Flesherton Advance, 30 May 1912, p. 8

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May 150. 191t> T II E F LE S H E K T N A D V A N C h 'Advance' Small Ads. Look over them weekly. There may|be something f or.YO U BUSINESS CARDS CULLOUOH A YOL'XO KaDkori -eoertl banklug bmloss ' <'!> t'rctionable rt Mane; lono <.'!> on us. TChlSbETT, I'oftiuniter. Oeylon. Cora ui utioDtr ID H. r. J .Convevancur, dds, iL-urtauci. iMM-f. willnlc carefully drtwu up olWtiuui mad.-. cbars reasonable. Also groceries, Dour, fe*<J etc. kept in mock, Price* turt.t. Boar for Service Pun MI ! Y.iik'lim- Hoar 2 yearn olil. for ervlce on lot 39, ecu. H. Artemenia. Terun 1.00. -ALEX. CAMKRON. (".(MID POSITIONS AWAIT GRADUATES Ht I lie THE DMcPHAIL. l.jc*nt<l Auctioneer for the County of Gr*y. Terms moderate and aiielactinn guumatceA. The rransunects and dalti of al cn be mule . Tan AuvisrK nILcr. Icwidioco auid P.O., Ceylon, Telepboue <>DneCtlCin. l>eo. C.07. ONTARIO YV'M KAITTISO. Liceoied Auctioneer for " the countim of Oi*y and Khnoo*. faru> and Stock ! Kpecialtjr. Term* moderate wtii-factiou gntrautted. ArranK- u;*cti for di'.H may be made at tue Advmce jffire. orA!T. HutcmnioDi itore, l-evenbaiu t y addrtwicg ui* at Ftveribain. Out. \ OWEN SOUND. ] Thorough courses, li-e staff, |. excellent equipment, our own building, nnd we I guarantee to place overy graduate in a | position. Catalogue free. C. A. Flem-nR, F.O.A., G. D. Fleming, Principal. Secretary. RUDD MATHK-V8. MarkdeJe. Licenced uc'.iuutei for toe county of Orey. Good M-rvic* 4t rnnnable rttet. Uatee can be n.de atTlie Advi>c. oOU MEDICAL DR CAKTEB MOP* 8 Or.t rlivnician. Suinrnn etc OtEcc and reiidence Peter tt., Klesberton JP OTTEWELL Veterinary Surgeon Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College. residence seau'l door nouth wwt;on krv ttreet. Tbil treet rani outb I'rt-al-yttnai; Cbarcb. DENTISTRY Dr. E. C. MURRAY U D. fi, dentil mi-goon bonoi criduate of Toronto Univenity and Hoyal college of Dental Burgeon* of Ontario, (ia* aduiiMiiutered for teeth extraction Uft.ce at residence. Toronto Street, KleSerton. LEGAL . UfAB, HASEY * WALLArK-IlMTiiters. I - isolicltor,*tc. I. 11. Lucaa, H. C.; W. K. luc-v K. (.; J. H. 0. Wallace. OBices Toronto. M6. Ti adorn Hank HWg.. pbono I again 141-2; Markdale Lucas Block. PUone 2 A. Hraiicliottice at DuuiUlk open every Ksturdey. HoLstein Friesian Cattle Bull for Service Canary llutter Hoy t'alaaiity. No. 10M1. bred by H. E. (ivorfe of < 'ratupton, Out. Hire, Hutter Hoy ( 'alamity No. (7550), Dam. ( 'auary Uoldie Anticipation No. 19943). Terun Hcnin- tcred enw 3.00. (trades *1.M. TAMWOBTH HwixK-eRinterJ Tamwortli Boar. Terms (iiaile Sow *1. 00. Brown leghorn and White Wyandotte Poultry. Block (or Bale. Kgss for Hatching, KH'HAHD ALLKX, Lot 170. -1 E.T. & 8,11. Kleshcrtoii, p. o. Bull For Service Thoroughbred Aberdeen AIIJJUS Bull, "BUck Diamond King," for service on lot 28, Con 4. Glenelif. \V. H. PATTKRS)N, Prop. WH. WK1GHT. Barriiter. Solicitor, Conrey- \ mucer. etc.. Owen Hound, and Flwherton. t W Flenheitou oCice.Hproule'B block overy Haturdav SOCIETIES A _ U W meets ou the last Monde; ' O in eaob month, la their looge room <'laytoD'hM Kleaherlon, at 8 p.m. M. W., W. J. lirllaiiiy ; Kc., C. H. Mnhaw; Kin.. K. J, KiirouU. ViiUlDK bretbrsn Invited DHISCE ARTHU'K UJDOE. No. :O3, A.F.* l A U. uieetH in tin Uanonic ball. Arm- itrons * Block, Kleaherton. every Krlday on before tnefull moon. C. H. Mu-mkaw, W. tt.; Tboi. Cltyton. H<H.r:*ry. pOUBTtFLKhllERTON, OB, 1. 0. F. meet In ^ Claylon'i Hlork the lait Wednesday evonlng of eacu innntb. Viiitln Foreiiten lieartily elcomeT. K.. (i. liellauiy : K. S . (.. ( lirn; fin. Bee, W. lti^l:iu. ITeaw pty dim* to Fill. Sec. before the flint da> of tbe mouth . Perfect Sight a matter of Foresight. Many cases of eye trouble are averted by early application of proper lenses. Present neglect means future trouble. W. A. Armstrong. rilUSEN KltlKNiDS-Kleiherton Council of v i i,i,s..|i Frl*ol rnet In Clayton's liall first and third Wednesday ofi'icl. mouth H p. m I'a.y ansMsiuenis to UuBscorde* on or before toe nritilayof -n. li uionlli. Chief Councillor 1. laklv;H*ct>rder W. II. Hunt. Tb Farmer's Club insets In tho bluli school buildinu on the first Tburwlay In eatli tnobtb at h o'clock n. in. Yoiinn isrmeiK pvcially inviul. K. < lirl l'n-1-idi.-m, (', W. ifellaujv. Kec..T-B. Tarn worths for .-ale Botli H-X nearly ready lor breedlnn. Price* rU'ht for quick *%le. CiKO. W. HOHH. MaiwellP. O. Boar for Service I'uic llnd 'I . n.v.. ttli 1', ..r fur strvi , II, (.'.ii-h. N. Ilinll,-, Maxwrll, Ont. NEW STOCK ! New Suitings New Pantings Everything New! CLEANING & PRESS- ING A SPECIALTY Bull for Service Tli<irnngliliril .Shnrtlmrii hull, l'.r":i<lh'...k I.md, f'.r sirvici: i.n l.il In, i'oii. !i, ()*|in y. I V.|i(;- i'ii ii|.|ili.-.iti..M. S.-i \ j.-f, ^l.iKI li.r grkdes tli.,i .M:'!.I.I. .I-, *J, :! at time nervier. I'ull ]>rit'- illmii;.''! l"r cuws no Nkurned, .1; M. I'.rRNH. ^7 Cull Solicited ;C. BLAKELEY Improved Large Yorkshires A i'}|,.iri l"l *.f jrotiflf lrf| of Ixitll 8f\'S, 4liuot ri-'l t<> wcftn. Yiimijr HOW*, l.rril in Kehnitry; r*K>iitpred Vnrkliir- \>nr. IVnns .(. .1. I1UOWN. ! l...liiTt.,n. Jx,t HIT, Unl riiK-. K. T. H. R. Standard Bank Building FLESH KRTON, ONT. FARM FOR SALE Ijut NIL iMi I' S 7. in the serinul rnn(?<i east, . Toroilt-i .III I S\i|. nli.iii, H..;H|. AllriiM ^i.l. containiiiK -I" ocr- <if lirt .hi-- land ; Rood i nil'lin^v plenty <>f uutri. near church and xch'xil ; threr inilcH (nun I'rolon Station ; 2<> ucr-B gnnA lianlwitfid limb, linlainc rlparerl and in K'""' "tnte nf i-iiltivHtion. For |>ar- Uculars apply to. W. .1. JACKHON, 1ft, H-t 1'ort I AW BULL FOR SERVICE Tboniuitliljw.l Hhorllmrn hull, "l)andy .Jim" C17K4, (or sfrvioc on lotlTH, T. A H. R., Ar- emChia. This animal I* of n pood milking "trUin. 1'wlisrroe on application. Tenrs, ( : rnden f 1 , r<-gintr^d 3. .1 A H. ST 1 NHON 1'roprietor. Boar for Service A ia'i''li '' '> --ik-iii..' Kostr for service onlotlM. SrdrniKe W T. AH. K., Arteuiesia. Tro>< 11,00' \VALLFH. Bull for Service Pure bred Hereford hull for erice oil lot 171, '! l. w. T. 4 8. S., Artemcsia. Term! H.iiO. Pure bred S.'i.OO. Any cow Dot returned second time wiil I..- charged at uiual raU. l March 13 T. *. J. WATSON, Proton Slat ion. Ear n A Salary ! Taku our practical BusineNs or Shorthand courNu of training and nee how BOOH wo will have you n.ii'i" a I'M-.I y il.n y. Kvcry t{iaduate hvlpod. Knter any day. New catalogue, on request. Collingwood BUSINESS COLLKOI T. E. Hawkins. - Principal Court of Revision Notice is hereby xivien that tlie firat of the Court of Revinion on the AsseiHinent Roll of the Townanip of Arteniesia for 11112 will be held at tho Township hall, Flesherton, on Saturday, !ho tvli day of June 1!U2, at JO o'clock a. nl. All persona who have made appeah are requested to take notice. The Council will me-t fur general buiineaH after the Court of Revision it jcloird. W. .). BELLAMY. Township Clerk. Heherton, May 23, U12. By- Law No. 3 A By-L<iw of the Village of Flesherton in the County of Orey, to raise tho RUIII of 9"^XX) for the conntruction of ce- ment tidewalks in the Village of Fleiherton. WHKUKAK the Council of the Corpora- tion of the Villuife of Flesherton Imve di' term int<l and agreed to niie the HUIII of $2<X)0.00 for the conntruclionof cement sidewalkti in tho said Villni<e. The .siiiuui.-il cost of (he Maid side- walks beix nbout ten cents per sijuare foot. Asii WHEKKAS to raise U'c said turn it will le necessary to issue debentures of the said Corporation for the sum of 8'JOOO as hereinafter provided, which is the amount of the debt intended to be created by tlm By-law, the proceeds of the said debentures to be applied for the purpoaea aforesaid. Ann WHKKKA it i desirable to nmke the said Debentures payable by yearly inctitlmenta during tin period of twenty years from the time this Ity-Iaw shall come into effect (being the currency of the said debentures) with interest there- on at the rate of live per cent, per an- num, such y tally sunia to be of such amounts that the aggregate run. nut pay- ab'e in each year for principal and inter- est in respect of the caid debt shall be as near as possible n|ual to the amount so payable in each of the other years of the said period. ASH WIIKKKAS the total amount re- quired by tbe Municipal Act to be laUcd annually by special rate for paying the si<id debt and intermt as hereinafter pro- vided is the sum of $1<>0 4!). Axii WIIKHKAK the whole amount of the rateable property of the Village of Flesherton according to the hist revised Asaessmont Roll is $114,!>44 W. AM> WIIKKKAS the amount of the ex- isting debt of the suid Village of Flesh- erton is 82180.00 and no part of the principal or interest > in 1.1 n , i . THKHKKOKK the Municipal Corporation of ihe said Village of Flesherton unucts as follows : 1 That it shall be law ful.fur the Reeve of the Municipality of the Village of Flesherton for the purposes aforesaid to borrow the sum of J^OOO and to itwue d- l.'entures of the suid Corporation to the amount of ?2<KHI together with interest Iheieoo at the riit of rive per centum per annum and shall be in the sums of in t less than $100 each and Khali bu sealed with the Corporate seal of the said Cor- poration and signed by the Reeve and 1'reiisurer thereof and slutll bo payable within twenty years from the date for this I'.ylaw to come into effect at The .Standard ISank, Klcslieiton, as follows : 2 The said principal rum in twenty annual instalments and interest at the ratu .if ore .said annually during the said term ; the aggregate amount of such in- stalments of principal uiul interest shall be the auni of $l<il).49 in each year. :t Kor the purpose of paying the said debt of ;_'"' HI. ni .,,,.. to cover tliuinterest on the said iiinollnl an aforeaaid, thi; sum S1M.4!* shall bt- levied by a apei-ial rate over and ahovo nil other rates in the same manner and at the s.nin- time as other rates am levird, tiplin the wholf tiixablu property in I lu> raid Village of Floaherlon liable to l>u rated therefor in each ytiar, for the period of twenty years fnim date hereinafter mentioned fur this By-few to take effect during which the -.ml debentures have to run. 4 This liy-law shull coinu into ettVct iininediately afler the tinal pacing there- of. ". This Ky-law li.ill be lubmiltui] for tlffc iiKsent of tho electors of tho said VlQagagu nf FleNbcrton iindtT the proviHiuns of the Consolidiitud Municipal Act mi Friday, ihu Hcvunth day of June, A. D. 1!ML', tt the hour of nino o'clock in tho IOIVMOOII. Tin. poll will be open to take the \otes of c|iialitied elect- ors of the laid Villngu of Klu.iherton on suid ){y-law, and I ho pule will close on the afternoon of the same Jay at live o'clock. " The place for taking the Paid vote and the Dojmty Returning I trlicor shall be at the Town Hal! in said Village. Dt-puty lU'turning Otlicor, W. H. Toonton. 7.- That on Monday tho third day of June. 1S>1 2. at Ihe hour of eight o'clock in tin- afteinoon at the Town Hull in the said Village the Reove slmll appoint in writing tho persons to attend tho polling place ft ul at the linal Biiiiiining up of this votes on Li-half of tho persons interi-sted in or opposing respectively this Hy-lnw. 8.--Tht! Clerk of tho siid Municipality shall attend nt his ollico in tbe said Villago at 'Z o'clock in the afternoon on tho eighth day of June, 1(1'_', to sum up tho votes given for and against this lly-law. Dated at Flvsherton the 20th day of May A. D. 11(12. NOTICE Tako notice that tho abovo is a true copy of a propiised by-law which has beon taken into consideration by (\w Municipal Council of tho Village of Floshorton, mid which will be finally paused by tho H.I Council in the event of tho Consent of tho properly qualified electors being obtained thereto after one month from the first publication thereof in the Flesherton Advance newspaper, the date of which first publication was tho twenty- third day of Mny A. D. 1M2. And at the hour, day and place therein rixed for taking the votes of the properly qualified electors, the poll will be opened. Dated at Flesherton the twenty-third day of May A. D. 1!12. W. H. THURSTON, Clerk of the Village of Fleiiliertoii. Poundage By-Law By-Ijtw No. 5 of the Village of Fleahcr- tun to prohibit and i egulato the run- ning at large of domestic Animals and Poulty. Be it enacted by the Municipal Council of the corporation of the Village of Flesherton and it is hereby enacted : - 1. That all by-laws of the Township of Artemesia regulating the running at large of domestic animals and poultry shall no longer apply to tho Village of Flesherton. 2. That it shall not be lawful for any horse, mare, mule, colt, liull, steer, calf, heifer, ram, sheep, pig, goat or poultry, of any kind, whatsoever, to run or be at large on any road, ttreet, lane or unin- closcd private property within the limits . f the Village of Flesherton at any time, provided that milk cowa not Wing breachy, niay run at large between tho hours of 7 o'clock a.m. and 8 o'clock p.m. 3. That Wrn . Burriet is hereby ap- pointed village Pound Keeper and it shall be his duty to receive and safely keep all animals brought to him and be governed in accordance *ith the Provincial Poundage Act, and by this by-law. 4. That W. J. Henderson is hereby appointed Poundage Officer and it shall be his duty to impound each and every annual tound running at large within the hunts of the said village, contrary to tbe provision 01 the by-law. 5. That the sum of fifty cents shall be collected from the owner or the person asuming to take charge nf the animal before ic shall be given to him by the keeper of the pound, provided that in the case of poultry ihe sum of twenty cents shall be collected, the half of which will be given to the person mentioned in clause four of this by-law, and the other half t<> the pound keeper, together with payment of all.accrued charges on ac- count of keeping and feeding such animal or animals or poultry. 0. That where animals i uniting at Urge are not found until after damage is done to any resident of the village then it shall be the duty of the person who tnnU the animal and to whom the damage has been done to impound such animals which have contributed toward the damage and take proceeding** accord- ing t<> the Provincial Poundage Act, whereby all parties will get justice. 7. That the pound-keeper shall be, allowed the following fees for fuedins; and careUking, viz. : any aniioal men- tioned in clause two of this by-law for necessary foj'l and lutes, the sum of 2iic per ruual, and f jr and poultry the sum of rive cents per head |>c-r meal for any necessary meals. K. That this by-law shall come into full force and effect from and after the first duy of Jur.e 1912. Passed in open council this 22nd day of May A. D. l!12. JOHN A. BOVD, Reeve. W.H. THURSTON, Clerk. Dr. John M. Stewart, a highly re- spected physician of Chesley, died after a long and trying illness. The United Stales despatche-J wirships to Key West to provide against contin- gencies in the Cuban rev.ilt. Many Business Colleges close for a vacation ilnrinii tbe dimmer LJJOTT TORONTO, OVT., dotiir noi Now is an excellent time to commence a course Write for catrlogue. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY SINGLE FARE Hetweeu all utationnin ranada, Fort Aitbur anil Rat. <<) Koing May 23-'24. Huturn limit, May 'ft. (Minlnum Itate ef &jc.) Homeseekers' Excursion May W, .June 11, 25, and everj Tuesday until Sept. 17 inclusive. WINNIPEG and RETURN $34.oo EDMONTON and RETURN $43.00 Propor tiooate rated to utber points. Return lituitfiO rlayB THROUGH TOURIST SLEEPING CARS Ask nearest ('. P. It. AgeLt (or Home- seekers' Pamphlet: TICKETS AND FULL] INFORMATION FROM ANY C P. R. AGENT UPPER LAKES NAVIGATION Steamers leave Port McNicoll Mondays' TuefidnvB. WedueBday**. Tburedays and Haturdave at 4 p. in. for BAULT KTE. MARIE. PORT ABTHUR Hud FOKT WILLIAM. The Steamer Manitoba, tailing trom Port McNicoll WednemJaye will call at Owen Boutd leaving that point lO.W. Steamship Express leaves Toronto 12.45 p. m: on cfciliue r !>* making direct connection vith Htemuereat fort McNicoll. 5. Rands, Agent, - - Flesherton, Ceylon Mi sues Myrtle and Lily !ta<lU-y tli-unl lioiim TbnrxUy in. in '1'orooto alter K w.i k - visit. , ' Miss Kliai]', inilliniT at Ur. l'attUon'r,-r|'ciit i :. . n ;. at liur home i Toronto. Mi" H. C'.li iiiaimpeiit the liuinlays w^h 1'er pareDtH in Owen Hound, Mi--. II. II., h.iao ami .lei u .t. i, MU- Hlldr.of T. . -iMi-.. i. vi-iiel . v.-r t, ! huJ lava st Mil tt. Cojkh. Mr. Brown, Toronto, spent a lny at ilr. s IlaiuplilllV. Mr. lluiiil upeut a tew days witli hi parout* ut Si. i-ll. in in-... MIL A, Cullun, Silver i i.-.-k. N,Y., in visiting lici xintor, Mr. Ho'jert Hut- ludgn. Mid oilier n -. ii.i- MI. Km. Ailanis nuil M - Wilson, Toronto, viitd at J. Adam .....Mi. I; .,i i .n i. ii-'. .11 and Miss Kiiruitu'. To routo, Npbiu tlie liuliday's at Mr. Gibson's.... Mr. i ... n . ( air u* and little son. Ctcil, I. -'I lor their l.ouif in VI anitobaoii Saturday Mm. .1. Asl.duwn, Oweo Kouud, called on frieidt* lieie faturday... Mr. anil Mm. Coleridgn and tl.rei ihildrc-n. Owun Sounil, npent n,.-jiii, with Mis I .',!. ilian Annie l.nnlish it visiting (IwiD Horud fik'iids... Mrs. H. Ja)iie and lister, .' . 11 i; ,Mr,i . . l .. 11,1,1 , I,;... arrived Bat- nrilay for a three month" viiiit with tlielr inotliei. Mm. A. /tiitl<"]|;o M,d llelle Me- l.i'intii-, viHJtliiK Toronto frieudH .. A number of our \.,,ai; people picnicked at KuKenia ou tlit) -.'Ith... Mm. MM. ..n, l. Markdaiu, IH visit iiiK ut H. Henni)t's....l(oy Piper k-ft TliurKdsy lor Tin onto and other poiutii on a tiip HI- wood Patterson of un|. ley spent the -<iu at J* Hailloy's. . .The MesrB. llaxter of ( 'olIiiiRwood wereKU9Btol tl.elr uncle, P. Muir, for n few days... Mi, Noble, who linn linen visiting Ins sinter, Mrs. Gib ion. for the pt few month*, returned to his home in Toronto. . ..Inn Me- M ulU i, returned to tl.e West ou Monday nftur iimndiiiK a fortnight with her parents. Horn -To Mr, and MM. H. llenuet, on tho 1'rd inst., a ilaiiRhter. Now i the tiuif to et rlil of your rlienuin- tisiu. Yon ran <lo it liy applyinn r?liainbvr- Iain's Liniment and uiHHsiiginK flip parts freely at em:li application. For sale by all dealers. Farm For Sale We Ime insl ructions to sell LOT; .1, CONCESSION 9, (i I.I NT Mi And are open for offers. KILBOURN d K1LBOUUN, <Jcn Sound, Ont. Shot Himself With Old Fam- ily Gun Sad cirrumfttittico* HUmmnil the ilunth of 'Walter \Vatkins, of L'rui^liurst, who c.nnmitcd suicide hyshoniinir himself wilh an .-In shot gun on Sunday evening. Watkins was a prosperous farmer of (14 yearn of ajjc anil was well and favorably known throughout tho district. He hud hecn ilespondont for sevenil month.s, and it is thought that illnrhs deranged hi; mind. He worried over the possibility of cattle feed riiiuiing short, and npoke of having Ui shoot some of tho cows. Another worry of which ho made much was a possible shortngo of wood. On Saturday he a.sisted with the "chores," and seemed to In- feeling bettor, but on Sunday he relapsed Into melancholy and told some of the family that he feared he would never be able to work again. At IIJB rei|uebt all the family went to Craighiint chuinh on Sunday evening and on their return they were shocked, to find him lying on the kitchen Hour with the old shot gun by ln aide, lie wa fatally wounded and ill In. null Dr. AtkihBon of I lillsiUK- was called, he huted but an hour, dining which time lie wan unconscious. Mr. Watkiim had lived in the neighborhood for nearly forty years, and was highly reHpected by all. The groiteRt sympathy i.M felt for his widow, one daughter and three sons. Batrie Advance. up Here's a Good HiredMaq You will be surprised at the wnount of kibor a manure spreader will save you. Try 000 and learn its true worth. We handle the Corn King. Thertic no better machine made. This machine lias a return apron, flCnvenient levers for throw- ing the machine in or out of gear, and it will spread barnyard manure of all kinds, commercial fertilizers, lime, ashes, salt, etc. A year's use will convince you that it is a good in- vestment, and you will be wUUaff (o admit it's the bst hired man you ever had. Drop in. Examine this machine. Compare it with others now upon the market. Let us explain the many excellent features found in its construction. Get a Don't put it off, but call today and start saving money. S. HEMPHILL, Agent, Ceylon, Ont. GOING--GOING GONE THAT IS, OUR TIMOTHY AND CLOVER SEED Field Corn (Vonipton'M Knrly North Dakotu While Cup (iiunt Ensilage Flax Seed Rape Seed Millet Hungarian Su^ar l!eet Mangle. Oi-l our Devliy Svreed Turnip Dutch Sftts Spanish :nd Cuo'::.is' Onions JUST ARRIVED GARDKN SEEDS Corn, Peas and Uean.s in bulk Flower Soeds in packages Sweet Pca.s in bulk. A full line of Groceries. Flour, Feed, Fruit and Confectioney. All kinds of Farm Produce, such asGrai-i, Potatoes, Onions, Evgs K-c. nought and sold at the Carrot Seed Sugar Mangle LKSHEKTOX GKOCERY W. Buskin, Flesherton, Ontario. JUST RECEIVED A large consignment of Earthenware from England, which will now be sold at bargain prices. Call and let us show the man designs in fancy China Plates, Cups and Saucers, ruit Dishes and Salad Bowls. Also a number of nice designs in Glassware, consisting of watei eits, Eutter Dishes, ugar Bowls, Jugs and Pitcher Call and see the goods and get our pricee. J. H. PARKE GENERAL MERCHANT Eugenia, - Ontario.

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