June 13 191-2 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE in ,lcsl)erton Q An independent ncws|.a|>ei, published every Tlinraday t til* office, Cvllingwimd Street, Klenherton. Sulmcription price |1 |*r annum, wii.-n |*i<l in ndv'ince; 91.50 when nut so paid. A<KertiiiiR rate* on application. Circulation 1.100 weekly. W. H, TlturHton i Keillor TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR- PRINCIPLES. NOT MEN June Weddings BARBON JOY An extremely pretty wedding took jiUoi; on Wednesday of liuit week at the home of Mr. .1. K. Fuwcett, :i7 Bellefair avenue, Toronto, when Alice, daughter i.f Mis. Joy, mid of the lite Mr. R. B. .1 .v, wns united in marriage tn Mr. Geo. Barrun, son of Mr. ainl Mrs. John liar- i-jn of 1'ort Rowan, t>y the Rev. A. P. Brace. The bride, who was given uway by her brother, Mr. W. T. Joy, entered the roinu to the strains of Mendellsohn's Wedding March, played by M'ru. James WoolingH. The bridal party stood under an archway, comooHed of white lilacs, lily of the valley, and ferns, caught up with bows of white satin ribbon. The bride wore a trown f ivory satin, enrich- ed with shadow luce and pearls. Her veil was caught up with orange blossoms add she carried . shower Ixjuquet of bridal roses. Her only ornament was a sunburst uf pears, the iiift of the groom Miss Alma Boucock, of Carstairs, Altn., who was bridesmaid, wore a gown of bisque measaline, with a corsage of ul and carried a bouquet of pink roses. The bride's niece, Miw A. Joy Fawcetl, was flower girl, dressed in white silk organdie and luce over blue lilk, carrying a basket of sweet peas. Her attendant WHS master "Bob" Joy, nephew of the bride. Mr. Arthur Barron, brother uf the groom, was best 111:111. The groom's gift to the brides- maid was a set of gold bar pins and to the l>est man a lie |>in, to the tlowor girl a blue enamel pin and to her attendant a sett of pearl culflinki. The tea room decoration* were of green and while, the aaiue idea being nrried out on the tables with while IOSVP, lilies c.f iho valley and ferns. The happy pair left for Muskoks, whore they will upend their honeymoon. The bride was attired in navy blue, with til;ired hat to match with touches of cerise. 1'iiILLIl'S RITHKRKORD A pretty wedding especially interesting to the nr w-]i.ijitT fraternity, > the bride is the daughter of one of our leading newspaper men, and the groom a mem- ber of a newspaper sUli, took plice at high toon on Widtn <Uy, wht-n the marriage was solemni/.cd at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Rutherford, .'ltd Avc., E., of their second daughter, Retta Jeanntte, to Mr. Victor Krnest Phillip*, of the Times stall', and son ' thtt late Mr. I'lullip* and Mrs. S. 1'liillips, Flesh- 11 'on. The ceremony was peiformed by Rev. Dr. Daniils, puctor of the First Methodist chuicli, and took place in the drawing room, which was prettily deco- rated with bridal wreath and white lilacs. The bridal party ntood under a dainty bell of the same Mowers, in front of the bay window, which was ulso banked with ferns, lilacs and .'1.1 wreath. Miss Ikttn Rutherford, cousin of the bride, in a pretty gown of amber- tinted lilk \oille, played the wedding march. Tin- young bride, who was given :iway by her father, looked very iweet in her wedding gown cf ivory Hiitin en traine, wiih lichu, and panel back of silk and gold embroidered, with trimmings of ball fringe and girdlu caught with a pearl -centred tlowor. Her veil of Brussels net I'll from u coronet of liliea of the valley, and wore the groom's gift, a necklace of peails and peridots. Both bride and groom were unattended. After the ceremony and congratulations, the guest N sat down to a dainty dejeuner in the dining room, where the bride's teble was arringed with a low bowl of whito roses, renting on a sinilax-wreathed mirror, and shaded candles. Mr. and Mrs. Phillips left by the C.l'.K. en route for Niignra Falls, the bride travelling in H smartly tailored suit of navy blue serge, with tan (ilk waist and hat of Ian, with lace liandinic and wing. The popu- larity of the young co'uple was well at- tested by lli.- large number of useful and beautiful Kifts received. Among the out- of town guests were Miss Vra Phillips of Flctheiton, Mm. Kvan K. Krasor, Ni- agara Falb, Mr*. S. Phillips, Kleshcrton, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfrid Phillips, Palmor ston, and \l Etta Rutherford of West Toronto. O. 8. Advertiser. MORGAN SMITH On June f>, 11)12, a \ery pleasing event look place i Laburnum \ ill., thu resi- dence of Mr. and Mrs. Adam Hinith, Kugenii.when the Kev. W. 11. Madden, uncle of the bride, united in marriage Misi Daisy May, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kinith, mid Mr. Win. K. Morgan of Artemeai't. At the appointed hour the bridal march wan played by Miss lieorgie Hmith, while the bride, support- cd by In- 1 father, and preceded by the prooui, was presented at a beautifully [,r. |.,ui il altar in one corner of the draw ing room After the tyini( of the nuptial knot and congratulations had I. rn ex- tended, the many friends sat down to a tastefully prepired wedding breakfast, which all greatly enj>yed. The bride Iran daintily gowned in cream tamohne :- i'k trimmed with ball lrine and carried tie<f of white carnations and lily of the valley, tin- gift of the groom. The var- ied and numerous gifts showed the high eatoaro in which the groom and bride are held. After the honeymoon trip the young couple will reaide in Eugenia. Henry, now of reeve Allen of Arthur tp., is laid up with an injured hand, three Imr.eH having txten broken in it one day the put week. The accident occurred while ploughing, he wound the line* around hie hand in such a way that when one of the homes he was driving pulled heavily on the bit it tightened the line to xuch an extent as to crush the floih and break the bones of Die hand. -Rep. A severe frost did some damage in Welland district. Mr. \\ ilii'i.n Reynolds. County Troas" urerof Wellington, died at Guelph. The weather <>n Saturday morning was the coldest in June for thirty yeari. Mr. Jas Best, of Nonnanby, is digging bis la.-it year's potatoes tl.ia spring out of tin- hilU from which he was unable to take them last fall before the winter set i '. Ho rind* they kept perfectly under the mow. The wife of a Methodist minister in West Virginia has been married three times. Her maiden name was Partridge, her first huslxtnd was named Robin, her second Sparrow, and the present one Vusil. There a-e now two 1 ttle Robins, one little Sparrow, und tlm 1 ' 1 little Vails in the family. Rev. Mr. Phalen, pastor of the Presbyterian Church, luffered a paralytic stroke down hU ri^ht side on Saturday and on Sunday he was reported to have been in a ciiliutl ci'iidition. Mr. Plialen has been assisting Rev. Mr. Beveridge in evangelistic services at Temple Hill, and it is believed he over- taxed his strength. It may be consider- able i mi-- before he will be able to occupy his pulpit. The greatest sympathy of the citizens of the communitX is extend- ed to Mr. I'll i! n, and all sincerely hope that he may speedily recover his wonted vigor. Standard, NEW STOCK ! New Suitings New Pantings Everything Njew ! CLEANING A. PRESS- ING A SPECIALTY all Solicited C. BLARELEY ^Practical Z/ai/or Standard Bank Building FLESHERTON, ONT. JUST RECEIVED A large consignment of Earthenware from Engliind, which will now be sold at bargain prices. Call and let us show the man designs in fancy China Plates. Cups and Saucers, ruit Dishes and Salad Howls. Also a number of nice designs in Glassware, consisting of watei uts, Putttr liis-lcs, ugar Bowls, Jugs and Pitcher Call and see the goods and get our pricee. J. H. PARRE GENERAL MERCHANT Eugenia, - = Ontario. CLAYTON'S Boots and Shoes Do you want something neat and nice in Boots or Shoes ? We have some in Ladies Patent, Gun Metal and Tan, either Button or Lace, also Pumps, in the Latest Styles, both Tan and Patent. In Mdn's wear we have a big stock in the Latest Shapes from $2.25 to $5.00 per pair Trunks, Suit Cases and Telescopes, REPAIRING AS USUAL. YOV ME T/IK0W/NG f|f MONEY ',__ every day you continue to .skim the civam from your milk by using the old gravity setting method I ' * <>i You can't get till the butter fat and if you don't get all the butter fat, you are not getting till the profit there is in Get a Dairymaid Creain Harvester; try it for a month, ami it will .save you both time and money. - - \ It gets all tin* butter fat from the milk, and it will save enough to pay for itself in less than a year. i Call and let us explain why it is to your advantage to use a Cream Harvester and the Dairymaid in particular. This nuiehine has many advantages which other machines do not have. Vou want the best Creain Separator there is on the market, and you will get it if you come to us and buy the Dairymaid. % If you are not ready to buy, call anyway, and we will at lM-.t spend a pleasant half hour together. S. Hemphill, Agent, Ceylon, Ontario F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON ONTARIO. Perfect fitting Corsets are indispensable to the well gowned woman. The best efforts of the best dressmakers are doomed to failure unless the Corset is fitting the wearer properly. You'll find the D. & A. Non Rustable Corsets perfectly satisfactory as regards Style, Comfort and Durability. All sizes in stock from 18 to 36 waist- The style shown in the accompanying cut is great value. The long skirt with tlia short boxing^ gives a splendid appearance and great comfort, made of English Coutil trimmed lace and ribbon for all medium figures and sells for ONE DOLLAR. Other styles from 50c to $3.50. Misses' and Children's Waists, Nursing Corsets, Corset Steels, Whitewear, Summer Underwear, Dress Shields, Hose Supporters. HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR BUTTER AND EGGS. LOOK ! ! Now is the time for Eave-Tvuujsh- ing and Plumbing which I am giv- ing special attention to. Also I m prepared to give good value in Corrupted Iron Uoonn, pood material and work satisfactory. KKPAIKINO SATURDAYS. Call at F. L. McGillvary's Tin Shop For Particulars )ld AdvQiice Office. Flesherton. Do You Ever Sleep? If you do you will be wise to pay attention. 1 am at the present time making a Specialty of Iron Beds. The original of the picture given at the head of this advertisement will only cost you $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 (jet something "ice and comfortable on which to lay your weary head. Of course we have other beds at other prices, all equally low in price Sanitary Beds such as everybody wants. Springs aud Mattresses to (it all bete. Examine our stock any- way, before purchasing your sleep inducers. W. H. BUNT FLESHERTON, ONT. WANTED AT ONCE A man with some experience in horticul- ture to handle our tr<idu in Fleshci-toD. Splentlul openinK and permanent position for thtt right pitrty. Write for particulars and state experience Uue Stone & Weiington Fonthill Nuneries, established 1837 TORONTO, ONT. THE mm Corrected Each Week 85 Carefully Wheat... Oats * ;i *o*3 pe 8 1 19 to J 10 Barlef 70 to 70 Hay 10 00 to 10 00 Butter 20 U 20 EaH, fresh 18 c 1 Potatoespei bag 1 25 w 1 25 Geese.... 10 to 10 Ducks > -o 1 Chickens 10 to 12 iarlc ,, g 18 to 12 Wool 3 l to 22 i CEYLON'S STORE It Wanted We will pay tl e highest market price for Wool. SEEDS i PLANTS Field Corn-Compton's Early "and Longfellow. Rape Seed and Millet, Turnip and Mangle Seed. \\e have some Orchard Grass and Alfalfa left yet. Plants of all kinds. Tomatoes, Cabbage, CauliUower, celery, Flower Plants for outside and also House Plants. DOOTS & SHOES-We Lave the very latest and up-to- date Shoes on the market and also something that will stand the test iu Heavy Shoes, aud prices that never hurt. Men's and Boys' Straw Hats, very latest Styles, also some good Panamas at $4 and $5. Pine Apples are at their lowest and best this week. We have the Woveu Fence Wire for sale, also the Black aud White, Straight Wire, Chicken Wire, Net Wire, Fence Steeples and Wire- Pinchers. J/ ^ as - Sengral J. & W. BOYD Flesherton, - Ontario. WOOL WOOL We want your Wool and will pay the Highest Price. Cash or Produce . FEED! FEED! Pig Feed Two cars to arrive Corn, Oats, and Barley, chopped and mixed excellent feed for Hogs. Special price off cars ..... We are going to Clear out, a large surplus stock of Shoes and will put on sale the product of well-known manufacturers, as Ames Holden Co., Toronto, McCready Co., Montreal, I. B.' Drolstt, Quebec, and other well-known makes. Men's Shoes regular $4.50 at ...................... $3.25 Men's Shoes, regular $3.75 at .............. $2 90 Men's Shoes, regular $4.00 for ................ $3 25 Men's Shoes, regular $5.00 for ........... .......$3.95 Men's Shoos, regular $6.00 for .................... $439 Men's Shoes, regular $3.50 for ................. ..1/2.40 Men's Shoes, regular 3.75 for. . M I ilt Utt - if. m ,** ',* *"' Women's, Misses' and Children's Shoes at proportionate prices. .