Flesherton Advance, 4 Jul 1912, p. 1

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Sltoxntte. "TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." " PRI,SCIPLEb NOT MEN.' ?OL 3tt, NO 1 Fleshertoii, Thursday, July 4, 1912 W. H. THCRSTON /i fl H A Terrible Cyclone Ravages Regina A terribln cyclone devastated the town of Regina, Sak., >n Monday evening, destroying $5,000,000 worth. A property and two score people were killed, while over 200 people were injured. Three of the finest churchea are in inins and many tine office buildings and hundreds of tei- idences arc a mass of wreckage. Every- thing on Lome and Smith streets for a distance uf t*o miles ia demolished. The (uuthevn half uf these stivel s was tilled with tine brick and si one building", the homes of the wealthiest citizens. All these were iifeji' away as if made of cardboard and the debris scattered for miles itround. Hatherton D >minion Day paused ofl' very quietly. A number of the young folks .spent the day risbmi', while other* attended the picnic at Maxwell. Mr*. Campbell and children of Turouto are vinting her mother, Mrs. J. Seeley. Mr. and Mrs. '.iinernii and little daughter of Turuntu, visited over Sun- dfty with Mr. and Mis. A. (loss. Mr. and Mis. French, Melanethon, u^eiit ~ iii'l.'i with Mr. and Mrs. C. Winters. "Mr. and Mis. .1. S. Winters viaited ith friends in Swinton Vaik over Sun- dy. Miss <_'rowther who left for her home in HulUttici Centre last Saturday, him been reongsued as teacher, M an incre:iit- u! salary. Mr. T. lirumuxit ;ind friend, "f Orange ville spent Sunday with the former's parent*. Robert Down of the It. T. Co., Toronto, i< home/ for u tew weeks. Mr. and Mr*.' W. T. Faweett and sun of Detroit, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Duwu.-fciist week. Mr. and MM. C. Spiller and little OD of Toronto are th guests i.f Mr. and Mrs. Down. Mr. Spillcr returned home Ui. week, but Mrs. Spiller remain .for a month. llev. Pliiinistor of Maxwell preached mi excellent sermon to the Orangemen last Sunday evening, ukiui; liis u>x 1 : 1.1. East Mountain Extreme dty weather, li.i.si -. would il<> a lot of good. 'Mr*. Walton still remains much the Feversham Items Mr. anti Mrs. J. Rushton of Port Elgin, called oi Mr. ; Mid MJ-S. D. \V. Clinton last week, '>n thair iv. urn nip from Midland. They drove across the country and had one of the nicest driv- ing team of black horses we have ever seen. Mr. and Mr. Wpi. Smith of Toronto, visited at D. W. Clintou'-s last week, coming np from the ytieen city in their <\utc. D. W. Clinton has gone to EJmoiron. Alberta, combining business with pleasure. M >s K. I'lintou is visiting her aunt, Mrs. F. W. Nicholson in Toron'o. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Westcotte of Melaucthon, visited with Mr. and Mrs. ieo. Thompson of the suburbs, lust week. Mr. Ed. Anthistle of Dundas as renewing old at<iuaintauces in this over the holidays. Mr. An- is one of our Feversham boys who .earned the milling business in the >-i iivy far-ners' mill here, and his olct friends wen; jl.ij to see him .is,'.iiii. Mrs. Ensign I'lantt. i n.-.- Mian Ida rleron) and three children of Owen Sound sue visiting at her parental home, it present. ilr. N. Battersby of DUIJ-J.I.S is visit- it Mr. .I'lhn Paul's. Miss Millie Henderson of Toronto it holidaying at h?r father'^, Mr. Joseph rJenderson of Kobmy. Capt. Chyprial, bite of Pahuerstoo, s taken coinmand of the N. A. Army here. Dr. and Mr. K. Hcndetson of Torontrt visited with tRe fortirsr's ^iNter, Mi-. .1. Paul, a few days la.<t wek. Mr. Kirliy. teacher in our public chool hits resigned his posit ion here and joen to his lioiue in Newuiaiket. Ont. .Mi's, Catcrlwy, teacher ia the itiiitinu- ii>n school has also resigned and Itft for ler home in Steriiii)(. Mr. ben Braokenbury got his kuee and lip bailly hurt l>y a fall, while playii.t; <>ofc*jal! aL Porndise, on Satuvdiy even- nu la.it. Ben will be laid n,i for - i:< inie. Mi*. Thost DaviJaon of Toronto spent with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. K. rirown, last week. Mr. John Harliu s^ent* few daytt in Tlwrnbury the past week; Robert Cooper jr., ef former i i-sident of this place, Is ic'juaintaiiceB in thin Vicinity, after an absence of nin^ee'n jrears. Miss Hiwel Allen of Collingwood Cillegiate is home Kir her holiday*. Mrs. < >rr of Manituulin island, with her four children, in the. sues* of iniilher, Mis. rluiqberHton*, Mis "Brtfniff had her usual schoo picnic lsMonday to i\hicli the parent tutiied out and the result was u nio i|iiiet time enjojed ny all. Mr. Hugh Smith wus chairman and tilled the chair very acceptably. The children did tery well for having no practise, their teacher's time being tnkeu up with the entrance pupils. Mr. ilohn Martin, iu a neat little speech addressed the crowd. At " the close of the program Miss BritnuT distributed print* to everyone and treat- ed all to candies. A dainty .spread was partaken f by everyone about 15 o'elocV, alter which all indulged in foot raceir. ladies' race Mrs. Welsh, Mm. Simple. Men's race Mark Wilson, ITlcahtrton. Mr. and Sirs. Harry Sloan and Mr. Ed. Slonii of IJiroberley visited with Mr. undMra. Will Martin on Sunday. Mr. John Welsh is having hie barn re-shingled He also had lightoing rodj elected some time ago. Mr. and Mm. Wm. Kelts and child pnt a couple of days with Mr. and Mrs. .loin. Smith last week. They me cm on an exton<icl visit from the wett MI-.K tuaiiilt *< presented with handfome jewel case a a reuiem brittle* from her pupils, the day school closed. Eighth Line, Artemesia >ur No. . school picnic w-vs a i-rent success. A large crowd was present and a very pleasant time was spent. The foot bull match- between Keversham school and No. *> proved a tie. ' !iid for No. 5. List >f prize winners ."xt-yard girls' race. Belle Howard lt' l"-yard men's race, free for all, Crl Uumberstone. M.i MiiiH'r and n.nl nice, girls, Belle How- ard. Potato race. Belle U.wrd. Three- legged race for l)JJsT C. Humbmrxtone apd A. Holmes. Tug-of-wor, married ag*inst single, u draw in favor <5fthe old fellows. Mr. W. Trudgeon uf Dundalk supplied SAIIIC* very excellent mnsn-. W^ have been waiting for the hell machines on this Hue- lor some tim. They will soon be here. orge is very fond of watermelons. Our popular teacher, Mifc.s Mary U H mnbertow, has left on her welt-earned ho) idays. Mr. S. ll.iwkms intends ramini^ l lin bank lrn soon. Resolution Of Condolence Court Fleshei-tan, No. :o, 1. '>. F., Oof., passed a resolution of' condolence at the last -'egular ni^etinf;, tx> Mr. nc M i-s. Ueorge Binnie and family, on the death of follows : their behived She left to ped her hum* in holiday* at her ' it ha* pleased Cod I* remove the dearly beloved daughter," Miss Idi Binnie, a member of Court Fleshetton No. 995, 1.0. P., we, the mam tor* of the Court, place on record our deep sense o; sorrow at her death. We keenly feel a i> Court tin' we have lost a dear f rie.ni and companion, but we kuow that sur 1-iss fe our dear companion's nail), a therefore we extend to the bereaved p ents and family our sincere condolence ii their hour of trial and sorrow. Signed on bh<df of Court Flesherton. No. !W5 George Bellamy C.R., Geo. H. {Cairn T> J l\l - . f\- MnMuot th tniiKlea, whether in- J\jeed by violent exercise or injory, tbie is uotking Wttf.i than Chamberlains Liuiment. Tb> liniintnt alxo relieve* rbrnmativ pcinn. Kn- ulr all <!'r. Vandeleur Happenings! Priceville Jottings Mrs. Hare of Markdale spent Sunday ith friends in this neighborhood. Mr. Roy Kevins of Westnu visited at i'. J. Hntchinson's from Satuiday until 'uesday. Messi-s. A. Widditield and R. Mathe- on of Newmarket were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Alcox on Thursday f List week. Mr. Wm. Uutchinson, Sr., left an 'uesday to visit hia daughter at Kmerjt Mrs. A. Ke/.ell in in near Allenford iii'.ed her mother, Mrs. Carson, Sr., inn Saturday until Tuesday. Miss Coleman of Toronto is the guest f Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Carson this week. Miss Belle Gilbert of Kuuberley i' : [tending the holidays wiih her aunt, Irs. Will Hutchinson. A healthy, happy crowd of about 300 eople attended the <_'.<). F. celebration eru on Monday, The spurts bes{aii at :S 'cluck p.m. with calithumpiau proceN- ;on, which wits the best ever. A baRf- lall match Wlween Kimberley and Vaii- xleut resulted in a ccore cf '' to i> in <ivor of the home team. A fontball latch between \Vode.house ind Kiniber- ey resulted m s score of '^-1 IU favor of vinilierley. llocklyn brass band fur.- iched muaiu throughout the afternooi) ud evening. Tea was served from 3 to o'clock, after which a splendid conceit ,1h xiven, in which W. J. Logan, enter- tainer, of OWMI Sound, and a number of il talent took part. The whole enter- linmeir vow given for the nmll sum of 5 cents. The total proceeds nmoun > t--~. Mr. Garnet Blair aud sinter, of into, were the yueits of their an: Iis. J. I. ISrahani, last week. Mr. ilaiv returned t-> the city on Monday. iig sister, Miaa K>.i, remaiun with rieudl heru for a sboit time. SlrT'Bl lir, Sr., i fhf Wf(>t t'aefc iaretume<i home after a. two wijks' isit with his lUiughter.Mrs. J.I.Graliani. Mr. and M. Sum Warhog of H^lkind Jentre visited at. Mr. fieu. Warling'* iver the First. Mi Joilil I iiliat and dail'jhtur, Mrs. Dr.) Shffer, of Colorado, who have >een visiting at Mr. <Jcorge Wright's and wiih other friends hereabouts, left >n Tuesday on the return trip. Portlaw. Intended for ia*t- week NV'u understand thai Rer. Mr. Cnmp- belt will remain on this cux-nil for an- other year. U is welcome news to his people and the community to know that lie will stay and continue hi* good worK. Mr. M i-i In i. ill conducted the service at Mount /ion church last Sunday very Both hay and straw will be short thin year, owing to the continued dry weather. McLeod's dam IMS beon repaired and the mills are runniui; again. James Watson of Cheboyguu, formerly of PricevilUj, has secured D. <j. McLean's blacksmith shop and wax kupt hustling last week with the work coming in. D. G. McLean i* putting extciwivu re- pairs on the Grier block, which he pur- chased some time ago. Archy McLean and family, Colling- wood street, have moved to the Michigan Soo for the summer. Dr. .ind Mrs. Dixou. and the l.ut. i V mother, Mrs. McAnhur, of Stavely. Al- berta, .of visiting relatives here. The remains of Chris'y McLean ar- rived ou the noon train Monday frcmtbo vicinity of Butt'ulo, N. Y. , accompanied by hot h.i.-'.iand. Mr. laniard. The funeral is from the i evidence of deceased's brotlier, Mr. L'olin McLean, south line, Artemtsia. Win. McLeod, south line, 'IlLMielg, dr-w hijino forty barrels of ci'insnt to Construct baaeinent itabK". under hix new barn. We Mippusi! that (he " nii.-.iog iiuk " and <;roup of lesti-favorcd cousins fiom JtJO, had a. good tuck-out on the 'Joth, a.s he i-Ajn'i-i.-il. at the handtj of the Joy Club, for monkeys, liku Paddy, idways delight in a bit av fun and pliuty av good atniii. " During the "Link's" so- journ in Riverdale he has not attracted luuch public attention, but if taken to Some of the lai-^i- oilu-s and w,:ll advt,-r- ised it iniuht ! otherwise. Ei^ht pupils from our schuo! and H 'in surrounding tchooN wrote at the Kn! r.-iua 1 c'Xams here. The circuit garden pirty uf the Mctho- di.-t church will l>e held at Siiluni church, trotun, opyJnly 4^ L>. MoKiiiiniii, C.P.R. |M,st,il clerk' was home for Dominion Day. Kd. Watson of Durham furniture fac- tory spent the First with his mother am! other rebiL, es here. wedded in hetireoh the wheej and Uw I body of the bns>g/, so that he wa in a Messrs. Hcri.. and Alex. Kisher aud pHlfect ]y ,.,. ., ,_' ;I(lllI< , il s() f,,. ... )i Armstrong are home from the city tl . ic . ttilt ., ,,.,,.,, He olui|ft ^ UM IJ neM j .ill the wiiile. an.i, tortunatrly, tlie hoi "nite number from hure-anendcd Jjd nut proceed far. Mr. <ni.-lir bad he fsrewell party tf Mih Braniffitn- 1 dm sida oi his uee noraped ;.he vK <'] "Ceylon The Sabbath sehuol picuic, which csine oft' Friday afternoon, in M.jKen/.ie s grove, was a decided success. The day was ideal for the outiug. Tea wars .served about I.. '50 to about 130 children, parents .UK! frionds of. the .-ichool. We are sorry to learn thai Mr. Cairns ia ill, but hope soon to u-q him around Mr. John White i.s visitini; friends in western Ontario. Mr. J. A. Thompson peut last week with frieuds in S'ayner. Miss Ciierson of Aberdeen is visiting with Mis R. 1. White. We contra! ul.Ue Miss Kladys \VhiUi and Miss Vila Cornrield in their recent examinations. Mr. George Chapman, wife aud little daughter, are visiting Ohl homes in Bentinck. v T. It. McKen/.ie is aUendniK County Council at Owen Soond this week. Mies Ilia Lyons visited with friends in Murkdale List. week. GREY COUNTY Old Boys" Association OF TORONTO TENTH ANNUAL THREE DAYS EXCURSION TO - MARKDALE A SO OWEN SOUND - DN Saturday, July 6/12 Returning July 8 The following are the rates : Adults Child's To Markdale from Toronto 11.75 $0.90 To Markdale from N.Parkdale 1.60 80 To Markdale from W.Torontol.60 80 To <->Fa Sound from Toronto 2,15 1.10 To Owen Sound from K. PirkJa!*) ............... '2.15 1.10 To Owen Sound from W. Toronto ................ 2.15 1.10 J. O'KEIL, Sccr'y., 42 Winchester St. Train le*v tat>on at 7.40 *. nt. Mrs. Muir returned Friday from unit ing Toronto fiiends, accompanied by her son, Fred. Mr. Jami.'s McMullun retiiined Thnvs day from his trip out west. Mr. aud Mrs. Stanjey MuCninb and two children of **wen Sound are Mrs. McComb's sia'er, Mrs. J. Mrs. Janes is visiting for a few weeks with Newcastle li tends. Mr. Gibson of Toronto spent a lew dnys with hn sister here. Mr. H. Holman, Teeswater, spent a nuiple of days in town CAlling- on friends. Mrs McKni^ht and daughter oj Allit ton are visitoisat Mr. A. WhitUikcr's. Rev. Di. Ciildwell of Owen Soujul wil address thu Orvnge order iu tho hitll SuinUy next. Thouc who mibs heatin the Dr. will miss a treat. Miss CM], inan, oijr popular teacher, left Friday to spend her wvll-uarued va- cation with her ptrents in Owen Sound. Mr. Coleridge of Holslciu is visiting his sister, Mrs. Legate. Mr. 8. Hcmphill is this week busy unloading a car of machinery and dis- tributing it among 'he farmers. Miss Kate McLeod and Mis* Myrtle Radley, who have been in Toronto lor some time, arrived home Saturday. MUs Kate Taylor, Toroufcw ( is speml- ini; holidays at D. D. McLnuchlan's. Mr*. Rands of Shelburne is visiting her SOD here. Mr. and Mrs. Greenwood and' Mr. and Mr. Glencross, Olenelg, spent the First at K. Cook's. Eugenia Paragraphs Dundalk Messrs .luhn Sinclair and .1 f'W.t* Mo- Pherson, while driving near M.tiwfcil on Sunday, met with a nmhap by tvrhicH they hud a narrow enctipe troin serious injury. In driving down a hill in the harness which :iuld Come out and enjoy yourselves with *p broke, permafcina Ar i>un*y to ran he Or-mgi-iiien on tile 12th at Kui-eniu. onto the hmx,:. in endfcvoiing !<. step The hoiii lode aloui; with others intend Mr. :iud Mrs. MuMmm- --pent the loiiday at Mr. Watson's, Saugeen Jet- Sirs. -Solomon Turner Ime returned iom the hospital (juite improved in healtli. the horse the rig. was tuud. over an em o celebrate here. Don t forget also (he u-irden party Friday on T. ijilliland - lawn. Mrs. Dunlop irt" Meaford i Kllu-r, Mr. i;e.u e Utimer. bankment od both oeeii|atii> thrown out . Mr. M. I'kn . - . u was considerably jarred by the fall, bur, luckily, Mcuped without further injury. Sfr. Sinelsii got visitini; her landmark it) Dundidk, u ii^ji i Tina sliop wa rcted in l>nii- yeunt. RO. It . M ihup l>y the lute Jurfc ii'. It~ .lesilu< i; fctn MOW nt to the landscape. - Mi-. Albert Thoiupnon a.ul .In 'ortUwiind Misa Black-burn of ood wen- gucsta otjlfn. McMaHter ovtr ,], unday. Tut'eii and cliiidjjnr oi 'I'liion:.. /ne o ber iiioili.'i.MSw it -f^u wick. H M'dk Master Boy Ken wick of mitii/g his aunt. Mis. Joseph Williams. ' *ff v on Mrs. Spenoe and dmiu'liier, niro4 <U-e ! '' neralu. iHiling Inendfi in ibid locality. Kd. *ir,iliam and Alex. Oamernti re- . Uuring tli- -minner months uiotuet* " urneit from the \\cl on Situiday. I ,_ ,.1,^,.^,, H I H ,,,I,J wa tch tur i Misa Annie Carson is spending a time { untl loosenew ni the hwci. \Vheu with her pi'oj de here. f proui|>t attviitiun l tliix time si<riii> I On June L', ^liss Kmeline ionoe to Mr Louis Teeter of Kles>herlon iy Kcv. Mr! Vomi^ ..f Markdale. Married Ma June 'M, Miss* Ethel \rniHiroiif; to Mr. <J. Ornhaiu of Torontxi. may be aviml"!. 1,'huiiii^ 1 1 n - i 'Ii ..li-ni ami niarrliinta li<nn'u'v .an K..I lehr lt I 'ulH-, t. Camplieir-s lius retui-iied to the city, Miss Annie tiiidvfj is visiting fiiendii ici-e at present. Mia.- Louie Hislup spent the [Hint week t Oylon. MM. John I'ark ..ml Ne.ih Williiuux isitcd in Friceville, the p;i-i week. Jewelr> - , In Memoriam In loving memory ot our dear mother, Sarah Uadgerow, who departed this life July , l'.ll. \ year has none, but ;ttll He miss her, Never may her :iieiuory fade ; Loviuit hearts will always lmi(er 'Round the ur.-ive where mother's lanl. -Htll DAI liHTERS A Splendid Stock from which you may readily make A Satisfactory Se- lection. We car- ry Photo Supplies. W. A. Armstrong, \\ ill 1. 1. n Fraeer, who was diunk in < li:ini;rville. ia now .serving three muut hs in jnil because lie refused tell where he secured Ihe liquor that "tanked him up. Jeweler FLESHERTON, ONT. SEEDS SEEDS We are the oldest Seed Store in town and we only carry the liest. A clmice from the best hhunes. Conic in aud ace them. i'mio! hy Seed, lied Clover. Mammoth (.'lover, Altulla Clover, Alsike Clover, Sewinn Hupp. Orchard (.iiasa. The best ansortmi'iit of Turnip Sued, Mangel Seed and Su({r Beet. In Flour and Vegetable Seeds we can give you a big choice. Sweet IV.LS ana Nasturtion Seeds in packageii and bulk. In Corn e luive Cronipton's Kirly, Longfellow, North . Dakota, Ktc. I W. RICHARDSON 6. F L.ES.H El^TON SON In ot tk Eye, Ear,Nose and Throat O ff-30 Oth at. West, Owtn Sound At the Revere liouac, Markdale, 2nd Thursday each month from 8 to 12 a. n. of Mk *mh-. Spring Suitings We have joff received our supply ot Spring Suitings litest Patterns- aud iu great variety. We can supply you with the nobbiest suitings for spring and Mnmnei done up m th,bi*t si vl of art; tailoring. Our price are right. Diop in and look at ur (jood. whether you order nr^aiot. We want to make your. Spring Suit). S.J. BOWLER, BUSKIN BLOCK, THE UP-TO-DATE TAILOR * FLESHERTON. #

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