is \isitiug bei aunt, Mrs. E. Wilcox of Vandeleur. Proton Station Mr. and Mrs. (icorgc McLean of Flint, Mich., are on an extended visit to the former's father, Mr. D. McLean. Mr. J. E. Knechtel of Hanover and Mits B. E. Becker of Toronto, were the guests of the latter a parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. Becker, Ust week. Miss R. M, Trelford spent Victoria day with Miss McComh at Durham. Among those who spent the holiday at Proton were : Mr. Greenis and Miss Floience Trelford of Orangeville at Mr. J. Trelford's ; the Misses Maud Boyd and Mabel Henderson of Klechrrtou wish Mildred Binnie ; Mr. and Mrs. Swift of oronto t Mr. J. W. Lyons' ; and Mr*. rooks and children uf Chatsworth wirli Ir. George Brooks. NOTICE McKecbute'g Public Broker's Hale DURHAM, opens SAT. MORNING, JUNE 1st at 8.30 o'clock. $40.000.00 Stock Now Broker's Bargains. 4 Saturdays, 10 straight 13ii9iness Days . All Come ! A. D. LEAROYD, 1S' K N E E R 88 Selling McK.echnie'1 Big Stock, Durham. Tho Kingston Standmd ays there are 15 fewer daily newspapers, 40 !ess weeklies, and 12 semi-weeklies in Cana- da than in 1911, the reason being difficul- ty in making ends meet. The struggle for existence in tho newspaper world has In 1 , mm' so keen that every year a number of papers are forced oat of the tield. Strong papers are growing yet stronger, and weaker ones must mil. Wages are higher than ever before ; cost of material is greater ; and ordinary expentes have alno increased, so that to-day the cost of publishing a newspaper is fully double that of ten years ago. The day is past when a newspaper can thrive in every biilc hamlet. The latest newspaper in this aecnon of Ontario to give up the ghost was the Midland Timer, and this after a three yer's struggle. During this period the publisher droppid his entire investment of over foOtK). Durham < >n Friday night of lust week the Me (jowan oatmeal .nills here wore entered the safe opened, and about twenty dollar.* and a few copers were carried oil To i'ct into the building, the door was pried open. Mr. .lames Uai gavel of Rock Mills formerly of Doruoch, was married ol Thursday of last week, L.I Miss Toplitic Tho ceremony look place at the home o t'.io bride's parents, in tho village u B*lh, county of Lennox Addinglon Mr. and Mrs. Uargavel returned Satui day to Durham, and after making flying visit to friends near Dornoch, re sunicd his duties this week as manager of the Kock Mills saw mills, where he is very popular, and giving excellent satisfaction. Chronicle. Mrs. L. Becker is visiting Toronto. with fiiends 5peclallt In dl*ca*ei ol the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Office- 30 Olh M. Weit, Owen Sound At the Revere house, Mnrkdalo, 2nd Thursday each month from 8 to 12 a. m. Dirul-ilk, 1st Thursday of each mouth. Thd Ladies' Aid purpose holding their nnuiil girdtn party on J une -Y Jewelry A Splendid Stock from which you may readily make A Satisfactory Se- lection. We car- ry Photo Supplies. W. A. Armstrong, Jeweler FLESHERTON, ONT. Fifty Broilers To-Day?" The chicken raiser, realizes the lull value of the Bell Telephone It Is the ready messenger which pleasures and work of the farm that the edge Is taken from the word "" rural. Rural Line extensions In this District are now being considered. Write for particulars to our nearest Local Manager, or call at our omce. The Bell Telephone Company of Canada SEEDS SEEDS v t 'r, Alfalfa Clover, Tim best assortment Spring Suitings Wo have just received our supply ol Spring Suitings- latest PatteruH and in great variety. We cn supply yon with the nobbiest suitings for spring and summer done up in tbu best style ot art tailoring. Our price are right. Di op in and look at our goods, whether you order or^not. We want to make your Spring Suit. S.J. BOWLER, BUSKIN BLOCK, - THE UP-TO-DATE TAILOR FLESHERTON.