Flesherton Advance, 13 Jun 1912, p. 8

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June 13, 1912 THE FLESHEETON ADVANCE 'Advance* Small Ads. Artemesia Council Look over them weekly. There may be something for YOU BUSINESS CARDS ICULLOUiill & YOUNG 1 bankers Markdale ..e.ieral banking business . Money loaned at reasonable rates Call on us. Boar for Service Purebred Yorkshire Hoar "2 yearn old, ervice OD lot 35, ecu. H, Artemcfcia. Term *1.00. -ALEX. CAMERON. TCHI8LETT. PoatoiMtsr, Ceylon. Cornmiiwioner in H. C. J .Co GOOD POSITIONS AWAIT GRADUATES at (ho THE . . .onveyancer, <led, , leases, willn etc. carefully drawn up ollectioD> mad?, charge! reasonable. Alio ^roceril"? Hour. Jeed etc. kept in stock. Price. light McPHAIU Licensed Auctioneer for the OWEN SOUND, Terms moderate aud ONTARIO Ouncil met as a Court -of Ilevition Saturday Inst on the usseHsmcnt of 11)12. Theie were present Messrs. McKcnzie, D. McLeud, A. D. McLeod, and Meldrum. After each of the luein- j bcrs present hud subscribed the oath re- f 0r quired the Court opened, when the fol- lowing appeals were heard anil disposed jof : 1 Archy Stewart appealed as having j been over-charged. Appeal dismissed. 2 Sylvester Martin appealed against the assessment of part lot 1, con. 8, us being too high, and upan hearing <tnd statement by assessor the same was i educed $200. 3 .John S. McMillan appealed against In-, assessment as being uneipjul. The appeal was dismissed. 4 Thomas Nes- j bitt appealed as being overcharged. The j assessment on his lot, 111, 2 S.W., was reduced $100. 5 H. Shaw appealed as U Countv of Grey. lertuw uwv.. I ,. -i,.. . ., v ...... .. AJ . ..,,.. ..^|^ b u.^ -~ .atuiaction suaranteed. pe arrangement, i thorough courses, laiye staff', excellent being overcharged and his assessment SifX.USS^^wi?5S^ - U| I^^ building, and we \ was reduced 9100. guarantee to place every graduate in a 1 position. Catalogue free. C. A. Fleming, F.C.A., G. D. Fleming, Principal. Secretary. ronnection. Dec. 6.07. \iM KArTTlXG. Licensed Auctioneer lor *> the counties ol lirey and hitncoe. farm and Stock sales a specialty. Terms moderate, (.ati-faction guaranteed ArraiiK- ^entsJor daus mav be made at tbe Advance OM or AIT. Hntcbinson'8 store, tsversbani by addressing uie at Feversbam, Ont. RUDD MATHE-.VS. Markdale. Licensed suc'.ioneer lor the county of drey. Good en-vice at reasonable ratek. Dates can be ii.ade at Tbe Advance. oOU MEDICAL D K "M"* S Ont Physician, Surgeon etc Office and resideuce-Peter St., Flesberton JP OTTEWELL Veterinary Surgeon Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College. recirtauc - second door south weit.oo ii.rv street. This street rani south Presbyterian Church. DENTISTRY Dr E. C. MURRAY L. D. S.. dental snrgeon liono. graduate of Toronto University and Koyal College of Dental Burgeons of Ontario, tia admismisteied lor teeth extraction <jHjce at residence, Toronto Street. Heaherton LEGAL . IVAB. HASEY & WALLArE-HarrUtcrs. ^ tjolicitorn.etc. I. B.Lucas, h. C.: W. B. HanrT K. ' ; J. H. G. Wallace. Olhces. rorouto. SOW) Trader* Hank Hid* phone ir.ain 1412; Mark.lale Lucas Mlock. I'hoiie 2 A Hraimli office at Dundalk open every Saturday. Holstein Friesian Cattle Bull for Service Canary llutter Hoy Calamity, No. 10W1, bred by H. E. George of Cratnpton, Out. Sire, Hutter Boy Calamity No. (TOO), DUD, Canary Goldie Anticipation No. 'I'M.; Teruia Hegid- tered cows t-i.OO. Grades S1.50. TAMWORTU SWINK Registered Tamworth Boar. Terms Giade Sow *1. 00. Brown Leghorn aud White Wyandottc Poultry. Btock for Sale. KEKS for Hatching, RICHARD ALLKN. Lot 170. i!E.T. A S.R. FleBberton,.p.o. Bull For Service Thoroughbred Aberdeen Angus Bull, "Black Diamond King," for service on lot 28, Con 4. Olenelif. \V. il. PATTERSON, Prop. WH WEIGHT, Barrister, Solicitor, Convey- I ancer, etc.. Own Kound. and Klesherton. I U Fletevtou office. Sproulo's Hlock every , Paturdav SOCIETIES AO U W meets ou the last Monday in each month, in their lodge room ayton't< ball Klesherton, at 8 p.m. M. W., \V J. Lellanij ; Hec., C. H. Munsbaw: Xffc U .1, hprcfale. Visiting brethren mviled DKIXUK AUTHUK LODOK. No. :3,A.FA A U meets in the Masonic hall. Arm- krone's Block, Klesberton. every Friday on before tliw lull uiocn. C. H. Mu'inl.aw, W. M.; Thou. ClajyMl, < '.(try. c. before tbe first EKHKHTON, 995, I. 0. H. meets In Elock the last \\ediiendav evenmn nbtti Vtsitiop Kormtei'n Immtily ^^ G. llellauiy ; It. B., II. '*Si day of the nilintli. FhlENDB-Klesherton ,, wMd Friend, n.eetn In Clayton's hall first aud third Wednesday ofeich uionth B p. ui Pay a^se*.melU. to O.e Keror.ler on or befori, tcetlrnt .lay of each month. Chief Councillor <t. Blakelev:Hecorder W. II. Bunt. iphe Farmer s Club meets In Uie hl||li school I Imildiud on the nrst Thursday lu eac mouth at B o'clock "|,-ially invite.1. K.l Hellamv. Hec.-Trras. . m. >r<l , '/'"'" ent. . W. Tamworths lor Sale Dotli t nearly ready (or breeding l'ii<'u bt for quick to. <( w i!()ss MMW0H ,, (> Boar for Service I'uri- lirl T Term", *l, <Vh. N. Ilinll.', Maxwell, Bull for Service i I'liui uu^lihri-il ShoitliiH'ii lmll, l.rniulhiiok H d, for service mi l"t In, I'on. , O|.i'i-v. on application. >.-i .. Kull |.iin- oWfld (r cows nut it-turned. Improved Large Yorkshire* A clmirr Int .>( yoiiiiK l''K H " f ''" l|1 , S ''V'' Mminl rea<li tii wn. YIIIIIIK iiw, liml in Knniary;rK'"'' re<l Vmkuliirt- Imar. Ttrim .1 .1 IMOWN. ! l^hcrton. I^,t 1(17, 3r.l raiiK--, K. T. H. H. FARM FOR SALE IxitNo. |Wi.|H7. IM the wuiinil laiigueaBt, Toruntii an 1 Hydonham ROM, Ai trineam, containing 'J40 acres of lirst clanx land ; Rood linMiliiiK", plenty of watei, near clinrch nun *<jl ; thri-i- mUM from I'ri.Um Htation ; 20 cri-s good lianlwiMxl tmtli, iMlance cleared and in ROU'I t:ite of imltivation. For Pf Ippl; to. W. .1. .IACKHON, I'rt BULL FOR SERVICE Tlu.ioiigl.lirf ISIiurtliorii hull, "Dandy .lim" K17M, for service on liit ITU, T. ft H. I: , Ar- emetlk. This animal in of a good milking train. IVilu'in- mi ap|ilicatioii. Terirs, <li<le $1, regi.ter^d 3. .1 AH. .STIN.SON Proprietor. Boar for Service A large Iwl'it* Yorkshire Hoar for service onlotltH. .Ird range W T. AH. R., Artemsiia. Terms tl.uO' WALLKK. Bull for Service I'ure bred Hereford bull for cervine on lot 171, ;i * T. A 8. H., Aitemesm. T4rui8 ft. 60. I'tire bred $.'1.00. Any o not returned seuond time wiil be charged at uinnl rate. I March l.'t -T. A. J. \VATON, Proton Station. ' Earn A S alary ! Take our piactical lUisiness or Shorthand course of training and see how soon we will have you earning a ^ood salnry. . Kvery j;radunte helped. Knter imy day. New I'ataloguu on rei|uest. Collingwood BUSINESS COLLEGE T. E. Hawkins. Principal After several minor changes were uiiide the roll wag accepted and ordered to be certified. After Court nf Revision Council met for general business. The minutes of last meeting were read and adopted. Communications as follows were present- ed and read : James Feuwick, claim for lambs killed by dogs, $10 ; The Munici- pal World for subscriptions, $5 ; Thos. Harness, J. P., account for expenses and maintenance of Kmest Harrison, an in- digent lunatic, $42.52 ; Mills, lUney, Lucas & Hales, account for legal service re incorporation of Flesherton, $40 ; George Moore for gravel, 1911, $-.10. Bylaws 741, 742, 743 and 744, to close up and convey parts of certain streets in the village of Pricevilk), were introduced and passed through their "erural stages. D. McLeod A. D. McLeod That (jeorce Moore he paid $2.20 for gravel used by pathmaster in 1!*11 as certified Carried. Meldrum A. D. McLeod That the account, of the Municipal World for sub- scription be paid Cariied. A. D. McLeod Meldrum Thut Mrs. M. A. Conkey be refunded $(J 15, l>eing ai rears of taxes of 1!M)8, I'JO'.I and 110, charged in error on lot 11, Kincardine . street, Priceville Curried. Meldrum A. D. McLpod -That the ' accounts in connection with (hecommitnl of Krnest Harrison, an indigent lunatic, to the asylum, amounting to $42.n2, cer- tified by Thomas Harnesi*, J. P., bo paid and tin! said accounts lie forwarded to tlw county cjuncil for refuud Carried. MeldruinA. D. McLeod- Th.'vt the , communication of Mrs. H. McDonald, claiming compensation for uso of lands as rnnd in winter, bu referred to the Po- ; lice Trustees of Priceville Cairied. A. D. McLeod Meldrum That Mr. J. J. Thompson be appointed pound keeper instead of H. Radley Carried. Council adjourded. Farmer's Club The Farmer's Club held their regular monthly meeting on Thursday of last week in the high school. The Women's Institute was present, by invitation, and Assisted with the piogram. Mi-. Wellwood gave an excellent paper on "Prosperity of Canada and Memories of our Queen.'' Mrs. W. H. I in ni gave :i laughable reading, entitled "Matching red calico." A ,|iiartette consisting of Messrs. Holland, Marcellus, R. and W. \Vilcock rendered a piece of music tlmt was appreciated Ly all. The speaker of the evening was Mr. H. C. Duff, the agricultural representa- tive of Grey, whose subject was Poultry. Mr. Dull .-.ml that poultry, if carried oil right, was one of the best paying side lines that we have to-day. Four things are necessary the house should be huilt so that there should be light, dry- ni s--', fresh air and ventilation without draft, if we get these we do not need to worry about the result. He drew a sketch of a house on the blackboard, 20 x 20 feet that would accommodate one hundred birds. On the north side the walls should be 4' feet high, 3 feet on the south side, with 21 feet open covered by chicken netting, 7 feel high at the centre; tbe whole building should not cost more than $50.00. Mr. Duti' said they were introducing an improved breed of tcwl in this county. Fort-tw<T dozen eggs for hatrhinghad been received from Guelph of Barred Rock, I bred tn lay, these would be distributed with the hope that a better class of birds would be introduced, (ireen food should be supplied in winter, such as alfalfa, red clover, mangels, red Iteets etc., but nothing so conduces to egg production ns butter milk or thick milk, if hens can | have that, meat (craps and crushed bone arc- not necessary. Parasites can be destroyed by oleanli' ness and spraying with a Rotation of kcrosenu and Hvu per cent, of carbolic acic ; a eooj dust bath i.s dmiposod of sanil, H.slieK and lime. When asked whnt was the best kind of Hoor he said, n rats were troublesome, cement was i best, otherwise the earth was as good as any. Kcv. H. K. Wall wood wu called upon, but as the hour was l.n . ho moved a vote of thanks to Mr. Duff which was! heartily given by the sixty odd men and j women present. The National An'hem closed the meeting. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY UPPER LAKES NAVIGATION Steamers leave Port McXicoll Monday*, Tueeduvs, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays at t p. in. (or 8AULT 8TE. MARIE, PORT ARTHUK and FOKT WILLIAM. The Steamer Manitoba, sailing from Port licNicoll Wednesdays will call at Oweu Honed leaving that point 10.30. VICTORIA DAY,; Steamship Express Leaves Toronto 12. 13 p. m: on sailing days making direct connection with Steamers at Port McNicoll. SINGLE R . Hetween all stations in Canada, Port Arthur and East, (iood going May 23-24, Return limit, May -27. tMinJuuni Rate ( 2Sc.) Homeseekers' Excursion May -K, June 11, 25, and ever) Tuesday until Sept. 17 inclusive. WINNIPEG and RETURN - $34.oo EDMONTON and RETURN $42.00 Proportionate rates to other point*. Return limit 60 days THROUGH TOURIST SLEEPING CARS Ask nearest C. P. K. Ag.sut for Home- seekers' I'ampulet; TICKETS AND FULL INFORMATION FROM ANY C.P.R. AGENT 5. Rands, Agent, - - Flesherton, CHOPPED WHEAT AVe can sell you any (juantity of chopped West- ern Wheat. In Grain we have Oats, Barlev, Buckwheat and Corn. Try our Flour at $f).4U per barrel. Get your Corn, llape, Turnip, Millet and other seeds, Tomato Plants, Cabbage, Celery, CauliHower, Pine Apples, Strawberries and all fruit in season. Ice Cream always on hand. If you are having a garden party or a picnic let us make you a can of Ice Cream for it at the FLESHERTON GROCERY W. Buskin, Flesherton, Ontario. SOUTHERN ALBERTA, THE SUNNY AND THE GOLDEN CARMANGAV NATURES FAVORITE: Nature made the future of 6armangay absolutely certain. Agri- culture and industry must follow when Nature shows the way. \ I -X n " 'AKMAXJAY has the finest cli- mate in Canada. rAHMAXUAY has the purest water 8U)>|ily in the Western I'raii'ies. Tlie railroads appreci- ate this, as the water is free t'rotu alkali, aud they have planned ao- < onlingly. CAKMAXUAY has abundant coal within a Tew miles. Again the railroads appreciate this. Indus- tries must KO where coal and rail- roads join, r'ittsburg, Pa., is an example. CARMANOAli quarries of the terial. has inexhaustible tiiH>t building ma- OARMANGAV has two banks, al- though the present population IB but five hundred. The bankers know what is coming, and also that the tlrst comers will reap the rewards of fortnight. i \K\l\\.. v> has a $BO,OOU school. Others will soon be re- tin I red. r.\HMAX<JAY has three large ele- vators, and plans for others are completed. CARMAN GAY it on the main line of the Canadian Pacific from Calgary to Lethbridge. This line wa* completed only five months ago, which accounts for the fact that property in this mott desirable towntite in South- write iiiiinc^ ern Alberta it now available. We strongly re- am! addrt-KH ^^^^ commend our clientt to act promptly, at pluinly in coupon ^^^ Carmangay off en tuch an unusual oppor- in oppoitf ctn-inT, ^^^^ tunity for investment that Wettern buy- ini.1 m.ni without de- ^^^ ert will rapidly take up the remain- lay. AlloliiH'iits will be ^^ ing lott within the town limits. We with to impress upon our friends that the Carmangay property it not a subdivision. It is a portion of the original townsite, and it indicated by the words "Block E" in the diagram. It will be noted that the pro- perry it within the town limitt, and adjoining Canada i the bett retidential dittrict. We repeat, quick action it necessary. To our clientt for whom we have made money in the past thit recommendation from ut will be sufficient incentive for promptness. ttt Company teMF mull , lu - ( if>N<Ti|i- foldrr ua Crnuui|y. in, nil- in Hit* order that ftppli- First (0 ,,u "V WESTERN CANADA REAL ESTATE CO. nit Kins are rt'ci'! lirst served. Name 502 TEMPLE BUILDING, TORONTO L. H. WiLKES, District Sales Manager, s

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