Flesherton Advance, 13 Jun 1912, p. 5

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1 ' June 13 1912 FL E SHE R T X ADVANCE B THE ESTABLISH a> 1675 OF SAM ASA O ECL'RITY for both principal and kj interest is the first essential of an investment; the ability to realize quickly the second. Judged by these standards, a depoat in the savings department of this Bank is an ideal form of investment. TORONTO FLESHERTOIS BRANCH CEO. MITCHELL, BETH Br.nchct alia at Durham anil Hso*BmL. Manager. C. P. R. Time Table. Trains leave Flesherton Station as follows : Going South Going North 7.43a.m. 11.28 a.m. 4.33 p.m. 8.53p. m. The mails are closed at Flesherton ad follows : For the north at 10.40 a.m. and '7 [i.m. ; and the afternoon mail south at 3.40 o'clock. For morning train south mail close at 9 p.m. the previous ev'g. VICINITY CHIPS Miss Thorn of Walter's Falla ia visiting llrs. John Heard. Mrs. Thomas Heron of Buffalo spent Sunday with Mrs. Mitchell. Born On Tuesday, June 3, to Mr. nd Mrs. John Parslow, Durhiin Road, a son. The cement work at the horseshoe j The services for the past two Sundays in the Presbyterian church have been of deep interest, notwithstanding the pastor's absence at the General Assembly. Sabbath fortnight the service wis taken charge of by the Guild and last Sunday the Sabbath school supplied the service, and the Guild will take the work on Sunday next. The attendance at these services has also been good. The Guild supplied the work at Proton Station on Sunday evening. An interesting little function took place at the high school on Friday after- noon lait when Miss Philp and Mr. Mar- cellus, who are retiring, were presented by the pupils with mementos of their so- journ in Flesherton. The former re- ceived a silver teapot and sugar bowl, gold lined, and the latter a handsome and valuable book case. The address was read by M is* Lilian Bunt and the presen- tation made on behalf of the pupils by Miss Mabel Henderson. Both teachers made fitting replie.i. Malcolm McDonald who collects eggs hill ia about completed and tenders are j for M. Scully, met with an accident near asked for the fill. Mclntyre one day last week which might n T j i,i I easily have been much more costly than The Presbyterian Ladies Aid will hold a garden party on July 1. Particulars later. Mr . Keudall Mitchell of Chicago Uni- versity arrived home this week for his holidays. J. McMullflD, J. P., left on Tuesday for Regina and Saskatoon. He will be absent about three weeks. Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Holland of Chats- it was. The team which he was driving tiecanie scared at an auto and tipped the e gt> wagon into the ditch. When thumbs were counted it was found that about forty dozen of the fruit had been placed beyond cold storage and Mr . McDonald was slightly lamed, when thrown out. The Departmental Examinations com- menced on Tuesday, the llth inst., tho first being Lower School Entrance to i The Pass Matriculation begins on the I 18th inst. and ends on the 28th. Middle School Entrance to Normal will be held worth spent the weekend with Principal Normal School, which lasts three Jays. Holland and wife. The annual Farmers' Institute exclu- sion will be run to Guelph on June 18. j from the 24th to 37^ i|wt> ^^ dateg Soe advertisement elsewhere. inclusive. The Junior High School Mr. and Mrs.J.F. VanDusea and .Entrance hats from the 19th to the 21st children and Mr. and Mrs. T. Lockhart j >ost. There are nine candidates for of Dundalk visited in town over Sunday, i Lower School Entrance to Normal, and . . , , thirteen for Middle School Entrance. A number of Flesherton ladies attend- _, r , I Hie number of Jr. High School Entrance ed the County Convention M omen s .. 3 _ pupils to write hare next week is not yet Institutes at Dundalk yesterday. A . ^^ ^ ^ ^ ^JJ report will be given next week. ) ^^ ^ ^ uxaluination> Ther(J is . Mr. Ed. Thompson, who left here class of nine from the Fleshurton public last winter to work in Collingwood, returned on Monday take a position with school. Mr. Marcellus is this week examining the Senior High School Entrance class at Priceville, and Mr. Holland will next woek examine the Jr. Mark Wilson, butcher, for the summer. The Annual Meeting of Centre Grey Farmers' Institute will be held at } Entrance High School class here. Rocklyn on June 25th, at 1 p. in., after I which Dr. Reed will hold a judging class 1 on heavy horses. Th Artemesia Scarlet Chapter will be j opened on Friday, June 14, in the at Ceylon, at 8 p. in. A full Cairns, L. O. L. Hall Important business on hand, attendance is requested. Geo Corap. Scribe. Inspector Hslbert had Jas. Radley up before J. McMullen and J. A. Boyd, J. P.'s., on Friday last, charged with selling liquor. The evidence w;is some- what conflicting and the charge was amended to keeping for sale, upon which a verdict was recorded of $ 20 and costs. Mr. Joseph Clinton left last Tuesday for Edmonton, where he w.ill visit his brother, John. Before leaving, Mr. Clinton resigned his position us care- taker of the Methodist church. Much regret has been expressed, for he gave entire tiatifitction. At the regular meeting of the village A "I'luiiifl ankle may as a rule be cured in from three to four days by applying Cham- berlain's Linimont and observing the direc- tions with each bottle. For gale by all dral- em. Arrested Near^ Proton Two Orangeville young men, Walter Howes and George Foelger, enlisted in the Orangeville company, but failed to report when the regiment embarked for Niagara, and the company proceeded to camp without them. The authorities were notified of their desertion. Chief of Police William Marshall of Orange- ville swore out a warrant charging theft and located his men working for the C. i P. R., with a fer.ce gang, near Proton. They were promptly arrested and taken to Orangeville w ith their uniforms nud lodged in the county jail. The military authorities were notified and two officials came up from the camp and returned with the deserters Friday. The men last will be court-martialed cu their atrival put j at camp and on their return will be tried council on Wednesday evening of week three more bylaws were through one appointing J. W. Hen- , for theft before the Police Magistrate, derson chief constable, another to provide for taking the assessment, and another appointing officers: Mr. John Wright holds the combined office? of constable, collector, sanitary inspector, and truant officer. The council is holding weekly 'meetings in order to get the machinery of the village in running order. The death of Mr. Thomas Bolster at Norway House. Kewatin, on April 10, was announced in the Christian Guardian last week. Mr. Bolster will be re- membered by the older citizens here, he having taught at the red school about forty years ago, and later in the Flesher- ton public school where he taught two years. After this he ran a drug store hero, selling out to M. K. Richardson, :Mr, Bolster has been for some time ' teaching in the Norway House boarding school. The cause of death wiis no* announced, but in a letter received by The Advance last winter the deceased gentleman said he was threatened with paralysis and no doubt this' caused his death. Ho was ill for one month. Mr. J. .1. Stephens, probably the old- est lawyer in the County of Bruce, died at his home in Teeswater on Satur- day last, after having recently undergone an operation in Hamilton for cataract of the eye. He had been practising in Teeswaler for over thirty years. -Brueo Herald. Farms for Sale SO Acroa Wst halt 1018, con. 11, Townbhip half lot 8, oon. XI, Township i half lot 7, con. 11. i Township 11, Township of Otprav. SO Ajres East half lot 7, oon. of Osprey. 100 Acres-Lot 32, oon. 10, ArUmesis. 100 Acres Lot 3, con- 11. Artenien.a, 900 Acres -Los 3, con, 13, lot 4, oon. Odds md Ends SOCIALS AND CONCERTS A garden party will bo h?ld at Ed. Baker's, Vaudeleur, Kails' coriior, on 20th June, under the auspices of L.O.L. 1383. AUCTION SALES An auction sale of household furniture will be held at Feversham on Saturday, Juno 15, the property of Mrs. Linley, who is going west. The furniture ia practically new and must be sold, See bilk for list. Win. Kailting, auctioneer. LOST AND FOUND Strayed To the premises of the under- signed, lot 5, concession 4, Osprey, one spotted yearling heifer. Owner please prove property and pay expenses and take away. Louis Hill, Maxwell, Ont. Horse Astray Came to the premises of the undersigned, one sorrel horse with two white hind feet and white stripe down face. The owner is requested to pay expenses and remove Ihc animal. D. D. McLachlan, Ceylon. Lost Between John Adams' and Ceylon, one bag of McGowan's bran about a week ago. Finder pleaae return to W. Buskin or W. Moore, Flesherton. Lost Between Hoy's corner and Loucks' on Sunday, June ', a red sweater coat. Finder please leave at The Advance office. ARTICLES FOR SALE A few Egg Vats fo Sale At less than half what they cost to manufacture them, suitable for soft water cisterns or for tanks to water cat tie. M. Scully Co., Flesherton. A fiood house and lot with stable to rent, in Eugenia. Apply to John H. Janiieson, owner, 101 Moutrose Ave., Toronto, or Jonathan Latimer, Eut(enia F-o. 21June. MISCELLANEOUS Teacher Wanted For S. S. No. 11, Artemesia, male or female, holding a tirst or second class certificate, duties to commence Sept. 1st. 1912. Personal applications preferred. Apply at once slating salary *nd experience to Geo. Pritchard, Sec.-Treas., Vandeleur. 1 100 Aore -Lot Hi, cou. 14, 100 Aorea Lot 39, con. 14, Artemeaia. 100 AorM-BaBt half lot?, oon. tt, Uuphrtaia, '234 Acres IjOts M and 45, oon. 8, Artoninsin 109 Acres- Part Lot 144, 145, 140, (.'on. 3, N. E, A T. 8. B., \ i iimiiiiim. 900 Acres Lot 'JO, anil M, con. 12, Arteuiosin :I6 Acres Part !ot 37, oon. IS. A rttmiaia. W. A. ARMSTRONG, FUshcrton. Juno i-'tf. For Sale The undersigned offers for >le three lota in the village or Ceylon.on which are erected a good one and a half frame dwelling, 8 rooms, with btone cellar, and a good frame stable. This will make an excellent home for any person. Terms easy, price right. Apply to Jas. Ashdown, Owen Sound, or VF. J. Bellamy, Flesherton. R. D. Meldrum, marriage licenses. Portlaw. issuer of Court Vandeluer, C. 0. F. will cele- brate on Dominion Day (July) 1 this year. HILL^BROS.J^ARKDALE SPECIAL Wool Season Announcement We have made every effort to procure many new and up-to-date lines of Herchandise for the com ingWool Season. We think we have succeeded and will leave it for you to judge. This is the best test that we know of. We want your Wool and will pay the Highest flarket Prices, Cash or trade and we promise you better value for your money than you can get elsewhere. MEN'S CLOTHING AT A BIG SAVING. During the Wool Seasou we will put on sale Fifty Men's Fine Worsted Suits in Browns, Grays and Blues, all new Summer Goods, both up-to-date in style and make, sold everywhere from $11.50 to 14, our price $10.00 J<o. 2. BROKEN LINES IX MEN'S CLOTHING In this lut there are Twenty-five Suits, all different lines, your size inity be among them, regularly priced trnm fT.jO to 910.00, during the Wool Season priced at l*i.~"> MEN'S SCMMEK UNDERWEAR We procured One Hundred Dozen Men':) Fine Bulbriggaii Underwear ia Shirts uiii Drivers, in a good : unlit y, ' all sizes, regular value 50c, during Wool Season priced at : T4c. MEN'S FINE SHIRTS. During the Wool Season we will put on sale Twenty Dozen Men s Fine Shirt j, sized from 14 to 17. regular 7"ic and $1.00 lines. These Skirts are big value while they last, priced at , .4#c. MEN'S FINE BOOT SPECIAL We have gone through our Shoe stock nd picked out One Hundred Pairs Men's Fine Boots and Oxfords, regular- ly priced from $2.50 to $4.00, all jood makes and sensible lasts, priced special for the Wool Season at per pair $1.98 SPECIAL LOW PRICE ON GINGHAMS We will put on sale One Hundred pieces of Mercerized Ginghams in checks and plaid.-, light and dark shades, this gingham is sold everywhere at loc a yard, our price !(c. LADIES' RAIN COATS We have Fifty Ladie' Rubber and Covert Cloth Rain Coots, all sizes, not all this year's styles but good sensible coats for country wear, regularly priced from $4.00 to $11.00. during the Wool Season priced at 81.98 WHITE LAWN WAIST SPECIAL During the Wool Season we will ort'er Twenty Dozen Ladies' Fine Lawn Waists, a clearing Manufacturer's lot. Some of these waists are easily worth twice the price, while the lot lasts, priced at 75c !!| HILL BROS., 1 MARKDALE. J. A W. Boyd will have lime for sale after Monday, June 17. Many Business ( 'olle^es close for vacation lurinu the Rummer LLIOTT TUKOXTO. < >NT.. Imfi not- Now is an excellent Mme to oouuueuoe n course Write for catalogue. Brantford Roofing t 'rvM.il roofing and siding, Asphalt rootf- ine aud siding, Rubber routing, Stuel rooting and siding, Metallic ceiliugo. J. McDonald, Agent, Ceylon. You Need Not Fear Lightning Nothing to fr if your building* are proiv *rly rodded. The reports of the mutual fire insurance companies prove Dmt fire loss <si next to nothing where a pure copper cable i used, while the loss on uiirodded build* me- on account of lightning is very great. Where losso have occurred on rodded buildings, its ctvuse has alwnys been traced to unscientific methods of insinuation. You ought to protect yourself now before it Is too late. Don by installing an nbsolutely reliable lightning conductor Have your build- < ings equipped with National Flat Cable < Ptnt P.nding' then you will have ignaramittd rod and] it-will be fmfertr mttalleJ-* vital matter, as statistics show that lightning never damage* building properly rodded with National! Pure Copper Cable. National Cable is in use on many thousands of building*, from New England to Old Mexico not one of which has ever been lost by lightning or set .(lre.\ > Come In and let us show you. and tell you why you cannot (lord to Aonr any other. We will also estimate the cost of roddlng your property. It won't coat you * cent to talk this matter over and it's important. See u* today. ' /'*/ I.i/llr Brott TUg. btoring Ikimord national, aitttra satrly ui tlnittl-.o. Melotte Cream Separators Our Clubbing List The following prices are for strictly paid in advance subscriptionsonly. We hare no accounts with other papers. Flesherton Advance $ I 00 Youths Companion - 00 Toronto World, daily -' 00 Toronto Daily News ., 1 33 Weakly Globe 85 Mail-Empire -. 30 Family Herald & Star So Toronto Star 1 'M Farmer Sun 75 Farmers Advocata I X> Weekly Wit.ies* 80 Saturday Night 3 00 Homo Journal 'W Poultry New* . . s , 20 Poultry Review 40 Rod and Gun magazine SO Dr. J. Ralph Smith OSTEOPATH Office and Residence 4(58, 9th St. East, Owen Sound, Ont. ! Hours 9 to 12a.m., 1.30 to 4.30 p.m. 7 to S p.m. Other hours by appointment For Sale or to Rent Lot 2'2, Con. 11, Glcnelg, containing 100 acres, 90 acres cleared and in good i state of cultivation, balance hard wood bush, good frame barn, stone foundation, good stabling and driving house, com- fortable house, never falling well and good orchard. The above farm is only '2 miles from f he village of Markd-ile. Apply to John White or Thomas Taylor, Portlaw p. o. SEEDS I SEEDS ! SEED CORN Compton's, Leemiug, Notrh Dakota, White Cap. Reume 3 Government inspected Mammoth Clover, Alsike, Alfalfa: Common Red, Timothy Seed, aud all kiuds of Garden and Flour Seeds Sowing Kape, Dutch Sects, English Multipliers. FLOUR AND FEED ugilve's, Royal Household, White Rose, Ford's Patent aud Morning .;iory for Pastry. Brau, Shores, Coru, Chop and Chicken Feed. Best Quality of Groceries at Prices always right, at The Grocery of Quality W. L. Wright, Grocer, Flesherton YOUR BLOOD IS TAINTED I ULCERS, BOILS, SWOLLEN GLANDS, BLOTCHES, PIMPLES, AND ALL SKIN AND BLOOD DISEASES ARE COMPLETELY CURED BY THE NEW METHOD TREATMENT Why do Yon still loooo money and cause yourself so much uoneceary work by uot having us place a Molotts Cream Separator In your homo. Wo would be glad to havo you call and to point out to you thoir mauy points o f superiority. Do not delay. We are agents (or the Kroot & Wood an4 (.'ooksbutt Km in Impicuiouts. Wo aliio keep on band repair* for tho McCorunok and Maagey Harris Maohlnety. Horse Buoeibg and General Klnckimiithim; a apeolalty. D. McTavish - Prop. Bull for Service Shorthorn Bull, "Village Lad," for service on lot 0, con. 4, Arteniesift. Terms 81 for grade*. ISepl A. S. II U-U: I >, ri', v . Eye Strain Belies Character. Defective sight produces unnatural expres- sion. Perpetual frowns caused by an effort to see better often belli character. We are experts in fitting glasses that make facial distortions unnecessary. W. A. Armstrong. desire to call the attention of All those afllictrd with utiv BUod or Skin Due*** to our New Method Treatment a K"r*uted uuro fur ' iii-MO cumpUlnU. There Is no ex- cuse for any person having a disBgured face from eruptions and blotches. No mntter whether hereditary or acquired, onr st>cino remedies and treatment neutralise all poi- sons in the blood and ezpvl them from the system. Our vast experience in tho treat- ment of thousands of the most serious and complicated case* enables us to perfect a cure without experimenting. Wedo business oil the plan Par Onlr for the Benafit You Derive. If vou nave any blood disease, con- sult us Fr*o of Chart* '"- 1 '<'' us prove to you how quickly our remedlea will remove all evidences of disease. Under the Influence o( the New Method Tr.tmnt the *m be> comes clear, ulcers, pimples and blotches in-ill up, enlarged glands are reduced, fallen out hair grows in again, the eyea become bright, ambition and energy return, and the victim ratUixe* a new life nas opened up to him. YOU CAN ARRANGE TO PAY AFTER YOU ARE CURED CONSULTATION FREE Send for BeekUt o* Diiaaia. of M.n "THE GOLDEN MONITOR" FREE If unabU to caD. write far a Quwtioa LM for Heou Treats*** DRS.KENNEDY&KENNEDY Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich. H QT I C E " AU letters f rom Ca nai 1 a mast be addressed to our Canadian Correspondence Depart- ment in Windsor, Ont. If you desire to see us personally call at our Medical Institute in Detroit as we see and treat o patieate in our Windsor offices which are for Correspondence and Laboratory for Canadian business only. Address all letters as follows : DRS. KENNEDY & KENNEDY, Windsor, Oat Write (or oar private address.

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